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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Melhorias habitacionais em favelas urbanizadas: impasses e perspectivas / Housing improvements in urbanized favelas: impasses and perspectives

Cláudia Bastos Coelho 24 April 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta uma reflexão sobre a possibilidade de se promover melhorias nas condições de moradias em favelas urbanizadas, através de programas de melhorias habitacionais, analisando suas limitações e potencialidades. Apesar dos avanços obtidos nas favelas com as iniciativas de urbanização e com os instrumentos de garantia de posse da terra, ainda persistem nestas áreas precariedades relacionadas às unidades habitacionais, condição que tem impacto direto na saúde da população. Buscando solucionar estas questões, vêm sendo desenvolvidos, há mais de uma década, programas de melhorias habitacionais em favelas, iniciativas que têm encontrado uma série de dificuldades para sua operacionalização. Neste contexto, a pesquisa propõe um aprofundamento no universo das precariedades habitacionais das moradias em favelas, identificando os problemas mais frequentes e sua incidência. Para esta avaliação, são estudadas três favelas urbanizadas no município de Diadema (SP). Analisa-se, posteriormente, como estas situações vêm sendo enfrentadas pelos programas de melhorias habitacionais, e quais as principais dificuldades e avanços a eles relacionados. Para isso, são considerados programas realizados pelo poder público, ONGs e negócios sociais. Os resultados dos estudos apontam para altos índices de inadequação nas moradias em favelas e identificam como principais fatores que dificultam a implantação dos programas a limitação de recursos, os arranjos produtivos inadequados e o controle urbano. Ao final, são apresentadas algumas recomendações para que os programas de melhorias habitacionais atinjam maior escala e efetividade. / This dissertation presents a reflection on the possibility of promoting improvements in housing conditions in urbanized favelas (or slums?), through housing improvement programs, analyzing their limitations and potentialities. Despite the progress made in the favelas with urbanizing initiatives and land tenure guarantee instruments, still persist in these areas, precariousness related to housing units, a condition that has a direct impact on the health of the population. In order to solve these issues, housing improvement programs in favelas have been developed for more than a decade, initiatives that have encountered a series of difficulties for their operationalization. In this context, the research proposes, firstly, a deepening in the universe of housing precariousness of dwellings in favelas, identifying the most frequent problems and their incidence. For this evaluation, three favelas urbanized in the city of Diadema (SP) are studied. Then, it is analyzed how these situations are being faced by the housing improvement programs, and what are the main difficulties and advances related to them. To this end, are being considered programs performed by the public power, NGOs and social businesses. The results of the studies point to high levels of inadequacy in housing in favelas and identify as main factors that hamper the implementation of the programs the limitation of resources, inadequate productive arrangements and urban control. At the end, some recommendations are presented so that housing improvement programs achieve greater scale and effectiveness.

Ledarskapets betydelse för ett lyckosamt   förbättringsarbete : En studieav ledarskapets möjliggörande av ständiga förbättringar

