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Tackling Occupational Segregation Via Female Managers but not Male Nurses? / Analyzing Men’s and Women’s Entries Into, Exits From, and Experiences in Gender-Atypical OccupationsHamjediers, Maik 06 January 2025 (has links)
Negative Folgen daraus, dass Frauen und Männer in unterschiedlichen Berufen arbeiten, machen die Reduktion beruflicher Segregation zu einem wichtigen politischen Ziel. Die Forschung konzentriert sich jedoch primär auf Erklärungen der Segregation, während Strategien zur Desegregation von geschlechtsuntypischen Berufen weniger Beachtung finden. Des Weiteren wird berufliche Desegregation in der Öffentlichkeit und Wissenschaft vorwiegend als Vorteil für Frauen wahrgenommen, während die Abneigung von Männern, in geschlechtsuntypischen Berufen zu arbeiten, oft vernachlässigt wird. Diese kumulative Dissertation widmet sich dem Desegregationspotenzial geschlechtsuntypischer Berufe für Frauen und Männer. Die erste Studie untersucht anhand des deutschen Zivildienstes, wie geschlechtsuntypische Lernerfahrungen den Einstieg von Männern in geschlechtsuntypische Berufe fördern können. Die zweite Studie beschreibt, wie Männer und Frauen durch unterschiedliche Mechanismen aus geschlechtsuntypischen Berufen und Unternehmen, in denen das eigene Geschlecht in der Minderheit ist, verdrängt werden. Die dritte Studie untersucht den Zusammenhang zwischen der Selektion in geschlechtsuntypische Berufe und den Erfahrungen in diesen. Sie zeigt, dass sich stressresistente Personen eher in diese Berufe hineinselektieren, was sie jedoch nicht vor mentalen Gesundheitsrisiken in geschlechtsuntypischen Berufen schützt. Die Studien zeichnen die Dynamiken geschlechtsuntypischer Berufe anhand von Ein- und Austritten sowie der fehlenden Interdependenz zwischen Selektion und Erfahrungen nach. Die nach Geschlecht getrennten Analysen verdeutlichen, dass geschlechtsuntypische Berufe mit geschlechtsspezifischen Hindernissen einhergehen. Die ergänzende Betrachtung von Männern zur auf Frauen fokussierten Forschung trägt nicht nur Strategien zur Desegregation frauendominierter Berufe bei, sondern zum Verständnis geschlechtsspezifischer Hindernisse und Potenziale bezüglich beruflicher Desegregation. / Negative consequences arising from women and men working in different occupations render addressing occupational segregation a significant policy goal. However, most research focuses on explaining segregation; strategies to foster entries and persistence in occupations dominated by the other gender receive less attention. Furthermore, occupational integration is often viewed as beneficial for women's economic advancement. The reluctance of men to work in gender-atypical occupations, on the other hand, plays a subordinate role. In response, this cumulative dissertation hones in on the integrating potential of gender-atypical occupations for women as well as men. The first study highlights a policy potential of increasing men's entry into gender-atypical occupations based on evidence from gender-atypical learning experiences in the civilian service in Germany. The second study compares the exit from gender-atypical occupations with the exit from firms in which one's own gender is in the minority and shows that exits from gender-atypical occupations operate along gender-specific mechanisms. The third study explores the relationship between the selection into gender-atypical occupations and the experiences within them, showing that stress-resilient individuals are more likely to select into them, yet, this does protect them against negative mental health consequences of gender-atypical occupations. These studies trace the dynamics of gender-atypical occupations through entries, exits, and the interdependence between selection and experiences. The analyses reveal that each gender faces distinct obstacles when entering and working in gender-atypical occupations. Thus, complementing efforts focused on women with similar attention to men not only informs strategies for integrating female-dominated occupations but also provides a more nuanced understanding of gender-specific barriers and potentials for occupational integration.
