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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Entwicklung eines Ansatzes zur sachlogischen Strukturierung der Inhalte im Berufsfeld Ernährung und Hauswirtschaft

Schober, Katharina 31 May 2022 (has links)
Zentrales Element des gewerblich-technischen Unterrichts im Berufsfeld Ernährung und Hauswirtschaft (E/HW) ist die Behandlung von Verfahren zur Lebensmittelherstellung. Für die entsprechende Unterrichtsvorbereitung fehlen allerdings geeignete Instrumente bzw. Handlungshilfen für Lehrende, die zur Analyse und Strukturierung bildungsrelevanter Inhalte bei der Behandlung von Verfahren zur Lebensmittelherstellung geeignet sind. Im Mittelpunkt dieses Forschungsvorhabens steht daher die Möglichkeit zur Adaption des Strukturierungsansatzes bei der Behandlung von verfahrenstechnischen Syste-men und Elementen aus der Beruflichen Fachrichtung der Labor- und Prozesstechnik (LPT) (vgl. Niethammer 2006). Exemplarisch wird dazu die Arbeitswelt und Facharbeit von Fleischer:innen mittels einer berufsdidaktisch-induzierten Arbeitsanalyse untersucht. Ziel ist die Anpassung der Kategoriensysteme für die Analyse und Ordnung von Inhalten am Beispiel der Domäne Fleischverarbeitung und die Entwicklung einer darauf basierenden Handlungshilfe für Lehrkräfte im Berufsfeld. Da seit der UN-Dekade Berufliche Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (2005-2014) ein zusätzlicher Bildungsauftrag am Lehrende gestellt ist, werden außerdem Möglichkeiten betrachtet, wie nachhaltigkeitsorientierte Aspekte bei der Planung des Unterrichts bzw. in der Sachstrukturanalyse im gewählten Handlungsfeld berücksichtigt werden können.:Inhaltsverzeichnis III Abbildungsverzeichnis VII Tabellenverzeichnis IX Abkürzungsverzeichnis X 1 Einleitung 2 1.1 Ausgangssituation und Relevanz 2 1.2 Problemaufriss 3 1.3 Aufbau der Arbeit 11 2 Lernfeldkonzept – Theoretische Grundlagen und Konzepte 15 2.1 Modellvorstellungen der Lernfeldorientierung 15 2.1.1 Intention der Reform 15 2.1.2 Didaktische Bezugspunkte und Zielstellungen 18 2.2 Umsetzung des Lernfeldkonzeptes 18 2.2.1 Herausforderungen am Lernort Schule 24 2.2.2 Didaktisch-methodische Ansätze und deren Orientierungsleistung für die Mikroebene 31 2.2.3 Modellvorstellungen arbeitsaufgabenbezogener Bildungsgestaltung 41 3 Berufsfeld Ernährung und Hauswirtschaft – Anforderungen an die Bildungsgestaltung auf Mikroebene 46 3.1 Merkmale des Handlungsfeldes 46 3.1.1 Heterogenität des Handlungsfeldes als Herausforderung 46 3.1.2 Das Leitbild der nachhaltigen Entwicklung 52 3.2 Bestandsaufnahme in der Fachdidaktik 55 3.2.1 Didaktische Ansätze und deren Orientierungsleistung für den gewerblich-technischen Bereich 55 3.2.2 Implikationen aus der UN-Dekade für die Unterrichtspraxis 65 3.3 Verfahren in der Lebensmittelherstellung 74 3.3.1 Verfahrenstechnische Grundlagen der Stoffwirtschaft 74 3.3.2 Anforderungen an die Facharbeit bei der Lebensmittelherstellung 77 3.4 Fazit für den gewerblich-technischen Bereich bei der Behandlung von Verfahren zur Lebensmittelherstellung 81 4 Modellannahmen zum Strukturierungsansatz bildungsrelevanter Inhalte in der Lebensmittelherstellung 84 4.1 Das Ebenenmodell als Instrument zur Erschließung bildungsrelevanter Inhalte einer beruflichen Domäne 84 4.1.1 Spezifische Einflüsse auf die Facharbeit - Ebene 1 86 4.1.2 Spezifische Einflüsse auf die Facharbeit - Ebene 2 87 4.1.3 Spezifische Einflüsse auf die Facharbeit - Ebene 3 89 4.1.4 Spezifische Einflüsse auf die Facharbeit - Ebene 4 92 4.2 Ansatz zur