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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Classifying Urgency : A Study in Machine Learning for Classifying the Level of Medical Emergency of an Animal’s Situation

Strallhofer, Daniel, Ahlqvist, Jonatan January 2018 (has links)
This paper explores the use of Naive Bayes as well a Linear Support Vector Machines in order to classify a text based on the level of medical emergency. The primary source of testing will be an online veterinarian service’s customer data. The aspects explored are whether a single text gives enough information for a medical decision to be made and if there are alternative data gathering processes that would be preferred. Past research has proven that text classifiers based on Naive Bayes and SVMs can often give good results. We show how to optimize the results so that important decisions can be made with these classifications as a basis. Optimal data gathering procedures will be a part of this optimization process. The business applications of such a venture will also be discussed since implementing such a system in an online medical service will possibly affect customer flow, goodwill, cost/revenue, and online competitiveness. / Denna studie utforskar användandet av Naive Bayes samt Linear Support Vector Machines för att klassificera en text på en medicinsk skala. Den huvudsakliga datamängden som kommer att användas för att göra detta är kundinformation från en online veterinär. Aspekter som utforskas är om en enda text kan innehålla tillräckligt med information för att göra ett medicinskt beslut och om det finns alternativa metoder för att samla in mer anpassade datamängder i framtiden. Tidigare studier har bevisat att både Naive Bayes och SVMs ofta kan nå väldigt bra resultat. Vi visar hur man kan optimera resultat för att främja framtida studier. Optimala metoder för att samla in datamängder diskuteras som en del av optimeringsprocessen. Slutligen utforskas även de affärsmässiga aspekterna utigenom implementationen av ett datalogiskt system och hur detta kommer påverka kundflödet, goodwill, intäkter/kostnader och konkurrenskraft.

The “Magic Gathering” of Comprehension Devices : A diachronic systemic functional linguistics analysis of MTG game card texts

Schiller, Isabella January 2024 (has links)
This study investigates the diachronic shift of revised card texts in the tabletop collectible card game ‘Magic: The Gathering’.  The lexicogrammatical patterns found are compared to theories on comprehension and learning, and to the development of the game. To answer how the texts have changed, a sample of twenty cards with old and revised texts has been analysed according to systemic functional linguistics. The metafunctions used for the SFL analysis are interpersonal, ideational and textual. Additionally, a descriptive analysis has been conducted to answer how the changes in the linguistic metafunctions relate to comprehension and development. The analysis shows that there are general patterns within all the investigated metafunctions, which correspond to research on learning, language development and notions on text cohesion. Furthermore, the findings correlate to the game development and functions in the gameplay. While the sample size is limited in comparison to all available cards in the game, the diachronic shifts are distributed over a variety of card types matching the available cards overall, and with the initial interconnections found it is assumed that the patterns are generalisable. Further research could explore the findings in relation to general games development, games as a source of learning or genre and discourses.

Multi-Agent Information Gathering Using Stackelberg Games / Information om Flera Genter Samling med Stackelberg Spel

Hu, Yiming January 2023 (has links)
Multi-agent information gathering (MA-IG) enables autonomous robots to cooperatively collect information in an unfamiliar area. In some scenarios, the focus is on gathering the true mapping of a physical quantity such as temperature or magnetic field. This thesis proposes a computationally efficient algorithm known as multi-agent RRT-clustered Stackelberg game (MA-RRTc-SG) to solve MA-IG. During exploration, measurements are taken along robot paths to update the belief of a Gaussian process (GP), which gives a continuous estimation of the physical process. To seek informative paths, agents first resort to self-planning: one individually generates a number of choices using sampling-based algorithms and preserves informative ones. Then, paths from different robots are combined and investigated based on a multi-player Stackelberg game. The Stackelberg game ensures robots select the combination of paths that yield maximum system reward. The reward function plays an important role in the aforementioned two steps. In our work, robots are awarded for selecting informative paths and punished for hazardous movements and large control inputs. In experiments, we first conduct variation studies to investigate the influence of key parameters in the proposed algorithm. Then, the algorithm is tested in a simulation case to map the radiation intensity in a nuclear plant. Results show that using our algorithm, robots are able to collect information in an efficient and cooperative way compared to random exploration. / Multi-agent informationsinsamling gör det möjligt för autonoma robotar att samarbeta samla in information i ett okänt område. I vissa scenarier ligger fokus på att samla in den verkliga kartläggningen av en fysisk storhet som temperatur eller magnetfält. Den här avhandlingen föreslår en beräkningseffektiv algoritm som kallas multi-agent RRT-clustered Stackelberg game (MA-RRTc-SG) för att lösa multi-agent informationsinsamling. Under prospektering görs mätningar längs robotbanor för att uppdatera tron på en Gaussisk process, vilket ger en kontinuerlig uppskattning av den fysiska processen. För att söka informativa vägar tillgriper agenter först självplanering: man genererar individuellt ett antal val med hjälp av samplingsbaserade algoritmer och bevarar informativa. Sedan kombineras och undersöks vägar från olika robotar utifrån en Stackelberg spel för flera spelare. Stackelberg spelet säkerställer att robotar väljer kombinationen av vägar som ger maximal systembelöning. Belöningsfunktionen spelar en viktig roll i de ovan nämnda två stegen. I vårt arbete belönas robotar för att välja informativa vägar och straffas för osäkra rörelser och stora kontrollingångar. I experiment genomför vi först variationsstudier för att undersöka inverkan av nyckelparametrar i den föreslagna algoritmen. Därefter testas algoritmen i ett simuleringsfall för att kartlägga strålningsintensiteten i ett kärnkraftverk. Resultaten visar att med vår algoritm kan robotar samla in information på ett effektivt och samarbetssätt jämfört med slumpmässig utforskning.

