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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Attitudes on Legal Insanity and the Impact of Race

Bolin, Jerie J. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Evaluation of New Seismic Performance Factors for Special Hybrid Coupled Core Wall Systems with Steel Coupling Beams

Ding, Yao January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Heating system performance and thermal mass evaluation of a former military building in mid-Sweden

Ruiz Pacheco, Javier January 2023 (has links)
The concern about global warming is gaining momentum. So, many initiatives, such as the Green European pact, which aims to reach to zero greenhouses emissions in 2050, are emerging to halt it. The aim of this study is to evaluate the energy usage, thermal mass and thermal comfort of a past-military building, now part of Gävle’s University Campus. For this purpose, changes in the heating schedule and location of the building, have been made. The results are based on theorical knowledge and computer simulations using IDA-ICE software. For the modeling of the building, a large number of parameters have been taken into consideration, such as climate values, the walls, windows and roof materials, room occupancy, etc. The results have proven that the current heating schedule of the university (24h working) is the most suitable schedule showing the best results on peak power demand and thermal comfort. Compared to constant heating regulation, turning off heating completely during weekends resulted in 10% energy saving, but 369% higher peaking power and discomfort increasing from 18 to 21 Predicted Percentage Dissatisfied (PPD). Same constant heating regulation compared with 8:00 to 18:00 heating regulation shows 18.7% energy saving, but 451% higher peaking power and discomfort increasing from 18 to 36 Predicted Percentage Dissatisfied (PPD), with the greatest discomfort feeling between 8:00 to 9:00. Finally, when comparing the current heating schedule with one on where the heating is shut off on the DH peak moments, results show 3% energy saving, but 152% higher peaking power and discomfort increasing from 18 to 27 PPD. Regarding thermal mass behavior, promising comfort results have been seen for warm indoor environments where cooling would be needed, simulations have shown 30.9% higher discomfort when in this environments there is not heavy walls. Moreover, for situations where heating is needed, the heating storage capacity of the heavy walls shows some advantages slowing temperature drops during heating reduction and therefore lowering the peak power demanded.

Inomhustemperaturer i flerbostadshus i framtiden : En fallstudie för utformning av lägenheter för framtida klimatprognoser, för att uppnå önskat inomhusklimat / Indoor temperatures in apartment buildings in the future : A case study for the design of apartments for future climate forecasts, to achieve the desired indoor climate

Stenhammar, Lovisa, Abrahamsson, Linnea January 2023 (has links)
This master thesis examines how buildings should be designed in the future, in terms of facades and cooling systems, in order to achieve desired indoor temperatures. The basis of the thesis is the expected increase in outside temperature, due to climate change, and the fact that several hundred people died in 2018, as a result of the heat wave that was in Sweden that year. To examine future indoor temperatures, a model of an apartment building in southern Stockholm was created in the software IDA Indoor Climate and Energy, IDA ICE, as well as future climate files for the same geographic position. The climate files were based on future climate scenarios and local data, in order to be as realistic as possible. The model of the building was simulated during the summer months, beginning of June to end of August, with the focus of receiving the indoor temperatures for year 2030 and 2060. For the year 2060 a sensitivity analysis was made in order to see how a change in building design, to analyze how it may affect the indoor temperatures.The results indicates that the indoor temperatures will continue to increase, as a result of the climate change, and that building design played a small role in lowering the indoor temperatures when it comes to changes in facades, but a bigger role for cooling systems. Peaks of 33°C for the year 2060 was lowered to 25°C when cooling systems where implemented, while changes in facades only lowered the peaks to 32°C.The conclusion for this master thesis is therefore that when it comes to buildings in the future, cooling systems should be considered, as well as changes in the facades, in order to achieve desired indoor temperature. Solar film on the windows and awnings can be used to reduce the indoor temperature, but the balance between daylight admission and heat transmission is important to consider. Rotation of the building and the presence of shading objects, such as balconies and surrounding buildings, also affect the indoor temperature in apartment buildings and should therefore be considered in new construction.

