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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“Belöningen som jag värderar det är att själv få bestämma över min arbetstid” : En kvalitativ studie om arbetsmotivation inom läraryrket

Nohlås, Pia, Söderquist, Olivia January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka om Herzbergs tvåfaktorteori har relevans i praktiken idag inom läraryrket. Studien är kvalitativ med deduktiv ansats utifrån Herzbergs tvåfaktorteori. Totalt 10 semistrukturerade intervjuer utfördes med lärare från högstadie- och universitetsnivå vilka sedan analyserades tematiskt. Resultatet visade att Herzbergs teori fortfarande är tillämpningsbar inom yrket lärare. Resultatet visade däremot på att det fanns skillnader i vad för faktorer som är av mest vikt hos lärarna gentemot vad Herzberg påstod. De mest avgörande faktorerna för arbetsmotivation hos lärarna var eget ansvar, bekräftelse och den psykosociala arbetsmiljön. Förslag till vidare forskning är att säkerhetsställa rangordningen av faktorerna som har störst betydelse för arbetsmotivationen inom läraryrket. Ett annat förslag till vidare forskning är att se om det finns faktorer från Herzbergs tvåfaktorteori som rangordnas annorlunda inom andra yrkeskategorier. / The purpose of the study is to examine whether Herzberg's two-factor theory is still relevant in practice today in the teaching profession. The study is qualitative with a deductive approach based on Herzberg's two-factor theory. A total of 10 semi-structured interviews were conducted with high school and university teachers, which were then analyzed thematically. The result showed that Herzberg's theory is still applicable and valid in the profession of teaching. The results, on the other hand, show that there are differences in which factors that are the most important for the teachers in relation to what Herzberg claimed. The most important factors for the teachers' work motivation are having their own responsibility over their time, recognition and the psychosocial work environment. Suggestions for further research are to secure the ranking of the factors that are most important for the work motivation within the teaching profession. Also evaluate if there are factors from Herzberg's two-factor theory that are ranked differently in other professions.

Motivationens effekt på språkinlärning hos eleven : Hur olika motivationsverktyg kan stimulera elevers inlärningsprocess ur ett motivationsteoretiskt prespektiv / The impact of motivation on the student's language learning : How diverse motivational tools can stimulate the student's learning process from the perspective of motivation theory

Aljumaily, Zeinab, Fayrooz, Bushra January 2022 (has links)
Forskning visar att motivation är betydelsefullt för elevers inlärningsprocess och skolresultat. Med detta som utgångspunkt är syftet med denna underesökning att undersöka vilka orsaker som finns till bristande motivation hos eleverna i samband med modersmålsundervisningen samt vad lärare kan göra för att höja elevernas motivation i deltagandet av modrsmålsundervisningen. Denna kvalitativa studie utgår från sju intervjuer. Tre intervjuer av modersmålslärare och sju intervjuer med elever i högstadiet. Ur intervjuerna med lärare och elever framkom att de faktorer som påverkade elevens motivation var klassrumsklimat, schemat, relationer till omgivningen, gruppindelning och samarbetet mellan modersmålsläraren med övriga lärare inom andra skolämne. / Research has shown that motivation is of great importance for the individual student's learning process and school results. The purpose of the degree project is to investigate the causes of lack of motivation in students who participate in mother tongue teaching and what teachers can do to stimulate this lack of motivation. In a qualitative study, a number of interviews were conducted. On the one hand, three mother tongue teachers in the subjects Arabic, Dari and Polish were interviewed, and on the other hand students from year 6 to year 9. The interviews asked questions about what perceptions students have about their mother tongue, what teachers can do about lack of motivation and what framework factors effect teachers' attitudes. To learn the mother tongue. The results showed that students lack of motivation was due to various factors, including lack of time, work environment, less inclusion of the mother tongue subject, mother tongue teachers relätionship to teachers in other school subject. The conclusion we reached showed the mother tongue subject's role in the diversity ofh the school community, by strengthening the student's identity and personality, and we found som tips on measures for lack of motivation among students and teachers for the subject's mother tongue.

