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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La liberté d'expression en Indonésie : évaluation de l’expérience indonésienne au regard des standards internationaux / The freedom of expression in Indonesia and international standard

Natamiharja, Rudi 30 January 2018 (has links)
L’Indonésie reconnait la liberté d’expression depuis 1945 ou trois ans avant l’adoption de la DUDH par l’Assemblée générale de l’ONU. Malgré cela, la protection au droit de la liberté d’expression est présente réellement à la société depuis 1999 ou quelques mois après la période de la réforme nationale contre le régime autoritaire du nouvel ordre du Président Suharto. Les articles 19 de DUDH et du pacte ont été ratifiés par le gouvernement indonésien à travers la loi numéro 15 de 2005. Pour l’Indonésie, la liberté d’expression consiste en la liberté de rechercher, de recevoir, et de diffuser des informations et des idées. Cependant, la conception de la liberté d’expression en Indonésie possède ses propres spécificités par rapport à d’autre pays. La particularité de la liberté d’expression en Indonésie est influencée par l’idéologie du pays, le « Pancasila », et par l’esprit de l’archipel indonésien le « Bhineka Tunggal Ika » (unité dans la diversité). D’autres éléments importants de l’exceptionnalité indonésienne sont les valeurs nationales : les valeurs de la religion, les valeurs des cultures et le droit de coutume. Les limites à la liberté d’expression en Indonésie sont également influencées par ces trois éléments. Le gouvernement indonésien est face à deux principes importants : le droit international et les normes locales. Le travail le plus délicat qui revient au gouvernement indonésien est de concilier les instruments internationaux relatifs aux droits de l’homme et les valeurs nationales qui sont vues comme les éléments essentiels du pays. Il convient de donner un raisonnement aux pays à l’origine de la pression internationale / Indonesia has recognized freedom of expression since 1945 or three years before the adoption of the UDHR by the UN General Assembly. In spite of this, the protection to the right of the freedom of expression is really present to the society since 1999 or some months after the period of the National reform against the authoritarian regime of the New Order of President Suharto. Articles 19 of the UDHR and the covenant are the cornerstones of freedom of expression. They have been ratified by the Indonesian government through law number 15 of 2005. For Indonesia, freedom of expression is the freedom to seek, receive, and disseminate information and ideas. However, the concept of freedom of expression in Indonesia has its own specificities compared to other countries. The particularity of freedom of expression in Indonesia is influenced by the country's ideology: « Pancasila » and by the Indonesian archipelago « Bhineka Tunggal Ika » (unity in diversity). Other important elements of Indonesian exceptionality are national values: the values of religion, the values of cultures and the right of custom. The limits to freedom of expression in Indonesia are also influenced by these three elements. International legal instruments also possess binding capacity. The international standard cannot be neglected. The Indonesian government faces two important principles: international law and local standards. The most delicate task for the Indonesian government is to reconcile the international human rights instruments with the national values that are seen as the essential elements of the country. Reasoning should be given to the countries at the origin of international pressure

Framing the foreigner : a close reading of readers' comments on Thought leader blogs on xenophobia published between May and June, 2008

Mwilu, Lwanga Racheal January 2010 (has links)
This study was conducted to identify and analyse Mail and Guardian Online moderation outputs which contradicted the platform‟s own stated policy on hate speech and other forms of problematic speech. The moderation outputs considered were a battery of readers‟ comments that were posted in response to Thought Leader blogs on xenophobia published between May and June, 2008. This was the same period a series of xenophobic attacks was taking place in some parts of South Africa, leaving an estimated 62 people dead, more than 30,000 displaced, and countless victims injured and robbed of their property. The attacks were a catalytic moment that enabled a whole range of discursive positions to be articulated, defended, contested and given form in the media. They also made visible the potential tensions between free speech on the one hand, and hate and other problematic speech on the other. Using qualitative methods of thematic content analysis, document review, individual interviews, and an eclectic approach of framing analysis and rhetorical argumentation, this study found instances of divergence between the M&G policy and practice on User Generated Content. It found that some moderator-approved content advocated hate, hatred, hostility, incitement to violence and/or harm, and unfair discrimination against foreign residents, contrary to the M&G policy which is informed by the constitutional provisions in both section 16 of the Bill of Rights and section 10 of the Equality Act. Based on examples in the readers‟ comments of how „the foreigner‟ was made to signify unemployment, poverty, disease, unfair competition, and all manner of deprivation, and bearing in mind how such individuals have also become a site for the violent convergence of different unresolved tensions in the country, the study‟s findings argue that the M&G – a progressive paper dealing with a potentially xenophobic readership (at least a portion of it) – should have implemented its policy on acceptable speech more effectively. The study also argues that the unjustifiable reference to foreigners as makwerekwere, illegals, illegal aliens, parasites, invaders and border jumpers, among other terms, assigned them a diminished place – that of unwanted foreigner – thereby reproducing the order of discourse that utilises nationality as a space for the expurgation of the „other‟. The study argues that the use of bogus (inflated) immigration statistics and repeated reference to the foreigners‟ supposedly parasitic relationship to the country‟s resources also unfairly constructed them as the „threatening other‟ and potentially justified action against them.