Epideictic Without the Praise: A Heuristic Analysis for Rhetoric of Blame

Church, Elizabeth L. 18 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Evaluation of moisture safety in cold attic and external wall designs commonly used in the building sector

Saleh, Yad January 2020 (has links)
Kontinuerligt försvårade och mer krävande energikrav utlyst från den Europeiska unionen ochsvenska myndigheter har lett till en förändring av hur konstruktionsdetaljer och lösningar somanvänds inom nyproduktionssektorn utformas. Förändringarna har skapat en osäkerhet ur enfuktsäkerhetssynpunkt. Uttökade krav och förbättrad energiprestanda låter som ett problemfrittideal att sträva efter, dock har det i många fall lett till oförutsägbara konsekvenser i olika delar avbyggnaden. Två av de byggnadskomponenter som påverkats har varit ytterväggar och kallvindarsom har varit utformade utefter nya energikrav i nyproducerade hus.Den största utmaningen med utformningen av nyare kallvindar har varit balansgången mellanhög energiprestanda genom ökad isoleringstjocklek och fuktsäkerhet. Ökad isoleringstjocklekkombinerat med minimerad värmeförlust från ventilationsaggregat, inomhus och skorstenar harlett till, i överlag, kallare vindutrymmen med ökad risk för kondensation av fukt på kallare ytor ijämförelse med äldre byggnader. En lösning på detta har varit inkluderingen av uteluftsventileringi utformningen av vinden. Detta har lett till en återkommande fråga angående den optimalaluftomsättningen som krävs för utökad fuktsäkerhet, och i vissa fall, om uteluftsventilering ensär nödvändig.En annan stor utmaning har varit att säkerhetsställa fuktsäkerheten i väggar som är isolerade ien högre grad. Det finns en potentiell risk för kondens i kalla, yttre ytor om isoleringen utökas.Utöver detta så existerar det en hel del lösningar som har fungerat i det förflutna men som lärleda till ökad risk för skada när det kombineras med nya utformade lösningar som uppfyllerenergikraven.Detta arbete har fördjupat sig i dessa två komponenter, ytterväggar och kallvindar, för atthitta kritiska designval som har en stor påverkan på fuktsäkerheten. Arbetet har skett medsimuleringsprogrammen IDA ICE och WUFI 6. Båda programmen har kombinerats för attuttnyttja deras styrkor i simuleringsprocessen.Resultatet visar att en låg luftomsättning är optimal. Ingen ventilering alls lär leda till ökadfukthalt och ökad luftomsättning lär leda till en betydligt högre risk för mögel på råsponten ivinden. Placeringen av ett litet isoleringslager ovanpå råsponten leder till en minskad risk förmögel.Ytterväggar med tjockare isolering är mer benägna att skadas i jämförelse med mindre isoleradeväggar. Dock är det visat att en uttökad isoleringstjocklek även kan vara till fördel för att minskamögelrisken om isoleringslagret som uttökas är det yttersta isoleringslagret. Ett annat krav är attdet yttersta lagret bör ha dränerande egenskaper, exempelvis mineralull. Beräkningarna har ävenpåvisat ett antal andra faktorer som påverkar fuktsäkerheten i dess helhet.

Investigating the possibility of Jakobsgårdarna district in Borlänge, Sweden becoming a Positive Energy District (PED)

El Sawalhi, Rayan January 2022 (has links)
Climate change is a global phenomenon that strongly affect cities and urban areas. Due to the intensive industrial activities and global population growth leading to more fossil energy demands for the last century, the global warming effect appeared to have been significantly exacerbated. To overcome the issues related to the increase of greenhouse emissions amplifying the global warming, multiple initiatives and engagements have appeared for the last 10 years in order to reduce our global energy demands and reduce the dependency to fossil energy and engage a transition to renewable energy. One way to achieve these objectives is to engage a technological and societal shift in the building industry by reducing energy demands and increasing local energy productions based on renewable energy or, at least, carbon neutral systems. In order to qualify these new types of construction, the concept of positive energy district (PED) has arisen through multiple initiative around the world. This thesis aims to assess the possibility to meet the PED requirements for the new Jakobsgardarna district extension project proposed by Sweco in Borlange, Sweden. This project is based on 144 buildings composed of schools, residentials, retails shop, and offices spread on an 80 ha of land. The Building Energy Modelling (BEM) has been performed on IDA ICE to assess the energy demands and energy production of the entire district following multiple scenarios. These simulations have been performed with either a district heating system or a heat pump as base system. Then, the models have been extended with photovoltaic (PV) panel in multiple configurations in order to find the bes tsolution to meet the PED requirements. First results of the baseline configuration (district heating) shows that the yearly energy demand was around 14,227 MWh which represent almost 69 kWh/m2, mainly dominated up to 75% by the heating demands including domestic hot water (DHW). Moreover, an uncomfortable situation has been met in almost all residential building during summer with temperature reaching up to 31°C. The second configuration considering a heat pump with bore holes in replacement of the district heating shows an overall yearly energy demands of 9,738 MWh representing 47.2kWh/m2 per heated area. This results in a 67% reduction of the energy demands in comparison with the base case. This is due to the high coefficient of performance (COP=4) of the heat pump compared to the district heating system’s (COP=1). In this configuration the heating demands still corresponds to 70% of the overall energy demands. The addition of PV panels compensated the entire electrical needs of the district when combined with district heating and even allowed to reach the positive energy requirements when combined with heat pumps with bore holes. The latter case generates up to 20% of electrical energy in excess of what it produced, even while considering solar panels at a15° of tilt angle in a region where the optimal inclination is defined at 45°. According to the preliminary results obtained in this study, positive energy requirements could be met by the combination of heat pump and PV panels according to our assumptions. This work could then be used to further refine the district design and propose suggestions to improve both the thermal modeling of the district and the design rules for architects and local stakeholders.