Ledarskap för motivation : En kvalitativ studie om chefers perspektiv på ledarskap för motivation

Gabrielsson, Fanny, Karlsryd, Ida January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the managers’ perspective on leadership in relation to the motivation of the employees by an example of a manning and recruitment agencies. This is implemented by framing of two questions; What kind of leadership can be identified by middle managers to motivate their employees? Which motivation factors are relevant to employees based on the perspective of the managers? To answer the question and identify leadership strategies and motivational factors and the relationship in between, we have conducted eight interviews with persons who hold a middle management position. Through a qualitative investigation we have been able to go into depth and had access to these managers reflections, thoughts and experiences. The study is deductive and based on two theories; Two Factor Theory (Herzberg, 1959) and internal and external motivation (Deci & Ryan, 2000). The study also takes into account previous research on motivation and leadership such as adults' motivation for learning and training (Ahl, 2006), the transformative leadership (Guthenberg, 2011), recognition of motivation (Hansen and Hermansson, 2013), and indications of what creates a good workplace (Lindberg and Vineyard, 2012). We have, using empirical data, developed and identified categories based on two themes, leadership and motivation, to answer our question. Empirical evidence shows that the developed categories commitment and presence, leadership coaching, individual and situational leadership, reward, daily work and corporate culture/relationships go hand in hand and are necessary to achieve good leadership to increase motivation. By this we mean that the involvement and presence, coaching, personalised and situational leadership are central to achieve what we have distinguished to be good leadership. While the reward, the daily work and the corporate culture and the relationships within the organisation are essential parameters to get motivated employees based on the manager's approach. We can also see that these two themes are related and interdependent. Based on empirical data, we perceive that the organisation we studied the good leadership is resulting in better conditions for motivated employees.

Darbuotojų motyvacijos didinimas prekybinės įmonės pavyzdžiu / Employee Motivation Enhancement by Trade Enterprises Example

Kriščiūnienė, Kristina 07 December 2011 (has links)
Baigiamojo darbo tikslas - atlikus UAB „Iris“ darbuotojų motyvacijos tyrimą identifikuoti problemines sritis ir pateikti darbuotojų motyvacijos didinimo sprendimus. Teorinėje darbo dalyje išanalizuota motyvacijos samprata ir esmė, atlikta motyvacijos turinį ir procesą nagrinėjančių teorijų analizė, išnagrinėti motyvavimo didinimo būdai ir priemonės, bei pateikta vieninga jų klasifikacija, išanalizuoti esamų motyvavimo modelių taikymo aspektai bei sukurtas motyvacijos didinimo modelis. Analitinėje darbo dalyje atlikta UAB „Iris“ naudojamų motyvavimo būdų ir priemonių analizė, atliktas empirinis įmonės darbuotojų motyvacijos tyrimas. Taip pat pateikti ir išanalizuoti šio tyrimo rezultatai bei nustatytos probleminės sritys. Projektinėje darbo dalyje, remiantis darbuotojų motyvacijos tyrimo rezultatais, sudarytas UAB "Iris" darbuotojų motyvavimo modelis ir pateikti motyvacijos didinimo sprendimai: darbuotojų veiklos vertinimo sistemos diegimas, darbo užmokesčio sistemos tobulinimas, mokymų ir kvalifikacijos kėlimo galimybių gerinimas, kasdieninio darbo ir mikroklimato gerinimo sprendimai bei kitų motyvavimo priemonių taikymo galimybės. Taip pat pateikta motyvacijos didinimo proceso eiga ir kontrolės mechanizmas. / The Aim of the Final Thesis - after researching the motivation of Iris Ltd. employees, to identify the problematic areas and present solutions, related to employee motivation enhancement. In the theoretical part of the thesis, the essence and the concept of motivation are examined, the analysis of content and process motivation theories is made. Moreover, methods and means of motivation enhancement are investigated, their integral classification is presented, the aspects of applying current motivation models are analyzed, and a new motivation enhancement model is introduced. In the analytical part of the thesis, motivation methods and means currently used in Iris Ltd. are analyzed, and an empirical research of the motivation of the Company’s employees is performed. In addition, results of the research are presented and examined and problematic areas identifyed. In the project-based part of the thesis, an Iris Ltd. employee motivation model is made, based on the results of the empirical research, and motivation enhancement solutions are suggested: implementation of an employee performance evaluation system, perfection of pay system, training and qualification betterment opportunities, everyday work and microclimate improvement solutions and possibilities to apply other motivational means. Moreover, the course and control mechanism of a motivation enhancement process are presented.