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Determinants of gender-specific wages in Germany / new evidence from linked employer-employee dataHeinze, Anja 04 June 2009 (has links)
Diese Arbeit besteht aus empirischen und methodischen Beiträgen zur Literatur über den deutschen Lohnunterschied zwischen Männern und Frauen. Bisher war es aus Mangel an geeigneten Daten nicht möglich, den potentiellen Einfluss von Arbeitgebern bzw. Firmen auf diesen Lohnunterschied zu untersuchen. Auf der Basis neuer Linked Employer-Employee Daten wird dies in drei empirischen Studien untersucht. Die erste Studie wendet sich dem innerbetrieblichen Lohnunterschied zu. Dabei zeigt sich, dass dieser stark über die Firmen schwankt. Demnach weisen Unternehmen mit einem Betriebsrat und solche, die Tarifverträge anwenden, geringere Lohnunterschiede auf. Firmen, die einem starken Wettbewerbsdruck ausgesetzt sind, nehmen weniger Entlohnungsunterschiede zwischen den Geschlechtern vor. In der zweiten Studie steht die Frage, wie viel des beobachteten Lohnunterschieds durch verschiedene individuelle Merkmale und wie viel durch die Selektion in unterschiedliche Betriebe erklärt werden kann, im Mittelpunkt. Dazu wird eine Zerlegung in vier Komponenten mit einem Verfahren von Machado und Mata (2005) über die ganze Lohnverteilung vorgenommen. Die Analyse zeigt, dass der Lohnunterschied am unteren Rand der Lohnverteilung am höchsten ist. Dies ist auf die Segregation von Frauen in weniger erfolgreiche und produktive Firmen zurückzuführen. Dagegen haben Unterschiede in der Humankapitalausstattung nur einen geringen Einfluss. In der dritten Studie wird die Beziehung zwischen dem Frauenanteil in Unternehmen und dem Lohn untersucht. Ein hoher Frauenanteil innerhalb von Unternehmen könnte eine für Frauen attraktive Arbeitsumgebung, geringe Qualifikationsanforderungen von Seiten der Arbeitgeber oder weniger Diskriminierung gegenüber Frauen widerspiegeln. Die Analyse zeigt, dass auch bei sukzessiver Berücksichtigung von individuellen und Firmenmerkmalen, der Frauenanteil einen negativen Einfluss auf den Lohn hat. Insbesondere eine attraktive Arbeitsumgebung führt zu einem geringen Lohn in frauendominierten Firmen. / This thesis consists of empirical and methodological contributions to the literature on the German gender wage gap. Due to a lack of appropriate data, previous studies have been unable to document the potential impact of employers and establishments on the gender wage gap. We investigate these issues using a newly available Linked Employer-Employee Dataset. The first study pays attention to the gender wage gap within establishments. We find that the gender wage gap varies tremendously across establishments. Establishments with work councils and those covered by collective wage agreements are found to have a smaller wage gap. Furthermore, establishments operating under strong product market competition behave in a more egalitarian way. In the second study, the key issue is to disentangle gender differences in human capital endowment and the segregation of men and women in different types of establishments as sources of wage inequality. Using an approach of Machado and Mata (2005), we apply a decomposition method extended to four terms across the entire wage distribution. The analysis shows that the gap is highest in the lower part of the wage distribution. This is largely explained by segregation of women into less successful and productive firms. Gender differences in the human capital endowment have a lesser impact upon the gap. The third study comprises an investigation of the relationship between the share of women in establishments and the wages of both sexes. For this correlation, hypotheses are formulated as to what a high proportion of women in an establishment can indicate: attractive working conditions for women, lower qualification requirements or less discrimination against women. The results show, that even when including worker and establishment covariates, a higher share of female employees reduces wages for both males and females. In particular, attractive working conditions lead to lower wages in female dominated establishments.
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Případová studie nástrojů prosazování rovných příležitostí žen a mužů ve společnosti RWE CZ / Case study of measures promoting gender equality in RWE CZ companyŽahourková, Zlata January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is a case study of measures promoting gender equality in RWE CZ company. Dissertation introduces Czech labor market reflecting the existence gender inequalities and defines their impact. Summarizes Czech institutional and legislative measures promoting gender equality on the national level. Empirical part focuses on the critical analyses of chosen measures from the gender perspective and suggests measures that could increase efficiency of current approaches adapted by RWE CZ company.