Energy investigation of a semi-detached residence in middle Sweden : A study on household ventilation, energy balance and potential energy efficiency measures

Oyaregui, Elisa, Moro, Josu January 2024 (has links)
No description available.

Våningspåbyggnad av miljonprogrammets flerbostadshus : Simulering av energiprestanda i IDA ICE / Storey extension of the “Miljonprogrammet” apartment buildings : A study of energy performance using IDA ICE

Andersson, Sara January 2016 (has links)
Under tidsperioden 1965-1974 byggdes i Sverige omkring en miljon nya bostäder, även kallat för Miljonprogrammet. Idag utgörs närmare en tredjedel av det svenska bostadsbeståndet av bostäder från denna period och många byggnader börjar uppnå sin tekniska livslängd. Sverige har efter EU-direktiv tagit fram nationella mål om en effektivare energianvändning. För att snabbare nå dessa mål kan renovering och upprustning av miljonprogrammet kombineras med våningspåbyggnad.   Sverige står också inför växande bostadsbrist, likt under miljonprogrammet, samtidigt som samhället har begränsade ytor såväl i stadskärnor som i tätorter. Genom att rusta upp bostäder från miljonprogrammet i samband med en våningspåbyggnad kan nya bostäder skapas på ett resurseffektivt sätt och energiprestandan för den befintliga byggnaden förbättras.   I det här projektet har energiprestandan för ett tidstypiskt flerbostadshus utvärderats och därefter jämförts mot då flerbostadshuset utrustats med en våningspåbyggnad. Projektet tilldelades ett referenshus i Nacka som efter uppbyggnad och simulering i programvaran IDA ICE resulterade i en årlig energianvändning på 197,1 kWh/m2. En våningspåbyggnad lades till på referenshuset och visade efter simulering i programvaran IDA ICE en ny årlig energianvändning på bland annat 169,7 kWh/m2.   Efter projektet stod det klart att med en våningspåbyggnad kan energiprestanda för ett miljonprogramshus förbättras och i bästa fall kan en byggnad likt referenshuset gå från en energiklass G till E. Bostadsförtätning med hjälp av våningspåbyggnad är gynnsam ur många aspekter. Förutom att det sänker den totala byggnadens energianvändning skapar det också nya bostäder på ett resurseffektivt sätt. Samhället måste försöka skapa incitament för fastighetsägare till att renovera och hitta energieffektiva åtgärder för sina fastigheter. Ett sådant exempel skulle kunna vara tredimensionell fastighetsbildning vilket även är en alternativ form till att finansiera investeringar som exempelvis renoveringar. / During the years 1965-1974 around one million new housing were built in Sweden, this was also known as the “miljonprogrammet”. Today, nearly a third of the Swedish housing stock is from this particular period, and many buildings are reaching the end of their technical lifetime. After the new EU directives Sweden have decided on developing it's on national goals to achieve smart energy consumption. To speed up this development can the renovations of the existing "miljonprogrammet" executed in combination with storey extension.   Sweden is also facing growing housing shortage, much like during construction of the “miljonprogrammet” as well as limited areas both in urban and densely populated areas. By refurbishing buildings from the “miljonprogrammet” in conjunction with a storey extension, new housing can be built in a resource and energy efficient way. This should also improve the energy performance of the existing building.   In this project, the energy performance of an apartment building, typical from this time, was evaluated and then compared to a modified building with a storey extension. A reference house located in Nacka, Sweden was used to simulate the annual energy usage in the software IDA ICE. The simulation yielded an energy usage of 197.1 kWh/m2 for the reference building and 167.1 kWh/m2 for the building with a storey extension.   After the project it became clear that a storey extension on a building from the “miljonprogrammet” improved the existing building's energy consumption. At best, a building like the reference house can improve the energy classification from energy class G to E. Residential densification using storey extension is beneficial in many aspects. In addition to lowering the total energy consumption of the building it also creates new homes in a resource efficient manner. Society must seek to create enticements for property owners to renovate and execute energy efficient measures on their properties. One such example would be three-dimensional property formation which is also an alternative form of financing investment such as a renovation. / <p>Denna studentuppsats, som inte är ett examensarbete, är genomförd i projektkursen 5EN040 under hösten 2015. Studentarbetet har bedrivits i sammarbete med Tyréns Umeå.</p> / Uppsatsen ingår som ett kursmoment i projektkursen 5EN040 i energiteknik

