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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur går samråds- och medborgarmöten till? : En observationsstudie av kommunikativa planeringsideal / How are civic meetings carried out? : An observational study of communicative planning values

Ashbourne, Frida January 2019 (has links)
Denna uppsats har visat att utformningen av samråds- och medborgarmöten har en viktig betydelse för dess förutsättningar att genomföras i linje med kommunikativa planeringsideal. Detta har kunnat påvisas genom deltagande observationer av hur samråds- och medborgarmöten sker i praktiken. Observationerna har genomförts med syfte att förstå möjligheter och utmaningar med att bedriva kommunikativ planering utifrån olika planeringsideal. För samråd generellt så tycks de allra flesta genomföras på kommuners hemsidor och inte i mötesform och av de som genomförs i mötesform tycks de flesta anordnas i öppet hus. Samtliga observerade möten, såväl samrådsmöten som medborgarmöten, innehöll brister gällande uppfyllande av kommunikativa planeringsideal, om än olika beroende på vilket planeringsideal en utgick från. I mitt arbete har jag utgått från två olika planeringsideal som inspirerats av Habermas (1984) och Mouffe (2000; 2008) och studerat hur två centrala aspekter för kommunikativ planering, konsensus och konflikt, hanterats under de observerade mötena. De mer fritt strukturerade medborgarmötena som inte är knutna till någon detaljplan visade sig generellt sätt ha fler mötesdeltagare och innehålla fler samtal och diskussioner jämfört med samrådsmötena oavsett om de anordnades i strukturerad form eller öppet hus- form. Utformningen av möten visade sig även ha en viktig betydelse för dess utfall oavsett vilket planeringsideal en utgick från. Utformningen är en aspekt som Habermas inte tar hänsyn till i sina idéer om perfekta samtalssituationer och resultatet från denna studie kan därmed anses relevant för framtida forskning att ta hänsyn till för att skapa mer kompletta teorier. Även policyskapare kan rimligtvis ha intresse av att inkludera utformningen av möten som en aspekt i framtida arbete för att förbättra möjligheterna till att kunna bedriva kommunikativ planering. Min studie stärker även Strömgrens (2007) tes att planeringen fortfarande är rationell i grunden, då jag empiriskt visat att tjänstemän rationaliserat vad som är ett lämpligt hållningssätt, med hänvisning till det allmänna intresset.

Habermas e a ideia de continuidade reflexiva do projeto de estado social : da reformula??o do d?ficit democr?tico da social-democracia ? contraposi??o ao neoliberalismo

