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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Coerções e liberdades textuais em francês como língua estrangeira: por um desenvolvimento do estilo na produção escrita por meio do gênero textual relato de viagem / Textual constraints and liberties in French as a foreign language: for a style development in writing production through the genre travel journal

Rocha, Suélen Maria 06 May 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem por objetivo analisar o desenvolvimento da produção escrita em francês como língua estrangeira, por meio do gênero textual relato de viagem, porém procurando verificar como os alunos desenvolvem suas capacidades de linguagem a partir das restrições e liberdades permitidas pelo gênero escolhido. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa visa a investigar como os alunos se apropriam de características do gênero, mostrando, também, como inserem marcas de subjetividade que podem ser consideradas como estilísticas. Os dados foram coletados em um curso de produção escrita, oferecido pelos cursos extracurriculares de francês do Serviço de Cultura e Extensão da Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo. Os alunos, situando-se entre o nível A2 e B1 do Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para as Línguas (CONSEIL DE LEUROPE, 2001), puderam estudar três diferentes gêneros textuais, dentre eles o relato de viagem. Os aportes teóricos que orientaram esta pesquisa apoiam-se, sobretudo, nos pressupostos do interacionismo sociodiscursivo (BRONCKART, 1999/2009, 2006a, 2008; MACHADO, 2009) e nos estudos de Schneuwly e Dolz (2004/2010) sobre a utilização dos gêneros textuais como instrumento no ensino e aprendizagem, para o desenvolvimento das capacidades de linguagem dos alunos: capacidade de ação, capacidade discursiva e capacidade linguísticodiscursiva. Para atingir os objetivos específicos desta pesquisa, baseamo-nos, paralelamente, nas discussões sobre estilo a partir de alguns autores (BRONCKART, 1999/2009, 2006c; SCHNEUWLY; DOLZ, 2004/2010; BAKHTIN, 1997; CLOT, 2007; BRANDÃO, 2005a, 2005b; BRAIT, 2005), mas, principalmente, na discussão acerca das coerções e liberdades textuais de Bronckart (2006c). A fim de analisar os textos coletados, além do quadro teóricometodológico proposto por Bronckart (1999/2009; 2006a), servimo-nos dos estudos de Kerbrat-Orecchioni (2002) e Maingueneau (2001) no que diz respeito às marcas de subjetividade nos textos. Com base em autores que estudam o papel dos gêneros textuais no ensino (SCHNEUWLY; DOLZ, 2004; DOLZ; GAGNON; TOULOU, 2008; LOUSADA, 2002/2010, 2009, 2010; CRISTOVÃO, 2002/2010, 2009), construímos o modelo didático do gênero relato de viagem, elaboramos uma sequência didática (SD) e a aplicamos no contexto referido. Os dois primeiros módulos da SD propuseram atividades que focalizaram as características mais estáveis do gênero. Após esses módulos, uma produção intermediária foi requerida aos alunos, com a intenção de verificar se eles tinham mobilizado as capacidades de linguagem primordiais para a produção desse gênero. Em seguida, no terceiro módulo, selecionamos um texto com o objetivo de explorarmos as liberdades textuais exercidas por seu produtor. Os resultados de nossa pesquisa mostraram que o trabalho com gêneros em língua estrangeira se constitui como um instrumento potencial de desenvolvimento das capacidades de linguagem dos alunos. Ao focarmos o estilo nos textos, os alunos, em suas produções finais, mobilizaram recursos discursivos e linguísticos menos canônicos, sob inspiração dos textos vistos em aula, estabelecendo, portanto, uma relação de intertextualidade com os textos da SD. Além de demonstrar a natureza dialógica do estilo, alguns alunos, ainda, recorreram ao intertexto, o que pode indicar o desenvolvimento da autonomia na escrita. Em suma, nossa proposta didática foi ao encontro do que afirma Bronckart (2006c): a preexistência de modelos é a primeira condição para o exercício da liberdade nos textos / This thesis aims to analyze the development of written production in French as a foreign language through the genre \"travel journal\", but trying to verify how students develop their language capacities from restrictions and liberties allowed by the chosen genre. Therefore, this research investigates how students appropriate the characteristics of the genre and shows how they insert marks of subjectivity that can be considered as stylistics. Data was collected in a writing course offered by Cultural and Extension Service French extracurricular courses, from the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences, at the University of São Paulo. Students, ranging between levels A2 and B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CONSEIL DE L\' EUROPE, 2001), were able to study three different textual genres, among them the travel journal. The theoretical framework that guided this research relies mainly on the theoretical assumptions of socio-discursive interactionism (BRONCKART, 1999/2009, 2006a, 2008; MACHADO, 2009) and the studies of Schneuwly and Dolz (2004/2010) on the use of textual genres as a tool for teaching and learning that can help student develop their language capacities: action capacity, discursive capacity, and linguistic-discursive capacity. To achieve our specific goals, we rely in parallel on the discussions about style (BRONCKART, 1999/2009, 2006c; SCHNEUWLY; DOLZ, 2004/2010; BAKHTIN, 1997; CLOT, 2007; BRANDÃO, 2005a, 2005b; BRAIT, 2005), but mainly on the discussion of textual constraints and liberties by Bronckart (2006c). In order to analyze the texts collected, we use not only the theoretical and methodological framework proposed by Bronckart (1999/2009, 2006a), but also the studies from Kerbrat-Orecchioni (2002) and Maingueneau (2001) with regard to subjectivity marks in the texts. Based on authors who study the function of textual genres in teaching (SCHNEUWLY; DOLZ, 2004/2010; DOLZ; GAGNON; TOULOU, 2008; LOUSADA, 2002/2010, 2009, 2010; CRISTOVÃO, 2002/2010, 2009), we built the didactic model of the textual genre travel journal, developed a didactic sequence (DS), and applied it in the context mentioned before. Activities were proposed in the first two modules of the DS that focused on the most stable features of the genre. After these modules, an intermediate production was required from students intending to check if they had mobilized essential language capacities for the production of this genre. In the third module we selected a text with the aim of exploring textual liberties exercised by its producer. The results of our research showed that a genrebased perspective is a potential tool for developing students language capacities in a foreign language. As we focused on style in texts, students mobilized less canonical discursive and linguistic resources in their final productions inspired by texts from the class, thus establishing a relationship of inter-textuality with the texts of the DS. In addition, demonstrating the dialogic nature of style some students also made use of inter-text, which may indicate the development of autonomy in writing. In short, our didactic proposal confirms Bronckart (2006c) statement: preexisting models are the first condition for the exercise of liberty in texts

