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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En samverkande kommun? : En fallstudie om Västerås kommuns arbetssätt mot hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck ur Kollaberativ governance. / A cooperating municipality? : A case study of Vasteras city’s work against honor-related violence and oppression from collaborative governance.

Chukro, Ilona January 2022 (has links)
Syfte: syftet med denna undersökning är att undersöka om implementeringen av arbetet mot hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck i Västerås kommun kan anses vara ett fall om kollaborativ styrning. Samt vilka hinder identifieras i arbetet nit hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Metod: forskningsmetoden bygger på en fallstudie och kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer. Respondenterna representerar den offentliga sektor, ideella sektor och civilsamhället från Västerås kommun. Material: allt styrdokument som används i denna undersökning är hämtat från Västerås kommuns hemsida, om deras arbete mot hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck, samt intervjuer med respondenter från offentlig sektor, ideell sektor och civilsamhället i Västerås kommun. Sammanfattning: analysen av styrdokument och intervjuerna resulterade i att arbetssättet i Västerås kommun mot hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck tillämpas på kollaborativ styrning. Detta beror på att kommunen, tillsammans med andra sektorer, samarbetar med varandra för att nå gemensamma mål. Samarbetet präglas främst av IOP avtal med ideella organisationer som Here 4U i detta fall. Civilsamhället är dock inte inkluderat i verkligheten som det framgår i Västerås kommuns handlingsplan i arbetet mot hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Hinder som uppstår i kommuns arbete är främst brist på resurser och ekonomiskt stöd. Forskningen avslutas med en reflektion över metod delen och förslag på vidare forskning om hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. / Purpose: The purpose of this research is to investigate whether the implementation of the work against honor-related violence and abuse in Vasteras municipality can be considered a case of collaborative governance. And What shortcomings arise in the work against honor-related violence and abuse. Method: The research is based on case study and qualitative research interviews, where the interviewees represent different representative from the public sector, non-profit sector the civil society in Vasteras. Material: All the material used in this research has been gathered from documents from Vasteras municipality website regarding their work against honor-related violence and abuse, as well as interviews with officials and staff from other sectors in the municipality. Conclusion: The analysis of governing documents and the interviews resulted in the case of Vasteras municipality being applied to collaborative governance. This is due the municipality, together with other sectors, collaborates with each other to achieve the goals. Collaboration is mainly character by the signing of IOP agreements with non-profit organization such as Here 4U in this case. Civil sector is not sufficiently included on reality as it appears in Vasteras action plan, lack of resources and financial support has been common responded for the interviewers. The research ends with a reflation on the method section and further research on honor-related violence and abuse. / Nej

Hederlig, respektabel och miserabel : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av svenska muslimers uppfattning och erfarenheter av hedersrelaterat förtryck och våld

Ibrahim Hassan, Amal January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this study is to capture the perception of Muslims in Sweden in regards to experiences of honor related oppression and violence. Additionally, particular focus is given to Muslims’ thoughts in Sweden on how they are portrayed in Swedish media reports of honor related oppression and violence. A qualitative study was conducted through six interviews with Muslim Swedes in order to express their views, thoughts and experiences of honor related oppression and violence, as well as their opinions on how the Swedish media depicts Muslims with respect to this subject. The empirical findings have been interpreted and analyzed in light of three theoretical frameworks in addition to previous research on honor related oppression and violence. The results of this study indicate that all informants believe that honor related violence and oppression amount to limitation and control over women’s lives. Majority of informants with experience of oppression linked to honor all claim that such oppression is due to culture and honor. Contrastingly, the participants strongly dismiss and denounce Islam as being the contributing factor to honor related oppression and violence. However, results suggest a dissimilitude amongst participants as one of the informants suggests that religion is manipulated to reinforce and justify power structures that allow oppression and violence, which stem from honor, to continue to exist. Moreover, the study reveals that the informants believe that the Swedish media has a tendency to present Muslims as perpetrators of crimes related to honor related violence and killings. The informants call for a distinct definition of honor related oppression and violence, which includes all forms of violence against women.