Håkansson, Jenny January 2017 (has links)
Studien tittar på hur ledarskapet påverkar medarbetarnas motivation i förbättringsarbetet och har sin teoretiska grund i offensiv kvalitetsutveckling och hörnstensmodellen. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur ledarskapet kan påverka medarbetarnas delaktighet och motivation till ett ständigt förbättringsarbete i en organisation. Undersökningen gjordes genom en kvalitativ fallstudie med induktiv ansats där information samlades in och utifrån insamlad information drogs generella slutsatser med hjälp av teori och tidigare forskning. Resultatet i undersökningen visade sig överensstämma med tidigare forskning.  Medarbetarna motiveras till förbättringsarbete av att se resultat och skapa förändringar som underlättar i vardagen och att arbeta tvärfunktionellt.  Ledarnas viktigaste uppgift för att motivera medarbetarna är att skapa förutsättningar för förbättringsarbete, framförallt genom att frigöra tid till förbättringsarbetet, stötta och ge feedback under arbetets gång och följa upp arbetet.  Resultatet visar även att ledarna i undersökningen är ensamma i förbättringsarbetet och skulle behöva stöttning och utbildning i förbättringsarbete för att kunna driva arbetet framåt på ett ännu bättre sätt. / This study   examines how leadership behaviors impact employee motivation in continuous   improvements and has its theoretical foundation in Total Quality Management   and the cornerstone-model (hörnstensmodellen). The study aims to examine how   leadership can effect employee participation and motivation in continuous   improvements in an organization. A qualitative   case study, with an inductive approach where information was gathered and   conclusions were drawn with the help of theory and previous research, has   been used. The result of the   study matched previous research in the field of continuous improvements as   shown below.  Employees is   motivated by seeing results and making improvements which facilitates their   everyday work. Also they are motivated by working cross-functional in the   organization.  The most   important job for the leaders to motivate the employees is to create good conditions   for working with improvements, most of all through making time for   improvement work, support and give feedback during the improvements and to do   regular follow ups.  The result also   shows that the leaders that participated in the research are on their own in   the work with improvement and that they are in need of support and training   in working with improvements to be able to drive the work forward in an even   better way. / <p>2017-06-28</p>

Utformandet av en erfarenhetspolicy : En fallstudie på Volvo CE / The design of a lessoned learned policy : A case study at Volvo CE

Billig, Emma, André, Lima January 2017 (has links)
Under en explorativ fallstudie på Volvo CE Arvika har förutsättningarna för organisatoriskt lärande undersökts med avsikt att skapa en erfarenhetspolicy anpassad till företaget. Organisatoriskt lärande är ett betydelsefullt område och bör ses som en förutsättning för ständiga förbättringar. Det bidrar till en konkurrenskraftig verksamhet som inte går att replikera. Organisatoriskt lärande har behandlats teoretiskt av flertalet författare men det finns en avsaknad av dokumenterade praktiska undersökningar. Genom studien beskrivs ett företags organisatoriska lärande utifrån en explorativ undersökning grundad i Senges fem discipliner (personligt mästerskap, mentala modeller, gemensamma visioner, lära tillsammans samt systemtänkande) och Garvin et al. tre byggstenar (en miljö som främjar lärande, konkreta processer och tillvägagångsätt för lärande samt ledarskap som främjar lärande). Undersökningsmetoden kartlade förtegets organisatoriska lärande väl med undantag från att inga mentala modeller identifierades. Studien resulterade i 16 förbättringsförslag och en erfarenhetspolicy bestående av: En Erfarenhetsanalys: ett dokument för insamling av erfarenheter. Ett Erfarenhetsplank: ett verktyg för att presentera, samla och skapa överblick kring erfarenheters uppkomst och karaktär inom projekt. En mappstruktur: för standardiserad och tillgänglig hantering av erfarenhetsdokumentation. Beskrivningen av företagets organisatoriska lärande och den framtagna erfarenhetspolicyn är primärt av intresse för det undersökta företaget. Undersökningsmetoden som används för att kartlägga organisatoriska lärande kan med mindre modifikation användas för andra företag som kan förvänta sig likvärdiga resultat. Även den av studien resulterande erfarenhetspolicyn kan modifieras för att passa andra företag och utgör ett exempel att benchmarka på. / Through an explorative case study, conducted at Volvo CE Arvika, the conditions for organizational learning have been examined in order to create a lesson learned policy, tailored to the company. Organizational learning is an essential area that should be viewed as a corner stone to continuous improvements as well as creating a competitive advantage that cannot be replicated. Several academics have contributed to the field of organizational learning, however, there is a lack of documented practical studies within the field. This thesis describes a company’s organizational learning based on Senges five disciplines (personal mastery, mental models, building a shared vision, team learning, and system thinking) and Garvin et al. three building blocks (supportive learning environment, concrete learning processes and practices, and leadership that reinforces learning) through an explorative case study. The method enabled the company’s organizational learning to be mapped with the exception of mental models which were not identified. This study resulted in 16 improvement proposals and a lesson learned policy consisting of: Experience analysis: A document for the collection of experiences. Experience wall: A tool for visualization to create an overview of the origin and character of the experiences gathered from a project. File structure: In order to standardize the storage of documented experiences with an emphasis on availability. The description of the company's organizational learning and the developed lessoned learned policy are primarily of interest to the investigated company. The method used to map organizational learning in this case study can, with minor modifications, be used by other companies that can expect equivalent results. The lessoned learned policy resulting from the study can also be modified to suit other companies and it provides an example to benchmark on.

