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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kommunikationens betydelse : Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda patienter med ett främmande språk

Hedlund, Sonia, Blomberg, Marie January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: En del patienter som söker hälso- och sjukvård har ett annat modersmål än vad som talas i landet de söker vård. Det leder till svårigheter att erbjuda vård och problem med att tillgodose information om hälsoåtgärder till patienten. Tidigare forskning visar på de problem patienter upplever i sådana situationer. Problem: Missförstånd kan uppstå mellan sjuksköterska och patient när de inte talar samma modersmål. Patienter kan inte beskriva sina symtom vilket leder till svårigheter att få sina omvårdnadsbehov tillgodosedda. Detta kan leda till att patienter känner sig diskriminerade och upplever att de inte får den vård de har behov av. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av kommunikation i omvårdnadsarbetet med patienter som har ett annat modersmål. Metod: En allmän litteraturöversikt genomfördes med 11 artiklar, varav nio kvalitativa, en kvantitativ och en mixed method. Resultat: När översättning med tolk användes underlättades kommunikationen mellan sjuksköterskan och patienten. Missförstånd minskade i informationsutbytet vilket bidrog till att omvårdnaden förbättrades. Patienternas oro avtog då de delgavs information som de förstod. Det var likaså viktigt att avsätta tid för kommunikationen med patienterna med ett annat modersmål. Slutsats: När sjuksköterskor har stöd i kommunikationen med patienter med ett annat modersmål bidrar det till bättre omvårdnad. / Background: Some patients seeking healthcare have a different mother tongue than what is spoken in the country seeking healthcare in. This leads to difficulties in providing care and information on health measures to patients. Research shows the problems patients experience in such situations. Problem: Misunderstanding can occur between nurse and patients when the same language is not spoken. Difficulties in describeing symptoms can lead to difficulties in meeting patients caring needs. Patients can feel discriminated and experiencing not receiveing the care they need. Aim: The purpose was to describe nurses' experiences of communication when caring for patients who have a different mother tongue. Method: A general literature review was conducted with 11 articles, nine were qualitative, one quantitative and one mixed method. Result: Use of interpretor in translation facilitated communication between the nurse and the patient. Misunderstandings decreased in the information exchange, which contributed to nursing improvement. The patients' concerns subsided as they understood the information. It was important to set aside time for the patients with another mother tongue. Conclusions: When nurses have support in communication with patients with another mother tongue contribute to a better care.

