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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'intérêt d'assurance comme élément constitutif de la déclaration initiale de risque en assurance de dommages

Senécal, Nathalie 06 1900 (has links)
"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de maîtrise en droit (LL.M.)" / La question à laquelle ce travail tente de répondre est la suivante: l'intérêt d'assurance doit-il être considéré comme un élément constitutif de la déclaration initiale du risque en assurance de dommages? Notre hypothèse de travail dans ce contexte est que l'intérêt doit être déclaré dans la mesure où il constitue un risque moral. Afin de soutenir notre argumentation, nous avons divisé notre étude en deux parties. Premièrement, nous avons examiné toutes les facettes de l'intérêt d'assurance. Tout d'abord son historique, ensuite sa définition et enfin l'interprétation qu'en ont donnée les tribunaux au fil des ans. Puis, nous avons fait de même avec la notion de déclaration initiale de risque. Plus particulièrement, nous avons examiné les conséquences d'une brèche à l'obligation de l'assuré à l'étape de la formation du contrat. Les conclusions que nous avons tirées de cette analyse sont les suivantes: 1. Il existe toujours un questionnement quant au moment précis où l'assuré doit remplir son obligation de détenir un intérêt d'assurance. L'intérêt d'assurance pourrait être examiné uniquement à l'arrivée du sinistre, alors que la déclaration initiale de risque doit être examinée au moment de la souscription de l'assurance; 2. Les différents intérêts qu'une personne peut avoir dans un bien n'influent pas directement sur le risque assurable, contrairement à la déclaration initiale qui sert justement à circonscrire le risque. Cette conclusion est par ailleurs conforme à l'historique de l'exigence de l'intérêt lui-même, quoique certains jugements affirment le contraire; 3. L'intérêt d'assurance peut être modifié en cours de contrat sans entacher la validité du contrat alors que la déclaration initiale de risque ne peut être modifiée sans encourir le risque de voir la prime d'assurance augmentée ou le risque d'assurance refusé: 4. Par contre, l'intérêt particulier qu'une personne détient dans une chose peut constituer un risque subjectif accru pour l'assureur dans certaines circonstances. / This work tries to answer one question: should the insurable interest be an element of the initial declaration of risk? Our main hypothesis is to prove that the interest must be declared when it constitutes a moral risk. To support our opinion, we divided our argument in two parts. The first one is dedicated to the insurable interest : its definition, its history and its interpretation given by the court through the years. ln the second part, we discuss the representation of risk. Particularly, we examine the consequences of a breach in the insured's obligation to divulgate ail the pertinent information to the insurer. Our conclusions are the following : 1. An interrogation still exists concerning the insured's obligation of having an insurable interest at the moment of the loss or also at the signing of the contract. Some authors consider that the insurable interest has to exist only at the loss; 2. The different interest which a person can have should not influence directly the risk, contrarily to the initial declaration which is used to identify and Iimit the risk. This conclusion is conform to the historie background of the insurable interest; 3. The insurable interest can be modify without changing the validity of the contract. On the contrary, the initial declaration of risk can not be modified without a raise in the premium or a refusaI; 4. The particular interest detained by an individual can constitute an increased subjective risk for the insurer in certain circumstances.

Předsmluvní odpovědnost (culpa in contrahendo). / Pre-contract liability (culpa in contrahendo)

Obstová, Martina January 2011 (has links)
Formation of a contract is nowadays more sophisticated than it formerly used to be due to major progress in communication technologies and technical development, and therefore, looking on negotiation process only through the notions of offer and acceptance alone appears to be somewhat insufficient. It is not unusual and infrequent that long term and complicated dealings take place prior to the conclusion of a contract, especially in more or less complex business matters. During various negotiation stages, many parties may incur different kinds of significant expenses in order to prepare well for the next phase of the negotiations and, eventually, for the targeted contractual performance. For the conclusion of a contract it may also be necessary to inform the other party about the terms and conditions which are essential for the first party's final decision about the contract, while some of this information might be considered as strictly confidential. Although the fundamental principle of contractual freedom allows the parties to act freely in negotiations and the contractual process is generally regarded as a non-binding relationship, there are some restrictions set up with the aim to protect good faith of the parties and support their fair dealings. According to the abovementioned, a situation...