I möte med hedern : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares upplevelser av arbetemed hedersrelaterat våld & förtryck / When faced with honor : A qualitative study of social workers' experiences of workingwith honor-related violence & oppression

Almare, Elin, Christiansen, Emma January 2022 (has links)
Previous research has focused on honor as a phenomenon, but has had less focus on socialservices work against honor-related matters. The purpose of this study is to analyze howsocial workers in the social services experience handling honor-related violence andoppression and what they find challenging and difficult. The study was conducted with thehelp of interviews with social workers. To gain a deeper understanding of the subject, wehave also used previous research, articles and reports on the topic in question. Due to theongoing pandemic with Covid-19, all interviews were conducted via video calls using Zoom. The result of this study shows that there are several types of difficulties in working withhonor related issues. Social workers highlight that there is a risk of discriminating againstsomeone based on, for example, ethnicity and how it can difficult to work from a familyperspective. It has also been emphasized both in previous research and in the interviews thathonor violence is not equated with domestic violence, it requires a deeper comprehension.This study also concludes that there is a need for further research regarding howhonor-related matters are to be handled by social service, as well for the development ofrelevant interventions. The results are analyzed using relevant theories; intersectional perspective, systems theoryand psychodynamic theory.

Hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck : En kvalitativ studie om hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck utifrån kön- och kulturperspektiv samt uppbrottsprocesser utifrån kvinnors självbiografier / Honor-related violence and oppression : A qualitative study of honor-related violence and oppression from a gender and cultural perspective as well as break-up processes based on women's autobiographies

Beka, Blerina, Dahlin, Helena January 2022 (has links)
The intention of this qualitative study is to gain an in-depth understanding of how women break away from honor-related violence and oppression, and how they can be understood in relation to gender and honor-culture. This is done by analyzing the autobiographical text of six different young women describing their experiences of being victims of honor-related violence and oppression. The study shows that it isn't easy for young girls to get out of the oppression and violence. There are several different factors as to why some of them stay and don't seek help. Instead, they feel guilt. It is a long process for the girls, where they have to get past different stages. The last stage for the young woman is understanding, in order for her to heal and move on in life she has to understand what she has gone through and process it, and also reflect on it. This can lead to great sadness for the young woman, thoughts about why they stayed for that long and wasted their own life and time.

Minerat Fält : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om socialarbetares syn och förhållningssätt till perspektivkonflikten kring hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck

Carlsson, Anna, Synnöve, Corson January 2021 (has links)
Honor-related violence and oppression (HRVO) became a public and state concern in Sweden in the late 1990´s. The murders of three young girls in the name of “honor” sparked a vigorous scholarly and public debate on the causes of honor-related violence (HRV). Two main conflicting explanations emerged, and the phenomenon was constructed to have either cultural roots or seen as a form of patriarchal violence against women. Since then the debate has continued to raise much polemic in the Swedish society. The aim of this study was to gain deeper understanding of how social workers perceive and manage the conflicting discourses on HRVO in Sweden. The study is based on qualitative interviews with 12 key agents working with HRVO. The in-depth interviews were thematically analyzed. The inductive approach used resulted in nuanced findings that show that a cultural reductionism narrative is perceived as dominant regarding how HRVO is explained and tackled. This and the lack of consensus between conflicting perspectives on how HRVO should be explained has greatly affected the social practice with people that experience HRVO. The findings of this study also indicate that a more inclusive and nuanced framework needs to be utilized to address HRVO.

