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Promoting gender equality and merit-based leadership through play: An action figure collection.Cruz, Mario 21 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Gender-oriented vs. gender-neutral computer games in educationMubireek, Khalid Al 15 October 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Genusneutral barnlitteratur : En studie i att undervisa om genus / Gender Neutral Children's Litterature : A Study In Gender EducationWieslander, Jenny January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur man som pedagog kan arbeta med genuspedagogik i undervisningen med hjälp av genusneutral barnlitteratur. Forskning pekar på att barn tidigt skaffar sig en uppfattning om vad som förväntas av dem på grund av deras kön. Den svenska läroplanen Lgr 11 förespråkar att läraren ska motverka de traditionella könsmönstren samtidigt som man ska påverka och forma elevers uppfattning om kvinnligt och manligt. För att kunna göra detta krävs det att man undervisar eleverna i genuspedagogik. Barn påverkas av alla de intryck som omger dem, varför barnböcker är en bra utgångspunkt i samtalet om bland annat genus. Metoden är att initialt göra en inventering av helt genusneutrala barnböcker, för att sedan analysera ett urval av dessa, både separat och komparativt. Efter analysen genomförs en etnografisk studie med högläsning och boksamtal som resulterar i diskussioner i barngrupper kring vikten av att tillhöra ett genus. Studien visar att det blir mer komplicerat att hitta acceptans för olikheter och normbrytande ju äldre barnen är. Slutsatsen är att det bör undervisas mer i genuspedagogik, skrivas mer genusneutral barnlitteratur och att det bör forskas mer på området. / The purpose of this study is to investigate how teachers can work with gender pedagogy using gender-neutral children's literature. Research indicates that children knows early what is expected of them because of their gender. The Swedish curriculum (Lgr 11) advocates that the teacher should counteract the traditional gender patterns while influencing and shaping students' perception of what is typical for men and women. In order to do this, it is necessary to teach the students in gender education. Children are affected by all the impressions that surround them, why children's books are a good starting point in the conversation about gender, among other things. The method is to initially make an inventory of completely gender-neutral children's books published in Sweden, in order to analyze a selection of these, both separately and comparatively. After the analysis, an ethnographic study is implemented, where a teacher is reading aloud and the class has a book-talk, which results in discussions about the importance of belonging to a gender. The study shows that finding acceptance for differences and go against the norms is becoming more complicated the older the children are. The conclusion is that it should be more education in gender pedagogy; more gender-neutral children's literature and that more research should be done in this area.
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The Prevalence and Predictive Nature of Victimization, Substance Abuse and Mental Health on Recidivism: A Comparative Longitudinal Examination of Male and Female Oregon Department of Corrections InmatesPapadopulos, Anastacia Konstantinos 01 January 2011 (has links)
As a consequence of increased awareness and the current scholarly debate regarding women's differential predictors of recidivism, criminal justice agencies are working with researchers in the field to expand their knowledge in this area. In 2007, Portland State University researchers in collaboration with the Oregon Department of Corrections conducted an investigation of factors emerging in the pathways and gender responsive literature as predictive of women's recidivism in a randomly selected sample of female (n=150) and male (n=150) inmates. This study used information gathered from that investigation for two purposes: (1) to assess the prevalence rates of victimization experiences (childhood, adolescent and adulthood), substance abuse and mental health diagnosis across male and female ODOC inmates, and (2) to assess the predictive nature of victimization experiences, substance abuse and mental health diagnoses on recidivism across gender after a three year period. Findings suggest that females suffered from higher rates of victimization experiences throughout their lifetime than male ODOC inmates and higher rates of DSM-IV-TR mood and anxiety diagnosis. Similar rates were found across gender when assessing substance abuse and diagnosis of co-occurring disorders. When assessing the predictive impact of victimization, substance abuse and mental health diagnosis on recidivism this study found support for both gender neutral and gender responsive perspectives.
