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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att Utreda Våld : Mentala påfrestningar för polisens utredare

Joelsson, Felicia January 2022 (has links)
Brottsutredning av brott som begås i en nära relation innebär omfattande belastningar för utredarna som möter brottsutsatta och våldsutövare, granskar grafiskt material och samtidigt ska navigera sig inom en stor myndighet. Syftet med denna studie var att granska vilka belastningar som polisutredare upplever i sin yrkesutövning, vad som skyddar från belastningar och om det finns skyddsfaktorer som saknas. Dessa frågor besvarades genom intervjuers med sju utredare inom Brott i Nära Relation och en tematisk analys. Teorier om hanteringsmekanismer och systemteori har använts för att fördjupa förståelsen av det empiriska underlaget. Studien visade att de olika belastningarna kunde delas in i två fält. Det första fältet var yrkesrelaterade påfrestningar där påträngande insyn i människors liv och traumatiska berättelser var återkommande. Organisatoriska påfrestningar var det andra fältet och innefattade hög arbetsbelastning, personalbrist samt bristande förståelse från ledande aktörer inom myndigheten. Det kollegiala stödet och chefens inställning till medarbetarnas mentala hälsa var den skyddande faktor som frekvent återkom i samtliga intervjuer. Studien visade även att de skydd som erbjöds av arbetsgivaren ibland fungerade undermåligt, dels på grund av svårigheter att prioritera skydd, dels kollegors negativa inställning. Det lyftes även önskemål att skyddet skulle vara mer frekvent återkommande, och finnas i nämnare anslutning till arbetsplatsen. Slutligen önskade utredarna att ledande aktörer i myndigheten skulle få en ökad förståelse för arbetets påfrestande natur. / Investigating domestic violence entails substantial strain on the investigators that meet victims and perpetrators, reviews graphic material and simultaneously must navigate within a sizeable governmental authority. The aim of this study was to examine what strains the investigators experienced in their profession, what protective aspects where there and what protective measure was lacking. These questions were answered through interviews with seven domestic violence investigators and through thematic analysis. Theories of coping and systems theory was applied to expand the comprehension of the empirical foundation. The study showed that these strains could be separated into two factions. The first faction was strains related to the professional practice where invasive insight into people’s lives and traumatic reports where frequently occurring.  Organizational strains were the second faction and included a high workload, lack of staff and a dearth of understanding from the leaders in the authority. Support from colleagues and the closest manager’s attitude towards mental health in the employees was frequently brought up in the interviews as protective aspects. The study also showed that the protective aspects offered by the employer was deficient in some respects. This was in part because of difficulties in prioritizing the protection, and in part due to colleagues’ negative attitude towards these protections. The investigators expressed desires about how the protection could be more frequent and remain in a closer proximity to the workplace. Finally, the investigators coveted an increased understanding of the straining work from the employers.

Kriminální a dobrodružné motivy v románech Pavla Kohouta / Criminal and Adventure Motives in Pavel Kohout's Novels

Horáčková, Kristýna January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with analysis of Pavel Kohout's Novels, which were formed in the period of seventies to the nineties. This analysis is focused especially on observation of criminal and detective motifs in novels Katyně, Kde je zakopán pes, Hodina tance a lásky and Hvězdná hodina vrahů. Due to the close interconnection of works and their author, the first part deals with the life of the writer, and emphasis is put on the period after the year 1968. The thesis also deals with the topic of criminal literature, with its development and with definition of rules, which could be found out within this kind of literature. Our intention is to analyze individual works in the terms of particular motifs and methods, which appears in Pavel Kohout's novels. The roles of the main characters and their action in connection with crime are analyzed in particular works. We also observe to what extent are the works influenced by rules and principles of criminal literature. To the characteristic feature of selected novels belongs especially the work with suspense and with reader's expectation. Key words: detective story, criminal literature, investigator, victim, motive, rules, expectation, perspective, composition, versatility

Patterns of Regularity Noncompliance Identified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Their Effects on Meta-analyses