Enseignement du français, altérités et contacts de langues : Imaginaires de professeurs mexicains / The Teaching of french, otherness and language contact : Imaginairies of mexican teachers

Torres Castillo, Claudia 05 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse aux contacts de langues présents dans la formation des enseignants de français langue étrangère. Depuis quelques années, l’enseignement des langues étrangères se répand au Mexique. En 2009, 22 licences formaient des enseignants de langues, sans compter les institutions privées, et ce chiffre continue d’évoluer. Les étudiants y débutent leur contact avec le français avec certains imaginaires sociaux, issus de deux siècles de colonisation et de traditions culturelles nées des contacts de langues. Ainsi, plusieurs images restent ancrées dans l’imaginaire collectif, notamment celles de Malinche, et certaines idées sur l’altérité perdurent, suscitant des postures enseignantes particulières. À partir des imaginaires des langues et des locuteurs, nous analyserons les rapports de pouvoir existant dans le contact de langues en cours de français. Prenant en compte cet héritage comme un écran socio-culturel de perception de l’autre, notre étude repose sur les témoignages des enseignants et apprenants mexicains en licence de langues et en master de didactique du français, qui racontent leurs parcours linguistiques et leurs expériences lors des formations. / The main subject is the contact between languages present in the formation of French as a Foreign Language teachers. Globalization has fostered that teaching foreign languages, particularly French, spreads throughout Mexico. However, Mexican students have their first contact with the French language permeated by certain social imaginaries. Over time, the imaginaries -particularly those related to Malinche- have had a significant role. The different imaginaries surrounding foreign languages and their speakers bring back old conceptions and behaviours while interaction with the other and when we speak another language. Imaginaries also serve to analyse power relationships between languages. Thus, heritage can be considered a socio-cultural screen that shapes our perception of otherness.

