Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bunting."" "subject:"counting.""
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Abundância, densidade e tamanho populacional de aves e mamíferos cinegéticos no Parque Estadual Ilha do Cardoso, SP, Brasil. / Abundance, density and population size of game mammals and birds of Ilha do Cardoso State Park, SP, Brazil.Bernardo, Christine Steiner São 17 November 2004 (has links)
O principal objetivo desse trabalho foi obter o índice de abundância, a densidade e o tamanho populacional de mamíferos e aves cinegéticos (preferencialmente caçados) na Mata Atlântica do Parque Estadual Ilha do Cardoso (PEIC), através do método de transecções lineares. Mapas de ocorrência das espécies foram gerados, bem como foram testadas relações entre estrutura da vegetação e variáveis antrópicas com a abundância e ocorrência das espécies. Foram percorridos 273,05 km em 13 trilhas distribuídas por várias regiões do PEIC. Dentre as aves cinegéticas com maior densidade destacaram-se o uru Odontophorus capueira (26,7 indivíduos/ km2), tucanos Ramphastos spp. (8,9 indivíduos/ km2) e jacú Penelope spp. (3,2 indivíduos/ km2). Dentre os mamíferos cinegéticos, o bugio Alouatta guariba (8,9 indivíduos/ km2) e a cutia Dasyprocta leporina (3,4 indivíduos/ km2) apresentaram maior densidade. A jacutinga é uma espécie ameaçada de extinção no Brasil, com tamanho da população que varia entre 203 e 304 indivíduos. Esta é uma das aves caçadas ilegalmente no PEIC por caiçaras, índios Guarani Mbya e pessoas provenientes do entorno do parque, não havendo conhecimento de quantos animais são abatidos anualmente. Foi utilizado um tipo de análise de viabilidade de populações, sendo possível predizer a probabilidade de extinção, simulando-se diferentes cenários de caça no PEIC (ou seja, diferentes quantidades de jacutingas caçadas por ano). O cenário-base considerado teve como principais características uma baixa taxa de mortalidade anual (10%), capacidade suporte alta (1770 indivíduos) e população efetiva alta (64%). Neste cenário, classificado como otimista devido às características atribuídas, há probabilidade de jacutingas sofrerem extinção local quando mais de 20% dos animais forem abatidos por ano. Contudo, no cenário alternativo onde foi considerado uma capacidade suporte menor que a do cenário-base (177 indivíduos), o dobro da taxa de mortalidade anual do cenário-base ou uma população efetiva de 44%, a população de jacutingas só permanece na ilha se não houver caça. Ao ser considerado uma população efetiva de 24%, há probabilidade de extinção local mesmo se não houver caça, pois neste caso há tão poucos indivíduos aptos a reprodução, que até mesmo efeitos estocásticos (ao acaso) causam a extinção local. Em relação à disponibilidade de frutos, houve correlação entre biomassa de frutos e abundância de queixadas (Tayassu pecari) (Rs= 0,56, p= 0,05). Macucos (Tinamus solitarius) e catetos (Pecari tajacu) apresentaram maior abundância em locais com maior riqueza de frutos (R2= 43,2%, p= 0,01 e R2= 25,5%, p= 0,05, respectivamente). Através da análise de Regressão Logística, foi possível constatar que existiu cerca de duas vezes mais chances de mamíferos ocorrerem em locais com maior densidade de palmito juçara Euterpe edulis adulto e em lugares afastados de comunidades tradicionais da Ilha do Cardoso. Os resultados demonstraram a importância de se proteger áreas que ainda possuem alta densidade de palmitos juçara e grande produção e riqueza de frutos, pois são fatores que contribuem para a ocorrência e abundância de muitas espécies de aves e mamíferos cinegéticos. Além disso, este estudo forneceu embasamento empírico para a polêmica questão do possível impacto das populações humanas na biodiversidade, demonstrando-se que a presença de comunidades tradicionais em unidade de conservação de uso indireto influenciou a ocorrência de mamíferos cinegéticos. / The principal aim of this work was to estimate the abundance, density and population size of game birds and mammals from the Atlantic rainforest at Ilha do Cardoso State Park through linear transect methods. We made ocurrence maps and we looked for relationships between environmental and anthropic variables and the abundance and occurrence of species. The observations summed up to 273.05 Km of transects at 13 trails at different regions in the park. Among the most abundant game birds are the quails Odontophorus capueira (26.7 individuals/ km2), toucans Ramphastos spp. (12.2 individuals/ km2) and guans Penelope spp. (3.2 individuals/ km2). Among the game mammals, howler monkeys Alouatta guariba (8.9 individuals/ km2) and agoutis Dasyprocta leporina (3.4 individuals/ km2) were the most abundant. Jacutinga is threatened by extinction in Brazil and this species is represented by few individuals at Ilha do Cardoso (minimum of 203 individuals and a maximum of 304 individuals). This bird is ilegally hunted by local people and hunters that come from other neighbor cities, and information about how many jacutingas are killed per year is unknown. So, we used a population viability analysis in order to predict probability of extinction, by simulating different hunting scenarios at Ilha do Cardoso. The base-line scenario considered had low annual mortality rates (10%), high carrying capacity (1770 individuals) and high effective population