MARIANA SILVEIRA SACRAMENTO 29 June 2018 (has links)
[pt] O Supremo Tribunal Federal decidiu, na ADI n. 4815, que a publicação de biografias poderia ocorrer independentemente da autorização das pessoas retratadas, sob a alegação de que o direito à liberdade de expressão teria uma posição preferencial face aos direitos existenciais em risco, tais como a honra, a imagem e a privacidade, mesmo reconhecendo a existência e importância de tais direitos que, para o STF, só poderiam ser reclamados, via responsabilidade civil, depois da publicação. No entanto, como se demonstrará, a cláusula geral de tutela da pessoa humana, que engloba os direitos existenciais mencionados, e se externa a partir do princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana, não pode estar em posição inferior ao direito à liberdade de expressão, principalmente em razão de o princípio ter sido considerado, pelo constituinte de 1988, como um dos fundamentos da República. Deste modo, os direitos existenciais devem ser observados em compatibilidade com a relevância que o princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana ocupa na Constituição da República. Em consequência, ao biografado deve ser dada a possibilidade e a oportunidade de preservar seus direitos subjetivos existenciais, em especial as informações de caráter íntimo que, se reveladas, causarão constrangimento e eventual discriminação. Desta forma, o direito à privacidade como autodeterminação informativa permite que o biografado deva ter o controle sobre as informações que estão sendo recolhidas e que serão disponibilizadas aos leitores e esse controle só será possível se biografado for comunicado previamente a publicação da história de sua vida. Assim ele poderá acessar o Poder Judiciário e evitar que uma ameaça de lesão se torne uma efetiva lesão à sua dignidade. / [en] The Brazilian Supreme Court ruled in ADI No. 4815 that the publication of biographies could occur independently of the authorization of the persons portrayed, on the grounds that the right to freedom of expression would have a preferential position vis-à-vis the existential rights at risk, such as honor, image and privacy. Even though the Supreme Federal Court recognized the existence and importance of such rights, it could only be claimed, via civil liability, after the publication of the biography. However, as will be shown, the general clause of protection of the human person, which encompasses the existential rights mentioned, and is extracted from the principle of the human dignity, cannot be in an inferior position when comparing to the right to freedom of speech, especially because the principle was regarded by the 1988 constituent as one of the foundations of the Republic. In this way, existential rights must be observed in compatibility with the relevance that the principle of the human dignity occupies in the Constitution of the Republic. Consequently, to the biography subject must be given the possibility and opportunity to preserve his existential subjective rights, especially related to the publishing of intimate information that, if revealed, will cause embarrassment and eventual discrimination. Thus, the right to privacy as informative self-determination allows the biography subject to have control over the information that is being collected and will be made available to readers and this control will only be possible if the biography subject is communicated before the publication of the story of his life. Thus, he can access the Judiciary and prevent a threat of injury from becoming an effective injury to his dignity.

Interpretação e âmbito de proteção do direito à liberdade de expressão: reflexões sobre o quem, quando e o quê na manifestação do pensamento / Interpretation and scope of the right to freedom of expression: reflections on the \"who\", \"when\" and \"what\" of communication.

