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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Multiple Sides, Multiple Challenges : The Need for a Uniform Approach in Defining the Relevant Product Market in Abuse of Dominance Cases on Multi-Sided Markets

Giesecke, Jacob January 2018 (has links)
The study shows that multi-sided markets pose difficulties when the relevant product market is to be defined. These difficulties pertain to two questions. The first question is whether one or several markets should be defined. In this regard, it is not easy to extract a coherent method from the cases examined. Instead, the methods applied give the impression of ad hoc-solutions, where similar circumstances result in dissimilar outcomes. Indeed, it is hard to reconcile the different market definitions in Visa International MIF and MasterCard MIF. The uncertainties are not limited to these two cases, as the methods applied in Google Shopping too give rise to ambiguities. Why was the market for general search engine platforms separated into two distinct product markets, but the market for comparison shopping services encompassed both sides? Unfortunately, this discussion was not present in the decision. This only serves to reinforce the impression that these questions are solved on an ad hoc-basis. A clear method of approaching multi-sided markets is desirable, not least because the enforcement of competition rules must be characterized by consistency and foreseeability. Hopefully, the judgement in Google Shopping will bring further clarity to this. Nonetheless, the conclusion is that one market should be defined when differences between competitive constraints on the two sides are absent. E contrario, this means that two markets should be defined when such differences are present. This is true regardless of the market in question being a transaction or a non-transaction market. This method seems preferable to strictly adhering to the division of multi-sided markets into transaction or non-transaction markets. If the Commission’s analysis is correct in that there are no differences in competitive constraints on the two sides of comparison shopping services, in combination with crossing network effects, the platform’s multi-sidedness is a necessary trait for both sides. This means that a substitute has to be multi-sided in order for it to be included on the relevant product market, which minimizes the risk for false negatives. Vice versa, the definition of two markets allows for one-sided products to be included on the relevant product market, which minimizes the risk for false positives. This is important not only for the binary finding of dominance or non-dominance, but also the degree of dominance. As concluded above, incorrectly defining one market may artificially inflate the degree of dominance into false super-dominance, and incorrectly defining several markets may artificially dilute the degree of dominance. The second question is how substitutability should be measured. It is obvious from the cases examined that qualitative measures are used and not quantitative measures. The products’ characteristics, intended use, purpose, functionalities, users’ perceptions of the product, etc. were given much attention. The SSNIP test was not applied in any of the cases. The first conclusion to be drawn from the examination above is therefore that the difficulties regarding measuring substitutability on multi-sided markets mainly concern quantitative measures. The arguments against applying a SSNIP test related to the cellophane fallacy (in two different forms, one of which was deceivingly similar to the reverse cellophane fallacy) and differences in price sensitivities between the two sides. Network effects present an additional difficulty, which may lead to exaggerated results when measuring substitutability. The second conclusion to be drawn is that there exists a reluctance to apply a SSNIP test in a way that is tailored for multi-sided markets. One method that has been proposed is to apply the test on the total sum paid by both sides, while allowing the intermediary to adjust the increase in price in accordance with its price structure. The categorical dismissal of applying the test in this way suggests that adapted versions have some time to wait before being introduced into case law and decisional practice. If they, as their proponents argue, are a robust way of broadening the evidence of possible substitutability, this is unfortunate. The risk of defining the market overly narrow or overly broad is of course present in this regard as well. A broader spectrum of evidence therefore minimizes the risk of incorrectly finding both dominance and non-dominance.

Sökmotorsoptimering – Från nyckelord till relevant innehåll : Fem företags SEO-praktik i förändring