size (64%). At this scenario, classified as optimistic, there is probability of extinction if more than 20% of individuals are hunted per year. However, if we consider a lower carrying capacity (k=177 individuals), a higher annual mortality rate (20%) or an effective population size of 44%., jacutingas only remain in the island if there is no poaching. Nevertheless, with an effective population size of 24% there is probability of extinction even if there is no poaching, because there are so few individuals constituting the population, that stochastic events cause local extinction. This study indicates that conservation status of jacutingas is critical and poaching must be controlled, in order to maintain this population in long term at Ilha do Cardoso State Park. In relation to fruit disponibility, there were correlation between fruit biomass and white-lipped peccaries (Tayassu pecari) (Rs= 0.56, p= 0.05). Tinamous (Tinamus solitarius) and collared peccaries (Pecari tajacu) presented higher abundance in places where fruit richness were higher (R2= 43.2%, p= 0.01 and R2= 25.5%, p= 0.05, respectively). Through Logistic Regression we demonstrated that there was approximately twice more chance of mammals to occur in places with high density of adult palms Euterpe edulis and in places far from traditional communities at Ilha do Cardoso. These results demonstrate the importance on protect areas that still have high density of palm trees and high fruit production and fruit richness, because these are factors which contribute to abundance and occurrence of many game birds and mammals species. Indeed, this study provides scientific basis for the polemic subject about the possible impacts caused by traditional population in local biodiversity, since we have demonstrated that presence of traditional communities in protected areas exerted influence upon occurrence of game mammals.
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La chasse commerciale en Afrique centrale : une menace pour la biodiversité ou une activité économique durable ? : Le cas de la république centrafricaine / Commercial hunting in Central Africa : a threat for the biodiversity or a sustainable economic activity ? : The case of Central African RepublicFargeot, Christian 17 December 2013 (has links)
En Afrique centrale, la chasse commerciale contribue fortement au ravitaillement en protéines des ménages en milieu villageois comme en milieu urbain. Elle est accusée de surexploiter la ressource faune, d’avoir un impact très négatif sur la biodiversité animale et sur la régénération forestière et de faire naître des risques importants de développement de maladies émergentes. A partir du cas centrafricain, nous voulons montrer que : la chasse commerciale s’inscrit dans une histoire longue, qui débute avec la colonisation européenne et se poursuit sans rupture, mais avec des acteurs différents, jusqu’à nos jours ; les prélèvements portent principalement sur la faune petite et moyenne qui présente une dynamique naturelle de reproduction très forte et qui supporte bien des pressions de chasse élevées ; la venaison, surtout la viande boucanée, joue un rôle important pour la sécurité alimentaire des ruraux et des urbains les plus pauvres ; la distribution de ce produit vivrier fait intervenir différents acteurs de l’économie informelle ; la filière est illégale, mais jamais criminelle ; la viande de chasse n’est pas en accès libre, mais la filière est fortement régulée par des contraintes sociales, économiques, géographiques et techniques. A partir de ces constats, nous proposons une nouvelle approche politique de la gestion de la faune en Afrique centrale, privilégiant une gestion adaptative de la faune commune sur la base des territoires villageois, recentrant l’Etat sur ses fonctions régaliennes d’organisation de la sécurité alimentaire globale de la population et réorientant la recherche vers la biologie de la petite faune et l’appui technique aux collectivités locales. / In central Africa, commercial hunting strongly contributes to the protein supply of rural and urban households. It is accused of wildlife resources overexploitation, with very negative impacts on animal biodiversity and forest regeneration and with important risks of emergent diseases development. From the Central African Republic case, we want to show that: commercial hunting has a long history, which begins with European colonization and goes on until today, without breaking, but with different actors ; takings mainly focuse small and medium wildlife which naturally has very strong dynamics of reproduction and which supports high pressures of hunting; Bushmeat, especially smoked meat, plays an important part for food safety of rural and urban poorest; distribution of this food products involves various actors of informal economy; this sector is illegal, but never criminal; bushmeat is not in open access, but the network is strongly controlled by social, economic, geographical and technical constraints. From these reports, we propose a new policy approach to wildlife management in central Africa, favoring an adaptive management of common fauna based on village territory, focusing State on its kingly functions to organize proteinic food safety for all people and orientating research towards small fauna biology and local communities technical support.