Four essays about the link between improvements of urban transports and criminality in big cities : the case of Bogota / Quatre essais à propos du lien entre les améliorations de transports urbains et la criminalité dans les grandes villes : le cas de Bogota

Olarte Bacares, Carlos Augusto 10 January 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse cherche à d'étudier et à déterminer l'impact des améliorations des transports publics sur la configuration de la criminalité dans une grande ville comme Bogota. Dans une première étape, cette recherche cherche à préciser le nombre d'emplois joignables par les habitants de la ville dans trois différents intervalles de temps. La taille effective du marché du travail est donc définir dans le but de déterminer si les habitants des différentes zones qui composent la ville ont le même,èegré d'accessibilité aux emplois. Une fois définie l'accessibilité, cette étude fait une étude comparative par rapport aux caractéristiques socio-économiques des habitants par zone ainsi que par rapport à la présence ou le manque d'améliorations du système de transport dans chaque zone qui composent la ville de Bogota. La présence des améliorations du système de transport est définie par le passage du système de transport appelé Transmilenio (TM) dans chaque zone. Dans le but d'approfondir sur le lien qui existe entre les caractéristiques socio-économiques des habitants et la présence de TM dans chaque zone de la ville, nous nous concentrons, dans une deuxième étape, sur l'existence d'une possible relation endogène de la présence de TM dans la concentration des emplois et des hauts revenus à Bogota. L'objectif de cette analyse est de déterminer si les améliorations des transports publics ont une relation causale dans la localisation des emplois et des hauts revenus dans chaque zone de la ville. Nous adoptons ensuite l'hypothèse que les criminels préfèrent commettre leurs crimes dans les bassins d'emplois et dans les zones à forte concentration des hauts revenus (indépendamment de la localisation des zones résidentielles). Dans le même ordre d'idée et afin d'établir une relation causal sur l'évolution de cinq différents types de crime dans chaque zone de la ville, cette étude réalise une analyse ex-ante et ex-post la mise en place de Transmilenio. En raison de la faiblesse de la base de donné pour les différentes périodes, les résultats de cette étape ne sont pas homogènes et ce qui les rend peu convaincants. Cependant, ils nous donnent une approximation pertinente de l'impact que Transmilenio peut avoir dans la configuration de la criminalité dans la ville. Ces résultats nous mènent à faire, dans une dernière étape, une analyse de causalité pour la période pour laquelle les données disponibles sont complets pour toutes les zones de la ville et ne montrent pas des problèmes de fiabilité. Après cette étape d'analyse, les résultats sont convaincants. Ils suggèrent qu'il existe bien une relation causale de la présence de Transmilenio sur l'évolution de trois des cinq types de crimes sujets de notre étude. Les résultats permettent également d'identifier une claire dépendance spatiale de la concentration des crimes dans la ville. Il semble donc que, malgré les multiples effets positifs que l'amélioration des transports publics peut avoir pour les habitants d'une ville, ceci peut aussi stimuler une hausse de certains types de crimes dans les zones desservies par Transmilenio. Malgré les limites de cette étude qui devront être résolues dans des futures recherches, les résultats obtenus, ainsi que la façon dont le sujet est abordé, représentent une perspective d'analyse innovatrice pour une meilleure compréhension des éventuelles conséquences négatives qui peuvent contrecarrer les objectifs des politiques des transports urbains dans les grandes villes. Nous pensons que cette thèse contribue à la complémentarité des études sur les effets des transports urbains. / The aim of this PhD dissertation is to study and reveal the impact of public transports' improvements on the configuration of the crime on a big city like Bogota. First, this research focuses on a calculation of the number of reachable jobs of bogotanians. The effective size of labor market is computed in order to establish if inhabitants have the same degree of accessibility to jobs with respect to their socio-economic situation and with respect to the presence of enhancements of public transports in zones where they live. The presence of improvements of public transports is defined by the presence of Transmilenio system in each zone of the city. Following the same intuition, this research also study, in a second time, the possible endogeneity of the presence of Transmilenio (TM) on the concentration of jobs and on the income of inhabitants of each zone. More precisely, the aim of this analysis is to determine if improvements of public transports may have a causal relation on the localization of jobs and the concentration of highest incomes in the city. The objective of this investigation is to establish that high incomes, jobs centers may be localized, in a big proportion, because of the presence of TM. Following the hypothesis suggested on several studies regarding the fact that criminals prefer to commit their crimes in zones with high density of jobs and in zones with highest incomes (regardless housing zones or job centers), this dissertation follow, in a thirdly, with an ex-ante and ex-post study of the evolution of cNme with respect to the opening of Transmilenio in each zone. The goal ofthis analysis is to establish a causal relation of enhancements of public transports on the evolution of five different types of crimes in each zone. Because of the weakness of available data, results are unfortunately not conclusive but give us an appropriate approximation of the impact that Transmilenio system may have on crime configuration. These results lead to make, on a final instance, a causal analysis for the year on which we have whole data. Results are conclusive: a causal relationship of Transmilenio on three of five types of crime object of this study is confirmed. ln addition, a spatial dependence on the concentration of crimes is also confirmed. It appears that, regardless the positive impacts that it could have, the presence of Transmilenio and hence, the enhancements of public transports in different zones of Bogota make raise sorne kinds of crimes. Even if this research presents sorne limitations that should be solved on future studies, the way how the issue is analyzed provides new perspectives for the comprehension of sorne negative consequences that can thwart positive objectives of urban transport policies. We believe that this PhD dissertation contributes to complement the studies about the effect of urban transports.