Représentations du texte littéraire oulipien et pratiques d’écriture. Mobiliser l’imagination pour apprendre a écrire / Representations of Oulipian texts and writing practices

Lefrançois-Yasuda, Carole 24 March 2011 (has links)
La problématique de notre recherche a été définie à partir d’un constat : le travail d’écriture, en particulier celui des apprenants non francophones natifs de niveau avancé, ne peut être réduit à l’application des règles de construction des différents types de textes. A partir des exigences du CECR, nous avons mis en place des exercices d’écriture sous contraintes oulipiennes [écrits d’imagination] et des exercices d’écriture scientifique afin de comprendre les améliorations possibles de l’apprentissage de l’écriture, dans le cadre de la didactique des langues,de la sociologie et des sciences de l’éducation.Le recueil de données s’est effectué à l’Université de Technologie de Compiègne [UTC]. Nous avons choisi une classe de 18 étudiants et nous avons travaillé à partir de deux types d’enquête : une enquête sur les représentations que les étudiants-ingénieurs se font de l’écrit pour montrer comment, par le lien symbolique qu’elles instaurent entre l’environnement social et le monde mental, elles facilitent une écriture autonome en favorisant l’accès à l’imagination. La mobilisation des opérations cognitives en jeu dans la pratique des écrits d’imagination et des écrits scientifiques a fait l’objet d’une seconde enquête.Puis, à partir des résultats de ces enquêtes, et dans le prolongement des travaux fondamentaux réalisés en didactique du F.L.E à partir des années 1970, nous avons cherché d’une part à observer et à analyser le rôle actif de l’imagination, de l’imaginaire et de la créativité dans l’apprentissage de l’écriture et d’autre part à argumenter en faveur d’une réévaluation de l’imaginaire et de l’imagination dans la pédagogie. Enfin,pour réconcilier l’ensemble des apprenants avec l’écriture, pour modifier leur demande dans le sens d’une spécialisation dans l’écriture d’un type de texte fonctionnel, nous avons appréhendé l’écriture comme une activité circonscrite qui peut s’apprendre et s’exercer. Une activité dont les phases et les opérations peuvent être démontées et nommées comme la résolution d’un problème, en ayant recours à l’imagination pour construire l’apprentissage. / The topic of our research was defined by one assessment: writtenwork, in particular of non-native French speakers of advanced level, maynot be reduced to the mere application of the rules for different types oftext constructions. Based on the requirements of the CECR, weimplemented writing exercises under Oulipian constraints [fictionalwritings] and exercises of scientific writing in order to understand theextent of possible improvements when learning how to write, in the frameof didactics of languages, sociology and education research.The data has been collected in the Université de Technologie deCompiègne [UTC]. We have chosen a class group of 18 students andhave been using two types of investigations: one of the representations that the student-engineers have of writing, to show how, through the symbolic link they establish between the social environment and themental world, these representations facilitate autonomous writing andencourage imagination. The mobilisation of cognitive processes involvedin the practice of imaginative and scientific writings is the subject of thesecond investigation.Then, from these results – in the continuation of the fundamentalwork accomplished in the field of French as a Foreign Language didactics that started in the 1970s – we aim: i. to observe and analyse the activerole of imagination, the imaginary and creativity when learning how towrite, and ii. to point out the necessity of reassessing imagination and theimaginary in pedagogy. Finally, in order to reconcile all learners with thewriting process, to modify their demand towards a specialisation infunctional text writing, we have dealt with writing like a defined activity,which can be learned and carried out. Its phases and processes can bedemonstrated and appointed as in resolving a problem by means of imagination to build up the learning process.

Uma experiência de ensino de francês língua estrangeira no contexto do profissional de secretariado: francês com objetivos específicos? / An experience of teaching of french in the context of secretarial professionals: french for specific purposes?