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Trompa grave e trompa aguda: um estudo da tessitura da trompa com base nos principais modelos que foram referência para as composições orquestrais / Low Horn and High Horn: a study of the range of the horn based on the principle models that have been used in reference to orchestral compositions.Vagner Rebouças da Silva 19 September 2012 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar a tessitura e a escrita para trompa observando três modelos que foram utilizados de forma brilhante pelos compositores que conseguiram, apesar das limitações de cada modelo, alçar a trompa da condição de instrumento de caça, nos tempos mais remotos, à categoria de instrumento solista e parte integrante da orquestra. Observamos que a trompa moderna é também utilizada para execução do repertório barroco e clássico, período em que as composições contemplavam a trompa de caça e a trompa natural. Acreditamos que uma visão acerca das funcionalidades da trompa de cada período nos traga subsídios para uma execução apropriada com um instrumento moderno. A trompa, devido a sua grande tessitura, foi desde o período clássico dividida em dois gêneros: trompa grave e trompa aguda. A partir do advento da trompa de válvulas na segunda metade do séc. XIX, as composições passam a requerer de um mesmo trompista igual habilidade em toda tessitura. Observamos que a especialização nos gêneros grave e agudo persiste, pois encontraremos passagens solísticas na tessitura grave ou aguda em que é requerida a especialização do trompista de cada gênero. / This research aims to analyze the range and writing for horn by observing three models that were used brilliantly by composers, who managed, despite the limitations of each model, create the conditions for the primitive hunting horn of ancient times to the level of a solo as well as an orchestral instrument. We will observe that the modern horn is well capacitated to perform Baroque and Classical repertoire, a period in which the compositions contemplated the use of the hunting horn and natural horn. We believe that a vision about the features of each period of the horn\'s development brings to light a proper execution with the modern instrument. Ever since the classical period, because of its extensive range, the horn was divided into two genres: high horn and low horn. After the invention of the valve horn in the second half of the 19th century, the compositions demanded of this new instrument the same ability as of its natural horn predecessor throughout its extensive range. We may note that with the newer 19th century valve horn, the perpetuation of the high and low horn tradition was maintained as may be observed in its extensive high and low range in solo passages, requiring the expertise of both high and low horn players of the time.