Garmendia, Craig A 20 September 2018 (has links)
The objective of this study was to determine the patterns of regulatory noncompliance, as identified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and their effects on meta-analyses. In order to achieve these objective, three studies were undertaken: analysis of citations issued by FDA Investigators at the conclusion of an inspection; analysis of regulatory actions taken by the FDA towards clinical researchers based on the observations cited by FDA Investigators; and sensitivity analysis of meta-analyses based on the Agency’s determination of research misconduct, primarily the falsification of data. FDA Investigator citations were analyzed using Chi-Square analysis based on geographic location of the inspection, type of inspection, and type of violation. Temporal changes in the number of inspections and the violations cited were analyzed using bivariate Poisson regression models. Bonferroni correction was employed for temporal changes across the time period analyzed. Regulatory actions taken by the agency were analyzed via Chi-Square or Fisher’s exact test based on changes identified in previous publications, temporal changes, and differences between regulatory action types. Sensitivity analysis of meta-analyses identified through a systematic review were assessed both qualitatively and quantitatively for the effects of including publications of apixaban trials with significant FDA regulatory action, i.e. the comparison of odds ratio point estimate, upper and lower 95% confidence interval, both before and after consideration of falsified data. Under the FDA’s Bioresearch Monitoring program from 2007-2015, the number of inspections increased, but the rate of citation issuance per inspection decreased. One third of the violations were related to adherence to investigational procedures followed by informed consent violations and violations involving study records. During this same time period, 194 clinical researchers received a regulatory action based on FDA’s review of inspection results. Since 2007, rates of significant deviations had decreased. Lack of researcher supervision and submission of false information were cited more frequently for disqualification proceedings. A systematic review found 99 statistical analyses from 22 different meta-analyses available for sensitivity analyses. Nearly one-third resulted in a change in the conclusions reported in the originally published statistical analyses. In approximately the last decade, the number of violations cited during inspections under the Bioresearch Monitoring program has decreased; however, significant improvements can continue to be made regarding adherence to study procedures, the consenting of human subjects, and creation of adequate and accurate study documentation. Disqualification of clinical researchers is more likely to occur when researchers fail to supervise a clinical trial or false information is submitted to the FDA. Falsified data can make its way into the exploding field of meta-analyses, a study method that provides a concise and compelling method for the dissemination of medical intervention knowledge; however, this method can be highly unstable and can provide biased results. A robust sensitivity analysis that considers data quality from available sources can help ensure calculations of the best estimates.

刑事警察在職訓練成效評估之研究-以台灣警察專科學校刑事人員講習班第五十四期為例 / The Evaluation of Criminal Investigators' On-the-Job Training Program--Case Study of the 54<sup>th</sup> Term in the Taiwan Police College