Adriana Fragalle Moreira 20 May 2016 (has links)
Apesar de ser considerada há muito tempo e por inúmeras nações e organizações internacionais como um valor fundamental, a liberdade de expressão é, até hoje, objeto de muitas incertezas e indefinições, especialmente quanto à sua aplicação prática em um cenário em que outros direitos e valores constitucionais estão envolvidos. O presente estudo parte da análise da estrutura do ato comunicativo, especificamente da análise da identidade dos sujeitos da comunicação, do fator temporal e do conteúdo ou mensagem, para aferir se a valoração jurídica da expressão do pensamento é condicionada por esses elementos. A partir disso, o presente trabalho propõe critérios para que a interpretação e a aplicação da liberdade de expressão sejam imbuídas de segurança jurídica, de modo a garantir própria efetividade dessa liberdade que se configura como um valor tão caro às sociedades democráticas. / Despite being considered as a fundamental value for several centuries and by many nations and international organizations, freedom of speech is, until present time, the object of much uncertainty, especially regarding its practical application when other rights and constitutional values are involved. The present study analyses the structure of the communicative act, specifically the identity of interlocutors, the time factor and the content or message, to assess if the legal value of the expression of thought is conditioned by these elements. From that, the present work proposes criteria to a rational and secure interpretation and application of freedom of speech, so as to guarantee the effectiveness itself of this liberty, that is so dear to democratic societies.

SINNLIG (sensuous) in Beijing : towards an Artistic Ethnography

Åsa, Back January 2018 (has links)
Projektet bygger på åtta veckors fältarbete på en oberoende teater i Peking våren 2017,baserat på antropologisk och konstnärlig metod. Det är ett försök att utveckla begreppet konstnärlig etnografi, samt tillämpa det praktiskt. I detta är konsten inte huvudsakligen en produkt eller en presentationsform, utan ett sätt att tänka, att förhålla sig till världen. Materialet består av fältanteckningar, video, foto, rörelsematerial, personliga berättelser, minnen av dofter, ljud och smaker och någonting så vagt som stämning – stadens tempo, känslan i en repsituation… Hur kan scenen förmedla en plats och dess människor? Kan jag levandegöra mina upplevelser så att de blir angelägna för någon annan än mig själv? Det praktiska arbetet utgör ett försök att besvara dessa frågor. Vilka bilder har vi, och vad ser vi när vi speglar oss i varandra? Vad betyder det att våra världar redan är sammanflätade? Spegeln som bild och lek, träder fram både som tema och metod. Begrepp som exotism, representation och mötet med den andre diskuteras, liksom växlingen mellan identifikation och främmandegörande (”othering”) som en grund för förståelse. Hur påverkas människors liv av Kinas snabba samhällsförändringar, balansgången mellan socialism och kapitalism? Och vilken roll har scenkonsten i detta? Här diskuteras frågor om yttrandefrihet, liksom relationen mellan politik och spelstil, så kallad ”fejk realism”. Frågorna knyts samman genom en diskussion om autenticitet, följd av en betraktelse om utanförskap, för att slutligen återvända till det personliga mötet, till en berättelse om kontaktsökande – om vänskap. / This project is based on eight weeks of fieldwork at an independent theatre in Beijing in the spring of 2017, based on anthropological and artistic methods. It is an attempt to develop the concept artistic ethnography, and apply it practically. In this, art is seen not mainly as a product or a form of presentation, but as a way of thinking, of relating to the world. The material consists of field notes, video, pictures, movement material, personal stories, the memories of smells, sounds and tastes and of something as vague as atmosphere – the pace of the city, the feeling of a rehearsal situation... How can the stage render a place and its people? Can I bring my experiences to life, making them relevant for anybody else? The practical artistic work with an exposition is an attempt to answer these questions. What images do we have, and what do we see when we mirror each other? What does it mean that our worlds are already intertwined? The mirror as image and play appear both as a theme and a method. Concepts like exoticism, representation and the encounter with the other are discussed, as well as the movement between identification and othering, contributing to understanding. How are people’s lives affected by China’s rapid social changes, balancing between socialism and capitalism? What role do the performing arts have in this? Questions about freedom of expression are discussed, along with the relation between politics and styles of acting, the so called “fake realism”. The research questions are tied together in a discussion of authenticity, to finally return to the personal encounter and a story of seeking contact, of friendship. / <p>Sinnlig - the movie finns länkad dels i dokumentet och dels som egen fil</p> / Movit –Direction and Dramaturgy of movement based Performing Arts

Quand les signes religieux font débat dans les arènes médiatiques et scientifiques : régimes de visibilité et reconfiguration des espaces publics dans les affaires du voile en France (1989-2010) / When religious signs make their entrance in mediatic and scientific arenas : regimes of visibility and reconfiguration of public spaces in France (1989-2010)