Intérprete de língua brasileira de sinais : uma posição discursiva em construção

Russo, Angela January 2010 (has links)
A pesquisa que aqui se apresenta parte das reflexões de minha prática como formadora do Intérprete de Língua de Sinais (ILS), como ministrante do módulo prático dos cursos onde atuei. Desse modo, estabeleci o corpus para a análise do discurso do ILS que efetivei, com base nas auto-avaliações elaboradas pelos alunos de um curso realizado no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, em 2004, bem como nas suas narrativas de experiências de interpretação, já como profissionais da área. Com base no referencial teórico-analítico da Análise de Discurso liderada por Michel Pêcheux, o objetivo foi identificar efeitos de sentidos discursivos produzidos pelos ILS durante os referidos percursos de formação e como profissionais atuantes, implicando os modos de constituição da posição discursiva do sujeito ILS nessa área. Foram ressaltadas no estudo as noções de sujeito, discurso, língua, interpretação e memória discursiva, buscando também situar a discussão numa articulação com a área dos Estudos da Tradução e da Interpretação. A perspectiva histórica da área foi apresentada, com o propósito de situar, nos contextos internacional e nacional, os sentidos vinculados à consolidação da área. Os resultados da análise apontam para os seguintes efeitos de sentidos, nos quais se configura a posição do ILS analisada e a área profissional na qual se inscreve: a importância do desenvolvimento da proficiência nas línguas envolvidas no processo de interpretação; a necessidade da apropriação de um saber fazer a interpretação; as especificidades técnicas e práticas que os diversos campos de atuação do intérprete de língua de sinais requerem; a importância do sentir, como sentido singularizado de cada profissional na sua interpretação; o pertencimento à comunidade surda; a exposição pública do profissional no ato cênico de interpretar; constatação da diversidade de saberes. Destaca-se ainda, finalizando, a contribuição da pesquisa para reflexões que apontem caminhos para a concretização de propostas curriculares de cursos de graduação de tradutorintérprete, com ênfase na formação de ILS, em resposta à crescente demanda atual da educação. / The present research originates within reflections of my practice as Sign Language Interpreter (SLI) trainer, as a ministering teacher on the courses where I have worked, teaching the practice. As such, I laid down the corpus for discourse analysis on SLI, based on self evaluations elaborated by students of a course in Rio Grande do Sul state, in 2004, as well as their narrations on interpretation experiences, already working as professionals. Based on the theoretical-analytical referential of Discourse Analysis lead by Michel Pêcheux, the goal was to identify discoursive meaning effects produced by SLI’s during their aforementioned graduations and professional activities, implying the SLI subject’s discoursive position constitution modes on this field. Highlighted in this study are the notions of subject, discourse, language, interpretation and discoursive memory, trying to situate the discussion in an articulation with the field of Translation and Interpretation Studies. The historical perspective of the field was presented, with the purpose of situating, in both national and international contexts, the meanings related to the field’s consolidation. Results of such analysis point to the following meaning effects, where the position of the SLI is analysed and his/her professional field: the importance of the developing of the proficiency in the languages involved in the iterpretation process; the need of an ownership of the interpretation know-how; the technical and practical specifities required on the several fields of practice by the sign language interpreter; the importance of feeling, as a unique meaning of each professional on his/her interpretation; the feeling of belonging to the deaf community; the public exposure of the professional during the scenic act of interpreting; the finding of several kinds of knowledge. To finish, it is also highlighted the contribution of research, since it helps reflections which point out ways of materializing the curriculum proposals of undergraduation courses of interpreter-translator, with emphasis on SLI graduation, in response to the growing demand on education.

L'interprète en interaction dans les tribunaux. Une approche dialogique / Interpreter-Mediated Interactions in the Courtroom. A Dialogical Approach