Energisparåtgärder i samband med påbyggnad av nya bostäder : En fallstudie av Röda längan i IDA ICE / Energy savings in connection with the extension of new housing : A case study of Röda längan in IDA ICE

Andersson, Sara January 2016 (has links)
I takt med att äldre byggnader i vårt bostadsbestånd blir i allt större behov av omfattande renoveringar, skärps även våra samhällskrav ytterligare. Då gäller det i samband med renovering att finna hela åtgärdspaket som både ger energibesparing men samtidigt är ekonomiskt lönsam.   I den här rapporten undersöks möjlig energibesparing men också lönsamheten av energisparåtgärder i samband med påbyggnad av nya bostäder i ett redan befintligt flerbostadshus. Byggnadens befintliga värmesystem byts ut mot bergvärme, som också verkar genom ventilationssystemet, och därefter förlängs byggnaden med tre nya våningsplan. Rapporten utvärderar även om påbyggnad av nya bostäder i det enskilda fallet ska betraktas som tillbyggnad eller ombyggnad, samt vilka krav som därefter ställs vid ändring av byggnad enligt PBL och BBR.   Med hjälp av energiberäkningsprogrammet IDA ICE, kunde effekten från de olika energisparåtgärderna studeras. Värdet för den årliga energibesparingen jämfördes därefter med åtgärdernas investeringskostnad. Åtgärder ansågs lönsamma om värdet av den årliga besparingen var tillräckligt stor i förhållande till investeringskostnaden.   För det enskilda fallet ger energibesparande åtgärder i samband med påbyggnad en avsevärd förbättring både ur energisynpunkt men också ekonomiskt perspektiv. Påbyggnaden beräknas initialt återbetalda i och med försäljning av bostadsrätter samtidigt som återbetalningstiden för ingreppen i den befintliga byggnaden troligen betalar sig inom 10-15 år. För det enskilda fallet var möjlig energibesparing efter genomförda åtgärder 74 procent, vilket motsvarar är en minskning med närmare 130 kWh/m2 och år jämfört med referensfallet. Rapporten fastslår att påbyggnaden ska betraktas som tillbyggnad och att fyra bergvärmepumpar är fullt tillräckliga för att både uppnå energibesparing samt uppfylla ekonomisk lönsamhet. / As older buildings in our housing stock are in increasing need of extensive renovations, it further enhances our social requirements. It is then needed alongside with renovations to find whole measures that yields energy savings which also is financially profitable.   In this report, we examine the possible energy savings alongside with the profitability of the energy measures connected with extensions of new housing on top of an existing housing. The current heating system of the building is replaced with geothermal heating, which is also working through to the ventilation system. Thereafter the building is extended with three new floors. The report also evaluates if an extension of new housing in the individual case is to be seen as an extension or a reconstruction, together with the demands of which are put on an altered building in accordance to PBL and BBR.   With the help of the computational energy software IDA ICE, the affect from the different energy measures could be studied. The yearly economical savings was then compared to the cost of the different measures. The measures were deemed profitable if the value of the yearly savings exceeded the initial cost.   For the specific case, the measures of energy savings gave an considerable improvement for the extension, both in energy but also in the economical sense. The investment of the extensions is to be seen payed via sales of apartments, and the payback on the actions taken on the existing building is estimated to within 10 to 15 years. for the individual case the possible yearly energy savings, after completed measures, is upwards of 74 percent, which translates to 130 kWh/m2 per year. This report also states that, in specific case, extensions of new housing is to be seen as an extensions and that four geothermal heating pumps are enough to reach sufficient energy savings together with economical profitability.

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