Cabral Arêas, Camila 27 June 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la construction médiatique de « l’affaire de la burqa » (2009-2010) et la problématisation scientifique de « l’affaire du foulard » (1989-2004) en France. Ces débats s’inscrivent dans une actualité marquée par l’émergence de projets d’interdiction du voile islamique dans les crèches (2008-2015), sorties scolaires (2007-2013), entreprises et universités (2013-2015). Des faits divers aux lois, les affaires du foulard et de la burqa mettent au jour la conversion des débats médiatiques en affaires nationales, nous informant alors sur la construction d’un agenda juridique autour des signes de l’islam. Au regard de ce contexte, ce travail interroge la manière dont la mise en visibilité médiatique accrue du voile participe à la reconfiguration des espaces publics. Dans une approche sémiotique en communication, appuyée sur les méthodes d’analyse de l’image et des discours, ce travail conjugue l’étude de « l’affaire de la burqa » dans la presse et « l’affaire du foulard » dans les revues en SHS. L’articulation des arènes médiatique et scientifique se fait dans une perspective de recherche « archéologique » consistant à lire l’actualité (« affaire de la burqa ») à la lumière d’un savoir scientifique sédimenté durant vingt ans de publication en SHS sur « l’affaire du foulard ». Cette étude démontre que « l’affaire du foulard » a inauguré une problématique au sujet de la visibilité islamique, tandis que « l’affaire de la burqa » a posé une question inédite sur la spatialité des signes de l’islam. Ce travail a mis au jour deux paradigmes d’analyse (visibilité-spatialité) devenus aujourd’hui centraux pour la recherche en SHS portant sur le voile ou le fait religieux islamique sous le prisme des médias. / This thesis focuses on the media construction of the "burqa affair" (2009-2010) and the scientific problematization of the "headscarf affair" (1989-2004) in France. These public debates are part of media and scientific current events marked by the emergence of many projects banning the Islamic veil in nurseries (2008-2015), school trips (2007-2013), enterprises and universities (2013-2015). From news stories to laws, headscarf and burqa affairs reveals the conversion of media controversies into national issues, informing us about building a legal agenda around the signs of Islam. Given this context, this work examines how the increased media setting of Islamic veils visibility takes part in the redefinition of public spaces. In a semiotics approach, based on methods of image and discourse analysis, this work combines the study of the "burqa affair" through the press and the "headscarf affair" through the Humanities and Social Sciences journals. The articulation of mediatic and scientific arenas is approached from an "archaeological" perspective consisting of reading recent news events ("burqa affair") in the light of a scientific-knowledge sedimented during twenty years of HSS publications on "headscarf affair". This study demonstrates that the "headscarf affair" has opened a problematic view in relation to the Islamic visibility, while the "burqa affair" has set a new question on the spatiality of the signs of Islam. This work has enable to update two analytical paradigms – visibility and spatiality – that became central to contemporary research in HSS regarding the issue of the veil or Islam through the prism of the media.

L'exercice des droits et libertés fondamentaux sur l'Internet / The exercise of the fundamental rights and freedom on the internet

Quilton, Arnaud 18 July 2014 (has links)
La pratique et les usages issus du cyberespace démontrent que l'imbrication entre ces deux sujets d'étude - l'internet d'une part et les droits fondamentaux d'autre part - est permanente : par sa nature transcendantale, le réseau des réseaux irradie tous les corps de la société et donc, directement ou indirectement, tous les droits et libertés fondamentaux, qu'ils soient politiques, économiques ou sociaux. Partant de ce postulat, il s'agit de déterminer le plus objectivement et précisément possible si l'internet impacte positivement ou négativement ce corpus de droits dits « suprêmes » : accroît-il leur protection et leur rayonnement ou, au contraire, participe-t-il à leur érosion, mettant ainsi en exergue une éventuelle incompatibilité d'un droit théorique confronté à une réalité dématérialisée ? La réponse à cette problématique, reposant largement sur une analyse scientifique quantitative, permettra d'établir qu'une majorité de droits et libertés fondamentaux est encensée voire sublimée par le net ; dans le même temps, une minorité de droits et libertés, jugés essentiels au sein de la hiérarchie des droits fondamentaux, pâtissent de cette rencontre. De facto, l'ambivalence de ce constat amènera naturellement à s'interroger sur l'opportunité pour la théorie des droits fondamentaux d'influer, par des principes en adéquation avec la nature technique du net, sur la construction et la pérennisation du cadre juridique d'un internet difficilement appréhendable par les branches « classiques » du droit. / The practice and customs from cyberspace demonstrates that the overlap between these two topics of study - internet on one hand and human rights on the other part - is permanent : by its very transcendental nature, the network of networks irradiates all the bodies of the society and therefore either directly or indirectly, all the basics Rights and Freedom, be they political, economic or social.Based on this premise, one has to identify with the most objective and accurate manner if the internet has a positive or negative impact on this body of law called « highest » : does that increases its protection and influence or, on the contrary, contributes to erosion, thus emphasizing the possible incompatibility of a theoretical right faced to a dematerialized reality? The answer to this problem, relying largely on a quantitative scientific analysis will establish that a majority of Fundamental Rights and Freedom is praised and even sublimated by the net ; at the same time, a minority of rights and freedoms, deemed to be essential within the hierarchy of basic rights, suffer from this meeting. De facto, the ambivalence of this finding will naturally lead to wonder whether it is appropriate that the theory of fundamental rights can affect, through principles in line with the technical nature of the net, the construction and sustainability of the legal framework of an internet hardly apprehandable within the « traditional » branches of the of law.