Pettersson, Linda January 2010 (has links)
I all teori om sökmotorsoptimering finns det många olika tankar om hur man ska sökmotorsoptimera. De flesta berättar mest om den tekniska biten och har endast som en kort punkt förklarat att innehållet på en webbplats också är viktigt. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka webbföretags förhållningssätt till både hur de arbetar och resonerar kring sökmotorsoptimering och webbstatistik, men även gå djupare in på hur förhållandet mellan kund och företag påverkar vart marknaden är på väg. Genom att utföra kvalitativa intervjuer med webbföretag där främst marknaden för sökmotorsoptimering, sponsrade länkar och webbstatistik diskuterats har ett resultat utformats. Baserat på de senaste artiklarna, respondenternas svar och mina egna personliga reflektioner av situationen, visar det att det blivit en förskjutning i vad definitionen av sökmotorsoptimering är. Den tekniska biten är kvar men inte alls lika viktig längre då sökmotorerna hela tiden ändrar sina algoritmer och blir smartare, utan fokus läggs istället mer på innehållet. Ett rikt innehåll med bra skriven text samt ett intressant video- eller bildmaterial är mycket viktigare än att ändra på småsaker i strukturen av webbplatsen. Sökmarknaden idag ser annorlunda ut mot bara några år sedan. Det innebär att sökmotorsoptimering inte enbart handlar om att förbättra den egna hemsidan, utan även innefattar all marknadsföring på webben. / In all theory about Search Engine Optimization there are lots of different ideas on how to optimize search engines. Much of the theory concerns the technical aspects and only offers a short explanation on the importance of the actual content of the website. In this essay I will examine how web companies think and act around search engine optimization and web statistics, but also go deeper into how the relationship between customer and company affects where the market is heading. By doing qualitative interviews with web companies where the subject search engine optimization, paid ads and web statistics were discussed, a result has been formed. Based on the latest articles, the answers from the respondents and my own personal reflections of the situation, there are clear signs that the definition of Search Engine Optimization has changed. The technical aspect is still there, but with less importance since the search engines keeps changing the algorithms in order to become smarter. Instead the focus is on the content. Rich content, good written text, interesting videos and images has a larger impact than changing the little things in the structure of a website. The search market looks different today than it did a few years ago. The term Search Engine Optimization has changed its meaning into something more than just improving your own homepage. Now it also includes all the marketing your company does outside of the web.

Puerto Argentino, inhabited by the pirates and drunkards of the royalty / Puerto Argentino, inhabited by the pirates and drunkards of the royalty

Mlynarčík, Štefan January 2019 (has links)
Objectivity and neutrality of current makers of online maps is hampered by the fact that the most important of them who form the public opinion are largely commercial giants. Sensitivity of approaches is desirable especially in specific situations involving territorial disputes. The textual part of the thesis brings theoretical insights to the problematics of map makers policies and their preservation or violation. At the same time is describes critical cartography as a current opposition against governmental and cooperative mapping, of which counter-mapping processes are regularly used in art, too. Practical outcome attempts to reflect specific approaches of map makers depending on particular territorial disputes. It takes place mostly in online environment, using the functions of Google Street View or Google Earth and forms of counter-mapping on the OSM platform. The goal is to bring alternative realities complicating map makers policies and governing apparatus to map projects with the international coverage.

Programmatisk handel för optimering av trafikköp : En studie om att skapa ett verktyg som underlättar annonsering baserat på programmatisk handel / Traffic Optimization with Programmatic Buying : A Study on Creating a Tool to Assist Advertisment Based on Programmatic Buying

Bergling, Oscar, Hollstrand, Paulina January 2016 (has links)
Online marketing has resulted in a paradigm shift in the advertisement industry. Programmatic buying is an emerging business model that is very promising for online advertising. In online advertising, revenue maximization is always a key matter for publishers. The purpose of this report is to examine whether programmatic buying can be used in conjunction with other parameters such as Google Adwords or Google Trends to increase profit. This research will provide valuable information regarding how to obtain site visitors at a cheap price while maximizing profit on advertisement shown to those users. We investigate a revenue maximization model that calculates the popularity of a set of news in different countries and compares it to the CPM, Cost-Per-Mille, of the corresponding country. To calculate the popularity, the program uses an API from Google Trends and the CPM data is obtained from the company Adform. Furthermore, we originally planned to also include Google Adwords to estimate the price of traffic acquisition. However, since we found several problems with achieving reasonable estimates for our purpose this parameter has therefore been excluded from the final product. The final product can therefore be seen as a soft indicator of how popular different news are in different countries and what revenue can be expected from corresponding countries. / Digital marknadsföring har resulterat i ett paradigmskifte inom reklambranschen. Programmatisk handel är en mycket lovande affärsmodell för automatisk annonsering online och är under stark tillväxt. Inom digital marknadsföring är vinstmaximering alltid en nyckelfråga för utgivare av annonsplatser. Denna rapport ämnar undersöka huruvida programmatisk handel kan användas tillsammans med andra parametrar som Google Adwords eller Google Trends för att öka vinsten från video-reklamannonser. Den grundläggande idén är att skapa trafik till en specifik hemsida för ett så lågt pris som möjligt samtidigt som vi vill att reklamvisningarna ska ge så höga intäkter som möjligt. Rapporten utreder parametrar som videopris för programmatisk handel i olika länder, Bounce Rate, Cost Per Click och Google Trends Score. Dessa parametrar används för att skapa en sammanvägning för att indikera i vilka länder och för vilka sökord den ekonomiska vinsten potentiellt är störst.        Arbetet har resulterat i ett program som beräknar populariteten för ett antal nyheter i olika länder och jämför med CPM, Cost-Per-Mille, priset för motsvarande land. För att beräkna populariteten används ett API från Google Trends och CPM datan kommer från företaget Adform. Från början var tanken att även väga in Google Adwords för att skapa en prisbild över kostnaden att inbringa trafik. Begränsningar som behövt genomföras under arbetets gång är att exkludera Google Adwords prissättning i det färdiga programmet, då det finns svårigheter i att utröna exakta prisuppgifter från Google Adwords. Slutprodukten är därmed en indikator på vilka nyheter som är populära i olika länder och intäkterna som kan förväntas därifrån.