楊家誠 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係針對五十四期刑事警察在職訓練作成效評估,為求評估的準確,將訓練有關之利害關係人(stakeholder)都納入作為研究調查的對象,包含訓練承辦機關刑事警察局、訓練實際執行機關台灣警察專科學校教務處暨學生總隊人員、參訓學員、學員服務機關的長官與同事、授課教師等。而蒐集資料方法係以量化問卷及質化訪談兩者相輔並行,若研究對象超過三十人以上則採問卷調查,其他則以訪談深入探求對訓練辦理的意見;為因應不同對象的需求,各設計出甲、乙、丙三種問卷及訪談表,其主要目的係能兼取量化調查能迅速蒐集大量的資料,而質化的訪談研究能深入探求研究對象的意見等兩種調查方法的優點。   研究架構乃經探討相關文獻後,以訓練之規劃、執行、影響三階段之設計作為本研究之評估流程,除瞭解訓練承辦,以及實際執行機關於規劃、執行該訓練時的決策內容外,對第三階段的影響評估亦採用Kirkpatrick所提出的「訓練方案評估技術」,其中最負盛名且運用最廣的是四層次評估理論,分別是反應(Reaction)、學習(Learning)、行為(Behavior)及結果(Result)。本研究嘗試以Kirkpatrick訓練評估四層次理論作基礎,由接受基層刑事警察訓練的刑警人員從事「自我追蹤評估」,及受訓學員長官、同事的「他人追蹤評估」,來瞭解學員受訓後是否能將訓練所學確實移轉到工作情境之中。而依據Wart等學者認為,受訓者個人特質(trainee characteristics)、原機關任職工作環境(work environment)皆會影響訓練成效。因此本文將此兩因素作為控制變數,以探討具有不同個人特質及工作環境的學員,其訓練成效是否會有差異存在。為證明各變數間是否有關聯或差異存在,因此以虛無假設(null hypothesis)方式提出,期望研究結果能拒絕虛無假設,進而接受對立假設。   研究結果如下:   一、受訓學員於訓練規劃、執行的過程中,對課程編排、教師授課情形、訓練機關的設備、教材及環境等整體訓練安排的「滿意度」良好(反應層次顯著)。   二、受訓學員於參加「訓練」前後,對專業講習「知識學習」的程度有明顯差異存在(學習層次顯著)。   三、受訓學員回到原服務機關後,其長官、同事覺得其參加「訓練」前後的「行為改變程度」明顯(行為層次顯著)。   四、受訓學員回到原服務機關後,其長官、同事覺得其參加「訓練」前後,對「組織貢獻程度」明顯(結果層次顯著)。   五、受訓學員對參加訓練「滿意度」的高低,與訓練後回原機關的「行為改變程度」多、寡之間有關係存在(反應層次會影響行為改變層次)。   六、受訓學員於參加訓練期間及訓練後,其工作環境中「長官、同事的環境支持程度」高低,與訓練後回原機關的「行為改變程度」大、小有關係存在(工作環境支持程度會影響行為改變層次)。   七、受訓學員於結訓回原機關後,其工作「行為改變程度」大、小,與其對「組織貢獻程度」多、寡有關係(行為改變層次會影響組織貢獻層次)。   八、受訓學員的「工作環境」差異(其長官、同事對本訓練的支持程度)與其「訓練成效」間有顯著差異存在。   九、受訓學員參加本「訓練」前後,其所表現的「整體訓練成效」顯著。   十、不同「人口統計變項」的受訓學員,個人資料中「服務機關」、「工作性質」、「年齡」、「刑警年資」等變數,其與「訓練成效」間有顯著差異存在。   綜上運用規劃、執行、影響(包括Kirkpatrick訓練評估四層次理論)三階段評估,驗證本訓練成效良好,且證明不同「人口統計變項」及「工作環境」的受訓學員,其「訓練成效」間有顯著差異存在。而質化訪談內容除驗證上述結果外,並於調查規劃、執行過程時,發現訓練制度的改進方向,在結論時提出現階段可行及未來改進的具體建議,使訓練評估結果完整且具可行性。 / This research is the effect evaluation of the on-the-job training of the 54th criminal investigators who were trained in Taiwan Police College. In order to make sure of the accuracy of the estimating, the stakeholders who are related to this on-the-job training are all involved in survey, including course staffs, students who were trained, students' colleagues, professors in this program and trainers who work at Criminal Investigation Bureau and Taiwan Police College. Quantitative questionnaire and qualitative interview are both adopted in this research. The former was used, and the latter was used for the population less than 30. Different questionnaires are designed according to the different populations.   Framework is based on literature review, which was used as the planning estimation, implementing estimation, and effect estimation of training. In addition to understand the content of training planning and implementing decision, the third stage-- effect estimation is based on Kirkpatrick Four-level evaluation theory with reaction, learning, behavior and result that is used. The application of Kirkpatrick Four-level evaluation theory in this research includes “self-estimation” by detectives under training and “others-estimation” by the trainees and colleagues to realize that transformation from training to work. And according to Wart's viewpoint, trainee characteristics and work environment have effect upon training. Whereas the controlled factors, trainee characteristic and work environment are provided for difference on training effects. In order to prove the relation or the difference exist on the aforementioned factors, the hypothesis comes up in the follow. The finding expected negation from the null hypothesis or the alternative hypothesis will stands.   After by planning, implementing and effect three process evaluation(Including Kirkpatrick Four-level evaluation theory), the result is nice to the 54th criminal investigators training. And have found the difference on these trainees under the trainee characteristics and work environment. The result was be proved by the content of qualitative interview and find the improvement of training. The feasible suggestion of the present and the future improvement came up in the conclusion. The result of the training evaluation is success and feasible.