Behandlung verfahrenstechnischer Systeme zur Stoffherstellung aus der Beruflichen Fachrichtung Labor- und Prozesstechnik 95 4.2.1 Die Genese der Strukturierungsansätze 95 4.2.2 Sachlogische Beziehungen zur Charakterisierung von Arbeitssystemen zur Stoffherstellung 96 4.2.3 Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede bei verfahrenstechnischen Systemen zur Stoffherstellung zwischen der Labor- und Prozesstechnik und Verfahren der Lebensmittelherstellung 102 4.3 Modellentwurf zur Strukturierung bildungsrelevanter Inhalte im Kontext eines auftragsbezogenen Geschäftsprozesses und Konkretisierung der Forschungsfrage- und Zielstellung 112 5 Methodisches Vorgehen 122 5.1 Methodischer Gesamtansatz 122 5.1.1 Berufswissenschaftlicher Forschungsansatz 122 5.1.2 Charakteristik des Forschungsvorhabens 127 5.1.3 Forschungsdesign und methodischer Gang 129 5.2 Sample: Fallauswahl im Handlungsfeld Fleischverarbeitung 137 5.2.1 Auswahl des domänenspezifischen Fokus 137 5.2.2 Auswahl der Expertengruppe 140 5.3 Spezielle Methodik der empirischen Analyse – Analyse der arbeitsrelevanten Inhalte beruflicher Arbeitsaufgaben am Beispiel der Kochwurstherstellung 142 5.3.1 Die berufsdidaktisch-induzierte Arbeitsanalyse 142 Analyse arbeitsrelevanter Inhalte bei exemplarischen Arbeitsaufgaben mittels Fachinterview 145 Inhaltliche Reflexion und besondere Expertise von Mitarbeiter mittels handlungsorientierter Fachinterviews 148 5.3.2 Konstruktion der Interviewleitfäden 150 5.4 Durchführung der Arbeitsanalyse 153 5.5 Dokumentation und Auswertung der Ergebnisse 154 5.6 Gütekriterien des Forschungsprozesses 157 6 Adaption des Ansatzes zur sachlogischen Strukturierung 160 6.1 Konstituenten der Arbeitswelt des Fleischers bei industrieller und handwerklicher Kochwurstherstellung unter besonderer Betrachtung der Nachhaltigkeit 161 6.1.1 Unternehmen im Kontext von Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Umwelt 161 6.1.2 Geschäftsfelder und Organisationskonzepte 176 6.1.3 Grundtyp des Arbeitsauftrages und prozessuale Bearbeitung 189 6.1.4 Arbeitsaufgaben und relevantes Sachwissen bei der Kochstreichwurstherstellung 211 6.2 System zur sachlogischen Strukturierung der bildungsrelevanten Inhalte bei der Kochwurstherstellung auf Basis des 4-Ebenenmodells 227 6.2.1 Darstellung des Gesamtprozesses zur sachlogischen Strukturierung der Inhalte 228 Sachlogische Strukturierung der Inhalte auf Ebene Unternehmen und Zielpotenziale für Lehrende 232 Sachlogische Strukturierung der Inhalte auf Ebene Geschäftsprozesse und Zielpotenziale für Lehrende 235 Sachlogische Strukturierung der Inhalte auf Ebene Prozesskette und Zielpotenziale für Lehrende 240 Sachlogische Strukturierung der Inhalte auf Ebene Arbeitsaufgabe und Zielpotenziale für Lehrende 244 7 Entwicklung der Strukturierungshilfe zur Analyse und Systematisierung von bildungsrelevanten Inhalten im Kontext beruflicher Arbeitsaufgaben am Beispiel der Kochwurst 250 7.1 Anforderungen an die Strukturierungshilfe 250 7.1.1 Herausforderungen und Ziele 250 7.1.2 Didaktische und methodische Erkenntnisse aus der Strukturierungsphase 253 7.2 Konzeption des Leitfadens 256 7.2.1 Inhaltlicher Aufbau des Leitfadens 256 7.2.2 Methodischer Aufbau des Leitfadens 258 Methodenwahl 258 Charakteristika der Leittextmethode 261 7.3 Umsetzung des leittextgestützten Leitfadens 266 7.3.1 Charakteristika des Leitfadens 266 7.3.2 Erstellung der Arbeitsmaterialien 270 8 Schlussbetrachtung 275 8.1 Resümee 275 8.2 Implikationen 284 8.3 Forschungsbedarf 286 Anhang 287 Quellenverzeichnis 306