Martins, Emili Barcellos 11 February 2011 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivos descrever, analisar e discutir uma experiência de ensino/aprendizagem de francês voltada para profissionais de secretariado, indagando se um curso de Francês com Objetivos Específicos propriamente dito seria viável a aprendizes com pouco ou nenhum conhecimento do idioma já inseridos no mercado de trabalho ou se seria necessário iniciar a formação por um curso geral de Francês Língua Estrangeira. O curso experimental foi ministrado na sede do Sindicato das Secretárias do Estado de São Paulo de março a novembro de 2009 e contou com a participação de trezes secretárias. A partir da observação dos dados coletados e dos resultados obtidos ao longo da realização deste curso, pareceu-nos fundamental acrescentar à reflexão contida neste trabalho outra perspectiva: trata-se de um curso de FOS propriamente dito ou de um curso de FLE com orientação secretarial? Esta pesquisa apresenta em primeiro lugar o profissional de secretariado assim como parâmetros referentes às tarefas exigidas deste profissional no mercado de trabalho brasileiro nos dias atuais. Em segundo lugar, ela analisa a gênese e o desenvolvimento gradual do conceito de FOS e expõe por fim a concepção do curso experimental a partir dos resultados obtidos na etapa de análise de necessidades. Este estudo de caso revela o cerne do trabalho do professor: o de ser o responsável pela concepção de formações lingüísticas que aliem protocolos de concepção e procedimentos de FOS a uma orientação para a área secretarial. / This dissertation aims at describing, analysing and discussing a teaching/learning experience to secretaries regarding the French language. Its core question is whether or not a course with specific purposes would be viable for learners with little or no knowledge of the language but already inserted in the work market. The study wanted to determine if such a course would be efficient or if the students would need a general course of French as a foreign language prior to the specific purpose course. The experimental course was taught at the secretaries union in the state of São Paulo from March to November 2009 and it had 13 secretaries. Based on the observation of data collected and the results obtained, we found it important to add another perspective: is this a FOS course or a FLE course but oriented to the secretarial field? This research shows first the professionals as well as parameters that refer to the tasks demanded from these professionals in todays Brazilian work market. Following, it analyses the genesis and the gradual development of the concept of FOS. Finally, it exposes the conception of the experimental course based on the results obtained in the period of the needs analysis. This case study reveals the core of a teachers job: the one of being responsible for the conception of linguistic formation that put together conception protocols and procedures of FOS with the secretarial orientation.

O ensino da compreensão oral em Francês Língua Estrangeira: desenvolvimento de estratégias e formação do professor crítico-reflexivo / The teaching of listening comprehension in French as a Foreign Language: development of strategies and training of the reflexive-critical teacher