Moralisk balansering i arbetet : En studie av familjeutredares emotionella lönearbete / Moral balance in work : A study of child protection investigators' emotional labor

Benjaminsson, Josef January 2015 (has links)
Familjeutredare på akut- och utredningshem är en yrkesgrupp som arbetar med utredning av föräldrars omsorgsförmåga. I arbetet träffar familjeutredaren dagligen människor som befinner sig i svåra livsskeenden. Detta ställer krav på familjeutredarens förmåga att hantera emotioner. Studiens syfte var att bidra till en djupare förståelse för familjeutredares emotionella lönearbete, vilka emotionella krav som ställs och hur de hanterar det. Studien utgick från Grundad teori (GT) och datainsamling innefattade sju semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studien resulterade i en teoretisk modell där utgångspunkten var ett emotionellt lönearbete som präglas av en moralisk konflikt. Det centrala i modellen är att arbetet kräver å ena sidan en balansering av förväntningarna på ett moraliskt upprätthållande arbete och å andra sidan det moraliska ifrågasättande som arbetet väcker. För att balansera denna konflikt använder sig familjeutredarna av emotionsstrategier. / Child protection investigators are an occupational group who investigates parentsability to take care of their children. In their everyday work child protection investigators meet parents who find themselves in a difficult life situation. The investigator must therefore have the ability to manage emotions. The aim of this study was to contribute to a deeper understanding of child protection investigators emotional labor, their emotional demands and how they handle them. The methodology used in this study was Grounded theory (GT). Data were collected from seven informants. The findings show that child protection investigators' emotional labor is characterized by a moral conflict. This conflict arises when child protection investigators start questioning the bases of their work. To balance this moral conflict they use emotion strategies.

Interakce vyšetřovatele s vybranými účastníky trestního řízení a její vliv na rekognici / Interaction investigator with selected participants of criminal proceedings and its impact on based recognition

Žáková, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
(in English): The thesis "Interaction of police investigators with selected participants of criminal proceedings and its impact on recognition" is studies the interaction and communication of criminal proceeding participants and its influence on the quality of those proceedings on recognition. The theoretical part deals with criminal proceedings such as all the trial requirements and factors which affect police investigation. Rights and responsibilities of all participants of trials are defined. Furthermore, communication, its types and categories and -most of all -its impact on successful police interrogation is examined. We also mention interpersonal perception. In the theoretical part of the thesis a lot of attention is devoted to the personality of police investigators and to significant characteristics which form the foundation of police profession. In conclusion of the theoretical part we describe the aspects which control the investigation and potential offender recognition. In the empirical part the aim was to find out what impact the quality of instructions has on successful offender recognition. The empirical part was performed in an experiment. The research participants were devided into categories according to chosen standards. Then they were presented with a video recording of a...

L'enquête pénale privée : étude comparée des droits français et américain / Private Criminal Investigation : a Comparative Study of French and American Law

Fiorini, Benjamin 05 December 2016 (has links)
Le procès pénal français repose sur l’idée que le monopole dans la conduite des investigations revient aux agents de l’autorité publique. Pourtant, ce constat devient de moins en moins exact. De multiples facteurs tendent à contester aux enquêteurs officiels l’apanage de l’enquête pénale. Qu’ils soient détectives privés, journalistes d’investigation, ou encore de simples citoyens impliqués dans la mise en œuvre de la loi pénale, de nombreux particuliers procèdent à des actes d’enquête susceptibles d’informer le juge dans le cadre d’un procès. Cette progression de l’enquête pénale privée mérite d’être analysée, en ce qu’elle fait peser sur la justice pénale de nombreux risques en termes de légitimité, de légalité, et d’égalité de tous devant la loi. Pour mieux traiter l’ensemble de ces problématiques, une comparaison avec le droit des États-Unis, terre d’élection des investigations privées, s’avère particulièrement opportune. / The criminal proceedings is built around the idea that the monopoly for conducting investigations is held by representatives of the public authorities. However, this observation is becoming less and less true. Multiple factors contribute to disputing this specific prerogative of the criminal proceedings to the official investigators. Be they private detectives, investigative reporters, or even ordinary citizens involved in the implementation of the criminal law, many individuals operate investigative acts that may inform the sentencing judge during a trial. This increase of the private criminal investigation deserves to be further analyzed as it implies several risks to the criminal justice in terms of legitimacy, legality and equality before the law. To better handle these problematics, a comparison with the US Law, land of private investigations, seemed obvious.

