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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Forntidens vildar" : Perspektiv på relationen mellan djur och människor i grottan Stora Förvar

Lindström, Tobias January 2017 (has links)
The cave Stora Förvar, excavated in the end of the 19th century, yielded a vast archaeological assemblage, providing great insight into the stone-age occupation of Stora Karlsö, an island a few kilometers off the west coast of Gotland. The bones of around ten humans dating to the Mesolithic have previously been identified among the four tons of faunal remains recovered from the cave. The human bone material featured cut-marks and split tubular bones. This, along with the apparent mixing of human- and animal bones in the cave, was interpreted as signs of anthropophagy. Later researchers have tentatively proposed that the individuals represented in the bone material might have been shamans, deviants, human sacrifices or low-status individuals. In the author’s opinion, this assertion is based on the dichotomies nature/culture and profane/sacred which produce a separation between the human bones and the animal bones. It is shown that defleshing and disarticulation were widespread practices during the Mesolithic, which could explain the marks found on the bones from Stora Förvar. Similarly, the mixing of human- and animal remains is a common feature of many Mesolithic sites across Europe. Employing a theoretical framework inspired by posthumanism and the ‘ontological turn’, the author argues that the assemblage should be understood through an alternative ontological premise where human and animal, hunter and prey, were not regarded as fundamentally different.

Bungemuseet : En kvalitativ studie om Bungemuseets verksamhet och dess plats i de gotländska skolorna / Bungemuseet : A qualitative study on the Bunge museum's operations and its place in the schools on Gotland

Klint, Maria January 2016 (has links)
Forskningen kring kommunikationen mellan museiverksamhet och skolverksamhet är inte utbredd, hur man når målgruppen skolan är heller inte alldeles givet och skolorna är en svår målgrupp att nå för landets alla museum. Uppsatsen behandlar detta fenomen med fallstudien och friluftsmuseet Bungemuseet på Gotland som ett konkret exempel. Bungemuseet har genomgått en omorganisation på grund av kraftigt reducerade besökssiffror och i samband med omorganisationen gjorde Henrik Zipsane en utredning kring verksamheten. Uppsatsen ämnar att följa upp Zipsanes utredning kring verksamheten, genom att gå vidare med påståendet att ”det finns ett behov att noggrant granska vilka målgrupper man vill och kan nå samt vad dessa efterfrågar (---) och det finns bara ett sätt att få reda på det: Fråga dem!”. En kvalitativ undersökning med intervjuer har därför gjorts med verksamma inom Bungemuseet, Fårösundskolan och Södervärnskolan på Gotland kring vad de efterfrågar. Uppsatsen behandlar Bungemuseets verksamhet och vad de erbjuder, vad minskningen av skolelever beror på, vad skolan efterfrågar och hur denna minskning eventuellt kan motverkas. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna som används i uppsatsen är John Deweys teori; Learning by doing och professor Larsåke Larssons; analysschema och målgruppsanalys. Uppsatsens syfte är att lyfta frågan kring kommunikationen mellan skola och museisektorn och kring utbud och efterfrågan. I en avslutande diskussion och analys framförs sedan eventuella förslag kring hur vidare utveckling på detta område kan se ut. Resultatet pekar på att kommunikationen mellan utbildning – och musieförvaltningen är av största betydelse för att främja besökssiffrorna. En lösning för att öka besökssiffrorna ligger i att anpassa verksamheten efter skolornas behov och vad de efterfrågar och detta sker endast genom att förvaltningarna kommunicerar och samarbetar med varandra. / Research on communication between museum activities and school operations are not widespread, how to reach the schools is not entirely obvious and schools is a difficult target to reach for all the country's museums. The essay deals with this phenomenon with the case study and the open air museum- Bunge Museum at Gotland as a concrete example. Bunge Museum has undergone a reorganization due to greatly reduced visitor numbers and in connection with the reorganization did Henrik Zipsane an investigation into the business. The study intends to follow up Zipsanes investigation of the business, by going ahead with the claim that "there is a need to carefully examine the audiences they want and can achieve and what they are asking (---) and there is only one way to find it out: Ask them! ". A qualitative study with interviews have been made to operate in Bunge Museum, Fårösund Södervärn School and the School of Gotland around what they asking for. The studie deals with Bunge museum's business and what they offer, what the reduction of schoolchildren depend on what the school asks for and how this reduction may be counteracted. This study highlight the issue around the communication between the sector of schools and museums and on supply and demand. In a final discussion and analysis performed ago any proposals on how further development in this area can look like. The results indicate that the communication between education - and museums is the most essential to promote visits digits. A solution to increase the number of visitors is to adapt the business to the schools' needs and what they want and this is done only by the sectors is communicate and collaborate with each other.

