Spelling suggestions: "subject:"human presence"" "subject:"suman presence""
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Modélisation de la détection de présence humaine / Modeling the detection of human presenceBelconde, Antoine 28 September 2010 (has links)
Les travaux présentés dans ce manuscrit traitent de la détection de présence humaine à l'aide d'un ou plusieurs capteurs. Ces travaux ont été menés au sein de l'Institut PRISME dans le cadre du projet CAPTHOM du pôle de compétitivité S2E2. Nous proposons une réflexion sur les phénomènes physiques en jeu pour la détection de présence humaine et un état de l'art des différents systèmes utilisés pour la détection de présence humaine aujourd'hui. La solution commerciale la plus prisée aujourd'hui est l'utilisation des détecteurs de mouvements basés sur la détection de la chaleur du corps humain, c'est-à-dire, la détection des émissions infrarouges. Le besoin de l'information de présence se fait ressentir dans de nombreux projets qui ont pour but de gérer les ressources énergétiques domestiques et/ou qui ont une vocation pour le maintien à domicile. Après une évaluation de plusieurs capteurs de différentes technologies à l'aide de scénarios basiques, notre intérêt s'est porté sur les capteurs de type thermopile. Ces capteurs ont fait l'objet d'une série de tests pour aboutir à la proposition d'un modèle de la réponse des capteurs. En parallèle, nous abordons la problématique de la localisation d'une personne dans une pièce. Deux méthodes sont proposées et ont pour point commun l'utilisation d'un réseau de capteurs. La première méthode utilise les chaînes de Markov cachées et permet de trouver le chemin parcouru par la personne et ouvre des perspectives sur le diagnostic des erreurs de détections des capteurs. La deuxième méthode permet d'obtenir les coordonnées dans l'espace d'une cible à l'aide d'une optimisation par Levenberg-Marquardt des coordonnées à l'aide des réponses des capteurs de type thermopile et de leur modèle. Au final, nous nous sommes intéressés au cadre du maintien à domicile. Nous avons à notre disposition un appartement pilote qui a la particularité d'être entièrement domotisé. Une personne âgée a pu tester cet habitat durant plusieurs semaines. Les résultats obtenus nous confortent pour l'utilisation des capteurs étudiés et des méthodes de localisation développées. / The work presented in this manuscript deals with human detection by using one or more sensors. This work was done in the Institut PRISME within the framework of the CAPTHOM project of the pole of competitiveness S2E2. We propose a reflection on the physical phenomena involved in the detection of human presence and state of the art of the various systems used to detect human presence today. The commercial solution is the most popular today is the sensors based on the detection of heat from the human body (the detection of infrared emissions). The information of presence is needed in many projects that aim to manage domestic energy resources and / or have a vocation for eldercare. After an evaluation of several sensors of different technologies using basic scenarios, this work focused on sensors type thermopile. These sensors have tested and we propose a model of the sensor response. In parallel, we address the problem of locating a person in a room. Two methods are proposed and have in common the use of a sensor network. The first method uses hidden Markov Models to find the path traveled by the person and gives new perspectives on the diagnosis of errors detection sensors. The second method provides the coordinates of a target using Levenberg-Marquardt optimization of coordinate with responses of thermopile sensors and their model. Finally, we are interested in eldcare. We can use a test home who has the distinction of being fully automated. An elderly person tested this habitat for several weeks. The results obtained confirm the use of sensors studied and developed methods of localization.
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The Impact of Human Presence on Terrestrial Mammals in Secondary Regenerating Forest of the Peruvian AmazonPandya, Duncan January 2023 (has links)
Human disturbance is becoming an ever-bigger threat to biodiversity across the globe and should continue to be a field of conservation priority. Urbanisation, research and tourism put unavoidable pressure on the surrounding flora and fauna, therefore we need to gain knowledge on how to reduce future harm. Here we investigated the effects of human presence on medium-large terrestrial mammals in the south-eastern Peruvian Amazon, using camera traps to measure the number of human and mammal observations at varying distances from our research centre and the hiking trails. Species richness and the Shannon and Inverse Simpson diversity indices were also calculated during the four-month study period. Nineteen species were detected across fourteen camera sites. Distance from camp was positively correlated with species richness and the diversity indices, but showed no correlation with total mammal observations. Distance from nearest trail was negatively correlated with species richness, total mammal observations and the diversity indices. Total human observations was negatively correlated with species richness and the diversity indices, but had no impact on total mammal observations. Nevertheless, these results often had high p-values and low sample size and therefore should be interpreted with caution. Omnivores were the most sensitive trophic guild, showing a statistically significant negative correlation with total human observations, and a statistically significant positive correlation with distance from nearest trail. It is important then to assess these responses to human disturbance at the community and species level, as to truly understand the impact we are having.
