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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

How Does The State Promote Informal Employment: The Case Of A Kilim Workshop

Yilmaz, Emek 01 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis argues the interaction between the Turkish state and informal employment. Literature review on informal sector, flexibilization of the labor market and feminist approach are the bases of this argument. On the other hand, the role of the state in economy is discussed in relation to Bretton Woods Institutions. Taking into consideration the state and informal employment arguments, this study illustrates with a study of a Kilim Weaving Workshop in a town of Ankara how informal work is connected with the state institution Public Education Center. For this study, I conducted participant observation and semi-structured interviews with 10 people out of 30 in research area.

Vad det nu hette...Jämställdhet...? : Ett utredningsarbete på en klinik

Stark, Caroline January 2006 (has links)
The aim of this investigation work " What was it called...Equality...? is to study a clinics current gender equailty plan from a gender approach and by a field survey see if, and in that case, how it can be improved. A connection between existing gender norms and gender power strukctures is applied in the results of this survey in order to illustrate their significance from an individual as well as a structural perspektive. The survey has been carried through by a field survey as well as a discourse analysis as method. Yvonne Hirdmans gender power system is on of the main theoretical points of departure. The results that I have achieved in this essay is that gender can be looked at in different ways within the labour market where women have the main responsibility over the family and are considered more nursing then men. Men on the other hand are thinking of their carriers and have higher salary requirements. Gender rolls and their maintanace are the reason of the existing gender segregation on the labour market. The importance of an increased knowledge of how gender is created and recreated within the organisation are necessary to make a difference and that knowledge are important for men as well as for women.

Gyventojų užimtumas Lietuvoje: lyčių lygybės aspektas / Employment in Lithuania: The Aspects of Gender Equality

Šilinskė, Silvija 24 February 2010 (has links)
Šiuo metu pripažįstama, jog lyčių lygybės aspekto integravimas darbo rinkoje yra neatsiejama užimtumo politikos įgyvendinimo dalis. Nepaisant pažangos moterų užimtumo srityje Lietuvoje vis dar egzistuoja lyčių diskriminavimo apraiškos užimtumo srityje, kurios tampa ypač aktualios ekonominio sunkmečio akivaizdoje. Šio magistro darbo tikslas yra atskleisti lyčių lygybės principo įgyvendinimą Lietuvos užimtumo politikoje. Darbą sudaro teorinės studijos, problemos analizė, praktinis tyrimas bei darbo išvados ir siūlomos rekomendacijos. Teorinėje dalyje aptariama užimtumo samprata ir lyčių lygybės principo įgyvendinimo darbo rinkoje svarba. Problemos analizė grindžiama statistiniais duomenimis, kurie atskleidžia nelygias moterų ir vyrų dalyvavimo darbo rinkoje galimybes. Praktinėje dalyje atlikta ekspertų apklausa, siekiant atskleisti lyčių diskriminacijos apraiškas ekonomikos nuosmukio metu. Atliekant teorines gyventojų užimtumo studijas bei atliekant užimtumo analizę lyčių aspektu magistro darbe naudoti bendramoksliniai tyrimo metodai – sisteminė ir lyginamoji mokslinės literatūros, teisinių dokumentų, internetinės informacijos bei statistinių duomenų analizė. Empirinio tyrimo atlikimui pasirinktas ekspertų apklausos metodas. / Despite the substantial progress, there are still significant employment problems related to gender equality facing Lithuania. Gender discrimination in labour market especially is important in presence of economics crisis. Aim of this work is to analyze and to estimate implementation of gender equality in employment policy. The work consists of the following parts: theoretical solutions, problem analysis, research and its results, conclusions and recommendations. The theoretical studies consist of three basic parts: theoretical aspects of employment, analyse of the employment policy implementation in Lithuania and importance of gender equality in labour market. Problem analysis is based on statistical data which help to identify men’s and women’s opportunity to participate in labour market The empirical research is based on the survey. The goal of the research is finding out about gender discrimination in Lithuania labour market nowadays. The last chapter consists of conclusions and recommendations drawn upon the results of theoretical and empirical researches. The methods used in this work are: the systematic and comparative analysis of scientific literature, juridical acts, internet information sources and statistical data. For the empirical part was used qualitative research method – expert interview.

