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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A new approach to the study of emergent leadership: the application of personality patterns based on general self-efficacy, intelligence, and dominance

Smith, Jeffrey A. 03 March 2009 (has links)
Past research on the emergence of leaders in groups has typically examined relationships between individual trait variables and emergence. The current study extends work of the past by pioneering a multi-variable pattern approach, along with the traditional examination of individual trait measures, in the domain of emergent leadership. The personality pattern examined in this study includes the variables dominance, intelligence and general self-efficacy. All three trait variables were significantly positively associated with leader emergence. Individuals high in all three traits (HHH) emerged significantly more frequently than all other individuals while those low in all three traits (LLL) emerged significantly less frequently than all other individuals. The study also examined non-leader group members and their perceptions of the emergent leaders; resulting in descriptions of leaders that were highly consistent with the traits of interest. Implications for the future research of emergent leadership are discussed. / Master of Science


Griffin, Brandon Antoine 01 May 2024 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation explores the complex relationship between servant leadership and social loafing within organizational settings. Drawing upon the collective effort model, social exchange theory, and trait activation theory, this research explores how servant leadership impacts social loafing. Employing a two-wave online survey methodology with full-time workers in the USA, this study examines the direct effects of servant leadership on social loafing and investigates the mediating roles of perceived insider status, civility, and psychological empowerment. Furthermore, it assesses how individual differences—such as honesty-humility, psychological entitlement, and exchange ideology—moderate these relationships.Initial findings reveal a complex relationship between servant leadership and social loafing, with certain components of servant leadership directly influencing social loafing in both positive and negative directions. Specifically, emotional healing and ethical behavior factors of servant leadership were found to reduce social loafing, whereas putting subordinates first appears to unexpectedly increase social loafing. In addition, with the inclusion of social desirability, task interdependence, and task visibility as control variables, we see a marked decrease in the direct relationship between servant leadership and social loafing. Importantly, servant leadership does act as an indirect negative influence on social loafing through the mediating mechanisms of psychological empowerment, perceived insider status, and perceived leader civility. However, there were no detectable moderation effects from our interaction variables of psychological entitlement, honesty/humility, and exchange ideology. The research contributes to the broader literature on leadership and motivation by highlighting the conditional effects of servant leadership on individual motivation within groups, offering valuable insights for organizational leaders aiming to foster a culture of high engagement and minimal social loafing. Through a comprehensive analysis, this dissertation provides a deeper understanding of how servant leadership can be effectively leveraged to combat social loafing, emphasizing the importance of aligning leadership approaches with individual employee characteristics and group dynamics.

Proactivity at work

Andersson, Kin January 2015 (has links)
Proactive behaviour implies taking initiative and mastering unexpected situations, and hence, is desirable in different situations. The present thesis includes three empirical studies intended to understand the consequences of proactive behaviour, as well as the factors that contribute to proactive behaviour at work and when facing unemployment. More specifically, whether job design, as measured by objective work task analysis, provides conditions conducive to proactivity in the workplace and when facing unemployment. The results of proactive behaviour during unemployment were also of interest. Study I focused on the influence of job design on individuals’ personal initiative and confidence in their ability when facing unemployment. Participants were employees at a downsizing Swedish assembly plant. Confidence in one’s ability mediated the relationship between job design and personal initiative, and personal initiative affected job search behaviour when advised to be dismissed. Study II, a longitudinal exploration, focused on the predictors of re-employment in the same group as in Study I. Men were more than nine times as likely as women to obtain jobs within 15 months. Individuals without children were more than seven times as likely as those with children to find work within 15 months. The desire to change occupation and willingness to relocate also increased the probability of being re-employed, whereas anonymous-passive job-search behaviour and work-related self-efficacy actually decreased the probability of re-employment. The number of job applications did not impact later re-employment. Study III analysed job design as a predictor of group initiative and self-organisational activities in semiautonomous industrial work groups. An input-process-output model showed that group processes such as reflexivity mediated the impact of job design on proactivity in work groups. Taken together, these studies suggest that work task analysis a useful tool, since it provides access to information that cannot be obtained with self-report measures. Job design indirectly affected proactivity both in the face of unemployment, and in industrial work groups. Further, it is worthwhile to continue identifying the antecedents and consequences of proactivity, as this seems to be an important factor regarding work and unemployment.