Danner, Leno Francisco 20 December 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:55:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 435656.pdf: 1311750 bytes, checksum: 0a83d1e60b33066deda8efffc53caa19 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-12-20 / This work develops a Habermasian idea of reflexive continuity of the Welfare State project, in order to pursue three specific points: (1) Habermas is critic of what this work will call demo-cratic deficit of Welfare State, advocated by the old social-democracy; this deficit is concei-ved as undermining the process of power structures democratization, originated from the spe-cific relationship between Welfare State and mass democracy in terms of late capitalism; (2) since the late 1970‟s, the main target of Habermas is represented by the theoretical-political position, neoconservative or neoliberal and, in this context, and with that idea, his objective consists in defending a continuation of the social-democratic project of state, from an ideal of radical democracy Between Facts and Norms, in this sense, is the reformulation of a social-democracy based on a radical democracy and, at the same time, a direct refusal of the neolibe-ral theoretical-political position; and (3) texts from the 1980‟s onwards, having as background the fallen of Real Socialism and the social-democracy crisis, Habermas articulates a theoreti-cal-political position, in this work named Left Social-democracy, as he reaffirms an emanci-patory ideal of Left, connected to a social-democrat attitude, this ideal is based on reformist critic of radical type, based on the continuation of the Welfare State project, tempered with radical democracy process (radical reformism).Now, what is the sense of this Left social-democracy founded in the reflexive pursuit of Welfare State? To answer this question, the thesis will follow a specific itinerary: firstly, it will define the meaning and the implications of democratic deficit of Welfare State project, while it will highlight the theoretical-political con-frontation between social-democracy and neoliberalism as a defining confrontation of Haber-masian theoretical-political praxis (and not only it), since the last three decades of the twentie-th century. Secondly, the thesis will develop a reformulation of social-democracy, by Haber-mas, in Between Facts and Norms, from an ideal of radical democracy, correlatively to its neoliberal contraposition. Thirdly, it will be defended, based on texts from the late 1980‟s onward, a Habermasian position of the Left social-democracy, which incorporates an emanci-patory theoretical-political ideal of the Left, whose objective is the reflexive pursuit of the Welfare State through a reformist critic of radical type. / O presente trabalho desenvolve a ideia habermasiana de continuidade reflexiva do projeto de Estado social, de modo a defender tr?s pontos espec?ficos: (1) Habermas ? cr?tico disso que, neste trabalho, ser? chamado de d?ficit democr?tico do projeto de Estado social, propugnado pela velha social-democracia, d?ficit que ? concebido como solapamento do processo de de-mocratiza??o pol?tica das estruturas de poder, originado da espec?fica rela??o entre Estado social e democracia de massas em termos de capitalismo tardio; (2) desde fins da d?cada de 1970, o grande alvo do referido autor ? representado pela posi??o te?rico-pol?tica neoconser-vadora ou neoliberal e, nesse contexto, com aquela ideia, o seu objetivo passa a consistir na defesa de uma prossecu??o do projeto social-democrata de Estado a partir de um ideal de de-mocracia radical Direito e Democracia, nesse sentido, ? uma reformula??o da social-democracia com base em um ideal de democracia radical e, ao mesmo tempo, uma recusa direta ? posi??o te?rico-pol?tica neoliberal; e (3), em textos de fins da d?cada de 1980 em di-ante, tendo como pano de fundo a queda do Socialismo Real e a crise da social-democracia, Habermas articula uma posi??o te?rico-pol?tica que, neste trabalho, ser? chamada de social-democracia de Esquerda, na medida em que reafirma um ideal emancipat?rio de Esquerda ligado exatamente ? postura social-democrata, ideal que tem como fundamento uma cr?tica reformista de tipo radical, calcada na prossecu??o do projeto de Estado social, temperado com processos de democracia radical (reformismo radical).Ora, qual o sentido desta social-democracia de Esquerda fundada na prossecu??o reflexiva do projeto de Estado social? Para responder a tal pergunta, esta tese seguir? o seguinte itiner?rio: primeiro, definir-se-? o signi-ficado e as implica??es do d?ficit democr?tico do projeto de Estado social, ao mesmo tempo em que se salientar? o confronto te?rico-pol?tico entre social-democracia e neoliberalismo como o confronto definidor da pr?xis te?rico-pol?tica habermasiana (e n?o somente dela), desde as ?ltimas tr?s d?cadas do s?culo XX; segundo, desenvolver-se-? a reformula??o, por Habermas, em Direito e Democracia, da social-democracia a partir de um ideal de democra-cia radical, correlatamente ? sua contraposi??o ao neoliberalismo; terceiro, defender-se-?, com base em textos de fins da d?cada de 1980 em diante, a posi??o habermasiana de uma social-democracia de Esquerda, que retoma um ideal te?rico-pol?tico emancipat?rio de Esquerda, cujo objetivo ? a prossecu??o reflexiva do projeto de Estado social, por meio de uma cr?tica reformista de tipo radical.

A salvação pela eugenia: a crítica habermasiana à eugenia liberal e suas controvérsias

Sousa, Alberto Marques de 28 November 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T19:20:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Alberto Marques de Sousa.pdf: 615342 bytes, checksum: cdad8c12f8e059db71b1df71dae1d094 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-11-28 / The argumentative strategy of Jürgen Habermas against liberal eugenics has provoked many different reactions among several thinkers, establishing important debates and discussions among those who advocate greater control of scientific research and those who plead for greater freedom of action with regard to the intervention of human nature. Our search in this work, in the light of the philosophy of science and its advancements, walks toward understanding these debates and discussions, as well as the understanding of the reality of genetic research and its application today, that leads to the creation of a new religion, the eugenic religion of beings. Habermas in his work Die Zukunft of menschlichen Natur brings us to the realization that eugenics is still ongoing, but in new clothes and old arguments that put this question in the center of the debate of science and also of the Religious Sciences. While in the past the eugenic project distinguished people by their race, intellectual development and skills to practical activities, today's proposal of liberal eugenics is free to choose the opportunity to maximize the control of the individuals capabilities with a dialogue grounded in utilitarian philosophy, specifically the gain of quality of life, which is increasing pleasure and decreasing pain / A estratégia argumentativa de Jürgen Habermas contra a eugenia liberal tem provocado em muitos pensadores diferentes reações, estabelecendo importantes debates e discussões entre os que defendem um maior controle da pesquisa científica e os que pleiteiam por maior liberdade de ação no que se refere à intervenção da natureza humana. A nossa busca neste trabalho, à luz da filosofia da ciência e dos seus avanços, caminha em direção à compreensão desses debates e discussões, bem como à compreensão da realidade da pesquisa genética e sua aplicação hoje, a ponto de criar uma nova religião, a religião dos seres eugênicos. Habermas em sua obra Die Zukunft de menschlichen Natur nos leva à percepção de que a eugenia continua em curso, mas em novas vestes e com antigos argumentos que recolocam essa questão no centro do debate da ciência e também das Ciências da Religião. Enquanto que no passado o projeto eugênico distinguia as pessoas através de sua raça, formação intelectual e capacidades para atividades práticas, hoje a proposta da eugenia liberal é escolher livremente as possibilidades e potencializar ao máximo as capacidades dos indivíduos com um discurso ancorado na filosofia utilitarista, especificamente no ganho de qualidade de vida que é o aumento do prazer e a diminuição da dor