Zásada poctivého obchodního styku / The principle of fair business transactions

Gajdíková, Markéta January 2014 (has links)
- The Principle of Fair Business Transactions The submitted thesis called The Principle of Fair Business Transactions deals with assessment of impacts of private law's recodification on this principle and the issue of its application. The thesis consists of two main parts - theoretical and analytical. The theoretical part is divided into general and specific. The general theoretical part focuses on the specification of the business principle and its emplacement among other similar private law's principles such as principle of good faith and fair dealing and good manners. The aim of this part was to define divergences of each of the principles and the aftermaths of breaking these principles. It is impossible to go through the topic of the principle of fair business transactions globally, especially due to the extensiveness and variety of usage of the principle in business law relationships. Therefore, special attention has been paid to the principle of fair business transactions in the field of contractual penalty in the next theoretical part. In the analytical part, I endeavour to deal with the issue of the exercising of the right of a contractual penalty. In the first part, there is a short discourse on the contractual penalty itself, definition of an inadequate amount of the contractual penalty...

Předsmluvní odpovědnost (culpa in contrahendo) / Pre-contract liability (culpa in contrahendo)

Kinclová, Veronika January 2012 (has links)
The times when closing of the contract was as simple as making an offer and receiving its acceptance are long over now. A variuosly long period preceeds an establishment of a contractual relationship. During such period, when a contract is being formed, the parties exchange their requests or essential information and negotiate the content of the contract. The longer this pre-contractual negotiation lasts, the more time, money or other means parties invest in good faith that they shall be compensated once the contract is concluded. In case the closing of the contract is not going to occur, because of a party's unfair dealings, the party in harm shall be entitled to engage liability of the other contractor. In these circumstances, the party in harm shall base its claim on a pre-contractual liability, also referred to as culpa in contrahendo. Apart from determining the pre-contractual obligations and liability for their breach in general fashion, the subject matter of this thesis is mainly an effective comparison of Czech and French relevant legal regulation. Since the legislation does not currently regulate the issue of pre-contractual liability, this thesis is focused primarily on the case law issued by courts from both states. In particular, the thesis analyzes the case law of the Czech Supreme...

Základní principy a zásady římského procesu / Main Principles and Elements of Roman Procedural Law

Škeříková, Jana January 2012 (has links)
My doctoral thesis is focused on the main principles and elements of Roman procedural law. However, during my research I realised the terms are very similar. One of the main points of my thesis is dedicated to the constitutional system of Roman republic and its norms, including the very important law codex, the Twelve Tables Law. Moreover, I take the Justinian Codification of Roman law into focus. A very important source is also antique literature, texts of prominent lawyers and various types of administrative acts. A vast inspiration can be found in many European museums. The main principles and elements are applicable to actions, defendants and plaintiffs, to judicial hearing and to the days when judicial hearings could be held. I focus on principle of equity, good faith, and necessity of defense, res judicata, principle of appellation, pecuniary condemnation, and principle of assessment of evidence. The last chapter reviews other principles. It is also important to mention that different types of procedural cases are specific in their own way. I focused on describing the differences as well. My thesis analyzes seven most important principles. The first and the most important one is equity. My research shows that this principle is common to all areas of roman procedural law. I tried to explain...