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Unisex is the new black : En kvantitativ studie i hur genusmedvetna konsumenters attityder kan gynna utformandet av fysiska servicelandskap / Unisex Is the New Black : A quantitative study in how attitudes of gender-conscious consumers can support the forming of physical servicescapesDahlbo, Evelina, Rehnberg, Edith January 2019 (has links)
Sammanfattning Studiens syfte är att identifiera kundattityder bland genusmedvetna millennials i avsikt att fastställa hur fysiska servicelandskap med unisexkoncept bör utformas. Utifrån denna information formuleras rekommendationer samt tillhörande modell för företag som ämnar integrera det könsneutrala konceptet i sin butiksprofilering. Studien kommer att behandla teorier utifrån kön, genus och unisex, begreppet konsumentbeteende med fokus på attityder, samt fysiska servicelandskap. Studiens metod är av kvantitativ karaktär och det empiriska materialet utgörs av en enkätundersökning med deskriptiv analys. Totalt inkom 312 svar från undersökningens respondenter varav 259 svar ansågs relevanta för studiens ändamål baserat på det etablerade åldersspannet för millennials, vilket i denna studie är konsumenter födda 1980-2000. Valet av millennials som undersökningsobjekt är grundat i att tidigare undersökningar har funnit att millennials är en genusmedveten kundgrupp, vilket innebär att de ställer sig kritiska till den traditionella och stereotypa könssegregeringen. Denna studie kan verka som praktisk grund för företag samt teoretisk grund för forskare till fortsatta studier då den genomgångna teorin samt empiriska datan indikerar på att kundsegmentet genusmedvetna millennials har ett intresse för en bredare implementering av unisexkoncept hos företag i klädbranschen. Studien bidrar med underlag till ett ämne väl värt vidare forskning då flertalet tendenser tyder på en förändring i antågande, där millennials är en betydande del av denna strukturförändring i samhället. För att inte förlora framtidens kunder behöver företag skapa sig en förståelse för unisexkonceptets kärna och inse att det inte handlar om att begränsa, utan att öppna upp design. Att göra allt tillåtet för alla. / Summary The purpose of this study is to identify customer attitudes among gender conscious Millennials to establish how physical service landscapes with a gender-neutral concept should be customized. Based on this information recommendations are formulated, accompanied by a model for businesses who intend to integrate a gender-neutral concept with their business profiles. This study will present theories regarding sex, gender and the gender-neutral concept, the consumer behaviour concept with a main focus on attitudes, as well as the physical servicescape. The methodology used in this study is of a quantitative character and the empirical material constitutes of a survey with a descriptive analysis. A total of 312 answers were submitted by the respondents of which 259 answers were relevant for the purpose of the study based on the established age range for Millennials; which in this study is consumers born 1980-2000. The choice of Millennials as the object of interest is based on previous research which has found that Millennials are a gender-sensitive generation, which means that they have a critical view on traditional and stereotypical gender segregation. This study can act as a physical base for companies and a theoretical base for researchers to further study the subject since the theory and empirical data indicates that the customer segment gender conscious Millennials have an interest of further implementation of the gender-neutral concept in companies in the clothing business. This study contributes with a foundation to a subject well worth further research since a multitude of tendencies indicates that a change is coming, where Millennials are a significant part of this structural change in society. So as not to lose the future customers, companies need to create an understanding for the core of the gender-neutral concept and realize that it’s not about limiting, but to open up design. To make everything allowed for everyone.