Agenda Building in the Age of Online Audience Feedback

Mayock, Patrick R. 24 April 2012 (has links)
No description available.

The Distance from Necessity: A Bourdieusian Analysis of Gathering Practices in Vermont

Pierce, Alan Robert 13 January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Improving information gathering for IT experts. : Combining text summarization and individualized information recommendation.

Bergenudd, Anton January 2022 (has links)
Information gathering and information overload is an ever growing topic of concernfor Information Technology (IT) experts. The amount of information dealt withon an everyday basis is large enough to take up valuable time having to scatterthrough it all to find the relevant information. As for the application area of IT,time is directly related to money as having to waste valuable production time ininformation gathering and allocation of human resources is a direct loss of profitsfor any given company. Two issues are mainly addressed through this thesis: textsare too lengthy and the difficulty of finding relevant information. Through the useof Natural Language Processes (NLP) methods such as topic modelling and textsummarization, a proposed solution is constructed in the form of a technical basiswhich can be implemented in most business areas. An experiment along with anevaluation session is setup in order to evaluate the performance of the technical basisand enforce the focus of this paper, namely ”How effective is text summarizationcombined with individualized information recommendation in improving informationgathering of IT experts?”. Furthermore, the solution includes a construction of userprofiles in an attempt to individualize content and theoretically present more relevantinformation. The results for this project are affected by the substandard quality andmagnitude of data points, however positive trends are discovered. It is stated thatthe use of user profiles further enhances the amount of relevant articles presentedby the model along with the increasing recall and precision values per iteration andaccuracy per number of updates made per user. Not enough time is spent as for theextent of the evaluation process to confidently state the validity of the results morethan them being inconsistent and insufficient in magnitude. However, the positivetrends discovered creates further speculations on if the project is given enough timeand resources to reach its full potential. Essentially, one can theoretically improveinformation gathering by summarizing texts combined with individualization.

Bluetooth-enheter i offentliga rummet och anonymisering av data

Nilsson, Mattias, Olsson, Sebastian January 2015 (has links)
Internet of Things (IoT) ger stora möjligheter att samla in data för olika syfte som till exempel att estimera antalet personer för att styra värmen i ett rum. Vidare så kan IoT-system automatisera uppgifter som kan hjälpa oss människor. Den här studien syftar till vilken typ av data som kan vara intressant att samla in för att kunna estimera antalet personer på en offentlig plats. Det handlar även om hur känslig data som samlas in kan anonymiseras. För att göra detta så valdes det att undersöka hur MAC-adresser från Bluetooth-enheter skulle fungerar för att uppskatta antalet personer. För att samla in MAC-adresser så utvecklades ett proof of concept-system där en Android-applikation samlade in MAC-adresser som anonymiserades innan de lagrades i en databas. Applikationen anonymiserar den unika MAC-adressen enligt tre nivåer med olika säkerhet. Fältstudier gjordes där antalet personer räknades visuellt sedan gjordes anonymiserade insamlingar av MAC-adresser. Slutsatsen var att Bluetooth blir svårt att använda för att estimera antal personer eftersom alla inte har Bluetooth på. Applikationen som utvecklats påvisar att data kan samlas in säkert och på så sätt inte kränka integritet. / Internet of Things (IoT) provides great opportunities to collect data for different purposes such as to estimate the number of people to control the heat in a room. Furthermore, IoT systems can automate tasks that can help us humans. This study is aimed at the type of data that can be interesting to gather in order to estimate the number of people in a public place. It is also about how sensitive data can be anonymized when gathered. To do this, Bluetooth devices was chosen for investigating how the MAC addresses would work to estimate the number of people. For collecting MAC addresses a proof of concept system was developed, where an Android application was used to collect MAC addresses. These MAC addresses were anonymized before being stored in a database. The application anonymize the unique MAC address according to three levels of security. Field studies were conducted as the number of people were counted visually then anonymous collection of MAC addresses were made. The conclusion was that Bluetooth will be difficult to use for estimating the number of people because not everyone has Bluetooth on. The application developed demonstrates that data can be collected safely and thus does not violate privacy.