Grupprocesser i utbildning : En studie av gruppers dynamik vid problembaserat lärande

Hammar Chiriac, Eva January 2003 (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis is to identify, describe and interpret group processes occurring in tutorials in problem-based leaming. Another aim is to investigate if a combination of Steiner's (1972) theory of group work and Bion's (1961) theory of work and regression in groups may be a fruitful way to interpret and explain group dynamics in problem-based learning. Data have been collected trough a multi-strategy approach. The principal, as we11 as the preliminary, method for data gathering was qualitative. The quantitative method was used as a follow-up study. The data gathering methods used were less-structured observation, structured questionnaire and focused intewiews. The results disclose that it is possible to give a comprehensive and descriptive picture of the group processes that occur in tutorials. The results also show that a combination of Steiner's and Bion's theories may be a fruitfil way to describe, interpret and explain group dynarnics in tutorial groups. By combining the theories a new theoretical mode1 was created. The combination can be considered as a way of developing the theories and at the same time it offers a theoretical too1 for research purposes. The combination represents a new way of categorising group processes and can hopefilly provide a better understanding of interactional dynamics in groups and account for greater explanation value with respect to group processes. From a group research perspective the mode1 can be seen as my contribution to theory development. From a user perspective this knowledge may contribute valuable information. More, or deeper, knowledge of group processes that occurs in tutorials can provide tutors with means for better understanding of dynarnics in groups.

Jogos de papéis (RPG) em diálogo com a educação ambiental: aprendendo a participar da gestão dos recursos hídricos na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo / Role-playing games and Environmental Education: learning to take part in the water resources management in São Paulo \'s metropolitan region

Camargo, Maria Eugenia Seixas de Arruda 25 April 2006 (has links)
Os jogos de papéis (role-playing games) têm sido utilizados em diversos projetos de gestão participativa dos recursos naturais em processos de formação, pesquisa e intervenção de apoio à negociação de conflitos em várias partes do mundo. Uma série de estudos demonstram o potencial destas metodologias para lidar com temas complexos num processo de Educação para a participação, principalmente de atores locais da sociedade civil. Partimos do pressuposto de que os fóruns de negociação de conflitos socioambientais exigem um aprendizado técnico e social para uma participação efetiva da sociedade civil. O objetivo da pesquisa consiste em analisar os potenciais e limites destas metodologias em relação aos princípios da Educação Ambiental. Primeiramente realizamos um levantamento e comparação de experiências brasieliras de formação relacionadas à gestão urbana e ambiental. Em seguida, analisamos de forma mais aprofundada um protótipo de jogo de papéis, com enfoque na modelagem de acompanhamento, que corresponde ao foco do trabalho - O Jogo dos Mananciais. O jogo em destaque trata da problemática da gestão dos recursos hídricos em áreas de mananciais peri-urbanos. Os resultados da análise mostram que o jogo apresenta diversas potencialidades como metodologia de apoio à formação, embora seus limites estejam relacionados à complexidade da ferramenta e ao tempo dispendido na sua elaboração. Além disso, como uma metodologia didática, o jogo de papéis (RPG) deve estar inserido num processo de formação mais amplo. / Role playing games in natural resources management have recently been tested as training, research and intervention tools all over the world. Various studies point out their potential to deal with complex issues and to contribute on the training processes. We believe that a social learning process is necessary to empower the local communities to take part on the negotiation channels. The objective of this contribution is to briefly analyze the limits and potential of games within environmental education from the critical perspective. The analysis begins by a comparison of four Brazilian experiences, which are \"regular\" RPGs, developed to deal with the complexity of urban and environmental management. They were used within an educational process focusing on either local communities or technicians. The comparison of these experiences is based on (i) an analysis of the materials (game support) provided by the developers, (ii) interviews with authors and game developers and (iii) participation in game sessions whenever possible. Then we deeply analyze the RPG (Jogo dos Mananciais), the research focus. This game is a prototype based on Companion Modeling Approach. It deals with the water resources management in peri-urban catchments. The results show role-playing games have many possibilities as a training methodology, however their limits are related to the complexity of the toll. So, the RPG must be inserted into a wider educational process.