Ökad grundvattenbildning genom pumpning av salt grundvatten från berggrunden på Gotland / Increased groundwater recharge by the pumping of saline groundwater from the bedrock in Gotland

Andersson, Magnus January 2019 (has links)
På grund av ökad brist och ökad efterfrågan efter vatten på Gotland undersöks möjligheten att genom pumpning av salt grundvatten, lokalt sänka gränsen mellan salt och sött grundvatten som ligger under ön samt öka grundvattenbildningen. Med saltvattengränsen längre ner i marken skulle djupare brunnar kunna borras och större uttag skulle kunna ske vid upprättande av en grundvattentäkt. För att undersöka konceptet skapades en grundvattenmodell över delar av Sudret, ett område på södra delen av ön Gotland. För att kunna simulera förhållanden med pumpning i ett grundvattensystem där blandning sker mellan salt och sött grundvatten av olika densitet, utvecklades modellen i grundvattenmodelleringsprogrammet GMS i kombination med modulerna MODFLOW, MT3DMS samt SEAWAT. Tillsammans med modulerna kunde modellen hantera densitetsskillnader, förändring av saltkoncentrationer och påverkan av pumpar. Som grund vid utvecklingen av modellen användes en geologisk tredimensionell modell framtagen av SGU. Då inga platsspecifika undersökningar vad gäller grundvattennivåer och flödes/spridningsparametrar fanns att tillgå valdes modellparametrar utifrån litteraturvärden och tidigare undersökningar från liknande förhållanden. Först skapades en modell utan pumpning för att simulera fram ett stabilt läge för saltvattengränsen och en stabil tjocklek på språngskiktet. Modellens parametrar anpassades till dess att grundvattennivån låg nära markytan och språngskiktet låg runt övergången från kalksten till sandsten. När en relativt stabil saltvattengräns simulerats fram utvecklades modellen vidare med pumpning från det salta grundvattnet.  Resultaten från arbetet visar att det med pumpning går att sänka saltvattengränsen och att en ökning av grundvattenbildningen sker motsvarande 55 % av den bortpumpade volymen saltvatten. På grund av avsaknad av lokala materialparametrar bör resultaten inte ses som mer än en indikation på att konceptet fungerar.  Vidare föreslås att lokala geohydrologiska undersökningar genomförs för att i framtiden kunna skapa en modell som bygger på lokalt uppmätta flödes- och spridningsparametrar vilket skulle generera mer pålitliga resultat. I en framtida modell bör även pumpning från den söta delen av grundvattnet adderas till modellen för att se hur utvinnande av färskvatten skulle påverka språngskiktets utbredning  samt ge svar på hur stora uttag som skulle vara möjliga. / Because of an increased shortage and an increased demand of fresh water on Gotland, the possibility to pump saline groundwater and thereby locally lower the saltwater interface and increase recharge was investigated. With the saltwater interface further down in the bedrock, deeper wells could be drilled and extraction of more fresh water would therefore be possible. To examine the concept, a groundwater model was created to simulate the idea on a region of the peninsula Sudret on the southern part of the island of Gotland, Sweden. To be able to simulate the idea of pumping groundwater in an aquifer with a mix of saline and fresh groundwater of variable density, a model was built using the groundwater modelling program GMS in combination with the modules/program codes MODFLOW, MT3DMS and SEAWAT. With these modules, the model can handle the complex situation with extraction by pumping from groundwater of variable density and changes of salt concentration over time. A three dimensional geological model over the area produced by SGU was used as a foundation for building the model. Since no site specific surveys considering groundwater levels and flow/dispersion parameters have been previously undertaken in the study area, the parameters of the model were chosen according to literature and findings from similar projects conducted in the past. First, a model was developed to simulate a stable saltwater interface without pumps. Parameters were changed until a groundwater level close to the surface of the model was given and the saltwater interface ended up around the transition between limestone and sandstone. When the model generated desirable results, it was further developed to include the extraction of saltwater by pumping.  Results from the project showed that the concept of lowering the saltwater interface by pumping works, with an increased recharge corresponding to 55 % of the extracted saltwater volume. Because of a lack of site specific parameters, the results should not be seen as more than an indication that the concept works.  Furthermore, geohydrological measures should be made to provide local parameters regarding flow and dispersion for more reliable future models. To gain a greater understanding of how well the concept would work in reality, further development should be undertaken to include fresh groundwater extraction to assess how that would affect the position of the saltwater interface.