Recherche sur le droit des attroupements et rassemblements "Contribution à l’étude de l’ordre public en droit français" / Research on the law governing gatherings and assemblies "Contribution to the study of public order in French law"

Alzu'bi, Hadeel 25 June 2019 (has links)
En droit français, le régime des attroupements et rassemblements est au carrefour des droits administratif et pénal. Il dépasse le droit de manifester reconnu et protégé, tout en étant une nouvelle manière pour les citoyens de manifester leurs opinions, souvent véhiculées par Internet. Ces prises de position ont souvent pour point commun leur caractère spontané et immédiat, ainsi que leurs formes très éclectiques. Polysémique et évolutif dans son contenu, l’ordre public limite les atteintes à la liberté de manifester dont il est le corollaire. Dès lors, un équilibre entre les deux est exigé, illustré par la tolérance de l'autorité administrative d'un certain degré de désordre. C'est aujourd'hui la seule manière de concilier l'intérêt du pouvoir et des attroupements mobilisés dans la rue. Le maintien de l’ordre est l’une des missions principales des forces de police. Les dispositifs de prévention et les opérations de rétablissement de l’ordre troublé doivent obéir à la nécessité et à la proportionnalité reconnues à l’échelle européenne et nationale, assurant ainsi la légitimité des interventions policières. L’objectif poursuivi de cette recherche est de tenter de définir un régime juridique des attroupements unique, fondé sur l’ordre public dans un système cohérent et pertinent, indicateur du degré démocratique des systèmes contemporains. Ce fil directeur prend appui sur les textes, sur la jurisprudence, ou sur la doctrine mais aussi sur la pratique du maintien de l’ordre. / In French law, the rules governing gatherings and assemblies sit at the crossroads of administrative and criminal law. They go beyond the right to protest, which is recognised and protected, whilst also being a new way for citizens to demonstrate their opinions, often conveyed via the internet. Such positions often share a spontaneous and immediate nature, as well as taking highly eclectic forms. Polysemous and constantly evolving in terms of its content, public order limits the freedom of demonstration of which it is a corollary. Consequently, a balance between the two is required, illustrated by tolerance on the part of the administrative authorities of a certain degree of disorder. It is currently the only way to reconcile the interests of public authority and gatherings mobilised in the streets. One of the main tasks of police forces is to maintain order. Preventive mechanisms and operations intended to re-establish public order must be guided by necessity and proportionality, which are recognised at European and national levels, thus ensuring the legitimacy of police intervention. The aim pursued by this research is to attempt to define a single set of rules governing gatherings, based on public order within a consistent and relevant system, which is an indicator of the level of democracy in modern systems. That guiding principle is based on legislation, case law and jurisprudence, as well as the practicalities of maintaining public order.

La recherche d'un statut de l'oeuvre transformatrice. Contribution à l'étude de l'oeuvre composite en droit d'auteur. / Transformative works