Remediar, comer, exercitar: etnografia do gerenciamento do diabetes tipo 2 em grupos hiperdia / Remedy, eat, and exercise: ethnography of management type 2 diabetes in health education groups

Melo, Lucas Pereira de 19 November 2013 (has links)
Os grupos de educação em saúde têm sido considerados espaços nos quais se produz intervenções educativas, cujo objetivo último é a aderência ao tratamento. Isto se faz por meio da valorização do saber médico e da assunção da ignorância do sujeito que adoece. No Brasil, há poucos estudos antropológicos de grupos de diabéticos que se realizem dentro de serviços oficiais de saúde. Esse tipo de abordagem tem-se mostrado pertinente, uma vez que a experiência com a doença crônica está intimamente entrelaçada com os tipos de serviços e de profissionais de saúde que eles encontram no sistema oficial de saúde. Este estudo partiu do pressuposto de que em tais grupos é possível analisar as formas de operação do modelo terapêutico para diabetes tipo 2. Buscou-se apreender os grupos como instâncias produtoras de sentidos e de significados relativos ao processo de adoecimento. Portanto, teve-se como objetivo compreender os aspectos discursivos, estruturais e simbólicos que compõem os modos de operação do modelo terapêutico para gerenciamento do diabetes tipo 2 em grupos de educação em saúde na atenção básica. O trabalho de campo foi conduzido entre os meses de agosto/2011 e setembro/2012 num centro de saúde em Campinas-SP. Participaram do estudo 58 indivíduos, entre usuários, profissionais e gestores. Desse total, 33 foram entrevistados individualmente ou nos grupos de discussão. Nesse contexto, o gerenciamento do diabetes tipo 2 dá-se por meio de tecnologias e ética do autocuidado que exigem dos indivíduos autocontrole, automonitoramento e disciplina. Destaca-se o seguinte: os itinerários dos pacientes até o ingresso nos grupos; os ditos e cochichos nas reuniões; as negociações no acompanhamento clínico; os significados atribuídos aos grupos que, em alguma medida, se contrapõem e se retroalimentam; os usos sociais dos grupos; os sistemas de privilégios e gradações existentes entre os participantes; os compartilhamentos e trocas de experiências e saberes socializados na lida diária com a enfermidade crônica; as críticas e sugestões que os informantes fazem ao modo de funcionamento dos grupos, apesar de tímidas ou intimidadas; o papel do vínculo e das relações como elementos que conferem eficácia simbólica ao ato médico e à educação em saúde. Diante disso, observa-se a existência de uma crise no modelo de educação em saúde vigente. Além disso, chama-se a atenção para a lógica cultural que opera nesses grupos, o que evidencia as diferenças e complementaridades entre as dimensões técnica e relacional do cuidado, como reflexos dos referentes culturais e valores sociais da sociedade brasileira mais ampla. / Health education Groups have been considered spaces where produces educational interventions, whose ultimate objective is adherence to treatment. This is done through the enhancement of medical knowledge and the assumption of ignorance of the people who gets sick. In Brazil, there are few anthropological studies about these groups that take place within the official health services. This approach has shown relevant, since the experience with chronic illness is closely intertwined with the types of services and health professionals they encounter in the public health system. This study was based on the assumption that such groups can examine ways of operating the therapeutic model for type 2 diabetes. It tried to apprehend these groups as instances of producing senses and meanings related to the disease process. So we had as objective to understand the discursive, structural, and symbolic aspects that make up the operating modes of the therapeutic model for management type 2 diabetes into health education groups in primary health care center. Fieldwork was conducted between the months of August/2011 September/2012 in Southeast Brazil. The study included 58 individuals (patients, professionals and managers). Of this total, 33 were interviewed individually or in focus groups. In this context, the management of type 2 diabetes occurs by means of technology and ethics of self-care of individuals requiring self-control, self-monitoring and discipline. It highlighted the following: the itineraries of patients until entry in groups; the \"uncertain\" and \"whispers\" in meetings; negotiations clinical follow; meanings assigned to groups, to some extent, oppose and feed back; the social uses of the groups; systems of privileges and gradations between participants; shares and the exchange of experiences and knowledge in deals with chronic illness; criticism and suggestions that informants make the workings of groups, despite the \"shy\" or \"intimidated\", the role of the bond and relationships as elements that confer symbolic efficacy to the medical act and health education. Thus, we observe the existence of a crisis in the health education model. It demonstrates the differences and complementarities between the technical and cultural/relational dimensions of care reflecting the cultural reference points and social values of the broader Brazilian society.