“ESTAMOS ESQUECIDOS”A case study for capabilities in the perspective of small-scale vegetable producers in Southeastern Brazil

de Paula, Bruno January 2022 (has links)
Global food supply chains have drastically changed over the last decades. Whereas some international firms embedded in the international markets are on the cutting edge of food production processes and technology, small-scale producers do not always experience the same opportunity in accessing such global value chains. According to FAO, those small-scale producers worldwide are in charge of providing about one-third of the world’s food demand, yet they find an immense challenge in just keeping their production marketable. This way, one of the most likely consequences of poorly designed policies to support those producers is rural poverty. However, not only physical dimensions such as food security and nutrition, education, living standards, rural livelihoods and resources, and risks as presented by FAO impose pressure on small-scale producers, but also the inability to experience a better quality of life also seems to play a key role in how producers plan and manages their crops. This research explores the role and preferences of small-scale farmers in São Paulo, Brazil, through the lens of the Amartya Sen’s capabilities approach. To operationalize this research, a case study was conducted based on semi-structured interviews in addition to a desk study. The findings suggests that although those farmers have no clear idea regarding the academic concept of capabilities, they do acknowledge a lack of freedom to make decisions according to their preferences. In addition, they seems to be squeezed in the middle of the government policies directed for the agribusiness and the most vulnerable rural households who lives under the poverty line, when it comes specifically to the Brazilian case.

Pursue Social and Ecological Sustainability Through Urban Foraging : Design for Foraging: Plantarum, a Digital Mapping Platform

Valentini, Michele January 2017 (has links)
Food production and food consumption have been shown to have a great impact on our ecosystem. Human beings have been exploiting the planet in order to feed themselves. This will have negative consequences for future life on the planet. Modern food production and consumption are among the main causes of natural resource exploitation and the problem is very likely to increase. Indeed, during the past thirty years, the global population has grown exponentially by almost one billion every decade, and it is still growing at the same pace. This demographic explosion means that dramatic shifts in the production and consumption of food will be required. Working with food is a great chance to achieve or at least lead towards a condition of recovering, understanding the world around us and managing our natural resourcesÅ. Increasing control and efficiency in food production and consumption cannot solve the problem. There is a much broader spectrum of causes contributing to the ecological decline. It is necessary to look beyond the technological and economic aspects. It is, therefore, necessary to focus on cultural and behavioural causes, promoting the involvement of local peopleÇ. With this in mind, this research explores the potential of urban foraging for generating social consciousness about ecological sustainability using design as method of intervention, and involving food consumers in the process of production and consumption of food in a more sustainable way. In order to do that, this research focuses on a small scale urban foraging project. In this case, by food, I refer to spontaneous food that grow in the natural urban environment of Växjö, and that can be used as a resource for citizens. In summary, this research aims to promote the involvement of local people and to support knowledge exchange in order to pursue socio-ecological sustainability. Engaging with more participants, the research gains the capacity of addressing complexity in a more coherent manner, and use its outcome as a usable resource for the local community that aims to promote its self-sustenance.