Biagini, Marta 24 September 2012 (has links)
Notre recherche a pour objet des interrogatoires médiatisés par interprète, en tant que pratiques langagières et discursives situées dans un contexte institutionnel donné, à savoir le tribunal. Parmi les divers contextes de nos sociétés contemporaines où les interprètes sont partenaires de l’échange au sein de dialogues effectifs, nous avons ciblé le contexte judiciaire, dont le caractère institutionnel et les enjeux en font un lieu formel et au fonctionnement normé : les interrogatoires s’y déroulant sont des échanges réglés et codés. Nous avons fait alors l’hypothèse que peut fonctionner à double titre la tension qui se crée ainsi entre les normes à l’œuvre au tribunal et la présence de sujets en interaction dont les enjeux et représentations peuvent considérablement différer : elle fonctionne d’une part comme loupe grossissante sur certains phénomènes qui, lorsqu’ils se produisent malgré la normativité ambiante, sembleraient alors relever de ce qui ne peut ne pas se produire en présence d’un interprète ; elle fonctionne d’autre part comme déclencheur d’événements particuliers et uniques propres au contexte, aux personnes concernés, aux enjeux spécifiques liés aux thèmes traités, aux dialogues ponctuels. L’analyse de dialogue que nous pratiquons consiste aussi bien à spécifier préalablement le cadrage externe de l’événement communicatif qu’à décrire comment la situation est perçue et évaluée par les participants à travers l’élaboration conjointe du sens. Notre problématique vise ainsi à dégager la relation existant entre les conventions socio-discursives propres à cette sphère d’activité et certains traits interactionnels et discursifs, engendrés par la participation du "tiers/interprète" à l’interrogatoire. L’approche discursive et dialogique a permis d’entreprendre une démarche analytique prenant en compte : un plan interlocutif, concernant la dynamique compositionnelle des échanges et les rapports de places, dialogal ; un plan énonciatif et dialogique concernant à la fois la présence des sujets dans leurs dires et la façon dont les discours sont élaborés par des mouvements interprétatifs qui peuvent être plus ou moins directement accessibles, notamment à travers ces réaménagements de sens que sont les reformulations inter-linguistiques de l’interprète. Les voix qui parcourent l’espace discursif en le rendant hétérogène peuvent par-là être identifiées. Ces pratiques d’interactions médiatisées peuvent alors être pensées sur un continuum de dispositifs allant des stratégies d’effacement énonciatif que l’interprète met en œuvre - afin de créer des discours objectivés -, aux procédés variés qui l’inscrivent dans le discours d’autrui, jusqu’à la prise en charge de ses propres discours en tant que locuteur/énonciateur à part entière. Enfin, les propriétés qui caractérisent les interrogatoires interprétés dans le contexte du tribunal s’avèrent propres non seulement au genre de discours institutionnel et juridique concerné mais également à la présence du "tiers", apte à influencer l’événement discursif "interrogatoire" à tous les niveaux pris en compte par l’analyse. Il semble alors que cela pourrait permettre d’appréhender ces dialogues comme un type, ou sous-genre, particulier du discours juridique. / Our research focuses on interpreter-mediated examinations as situated oral exchanges and discursive practices in a specific institutional context, i.e. the courtroom. In contemporary societies, among the various situations where interpreters act and dialogue in face-to face interactions, the judiciary context proves to be one of those institutional domains where highly formal and normative practices take place. Examinations are very coded exchanges. Starting from the hypothesis that the tension which develops between laws and norms at work in this frame and the discursive productions by speakers directly dialoguing and interacting, whose representations and goals may consistently differ, may have a double effect on the interpreter-mediated event, we further investigate how : some specific interactional and discourse patterns realize in a such ritualized and normative context, attempting to understand if they are typical of interpreter-mediated interactions in general or of the specific examinations we observe ; and speakers’ identities, institutional roles, their personal goals and the specific themes concerned have an influence on these practices, producing very peculiar and singular patterns of sense-making. Hence, focusing on face-to-face interpreting practices, the dialogical and discourse approach we adopt allows to take into account : from one side, what relates to the dialogal dimension of the interaction, pertaining to a dialogue between two (or more) co-present interlocutors and the definitions of their identities, from what pertains to the dialogical one, having to do with dialogism or dialogicality in the more abstract senses. Given that understanding is related to responding, interpreters are seen as speakers actively involved in dialogue. The ways speakers leave traces of their presence in the utterances they produce, while they’re doing the interacting, and, particularly, the way in which the interpreter’s presence is sensed through thar interlinguistic reformulation of the other’s words which is translation gives access to the way in which sense-making is jointly created in the framework of a highly ritualized activity type such as examinations in the courtroom. In the end, interpreted-mediated examinations may be thought of as changing practices on a more/less continuum, going from : the cases where the interpreter translates as a reporter using the 1st person, using linguistics strategies allowing him/her to assume full responsibility for the words uttered without showing it; to all those cases of variation on the expected pattern which, at different degrees, let emerge his/her presence in the interpreting process; to the production of discourses for which s/he is entirely responsible, acting as a an autonomous speaker. These collectively constructed events may therefore suggest that there is a dynamic relation between expected practices in the discourse context and their actual realization. Interpreter-mediated examinations prove to be per se speech events, namely very specific exchanges with their often hybrid dynamics, within which all interlocutors - including the interpreter – dialogically contribute to understanding and to the creation of meaning.