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Mänsklig närvaro i annonser på Instagram : Att skapa positiva intryck i Instagramannonsering utifrån ett miljöpsykologiskt perspektiv / Human presence in advertisement on InstagramAndersson, Amanda, Nilsson, Maria January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore how ads on Instagram can create a positive attitude for the recipient. This was investigated through a quantitative survey where the respondents, girls belonging to generation Z, got to choose between ads, identify what caught their interest and describe their experience of the ads. The results show that ads with human presence are chosen more often than those without human presence, and there is a slight advantage for those ads with visible face compared to those without visible face. The results also show that when the ads have a visible face, the human is the recipient’s main focus, while ads with a human presence without a visible face are considered to emphasize the product more. The ads with human presence are generally considered to be more inspiring while the most common experience of the ads without human presence is that they are informative. This study complements previous literature by arguing that human presence in itself is a powerful stimulus to capture the attention of recipients on Instagram. We conclude that human presence is a contributing factor to creating a positive attitude for the recipient on Instagram and that it is further enhanced if the ad has a visible face. / Syftet med den här undersökningen är att utforska hur annonser på Instagram kan skapa en positiv inställning hos mottagaren. Det har undersökts genom en kvantitativ enkätstudie där respondenter, tjejer tillhörande generation Z, fick välja mellan annonser, identifiera vad som fångade deras intresse och beskriva hur de uppfattade annonserna. Resultatet av detta visar att annonser med mänsklig närvaro väljs oftare än de utan mänsklig närvaro, och det finns en liten fördel för de annonserna med synligt ansikte jämfört med de utan synligt ansikte. Resultatet visar även att när annonserna har synligt ansikte är människan mottagarens fokus, jämfört med annonser med mänsklig närvaro utan synligt ansikte som anses framhäva erbjudandet mer. De med mänsklig närvaro anses generellt vara mer inspirerande medan den vanligaste uppfattningen av annonserna utan mänsklig närvaro är att de är informativa. Studien kompletterar tidigare litteratur genom att argumentera att mänsklig närvaro i sig är ett kraftfullt stimuli för att fånga mottagarnas uppmärksamhet på Instagram. Vi drar slutsatsen att mänsklig närvaro är en bidragande faktor till att skapa en positiv inställning hos mottagaren på Instagram och att den ytterligare förstärks om annonsen innehåller ett synligt ansikte.
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6G RF Waveform with AI for Human Presence Detection in Indoor EnvironmentsStratigi, Eirini January 2022 (has links)
Wireless communication equipment is widely available and the number of transmitters and receivers keeps increasing. In addition to communications, wireless nodes can be used for sensing. This project is focuses on human presence detection in indoor environments using measurements such as CSI that can be extracted from radio receivers and labeled using a camera and AI computer vision techniques (YoLo framework). Our goal is to understand if a room is empty or has one or two people by utilizing machine learning algorithms. We have selected SVM (Support Vector Machines) and CNN (Convolutional Neural Networks). These methods will be evaluated in different scenarios such as different locations, bandwidths of 20, 40 and 120MHz, carrier frequencies of 2.4 and 5 GHz, high/low SNR values as well as different antenna configurations (MIMO, SIMO, SISO). Both methods perform very well for classification and specifically in case of CNN it performs better in low SNR compared to SVM. We found that some of the measurements seemed to be outliers and the clustering algorithm DBScan was used in order to identify them. Last but not least, we explore whether the radio can complement computer vision in presence detection since radio waves may propagate through walls and opaque obstacles. / Trådlös kommunikationsutrustning är allmänt tillgänglig och antalet sändare och mottagare fortsätter att öka. Förutom kommunikation kan trådlösa noder användas för avkänning. Detta projekt fokuserar på mänsklig närvarodetektering i inomhusmiljöer med hjälp av mätningar som CSI som kan extraheras från radiomottagare och märkas med hjälp av en kamera och AI datorseende tekniker (YoLo-ramverket). Vårt mål är att förstå om ett rum är tomt eller har en eller två personer genom att använda maskininlärningsalgoritmer. Vi har valt SVM och CNN. Dessa metoder kommer att utvärderas i olika scenarier såsom olika platser, bandbredder på 20, 40 och 120MHz, bärvågsfrekvenser på 2,4 och 5 GHz, höga/låga SNR-värden samt olika antennkonfigurationer (MIMO, SIMO, SISO). Båda metoderna fungerar mycket bra för klassificering och specifikt i fall av CNN presterar den bättre i låg SNR jämfört med SVM. Vi fann att några av mätningarna verkade vara extremvärden och klustringsalgoritmen DBScan användes för att identifiera dem. Sist men inte minst undersöker vi om radion kan komplettera datorseende vid närvarodetektering eftersom radiovågor kan fortplanta sig genom väggar och ogenomskinliga hinder.