Aspectos jurídicos da confiança do investidor estrangeiro no Brasil / Legal aspects of foreign investors trust in Brazil

Rego, Anna Lygia Costa 31 May 2010 (has links)
Esta tese realiza um estudo a respeito da confiança do investidor estrangeiro no Brasil, identificando teórica e empiricamente os aspectos jurídicos elementares à sua formação. A pesquisa tem como intuito analisar o papel do Direito tanto na geração quanto na proteção à confiança nutrida pelos investidores no País. Faz-se assim um percurso teórico que discute os pressupostos relacionados à racionalidade do homem econômico, sendo apresentadas algumas linhas críticas do paradigma de escolha racional. Dentre tais linhas, a Economia Comportamental é escolhida como opção metodológica do trabalho por fornecer uma visão alternativa para o estudo de tomada de decisão. Assim, com base no programa pesquisa Heuristics and Biases (H&B), fundado por Daniel Kahneman e Amos Tversky, avalia-se o processo de formação da confiança no Brasil. A revisão de literatura interdisciplinar busca fornecer alicerce teórico para o estudo empreendido, ao explorar a dificuldade e a abstração do conceito. A tese, no campo jurídico, (i) contrapõe as noções de confiança e boa-fé, (ii) discute como se dá a tutela da confiança pelo Direito brasileiro e (iii) destaca aspectos da regulação dos investimentos estrangeiros capazes de tutelar ou promover a confiança. A pesquisa empírica realizada ao final do trabalho aplica o H&B à análise do Direito, destacando as variáveis jurídicas consideradas essenciais à confiança do investidor no Brasil e analisando dissonâncias cognitivas a este respeito entre residentes e não residentes. / This thesis investigates foreign investors trust in Brazil, aiming at identifying theoretically and empirically its elementary aspects. It also intends to analyze the role played by Law at the creation and preservation of investors trust. From a theoretical standpoint, it discusses the rationality assumptions attributed to the economic man and reports alternative approaches for decision making other than rational choice. The work applies Behavioral Economics methodology, more specifically the Heuristics and Biases program, founded by Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky. The thesis also reviews interdisciplinary literature on trust, exploring the elusiveness of its concept. In addition, from a legal research perspective, it (i) compares the notions of trust and good-faith; (ii) discusses the legal grounds for trust protection under local law and (iii) points out regulatory mechanisms deemed capable of protecting or promoting trust. The empirical research presented at the end of the thesis illustrates how H&B may be applied to the analysis of Law, by assessing its role at promoting investors trust as well as assessing cognitive dissonances found among resident and non residents.

Contratos de longo prazo e dever de cooperação / Long term contracts and duty to cooperate

Schunck, Giuliana Bonanno 29 November 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho pretende analisar as particularidades dos contratos de longo prazo que levam a exigir-se dos contratantes uma postura diferenciada quanto à cooperação que eles devem entre si, para que a execução do contrato ocorra de forma eficiente. Analisamos, também, o dever de cooperação decorrente da boa-fé objetiva, suas peculiaridades e forma de aplicação aos contratos de longo prazo, sempre considerando os novos paradigmas dos contratos, associados com o papel e a importância dos contratos à sociedade e à economia. De fato, as contratações duradouras possuem características que as distinguem das relações instantâneas, com especial destaque para seu caráter relacional e incompleto, que demonstram que a postura das partes deve ser mais próxima e leal e, por isso, a cooperação tem forte importância. A boa-fé objetiva determina o dever de cooperação por meio de sua função de criação de regras de conduta. Na prática, o dever de cooperação que deve ser mais intenso para os contratos de longo prazo se concretiza por meio dos deveres anexos de conduta, que só serão conhecidos e individualizados em cada contratação individualizada. Considerados tais aspectos que justificam a maior intensidade da cooperação nos contratos de longo prazo e demonstram como a cooperação se verificará por meio dos deveres anexos de conduta, analisamos os casos de descumprimento de tais deveres por meio do conceito da violação positiva do contrato, em oposição à mora ou inadimplemento, que se relacionam ao descumprimento da própria prestação e suas consequências às relações contratuais, especialmente às de longo prazo. / This thesis has the purpose of analyzing the particularities of the long term contracts that lead to require the contracting parties to adopt a different conduct concerning cooperation between them, so that the performance of the contract may occur in an efficient fashion. We also intend to analyze the cooperation duty arising out of the goodfaith principle, its characteristics and its application to the long term contracts, always taking into consideration the news standards of the Contract Law associated with the role of the contracts to the society and economy. Indeed, the long term contracts have certain particularities that make them different from the spot relationships, in special their relational character and incompleteness, which show that the parties conduct shall be loyal and faithful and, thus, cooperation has a very important task. The principle of good-faith sets forth the duty to cooperate by means of its function of creating conduct rules. In practical terms, the duty to cooperate which shall be more intense for long term contracts is observed by means of the implied or ancillary duties, which are only known and individualized in each particular and concrete contract. Bearing in mind such aspects that justify a more intense cooperation in long term contracts and demonstrate that cooperation will mean, in practice, the compliance with ancillary or implied duties, we analyze the cases of violation of the duty to cooperate in opposition to the breaches of the contract obligations themselves and the consequences of such violation to the contractual relationship, especially to the long term contracts.