De osynliga offren i en ”hederskontext” : En diskursanalys av Socialstyrelsens kunskapsstöd om hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck / The invisible victims in an “honor context” : A discourse analysis of the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare’s policies on honor-related violence and abuse

Vejdeland, Tilde, Hassis, Isabelle January 2023 (has links)
Den polariserade debatten om hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck i Sverige har karaktäriserats av å ena sidan en feministisk förklaringsmodell, å andra sidan en kulturspecifik förståelse av problemet. Debatten har sipprat ner till det sociala arbetet och orsakat osäkerhet hos socialarbetare i arbetet med hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Socialstyrelsen, som utgör den primära kunskapskällan för socialtjänstensarbete, bidrar inte med tillräckligt stöd för professionella i denna fråga. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur problemrepresentationer av hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck produceras genom diskurser i ett urval av Socialstyrelsens kunskapsstöd. Med hjälp av en postkolonial feministisk ansats och diskursanalytisk metod med utgångspunkt i Bacchis angreppssätt ”What’s the problem represented to be?” identifierades och analyserades tre olika diskurser. Vi fann att hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck och patriarkalt förtryck framställdes som ett ”osvenskt” problem, liksom motsägelser mellan problemframställningar och föreslagna insatser. Begreppet ”hederskontext” är centralt i Socialstyrelsens inramning av problemet, men begreppet definieras aldrig utan används snarare för att dölja Andrefiering av våldsutsatta. / The debate on honor-related violence and abuse in Sweden has been characterized by two polarized understandings of the issue, one being feminist and the other a culture-based understanding. This has affected social workers who work with these issues to a point of uncertainty. The National Board of Health and Welfare (NBHW), the Swedish authority responsible for producing guidelines for social workers, has not contributed with enough support in this matter. The aim of this study is to analyze how problem representations of honor-related violence and abuse are produced through discourses in a selection of guidelines published by NBHW. The study takes a postcolonial feminist approach and uses Bacchi’s “What’s the problem represented to be?” approach for analyzing policy. The discourses found seem to be contradicting one another and after reviewing the material, we found that NBHW uses the concept of "honor context" to frame the problem. However, this concept is never properly defined or explained, but is rather used to disguise an Othering of victims of honor-related violence and abuse.

Både offer och förövare? : Offentliga publikationer om pojkar och unga män som lever i en hederskontext / Both victims and perpetrators? : Publications on boys and young men living in honor context

Esping, Ebba, Holmer, Ebba January 2023 (has links)
Honor-related violence and oppression are societal issues that are relevant to social work. However, it is an under-researched area with a lack of knowledge, especially regarding boys and young men in an honor context. The existing research primarily focuses on girls and women. The aim of this study was to describe the content of public publications regarding social work on honor-related violence and oppression in relation to boys and young men. The focus was to examine how boys and young men in an honor context are described as both victims and perpetrators. In addition to that, the study also aimed to investigate the interventions available for this target group. Thematic content analysis was used to address the research questions and objectives by analyzing and thematizing the content of public publications. The findings of this study indicate that boys and young men exist in dual roles as both victims and perpetrators, but more emphasis is often placed on their role as perpetrators rather than victims, as girls' and women's victimization is considered more extensive. Furthermore, the study suggests that there are few interventions specifically targeted at boys and young men living in an honor context. The available interventions mainly focus on victims. The results have been analyzed using power theory and street-levelbureaucracy theory. The analysis demonstrates that power is a central aspect in both an honor context and the practice of social work, and that the structure of street-level bureaucracy affects work with this target group. Therefore, this study concludes that more knowledge and work are needed regarding boys and young men in an honor context.