Hyanna Carollyne Dias de Medeiros 04 April 2017 (has links)
Com o avanço das tecnologias, dos processos de internacionalização das universidades e da crescente possibilidade de interação em contextos profissionais, as situações de comunicação em língua estrangeira têm sido cada vez mais presentes. Inserido nesse cenário, o indivíduo deve ser capaz de compreender documentos orais e escritos, expressar-se e interagir em uma determinada língua estrangeira. No âmbito do ensino-aprendizagem do Francês Língua Estrangeira, estudos realizados apontam a compreensão oral como uma das competências mais difíceis de desenvolver e uma das mais indispensáveis para favorecer a interação em língua francesa (GREMO; HOLEC, 1990, PORCHER, 1995; CORNAIRE, 1998; CUQ; GRUCA, 2009). Tal constatação nos levou a refletir, a discutir e a investigar quais seriam as questões centrais relacionadas à compreensão oral que deveriam integrar a formação inicial do professor de francês visando seu desenvolvimento para o ensino dessa competência em sala de aula a partir do uso de documentos orais autênticos. As referências teóricas adotadas basearam-se nos estudos acima sobre compreensão oral, sobre a postura crítico-reflexiva do professor (BROWN, 1997; SHÖN, 2000; PERRENOUD, 2002; ALMEIDA FILHO, 1997, 2000, 2006) e, também, sobre o desenvolvimento e mobilização do sentido de plausibilidade (PRABHU, 1987, ALMEIDA FILHO, 1997). Para a realização desta pesquisa, de natureza qualitativa-interpretativista, selecionamos o método pesquisa-ação (THIOLLENT, 1986). Inserida em contexto de formação inicial de professores, esta pesquisa integrou a disciplina Atividades de Estágio, do Curso de Licenciatura em Letras/Francês da Universidade de São Paulo por meio da elaboração e aplicação do módulo Ensino da compreensão oral em Francês. Com o auxílio de instrumentos formativos metarreflexivos, que configuraram espaço de reflexão crítica, os participantes foram levados a analisar as proposições de atividades de compreensão oral elaboradas e apresentadas pelo professor-pesquisador com objetivo de conscientizar o futuro professor a respeito dos critérios a serem considerados para seleção, análise e didatização de documentos orais. Ademais, durante o desenvolvimento do módulo, os participantes foram levados a propor atividades de compreensão oral que foram igualmente analisadas dentro da perspectiva teórica adotada. O corpus desta pesquisa foi constituído, portanto, pelas respostas dos participantes registradas nos questionários e nas fichas metarreflexivas utilizadas ao longo da formação, bem como pelas atividades elaboradas por eles. Num primeiro momento, as análises dos resultados mostraram a necessidade de reforçar o ensino da compreensão oral como item de formação didático-metodológica nas disciplinas de Licenciatura dos Cursos de Letras, o que significa discutir as etapas de seleção, análise e didatização de documentos orais junto aos licenciandos. Num segundo momento, a análise dos dados obtidos demonstrou que os instrumentos de metarreflexão utilizados na pesquisa favoreceram a participação dos futuros professores e contribuíram para o desenvolvimento de sua reflexão-crítica. Por último, a conscientização dos procedimentos didático-metodológicos, visando o desenvolvimento da compreensão oral em língua estrangeira, aproxima o aluno em formação de situações de sala de aula e permite, no espaço de formação inicial na Licenciatura, que vários questionamentos sejam realizados, gerando mais aprendizado e promoção de autonomia nos futuros professores. / With the advance of technologies, the internationalization process of the universities and the increasing possibility of interaction in professional contexts, the situations of communication in foreign language have been more and more present. Inserted in this scene, the individual must be able to comprehend oral and written documents, express him/herself and interact in certain foreign language. In the scope of the teaching and learning of French as a foreign language, the studies pointed out the Listening as one of the most difficult skills to develop and one of the most essential to favor the interaction in French language (GREMO ; HOLEC, 1990; PORCHER, 1995; CORNAIRE, 1998; CUQ e GRUCA, 2009). Such confirmation led us to reflect, discuss and investigate what would be the central questions related to Listening comprehension that should take part in the initial formation of the French teacher aiming his/her development to teach this skill in class by using authentic oral documents. The theoretical references used were based on the Listening studies above, on the teachers critical reflective practice (BROWN, 1997; SHÖN, 2000; PERRENOUD, 2002; ALMEIDA FILHO, 1997, 2000, 2006) and also on the development and mobilization of the sense of plausibility (PRABHU, 1987; ALMEIDA FILHO, 1997). To carry this research out, a qualitativeinterpretative one, we selected the action research method (THIOLLENT, 1986). Inserted in a context of teachers initial formation, this research was part of the discipline Atividades de Estágio, from the undergraduate course in Languages/French of the University of São Paulo by means of elaborating and applying the module Ensino da compreensão oral em Francês. With the help of metareflective formative instruments, that define the space of critical reflection, the participants were encouraged to analyze the Listening activities propositions elaborated and presented by the teacher-researcher with the objective to make the future teacher aware of the criteria to be considered in selecting, analyzing and using oral documents. Furthermore, during the development of the module, the participants were led to propose listening activities that were analyzed in the same way considering the theoretical perspective adopted. This research corpus was constituted, though, by the participants answers filled in the questionnaires and metareflective cards used during the formation, as well as the activities made by them. At a first moment, the results analyses revealed the necessity to reinforce the teaching of Listening as an educational-methodological formation item in the disciplines of the undergraduate course in Languages, which means to discuss the stages of selecting, analyzing and using oral documents with the undergraduate students. At a second moment, the collected data analysis showed that the instruments of metareflection used in the research encouraged the participation of the future teachers and contributed towards the development of their reflection-critic. Finally, the awareness of the educationalmethodological procedures, aiming the development of Listening in foreign language, bring the student in formation closer to class situations and stimulate, in the space of the undergraduate initial formation, the formulation of many questions, generating more learning and the promotion of autonomy in future teachers.