Gravskick i Gotländska Skeppssättningar : En osteologisk analys av kremerade ben / The burial practice in Gotlandic ship settings : an osteological analysis of cremated bones

Blinova Högberg, Sofya January 2019 (has links)
This thesis will focus on stone ship settings and the burial practice surrounding them. Over 400 stone ships have been found in Gotland but only 70 of them have been studied and even less osteological analyses have been made. The burials in focus will be four ships which are all made of pieces of limestone formed like ships and are located under the surface opposed to the other types of stone ships settings that are made of big raised rocks. The ships in question are graves therefore the study will focus on the monuments as burial places and will seek so see similarities and differences in the outer and inner burial practice. By analyzing cremated bones, I will determine the age, sex and the number of individuals buried and with the help of the artefacts find possible patterns that can help determine the inner burial practice.

Landsbygd i nöd och lust : En etnologisk studie av livsstilsmigration till Gotland

Peker, Gurbet January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine lifestyle migration as a cultural and everyday practice, with the emphasis being on observing how lifestyle changes from urban to rural are described, practiced and made meaningful by people who have left major Swedish cities behind, in favour of a life on the Gotlandic countryside. The empirical material has been collected through ethnographical methods and is based on observations and qualitative interviews with 13 individuals who all reside on farms and practice animal husbandry. Focus has been placed on the practices, conceptions and other expressions which are related to the informants’ animals and their keeping. The theoretical starting point of this study is phenomenological, where anthropologist Tim Ingold’s ideas of what it means to dwell are central. Also, the term authenticity and the concept of lifestyle migration are important tools to examine the collected material. The result of the study demonstrates that the idea of the rural idyll, in other words, the preconception of the countryside as a calm and harmonious refuge far removed from the stressful life of major cities, plays a large part in the in-migrants lifestyle migration. The informants’ decisions to move to the countryside, as well as their everyday practices once settled in, are characterised by these romanticised notions. The study also shows that the informants’ lives, with animals and their keeping, presents a series of unexpected challenges and difficulties that are not present in the preconception of the rural idyll. In reality, the informants experience more stress and even higher workloads in their rural everyday, than they were exposed to living their previous urban lifestyle. The animals and their care, however, provide a series of positive experiences and the interactions with the animals are seen as authentic and meaningful. The everyday interchanges with the animals become an important part of the informants’ being and wellbeing on the countryside. They are therefore crucial to their lifestyle migration.

Bildstenarna och den muntliga traditionen på Gotland under yngre järnålder

Andersson, Josefina January 2009 (has links)
<p>Andersson, J. 2008. <em>Bildstenarna och den muntliga traditionen på Gotland under yngre järnålder</em>. <em>The Picture Stones and the Oral Tradition of Gotland During the Late Iron Age. </em>Högskolan i Kalmar ht 2008.</p><p>This is a study of the picture stones of Gotland and the oral tradition connected to them. This study consists of two main parts; in the main part the discussion focus on the oral tradition and the continuity of the same, where the memory plays a significant role. It also contains a discussion of the physical environment and its influences of the oral tradition. The second part concentrates around the picture stones, the variation of the scenes and the numerous of them. </p><p>Keywords: oral traditions, picture stones, late iron age, Gotland, Nordic mythology.</p><p> </p><p> </p>

Ubåtar på piratjakt : Är ubåt typ Gotland en potent plattform i en internationell kontext med asymmetriska hot? / Submarines hunting for pirates : Is the Gotland class submarine a potent platform to use in international operations according to asymmetric threats?