”Ett beteende som mitt måste straffas och skulden skulle betalas i blod” : En kvalitativ studie om socialförvaltningens arbete med hedersrelaterat våld: begränsningar, utmaningar och brister / "A behavior like mine must be punished and the guilt would be paid in blood” : A qualitative study of the social administration's work with honour-related violence: limitations, challenges and shortcomings

Aidi, Husni, Alsabek, Rana January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to highlight the challenges and shortcomings that affect social work related to honor-based issues, which often result in individuals at risk of honor-based violence choosing to remain in oppressive situations, regardless of the consequences. We have conducted semi-structured interviews with social workers who address these problems in various professional roles, including social secretaries, counselors, foster homes, and organizations that work with preventive measures. Scientific articles, books, and reports were used in the study to gain deeper insight into the subject. The material was analyzed based on intersectionality, systems theory, and anomie theory to gain a more profound understanding of the subject from different perspectives. These perspectives help analyze the factors that contribute to honor-based violence and oppression, and how the interaction between these factors can reinforce honor norms in Sweden. The results reveal shortcomings in addressing honor-based problems, such as a lack of cooperation, knowledge, and interventions. These deficiencies, among other factors, restrict the opportunities for victims of honor-based violence to escape their destructive situations. The study also underscores limiting factors such as victims' low trust in authorities and insufficient long-term measures following a break-up. The segregation of ethnic groups in Sweden and its consequences is a recurring theme, focusing on how cultural distinctions and segregation can reinforce honor norms in society. The study also points out a lack of adequate strategies and sufficient knowledge about how to effectively address honor norms within schools and social work, often overshadowed by the fear of being accused of racism. A key conclusion is that more knowledge about the issue is needed, along with the development of interventions for non-emergency cases that are grounded in a deeper understanding of the cultural context. It is also essential that the stigma surrounding terms such as "honor culture" and "honor-related violence" be eliminated, promoting a more productive debate and dissemination of knowledge at different levels, among politicians, in social work, in schools, and among immigrants. Additionally, the study emphasizes the need to improve integration efforts.

"Vi måste våga lyfta på locket" : Skolkuratorers arbete med hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck / "We must dare to lift the lid" : School counselors' work with honor-related violence and oppression

Lagerborg, Andréa, Muslija, Jasmina January 2023 (has links)
Honor-related violence and oppression is a societal problem that needs to be addressed. Previous research has primarily been focused on defining honor as a term, which has contributed to the schools’ important role in working with honor-related issues being neglected. The essence of this study is not only to create awareness and an understanding of school counselors work with honor-related issues, but it will also account for analyzes of difficulties they have encountered during their time of work. The study is based on six semi-structured interviews with school counselors in one of Sweden's largest cities. The data that is presented in this study is obtained by previous research, articles and reports - as the basis of the study is to deepen the understanding of the school counselors' work with the subject in question. The data gathering of empirical material indicates that honor-related problems are a prevailing phenomenon in Swedens’ schools. The school counselors emphasize a number of dilemmas they are encountered with or have encountered in their profession. The ambivalence is distinctive where there is a clearly expressed fear of appearing xenophobic or risking someone falling through the cracks. The results of the study observes and emphasizes how segregation and the professionals' own attitudes and knowledge can appear as an obstacle to the preventive work with honor-related issues. The study has led to an understanding that in-depth research is of fundamental importance for school professionals’ ability to notice and assist the children and young people who grow up in home conditions characterized by standards of honor. The results of the empirical data are analyzed in relation to selected relevant theoretical frames of reference for the study, symbolic interactionism, segregation and profession theory. / Hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck är ett samhällsproblem som behöver uppmärksammas. Tidigare forskning har till större del haft sitt fokus i att definiera heder som ett begrepp vilket har bidragit till att skolans viktiga roll i arbetet med hedersrelaterade frågor gått förlorad. Syftet med denna studie är att skapa en förståelse kring skolkuratorers arbete med hedersrelaterade frågor samt analysera de hinder som skolkuratorerna upplever i sitt vardagliga arbete. Studien baseras på sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med skolkuratorer i en av Sveriges storstäder. Studiens ändamål har grundat sig i strävan efter en mer djupgående förståelse av skolkuratorernas arbete med dessa komplexa frågor, därav har tidigare forskning, artiklar och rapporter legat till grund för analysen av insamlat empiriskt material. Datainsamlingen av empiriskt material indikerar att hedersproblematik är ett rådande fenomen i Sveriges skolor. I arbetet med studien betonar skolkuratorerna ett flertal dilemman de bemöter eller har bemött i yrket. Ambivalensen är stor där det tydligt uttrycks en rädsla för att framstå som främlingsfientlig eller missa att någon faller mellan stolarna. Resultatet av studien anmärker och poängterar hur segregation och de yrkesverksammas egna inställningar samt kunskaper kan komma att bli ett hinder för det förebyggande arbetet med hedersrelaterade frågor. Studien har föranlett till en förståelse om att djupgående forskning är av fundamental betydelse för att yrkesverksamma inom skolan ska kunna uppmärksamma alla barn och unga som växer upp i hemförhållanden präglade av hedersnormer. Resultatet av empiriskt material analyseras i förhållande till valda relevanta teoretiska referensramar för studiens syfte, symbolisk interaktionism, segregation och professionsteori.