A funcionalização do contrato de fiança: proposta de revalorização do instituto / The functionalization of the suretyship: proposal to revalue the institute

Segalla, Alessandro Schirrmeister 10 June 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho analisa o contrato de fiança no Código Civil brasileiro, bem como a sua utilização na locação de imóveis urbanos. No campo das garantias contratuais a fiança representa a modalidade mais utilizada no Brasil, notadamente pelas facilidades práticas em sua constituição, bem como pelo caráter gratuito da sua prestação. No entanto, ao longo dos anos o contrato de fiança, tal como fora moldado pelo legislador, vem sendo desafiado pelos tribunais que ora suavizam as suas regras em benefício do fiador ora fortalecem a posição do credor, gerando profunda insegurança social e instabilidade jurídica. Por esta razão, neste trabalho procuramos discutir se as regras atuais relativas à fiança são adequadas à sociedade brasileira ou se estão a merecer uma profunda reforma para torná-las efetivas, funcionalizando-as de acordo com a finalidade a que se destinam: um reforço ao adimplemento em favor do credor; assim, defendemos que a confiança gerada pela promessa manifestada pelo fiador de que irá efetivamente garantir o adimplemento de um contrato deverá ser efetiva, por ser um instrumento a serviço do credor, visando pô-lo a salvo de riscos. Neste trabalho foram comparados os momentos históricos em que surgiram o Código Civil de 1916 e o de 2002, e apresentadas as origens históricas da fiança. Posteriormente, a dogmática do instituto foi apresentada com a sua análise nos planos da existência, validade e eficácia, bem como foram apresentadas as questões controvertidas envolvendo o contrato, com a apresentação de soluções que foram refletidas e julgadas adequadas, inclusive no campo da fiança à locação, posto que o instituto é de larga utilização no mercado imobiliário, tendo ainda sido analisada a Lei n.° 12.112/09 que reformou a Lei do Inquilinato. Por fim, foram apresentadas propostas de alteração do perfil dogmático do contrato de fiança, na esperança de torná-lo uma segura garantia contratual da qual poderá o credor se valer como um adequado reforço ao efetivo adimplemento aguardado e que seja dotado de efetiva força vinculante. / This paper analyzes the contract of suretyship in the Brazilian Civil Code, and its use in the leasing of urban property. In the field of contractual guarantees suretyship is the most widely used in Brazil, especially because of the practical facilities in its constitution and by its characteristics of gratuitous guarantee of ones performance. However, over the years suretyship as it had been molded by the legislator is being challenged by the courts that sometimes soften its rules in favor of the guarantor and sometimes strengthen the position of the creditor, creating deep legal insecurity and social instability. Therefore, this paper aims to discuss whether the current rules relating to the suretyship are adequate for the Brazilian society or if they need a radical reformation to make them effective, functionalizing them according to the purpose for which they are intended: a reinforcement to the performance in favor of the creditor, so we sustain that the confidence engendered by the promise shown by the guarantor that will effectively ensure the fulfillment of a contract shall be effective as an instrument in the service of the creditor in order to keep him safe from risks. In this study we compared the historical moments that emerged in the Civil Code of 1916 and 2002, and presented the historical origins of suretyship. Subsequently, the dogmatic of the institute was presented with its analysis in the field of existence, validity and effectiveness, and controversial issues involving the contract were presented with solutions that have been thought and deemed appropriate, including in the field of suretyship of a lease, once the institute is widely used in the real estate market. We have also analyzed the Law n. 12.112/09 that reformed the Landlord and Tenant Act. Finally, proposals were made to change the dogmatic profile of suretyship, hoping to make it a secure guarantee of the contracts which the creditor may avail as a suitable reinforcement of the expected performance and to be endowed with effective binding force.