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Bortom "att göra pojkar till män" : – En diskursiv studie om jämställdhetsarbetet i Försvarsmakten med fokus på kvinnor i det militära / Beyond ”making boys into men” : – A discursive study of the gender equality work in the Swedish armed forces with a focus on women in the militaryBeroun, Rebecca January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem: Sedan lång tid tillbaka har det ansetts att lumpen är något av det manligaste som kan göras, för det är då ”pojkar blir till män”, och det har funnits en föreställning om att kvinnor inte hör hemma i den militära sfären. Detta med anledning att kvinnor setts som fysiskt svagare och i behov av skydd från män, vilket har medfört ett hinder för kvinnor att positionera sig i det militära. Försvarsmakten är ett av Sveriges sista manliga yrkesmonopol som avsattes först år 1989 och det har ställts många krav på kvinnor för att de skall kunna etablera sig i myndigheten. Historiskt upplevdes Försvarsmakten ha en ”grisig” jargong, kvinnor ansåg sig bli illa behandlade av befäl och sexism var något som tycktes ”sitta i väggarna”. Sverige är ett av de länder i världen som har högst andel kvinnor i arbetslivet. Trots detta har Sverige en av de mest könssegregerade arbetsmarknader i världen. Försvarsmakten arbetar idag med jämställdhet i form av handlingsplaner för jämställdhetsintegrering och mål för att uppnå en jämnare könsfördelning men det är endast 17 procent av de anställda som är kvinnor, vilket gör Försvarsmakten till en av Sveriges mest könssegregerade arbetsplatser. Syfte och metod: Syftet med föreliggande studie var att medvetandegöra samt öka förståelsen för hur socialt konstruerade könsnormer upplevs påverkar kvinnors möjligheter att arbeta i, utveckla sin karriär och stanna kvar i mansdominerade organisationer, i detta fall Försvarsmakten. Nio semistrukturerade djupintervjuer genomfördes på Trängregementet där respondenterna bestod av både kvinnor och män som är officerare. Utöver intervjuerna har även flertalet olika dokument granskats som primärt underlag för den diskursanalys som utfördes i studien samt att dokumentationen och empirin verkade som supplement till varandra. De diskursanalytiska metoderna som använts var delar av diskurspsykologi och Bacchias WPR-ansats. Intervjuerna och de granskade dokumenten utgör även studiens triangulering i syfte att erhålla ett bredare perspektiv och därmed gavs möjligheten till en djupare, mer träffsäker och fullständig bild av Försvarsmaktens jämställdhetsarbete. Resultat och slutsatser: Utifrån den diskursanalys som gjordes gick det att finna att Försvarsmakten ser på individen som problemet snarare än att det är organisationen som behöver åtgärdas samt att det även är individen som skall utgöra eller skapa lösningen. Kvinnor har formellt sett goda möjligheter till att göra karriär i Försvarsmakten. Karriärutveckling upplevs däremot som allt för snabb så att relevanta kunskaper och erfarenheter inte erhålls i den mån som upplevs behövas. Kvinnor har dessutom utmaningar med sin identitetsutveckling där de slits mellan att inte vara för ”kvinnliga” men inte heller för ”manliga”. Därmed upplever kvinnor att de inte når upp till de förväntningar som sätts på dem eller så väljer de att anta en mer ”maskulin” form för att försöka anpassa sig till normen. Stereotyper och jargong påverkar således kvinnor ur en negativ aspekt i deras arbete. / Background and problem: For a long time, it has been considered that the military service is one of the manliest things that can be done, because that is when "boys become men", and there has been a notion that women do not belong in the military sphere. This is because women were physically weaker and in need of protection from men, which has led to a barrier for women from positioning themselves in the military. The Swedish armed forces are one of Sweden's last male occupational monopolies and was first set aside 1989 and many demands have been made for women to be able to establish themselves in the authority. Historically, the armed forces were perceived to have a "grubby" jargon, women felt they were badly treated by command and sexism was something that seemed to be deeply rooted. Sweden is one of the countries in the world with the highest proportion of women in working life. Despite this, Sweden has one of the most gender-based segregation of the labor market in the world. The Swedish armed forces are currently working on gender equality in the form of action plans for gender mainstreaming and targets for achieving a more balanced gender balance. But only 17 percent of their employees are women, which makes the armed forces one of Sweden's most gender segregated workplaces. Purpose and method: The purpose of this study was to raise awareness and increase understanding of how socially constructed gender norms are perceived affecting women's opportunities to work, develop their careers and remain in male-dominated organizations, in this case the Swedish armed forces. Nine semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted at Trängregementet where the respondents consisted of both women and men who are officers. In addition to the interviews, several different documents have been examined as the primary basis for the discourse analysis that was carried out in the study. The reviewed documentation and the interviews also appeared as a supplement to each other. The discourse analytical methods used were parts of discourse psychology and Bacchias WPR approach. The interviews and the reviewed documents also form the triangulation of the study in order to obtain a broader perspective and thus the possibility of a deeper, more accurate and complete picture of the armed forces gender equality work. Results and conclusions: Based on the discourse analysis that was done, it was to be found that the armed forces see the individual as the problem rather than that the organization needs to be addressed. The individual should also form or create the solution. Women have formally good opportunities to make careers in the armed forces. Career development, however, is perceived as too fast so that relevant knowledge and experiences are not obtained to the extent that is felt needed. In addition, women have challenges with their identity development where they are torn between not being too "feminine" but also not to "masculine". Therefore, they feel absence of achieving the expectations that are put on them or they choose to adopt a more "masculine" forms to adapt to the norm. Stereotypes and jargon thus affect women from a negative aspect of their work.