Wrang, Andreas January 2010 (has links)
<p>Världen är i ständig förändring, så även de krig och konflikter som utkämpas. Aktörerna utgörs inte längre enbart av nationer utan innefattas även ickestatliga aktörer. År 2000 utsattes amerikanska fartyget USS Cole för en asymmetrisk attack, där en ickestatlig aktör, genom asymmetrisk krigföring, åsamkade stor skada med relativt ringa medel. Denna typ av krigföring och hot är någonting relativt nytt inom den marina arenan. Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka om ubåt typ Gotland är en potent plattform att nyttja vid en internationell insats med asymmetrisk hotbild. Uppsatsen bygger på att ubåt typ Gotlands förmågor jämförs med krav på förmågor, för att möta asymmetriska hot i en marin miljö. Krav på förmågor och Gotlands förmågor kategoriseras enligt variabler som utgörs av de sex grundläggande förmågorna. Genom analys och diskussion erhålls ett resultat för vardera variabel. Materialet som används är, för Gotlands del, officiell information om teknisk utrustning och prestanda, utgivet av tillverkandeföretag. Resultatet pekar på att ubåt typ Gotland som autonom enhet ej möter de krav som ställs, avseende verkan. Bestyckningen är inte lämplig att nyttja mot asymmetriska hot, med hänsyn till aspekter om insatsregler och proportionalitetsprincipen. Förutsatt att Gotland opererar i undervattensläge är dess förmåga till skydd och rörlighet god. Ubåt typ Gotland genom dess, för ubåtar, unika förmåga till dold spaning är det en värdefull resurs som kan nyttjas vid internationella insatser med asymmetriska hot.</p> / <p>The world is in constant transformation, so even wars and conflicts being waged. Actors of war, nowadays, not only consist of nations, but also involve non-governmental actors. In the year 2000, the American warship USS Cole was exposed to an asymmetric attack, whereby a non-governmental actor caused large damage using relatively modest resources. This type of warfare and threats are, so far, relatively new and uncommon within the marine environment. The aim of this essay is to investigate whether the Gotland class submarine is a potent platform to be used within an international operation consisting of asymmetric threats. The essay is based upon a comparison between the abilities of the Gotland class submarine and abilities required to deal with asymmetric threats in a marine environment. The abilities required and the abilities inherent of the Gotland class submarine are categorized according to a set of variables, based upon the six fundamental abilities. Through analysis and discussion, results will be obtained for each variable. The material, used for description of the Gotland class submarine, is public information of technical equipment and its performance, published by the manufacturing companies. The results indicate that the Gotland class submarine, seen as an autonomous entity, do not meet the requirements, regarding the ability of effect. The armament is not suitable for use against asymmetric threats, taking rules of engagement and the principle of proportionality into consideration. Predicting that the Gotland class submarine operates submerged, their ability of protection and movement is satisfying. The Gotland class submarine, because of its unique ability to accomplish reconnaissance operations submerged, is a valuable resource to use in international operations consisting of asymmetric threats.</p>

Bronssvärd på Gotland : en typologi och genusdiskussion / Bronze swords on Gotland : a typologi and gender discussion

Sommar, Fanny January 2010 (has links)
<p>On the island of Gotland in the Baltic sea there have been 18 archaeological find of bronze swords and five finds of bronze miniature swords and they have been dated to the bronze age periods II-VI. They have been found as ritual hoard offerings, as treasure hoards and in graves. These finds will be put in relation to each other and the bronze age landscape they have been found in. The purpose of this is to see if there is a pattern to be seen, if a specific sword-type can be found in a grave or hoard or if there’s a pattern to be seen in there placement in the landscape relating to other bronze age sites. The question of who used the sword during the bronze age will also be asked, followed by a discussion of gender, gender roles and power on Gotland during the bronze age.</p>

Ubåtar på piratjakt : Är ubåt typ Gotland en potent plattform i en internationell kontext med asymmetriska hot? / Submarines hunting for pirates : Is the Gotland class submarine a potent platform to use in international operations according to asymmetric threats?