Des interactions de service entre francophones natifs et non natifs, analyse de la gestion de l'intercompréhension et perspectives didactiques / Service encounters between native and non native speakers of French, Analyses of the management of mutual understanding and perspectives in didactics.

Oursel, Élodie 12 December 2013 (has links)
Cette recherche a pour objet la gestion de l’intercompréhension en interaction, c’est-à-dire l’analyse de la façon dont les interactants s’assurent qu’ils ont produit une interprétation commune des énoncés échangés. La première partie de la thèse définit les concepts et les notions clés (l’interlocuteur et l’interprétant, l’interprétation et l’intercompréhension), elle pose le cadre conceptuel du travail (constructivisme et externalisme), et justifie le choix des données recueillies et analysées : un corpus d’interactions entre des agents administratifs, francophones natifs, et des usagers, francophones non natifs. Dans la deuxième partie, nous avons étudié la construction des attentes chez les usagers, la manifestation des insatisfactions vis-à-vis d’une interprétation chez les interprétants et les indices qui signalent le repérage d’un problème dans l’intercompréhension et le déroulement des négociations. Nous avons également analysé l’impact des tâches effectuées dans les interactions de service sur la gestion de l’intercompréhension. Ces analyses ont permis de dégager un ensemble d’indices, de formes, de types de réactions et de stratégies, qui permettent en troisième partie une transposition des résultats dans l’élaboration de programmes (contenus, conduites, activités) pour l’enseignement du français, langue étrangère et pour la formation professionnelle. Ce travail a une visée didactique générale : il suggère de reconsidérer l’enseignement de la compréhension de l’oral en interaction afin de lui accorder un statut d’objet d’enseignement et pas seulement de moyen d’enseignement. / The object of this research is the co-building, maintaining and restoring of mutual understanding in face-to-face conversations. I study the way the participants of an encounter make sure that they give a common meaning to what they interpret. The first part of the thesis defines the key concepts and notions (the listener, the co-speaker – interprétant –, interpretation and mutual understanding – intercompréhension), it sets the conceptual back-ground of the work (constructivism and externalism), and it justifies the choice of the data used for the analyses. The corpus contains face-to-face conversations between administrative agents who are native speakers of French, and users, who are non native speakers. In the second part, I have studied the way agents help users build expectations, the way the listener shows that he is not satisfied with his interpretation, the way the speaker shows that he has identified a divergence between his interpretation and the listener’s, and the way they negotiate meaning. I have also analysed the impact of the kinds of tasks performed on the behaviour of the participants. These analyses have brought to light a set of cues, of forms, of types of reactions and of strategies that have been used in the third part to propose contents, techniques and activities for the teaching of French as a foreign language and for professional training. This work has a general aim related to teaching and didactics: it suggests to reconsider the teaching of listening so that it becomes an object of teaching, and not only a means to teach.

Dynamic Assessment: Towards a Model of Dialogic Engagement

Summers, Robert 12 September 2008 (has links)
This study investigated the effects of Dynamic Assessment (DA) training on the mediational strategies of experienced teachers of French as a foreign language. Moreover the strategies that mediators used for students at different levels of language experience were investigated. Last the ways in which mediators manifested mediational sensitivity, reciprocity and management was examined. Four mediators underwent DA training that exposed them to the theoretical underpinnings of DA as well as sound DA procedures. To determine the effect of this training, the way in which the mediators conducted their mediation was compared from pre-DA training to post-DA training. Three of these four mediators worked with 12 students of French as a foreign language at different levels of language learning experience. Their interactions were recorded, transcribed and analyzed. The results of this study show that the DA training did indeed have an affect on the way in which mediators conducted their mediation with students. Also there seems to be a difference, however minute, in the way that mediators mediate students possessing different levels of language experience. The implications of this study suggest that mediators would have benefitted from more robust DA training as well as an increased field experience with DA. Second students should also be trained in DA procedures so that they may be able to better participate in the dialogic activity that occurs during mediation. Third more foreign language practitioner focused definitions of DA and cognition, within a Sociocultural Theory framework, are offered. It is believed that more accessible definitions will facilitate DA's use in the foreign language classroom.