Gendertelling : En kvalitativ studie om hur könsdomineradeföretag kan attrahera arbetsföra av det motsatta könet

Allerborg, Elin, Holmlund, Felicia, Weber Pedersen, Stephanie January 2020 (has links)
Datum: 2020-06-08 Nivå: Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi, 15 hp Institution: Akademin för Ekonomi, Samhälle och Teknik, Mälardalens högskola Författare: Allerborg Elin (96/04/03), Holmlund Felicia (96/12/18), Weber Pedersen Stephanie (95/02/11). Titel: Gendertelling Handledare: Andreas Pajuvirta Nyckelord: Employer Branding, Könsnormer, Könssegregering, Attityder, Extern kommunikation Frågeställning: Vad influerar arbetsföras attityder mot könsdominerade företags externa employer branding? Syfte: Syfte med studien är att könsdominerade företag ska kunna anpassa sin externa employer branding för att öka möjligheten att attrahera det motsatta könet. Detta genom bidragande förståelse kring vad som influerar arbetsföras attityder mot könsdominerade företags externa employers branding. Metod: Studiens undersökning tillämpade en kvalitativ studie. Empiri samlades in genom fokusgrupper som genomfördes utifrån en semistrukturerad                          intervjuguide. Slutsats: Arbetsföra har en positiv attityd till en jämnt könsfördelad arbetsplats. Undersökningen tyder på att könsdominerade företag kan influera arbetsföras attityder positivt genom att anpassa sin externa kommunikation. Detta kan göras genom att anpassa tillämpningen av bild och text då det anses vara viktigt att inkludera både män och kvinnor i den externa kommunikationen, men även vara mer könsneutral i texterna. / Date: 2020-06-08 Level: Bachelor thesis in Business Administration, 15 cr Institution: School of Business, Society and Engineering, Mälardalen University Authors: Allerborg Elin (96/04/03), Holmlund Felicia (96/12/18), Weber Pedersen Stephanie (95/02/11). Title: Gendertelling Tutor:                       Andreas Pajuvirta Keywords: Employer Branding, Gender norms, Gender segregation, Attitudes, External communication Research question: What influences the attitudes of potential employees towards gender-dominated corporations external employer branding? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to gain an understanding of how gender-dominated corporations can adapt their external employer branding to increase the possibility of attracting the opposite gender. This can be done by a contributing understanding regarding what influences the attitudes of potential employees towards gender-dominated corporations externa employer branding. Method: The study applied a qualitative research approach. The empirical data were collected via focus groups based on a semistructured interview guide. Conclusion: Potential employees have a positive attitude toward an equal gender distribution in the workplace. The research suggests that gender dominated corporations can positively influence potential employees by adjusting their external communication. This can be done by the application of pictures and text to include both men and women in the external communication, and also aim for gender neutrality in the written communication.

Att vara kvinna i högskolevärlden : Hur kvinnliga högskolelärare upplever arbetssituation i en mans- respektive kvinnodominerad sektion i högskolevärlden / To be a woman in higher education