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Zur genderneutralen Sprache in der deutschen StraßenverkehrsordnungHersel, Elisabeth 11 June 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Am 01.04.2013 ist in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland eine neue Straßenverkehrsordnung (StVO) in Kraft getreten, die Frauen gleichermaßen ansprechen soll wie Männer. Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt die Frage, inwieweit die sprachliche Gleichbehandlung der Geschlechter in der StVO tatsächlich umgesetzt werden konnte. Auf Grundlage einer Online-Befragung wird zudem die öffentliche Einstellung zu den in der StVO primär verwendeten Formen genderneutraler Sprache untersucht.
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Rakhyvelsförpackningar och genus : En studie om könsneutral förpackningsdesign / Razor packaging and gender : A study about gender-neutral packaging designJansson, Oscar, Petersson, Emelie January 2020 (has links)
Rakhyvlar är en produkt som i grunden har samma funktion för både män och kvinnor, men vars förpackning könskodas för att attrahera de olika könskategorierna. Följande studie syftar till att undersöka hur rakhyvelsförpackningar skiljer sig åt beroende på om de riktar sig mot män eller kvinnor. Vidare avser studien att utreda hur en förpackning för rakhyvlar kan utformas för att uppfattas könsneutral. I denna studie definieras könsneutralt som något som inte riktar sig till ett specifikt kön. Studien begränsas till att undersöka förpackningarnas färg, typografi, grafiska element och form. För att besvara syftet har strategierna kartläggning och Design and creation tillämpats. Beträffande kartläggningen användes datainsamlingsmetoderna litteraturstudie och visuell innehållsanalys. Litteraturstudien genomfördes för mer djupgående förståelse om ämnet och utgjorde grundläggande riktlinjer för utformandet av ett eget designförslag. Innehållsanalysen genomfördes för att fastställa hur dagens rakhyvelsförpackningars utformning skiljer sig åt beroende på om de riktar sig till män eller kvinnor. Inom Design and creation användes Sless’ arbetsmodell för utformningen av det egna designförslaget. Två enkätundersökningar genomfördes för att testa och utvärdera designförslaget på målgruppen. Innehållsanalysen konstaterade att det råder en kraftig polarisering vad gäller rakhyvelsförpackningars utformning och uttryck. Slutsatsen fastslog utseendemässiga skillnader beroende på om förpackningarna riktade sig mot kvinnor eller män. Studien besvarar även hur en förpackning för rakhyvlar kan formges för att uppfattas könsneutral. Detta presenteras i form av två designförslag och ett antal riktlinjer för hur en könsneutral rakhyvelsförpackning kan formges. / Razors are a product that basically has the same function for both men and women, but whose packaging is gender coded to attract the different gender categories. The following study aims to investigate how razor packages differ depending on whether they target men or women. Furthermore, the study intends to investigate how a razor package can be designed to be perceived as gender neutral. In this study, gender-neutral is defined as something that does not target a specific gender. The study is limited to examining the color, typography, graphic elements and shape of the packaging. To answer the purpose, a survey and Design and creation have been applied as strategies. A literature study and visual content analysis were used as data collection methods within the survey strategy. The literature study was conducted for a deeper understanding of the topic and provided basic guidelines for designing a own design proposal. The content analysis was conducted to determine how the design of today's razor packages differs depending on whether they are aimed at men or women. Within the strategy Design and creation, Sless' working model was used for designing our own design proposal. Two surveys were conducted to test and evaluate the design proposal of the target group. The content analysis found that there is a strong polarization in the design and expression of razor packages. The conclusion determined differences in appearance depending on whether the packaging was aimed at women or men. The study also provides answers on how a razor package can be designed to be perceived as gender neutral. This is presented as two design proposals and a number of guidelines for how a gender-neutral razor package can be designed.