"Produktion förutsätter konsumtion" : Regionala livsmedelsstrategier och framtida livsmedelsberedskap / "Production requires consumption" : Regional food production strategies and the prerequisites for food preparedness

Svensson, Caroline January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Utifrån det förändrade och förvärrade säkerhetsläget i Europa har frågan om livsmedelsberedskap aktualiserats i den svenska politiska diskussionen. Ansvar och utformande av en sådan beredskap saknar idag tydlig organisation. Livsmedelverket, Jordbruksverket och Statens veterinärmedicinska anstalt nämner i en utredning avseende underlag för beredskap att bland annat de regionala livsmedelsstrategierna bör adressera livsmedelsberedskap. Den aktuella studien fokuserar på hur de regionala livsmedelsstrategierna förhåller sig till livmedelsberedskap i nuläget, samt hur de beskriver ansvarsfördelning av teman i relation till detta.Metod: Genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av regionernas livsmedelsstrategier undersöks hur strategierna ser på livsmedelsproduktion i relation till livsmedelsberedskap och lokalisering av ansvar för detta. Analysen har ett deduktivt förhållningssätt där teman från tidigare forskning som relaterar till livmedelsberedskap ligger till grund för vilka fynd som eftersöks vid analysen.Slutsats: Hälften av strategierna nämner livsmedelsberedskap, vilket kan tyda på att det varken ses som självklart att det hör ihop med de regional livsmedelsstrategierna eller ej. Strategierna visar på en splittrad bild av livsmedelsproduktionen som dels en samhällsviktig verksamhet och dels en näringsgren med ekonomisk tillväxt som incitament. Uppfattningen om ansvar för livsmedelsproduktionen som samhällsviktig verksamhet kan tolkas som en fråga om altruism där frivilligt deltagande utifrån solidaritet ses som eftersträvansvärt. / Background: The growing political insecurity in Europe has made food preparedness a current discussion in the political discussion is Sweden. Accountability for and shaping such preparedness is today not clearly organized. The Swedish Food Agency, The Swedish Agency for Agriculture and The Swedish Veterinary Medical Institute has mentioned in an investigation regarding prerequisites for food preparedness that the regional food production strategies (among other instances) should address the achieving of food preparedness. The aim of this study is to describe how the current regional food strategies relates to food preparedness and how they describe division and location of responsibility for themas related to this.Method: The regional food production strategies is analyzed by qualitative content analysis. The study has a deductive approach where previous research structured into themes related to food preparedness has formed a base for which findings to search for in the analysis.Conclusion: Half of the strategies mentions food preparedness, which could be a sign of food preparedness not being seen as an obvious theme to address in the food production strategies but also not an obviously irrelevant one. The strategies display a shattered attitude toward food production as both a vital societal function and an industry with economical growth as primary incentive. Responsibility for food production as a vital societal function can be viewed as altruistic with solidarity and voluntary participation as aspirational ideals.

En fallstudie om implementeringen av hydroponiska stadsodlingar i urbana miljöer

Björn, Johanna, Halldén, Emelie January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to investigate, based on a comparative study in Sweden, how vertical hydroponic farms can be implemented in urban environments and to identify the challenges with the implementation. The study examines various companies that work with hydroponic farms in Sweden and how the government can help the companies with the implementation of the innovation. Urban hydroponic farms can be a significant solution for solving the growing global population demand for locally grown fresh food, which includes good quality and nutrients. Previous studies, from a sustainability perspective, show that Sweden would benefit in several different ways if more hydroponic farms were implemented in the urban cities. The theory that the report is based on is the implementation theory. With this in mind, the empirics were analyzed from three different found themes; economy, political priorities & local involvement. Empirical data was collected from previous studies as well as from a qualitative methodological approach. This empirical study was based on multiple interviews with companies in the hydroponic farms industry located in Sweden and observations, to be able to analyze the findings based on our chosen theme. In this study we found that the result indicates that there are both advantages and obstacles to the implementation of hydroponic farms in urban areas. On the other hand, the benefits are predominantly from a sustainable development perspective with new innovative solutions, such as solar systems and upgraded district heating and district cooling systems.