Barriärer på en vårdcentral : Utmaningar inom vården i segregerade områden / Barriers in a health center : Challenges in healthcare in segregated areas

Freland, Sara January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka och analysera vilka kommunikationsbarriärer som finns på vårdcentraler i ett segregerade områden i Sverige, samt hur man arbetar med dessa barriärer. Jag har ställt mig två frågor; Vilka kommunikationsbarriärer finns på en vårdcentral i ett segregerat område? Hur hanterar vårdcentralernas personal kommunikationsbarriärer?   Arbetet bygger på en kvalitativ fältstudie som jag utfört på två vårdcentraler lokaliserade i segregerade områden i Sverige. Jag har gjort både observationer och deltagande observationer samt haft både informella och semistrukturerade samtal med flera anställda på båda vårdcentralerna för att samla in data. I resultatet behandlar jag användandet av tolk samt de fem olika barriärer som jag identifierat; språkbarriären, kunskapsbarriären, förståelsebarriären, kulturbarriären och erfarenhetsbarriären. Resultatet visar att barriärerna yttrar sig på många olika vis och att personalen ofta behöver vara kreativa i sitt sätt att hantera dem. Det är vanligt att vårdtagarna inte talar och/eller förstår svenska samt inte har kunskap om det svenska sjukvårdsystemet och inte vet vad en vårdcentral är. Det är också vanligt att de saknar eller har bristande kunskaper om människokroppen, sjukdomar och behandlingar. Tolkar fungerar bra som en mellanled för att förstärka kommunikationen och minska risken för missförstånd, men användning av tolk kan också vara krångligt och det kan vara svårt att få tag på en bra tolk i tid. Kommunikationsbarriärerna som uppstår ökar risken för missförstånd och misstro vilket kan leda till försämrad vårdkvalitet. Missförstånd kan leda till att vårdtagaren inte kan följa behandlingsplanen som det var tänkt och misstro kan leda till att vårdtagaren väljer att avstå helt eller delvis från behandling. För förhindra detta är vårdtagarna noggranna med att ta sig extra tid åt att förklara, diskutera med och lyssna på vårdtagaren. Arbetet med förtroende är väldigt viktigt då ett dåligt möte kan leda till att en hel krets i upptagningsområdet får en försämrad syn på vårdcentralen. Detta då många av vårdtagarna har en väldigt stark personlig sektor som de beslutar kring sjukvård, behandlingar och åsikter om dessa tillsammans med. Ett bra möte kan leda till stora förändringar och därför jobbar vårdcentralerna extra hårt för att skapa goda erfarenheter för vårdtagarna. / The purpose of this paper is to investigate and analyze which communication barriers exist in health centers in segregated areas in Sweden, and how to handle these barriers. I have asked two questions: Which communication barriers are there in a health center in a segregated area? How does healthcare staff handle communication barriers?  The work is based on the qualitative field study that I have carried out at two health centers located in segregated areas in Sweden. I have made both observations and participatory observations and held both informal and semi-structured conversations with several employees at both health centers to collect data. In the result, I process the use of an interpreter and the five different barriers that I have identified: the language barrier, the knowledge barrier, the barrier of understanding, the culture barrier and the barrier of experience. The result shows that the barriers manifest themselves in many different ways and that the staff often needs to be creative in its way of handling them. It is common for the recipients to not speak and / or understand Swedish and to not have knowledge of the Swedish healthcare system or what a health center is. It is also common that they lack or have insufficient knowledge of the human body, diseases and treatments. Interpreters work well as intermediaries who can enhance communication and reduce the risk of misunderstanding, but the use of an interpreter can also be difficult, and it can be difficult to get access to a good interpreter on time. The communication barriers that arise increase the risk of misunderstandings and mistrust which can lead to a deterioration in care quality. Misunderstandings can lead to the recipient not being able to follow the treatment plan as intended, and mistrust can lead to the recipient choosing to abstain wholly or partly from treatment.  To prevent this, the staff is careful to take extra time to explain, discuss and listen to the patient. The work on trust is very important as a bad meeting can lead to negative attitudes in large groups of people towards the health center. This is because many of the recipients are part of a very strong personal sector, which has a great influence on how health care and treatments are perceived. A good meeting can lead to major changes and therefore the health centers work extra hard to create good experiences for the health care recipients.