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高等教育中的性別隔離與女性就業 / Gender segregation in higher education and maternal employment陳曉穎, Chen, Hsiao-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要在探討臺灣地區經濟發展'職業結構及家庭結構變遷過程中,女性高等教育參與之變化. 利用政府之調查統計資料分析:1.經濟發展'職業結構變遷'家庭結構變遷與高等教育參與之關係.2.高等教育中性別隔離狀況及其變動趨勢.3.女性就業之行職業集中狀況.並藉由文獻及性別隔離狀況變動之分析探討影響臺灣地區高等教育性別隔離之原因.
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Skoldemokratins fördolda jämställdhetsproblem : Eleverfarenheter i en könssegregerad gymnasieskola / The hidden gender equality problem of school democracy : Student experiences in a gender segregated upper secondary schoolJormfeldt, Johanna January 2011 (has links)
The general question in this dissertation is whether the democracy of schools is carried out in a gender equal manner in Sweden’s gender segregated upper secondary school. Students’ experiences of school democracy are measured using the dimensions of influence, discussion and legal rights. Three different explanatory factors are considered: the significance of gender, gender context and the character of the school programmes for these experiences. The study is based on student responses to a poll conducted in the top form classes of Kronoberg County’s upper secondary schools during the school year 2008/2009. The results of a series of regression analyses show that neither gender, gender context or programme character alone had an affect on experiences of school democracy. However, the more males present in a teaching environment, the poorer the experiences of influence and discussion are when all of the three explanatory factors are controlled for. In addition, the school programmes having male-coded character content particularly stand out favourably regarding school democracy. The number of males is usually high in such programmes and therefore the negative effects of male representation cancel out the positive effects of programme affiliation unless an explicit division is made of both of these aspects. Thus, keeping gender context and programme character separate is very important with studies of school democracy, since significant effects otherwise remain hidden. The study demonstrates that school democracy is important for students. Those students who have good experiences of school democracy perceive the school environment as significantly better than those who have poor experiences of school democracy. Concerning secondary effects, it appears that experiences of school democracy have different implications for learning among female and male students. There is a negative relationship between male experiences of influence and their grades in Swedish and Maths, while female experiences of discussion seem to show a positive covariance with grades. There is no relationship found in the data between students’ daily experiences of school democracy and their thoughts on voting in the upcoming parliamentary election.