Ekodistrikt : En litteraturstudie om en presenterad åtgärd från EU för ekologisk produktion / Biodistrict : A literature review on a proposed measure from the EU for organic production

Larsson, Maja, Nordström, Axel January 2023 (has links)
Dagens matproduktion har fått ökad uppmärksamhet kring hur den kan anpassas för att försörja en växande befolkning, utan att negativt påverka klimatet. Att ställa om till ekologiskt är en presenterad lösning och politiker på nationell och europeisk nivå har satt tydliga mål och åtgärder gällande ekologiskt jordbruk, dels om andelen ekologiskt jordbruk, dels om hur det ska uppnås. En åtgärd EU presenterat är ekodistrikt, som är ett geografiskt område där flera aktörer i livsmedelskedjan hållbart förvaltar de lokala resurserna genom ekologiska metoder och principer. Det har lett till ökad uppmärksamhet för redan befintliga ekodistrikt samt till etableringar av nya ekodistrikt, däribland det första svenska ekodistriktet i landskapet Södermanland, “Ekodistrikt Sörmland”. Rapportens syfte är att ge ökad förståelse för vad som definierar samt möjliggör ekodistrikt samt studera förutsättningar som finns för etableringen av Ekodistrikt Sörmland. I rapporten genomfördes en litteraturstudie om ekodistrikt med bland annat en tematisk analys där relevanta faktorer för etablering av ekodistrikt identifierades: “myndigheter och organisationer”, “bottom-up tillvägagångssätt”, “kultur och turism”, samt “jordbruksmöjligheter”. Även en fallstudie om Ekodistrikt Sörmland utfördes som inkluderade en litteraturstudie med en kompletterande intervju. Resultatet visade att ekodistrikt bygger kring dimensionerna ekologisk, social och ekonomisk hållbarhet och i Europeiska kommissionens definition av ekodistrikt framgår det att lokala resurser ska förvaltas hållbart i ett ekodistrikt. Mat i ekodistrikt ska produceras från ekologiska gårdar som minskar påverkan på miljön, jordbruket ska bli lönsamt genom nya marknadsmöjligheter och det sociala kapitalet stärks genom att ekodistrikt främja ökad sysselsättning på landsbygden. Möjligheten att etablera ekodistrikt skiljer sig mellan områden och olika förutsättningar kräver olika tillvägagångssätt. Tillgängliga litteraturen hänvisade till första etablerade ekodistriktet, Biodistretto Cilento, som anses som ‘best practice’ för ekodistrikt idag. Resultatet tyder på att det finns indikatorer som i generella fall tyder på goda förutsättningar att etablera ekodistrikt, men att dessa kan variera utefter lokala förutsättningar. Bilden som erhölls kring frågan vad möjliggör ekodistrikt är att ekodistrikt förlitar sig på kommunikation nerifrån och uppåt - från bönder till beslutsfattare, lokala samarbeten aktörer emellan mot annars icke identifierade gemensamma mål, samt innovativa lösningar och system utefter lokala förutsättningar och ekologiska principer. Ekodistrikt Sörmland planeras att omfatta landskapet Södermanland, bestående av Södermanlands län och södra delarna av Stockholms län. Vid rapportens tidpunkt var inte samtliga kontaktade. Ekodistriktet är del av och delfinansieras av ett treårigt EU-projekt. Initiativtagarna för ekodistriktet vill åstadkomma ett hållbart matsystem som baseras på Södermanlands lokala resurser och att öka allmänhetens kunskap om ekodistrikt. I nuläget är 21 procent