Audit personálních činností v malé firmě / Audit of personal activities in small firm

Chládková Zárubová, Eliška January 2008 (has links)
My Diploma Thesis is about evaluation of performance of personal activities in the company Auto Chládek Ltd. The aims of thesis are description in detail and analysis of all personal activities that are done in the company and finding possibilities of improvements of performance of these activities. Short charakterization of the company Auto Chládek Ltd and economic analysis in detail are noticed at the beginning of the thesis. The main part of the thesis is about analysis of performance of personal activities. Desciprition of realization of some proposals and recommendations for improvements is in the next part of the thesis. Reviews of fruitfulness of proposals and recommendations for improvments including reasons of bad success are noticed at the end of the thesis.

Systém benefitů pro zaměstnance společnosti Linde Gas a.s. / Benefit system for employees of Linde Gas a.s.

Forejtová, Tereza January 2012 (has links)
Nowadays, employee benefit system is almost a must for all big companies. It is closely related with such areas as employee motivation and stimulation which are explained in details in the first chapter of the thesis. The following chapter is focused on employee benefits themselves taking into consideration legal and tax framework. After the theoretical introduction into the employee benefit problematic and related areas there is a case study of company Linde Gas a.s. The case study includes general overview about the company followed by the analysis of current employee benefit system. Final chapter suggests possible improvements for the employee benefit system of Linde Gas a.s.