Webdesign och SEO i praktiken : Utvecklande av webbplats och optimering för sökmotorer åt ett företag / Web design and SEO in practice : Development of a website and search engine optimization for a company

Swenson, Johannes January 2016 (has links)
This report describes my work with a website for a company that helps other companies book conferences. Creating this website, I have worked from a Mobile First perspective to create an interface. The interface was then tested on potential users. I then used guidelines from Googles own documentation on search engine optimization. The purpose of this work is to create and deliver a website where users can turn to MH Konferens and let them handle booking and planning of their conferences. / Denna rapport beskriver arbetet med en webbplats för ett företag som jobbar med att boka konferenser åt andra företag. Jag har i framtagandet av webbplatsen utgått från Mobile First och skapat ett gränssnitt. Gränssnittet har sedan testats på användare och slutligen har jag utgått från Googles egen dokumentation för att optimera webbplatsen för sökmotorer. Syftet med arbetet är att skapa en webbplats som leder till att användare kan vända sig till MH konferens och låta dem ta hand om bokning och planering av deras konferenser.

Don't be evil : En studie av Googles varumärkesstrategi och användaruppfattningar

Hallberg, Catherine, Eriksson, Sara January 2016 (has links)
Företaget Google är i dag ett av världens mest kända varumärke och deras sökmotor står för 70 % av internetsökningarna i USA och 90 % i Europa. De har lyckats få en dominans på sökmotorsmarknaden framför sina konkurrenter som Yahoo, Ask och Bing. Människor över hela världen använder flera utav Googles tjänster varje dag och många av dem reflekterar inte över den makt som Google har. Kan den här monopolliknande positionen Google har vara så pass transparent att användarna inte ens reflekterat över det? Vår önskan med uppsatsen är att ge läsaren en inblick i Googles varumärkesstrategi och hur användarnas attityder är gentemot företaget. Vi vill ta reda på om användarnas attityder stämmer överens med vad Google vill kommunicera till sina användare och om användarna reflekterar över den maktposition och dominans Google har på internet. För att samla empiriska data, valde vi att göra en webbenkät som besvarades av medie- och kommunikationsstudenter på Högskolan i Jönköping. Utifrån resultatet kunde vi konstatera att en stor del av respondenterna är väl medvetna om den dominans och maktposition som Google har på marknaden. Trots denna medvetenhet har vi inte sett detta påverka respondenternas generella attityder om Google som företag. Däremot kunde vi urskilja viss skepticism hos respondenterna när det kom till en del av Googles funktioner. / Google is today one of the world’s most known brand and their search engine stand for 70 % of the internet searches i the U.S. and 90 % for those i Europe. That means that they have managed to reach monopoly on the search engine market prior to its competitors such as Yahoo, Ask and Bing. People all over the world use several of Google’s services each day and many of them doesn’t reflect over the power that Google has. Can this monopoly and their positions of power be that translucent that the users don’t reflect on it? Our desire with this thesis is to give the reader a deeper understanding about Google’s marketing strategy and about the user’s attitudes towards the company. We want to find out if the attitudes of the user’s correspond to what Google wants to communicate to its users. We also want to find out if the users reflect any on the monopoly and positions of power that Google has on the Internet. To be able to gain empirical data, we chose to design a web-based survey and had media and communications student at Jönköping University to answer it. From the results we found that a large proportion of the respondents is very much aware of the monopoly and positions of power that Google has on the market. However, despite this awareness we could not see that this affected the user’s general attitudes towards the company. On the other hand, we could notice some skepticism when it came to some of the functions of Google’s services.

