Spelling suggestions: "subject:"gotland"" "subject:"potland""
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De stenbundna skeppen i trädens skugga : En studie kring skeppsformade monument från yngre bronsålder på ÖlandWollentz, Gustav January 2013 (has links)
Ship formed monuments from the Late Bronze Age on the island of Öland, southeast Sweden, have never been thoroughly dealt with in previous research, despite the fact that the region is suggested to have had a key-role in maritime trade networks. This thesis aims to address the ship formed monuments on Öland in relationship to the monuments in northern Småland and the island of Gotland. My goal is to discuss how the ship symbolism was practised during the Late Bronze Age in Scandinavia from a new perspective. I also aim to shed new light on the Bronze Age culture on Öland. I show that the ship formed monuments on Öland mark important maritime routes in the landscape leading to the core areas in the Late Bronze Age. These routes are not only linked to the trade which took place, but also to the landscape it self. I argue that the maritime movement in the landscape has helped to create and re-create the cosmology. Thus, the symbolic and practical function of the ship is tied together. Furthermore, I show that the memory connected to a mythological past has played a crucial role in the rituals leading up to the building of the monument. By integrating a circular view of time while interpreting the rituals instead of a linear one, I argue that this can be understood as a way of transforming the soul for rebirth.
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Framgångsrikt strategiarbete : ett arbete om visioner och strategier inom Region Gotland / Successful strategy work : a thesis about visions and strategies within Region GotlandKöhlmark, Thomas, Sippmanne, Mattias January 2011 (has links)
The usage of visions and strategies is something that helps an organisation to create an imaginary scenario and guide them of how to realize these goals. During the years of 2006-2008 Region Gotland presented a document that was supposed to show the region's visions. The theoretical framework of this thesis is based on the stakeholder theory, Balanced Scorecard (BSC) and Management Control Systems Package (MCS). Personal interviews were conducted within the organisation Region Gotland, with individuals whom are directly linked to the visions and strategies of the organisation. The purpose of this study is to clarify the concepts of vision and strategy, and what their impact is on the organisation's work on the operation level. The results show the importance of how the organisation alters its visions and strategies. As well how this is directly linked to the stakeholders changing their requirements on the organisation. Further explanation of why it is difficult to create successful strategies, is that it can be difficult to build a natural link between strategy, goals and vision. The study has shown that participation and communication is a key factor to succeed with visions and strategies within the organisation.
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Stengrunder och gränser : en studie av kontinuitet från äldre järnålderns stengrundsbygd till nutid / Iron Age Stone Foundations vs. Borders : a study of continuity from AD 200 to present dayNilsson, Ola January 2011 (has links)
This thesis studies settlement continuity on Gotland between approximately AD 200 and AD 1700. The method used is to calculate correlation between the geographical distribution of all known Iron Age stone-wall-houses (on Gotland known as "kämpagravar") and all farms included in the detailed taxation maps from approximately 1700. The number of remaining house foundations is between 1800 and 1900. A model to estimate the number of removed foundations is presented. It is based on the assumption that the settlement density was proportional to land use around 1700, and that the rate of removal is related to the current land use. Based on similarity with contemporary farms on Öland and in Denmark, it is also proposed that Iron Age farms on Gotland were less dispersed. The common view in archaeological literature is that Iron Age farms on Gotland often had their buildings spread more than 200 meter apart. It is estimated that the remaining 1800+ foundations represents more than 2700 Iron Age farms with a total of more than 4700 houses. Compared to previous studies, the fluctuation in number of farms between maximum expansion during Late Roman Iron Age and Viking Age, and maximum contractions during the Migration Period and Late Middle Ages, also is much larger. By parish, the number of farms per km2 and the average farm size have been calculated, both for the stone-wall houses and for the farms as they were represented around 1700. Using regression analysis, the correlation between the two datasets was estimated. No significant correlations were identified. The distribution of the remaining stone foundations and/or the estimated distribution before removal have also been compared to known borders and corresponding administrative districts – since the Middle Ages, Gotland has been divided in tredingar (third parts), settingar (sixth parts), 20 thing/court districts and 95 parishes. The tredingar