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Prisustvo, karakterizacija i kontrolne opcije za Salmonella enterica u lancu mesa divlje svinje / The presence, characterization and control options for Salmonella enterica in the wild boar meat chainMirčeta Jovan 29 September 2017 (has links)
<p>Istraživanje je sprovedeno u cilju utvrđivanja prisustva i raširenosti infekcije sa Salmonella enterica u populaciji divljih svinja u lovnim gazdinstvima u Republici Srbiji, kao i uticaju procesa lova i obrade trupova divljih svinja na njihov mikrobiološki status. U pogledu jednog od najznačajnijih alimentarnih patogena u divljih svinja, Salmonella enterica, ukupno je ispitano 425 jedinki, odstreljenih u 12 lovnih gazdinstava. Ukupna prevalencija Salmonella je iznosila 4,2%. Najviše izolata je dobijeno iz fecesa (13, odnosno 3,1%), dok je iz brisa kože i površine mesa trupova dobijeno 3 (0,7%) odnosno 4 izolata (0,9%) i samo 1 izolat iz mezenterijalnog limfnog čvora (0,2%). Serotipizacijom izolata Salmonella enterica potvrđeni su serotipovi S. Enteritidis (71.4% od ukupnog broja izolata), S. Typhimurium (23,8%) i S. Infantis (samo jedan izolat, 4,8%). Salmonella enterica je statistički značajno češće utvrđena kod životinja iz otvorenog lovišta, kao i kod jedinki ženskog pola starijih od 36 meseci i težih od 75 kg. Molekularnom karakterizacijom izolata Salmonella enterica metodom elektroforeze u pulsirajućem polju (PFGE) utvrđeni su identični profil S. Typhimurium iz fecesa i na površini mesa trupa iste divlje svinje, što ukazuje na prenos ovog patogena sa fecesa na meso trupa tokom evisceracije. Takođe su metodom PFGE utvrđeni identični i/ili visoko srodni profili Salmonella enterica kod divljih svinja poreklom iz različitih lovišta i između divljih svinja, domaćih svinja i živine poreklom sa farmi u okolini lovišta. Ovo ukazuje na postojanje genetske veze, kao i mogućnost postojanja epidemiološke veze između divljih svinja i domaćih životinja u pogledu ovog patogena. Utvrđena je visoka mikrobiološka kontaminacija kože i mesa trupova divljih svinja bakterijama indikatorima opšte i fekalne kontaminacije. Na osnovu uzorkovanih 210 divljih svinja, izlovljenih u 8 lovišta, prosečan ukupan broj bakterija (ACC) utvrđen na koži bio je je 5,2 log10 cfu/cm2, a broj Enterobacteriaceae (EBC) 3,6 log10 cfu/cm2. Prosečan ACC utvrđen na mesu trupova iznosio je 5,4 log10 cfu/cm2, a EBC 3,8 log10 cfu/cm2. Viši nivo mikrobiološke kontaminacije na mesu trupova divljih svinja u odnosu na kožu ukazuje da drugi izvori kontaminacije (prolivanje sadržaja creva kao posledice ustreljivanja u abdomen i druge nehigijenske procedure tokom obrade trupova) igraju važniju ulogu u kontaminaciji mesa trupova nego koža. Na mikrobiološki status trupova su najviše uticale procedure lova i obrade trupova, pa je na nivou pojedinih lovišta utvrđena statistički značajna razlika između trupova ispravno odstreljenih životinja i onih pogođenih u abdomen. Na viši nivo mikrobiološke kontaminacije sa ACC i EBC su takođe uticale procedura evisceracije na terenu na otvorenom u ležećem položaju na zemlji i bez dostupne čiste vode, kao i veoma nehigijenska praksa pranja kože i unutrašnjih površina trupova nakon obavljene evisceracije. Rezultati ovog istraživanja značajno doprinose razumevanju epidemiologije Salmonella enterica u divljih svinja u Srbiji i rizičnih faktora koji utiču na njeno širenje i mogućnost prenosa na ljude alimentarnim putem, kao i uticaja procesa lova i obrade trupova divljih svinja na njihov mikrobiološki status. Oni takođe predstavljaju i naučnu osnovu za dalji razvoj strategija za kontrolu S. enterica u populaciji divljih svinja u Srbiji i sveukupne mikrobiološke kontaminacije mesa trupova.</p> / <p>The presence and distribution of Salmonella enterica infection in wild boar population in hunting estates in Serbia was studied, as well as the impact of hunting and carcass dressing procedures on their microbiological conditions. With respect to the main foodborne pathogen from wild boars, Salmonella enterica, the total number of 425 wild boars, originating from 12 hunting estates, was examined. The overall Salmonella prevalence was 4.2%. Isolates were recovered from faeces (13, representing 3.1%), while fewer from skin and carcass meat swabs, i.e. 3 (0.7%) and 4 (0.9%) respectively and only one isolate from mesenteric lymph node (0.2%). Serotyping of S. enterica isolates confirmed serotypes S. Enteritidis (71.4% of total numbers of isolates), S. Typhimurium (23.8%) and S. Infantis (only one isolate, 4.8%). Salmonella enterica was more often found in animals originating from open hunting estates, and from females older than 36 months weighing >75 kg. Molecular characterisation of S. enterica isolates using Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE) revealed identical profile of S. Typhimurium from the faeces and carcass meat