Μελέτη και ανάπτυξη διαδικτυακών εφαρμογών παιχνιδιών κοινωνικών χώρων

Παπαδοπούλου, Δήμητρα 10 March 2014 (has links)
Στα πλαίσια αυτής της διπλωματικής εργασίας μελετούνται οι ιστότοποι κοινωνικής δικτύωσης, καθώς και οι εφαρμογές παιχνιδιών μέσα σε αυτούς με σκοπό την ανάπτυξη μιας εκπαιδευτικής εφαρμογής μέσα σε έναν από αυτούς, το Facebook. Έχοντας εξετάσει αρκετούς χώρους κοινωνικής δικτύωσης και αφού καταλήξαμε να κάνουμε χρήση του Facebook σαν πλατφόρμα ανάπτυξης της εφαρμογής μας, προχωρήσαμε στην ανάπτυξη του παιχνιδιού, αφού πρώτα διατυπώσαμε την ιδέα του. Ποιο είναι το παιχνίδι; Το Back to School είναι ένα ατομικό, διαδραστικό παιχνίδι ερωτήσεων κυρίως γεωγραφικού, αλλά και εν μέρει ιστορικού περιεχομένου. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, ο παίκτης καλείται να εντοπίσει πάνω στο χάρτη (Google Maps) κάποια χώρα, πρωτεύουσα, ή τον τόπο γέννησης κάποιας ιστορικής προσωπικότητας, ανάλογα με την κατηγορία και αντίστοιχα το ένα από τα τρία επίπεδα δυσκολίας που θα επιλέξει, πραγματοποιώντας ένα διαδραστικό τεστ γεωγραφίας. Ο χρόνος που έχει στη διάθεσή του για κάθε παιχνίδι είναι 3 λεπτά, ενώ για κάθε σωστή απάντηση λαμβάνει 100 πόντους. Επιπλέον του δίνονται 3 ζωές (lives) προτού χάσει, ανεξαρτήτως του χρόνου που του απομένει, καθώς και ένας αριθμός βοηθειών (hints) για παράλειψη ερωτήσεων που δε γνωρίζει. Έχοντας αποσαφηνίσει το περιεχόμενο του παιχνιδιού και γνωρίζοντας το που θα αναπτυχθεί, μελετήσαμε το απαραίτητο υλικό για την ανάπτυξη της εφαρμογής στον κοινωνικό χώρο του Facebook, προκειμένου να μπορέσουμε να ενσωματώσουμε το παιχνίδι μέσα σε αυτόν, αξιοποιώντας κατάλληλα και τις δυνατότητες που προσφέρονται στους κοινωνικούς χώρους. Η εφαρμογή είναι διαθέσιμη προς χρήση στον παρακάτω ιστότοπο: apps.facebook.com/backtoschooool / Within this thesis, we study the social networking sites and game applications within these,in order to develop an educational application within one of these, Facebook. Having examined several social networking sites and ended up to use Facebook as a platform for our application development, we proceeded with the development of the game after we first formulated its idea. What's the game? Back to School is a single player, interactive quiz with mainly geographical, but also partially historical content. Specifically, the player is asked to locate on the map (Google Maps) a country whether a capital or the birthplace of a historical personality, depending on the category and on the one of the three corresponding levels of difficulty that he will choose, in order to take an interactive geography test. The time available for each game is 3 minutes, and for each correct answer receives 100 points. In addition he is given lives before losing, regardless of the time remaining as well as a number of hints in order to skip questions that he doesn’t know. Having clarified the content of the game and knowing where it would be developed, we studied the necessary material for the development of the application in the social space of Facebook, so that we can incorporate the game into it, while making appropriate use of the possibilities offered by social sites. The application is available for use on the following site: apps.facebook.com/backtoschooool

Nová média shromažďující informace o svém publiku a vztah uživatelů k bezpečnosti dat: kvalitativní studie / New media gathering users data and the attitude of users towards internet security: qualitative study