Les ateliers du dire (lectures, écritures, littératures) : enjeux et expériences de la voix en langue(s) étrangère(s) / “Speech workshops” (reading, writing, literature) : stakes and experiences of the voice in learning foreign languages

Mouginot, Olivier 16 November 2018 (has links)
Cette recherche en didactique des langues se propose d’analyser les expériences langagières attachées à un corpus d’ateliers conduits dans divers contextes d’apprentissage ou d’appropriation du français comme langue étrangère. Renvoyant notamment à l’écriture créative, à la poésie orale, au slam ou encore au théâtre, ces pratiques langagières ont en commun d’« essayer dire » (S. Beckett) en langue étrangère. L’étude ciblée des dimensions expérientielles de ces ateliers du dire permet leur conceptualisation comme essais de subjectivation en langue française. En tant qu’atelier du langage, chaque atelier du dire met à profit la situation des participants en montant en continu leur activité langagière et nombre d’historicités qui s’y rapportent (culture langagière, plurilinguisme, littératures, didactiques). Comme atelier du sujet plurilingue, l’atelier du dire programme un parcours relationnel avec des œuvres de langage exemplaires en termes d’intensité énonciative : la transsubjectivité littéraire est mise au service d’un projet de faire langage arrimé à une dynamique réénonciative. Comme atelier de la voix, l’atelier du dire engage les participants dans des essais de voix ordinaires qui ne relèvent pas seulement d’une création disciplinaire. Dans cette perspective, de tels ateliers en langue(s) étrangère(s) constituent un levier critique des injonctions à communiquer/agir adressées aux acteurs sociaux, notamment en produisant des continuités notionnelles/expérientielles fortes : apprentissage-subjectivation, langues-langage, corps-langage, écriture-oralité. Le faire atelier spécifique de l’atelier du dire ne constitue pas seulement un apport pour une didactique des langues avec les arts du langage, il ouvre aussi et surtout des pistes de recherche pour nourrir la formation des enseignants de FLE en termes de répertoire expérientiel, de gestualité tactique et d’expertise vocale. / This research in teaching and learning French as a foreign language aims to analyze the practices of a body of workshops recently conducted in various contexts of acquisition or learning. Whether these language experiences refer to creative writing, slam poetry or drama, what they have in common is to "try say" – to quote S. Beckett – in a foreign language. The targeted analysis of three experiential dimensions allows us to bring to light a conceptualization of these “speech workshops” as tests of subjectivation in French. As a "language workshop", every workshop seeks to take advantage of the participants' situation to reinforce their language activity and the many related historicities (language cultures, multilingualism, literatures, education). As "workshop of the multilingual subject", the “speech workshop” programmes a relational path with literary works of language which are exemplary in terms of enunciative intensity. As a "workshop of the voice", the “speech workshop” engages precisely the participants in ordinary “tests of voice” that are not necessarily part of an artistic creation. In this perspective, by producing and guaranteeing strong notional/experiential continuities (learning-subjectivation, literacy-orality, etc.), such workshops in foreign languages would constitute a critical lever of the injunctions to communicate or to act addressed to the social actors. Their specific process is not only a contribution to the teaching of French with the language arts. It also opens research leads to feed the training of teachers in terms of experiential repertoire, tactical gestures and voice expertise.

Uma experiência de ensino de francês língua estrangeira no contexto do profissional de secretariado: francês com objetivos específicos? / An experience of teaching of french in the context of secretarial professionals: french for specific purposes?