and partly the settingar correlate with the stone foundation distribution, but not the thing districts or parishes. The correlation and lack of correlation might be explained by input errors or confounding factors, but the historical records supports the interpretation that the tredingar and settingar has been in continuous use since before the Middle Ages, and that the thing districts and the parishes were introduced during the Middle Ages. At least 24 farms with the name "Stenstugu" are known in Gotland. "Stenstugu" distribution coincides with centrums of stone foundation concentrations in a way that cannot be explained by coincidence or confounding factors. Probably, the name "Stenstugu" originates from the Roman Iron Age and is related to stone foundations settlements. / Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera kontinuitet från gotländsk stengrundsbebyggelse på äldre järnålder till bebyggelsen ca år 1700. Detta har skett genom en statistisk-geografisk jämförelse av alla kända stengrunder på Gotland med 1700-talsbygden sådan den framträder i skattläggningskartan från ca år 1700. Antal kvarvarande stengrunder på Gotland är drygt 1800. En bortodlingsmodell har tagits fram som är baserad på antagandena att ursprunglig stengrundskoncentration är beroende på ägoslag år 1700 och att bortodling är beroende av nutida markanvändning. Dessutom har en ny tolkning av vad som motsvarar en gård i stengrundsmaterialet föreslagits. Den baseras på att stengrundsgårdar liksom samtida gårdar på Öland och i Danmark var tätt grupperade. Det innebär att gårdsantalet blir mycket högre än tidigare beräkningar som baserades på gårdar med byggnader som ibland låg mer än 200 meter ifrån varandra. Med den nya bortodlingsmodellen och det nya gårdsbegreppet har bortodlingen skattats till ca 60 %, vilket innebär att antalet stengrundshus skattats till drygt 4700 och antalet stengrundsgårdar till drygt 2700. En konsekvens av det betydligt större antalet gårdar än tidigare beräkningar är att fluktuationerna i antal gårdar mellan höjdpunkterna under yngre romersk järnålder och vikingatid, och lågpunkterna under folkvandringstid och senmedeltid också varit betydligt större än tidigare beräkningar. För varje socken har antal gårdar per km2 och genomsnittliga storleksmått per socken beräknats, och använts för jämförelser mellan äldre järnålder och 1700-tal. Regressionsanalyser har inte påvisat någon korrelation mellan bevarade stengrunder och 1700-talsbebyggelse. Eftersom beräkning av järnåldersbebyggelsen före bortodling bygger på just 1700-talsbebyggelse är det inte meningsfullt att söka korrelation mellan dem. Fördelning av bevarade stengrunder och beräknad fördelning av stengrunder före bortodling har jämförts med historiskt kända administrativa indelningar på Gotland – tredingar, settingar, ting och socknar. Tredingarna och i någon mån settingarna korrelerar med stengrundernas fördelning, men inte tingen och inte socknarna. Dess statistiska samband kan naturligtvis bero på att stengrunder och tredingar var samtida, men inte de övriga indelningssystemen. Det skulle också kunna förklaras med att det finns felkällor i mätningarna och samvarierande faktorer snarare än ett direkt orsakssamband. Även de historiska källorna går att tolka som att tredingar och settingar har hög ålder, och inte de andra indelningarna, vilket innebär att det finns visst stöd för att tolka korrelationen mellan stengrunder och tredingsindelning, som att de existerade samtidigt. Det finns minst 24 gårdsnamn med "Stenstugu" jämnt fördelade över Gotland. "Stenstugu" visar ett tydligt samband med förekomsten av stengrundskoncentrationer, vilket inte kan förklaras med slumpen eller andra samvarierande faktorer. Namnet bör därmed kunna kopplas till stengrundsbebyggelsen från romersk järnålder.
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Early Holocene Seal Hunting on the Island of Gotland / Mesolitisk säljakt på GotlandSjöstrand, Alexander January 2011 (has links)
Denna studie inkluderar resultat från osteologiska analyser från tre stenålderslokaler på Gotland: Visborgs Kungsladugård, Strå samt Gisslause. Dessa tre lokaler är daterade till Mesolitikum, dvs. bland de tidigaste faserna på Gotland. En majoritet av de identifierade benen har varit från säl och därför har uppsatsen kommit att handla om den säljakt som utövats på dessa tre platser. Utifrån de fynd som analyserats har skillnader kunnat uttolkas vad det gäller både åldersfördelning och fördelning av olika sälarter mellan vissa av lokalerna. Visborgs Kungsladugård visar på en majoritet av yngre gråsälar till skillnad från Strå och Gisslause där det existerar en jämn fördelning mellan gråsäl och vikare, likaså en jämn fördelning mellan åldrarna. Tolkningen av detta pekar på en delvis säsongsjakt där populationerna har jagat på olika sätt på olika delar av Gotland. I uppsatsen har även en diskussion angående den marina anpassningen tagits upp. Denna anpassning har setts i tre stadier, lakustrin, littorin och marin. Den mesolitiska populationen på Gotland passar in på det littorina stadiet där en full marin kultur inte ännu varit helt utvecklad. Då det främst jagats säl på och nära stranden samt att ett visst insjöfiske utövats påvisar resultaten att ett fullt utnyttjande av havet ännu inte bedrivits.