Léger, Pauline 14 December 2015 (has links)
Plusieurs initiatives d’origines européenne et nationale ont contribué à l’émergence d’un nouveau concept en droit d’auteur : l’œuvre transformatrice. La récurrence et la persistance des débats en la matière prouvent que ce concept ne traduit pas qu’un phénomène conjoncturel. Ces raisons conduisent en conséquence à lui consacrer une étude afin de déterminer la pertinence de l’admission de ce concept en droit d’auteur. L’étude débute par le constat que certains auteurs travaillent en s’adossant volontairement à une ou plusieurs œuvres originelles créées par autrui, qu’ils intègrent à leur processus créatif, aboutissant ainsi à la création d'une œuvre nouvelle. Ces pratiques d’emprunt créatif à l’œuvre d’autrui ont désormais pris une dimension particulière. Celle-ci s’explique d’une part par le développement du numérique. D’autre part, une partie du public, soit les destinataires des œuvres, souhaite participer activement à la création et revendique le droit d’utiliser les œuvres d’autrui comme autant de moyens d’expression et de création. Le législateur a certes envisagé l’hypothèse dans laquelle une œuvre nouvelle procède d'une œuvre préexistante au travers de la catégorie légale des œuvres composites. Cependant, les dispositions éparses qui lui sont consacrées souffrent d’une terminologie et d’un régime imprécis qui n’ont jamais fait l’objet d’une étude juridique approfondie. L’émergence du concept d’œuvre transformatrice illustre l’importance théorique et pratique de remettre en cause cette catégorie légale des œuvres composites. Aussi, la délimitation du concept suppose, dans un premier temps, une nécessaire remise en cause des catégories traditionnelles qui constituent les piliers du droit d'auteur, ainsi que les impératifs auxquels la constitution de ce monopole doit répondre. Cette lecture renouvelée aboutit à circonscrire la notion fonctionnelle d’œuvre transformatrice. Loin de se cantonner à proposer une nouvelle version de l’œuvre originelle, l’auteur de l’œuvre transformatrice exprime une opinion sur l’œuvre d’autrui, en induisant un décalage avec celle-ci. Bien souvent, il a réalisé son œuvre sans l’autorisation de l’auteur de l’œuvre originelle, et leurs droits entrent alors en conflit. Dans un second temps, l’étude s’attelle à appréhender ce conflit de droits. Le droit positif s’avère limité, de sorte qu’il faut affiner l’analyse juridique du lien unissant ces deux auteurs en l’enrichissant de la comparaison avec des mécanismes extérieurs au droit d’auteur, et d’autres issus du droit comparé. En définitive, c’est par le mécanisme de l’exception au droit d’auteur que l’on trouvera le moyen de concilier de manière pérenne les droits de l’auteur originel et ceux de l’auteur de l’œuvre transformatrice. / Transformative work is a new concept in copyright law that is emerging from several recent initiatives across Europe. The recurring debate on this concept indicates that it is not short-lived and highlights the need for a strategy to define a suitable legal framework. The purpose of this study is to assess the relevance of including the concept of transformative works in French and European Union copyright law. The starting point is authors’ integration of original works created by third parties in their creative process so as to generate new pieces of work. These practices are increasing in occurrence, with the rise of the digital age being one explanation of their prevalence. Furthermore, the public appreciates the value of these works and wishes to maintain the right to use third party works as a means of creative expression. The legislator has envisaged categorising new work inspired from pre-existing work as derivative and composite work. Nevertheless, the scarce arrangements that have been developed lack a proper framework and a detailed legal study has yet to be undertaken. The emergence of the concept of transformative work highlights the practical and theoretical need to challenge the legal definition of derivative and composite work. Far from offering a new derived version of the original piece of work, the author of a transformative work expresses an opinion on the third party work, by inserting a differentiating element. Therefore, the format of expression and content justify the legal analysis between the author of the original piece of work and the author of the transformative work. As such, framing the concept involves in the first instance, questioning the traditional pillars of copyright law and their requirements. This new understudy leads to the framing of the definition of transformative work. Secondly, this study focusses on how several copyright laws can co-exist. The content of positive law is limited and therefore, the study helps develop the concept of transformative work by comparing external mechanisms of both copyright and comparative law.In conclusion, incorporating transformative work into copyright law is based on the exception mechanism of copyright law.

Populism Versus the Populist Parties : An Analysis of the Relationship Between Ideology and Populism on the Cases of Fidesz and Syriza

Petersson, Oscar January 2020 (has links)
This is a case study aiming to clarify the potentially outdated focus on the populist features in modern populist parties. By analyzing the right-wing populist party of Fidesz and the left-wing populist party of Syriza the aim is to clarify whether populism as a feature is descriptive enough to illustrate these parties, regardless their ideological stance, or whether ideology should be taken more into account than it tends to do today. To do this, the policies of each party are mapped to distinguish populist similarities, despite their ideological disparity and their differences. The analysis is delimited by the three pillars of civil society: Freedom of Associations, Freedom of Peaceful Assemblies and Freedom of Expression, referred to as the three pillars of civil society. The study shows that the descriptiveness of Fidesz as a right-wing populist party is conformed. However, the policies of Syriza demonstrate a variation of partially right-wing and left-wing populism, but also tendencies of no populism at all in their foreign policies. The descriptiveness of contemporary left-wing populist parties in the case of Syriza is thereby questionable.

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