av Södermanlands totala jordbruksareal ekologiskt och allmänheten har ett tidigare intresse för ekologiskt och lokalproducerat mat, vilket tyder på områdets potential för utveckling av ett ekodistrikt. Däremot det tidiga stadiet i etableringsprocessen, är det svårt att avgöra i denna rapport huruvida verksamheten kommer att fungera. Resultatet diskuteras därefter utefter de identifierade faktorer i relation till Ekodistrikt Sörmland, samt i vilken mån de kan appliceras och generaliseras på kommande ekodistrikt. / The current state of food production faces challenges, as to how it can be adapted to the increase in the global population, without the least impact on the earth's climate. The given course of action is an organic transition in order to achieve sustainable farming. One course of action, presented by the EU, are biodistricts (Swedish: ekodistrikt), a geographical area wherein stakeholders in the value chain sustainably co-manage the local resources through organic farming principles. EU’s recognition has enabled an increased focus on already established biodistricts, as well as the establishment of new ones, including the first Swedish biodistrict in the region of Södermanland, called "Ekodistrikt Sörmland". The purpose of this report is to provide an increased understanding of what defines and enables biodistricts, as well as to study the conditions for establishing a biodistrict in the region of Södermanland. This was achieved through a literature review on biodistricts, wherein thematic analysis was applied and revealed relevant factors for establishing ecodistricts: “authority and organization”, the “bottom-up approach”, “culture and tourism” and “agricultural capacity”. A case study on Ekodistrikt Sörmland was also performed, which included a complementary interview. The report findings showed that biodistricts are founded on the three dimensions of ecological, social and economic sustainability, through decreased environmental impact, increased market opportunities, and an increase in the local social capital through increased employment opportunities in the countryside. In identifying enabling factors for establishing a biodistrict, findings revealed that local conditions for establishment can vary widely, but that different conditions call for different solutions. Biodistricts rely on the bottom-up approach, wherein farmers communicate their needs to authority, and local cooperationco-management is encouraged through discussion, towards otherwise unidentified common goals, via innovative solutions and organic farming principles. Ekodistrikt Sörmland will include the region of Södermanland: Södermanland county and the south part of Stockholm county, as part of a 3 year EU financed project, wherein the founders aspire to create a sustainable food-system based on local resources and educational principles. As 21 % of the agricultural area in Södermanland is organic farmland, alongside a popular culture of environmental awareness and organic food, the area seems promising for the future development of the biodistrict. It is however too early to speculate on the inner workings of the district, as it is in its early planning phase. Conclusively, the identified enabling factors are discussed in relation to Ekodistrikt Södermanland.