surface of the same animal, indicating transmission of this pathogen from the faeces to carcass meat during evisceration. Also, identical and/or highly related profiles of S. enterica were determined from wild boars from different hunting estates and between wild boars and domestic pigs and poultry from nearby farms in close proximity to hunting estates. This indicate the existence of genetic link, and possibility of epidemiological link as well between wild boars and domestic animals in respect to this microbial pathogen. High microbial contamination of wild boar skin and carcass meat with indicators of general and faecal contamination was found. Based on 210 sampled wild boars from eight hunting estates, the mean aerobic colony counts (ACC) on wild boar skin was 5,2 log10 cfu/cm2 and Enterobacteriaceae counts (EBC) 3,6 log10 cfu/cm2. The mean ACC on carcass meat was 5,4 log10 cfu/cm2, and EBC 3,8 log10 cfu/cm2. Higher levels of microbial contamination on wild boar carcass meat comparing to the skin indicate that sources other than skin (such as gut content spilage due to abdominal shot, as well as other unhygienic carcass dressing procedures) play important role in carcass meat contamination. Hunting and dressing procedures mostly influenced carcass meat microbial conditions, hence statistically significant difference was observed between properly shot animals and animals shot in abdominal region, as shown on the individual hunting estate level. Other procedures also had an influence on the higher carcass meat microbial contamination with ACC and EBC, such as evisceration in the field in lying position on the ground and without access to a clean water, as well as very unhygienic practice of washing skin and interior carcass surfaces after completed evisceration. The results from this study significantly contribute to the understanding of Salmonella enterica epidemiology in wild boars in Serbia and risk factors that contribute to its spread and transmission to humans, as well as to the impact of hunting and carcass dressing procedures on their microbial status. These results are also sound scientific basis for further development of control strategies for S. enterica in wild boar population in Serbia and control of overall microbial contamination on wild boar carcass meat.</p>
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A federação desportiva como sujeito público do sistema desportivoSilva, José Manuel Martins Meirim da January 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Controlo autonómico cardiovascular em atletas-Influência do destreino e do "Stress" ortoestático do treinoOliveira, Armando de Castro January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Planification des activités de subsistance au sein du territoire des derniers Moustériens Cémentochronologie et approche archéozoologique de gisements du Paléolithique moyen (Pech-de-l'Azé I, La Quina, Mauran) et Paléolithique supérieur ancien (Isturitz)Rendu, William 20 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail s'intéresse à l'organisation saisonnière des activités de la fin du Moustérien, avant l'arrivée de l'Homme anatomiquement moderne dans le Sud-Ouest de la France. Il propose une réflexion sur les capacités d'anticipation et de planification des Néandertaliens dans la gestion de leurs ressources animales par l'étude des saisons d'abattage. Pour déterminer la saisonnalité de prédation, l'étude des dépôts de cément dentaire, qui permet l'analyse d'un grand nombre d'individus, a été retenue pour ce travail. Cette thèse propose, dans une optique archéozoologique, de mettre les données saisonnières en perspective avec l'ensemble des informations disponibles portant sur les populations animales chassées. Une revue critique est proposée de la cémentochronologie et des différents biais qui peuvent affecter cette méthode dans la détermination de la saison de mort des animaux en contexte préhistorique. Un protocole d'étude tenant compte, en particulier, des remobilisations post-mortem des structures du cément et traitant des problèmes d'échantillonnage par une approche probabiliste est alors mis en oeuvre. L'analyse archéozoologique et cémentochronologique d'un site d'habitat (Pech de l'Azé I) et l'analyse cémentochronologique d'un possible camp de chasse (La Quina) ainsi que d'un site d'abattage (Mauran) permettent d'aborder différents aspects de la subsistance moustérienne. Les résultats sont comparés à ceux obtenus sur le gisement d'Isturitz, daté du début de l'Aurignacien. Ce travail conclut à l'existence au Moustérien d'économies de subsistance complexes, avec une planification des activités au sein du territoire visible au travers de la spécialisation de certains gisements. La présence d'abattage en masse à la saisonnalité marquée confirme l'existence d'une anticipation dans la gestion des ressources carnée.