Laube, David January 2015 (has links)
The theoretical part of the thesis analyzes the topic of new media and how it works with the privacy of its users. On the examples of applications such as Facebook, or Google services, I refer to the intensive and extensive kind of private information, that are stored on the provider's servers. All these data are not just gathered, but also analyzed and evaluated. Private companies use data of its users in such extension like never before. New media and their activities raises new questions about possible misuse of such data. In this thesis I mention a few examples that are somehow related to the topic of privacy and personal data protection. In the practical part I use the tools of qualitative research to explore how the issue of online privacy and data security is perceived by different user groups and how they explain their behavior. I examined whether the privacy issue is an important one and if their online activity in this context is somehow particularly regulated or restricted. For research I chose two groups of respondents - younger users up to 37 years of age and older aged 55 +. I get information from the respondents in the form of semi-structured interview. These were analyzed and I created new conclusions from it.

Lokální marketing na internetu / Local on-line marketing

Šimůnková, Tereza January 2010 (has links)
This Master thesis is devoted to the local marketing on-line of the small and medium businesses (SMEs). The aim of this thesis is to provide SMEs with suggestions for local marketing on the internet with respect to their limited budget. The outputs of the survey which deals with local search show how users search for services (products) on-line and how they use a location in the search queries. The results appearing on the first page (SERP) were analyzed with special focus on the listings from Google Places. Such listings can significantly influence the businesses visibility and conversion rate on-line.

David vs. Goliath : En kvalitativ studie om hur mikroföretag kan använda sökmotorer i sin marknadsföring / David vs. Goliath : A qualitative study about how micro enterprises can use search engines in their marketing

Henriksson, Johannes, Ågehäll, Adam January 2019 (has links)
Titel:                                  David vs. Goliath Författare:                        Henriksson, Johannes & Ågehäll, Adam Institution:                        Linnéuniversitetet, Ekonomihögskolan Program:                           Ekonomprogrammet inriktning Marknadsföring Kurs:                                 Företagsekonomi III – Marknadsföring, Examensarbete, 15hp Handledare:                      Leif Rytting Examinator:                      Kaisa Lund   Syfte:                                 Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka huruvida mikroföretag kan skapa marknadsfördelar av att implementera Search Engine Marketing. Ytterligare en avsikt är att uppsatsen skall bidra med kunskap kring hur mikroföretag kan stärka sitt varumärke genom Search Engine Marketing.    Metod:                               Kvalitativ studie innehavande en mix mellan induktiv- och deduktiv forskningsansats. Även kallad abduktiv forskningsansats. Den empiriska datan är insamlad genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer bestående av tio respondenter.   Slutsats:                             Sökmotormarknadsföring är en grundkomponent i den digitala marknadsföringen. Mikroföretag skapas möjlighet att konkurrera mot större varumärken genom skapad synlighet. Marknadsföring via en nischad marknad visar sig fördelaktig. En sammanstrålad varumärkesidentitet och varumärkesimage bör avspeglas i content.   Nyckelord:                          Sökmotormarknadsföring, SEO, PPC, Google, mikroföretag, sökmotorer, sociala medier, varumärken.   Fördelning av arbete:         Båda författarna har varit lika delaktiga under alla delar av studien. / Title:                                   David vs. Goliath Authors:                             Henriksson, Johannes & Ågehäll, Adam Institution:                          Linnaeus University, School of Business and Economics Programme:                       Business Administration and Economics, specialization Marketing Course:                               Business Administration III – Marketing, Bachelor Thesis, 15hp Supervisor:                         Leif Rytting Examiner:                           Kaisa Lund   Purpose:                             The purpose of this study is to examine how micro enterprises can create market advantages by implementing Search Engine Marketing. Further intention is that the study will provide knowledge about how micro enterprises can invigorate they brand through Search Engine Marketing.    Method:                              Qualitative study using a mix of both inductive- and deductive research approach. Also known as abductive approach. The empirical data is collected using semi-structured interviews, with ten respondants.   Conclusion:                         Search Engine Marketing is a basic component in digital marketing. Micro enterprises creates the opportunity to compete against larger brands through visibility. Niche marketing is found valueable. A converged brand identity and brand image should be mirrored in content.   Keywords:                          Search engine marketing, SEO, PPC, Google, micro enterprises, search engines, social medias, brands.   Allocation of work:             Both authors have been equally involved in all parts of the thesis.

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