Afinidades eletivas: ética religiosa e utopias sociais - análise psicossocial de uma organização de base comunitária

Wrasse, Dílson 05 July 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T13:30:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dilson Wrasse.pdf: 2132833 bytes, checksum: ba49754ed2353b67334062b5d16a35b8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-07-05 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This dissertation has the purpose of analysing the process of definition of the awareness and identity of a political subject historically involved between the religious ethics and social utopic conceptions of reality transformation and human emancipation. We used as methodological strategic data collection and analysis the organizational-historical study case favoring the analysis of documents elaborated throughout history. More relevance was given to the study case the Ação Comunitária Paroquial Jardim Colonial, that gathers 10 service units for children and youth and that is inserted in the context of the outskirts of São Paulo, Zona Leste region, District of Iguatemi. The political subject under analysis came out of the Clube das Mães movement (Mother s Club movement) in the 70 s, and gained strength through the Ecclesial Base Communities (CEBs) , became institutional as Political Formation Center (Centro de Formação Política), consolidated itself as a social work related to the Movement for Children and Youth Rights (Movimento de Defesa dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente), currently incorporated to state policies having as main partner Secretaria de Assistência Social do Município de São Paulo (Social Assistance Secretary of the Municipality of São Paulo).It is evident that many community based organizations that appeared in the city of São Paulo motivated by the action of the Igreja Popular (People Church) engaged in social work, but do not have mediators, as in the past, in the formation and definition of the identity of the political subject. The reduction of internal and external political spaces allows group processes to build their identities so that they can, in turn, redefine their positions in society / Esta dissertação analisa o processo de configuração da consciência e da identidade de um sujeito político envolvido historicamente entre as concepções da ética religiosa e as concepções utópicas sociais de transformação da realidade e de emancipação humana. Utilizamos como estratégia metodológica de coleta e análise dos dados o estudo de caso do tipo histórico-organizacional, privilegiando as análises de documentos elaborados ao longo da história. Destacou-se para o estudo de caso a Ação Comunitária Paroquial Jardim Colonial que reúne 10 unidades de atendimento para crianças e adolescentes e que está inserida no contexto da periferia de São Paulo, Zona Leste, Distrito do Iguatemi. O sujeito político em análise nasceu do movimento do Clube de Mães na década de 1970, ganhou forças através das CEBs, institucionalizou-se como Centro de Formação Política, consolidou-se como um trabalho social ligado ao Movimento de Defesa dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente, incorporou-se atualmente às políticas estatais, tendo como a principal parceira a Secretaria de Assistência Social do Município de São Paulo. Verifica-se que várias organizações de base comunitária surgiram na cidade de São Paulo motivadas pela atuação da Igreja Popular, mas que hoje não dispõem de mediadores, como no passado, para a formação e definição da identidade do sujeito político. A redução dos espaços políticos internos e externos não propicia que processos grupais construam suas identidades para poderem, por sua vez, redefinir suas posições na sociedade

Ledarskap i musik och idrott : Skillnader och likheter i ledning och utveckling av grupper