Forenzní šetření a hospodářská kriminalita / Forensic investigation and economic crime

Švajnochová, Gabriela January 2016 (has links)
Topic of this master thesis is forensic investigation and forms of economic crime which can be detected during the investigation. First chapter focuses on forensic investigation and its comparison with statutory audit. In the second chapter is performed analysis of forms of economic crime in the Czech Republic, Southern and Eastern Europe and globally. Knowledge from the previous chapters is applied to the real forensic investigation performed in the Czech Republic, forensic investigation of project OpenCard.

Výslechová praxe pracovníků zaměřených na oblast řešení případů týraných a zneužívaných dětí / The interrogation practice and solution methods of child abuse investigators

Šindlerová, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis is comprised of a theoretical section and a practical section. The first theoretical subchapter introduces the CAN syndrome. The second theoretical subchapter focuses on the relevant international and national child protection legislation. The third subchapter "Child Interrogation" deals with the issue of the historical development of child interrogation techniques and methods, and the currently recommended interrogation techniques used to interrogate children in keeping with the Act on Criminal Judicial Procedure No. 141/1961 in the Czech Republic. The third subchapter also concerns with the character traits of the investigator, the qualification requirements of this profession and the fundamental methodology used to prevent a child's secondary victimisation. The fourth theoretical subchapter focuses on the specially designed interrogation room used, among others, for child interrogation. The theoretical part is based on reference literature and relevant legislation. The practical section includes the results of qualitative research. The first subchapter focuses on two case studies of child victims of abuse interrogation. The second subchapter analyses six interviews conducted with a methodological worker and with five investigators, who discuss their experience with the...

Hemsökt Museum i Borås : Det hemsökta kulturarvets roll i en avförtrollad värld / Haunted Museum in Borås : The Role of Haunted Heritage in a Disenchanted World

Engström, Malin January 2024 (has links)
Haunted heritage plays an important part in a late modern society in which death is supressed. Parallel with societal changes there is an upsurge of interest in the non-institutional paranormal beliefs. This thesis examines and analyses a museum named Haunted Museum in the town of Borås in Sweden. It is the only museum dedicated to haunted objects in the Nordic countries. This thesis examines what makes this museum special by using triangulation method. Haunted Museum is examined with a site visit, compared with a qualitative text analysis in which the content and meaning of texts surrounding the Haunted Museum are examined. The third triangulation method is a survey study that examines the motivations and factors influencing people visiting the museum. The results show that people visiting the Haunted Museum are motivated by personal interest in non-institutional paranormal beliefs. The museum uses an active and productive online community with other pedagogical methods to create a participatory, engaging and ever-changing museum. The museum also plays an important existential part for people donating haunted objects. Before entering the museum these haunted objects have been described to cause different problems in their homes. Haunted objects have an ability to create an uncanny atmosphere in the space surrounding them. The Haunted Museum and its owners of paranormal investigators uses the experience of the uncanny alongside with techno-scientific methods in an attempt to document and research paranormal phenomenon. They are driven by a desire to explore an outer-worldly and inner-worldly reality inhabited with spirits from the dead. This spiritual practice uses the two binary opposite worldviews created by the secularization process in the modern society. Thus dialectically transcending the two opposites reclaiming the importance of the immaterial reality and its spiritual heritage. This is a two years master´s thesis in Museum and Cultural Heritage Studies.

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