Where the clouds stand Australian Aboriginal relationships to water, place, and the marine environment in Blue Mud Bay, Northern Territory /

Barber, Marcus. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Australian National University, 2005.

From Structured Guidance to Self-Directed Play : Applying Self-Determination Theory in Game Design

Yuheng, Liang January 2024 (has links)
This thesis investigates the use of scaffolding techniques in video game design to increase player engagement and satisfy psychological needs as defined by self-determination theory (SDT). It focuses on how games use scaffolding mechanisms to improve player autonomy, competence, and relatedness—the three fundamental needs proposed by SDT as ways to promote intrinsic motivation. The study also examines self-scaffolding strategies employed by players, exploring how they independently leverage game features to meet their psychological needs. Through case studies on games including Hearthstone, Magic: the Gathering Arena, and Path of Exile, the research analyzes the application of scaffolding and self-scaffolding using formal analysis of game tutorials and systems, as well as discourse analysis of player and specialist discussions about these aspects. The findings indicate that Hearthstone's tutorial, which effectively uses scaffolding, is well received by players, while the scaffolding in Magic: the Gathering Arena is not as effective. Path of Exile's complex skill tree promotes self-scaffolding, highlighting the importance of self-directed learning in intricate game environments. The study concludes that effective scaffolding design is essential for onboarding players, but tutorials should be skippable to accommodate experienced players. At the same time, games should provide sufficient structure to guide player learning while allowing freedom for exploration, innovation, and self-directed learning.

La scène musicale populaire autochtone au Québec : dynamiques relationnelles et identitaires

Audet, Véronique 04 1900 (has links)
La musique, pour les Autochtones au Québec, joue un rôle fondamental pour l’expression et la consolidation identitaire, la mise en relation interpersonnelle, interculturelle et spirituelle ainsi que pour exercer un pouvoir d’action et de transformation sur soi et le milieu environnant. Cette thèse dresse un panorama de la scène musicale populaire autochtone contemporaine au Québec, en s’attardant plus particulièrement au milieu algonquien du Nord, tout en démontrant un lien de continuité évident avec le sens des traditions musicales et des rassemblements ancestraux. La musique populaire autochtone y est considérée comme un mode d’affirmation identitaire et de relation au monde, la scène de la musique populaire autochtone au Québec comme un réseau relationnel, et les événements musicaux comme des points de rencontre et de convergence (foyers) d’une communauté autochtone s’y reconnaissant et s’y reliant de façons différenciées. Le cadre théorique arrime les concepts de scène dans le contexte de culture populaire, des politiques/poétiques de l’identité, d’intersubjectivité, de résonance, de nomadisme, d’ontologie relationnelle, de poétiques de l’habiter (of dwelling), d’indigénisation et de transformation des identités et des modes d'être au monde autochtones dans le contexte contemporain. Selon les traditions algonquiennes, les actes musicaux servent à s’identifier en tant que personne particulière et membre d’une collectivité et du cosmos ainsi qu’à entretenir des relations avec les autres personnes du cosmos (humains et non humains) afin de vivre bien et de se donner du pouvoir sur soi et son environnement. Cette thèse démontre que les musiques populaires contemporaines et ses événements associés, bien que sous d’autres formes, poursuivent ce sens relationnel et identitaire des traditions musicales ancestrales et de leurs contextes de manifestation. Le réseau contemporain de la scène musicale populaire autochtone est ainsi formé d’espaces investis par les Autochtones de différentes nations, où ils se créent un chez-nous, un « espace à nous » et se redéfinissent des identités. Chanter, notamment dans leur langue, est ainsi un acte d’« habitation » du monde, de cohabitation, de communication, une inscription identitaire dans un environnement ainsi habité et senti. / For Aboriginal people in Quebec, music plays a fundamental role in the consolidation and expression of identity in interpersonal, intercultural and spiritual relationships, but also in terms of personal empowerment. This thesis provides an overview of the contemporary Aboriginal popular music scene in Quebec, focusing more specifically on Algonquian communities and demonstrating continuity with musical traditions and ancestral gatherings. Aboriginal popular music is considered as a way of asserting identity and a relationship to the world; the aboriginal popular music scene in Quebec is presented as a network of relationships, and musical events are seen as focal points of an aboriginal community that connect individuals and groups in differentiated ways. According Algonquian traditions, musical acts are used to identify oneself as a particular person and member of a community and the cosmos as well as to maintain relationships with others in the cosmos (human and nonhuman). Different forms of musical practice are desirable in order to live well and to empower the self in a particular environment. This thesis demonstrates that contemporary popular music and its associated events, albeit in other forms, are continuing a relational sense of ancestral musical traditions in various performative contexts. The contemporary Aboriginal popular music scene network is forged through spaces invested by Aboriginal people of different nations, where they create a "home", a "space for us", and redefine identity in unexpected ways. Singing, especially in Aboriginal languages, is an act of dwelling and cohabitation in an environment that is lived and felt.

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