Contraditório, lealdade processual e dever de cooperação intersubjetiva / Contraditório, lealdade processual e dever de cooperação intersubjetiva

Leonardo, César Augusto Luiz 17 June 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por escopo o estudo dos deveres de lealdade e cooperação intersubjetiva no direito processual civil brasileiro. Para tanto, parte-se do estudo do Processo Civil Constitucional, investigando temas como neoconstitucionalismo, neoprocessualismo e a teoria do diálogo das fontes como critério de aplicação do direito. Com esta análise, serão verificadas as opiniões de muitos teóricos acerca do conceito e do papel desempenhado pelos princípios, sobrelevando a importância do estudo dos princípios constitucionais aplicáveis ao processo, além de buscar uma breve distinção entre princípios e cláusulas gerais. Também se faz uma ponderação sobre o estudo da ideologia no processo, analisando as críticas e as respostas àqueles que entendem o dever de cooperação como traço autoritário do processo civil, além de trazer as advertências quanto ao uso excessivo dos institutos, e analisar os mecanismos de controle de aplicação. O trabalho ainda versa sobre a evolução conceitual do princípio do contraditório, e a sua correlação com o dever de cooperação, assim como sugere como premissas de aplicação adequada a boa-fé objetiva e a teoria do abuso do direito. O texto também analisa a natureza jurídica da cooperação processual, se ônus ou dever, para em seguida investigar a aplicação em relação aos sujeitos processuais, notadamente, as partes, seus procuradores e o juiz. Na última parte do seu desenvolvimento, a pesquisa passa a verificar a correlação entre os deveres de cooperação, lealdade e boa-fé processual perante o abuso do direito de ação, o abuso do direito de defesa, o dever de veracidade, a litigância de má-fé, o procedimento e a possibilidade de flexibilização, em matéria probatória (verificando, inclusive, quanto à flexibilização das regras de ônus da prova), as questões cognoscíveis de ofício (em especial, o conhecimento oficioso da prescrição), nos recursos e na fase de cumprimento de sentença e no processo execução. Por derradeiro, buscam-se algumas outras aplicações exemplificativas em searas específicas do processo civil brasileiro. / The scope of the present work is to study the loyalty and intersubjective cooperation in the brazilian civil procedural law. Therefore, it starts from the Constitucional Civil Process conception, investigating matters as neoconstitutionalism, neoprocessualism and the theory of dialogue of sources as law application criterion. With this analysis, will be checked the views of many theorists about the concept and role of principles, stressing the importance of the study of constitutional principles applicable to the process, in addition to seeking a brief distinction between principles and general clauses. It also considers the study of the procedural ideology, by analyzing the criticsms and the response to those who understand the duty of cooperation as an authoritarian trace of civil procedural law, besides to warn about the \"overuse\" of institutions and to analyze control mechanisms application. The work also deals with the conceptual evolution of the adversarial principle, and its correlation with the duty of cooperation, as well as suggests objective good faith and the abuse of rights theories as premises of its correct application. The text also examines the legal nature of cooperation procedure, if it is a burden or a duty, to then investigate the application in relation to procedural subjects, notably the parties, their attorneys and the judge. In the last part of the research´s development, it shall verify the correlation between the duties of cooperation, loyalty, and procedural good faith in face to the abuse of the right to sue, abuse of the right of defense, the duty of truthfulness, litigation in bad faith, the proceedings and its flexibilization, proof matters (checking, also, the relaxation of the rules regarding the burden of proof), the issues that can be decided by the judge without requirement (especially, the prescription), appealing and phase of sentence enforcement and execution process. For the last, the survey seeks up some other exemplificative applications in specific areas of Brazilian civil procedural law.

