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Los factores personales y su influencia en la preferencia de videojuegos en adultos peruanos / Personal factors and their influence on the preference of video games in Peruvian adultsMorán Ponce, Jorge Hugo 20 April 2021 (has links)
En el siguiente trabajo de investigación se buscará identificar como los factores personales influyen en la preferencia de adultos videojugadores peruanos con el fin de contribuir en el desarrollo de videojuegos peruanos que resulten atractivos para el videojugador adulto peruano. En la introducción se contextualiza la situación de la industria de videojuegos alrededor del mundo en el año 2020 en contexto de pandemia, para posteriormente ubicarse en el continente latinoamericano y finalmente llegar al territorio peruano. En el marco teórico se explicará el significado de los factores personales y las diversas variables que contiene y las cuales serán identificadas posteriormente. Con respecto a la metodología, el paradigma seleccionado para esta investigación es el de constructivismo, en base a un enfoque cualitativo, por lo tanto, para este trabajo se llevarán a cabo entrevistas personales a través de una guía de entrevista, estas serán realizadas hacia adultos videojugadores peruanos seleccionados a través de un muestreo por conveniencia. / The following research work will seek to identify how personal factors influence the preference of Peruvian adult gamers in order to contribute to the development of Peruvian video games that are attractive to the Peruvian adult gamer. In the introduction, the situation of the video game industry around the world in the year 2020 is contextualized in the context of a pandemic, to then be located in the Latin American continent and finally reach the Peruvian territory. In the theoretical framework, the meaning of personal factors and the various variables it contains will be explained, which will be identified later. Regarding the methodology, the paradigm selected for this research is that of constructivism, based on a qualitative approach, therefore, for this work personal interviews will be carried out through an interview guide, these will be carried out with adults Peruvian gamers selected through convenience sampling. / Trabajo de investigación
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The Mutual Interaction of Online and Offline Identities in Massively Multiplayer Online Communities: A Study of EVE Online PlayersPonsford, Matthew J. 30 November 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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A NATION OF GAMERSPoland, Kristofer P. 28 August 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Характер и особенности взаимосвязи толерантности к неопределенности и увлеченности компьютерными играми : магистерская диссертация / The nature and characteristics of the relationship between tolerance of uncertainty and passion for computer gamesЗырянов, Д. А., Zyryanov, D. A. January 2024 (has links)
Объектом исследования явились совершеннолетние геймеры (от 18 до 38 лет). Предметом исследования стала взаимосвязь толерантности к неопределенности и увлеченности компьютерными играми. Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, двух глав, заключения, списка литературы (80 источников) и приложения, включающего в себя бланки применявшихся методик и корреляционные матрицы, использовавшиеся для факторного анализа. Объем магистерской диссертации 104 страницы, на которых размещены 1 рисунок и 28 таблиц. Во введении раскрывается актуальность проблемы исследования, разработанность проблематики, ставятся цель и задачи исследования, определяются объект и предмет исследования, формулируется гипотеза, указываются методы, а также научная новизна и теоретическая значимость работы. Первая глава включает в себя обзор иностранной и отечественной литературы по теме толерантности к неопределенности. Представлены параграфы, посвященные исследованию увлеченности и увлеченности компьютерными играми в частности. Озвучена проблема классификации видеоигр в контексте психологических исследований, а также предложен вариант разрешения данной проблемы. Выводы по первой главе представляют собой итоги по изучению теоретического материала. Вторая глава посвящена эмпирической части исследования. В ней представлено описание организации и методов проведенного исследования и результатов, полученных по всем использованным методикам: опросник толерантности к неопределенности в модификации Т. В. Корниловой; анкета увлеченности компьютерными играми за авторством Л. С. Глинкиной и В. Е. Василенко; методика «Шкала страсти» («Échelle de passion») за авторством R. J. Vallerand. Также в главе представлен корреляционный и факторный анализ результатов исследования. Выводы по главе 2 включают в себя основные результаты эмпирического исследования. В заключении в обобщенном виде изложены результаты теоретической и эмпирической частей работы, а также выводы по выдвинутым гипотезам, обоснована практическая значимость исследования и описаны возможные перспективы дальнейшей разработки данной проблематики. / The objects of the study were adult gamers (from 18 to 38 years old). The subject of the study was the relationship between tolerance of uncertainty and passion for computer games. The master's thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references (80 sources) and an appendix, which includes forms of the methods used and correlation matrices used for factor analysis. The volume of the master's thesis is 104 pages, which contain 1 figure and 28 tables. The introduction reveals the relevance of the research problem, the development of the problem, sets the goal and objectives of the research, defines the object and subject of the research, formulates a hypothesis, indicates the methods, as well as the scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the work. The first chapter includes a review of foreign and domestic literature on the topic of tolerance to uncertainty. Paragraphs devoted to the study of passion and passion for computer games in particular are presented. The problem of classifying video games in the context of psychological research is voiced, and a solution to this problem is proposed. Conclusions on the first chapter are the results of the study of theoretical material. The second chapter is devoted to the empirical part of the study. It provides a description of the organization and methods of the study and the results obtained using all the methods used: questionnaire of Tolerance of Uncertainty modified by T. V. Kornilova; a questionnaire on computer game passion authored by L. S. Glinkina and V. E. Vasilenko; methodology “Passion Scale” (“Échelle de passion”) by R. J. Vallerand. Also, the chapter presents a comparative, correlation and factor analysis of the results of the study. The findings of Chapter 2 are the main results of the empirical study. In conclusion, brief results of the theoretical and empirical parts of the work are presented, as well as conclusions on the hypotheses. The practical significance of the study is substantiated and possible prospects for further development of the problematics are described.