Bibliotekets som offentlig arena. En analys i ljuset av Jürgen Habermas offentlighetsteori. / The library as a public sphere. An analysis in the light of Jürgen Habermas’ notion of the concept.

Lagerberg, Johanna, Sundström, Emelie January 2011 (has links)
This bachelor thesis examines the library as a public sphere in the notion of Jürgen Habermas’ theory from 1962. The questions asked concerns how the public sphere is discussed in relation to Swedish public libraries today in our late modern society. The analyzed material consists of the Swedish Cultural Bill of 2009 and five qualitative interviews with librarians. The material is analyzed with two of the four social actions presented by the sociologist Maw Weber: value-rational and instrumental. The Cultural Bill handles the importance of public spheres in society, but does not recognize the possibility of public libraries as functioning as such. The interviewed librarians stress this function, but points out the problems in using it as an economic legitimizer of the institution. The difference between the perceived role of the public libraries in the statements from the librarians and the cultural bill probably explains the ambiguity in the librarians’ statements. There is a problem when the more abstract values of the libraries are not recognized in the cultural policy of today. The solution presented in the thesis accede the ongoing LIS research in the emphasis on the need of a more extensive definition of the library as a public sphere. / Program: Bibliotekarie

Vi kanske skulle tuffa till oss lite på biblioteket! : Konstutställningar på folkbibliotek, en del av bibliotekens funktion som offentliga rum? / Art exhibitions in public libraries : part of the libraries function as public sphere?

Eriksson, Linnéa January 2008 (has links)
This bachelor’s thesis examines the ideas behind the phenomenon art exhibitions in public libraries. My interest is to see if and how the art exhibitions can support the libraries in being a public sphere in Jürgen Habermas’ sense, open for all citizens and their opinions. My study therefore has two purposes. The first is to find out which arguments and ideas that are used to motivate the activity. The second purpose is to see if and how the arguments and ideas can be related to Habermas’ theories about the public sphere. The study is based on qualitative interviews with four librarians who are responsible for the art exhibitions in four libraries, located in three Swedish municipalities; Borås, Kinna and Malmö. The concepts by Jürgen Habermas are used to make sense of the information I got from the interviews. The results show that art exhibitions in the public libraries are seen as having a democratic, pedagogical and informational function. It can be seen as supporting the public libraries role as public sphere by creating meetings and room for the citizens to express themselves. But the function of the exhibitions differs between the four libraries because the art exhibition activity depends on the values of one single person. / Uppsatsnivå: C

Racionalidade comunicativa e educação : um estudo sobre o pensamento de Jürgen Habermas enfatizando a formação da competência interativa como aprendizado da razão comunicacional

Bolzan, José January 2002 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como propósito, a partir do estudo e apropriação reflexiva da Teoria do Agir Comunicativo de Jürgen Habermas, identificar espaços alternativos no ambiente escolar através dos quais possamos implementar ações didático-pedagógicas e administrativas que oportunizem o aprendizado da razão comunicativa, bem como favoreçam o desenvolvimento de competências alicerçadas na interatividade. Para tanto, partimos de uma abordagem sobre a modernidade, enquanto contextualização geral, enfatizando os movimentos filosóficos através dos quais se criaram as condições que permitiram a formulação do paradigma da subjetividade. Visando desocultar a gênese da alienação nossa reflexão esteve atenta aos elementos que oportunizaram a transformação da razão emancipatória em razão instrumental, ou seja, os motivos circunstanciais que tornaram possível a geração de patologias e a obstrução dos canais da comunicação na sociedade capitalista ocidental. A racionalidade comunicativa, como resultado da reviravolta lingüística, representa uma formulação reflexiva e crítica da razão capaz de oferecer alternativas de ação que possibilitem o resgate, a renovação e a promoção da racionalidade na sua multiplicidade de formas e vozes. Constitui-se num novo paradigma através do qual torna-se viável a análise crítica das patologias sociais e escolares oriundas do processo de racionalização das relações sociais e produtivas, assim como das imagens religiosas e metafísicas do mundo. A racionalidade comunicativa, pelo fato de privilegiar a dialogicidade intersubjetivo-argumentativa, fecunda o mundo escolar com múltiplas possibilidades de ação calcadas no desenvolvimento de competências interativas via aprendizado da racionalidade.