Självförsörjning i Norrbotten : En Analys av Nuvarande Situation och Utmaningar för en Hållbar Framtid / Self-Sufficiency in Norrbotten : An Analysis of the Current Situation and Challenges for a Sustainable Future

Ahlstrand, Viktor January 2024 (has links)
Denna rapport undersöker logistiska utmaningar och möjligheter för att öka självförsörjningsgraden inom livsmedelsproduktionen i Norrbotten, Sverige. Norrbotten står inför svårigheter på grund av extrema klimat- och geografiska förhållanden, vilket påverkar tillgängligheten till varor och tjänster. Målet med studien var att föreslå åtgärder för att förbättra regionens logistiknätverk och öka självförsörjningsgraden. Genom en litteraturstudie och empirisk datainsamling från workshopen "Arctic Food Arena" analyseras självförsörjningsgraden och logistikutmaningarna i Norrbotten. Resultatet visade att ekonomiska utmaningar för lokala producenter och minskad primärproduktion är hinder för hållbarhet. En betydande minskning av mjölkinvägningen förutspås, vilket kan påverka både jordbruksnäringen och den regionala ekonomin. Dessutom minskar antalet mjölkkor dramatiskt, vilket är oroande för framtiden. Importen av livsmedel som inte kan produceras lokalt utgör en utmaning, men växthusodling har potential att täcka denna efterfrågan. Spannmålsodlingen har minskat betydligt, vilket ökar beroendet av import. Inom logistik och distribution är utsläpp av växthusgaser från mjölkproduktionen en oro, men närodlat är inte alltid den mest effektiva åtgärden för att minska utsläpp. Utmaningar inom paketering, lagring, orderhantering och ekonomi finns inom jordbrukssektorn. Trots möjligheten att outsourca vissa aktiviteter väljer de flesta producenter att behålla kontrollen över processen för att minska kostnader och bibehålla kvalitet. Ekonomiska incitament är avgörande för både jordbrukare och konsumenter, eftersom deras val påverkar konkurrensen inom den regionala jord- och lantbrukssektorn. För att effektivt hantera säsongsbetonade produkter och minska förluster föreslås optimering av lagringskapaciteten genom investeringar i kyl- och fryslager samt användning av externa logistiklösningar. Ökad självförsörjning är en del av ekvationen, men ensam räcker den inte för att minska klimatpåverkan. Det krävs en klimatvänligare produktionsprocess, där en starkt klimatmedveten strategi och investeringar för att minska utsläppen och optimera resursanvändningen på lång sikt. / This thesis analyzes challenges and opportunities connected to logistics to increase self-sufficiency in food production in Norrbotten, Sweden. The northern location and extreme climate contribute to different challenges and difficulties for transportation and production. The aim of this study was to propose actions to improve logistics and self-sufficiency in the region. By a literature review and data collection from the workshop “Arctic Food Arena,” the analysis of the degree of self-sufficiency was made. The results showed challenges in profitability for local producers, and a decrease in primary production was a major issue for sustainability. A continuous decrease in dairy cows and milk production is to be reckoned with in the future, which can affect the regional economy. Another challenge is that due to the cold climate, some food can't be produced locally. Greenhouse farming has proved to be a good alternative in this matter. The grain cultivation has seen a large reduction, which has increased the dependence on imported goods. In logistics and distribution, greenhouse gas emissions from milk production are a big concern, but locally produced food is not necessarily the most effective way to reduce emissions. Packaging, storage, order processing, and finance are other areas where challenges occur. Most producers choose to maintain control by themselves instead of outsourcing these tasks to a third party, even though they are time-consuming and not performed very well. Economic incentives are crucial for both farmers and consumers, as their choices impact competition within the regional agriculture sector. To effectively manage seasonal products and reduce losses, optimizing storage capacity through investments in refrigeration facilities and the utilization of external logistics solutions is proposed. Increased self-sufficiency is part of the equation, but it alone is insufficient to reduce climate impact. A more climate-friendly production process is necessary, involving a strongly climate-conscious strategy and investments to decrease emissions and optimize resource utilization in the long term.

Land Use, Freshwater Flows and Ecosystem Services in an Era of Global Change

Gordon, Line January 2003 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this thesis is to analyse interactions between freshwater flows, terrestrial ecosystems and human well-being. Freshwater management and policy has mainly focused on the liquid water part (surface and ground water run off) of the hydrological cycle including aquatic ecosystems. Although of great significance, this thesis shows that such a focus will not be sufficient for coping with freshwater related social-ecological vulnerability. The thesis illustrates that the terrestrial component of the hydrological cycle, reflected in vapour flows (or evapotranspiration), serves multiple functions in the human life-support system. A broader understanding of the interactions between terrestrial systems and freshwater flows is particularly important in light of present widespread land cover change in terrestrial ecosystems. </p><p>The water vapour flows from continental ecosystems were quantified at a global scale in Paper I of the thesis. It was estimated that in order to sustain the majority of global terrestrial ecosystem services on which humanity depends, an annual water vapour flow of 63 000 km3/yr is needed, including 6800 km3/yr for crop production. In comparison, the annual human withdrawal of liquid water amounts to roughly 4000 km3/yr. A potential conflict between freshwater for future food production and for terrestrial ecosystem services was identified. </p><p>Human redistribution of water vapour flows as a consequence of long-term land cover change was addressed at both continental (Australia) (Paper II) and global scales (Paper III). It was estimated that the annual vapour flow had decreased by 10% in Australia during the last 200 years. This is due to a decrease in woody vegetation for agricultural production. The reduction in vapour flows has caused severe problems with salinity of soils and rivers. The human-induced alteration of vapour flows was estimated at more than 15 times the volume of human-induced change in liquid water (Paper II). </p>