O \"dever de mitigar danos\" na responsabilidade contratual: a perspectiva do direito brasileiro / The duty to mitigate the loss in contract damages: the perspective of the Brazilian law

Carvalho, Beatriz Veiga 09 April 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi o estudo da teoria da avoidability ou duty to mitigate the loss à luz do Direito Brasileiro. Sua escolha decorreu do fato de o ordenamento pátrio, diferente de outros tantos, não prever a existência expressa de um dever ou mais propriamente de um ônus de o contratante inadimplido adotar as medidas razoáveis ao seu alcance para reduzir as perdas e danos causados pelo inadimplemento do outro contratante. Do estudo do direito estrangeiro, procurou-se compreender as principais características do instituto, bem como as críticas feitas a ele, para que sua estrutura e suas possíveis objeções pudessem também ser examinadas sob a perspectiva do direito nacional. Demonstrado que o problema da redução dos prejuízos pelo próprio credor da indenização não poderia ser satisfatoriamente resolvido ao menos não integralmente sob a perspectiva da causalidade concorrente, e que não haveria nenhum óbice intransponível à adoção da regra, passou-se a avaliar se ela já seria uma leitura possível do princípio da boa-fé objetiva. A conclusão alcançada com base na doutrina, e posteriormente confirmada com o posicionamento jurisprudencial, mostrou-se positiva. Demonstrou-se, portanto, que a mitigação de danos pelo credor é um ônus decorrente da cláusula geral que impõe aos contratantes o dever de agir com probidade e boa-fé, dever esse que não é afetado sequer pelo inadimplemento da prestação principal pela contraparte, sob pena de o exercício do direito de indenização tornar-se abusivo. A ausência de uma regra expressa que imponha ao contratante inadimplido o ônus de mitigar seu próprio prejuízo não impede, pois, o reconhecimento da regra no Direito Brasileiro, de modo que sua positivação expressa, embora disponível, traria como única vantagem a maior clareza sobre as regras de responsabilidade contratual, com a facilitação apenas relativa do processo decisório nesses casos. / The purpose of this work was to study the theory of avoidability or the duty to mitigate the loss in light of the Brazilian law. Its choice arose from the fact that the domestic legal system, different from many others, does not set forth the express existence of a duty or more properly of a burden of the breached against party to adopt the reasonable measures available to him/her in order to reduce the losses and damages caused by the breach by the other contracting party. The study of the foreign law was sought to allow the understanding of the main characteristics of the rule, as well as the criticisms raised against it, so that its structure and its main objections could similarly be assessed under the perspective of the national law. Once demonstrated that the problem of the reduction of losses by the creditor himself/herself could not be satisfactorily resolved at least not totally based on the joint causation and that there was no unbridgeable obstacle to the adoption of the rule, it was then evaluated whether it was already a possible construction of the principle of good faith. The conclusion reached based on the literature and afterwards confirmed by the case law was positive. It was evidenced, therefore, that the mitigation of damages by the creditor is a burden arising from the general clause that poses on the contracting parties the duty to act with correctness and good faith, duty which not affected even by the breach of the main obligation by the counterpart, under the consequence of the right to damages being exercised abusively. The lack of a express rule that poses a burden on the breached against party to mitigate his/her own losses does not prevent, thus, the recognition of such a rule in the Brazilian legal system, meaning that its formal adoption, although unessential, would only bring the advantage of more clarity on the rules of damages arising from the breach of contract, with a mere relative facilitation of the decision process on these cases.

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