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The Scandinavian settlement at Grobiņa : the connections between the settlement, the local population and GotlandGunnarsson, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
In the town of Grobiņa in Latvia several cemeteries with grave goods and burial traditions that could be linked to Gotland have been excavated, as well as cemeteries of local type. The town itself has been interpreted as the site of a Vendel age settlement, possibly beginning around 650 AD. The aim of this thesis is to study the characteristics of the settlement and in particular its relation to Gotland. A study of the age of circular disc brooches discovered in and around Grobiņa has also been carried out as a part of the analysis. This type of brooches is very typical for Gotland during Vendel and Viking age. / I Grobiņa i västra Lettland har ett flertal vendeltida gravfält med gravgåvor och begravningstraditioner som kan kopplas till Gotland påträffats. Även gravfält av lokal typ har påträffats. Grobiņa har tolkats som platsen för en vendeltida bosättning, möjligen grundad cirka 650 e. Kr. Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera bosättningens karaktär, och i synnerhet dess förhållande till Gotland. En studie av de dosformade spännen som påträffats i och omkring Grobiņa har också genomförts som en del av analysen. Denna typ av spännen är typisk för Gotland under vendel- och vikingatid.
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Studie av en medeltida husgrund : en analys av bronsfynd från husgrund 6, Västergarn, Gotland / An analysis of bronze from a medieval building-foundationOlsson, Tobias January 2012 (has links)
This essay is an analysis of the objects made of bronze found in an excavation Västergarn parish, Gotland, in 2010, conducted by the University of Gotland. The studied material presented in this essay comes from contexts inside, as well as nearby the foundation of a medieval building which purpose is still not certain. The first purpose of this study is to present the bronze-objects found inside and nearby the foundation of house 6, and to see if there are any datable objects. There is also a discussion whether there has been any bronze-crafting in the area. The second purpose is to make a contextual analysis to see if there are any differences between the material found outside and inside of the building, and what conclusions can be made regarding the function and use of the building. A spatial analysis has also been made to distinguish any patterns of the distribution of material inside and around the house.The result of this essay is partly a presentation of the material, but also that there has occurred some bronze-crafting in the form of cutting metal sheets inside or near the foundation treated in this essay. There is no evidence for casting bronze near the house foundation.The frequency of finds from outside the foundation compared to the frequency of finds within the foundation is nearly quadruple, which is to be expected since there probably has been a wooden floor inside the house to prevent all but the tiniest objects from falling through. Objects that landed on the floor were cleaned out, just to land near the entrance of the building. The finds from within the building much resembles the finds from outside the building, and the distribution-patterns of the trench indicates that the entrance to the building probably was located near the north-west corner or near the south-east corner.Hopefully, this study contributes another piece to the great puzzle that is Västergarn.
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Styrning av offentlig och privat verksamhet inom omsorgen : fallstudie av särskilt boende på Gotland / Management control of public and private organization in elderly care : case study of special housing in GotlandLyander, Anders, Norman, Ulf January 2012 (has links)
Region Gotland har under en längre tid privatiserat tjänster som tidigare utfördes av Region Gotland själva. Hur går det till när en privat aktör tar över eller startar en verksamhet och hur ser kraven på verksamheten ut? Idag använder Region Gotland Balanserade styrkort i sin styrning och hur påverkar denna typ av styrning privata aktörer? Denna uppsats fokuserar på vilken effekt Socialnämndens styrning har på upphandling, kommunikation och uppföljning. Problemformuleringen i denna uppsats lyder: På vilket sätt styr Socialnämnden privata och offentliga aktörer inom särskilt boend epå Gotland. Syftet med denna rapport är att undersöka hurvida Region Gotlands styrmodell påverkar upphandling, kommunikation och uppföljning mellan Region Gotland och aktörer inom särskilt boende på Gotland. Intervjuer har gjorts med personer i nyckelpositioner inom Region Gotland. Fördjupade intervjuer har gjorts med verksamhetschefer på två olika boenden. Ett boende i privat regi och ett boende i offentlig regi. Vi presenterar även information om Regionens Balanserade styrkort med fördjupning på Socialnämndens styrkort. / The municipality of Gotland has for some time now privatized social services traditionally performed by the municipality of Gotland themselves. How does it work when a private corporation starts to run such services and what are the requirements for the new organization? The municipality of Gotland uses Balanced Scorecard in its management control. How does this kind of governance affect private companies? This paper focuses on the affects of the municipality´s Management control regarding procurement, communication and monitoring. In what way does the management control of the social welfare affect the private and public actors in special housing in Gotland? The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the Balanced scorecard has affected procurement, communication and follow-up between the municipality of Gotland and organizations in special housing in Gotland. Interviews were conducted with persons in key positions within the Region Gotland. In-depth interviews were made with managers in two specific places. In one special housing in the private sector and another in the public sector. We also present information about the region's Balanced scorecard with focus on the social welfare scorecard.