Carces, Rose-Marie, Sanida, Aikaterini January 2017 (has links)
I dagens samhälle förekommer könssegregering på arbetsmarknaden, vilket gör att kvinnor och män har skilda yrken. En del yrken betraktas som manliga och andra som kvinnliga. Trots detta väljer en del kvinnor ändå att arbeta inom mansdominerade arbetsplatser. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur kvinnliga högskolelärare upplever arbetssituationen inom en mansdominerad sektion respektive en kvinnodominerad sektion, på en högskola. Vår studie belyser kvinnliga högskolelärares trivsel, vilka hinder och motstånd kvinnliga högskolelärare möter, kvinnliga högskolelärares samarbete med sina manliga kollegor och hur de hanterar dessa omständigheter, inom båda sektionerna. Studien bygger främst på två teorier, nämligen organisations- och genusteori. Studien utgår ifrån en hermeneutisk analys, och kvalitativa intervjuer med fem kvinnliga högskolelärare från den kvinnodominerade sektionen och fem kvinnliga högskolelärare från den mansdominerade sektionen. Studiens resultat visar att kvinnligare högskolelärare från båda sektionerna upplever bra bemötande och trivsel på arbetsplatsen, men att det i större utsträckning förekommer hinder och motstånd såsom att klättra upp i organisationens hierarki, makt och negativa kommentarer från manliga arbetskollegor, inom den mansdominerade sektionen. Detta gör att ojämställdhet kvarstår främst inom den mansdominerade sektionen. Att ständigt diskutera jämställdhetsfrågor är väldigt viktigt för att dessa könsrelaterade problem ska minska. / In today's society there is gender segregation in the labor market, which means that women and men have different professions. Some occupations are regarding as male and others as female. Despite this, some women choose working in male-dominated workplaces. The study aims to examine how female university teachers experience the work situation in a male- dominated section and in a female-dominated section at a college. Our study illustrates female university teachers’ well-being, what obstacles and hardships female university teachers face, female university teachers’ cooperation with their male colleagues and how they handle these circumstances, in both sections. The study is based on two theories, namely organizational perspective and gender theoretical perspectives. The study is based on a hermeneutic analysis, and interviews with five female university teachers from the female-dominated section and five female university teachers from the male-dominated section. The study’s results shows that women from both sections experienced good attitude and satisfaction at the workplace, but there are larger extent obstacles and resistance as to climb up in the organizational hierarchy,  power  and  negative  comments  from  male  colleagues,  in  the  male-dominated section. This means that the gender inequality remains mainly in the male-dominated section. To constantly discuss gender issues is very important so that these gender issues will be reduced.

I förskolan: ”Vad roligt att det är en man som jobbar här” / In preschool: ”How fun that a man works here”

Petterson, Amanda, Zairovic, Eleonora January 2017 (has links)
Studien handlar om den könssegregerade arbetsmarknaden i förskolan i Borås stad, närmare bestämt bristen på manliga förskollärare. Tidigare forskningar har visat att diskussionen om att få män arbetar i förskolan har pågått under en lång tid men ännu har det inte skett några större förändringar. Det har bland annat visat att yrket ses som typiskt kvinnligt och att yrket behöver mer uppmärksamhet för att locka män. Problemen som denna könssegregering kan skapa är ekonomiska, både privata och för samhället, samt att barnen i förskolan inte får träffa kvinnor och män. Syftet med studien är att ta reda på hur Borås stad arbetar för att minska könssegregeringen inom förskolan och varför vissa män väljer att bli förskollärare. Information och material till studien har samlats in genom kvalitativa, semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studiens resultat visar att de manliga förskollärarna anser att yrket fortfarande ses som typiskt kvinnligt och att det är en anledning till könssegregeringen. Förskollärarna berättar dock att de känner sig välkomna och uppskattade av sina kollegor samt av barnens föräldrar. Debatten om sexuella övergrepp på förskolor ses även ett problem för att kunna förändra situationen. Intervjupersonerna anser att yrket behöver marknadsföras mer och att det behöver introduceras tidigare i grundskolan eller på gymnasiet. Vidare visar resultatet att synen på att alla män i förskolan är pedofiler behöver förändras för att få fler män till förskolan i framtiden. Vårt resultat visade även att Borås stad inte arbetar med någon specifik strategi för att få fler män till förskolan. För att manliga förskollärare ska bli allmänt accepterade behöver uppfattningen och synen på yrket förändras till att män som arbetar i förskolan är lika accepterade som kvinnor / This study examines the gender segregation among preschool teachers in Borås stad. Earlier research shows that the discussion about male pre-school teacher has been going on for several years but there is still no big development in the issue. The profession is still regarded as typical “women's work” and that the pre-school teacher profession need more highlighting to get attention among men. The gender segregation in the labour market can cause economic problems. Also the children only get to meet women during their time in preschool. The purpose of this study is to investigate how Borås stad work to reduce the gender segregation in preschools and to discover why some men choses to become preschool teachers. The material and information used in this study has been gathered through qualitative, semi structured interviews. The result of the study shows that the interviewed male preschool teachers think that the reason for the issue is that the profession is still considered to typical work for females. However the preschool teachers feel welcomed and appreciated by their colleagues and the parents of the children. Another contributing reason to the problem is the ongoing debate about sexual abuse in preschools. Also advertisement for the profession is lacking and seen as another reason for the problem according to the results. Furthermore, the result shows the perception that all male preschool teachers are pedofiles is need to change in order to get more males working in preschool in the future. The result also shows the Borås stad does not have a clear strategy to get more men to work in preschools. The appreciation of the profession needs to change in order for men to be fully accepted as preschool teachers by society.