Emili Barcellos Martins 11 February 2011 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivos descrever, analisar e discutir uma experiência de ensino/aprendizagem de francês voltada para profissionais de secretariado, indagando se um curso de Francês com Objetivos Específicos propriamente dito seria viável a aprendizes com pouco ou nenhum conhecimento do idioma já inseridos no mercado de trabalho ou se seria necessário iniciar a formação por um curso geral de Francês Língua Estrangeira. O curso experimental foi ministrado na sede do Sindicato das Secretárias do Estado de São Paulo de março a novembro de 2009 e contou com a participação de trezes secretárias. A partir da observação dos dados coletados e dos resultados obtidos ao longo da realização deste curso, pareceu-nos fundamental acrescentar à reflexão contida neste trabalho outra perspectiva: trata-se de um curso de FOS propriamente dito ou de um curso de FLE com orientação secretarial? Esta pesquisa apresenta em primeiro lugar o profissional de secretariado assim como parâmetros referentes às tarefas exigidas deste profissional no mercado de trabalho brasileiro nos dias atuais. Em segundo lugar, ela analisa a gênese e o desenvolvimento gradual do conceito de FOS e expõe por fim a concepção do curso experimental a partir dos resultados obtidos na etapa de análise de necessidades. Este estudo de caso revela o cerne do trabalho do professor: o de ser o responsável pela concepção de formações lingüísticas que aliem protocolos de concepção e procedimentos de FOS a uma orientação para a área secretarial. / This dissertation aims at describing, analysing and discussing a teaching/learning experience to secretaries regarding the French language. Its core question is whether or not a course with specific purposes would be viable for learners with little or no knowledge of the language but already inserted in the work market. The study wanted to determine if such a course would be efficient or if the students would need a general course of French as a foreign language prior to the specific purpose course. The experimental course was taught at the secretaries union in the state of São Paulo from March to November 2009 and it had 13 secretaries. Based on the observation of data collected and the results obtained, we found it important to add another perspective: is this a FOS course or a FLE course but oriented to the secretarial field? This research shows first the professionals as well as parameters that refer to the tasks demanded from these professionals in todays Brazilian work market. Following, it analyses the genesis and the gradual development of the concept of FOS. Finally, it exposes the conception of the experimental course based on the results obtained in the period of the needs analysis. This case study reveals the core of a teachers job: the one of being responsible for the conception of linguistic formation that put together conception protocols and procedures of FOS with the secretarial orientation.

Frânces Língua Estrangeira online: o papel do professor na concepção e realização de um curso em uma plataforma síncrona / French as a Foreign Language online: the teacher\'s role in designing and developing a course in a synchronous platform

Roberta Miranda Rosa Hernandes 02 April 2013 (has links)
O ensino e aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras em ambientes virtuais apresenta, como questão central de reflexão e pesquisa, os aspectos teórico-metodológicos que envolvem a concepção de cursos e, sobretudo, as mudanças no papel do professor e do aluno na sala virtual. Esta pesquisa, desenvolvida no contexto de um curso-piloto online de Introdução ao Francês como Língua Estrangeira, realizada em uma escola privada de idiomas localizada na cidade de São Bernardo do Campo, no estado de São Paulo, tem como objetivo principal discutir as questões que envolvem a concepção e a realização de um curso online de francês, predominantemente na plataforma síncrona Elluminate, sob o ponto de vista da análise papel do professor. Como princípio metodológico orientador, adotamos a pesquisa-ação, que apresenta como uma de suas características a participação do pesquisador. Para analisar e discutir os dados obtidos na pesquisa, utilizamos como referencial teórico noções ligadas à organização da Internet; ao ensinar e ao aprender virtual; a possíveis abordagens pedagógicas, dentre elas o estar junto virtual (Valente, 2003), que se aproxima da abordagem por tarefas proposta pelo Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para Línguas (QECRL) e concretizada pela realização de Feuilles de Route (Mangenot; Louveau, 2006); aos planos e sujeitos envolvidos na elaboração e realização de um curso online. / The foreign language teaching and learning on virtual environments present, as a central reflection and research question, the theoretical and methodological aspects that involve the course design and, mainly, the changes in the role of both teacher and student in the virtual class. This research, developed in the context of an online Introduction to French as a Foreign Language pilot course, implemented at a Sao Bernardo do Campo city language institute, in the state of Sao Paulo, aims at discussing the issues that involve the design and development of an online French course, mainly on the synchronous platform Elluminate, based on the analysis of the teacher\'s role. We had the research-action as the main methodological principle, which presents the researcher\'s participation as one of its characteristics. In order to analyze and discuss the research data, we used theoretical references related to Internet organization, to virtual teaching and learning, to possible methodological approaches - for example, the estar junto virtual (Valente, 2003), which is similar to the task-based approach proposed by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and developed by the Feuilles de Route (Mangenot; Louveau, 2006) -, and to the plans and people involved in the course design and development.

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