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Bildstenarna och den muntliga traditionen på Gotland under yngre järnålderAndersson, Josefina January 2009 (has links)
Andersson, J. 2008. Bildstenarna och den muntliga traditionen på Gotland under yngre järnålder. The Picture Stones and the Oral Tradition of Gotland During the Late Iron Age. Högskolan i Kalmar ht 2008. This is a study of the picture stones of Gotland and the oral tradition connected to them. This study consists of two main parts; in the main part the discussion focus on the oral tradition and the continuity of the same, where the memory plays a significant role. It also contains a discussion of the physical environment and its influences of the oral tradition. The second part concentrates around the picture stones, the variation of the scenes and the numerous of them. Keywords: oral traditions, picture stones, late iron age, Gotland, Nordic mythology.
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Kulturen med en twist : En studie av fyra lokaler från trattbägarkulturen på Gotland. / The culture with a twist : A study of four sites from the Funnel Beaker Culture on Gotland.Lidman, Erika January 2014 (has links)
This thesis analyses the Funnel Beaker Culture on the island of Gotland. Since no comprehensive studies of the remains of the pottery have been made, this is one of the reasons why I chose to study this topic. The purpose of this study is to analyze the pottery and to discuss the chronological and spatial implications. Four sites from the Funnel Beaker Culture on Gotland are studied; Mölner/Gullarve, Gräne, Ardags and Suderkvie. Ceramic samples are analyzed with respect to its ornament and it is discussed if the pottery found at various sites are contemporary. This is done by comparing with pottery from Funnel Beaker sites in Scania. A comparison with Öland is also made, mainly with the site of Runsbäck. Another well excavated Funnel Beaker site is discussed, Skogsmossen in Västmanland. Finally, I have done a detailed spatial analysis of the site Mölner/Gullarve, with focus on the area of Gullarve, to understand the distribution of the ceramics and some of the flint material. This is an attempt to discuss the relations between Gullarve and Mölner, as well as all the sites regionally and their possible interregional relationships with Öland and the Swedish mainland. This thesis has shown that it is possible that the site of Mölner/Gullarve might belong to the earlier part of the early Neolithic era whilst the sites Gräne and Suderkvie might belong to the later part of the same period. Ardags has been a complicated site to date and seem to have been of importance to the people for a long time. The spatial analysis of Mölner/Gullarve has shown that some flint-artifacts have seemingly been more common on Gullarve whilst ceramics seems to have been more common on Mölner. Other things that have been discussed is the possibility of a megalithic tomb near the site of Suderkvie and that the site of Ardags should be further discussed out of a perspective of possible ertebølle-pottery. / Skärvor av en forntid
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Bleats from the north : Evaluation of osteological methods with support of archaeogenetics to distinguish between sheep and goats / Bräkanden från Norden : Utvärdering av osteologisk metod med stöd av arkeogenetik för att särskiljamellan får och getterTheorell, Hannes January 2014 (has links)
This study is an extension of the author's previous thesis (Theorell 2013) and focus on the analysed tibia, the humerus and the proximal and distal part of the radius of sheep bones from Gotland and goat bones from City of Falun. Methods for bone elements assessed in this study are compiled and evaluated by Zeder and Lapham (2010). The bones were then geneticallyspecies identified and the results were compared. Seven of thirteen criteria for both sheep and goat reached 100% of correct identification.Best performing criteria were on humerus and distal radius for both sheep and goats. The results for the complete bone assessments divided for the species showed best performance ongoats. Worst performing bone is the tibia. High performing criteria were found on all thetypes of bones used in this study which can be used to distinguish between sheep and goats. / Föreliggande studie är en utökning av författarens tidigare magisteruppsats (Theorell 2013) och fokuserar på att analysera skenben, överarmsben samt proximal och distal del av strålbenet från fårben från Gotland och getben från Falun. Metoder för benslagen som används i denna studie har samlats och utvärderats av Zeder och Lapham (2010). Efter osteologisk analys har benen genetiskt artidentifierats och resultaten från bägge analyser har jämförts. Sju av tretton kriterier för både får och getter visade 100% korrekt bedömning. Kriterier med bäst resultat fanns på överarmsben och distalt på strålben. Sett till bedömning av komplett benslag skilt mellan får och getter visade att metoderna presterade bäst på getter. Sämst resultat uppvisades på skenbenet. Generellt uppvisade samtliga benslag kriterier som är möjliga att använda för att särskilja mellan får och getter.
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