Habermas e a educação : uma contribuição crítica à formação científica

Bolzan, José January 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho, cujo objeto visa tematizar o unilateralismo cientificista que vigora no ensino universitário, enseja articular propostas que oportunizem a recuperação do caráter crítico-reflexivo da formação cientifica do estudante de graduação, especialmente nas áreas tecnológicas. Por isso, como prelúdio da pesquisa, articulamos inicialmente, em formato amplo, o problema da autonomização das ciências, a transformação da filosofia e das instituições que, contaminadas pelo teor positivista das teorias científicas, passaram a operar a formação humana. A formulação deste problema teve a intenção de erguer os alvos na direção dos quais vai articular-se a crítica filosófica, especialmente aquela articulada pela Escola de Frankfurt, da qual o autor, cuja teoria tomamos como fio condutor desse trabalho, faz parte, na condição de expoente máximo da segunda geração. Habermas, no âmbito da razão comunicativa, tomando como pano de fundo a tradição filosófica e sociológica, vai reconstruir a idéia de razão e racionalidade e propor a ação comunicativa como mediadora entre teoria e prática, capaz de recuperar a problematicidade nos processos de aprendizagem científica. No âmbito da ação comunicativa o mundo da vida é recuperado da tradição fenomenológica e reconstruído comunicativamente como um saber de fundo a-problemático, que opera, liquidificadamente, os mundos referenciais e suas respectivas pretensões de validade. Tal esforço tem em vista a recuperação da totalidade teórica, prática e estética da razão para contrapor ao unilateralismo cientificista, operado pelo visor estreito da razão instrumental na modernidade. Isso posto, para articular o propósito da tese, na última parte, avançamos reflexões sobre potenciais contribuições que a razão comunicativa pode trazer para jogar luz e imprimir um caráter avisado à formação especializada. Para tanto, três idéias mobilizaram o objetivo proposto: A primeira delas articula-se na busca de aportes teóricos para subsidiar nossa reflexão e pensar sobre o caráter unilateral, superficial e deficitário da razão científica, vigente na formação técnica especializada. O segundo ponto articula-se em torno da reflexão sobre as idéias de Educação e Universidade, ensejando recuperá-las intersubjetivo-discursivamente e ao mesmo tempo discutir os grandes desafios que se anunciam à formação técnica na Universidade contemporânea. Por fim, a terceira ideia engendra um duplo propósito: primeiro, propor o cultivo da razão triafásica em ambientes acadêmicos tecnologicamente formatados, o qual oportunize a formação de um cientista habilitado teoricamente a conhecer e fazer, habilitado praticamente a viver junto com os outros, bem como ser um eu autêntico, realizar-se como pessoa humana e ser feliz e, segundo, visando devolver a problematicidade à formação científica especializada, articulamos propostas de ação que, implementadas junto às Comissões de Graduação, de Pesquisa e de Extensão, poderão iluminar a formulação dos Planos Pedagógicos dos cursos e indicar caminhos para recuperar a formação teórica, ético-moral e estética do futuro cientista. / This paper, having as purpose to deal with scientificist unilateralism present in university education, tries to show suggestions to restore the critical-reflective nature of graduation courses, mainly in technological fields. To begin with, we deal with civilization crisis, sciences autonomy, and changes in philosophy and institutions which, influenced by positivist visions of scientific theories, are present in human education. The stating of this problem involves articulation with Habermas' philosophical criticism of Frankfurt School, whose theory is the heart of this paper. In the scope of communicative reason, Habermas takes philosophical tradition as a background to reconstruct the idea of reason and rationality, and proposes communicative action as a mediating category between theory and practice in order to recover problematicity in scientific learning processes. In the scope of communicative action, life world is taken from phenomenology tradition and recovered in the communicative form as a non-problematic background knowledge, which works in referent worlds and in their validating intentions. Such effort has as purpose to recover theory, practice and aesthetic of reason to oppose them to scientificist unilateralism, guided by a single vision of modern instrumental reason. Thus, to draw up the purpose of this thesis, we make reflections on potential contributions from communicative reason to highlight specialist education, as well as to make it aware of its condition. We adopted three main ideas: one of them searches for theoretical and methodological support to analyze the unilateral, superficial and defective nature of scientific reason present in specialized education. The other involves critical reflection on education and university, trying to make them re-establish their intersubjective nature, and to discuss the big challenges to technical education in contemporary University. Last, the third idea has two purposes: first, the growing of triphasic reason in technical academic contexts to provide students with habilities to know and to practice, to interact with others, to be happy and fulfilled; second, by returning problematicity to specialist scientific education to solve tensions between work-interaction, we propose actions which can be introduced to Graduation, Research and Extension Departments in order to highlight pedagogical design and show the ways to recover theoretical, ethical, moral and aesthetic education of future scientists.