Factors Affecting Message Intelligibility of Cued Speech Transliterators

Pelley, Katherine 18 July 2008 (has links)
While a majority of deaf students mainstreamed in public schools rely on interpreters, little research has investigated interpreter skills and no research to date has focused on interpreter intelligibility (Kluwin & Stewart, 2001). This thesis is the second in a series of experiments designed to quantify the contribution of various factors affecting the intelligibility of interpreters (transliterators) who use English-based communication modes. In the first experiment, 12 Cued Speech transliterators were asked to transliterate an audio lecture. Two aspects of these transliterated performances were then analyzed: 1) accuracy, as measured as the percent-correct cues produced, and 2) lag time, the average delay between lecture and transliterated message. For this thesis, eight expert receivers of Cued Speech were presented with visual stimuli from the transliterated messages and asked to transcribe the stimuli. Intelligibility was measured as the percentage of words correctly received. Results show a positive nonlinear relationship exits between transliterator accuracy and message intelligibility. Intelligibility improved with accuracy at the same rate for both novice and veteran transliterators, but receiver task difficulty was less for stimuli produced by veterans than novices (as evidenced by a left shift in the psychometric function for veterans compared to novices). No large effects of lag time were found in the accuracy-intelligibility relationship, but an "optimal lag time" range was noted from 1 to 1.5 seconds, for which intelligibility scores were higher overall. Intelligibility scores were generally higher than accuracy, but not all transliterators followed the same accuracy-intelligibility pattern due to other sources of variability. Possible sources of transliterator variability included rate of cueing, visible speech clarity, facial expression, timing (to show syllable stress or word emphasis), cueing mechanics, and mouth-cue synchronization. Further research is needed to determine the impact these factors have on intelligibility so that future transliterator training and certification can focus on all factors necessary to ensure highly intelligible Cued Speech transliterators.

Behavioral Health Medical Interpreters: Cluster Analysis of Vicarious Traumatization and Posttraumatic Growth

Stahlbrodt, Pauline N. 01 January 2016 (has links)
Medical interpreter services will be essential for developing and implementing culturally relevant interventions and treatment for limited English proficiency (LEP) populations. This study sought to identify the possible risks or protective factors that may be associated with vicarious traumatization (VT) or vicarious posttraumatic growth among medical interpreters in behavioral health settings. A 2-step cluster analysis was conducted yielding 2 distinct groupings of medical interpreters (Subtype 1, n = 73; Subtype 2, n = 101). The most important predictor determining the 2 subtypes was whether the participant had a personal history of trauma. In addition, there were significant differences between the 2 subtypes among the following variables: Trauma and Attachment Belief Scale T-scores of VT; years as a medical interpreter; years as a behavioral health medical interpreter; level of education as it relates to interpreting; personal history of trauma; personal or family history similar to any of the trauma survivors served in the past year; specific mental health training; sought personal therapy related to exposure to traumatic material from work environment; current relationship status; race; and whether spoken, sign, or both spoken and sign language interpretation was provided. The results of this quantitative study further support the constructivist self-development theory where VT is the result of the accumulated effects of repeated exposure to trauma material in combination with the person of the provider. Understanding these risk and protective factors will continue to support the provision of effective treatment of LEP individuals in behavioral health settings and the ongoing professional development of behavioral health medical interpreters.

Meta-Interpretive Learning Versus Inductive Metalogic Programming : A Comparative Analysis in Inductive Logic Programming

Pettersson, Emil January 2019 (has links)
Artificial intelligence and machine learning are fields of research that have become very popular and are getting more attention in the media as our computational power increases and the theories and latest developments of these fields can be put into practice in the real world. The field of machine learning consists of different paradigms, two of which are the symbolic and connectionist paradigms. In 1991 it was pointed out by Minsky that we could benefit from sharing ideas between the paradigms instead of competing for dominance in the field. That is why this thesis is investigating two approaches to inductive logic programming, where the main research goals are to, first: find similarities or differences between the approaches and potential areas where cross-pollination could be beneficial, and secondly: investigate their relative performance to each other based on the results published in the research. The approaches investigated are Meta-Interpretive Learning and Inductive Metalogic Programming, which belong to the symbolic paradigm of machine learning. The research is conducted through a comparative study based on published research papers. The conclusion to the study suggests that at least two aspects of the approaches could potentially be shared between them, namely the reversible aspect of the meta-interpreter and restricting the hypothesis space using the Herbrand base. However, the findings regarding performance were deemed incompatible, in terms of a fair one to one comparison. The results of the study are mainly specific, but could be interpreted as motivation for similar collaboration efforts between different paradigms.