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Novo rešenje za detekciju prisustva i kretanja ljudi u prostorijama na osnovu analize signala u bežičnoj senzorskoj mreži / A novel solution for indoor human presence and motion detection in wireless sensor networks based on the analysis of radio signals propagationMrazovac Bojan 11 February 2016 (has links)
<p>Neregularnost prostiranja radio talasa je uobičajeni fenomen koji<br />utiče na kvalitet radio veze u okviru bežične mreže, rezultujući<br />različitim obrascima prostiranja radio talasa. Ova teza daje<br />predlog nekoliko postupaka analize prostiranja radio talasa u cilju<br />bez-senzorskog otkrivanja prisustva i kretanja ljudi unutar postojeće<br />bežične mreže. Indikator primljene snage radio signala predstavlja<br />osnovni element analize, iz kog se izdvajaju informaciono,<br />amplitudsko i frekventno obeležje. Analizom navedenih obeležja<br />moguća je realizacija robusnog postupka bez-senzorske detekcije ljudi<br />koja se može primeniti u različitim rešenjima ambijentalne<br />inteligencije, zahtevajući minimalan broj elemenata fizičke<br />arhitekture, neophodnih za uspostavljanje korisnički svesnog<br />okruženja.</p> / <p>Radio irregularity is a common and non-negligible phenomenon that impacts<br />the connectivity and interference in a wireless network, by introducing<br />disturbances in radio signal’s propagation pattern. In order to detect a<br />possible presence of a human subject within the existing radio network<br />sensorlessly, this thesis analyze the irregularity data expressed in a form of<br />received signal strength variation. The received signal strength variation is<br />decomposed into information, amplitude and frequency characteristics. The<br />combination of these three characteristics analysis enables the definition of<br />robust and cost-effective device-free human presence detection method that<br />can be exploited for various ambient intelligence solutions, requiring the<br />minimum hardware add-ons that are necessary for the establishment of a<br />user aware environment.</p>
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Trygghet i stadsmiljöer och offentliga toaletter : Feeling safe in public spaces and restroomsThudén, Lisa January 2019 (has links)
Utformningen av våra offentliga miljöer bidrar till att många känner sig otrygga, och oron att utsättas för brott medför att många, speciellt kvinnor, undviker att vistas utomhus. Detta visar att åtgärder som ökar rörligheten och tryggheten för kvinnor i det offentliga rummet är nödvändiga. Detta projekt behandlar ämnet trygghet på offentliga platser, och fokus ligger på offentliga toaletter. Frågan är aktuell och grundar sig i det faktum att det traditionellt sett har byggts fler offentliga toaletter för män än för kvinnor, och att de sällan är utformade för flickor, kvinnor och småbarnsföräldrars behov. Projektets syfte är att förbättra tillgången, utformningen och/eller upplevelsen av offentliga toaletter. Att genom design undersöka hur det offentliga rummet kan bli mer tryggt och tillgängligt för män och kvinnor på lika villkor. / The planning, structure and shape of our urban environments affects our mindsets and perception of safety. The fear of being exposed to crimes causes many, especially women, to avoid certain public places completely. This proves the necessity of increasing and improving the mobility and safety for women in public spaces. This is the topic of this project, and the focus is on public toilets. The issue is relevant and it is based on the fact that cities traditionally have provided more toilets adapted to men (such as urinals), and existing toilets rarely being designed and equipped to fit the needs of women, girls and parents of young children. The purpose of this project is to improve the availability, design and experience of public restrooms. How can one, using design, improve the public space to feel more safe and accessible for men and women on equal terms.
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