Att bo på skyddat boende –hur är detegentligen? : Kvalitativ studie utifrån personalens perspektiv / Living in sheltered accommodation - what is itreally like?Qualitative study based on the staff's perspective : Qualitative study based on the staff's perspective

Naznin, Vasileta January 2023 (has links)
Hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck är ett omfattande samhällsproblem som Socialtjänsten behöver hantera. Det kännetecknas med stor komplexitet som kräver djupare förståelse av problematiken för att kunna erbjuda relevanta insatser. Det vanligaste beslutet hos Socialtjänsten vid ärenden som är kopplat till hedersrelaterat våld är att individen ska erbjudas skyddat boende för att bli av med våldet direkt. I detta examensarbete undersöks personalens perspektiv på insatsen skyddat boende. Syftet är att belysas skyddat boendes personal erfarenheter och upplevelser av klienter som var utsatta för hedersförtryck. Examensarbetet utgår från tre punkter – den första är personalens uppfattning av hedersproblematiken och skyddade boende. Den andra är fördelarna och nackdelarna med en placering på skyddat boende och sista är samarbetet mellan Socialtjänsten och skyddade boendet. Resultatet visar att personalen har betydande kunskap om hedersproblematiken vilket möjliggör ett individuellt förhållningssätt till att arbeta med klienterna. Vidare pekar resultatet på att personalen identifierar fördelarna samt nackdelarna som uppstår för klienterna på skyddat boende. Sist konstateras ett bra samarbete mellan personalen och Socialtjänsten dock finns det flera områden som kräver förbättring och utveckling. Genomförandet av examensarbetet sker med hjälp av flera teorier, till exempel gräsrotsbyråkratens teori, intersektionalitets teorin, teorin om kön och genus samt teorin om makt. / Honor-related violence and oppression is an extensive social problem that Social Services needs to deal with. It is characterized by great complexity that requires a deep understanding of the problem in order to offer relevant interventions. The most common decision by the Social Services in cases connected to honor-related violence is that the individual is offered sheltered accommodation in order to get rid of the violence immediately. In this degree project, the staff's perspective on the sheltered housing initiative is examined. The aim is to shed light on the experience of protected accommodation staff and the experience of clients who were exposed to honor oppression. The thesis is based on three points - the first is the staff's perception of the honor problem and sheltered accommodation. The second is the advantages and disadvantages of placement in sheltered housing and the last is the cooperation between Social Services and the sheltered housing. The result shows that the staff has significant knowledge of the honor problem, which enables an individual approach to working with the clients. Furthermore, the results indicate that the staff identify the advantages and disadvantages that arise for the clients in the sheltered accommodation. Finally, there is good cooperation between the staff and Social Services, however, there are several areas that require improvement and development. The completion of degree work is done with the help of several theories, for example the theory of grassroots bureaucrats, the theory of intersectionality, the theory of sex and gender and the theory of power.

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