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Den raka och den krokiga vägen : om genus, ingenjörer och teknikkarriärer / Straight roads and winding roads : on gender, engineers, and technology careersHolth, Line January 2015 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this doctoral thesis is to shed light on, explain, and problematize women’s and men’s paths both to and within the profession of engineer. Computer and mechanical engineers are in focus and the overarching issues that this thesis attempts to answer are: How can women’s and men’s paths to the profession of engineer be explained and what has governed/motivated their choice of education? How do women’s and men’s career patterns look in professional life, and how can these patterns be explained? This study is based on a social-constructivistic approach, entailing a focus on how choices of education and profession have been negotiated through social and cultural practices, norms, and values. The thesis combines work science research with research into the gender and technology fields. In particular, the relationships between gender, technology, and labour market gender segregation are of key importance in this thesis. The four part studies of the thesis are based on three qualitative studies and on one quantitative study. The qualitative studies consist of interview surveys with a total of 24 computer and mechanical engineers and 22 IT consultants. The quantitative survey is an exhaustive survey of 3,662 working IT engineers. My studies show that the career patterns of women and men in the profession of engineer differ. Men’s paths both to and within the profession tend to be “straight” while women’s are often “winding”. The thesis shows that historically established, often stereotypical, conceptions of gender contribute towards recreating these different paths for women and men. At the same time, tendencies towards change are indicated. This is made visible through a gradually changing view of both father- and parenthood, which in and of itself is creating new prerequisites for women and men in working life. In concluding, the thesis proposes a new term, technology career, as an analytical tool for continued studies of gender segregation in technology and engineering professions. The aim in using this term is to capture the social complexity and cultural dynamic as regards how technology and gender are co-produced. / ”Jag har ju en yngre bror som har stöttat mig i det här. Han har ju samma utbildning som jag men han valde ju rätt med en gång [ ] han gick mera den raka vägen än min krokiga.” Såhär säger Kristina om sin väg till ingenjörsutbildningen och till ingenjörsyrket. Till skillnad från hennes yngre bror var hennes väg ”krokig”, medan hans var ”rak”. Denna avhandling tar sig an den könssegregering i ingenjörsutbildningar och i ingenjörsyrket som Kristinas berättelse återspeglar. I fokus står data- och maskingenjörer. Detta är två av de mest könssegregerade ingenjörsgrenarna, och betraktas ofta som ”mansyrken”. Genom såväl kvalitativa intervjuer med ingenjörer och en kvantitativ totalundersökning av över 3000 ingenjörers karriärmönster, undersöker avhandlingen vilka tecken på förändring som syns i ingenjörsyrkets könssegregering. Vilka är hindren för kvinnor att ta plats inom yrket, och vilka möjligheter finns? Line Holth är forskare i arbetsvetenskap och verksam vid Handelshögskolan och Centrum för genusforskning vid Karlstads universitet. Detta är hennes doktorsavhandling.
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The lived experience of women veterans of the Canadian ForcesBuydens, Sarah Louise 28 August 2009 (has links)
Research was conducted using hermeneutic-phenomenology and semi-structure interviews to explore and understand the lived experience of women veterans of the Canadian Forces. Women recently entered Canadian military combat positions, taking on a profession historically exclusively occupied by men. Due to the lack of research on women veterans of the Canadian Forces, knowledge was drawn from research about women in nontraditional work, American paramilitary and military occupations, as well as an historical review of women’s involvement in the Canadian Forces, to provide context to the research themes. Participants comprised of 6 women veterans who described 11 essential and 4 significant themes. Unique contributions to literature include essential themes such as, Slut or a lesbian, take your pick, Proving I’m good enough, Trying to be treated better, Got some support, Visible and singled out, Perpetual outsider, Given gender based tasks or opportunities, and Women demeaned. Suggestions for future studies and implications for counselling practice are discussed.
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Sociálně etické aspekty feminismu v České republice / Social Ethical Aspects of Feminism in Czech RepublicMÍČKOVÁ LIŠKOVÁ, Kateřina January 2009 (has links)
The thesis deals with the history of feminism both in the world and in the Czech Republic, its trends and waves. Some distinguished male and female feminism representatives whose works and opinions have influenced the development of feminist ideology are introduced. It also gives a survey of permeation as well as influence of feminism and gender on certain areas of private and social life in the European Union and in the Czech Republic. In the thesis legitimacy or illegitimacy of feminist demands and possibilities to meet those demands are discussed. The terms such as equality, discrimination, agenda on equality between men and women and family politics are mentioned, because they refer to areas of a prominent concern of feminism.
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