Wrang, Andreas January 2010 (has links)
Världen är i ständig förändring, så även de krig och konflikter som utkämpas. Aktörerna utgörs inte längre enbart av nationer utan innefattas även ickestatliga aktörer. År 2000 utsattes amerikanska fartyget USS Cole för en asymmetrisk attack, där en ickestatlig aktör, genom asymmetrisk krigföring, åsamkade stor skada med relativt ringa medel. Denna typ av krigföring och hot är någonting relativt nytt inom den marina arenan. Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka om ubåt typ Gotland är en potent plattform att nyttja vid en internationell insats med asymmetrisk hotbild. Uppsatsen bygger på att ubåt typ Gotlands förmågor jämförs med krav på förmågor, för att möta asymmetriska hot i en marin miljö. Krav på förmågor och Gotlands förmågor kategoriseras enligt variabler som utgörs av de sex grundläggande förmågorna. Genom analys och diskussion erhålls ett resultat för vardera variabel. Materialet som används är, för Gotlands del, officiell information om teknisk utrustning och prestanda, utgivet av tillverkandeföretag. Resultatet pekar på att ubåt typ Gotland som autonom enhet ej möter de krav som ställs, avseende verkan. Bestyckningen är inte lämplig att nyttja mot asymmetriska hot, med hänsyn till aspekter om insatsregler och proportionalitetsprincipen. Förutsatt att Gotland opererar i undervattensläge är dess förmåga till skydd och rörlighet god. Ubåt typ Gotland genom dess, för ubåtar, unika förmåga till dold spaning är det en värdefull resurs som kan nyttjas vid internationella insatser med asymmetriska hot. / The world is in constant transformation, so even wars and conflicts being waged. Actors of war, nowadays, not only consist of nations, but also involve non-governmental actors. In the year 2000, the American warship USS Cole was exposed to an asymmetric attack, whereby a non-governmental actor caused large damage using relatively modest resources. This type of warfare and threats are, so far, relatively new and uncommon within the marine environment. The aim of this essay is to investigate whether the Gotland class submarine is a potent platform to be used within an international operation consisting of asymmetric threats. The essay is based upon a comparison between the abilities of the Gotland class submarine and abilities required to deal with asymmetric threats in a marine environment. The abilities required and the abilities inherent of the Gotland class submarine are categorized according to a set of variables, based upon the six fundamental abilities. Through analysis and discussion, results will be obtained for each variable. The material, used for description of the Gotland class submarine, is public information of technical equipment and its performance, published by the manufacturing companies. The results indicate that the Gotland class submarine, seen as an autonomous entity, do not meet the requirements, regarding the ability of effect. The armament is not suitable for use against asymmetric threats, taking rules of engagement and the principle of proportionality into consideration. Predicting that the Gotland class submarine operates submerged, their ability of protection and movement is satisfying. The Gotland class submarine, because of its unique ability to accomplish reconnaissance operations submerged, is a valuable resource to use in international operations consisting of asymmetric threats.

Gömt bakom symbolen : en studie om gropkeramisk dekor på Gotland / Concealed behind the symbol : a study of the ornament of the Pitted Ware Culture on the island of Gotland

Lidman, Erika January 2013 (has links)
This thesis analyses the decoration on the pots of the Pitted Ware Culture on Gotland. The pottery from this period is richly decorated with various ornaments, the most common are the pits but other types of decoration occur. The purpose of this study is to get an insight into what the patterns meant to the people that made and used them and what role these may have played in their lives. The author will analyse the decoration on potsherds found from the three Pitted Ware sites of Visby, Ajvide and Hemmor on Gotland. This will be used in a comparative analysis to investigate if differences and/or similarities of the pattern occur between and among the sites. A comparative study of various ceramic found in dated graves with various temporal status from the site Ajvide is also done to see if changes in the patterning occur with time. Since pits are common on most pottery from all the sites from this time they will not be used in these analyses but the focus will be on other type of pattern. / Neolitiska livsstilar

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