Living with diabetes within the framework of Swedish primary health care : Somalian and professional perspectives

Wallin, Anne-Marie January 2009 (has links)
The overall aim of this thesis was to provide knowledge on the one handSomalian-born immigrants´ experiences of living with diabetes mellitus (DM)in a new cultural environment, on the other hand their encounter with Swedishdiabetic care – this from both their own point of view and that of the health-care professionals. There was an endeavour to describe methodological aspectsof the interpreter´s role in respect of the trustworthiness of research performedin multicultural societies. A descriptive design was used, involving threequalitative interview studies with an interpreter (Studies II-IV) and onesystematic literature review (Study I). The latter served as a foundation forconducting the interviews with an interpreter and the Matrix Method was used.The same 19 patients with diabetes of Somalian origin participated in StudiesII-IV, joined by five health-care professionals in Study IV. The interviews weresubjected to qualitative content analysis in the case of Studies II and III, and to phenomenograpic analysis in the case of Study IV. In Study I, 13 empirical cross-cultural interview studies with aninterpreter involved were scrutinized. The findings showed that the interpreter’srole in the research process was given little attention. There was usually noaccount either of the style of interpreting, the interpreter’s previous experienceor the seating arrangements for the interviews. On the other hand most of thestudies offered direct or indirect information about the interpreter’s knowledgeof the aim of the research or participation in the transcription of the text or data analysis. The most frequent techniques used to established trustworthiness were prolonged engagement and member checks. A prominent problem for the participants in Study II was to give uptraditional eating habits. Difficulty in managing everyday life was mentionedespecially by women in connection with the need to keep to the diet regimebecause of a lack of understanding and support from family and friends. Tochanging lifestyle was considered as a hard work and a number of barriers wasmentioned especially when it comes to eating habits. The findings showed avariation how the participants managed the fasting month of Ramadan. Thosewho fasted did not see the diabetes as an obstacle, others did so and indicated that fasting was not compulsory for a sick person. In study III the findings showed that women used more supernaturalbeliefs than men when they described their experiences in connection with thediagnosis and their health beliefs. Most of the experiences of receiving thediagnosis consisted of ways of managing this information. Commonlymentioned by the participants, irrespective of gender, when they receiving thediagnosis was a attempt to find some advantages, or positive comparison. Other participants tried to repress the diagnosis and doubted it. Most of theparticipants, irrespective of gender, did not immediately respond with shock orother strong emotion when they received the diagnosis. In study IV the patients conceived the diabetes care as being of highquality but they also conceived limitation with the care. They conceived unmetneeds such as too long waiting times for appointments, not encountering thesame physician every time, lack of contact with specialists and failure toculturally adapt dietary advice. Health-care professionals conceived severalcultural challenges in the encounter such as managing language barriers,illiteracy and traditions such as fasting during Ramadan. In conclusion, this thesis generate knowledge which can serve as afoundation to securing the quality of diabetes care for this patient group andcontribute to working out local diabetic programmes for patients with anotherbackground than the Swedish. In addition the thesis can contribute to makingimprovements when it comes to working with an interpreter in qualitativeinterview studies as well as in clinical settings.