Identifiering av förbättringar inom avvikelsehanteringsprocessen : En fallstudie på ett tillverkande företag / Identification of improvements within the deviation management process : A case study on a manufacturing company

Sandström, Josefin, Ekendahl, Agnes January 2021 (has links)
Alla företag arbetar på ett eller annat sätt med processer, och hur effektiva processflödena är har stor betydelse för ett företags framgång. Avvikelsehantering är en central företagsintern process som ska ombesörja att problem som uppstår åtgärdas och att konsekvenser minimeras, men även säkerställa att företaget drar lärdomar av det som hänt så att problemet inte uppstår igen. I denna studie identifieras förbättringsmöjligheter i en avvikelsehanteringsprocess genom kartläggning av processen, analys av brister och framtagning av förslag på åtgärder. Brister definieras som olika typer av problem som kan kopplas till processen. Teorier kring processförbättringar såsom processledning, flödeseffektivitet samt angreppssätt för att hantera dessa såsom TQM och Lean har legat till grund för arbetet. Vidare har teorier kring avvikelsehantering tillämpats. Studien utfördes på ett enskilt fall och med en kvalitativt inriktad forskningsmetod. För att samla in data utfördes observationer, intervjuer och insamling av dokument. Insamlad data analyserades med stöd av modeller och verktyg såsom Ishikawa, 10M och brainstorming. Resultatet visade att det fanns flertalet brister i den studerade avvikelsehanteringsprocessen. Identifierade brister kopplas till avsaknad av samsyn kring process och arbetssätt, avsaknad av resurs, roller och ansvar inom avvikelsehantering samt samsyn med leverantör och kontroller av exempelvis mått, ritningar och ankomstkontroller av komponenter. Vidare presenteras 11 lämpliga åtgärdsförslag för att hantera de identifierade bristerna. En implementering av föreslagna åtgärder möjliggör för fallföretaget att effektivisera och kvalitetssäkra arbetet genom ett tydligare fokus på processer och systematiskt förbättringsarbete. / All companies work in one way or another with processes, and how efficient the process flows are is of great importance for a company's success. Deviation management is a central company- internal process that must ensure that problems that arise are remedied and that consequences are minimized. The purpose of the study is to identify improvements within the deviation management process. Theories about process improvements such as process management, flow efficiency and approaches to managing these such as TQM and Lean has served as foundation for the work. Furthermore theories about deviation management have been used. The study was performed as a single-case study with a qualitatively focused research method. To collect data observations, interviews and document collection were performed. Collected data were analyzed with the support of models and tools such as Ishikawa, 10M and brainstorming. The results showed that there were several shortcomings in the deviation management process. Identified shortcomings are linked to a lack of consensus on the process and working methods, a lack of resources, roles and responsibilities for deviation management, and a consensus with the supplier and controls of measures, drawings and arrival controls of components. 11 improvements were identified and presented related to identified shortcomings. Implementation of the proposed improvements could enable the company to streamline and assure quality through a clearer focus on processes and quality management.

Kompetensutveckling, kan det utvärderas och mätas? : En fallstudie för att förbättra uppföljning av kompetensutveckling på Trafikverket Färjerederiet / Competence development, can it be evaluated and measure?