Rodina a škola jako socializační činitelé reprodukující genderové stereotypy v souvislosti s genderovou segregací na trhu práce / Family and school as the agents of socialization reproducing gender stereotypes in connection with gender segregation at the labour market

Hokeová, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
In the diploma thesis we ask the question whether the important agents of socialization family and school reproduce gender stereotypes which associate women with the role of a carer about family and household and men with the role of a breadwinner and with the orientation to the field of technology. We focus on whether family and school reproduce these stereotypes in connection with the definition of a career and in relation to horizontal and vertical segregation at the labour market. The reproduction of gender stereotypes viewing women as carer about family and household and men as breadwinners and the reproduction of gender stereotype connecting rather men than women with technical orientation are conjoined with gender scheme theory of Sandra Bem and with Pierre Bourdieu's concept of habitus. The diploma thesis aims at the Czech society, mainly in the period from 2001 to 2011. To answer the question we ask in the diploma thesis we draw on literature, on quantitative and qualitative research dealing with the themes we are concerned with, on statistics of Czech Statistical Office, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Institute for Information on Education, and on selected data from international longitudinal research International Social Survey Programme...

Determinants of gender-specific wages in Germany

Heinze, Anja 04 June 2009 (has links)
Diese Arbeit besteht aus empirischen und methodischen Beiträgen zur Literatur über den deutschen Lohnunterschied zwischen Männern und Frauen. Bisher war es aus Mangel an geeigneten Daten nicht möglich, den potentiellen Einfluss von Arbeitgebern bzw. Firmen auf diesen Lohnunterschied zu untersuchen. Auf der Basis neuer Linked Employer-Employee Daten wird dies in drei empirischen Studien untersucht. Die erste Studie wendet sich dem innerbetrieblichen Lohnunterschied zu. Dabei zeigt sich, dass dieser stark über die Firmen schwankt. Demnach weisen Unternehmen mit einem Betriebsrat und solche, die Tarifverträge anwenden, geringere Lohnunterschiede auf. Firmen, die einem starken Wettbewerbsdruck ausgesetzt sind, nehmen weniger Entlohnungsunterschiede zwischen den Geschlechtern vor. In der zweiten Studie steht die Frage, wie viel des beobachteten Lohnunterschieds durch verschiedene individuelle Merkmale und wie viel durch die Selektion in unterschiedliche Betriebe erklärt werden kann, im Mittelpunkt. Dazu wird eine Zerlegung in vier Komponenten mit einem Verfahren von Machado und Mata (2005) über die ganze Lohnverteilung vorgenommen. Die Analyse zeigt, dass der Lohnunterschied am unteren Rand der Lohnverteilung am höchsten ist. Dies ist auf die Segregation von Frauen in weniger erfolgreiche und produktive Firmen zurückzuführen. Dagegen haben Unterschiede in der Humankapitalausstattung nur einen geringen Einfluss. In der dritten Studie wird die Beziehung zwischen dem Frauenanteil in Unternehmen und dem Lohn untersucht. Ein hoher Frauenanteil innerhalb von Unternehmen könnte eine für Frauen attraktive Arbeitsumgebung, geringe Qualifikationsanforderungen von Seiten der Arbeitgeber oder weniger Diskriminierung gegenüber Frauen widerspiegeln. Die Analyse zeigt, dass auch bei sukzessiver Berücksichtigung von individuellen und Firmenmerkmalen, der Frauenanteil einen negativen Einfluss auf den Lohn hat. Insbesondere eine attraktive Arbeitsumgebung führt zu einem geringen Lohn in frauendominierten Firmen. / This thesis consists of empirical and methodological contributions to the literature on the German gender wage gap. Due to a lack of appropriate data, previous studies have been unable to document the potential impact of employers and establishments on the gender wage gap. We investigate these issues using a newly available Linked Employer-Employee Dataset. The first study pays attention to the gender wage gap within establishments. We find that the gender wage gap varies tremendously across establishments. Establishments with work councils and those covered by collective wage agreements are found to have a smaller wage gap. Furthermore, establishments operating under strong product market competition behave in a more egalitarian way. In the second study, the key issue is to disentangle gender differences in human capital endowment and the segregation of men and women in different types of establishments as sources of wage inequality. Using an approach of Machado and Mata (2005), we apply a decomposition method extended to four terms across the entire wage distribution. The analysis shows that the gap is highest in the lower part of the wage distribution. This is largely explained by segregation of women into less successful and productive firms. Gender differences in the human capital endowment have a lesser impact upon the gap. The third study comprises an investigation of the relationship between the share of women in establishments and the wages of both sexes. For this correlation, hypotheses are formulated as to what a high proportion of women in an establishment can indicate: attractive working conditions for women, lower qualification requirements or less discrimination against women. The results show, that even when including worker and establishment covariates, a higher share of female employees reduces wages for both males and females. In particular, attractive working conditions lead to lower wages in female dominated establishments.