Theological competence of going public in modernity by meeting the challenge of Jurgen Habermas.

January 2006 (has links)
Chan Chun Chiu. / Thesis (M.Div.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2006. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 63-65). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Title Page --- p.i / English Abstracts --- p.ii / Chinese Abstracts --- p.iv / Chapter 1. --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1 --- Statement of Thesis and its Motivation --- p.1 / Chapter 1.2 --- Theological Competence and Critical Theory --- p.6 / Chapter 1.3 --- Critical Theology as Revisionary Method of Correlation --- p.12 / Chapter 2. --- The Critical Political Theology of Peukert --- p.20 / Chapter 2.1 --- A Theory of Science: Communicability and Intersubjectivity --- p.24 / Chapter 2.2 --- A Theory of Action --- p.33 / Chapter 2.3 --- A Hermeneutical Criterion and Ethical Response: Anamnestic Solidarity --- p.40 / Chapter 2.4. --- Peukert´ةs View on the Gospels and its Relation to His Critical Political Theology --- p.48 / Chapter 3. --- An Evaluation of the Critical Theology --- p.54 / Chapter 3.1 --- Conclusions --- p.61 / Bibliography --- p.63

The phenomenon of Living Close to Nuclear power Plants

Miles, Jacquelynn Isabel 01 January 2019 (has links)
Communities near nuclear power plants are at potential risk from natural and man-made failures at the nuclear power plants located within those communities. This study explored the concerns and rationalizations of residents of a community who live within a 10-mile evacuation zone of the nuclear power plant located there. Using the general theory of deliberative democracy, the purpose of this qualitative study was to understand and explore why individuals continue to live close to nuclear power plants. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 15 individuals who live within a 10- mile radius of a nuclear power plant in the western US. These interviews were transcribed, coded, and analyzed using a modified Van Kaam procedure. Findings indicated that members of the community had concerns that natural or man-made disasters could lead to catastrophic failure of the nuclear power plant but rationalized living in proximity. Another key finding was that the community itself was supported by the revenue generated from the plant which led many of the participants to live in the community and this contributed to their rationalizing for why they should live close to the plant. The social change implications of this study included recommendations to mayors, city councils, and regulatory bodies to provide more information about nuclear power plants to communities to help them cope with fear and feelings of helplessness. Residents living near nuclear power plants would benefit from the recommendations made in this study because it would help them understand the risks of living near nuclear power plants.

In a World of its Own: How Operative Closure Limits the Law's Ability to Protect Children from Maltreatment.

Peploe, Matthew January 2008 (has links)
New Zealand's figures for child maltreatment are consistently amongst the highest in the OECD. The purpose of this thesis is to understand what the legal system can do to protect children in New Zealand from maltreatment and why legal responses to child maltreatment often appear to be ineffectual or of limited effect. This thesis uses the theories of Luhman and Teubner to argue that the law's ability to protect children from maltreatment is limited because the legal system creates and responds to its own abstract world. This process arises from the functional requirements of the law and its operation as an autopoietic system of power that produces its own abstract knowledge about the world. The legal system's function within New Zealand society is to stabilise behavioural expectations and maintain society's coherence and it does so by reducing the complexity of subjective human existence into binary alternatives. However, this process of reducing complexity limits the way in which the law produces its knowledge about the world and controls how power is distributed within the law's abstract world to such an extent that the legal system is closed from the world of subjective experience. This closure from the world outside the legal system limits the law's ability to regulate and reform that outside world and protect the children who live within it. By identifying these limits, this thesis will contribute to an understanding of the limits of the law's ability to protect children from maltreatment and thereby improve the effectiveness of New Zealand society's attempts to protect its children.

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