Högberg, Kajsa January 2021 (has links)
Kompetensutveckling sker hela tiden i en organisation, både direkt och indirekt. Med direkt kompetensutveckling menas lärarledda kurser och aktiviteter och med indirekt menas den dialog som sker mellan medarbetare. För att arbeta systematiskt med kompetensutveckling krävs det att organisationen följer upp och mäter processen. Studiens syfte var att hitta mätetal och arbetssätt för att Färjerederiet ska kunna systematiskt följa upp kompetensutvecklingsprocessen. I studiens forskningsfrågor ingick det även att undersöka hur medarbetare kan motiveras av kompetensutveckling för att öka lärandet och överförandet av kunskap till den dagliga verksamheten. För att svara på studiens frågeställningar har teorier om offensiv kvalitetsutveckling, kompetensutveckling samt en modell för mätning av effekterna av kompetensutveckling redovisats. Studien är av kvalitativ karaktär med ett deduktivt arbetssätt. Metoderna för att samla in data har varit intervjuer, enkätundersökning samt dokumentgranskning. Resultatet av studien presenterades i form av en PDSA-cykel där processens olika steg har undersökts. Efter genomförd studie konstaterades att Färjerederiet behöver implementera de rekommenderade mätetalen och ett arbetssätt för att arbeta med ständiga förbättringar i kompetensutvecklingsprocessen. För att motivera medarbetarna till kompetensutveckling drogs slutsatsen att Färjerederiet kan involvera medarbetarna mer i utformningen av utbildningarna för att fånga upp det behov som finns i kompetensutvecklingen. / Competence development occurs regularly within organizations, both directly and indirectly. Direct competence development refers to teacher-led courses and activities, whilst indirect competenceactivities describes the dialogues between colleagues. For anorganization to work systemically with competence development, it is essential that they follow up and measure the process. The purpose of this study was to find performance indicators and methods for Färjerederiet to systemically follow up their competence development process. Furthermore, the study also aimed to research how employees could be motivated to develop their competences so that the transferof knowledge could increase within the organization. For the purposeof answering the research questions the following areas of theory were utilized: total quality management, competence development and a model for measuring the effects of competence development. A qualitative and deductive research method was the foundation of the study, and the methods of data collection were as follows: interviews, surveys and document research. The results of the study were presented in the form of a PDSA-cycle where the different stages were researched, the resulting conclusion was that Färjerederiet needs to implement the recommended performance indicators and work procedures to improve their competence development process. In regards to motivating the employees, the proposed solution is for the management staff to include the employees in the process of constructing the courses.


Arias De la Torre, Jorge Enmanuel, Grández Pineda, Dulce Angela, Puelles Salas, Gabriela Carolina, Sánchez Vásquez, Rafaella Alejandra, Herrera Llerena, Ruth Alejandra 30 November 2021 (has links)
Este proyecto consiste en explicar y detallar el proceso de creación de la idea de negocio de Handyman y la implementación de la aplicación, página web y redes sociales que sirva como nexo entre expertos/maestros en realizar arreglos y/o mejoras para el hogar con usuarios que busquen este tipo de servicio. Por lo que, ambos tipos de clientes tendrán que realizar el proceso de registro y la validación de la cuenta creada en la aplicación garantizando seguridad y calidad en los servicios. El objetivo de Handyman es que los proveedores de estos servicios en diferentes categorías logren hacer contacto con clientes en tiempo real y de una manera fácil y rápida. / This project consists of explaining and detailing the process of creating the Handyman business idea and the implementation of the application, website and social networks that serve as a link between experts / teachers in making arrangements and / or improvements for the home with users. that they look for this type of service. Therefore, both types of clients will have to carry out the registration process and the validation of the account created in the application, guaranteeing security and quality of services. The objective of Handyman is that the providers of these services in different categories manage to contact clients in real time and in an easy and fast way. / Trabajo de investigación

Perceptions of Retention among Bachelor of Social Work Graduates at a Historically Black College and University

Holsey-Hyman, Monique Eileen 01 January 2015 (has links)
Student attrition from universities carries high costs for individuals, universities, and society. Despite these costs, there has been limited research on the problem from the students' perspectives, specifically the perceptions of university graduates about what factors may have influenced their own retention at historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs). African American students complete college at the lowest rate compared to other ethnic sub groups. Guided by Tinto's theory of student departure, this qualitative consensual research study focused on the perceptions of 15 bachelor of social work graduates regarding (a) the factors that helped them to persist to graduation at an HBCU, and (b) the internal and external factors that influenced college retention. Data were gathered from semi-structured interviews, a demographic survey, and a follow-up questionnaire. Data were transcribed; member checked for enhanced trustworthiness; and then analyzed inductively using a team to develop and code domains by consensus, construct core ideas, and develop categories. Findings indicated that, among these 15 graduates, internal factors such as loss of scholarships, lack of faculty support, and lack of academic preparation influenced retention. External issues such as family strain and lack of university/community partnerships were also reported as influencing retention. In addition, findings suggested that these 15 students required increased academic, financial, mental health, and social support services to persist to graduation. This study contributes to social change by affecting improvement in retention and ensuring support services equal student needs. Improvements in retention and support could help to grow an educated and skilled work force.

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