En arena för alla? : En studie om normbrytare på Stockholms stads idrottsplatser

Haraldson, Kajsa January 2010 (has links)
<p>In Stockholm there are currently five women, out of a total of 102 employees, working in public sports arenas. In sports arenas men are numerically superior amongst the workers as well as the visitors. These arenas are in many ways male dominated, masculinized environments. In this essay I investigate the reasons behind the uneven distribution, in terms of gender, among sports arena workers. I do this by interviewing seven female sports arena workers (the five current and two former), and by observing their workplaces. Through discourse analysis of their narratives, I seek to use these women’s experiences, as being part of a minority, as a way to render sports arenas more available for a larger public. In the study I have a feminist, post-structural standpoint, and I relate my results to theories on gender and organization as well as research on gender and sports. From a doing gender perspective<em> </em>I focus on how the women that I have interviewed talk about themselves, their workplaces and their choices of profession, as well as how they talk about gender and gender equality.</p><p>The aim of this study is to present these women’s perspectives on sports arenas as organizations, and to draw links between these particular workplaces and larger social discursive patterns. Another aim with the study is to problematize the very effort to achieve (numerical) equality between the sexes, and to uncover underlying biases. Except for gender biases I also consider intersections between gender and age, social class and sexuality. One of my main findings is that there are quite specific discourses surrounding this profession, reproducing it as masculine. An equalization of the distribution in terms of gender among the employees is not necessarily the entire solution to the inequality problem. A more qualitative effort is needed, for instance a redistribution of power resources within the organization. In the essay I present a list of concrete proposals on how to diversify the personnel in the future, based on the interviews. The main goal with this work is to destabilize the gender based gap in the Swedish labor market, and to increase the availability to all spheres in society, for everyone, on equal terms.</p>

En arena för alla? : En studie om normbrytare på Stockholms stads idrottsplatser

Haraldson, Kajsa January 2010 (has links)
In Stockholm there are currently five women, out of a total of 102 employees, working in public sports arenas. In sports arenas men are numerically superior amongst the workers as well as the visitors. These arenas are in many ways male dominated, masculinized environments. In this essay I investigate the reasons behind the uneven distribution, in terms of gender, among sports arena workers. I do this by interviewing seven female sports arena workers (the five current and two former), and by observing their workplaces. Through discourse analysis of their narratives, I seek to use these women’s experiences, as being part of a minority, as a way to render sports arenas more available for a larger public. In the study I have a feminist, post-structural standpoint, and I relate my results to theories on gender and organization as well as research on gender and sports. From a doing gender perspective I focus on how the women that I have interviewed talk about themselves, their workplaces and their choices of profession, as well as how they talk about gender and gender equality. The aim of this study is to present these women’s perspectives on sports arenas as organizations, and to draw links between these particular workplaces and larger social discursive patterns. Another aim with the study is to problematize the very effort to achieve (numerical) equality between the sexes, and to uncover underlying biases. Except for gender biases I also consider intersections between gender and age, social class and sexuality. One of my main findings is that there are quite specific discourses surrounding this profession, reproducing it as masculine. An equalization of the distribution in terms of gender among the employees is not necessarily the entire solution to the inequality problem. A more qualitative effort is needed, for instance a redistribution of power resources within the organization. In the essay I present a list of concrete proposals on how to diversify the personnel in the future, based on the interviews. The main goal with this work is to destabilize the gender based gap in the Swedish labor market, and to increase the availability to all spheres in society, for everyone, on equal terms.

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