Tapping into Floor Staff: Using the knowledge of floor staff to conduct formative evaluations of exhibits in a Canadian science centre

Lebel, Josée January 2008 (has links)
Most science centres in Canada employ science-educated floor staff to motivate visitorsto have fun while enhancing the educational reach of the exhibits. Although bright andsensitive to visitors’ needs, floor staff are rarely consulted in the planning,implementation, and modification phases of an exhibit. Instead, many developmentteams rely on costly third-party evaluations or skip the front-end and formativeevaluations all together, leading to costly errors that could have been avoided. This studywill seek to reveal a correlation between floor staff’s perception of visitors’ interactionswith an exhibit and visitors’ actual experiences. If a correlation exists, a recommendationcould be made to encourage planning teams to include floor staff in the formative andsummative evaluations of an exhibit. This is especially relevant to science centres withlimited budgets and for whom a divide exists between floor staff and management.In this study, a formative evaluation of one exhibit was conducted, measuring both floorstaff’s perceptions of the visitor experience and visitors’ own perceptions of the exhibit.Floor staff were then trained on visitor evaluation methods. A week later, floor staff andvisitors were surveyed a second time on a different exhibit to determine whether anincrease in accuracy existed.The training session increased the specificity of the motivation and comprehensionresponses and the enthusiasm of the staff, but not their ability to predict observedbehaviours with respect to ergonomics, learning indicators, holding power, and successrates. The results revealed that although floor staff underestimated visitors’ success ratesat the exhibits, staff accurately predicted visitors’ behaviours with respect to holdingpower, ergonomics, learning indicators, motivation and comprehension, both before andafter the staff training.

Ensamkommande flyktingbarn : En kvalitativ studie om tolkens betydelse vid kommunikation / Unaccompanied refugeechildren : A qualitative study about the interpreter´s significance in communication

Salomonsson, Rebecca, Salahiy, Nargiza January 2013 (has links)
Vår studie undersöker tolkens betydelse i kommunikationen mellan handledare på HVB och ensamkommande flyktingbarn. Vi fokuserade främst på möjligheter och brister som finns i tolkning idag, men även för att kunna förbättra handledarnas arbetssätt med barnen.  Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ studie där vi har intervjuat fyra tolkar och fyra handledare på HVB. För att analysera vårt resultat har vi använt oss av tre kommunikationsmodeller och Habermas teori om det kommunikativa handlandet. Modellerna har använts för att förklara specifika tolkningssituationer mellan barnen och handledare, och Habermas teori har vi använt för att förklara tolkningen utifrån samhället. I studien framkommer det att tolkningen ger goda möjligheter för att skapa en kommunikation mellan två individer. De största bristerna är att det saknas tolkar i vissa språk och att det blir fel i dialekter. Många av handledarna menar att tolkarnas kompetens är bristfällig och att tolkarna behöver vidareutbilda sig. Det framkommer även att många upplever att det är en fördel om tolken har kunskap om kultur och samhällen för att kunna överbrygga mellan barn och handledare. I tolkningen förekommer sällan känslomässiga samtal och att det är individuellt om barnet vill visa sina känslor vilket beror på vilket förtroende de har till tolk och handledare. Det finns mycket att förbättra inom tolkningen och det saknas riktlinjer kring hur man ska genomföra tolkning. / Our study investigates the interpreter´s significance in the communication between assistants at residential care homes and unaccompanied refugeechildren. We had our focus mainly on the possibilities and the deficiencies that are in interpreting today, but also to improve the assistants’ way of working with the children. We have implemented a qualitative study where we have interviewed four interpreters and four assistants at residential care homes. To analyze our results we have used three communication models and Habermas´ theory of communicative action. The models were used for explaining specific situations with interpreters between assistants and children, and we used Habermas´ theory to explain interpreting by society. The study reveals that interpreting gives good possibilities to create a communication between two individuals. The largest deficiencies are that there is a lack of interpreters in some languages and there occurs flaws in dialects. A lot of the assistants say that the competences of the interpreters are deficient and that the interpreters need more education. The study also reveals that many of the interviewed experiences that it is an advantage if the interpreter has knowledge about culture and communities to create a bridge between children and assistants. In interpreting, emotional conversations rarely presents and it is individual if the child wants to show its feelings and it depends on the trust they have to the interpreter and assistant. There are a lot of improvements needed and there is a lack of guidelines to how assistants should implement interpreting.

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