Global trade, food production and ecosystem support : Making the interactions visible

Deutsch, Lisa January 2004 (has links)
<p>Modern food production is a complex, globalized system in which what we eat and how it is produced are increasingly disconnected. This thesis examines some of the ways in which global trade has changed the mix of inputs to food and feed, and how this affects food security and our perceptions of sustainability. One useful indicator of the ecological impact of trade in food and feed products is the Appropriated Ecosystem Areas (ArEAs), which estimates the terrestrial and aquatic areas needed to produce all the inputs to particular products.</p><p>The method is introduced in Paper I and used to calculate and track changes in imported subsidies to Swedish agriculture over the period 1962-1994. In 1994, Swedish consumers needed agricultural areas outside their national borders to satisfy more than a third of their food consumption needs. The method is then applied to Swedish meat production in Paper II to show that the term “Made in Sweden” is often a misnomer. In 1999, almost 80% of manufactured feed for Swedish pigs, cattle and chickens was dependent on imported inputs, mainly from Europe, Southeast Asia and South America. Paper III examines ecosystem subsidies to intensive aquaculture in two nations: shrimp production in Thailand and salmon production in Norway. In both countries, aquaculture was shown to rely increasingly on imported subsidies. The rapid expansion of aquaculture turned these countries from fishmeal net exporters to fishmeal net importers, increasingly using inputs from the Southeastern Pacific Ocean.</p><p>As the examined agricultural and aquacultural production systems became globalized, levels of dependence on other nations’ ecosystems, the number of external supply sources, and the distance to these sources steadily increased. Dependence on other nations is not problematic, as long as we are able to acknowledge these links and sustainably manage resources both at home and abroad. However, ecosystem subsidies are seldom recognized or made explicit in national policy or economic accounts. Economic systems are generally not designed to receive feedbacks when the status of remote ecosystems changes, much less to respond in an ecologically sensitive manner. Papers IV and V discuss the problem of “masking” of the true environmental costs of production for trade. One of our conclusions is that, while the ArEAs approach is a useful tool for illuminating environmentally-based subsidies in the policy arena, it does not reflect all of the costs. Current agricultural and aquacultural production methods have generated substantial increases in production levels, but if policy continues to support the focus on yield and production increases alone, taking the work of ecosystems for granted, vulnerability can result. Thus, a challenge is to develop a set of complementary tools that can be used in economic accounting at national and international scales that address ecosystem support and performance.</p><p>We conclude that future resilience in food production systems will require more explicit links between consumers and the work of supporting ecosystems, locally and in other regions of the world, and that food security planning will require active management of the capacity of all involved ecosystems to sustain food production.</p>

A Comparative Study of Home Food Production by Veteran Farm Families in the Aubrey, Texas Area and the Food Standard Recommended for Farm Families

Parker, Nannie Cynthia Gilmer 06 1900 (has links)
"The problem involved in this study is to determine the status of the live-at-home program of typical veteran farm families in the Aubrey, Texas, area with the view of providing an adequate diet for preschool and school-age children. An adequate diet, which is used for comparison, has been set up by the home demonstration agents of the Texas Extension Service...Recommendations are made to show how the average veteran farm family maybe supplement the present substandard dietary level with farm-produced foods...Data for this study have been procured and organized from a survey of twenty representative veteran farm families in the Aubrey, Texas, area. Personal contacts in the form of visits in the home at least once a month for twelve months in 1949 were made to assist the veterans in recording farm and home income and expenses." -- leaf 1.

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