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Den fysiska förskolemiljön ur ett genusperspektiv : En kvalitativ observations- och intervjustudie om genus i förhållande till den fysiska miljön i några förskolor / The physical preschool environment from a gender perspective : A qualitative observational and interview study on gender in relation to the physical environment in some preschoolsNilsson, Fanny, Johansson, Veronika January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka huruvida den fysiska miljön i utvalda förskolor var könsneutral eller ej, samt om det fanns en genusmedveten planering, eller en eventuell önskan om en könsneutral miljö, vad gäller lekmaterial, inredning och möblering. Kvalitativa intervjuer gjordes med fem förskollärare samt observationer av respektive förskollärares fysiska förskolemiljö. Insamlade data från intervjuer och observationer analyserades med hjälp av Sandra Hardings teori om genus. Resultatet visade på att förskollärarna ej medvetet anlagt ett genusperspektiv vad gäller planeringen och utformningen av deras fysiska miljöer, samt att det förekommer visst könskodat material i majoriteten av de observerade förskolorna. Trots detta påvisade resultatet också att de observerade miljöerna var relativt könsneutrala, då majoriteten av det könskodade materialen var utspridda över förskoleavdelningarnas alla rum. Vidare tycktes det finnas en vilja hos de intervjuade förskollärarna att arbeta med könsneutrala miljöer då samtliga ansåg att detta var viktigt. Resultatet visade vidare att det rådde vissa oklarheter över vilka material och miljöer som egentligen kunde klassas som könskodade och könsneutrala eller ej.
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Bortom ‘den stora mannen’ : En studie om kvinnors föreställning om ledarskapetHenriksson, David, Kumar, Jasmin January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of the essay is based on the idea of masculine and feminine leadership. As well as the criticism of postheroic leadership as gender neutral, and the conflict in whether men's and women's conceptions of leadership differ. This is determined on the basis of the research questions "Do women have a notion of leadership that can be defined as postheroic", "Do women's notion of leadership differentiate from men's notion" and "Do women experience obstacles in their leadership from stereotypical notions of woman". The method used in the essay is a qualitative and quantitative approach. The collection of empirical data was conducted using six semi-structured interviews with respondents who have a managerial role in the private sector. Four of the respondents are women and two are men. In addition, a survey was conducted against the subordinates of the four female respondents to triangulate the leadership of the interviewed women. The thesis theoretical reference frame consists of ‘Heroic leadership’, ‘Postheroic leadership’, ‘Identity and culture’ and ‘Femininity and masculinity’. The result shows that all women in this study seem to have a postheroic notion of leadership in their way to lead. The result also shows that there do not appear to be any differences between men and women's notion of leadership. Instead, it suggests that the context in which leadership is located has a greater impact on the concept of leadership, than gender. The women in this survey do not state any direct obstacles in their leadership from stereotypical notions of the woman. Instead, it appears that it can be an advantage to be a woman in a relationship-oriented leadership.
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The Moderating Effect of Organizational Policies and Procedures in Relation to the Consequences of Sexual Harassment of WomenAranda, Nicole 01 January 2021 (has links)
Sexual harassment is common in the workplace and leads to negative outcomes for individuals and organizations. Previous research has shown that turnover is a negative outcome of sexual harassment. Organizations can implement policies and procedures, but little research exists examining the impact of these policies on employee perceptions and intentions. Thus, the aim of this study is to examine perceived enforcement of organizational policies and procedures as a moderator of the relationship between sexual harassment and turnover intentions. Social exchange theory is used to explain this concept between women from male-dominated professions and gender-balanced professions. Participants were 66 employed females from different industries. A series of regressions and ANOVAs indicated that sexual harassment and turnover intentions had significant results. Future research directions and limitations are discussed.
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“I felt the line was crossed” : Preschool teachers’ experiences of gender teaching in Swedish preschoolsAvramidis, Georgios January 2022 (has links)
The main aim of this paper is to explore preschol teachers' perspectives on the implementation of gender goals as set by the Swedish national curriculum for preschools. This qualitative research endeavours to investigate the way preschool teachers implement the curriculum and what their feelings are when implementing it. Finally, the research also seeks to explore the teachers' views based on their experience on ways to improve the curriculum. Six preschool teachers, who teach in international preschools in Sweden were interviewed;three female pedagogues and three male ones. A thematic analysis was conducted on the transcribed material of the interviews and three primary themes emerged: I) Implementation of the curriculum through everyday engagement with the students, II) mixed feelings when implementing gender-equality pedagogy and III) satisfaction about the gender goals set by the curriculum but beliefs that it can be improved. In conclusion, this paper by closely examining the preschool teachers' perspectives and opinions, seeks to aid the discussion on gender teaching to young children in preschools.
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