Forslund, Emanuel January 2013 (has links)
Scientific studies show that good leadership is a key factor for group- and individual development. Studies have also shown that the contrary can curb talented individuals and/or cause stagnation, or even cause groups to halt their progression. This essay studies how leaders in musical and athletic environments look on their own leadership. In interviews, the leaders reflect upon experienced issues related to their profession, their views on difficulties in their leading role, as well as individual, and group development. This study also includes two observations, one in each field of profession. The answers in the interviews have been compared in order to identify possible differences and/or similarities between the two different career fields . The comparison also serve as a background for a discussion on wether the two different leader professions can learn from each other. The study shows that the stereotype portrait of the screaming hockey coach isn’t entirely accurate when to describe the leaders who coach young hockey players in Sweden. The study also shows that the leaders in choral singing has a very strong position and often single-handedly pilots their groups against put up targets. / Forskning visar att ett gott ledarskap är en viktig faktor för att grupper och individer skall utvecklas och motsatsen kan hämma duktiga individer och/eller få grupper att stagnera eller till och med gå bakåt i utvecklingen. Denna studie undersöker musik- och idrottsledares syn på sitt eget ledarskap. Ledarna svarar i kvalitativa intervjuer på frågor kring sin egen syn på ledarskap, svårigheter med ledarskapet, individutveckling och grupputveckling. Intervjuerna kompletteras även av två observationer, en inom varje område. Dessa musik- och idrottsledares svar jämför jag för att undersöka likheter och skillnader samt för en diskussion kring resultatet och om det finns något de kan lära av varandra. Studien visar bland annat att schablonbilden av den skrikande ishockeytränaren inte riktigt stämmer överens med de ledare som utbildar unga ishockeyspelare i Sverige och att ledare inom körsång har en mycket stark ställning och ofta ensam lotsar sina grupper mot uppsatta mål.

A influência do clima motivacional na ansiedade e na satisfação e a sua repercussão no rendimento desportivo

Dias, Rui Miguel das Neves January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

A efetividade da terapia fonoaudiológica de grupo para a redução da ansiedade de pacientes com disfonia

Trajano, Flávia Maiele Pedrosa 17 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Viviane Lima da Cunha (viviane@biblioteca.ufpb.br) on 2016-06-13T12:10:17Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 888271 bytes, checksum: 2e7a1a5511dee464cc547c06c4fbdfc4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-13T12:10:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 888271 bytes, checksum: 2e7a1a5511dee464cc547c06c4fbdfc4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-17 / This dissertation is subdivided into three articles: the first one is a systematic review titled "Speech therapy group and its effectiveness for treatment of dysphonia: a systematic review", accepted for publication in CEFAC journal and had intended to conduct a review on systematic group of vocal therapy and its effects in patients with dysphonia. Through the study it was revealed that the group therapy method is effective for rehabilitation of dysphonia. The second article is also a systematic review entitled "Anxiety levels and impacts on voice: a systematic review", submitted to the journal Communication Disorders and features in order to perform a systematic review about anxiety and its impact on voice. The main finding of the study was the existence of a relationship between anxiety and presence of vocal changes. Finally, the third article built with empirical data from field research, has the title "The group speech therapy reduces anxiety of patients with dysphonia", will be submitted to the journal Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica and has the objective to analyzing the levels of anxiety pre and post-group therapy vocal symptoms in patients with dysphonia and verifying the correlation between vocal symptoms and anxiety levels. The study bought the existence of the correlation between anxiety levels and the voice, but also the effectiveness of group therapy for rehabilitation of these disorders. / Este trabalho de dissertação é subdividido em três artigos: o primeiro trata-se de uma revisão sistemática intitulada “Fonoterapia em grupo e sua eficácia para tratamento da disfonia: uma revisão sistemática”, aceito para publicação na revista CEFAC e apresentava como objetivo realizar uma revisão sistemática sobre terapia vocal de grupo e seus efeitos em pacientes com disfonia. Através do estudo, foi possível perceber que o método de terapia de grupo é eficaz para reabilitação da disfonia. O segundo artigo, também é uma revisão sistemática intitulada “Níveis de ansiedade e impactos na voz: uma revisão sistemática”, submetida à revista Distúrbio de Comunicação e apresenta o objetivo de realizar uma revisão sistemática sobre a ansiedade e seus impactos na voz. O principal achado do estudo foi a existência de uma relação entre ansiedade e presença de alterações vocais. Por fim, o terceiro artigo construído com os dados empíricos da pesquisa de campo, tem como titulo “A terapia fonoaudiológica de grupo reduz a ansiedade de pacientes com disfonia”, será submetido à Revista Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica e possui o objetivo de Analisar os níveis de ansiedade e sintomas vocais pré e pós-terapia de grupo em pacientes com disfonia, bem como verificar a correlação entre sintomas vocais e níveis de ansiedade. O estudo comprovou a existência da correlação entre os níveis de ansiedade e a voz, como também, a efetividade da terapia de grupo para reabilitação desses distúrbios.

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