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Co-Creating Value in Video Games: The Impact of Gender Identity and Motivations on Video Game Engagement and Purchase IntentionsAlhidari, Abdullah 05 1900 (has links)
When games were first developed for in-home use, they were primarily targeted almost exclusively at children and males. However, today’s marketplace manifests a more diverse population plays Internet-enabled games that can be played virtually anywhere. The average gamer is now 30 years old. Many gamers, obviously, are much older. Yet more strikingly, and more germane to this study’s purpose, 47% of the U.S. gamer population is female, as compared to 40% in 2010. Despite these trends the gaming industry remains a male-dominated culture. The marketer’s job is to facilitate game engagement and to motivate gamers to play. The notion of “engagement” is not new in business. The term was developed in the last decade. Many studies were devoted to understand, explain, and define the term. It suggests that within interactive, dynamic business environments, consumer engagement (CE) represents a strategic position that companies can use to enhance their sales growth, competitive advantage, and profitability. Moreover, there are three levels of engagement in any experiential consumption (i.e., playing video game): presence, flow, and psychological absorption. The findings of this study affirm that consumer engagement, including presence, flow and psychological absorption are explanatory factors that impact gamer’s purchase intentions. Our results show that consumers experience different mental engagement in an interactive environment (i.e., playing video games) compared to passive environments (i.e., visiting a website). These findings change our understanding of consumers’ engagement and flow state. We also found that male and female gamers experience different engagement level. However, we did not find a significant result that masculinity and femininity traits impact gamers’ engagement or intention. We argue that macroeconomic factors results in sales fluctuation may have resulted in reject in this hypothesis. Thus, marketers shed a light into the consumer’s interactive environment and flow states in that environments. Consumers not only determine the value in using a product as Vargo and Lusch suggested, but they also create that value. Also, consumer experience is an ongoing process that does not have a specific point to start, making the value creation a temporally accumulative process that includes past, present, and future experience. Therefore, the value created by consumers is not created while physically interacting with a device to play, but it may include imagined and indirect interaction with the product. Therefore, consumers (i.e., gamers) need to maintain a balance between presence and psychological absorption (i.e., flow) to get the best experience in play video gaming. Empirical evidence suggest that consumers’ flow state engagement is the most important variable in determining their ensuing purchase intention for video games, regardless of game genre.
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Spelkaraktärer i TV- och datorspel : En studie om spelkaraktärers betydelse för spelupplevelsenSöderlund, Alexandra January 2019 (has links)
Computer and video games have taken the world by storm, since their creation the interest for these games has increased and approximately 62% of the Swedish population now plays computer or video games. A game character is of tremendous importance in a game and plays a central part in the whole game, however, the portrayal of these characters are often unrealistic. The female characters, however few, are often portrayed as oversexualized or subjugated as sexual objects. In this paper, a research is made studying the game experience from women’s point of view, trying to clarify how women are affected by the game characters they are offered in these games and how they are affected by them. The method used to investigate the thesis in this study is a qualitative study where a focus group consisting of ten female gamers are interviewed. The data collected in this study is the responses from the interviews. The central parts of their answers will be the topics in the results and discussion. The results show that game characters and how they are portrayed as well as how the game is designed affects the gamers greatly.