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Äter Mellanskarv i Sommen det unika beståndet av röding och öring? / Do the Cormorant eating redbelly and salmon trout in Sommen?Oskarsson, Conny, Yngve, Bengt-Erik January 2003 (has links)
<p>Detta är ett naturvetenskapligt arbete som omfattas både av en kvantitativ och en kvalitativ undersökning. Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka mellanskarvens födoval i sjön Sommen, samt att närmare studera huruvida det unika beståndet av röding och öring ingår i mellanskarvens födoval. Sommens Fiskevårdsområde har fått tillstånd till skyddsjakt på mellanskarv av Länsstyrelsen och det främsta skälet skulle vara att fågeln prederar röding och öring. Genom att analysera mellanskarvens spyboll och jämföra innehållet med referensfiskar fångade från samma sjö ska vi se om beslutet från Länsstyrelsen är befogat. Insamling av spybollar och referensfiskar utfördes i fält medan analys av spybollar utfördes på laboratorium. I resultatet av undersökningen konstaterades att mellanskarven i Sommen nästan uteslutande äter abborre. I de analyserade spybollarna som omfattas av denna undersökning återfanns inte röding och öring. Detta skulle innebära att Länsstyrelsens beslut om skyddsjakt på mellanskarv i Sommen p.g.a. predation av röding och öring inte är befogad.</p>
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Enemies of the People : Whistle-Blowing and the Sociology of TragedyHaglunds, Magnus January 2009 (has links)
Enemies of the People is a book that examines whistle-blowing—i.e., the unauthorized conveyance of sensitive information to mass media and authorities—and the social responses this performance provokes. The book develops a fresh view of this phenomenon by framing the trend of events according to a couple of fundamental elements found in tragedy. The book also includes a critical appraisal of the perspectives that set the tone in the existent whistle-blowing research. The prevalent one-sidedness found in this field of research is reviewed and contrasted with the contributions delivered in the present study. The analysis is based on three famous whistle-blowing cases that received a lot of attention in mass media: Ingvar Bratt and the Bofors affair; Odd F. Lindberg and the Norwegian seal hunting affair; and finally, Paul van Buitenen and the Leonardo-affair in the European Commission. The author claims that by studying the sociology of tragedy, it is possible to develop a new way of examining social processes where the final outcome is the excommunication of the appointed culprits through, for example, expulsion or avoidance. This purgatorial process is treated as a social status degradation, where the offender experiences a thorough social identity transformation that turns his or her social position to a lower social rank than initially held. The title of this book alludes to a stage play written by the Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen. His dramatic piece An Enemy of the People, written in 1882, plays a prominent part in this study.
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”Ett indiskret brott mot god takt och ton” : Om arkeologi och samtiden utifrån fångstmarksgravar / An indiscreet crime against good tact and tone : On archaeology and the contemporary from hunting ground graves.Sundin, Lena January 2011 (has links)
Hunting ground graves were distinguished as a separate category during the 1930s. There is however no clear definition of what a hunting ground grave is. They have been constructed over a large area over a long period of time (200 BC-1200 AD) and their morphology varies. This paper investigates how the archaeologists have discussed the hunting ground graves since they were distinguished as a separate category until today. It investigates what concepts that have been used to define and categorize the graves as a group. It also investigates if the choices of concepts are depending on a broader societal perspective. To find the answers to these questions two surveys have been done. In the first one, texts about the hunting ground graves, written by scientists from 1931 to 2009, are analyzed. The second survey is a questionnaire sent to archaeologists working at museums and at the County Administrative Board in the regions of northern Svealand and Norrland. The source material in both surveys is mainly studied qualitatively, where phrases and choices of words are analyzed using the concepts and methods derived from the research tradition of conceptual history. In the second survey quantitative elements is also analyzed, which aims to show how different views on the hunting ground graves are spread over different counties. The results of the surveys show that the concepts used to define the graves contain locked dichotomies concerning location, economy and ethnicity. The research from the twenty-first century is however increasingly thinking about hunting ground graves as an expression of meetings and mixtures of cultures. The second survey shows that there is no clear consensus on the concept of lake graves (the concept lake graves was used in the questionnaire) among the archaeologists answering the questionnaire. On the contrary, they consider the concept unclear and difficult to use.
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