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Fysiskt eller digitalt? : En studie om konsolanvändarnas inställning till det digitala och fysiska spelformatet / Physical or digital? : A study on console users attitude towards the dig- ital and physical game formatWoch, Tomasz, Agdelius, David January 2013 (has links)
Nedladdade spel har blivit mer förekommande än vad de var för ett årtionde sedan. Bredbandets framgång har gjort det möjligt att snabbt ladda ner spel och marknaden för digitala spel växer stadigt. I denna studie undersöker vi om konsolspelarnas attityd mot digitala konsolspel skiljer sig från fysiska konsolspel i och med den växande digitala marknaden. Vi presenterar och diskuterar konsolspelares attityd mot digitala och fysiska spel och deras uppfattade värde av dessa format. I de kvantitativa undersökningar som vi utförde visar vi att människor föredrar fysiska konsolspel framför digitala, även fast den digitala marknaden är på stadig uppgång. Baserat på de resultat i vår studie så fann vi att den mest förekommande anledningen till att fysiska konsolspel föredrogs var de möjligheter som fysiska kopior medför, såsom att kunna sälja, byta, visa upp eller återlämna sitt spel. / Downloadable games are more common these days than they were a decade ago. The prowess of broadband has made it possible to quickly download games and the market for digital games is growing steady. In this paper we study if the attitude towards digital console games differentiates from physical console games due to the growing digital market. We present and discuss console users’ attitude towards digital and physical games and their perceived value. From the quantitative studies performed we show that people prefer physical console games over digital, even though the digital market is on a steady climb. Based on the results we found the most common cause for the preference of physical copies was the possibilities the physical format entailed, such as trad- ing, exhibiting, refunding or borrowing.
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SIGHTLENCE : Haptics for Computer GamesNordvall, Mathias January 2012 (has links)
Games in general and computer games in particular have now become a mainstream activity for young people in the industrialized nations. Sadly, people’s interaction with computer artifacts and games are mainly still limited to the visual and auditive modalities. This constrains the richness of our interaction with those artifacts, it constrains the possibilities of using those artifacts to communicate and build relations with others, and it excludes some people from using them at all. This thesis answers the questions of whether it’s possible to use haptics as a single modality for conveying information in computer games, if it’s possible to translate the standard interfaces of existing computer games into haptic interfaces, and if it can be accomplished with the technology used in the gamepads of current generation game consoles. It also contains a theoretical foundation for using haptics in game design and a new design method for analyzing the requirements of computer game interface modalities. A computer game prototype called Sightlence was developed in order to answer these questions. The prototype was developed in four iterative cycles of design, development, and evaluative play sessions. Four groups of people participated in the play sessions: graduate students, and teachers, specializing in games; people who are deafblind; people from the general population; and pupils from a national special needs school in Sweden for children with deafness or impaired hearing combined with severe learning disabilities, or congenital deafblindness. The prototypes were tested with usability techniques for measuring performance and learnability. The usability tests showed that Sightlence can be successfully learned by people from the general population while the pupils with cognitive development disorders from the special needs school would need additional support in the game in order to learn to handle the increased abstraction caused by the haptic interface. The thesis ends with discussion of the designed and developed artifact Sightlence. The discussion touches on the design process, the usability testing, and possible future research and development relevant for making haptics a fruitful tool and medium for designers and people.
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How Social Media Influencers Co-Create Brand Value in the Digital World? : Exploratory research investigating Gamers and Opinion Leaders as Social Media Influencers and the process of Brand Value Creation in the Digital World.Bankova, Kamelia, Stancheva, Pavlina January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Marital Satisfaction among Married Couples in which One or Both Members Play a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG)Ahlstrom, A Michelle Elton 09 June 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of the gaming behaviors of married individuals and couples who play Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game(s) (MMORPGs) including gaming addiction, time spent gaming, satisfaction in gaming participation, gaming interaction (between joint gaming spouses), and socio-demographic variables and the subsequent marital satisfaction levels of both individuals in the couple. Hypotheses were generally supported, excluding the hours spent gaming. 685 couples were separated and analyzed according to whether both individuals in the marriage gamed or just one individual gamed (couple-gaming type). Couples in which only one individual gamed (individual-gamer couples) had significantly lower marital satisfaction than all other groups and couples in which both gamed about the same amount of time (equal-gamers) held the highest marital satisfaction of the groups. Prediction models of marital satisfaction were determined for each couple-gaming type. The strongest predictions present in most of the models for marital satisfaction were the frequency that the couple retired to bed at the same time and the frequency that the couple quarreled specifically about gaming. Much MMORPG research has been presented on youth and adults, however to date there is no research on married gamers. Recent research on the video game habits of emerging adults called for further in depth investigation of the implications of video game use in the family formation stage of life.
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