Träningsaktiva unga vuxna kvinnors motivationsfaktorer för träning - en kvalitativ intervjustudie / Active young adult women's motivational factors for training - a qualitative interview study

Echmawi, Maria January 2021 (has links)
Today physical activity and exercise are very popular and we are reminded daily how physical activity of various kinds is beneficial for different aspects. The development of society has today created opportunities to be more physically active with, among other things, access to an outdoor gym. At the same time, society has become comfortable with tools and assets that make it easier for humans to get from point to point without much physical activity, such as battery-powered scooters, called VOIs, at the same time research shows reduced physical activity. Motivation is needed to be and remain physically active. This study aims to identify young adult women's internal and external motivating factors for physical activity based on Self-determination Theory (SDT). Of using a qualitative method five young adult student women were selected for an individual interview. The results showed that both internal motivation and external motivation were important for physical activity, except for experience of training and personal factors. / Idag är fysik aktivitet och träning väldigt populärt och vi blir dagligen påminda hur fysisk aktivitet av olika slag är gynnsamt för olika aspekter. Samhällets utveckling har idag skapat möjligheter till att lättare vara fysiskt aktiv med bland annat tillgång av ute gym. Samtidigt så har samhället blivit bekväm med redskap och tillgångar som gör det lättare för människan att ta sig från punkt till punkt utan speciellt mycket fysisk aktivitet så som batteristyrda sparkcyklar, VOI, samtidigt visar forskning på minskad fysisk aktivitet. Motivation behövs för att vara och förbli fysisk aktiv. Denna studie syftar till att kartlägga och identifiera unga vuxna kvinnors inre samt yttre motivationsfaktorer till fysisk aktivitet. Utifrån de grundläggande psykologiska behoven från Self-determination Theory har empirin analyserats. Med en kvalitativ metod valdes fem unga vuxna studerande kvinnor till en djupgående individuell intervju. Resultatet visade att både inre motivation och yttre motivation var av betydelse för att vara fysiskt aktiv, med undantag av erfarenhet av träning samt personliga faktorer. Slutsatsen kan dras att välbefinnande av de olika psykologiska behoven, autonomi, kompetens och samhörighet, är betydelsefullt för att skapa och bibehålla motivation.

Avgörs arbetsmotivationen beroende på generationstillhörighet? : En kvalitativ studie ur ett generationsperspektiv

Neoom, Sandra, Topcu, Betül January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka huruvida det finns likheter och skillnader mellan generationerna X (1960-1980) och Z (1995-2012) gällande arbetsmotivation. Följaktligen ligger intresse för studien att undersöka huruvida värderingar skiljer i vilka faktorer som är mest centrala för arbetsmotivationen. Tidigare forskning anses vara tvetydig och därmed bidrar denna studie till ökad förståelse av forskningsämnet. Studien har genomförts utifrån en kvalitativ metod och dataanalysen har genomförts utifrån tematisk analys. Intervjuerna genomfördes med tolv respondenter, varav sex var från vardera generation som tillhör företagen Structor och Volkswagen finans. Detta analyserades därefter utifrån teorierna tvåfaktorsteorin, Maslows behovshierarki, Self determination theory och McClellands motivationsteori samt tidigare generationsforskning.  Studien identifierade likheter och skillnader mellan generation X och Zs arbetsmotivation. De faktorer som identifierades bland generation Z är flexibla arbetsuppgifter, relationer med kollegor, kontinuerlig feedback samt meningsfulla arbetsuppgifter. De faktorer som identifierades bland generation X är liknande men ur olika perspektiv. Generation X ser feedback som ett slags erkännande snarare än bekräftelse, relationer ses ur ett arbetsperspektiv samt att de är självsäkra i sin kompetens och föredrar ansvarsfrihet i sitt arbete. Slutligen visar det sig att bägge generationerna vill nå en personlig utveckling och föredrar meningsfulla arbetsuppgifter, vilket tyder på att deras motivation främst baseras på inre motivationsfaktorer. / The purpose of this study is to investigate whether there are similarities and differences between generation X (1960-1980) and generation Z (1995-2012) regarding work motivation. Consequently, there is interest in the study to examine whether values ​​are sent in which factors are most central to work motivation. Previous research is ambiguous and thus this study contributes to an increased understanding of the research topic. The study has been carried out on the basis of a qualitative method and the data analysis has been carried out on the basis of thematic analysis. The interviews were conducted with a total of twelve respondents, six of them were from each generation belonging to the company Structor and Volkswagen finans. This was then analyzed on the basis of the theories such as two factor theory, Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Self determination theory and McClelland's motivation theory as well as previous generational research. The study identified differences and similarities between Generation X and Z's work motivation. The factors identified among generation Z are flexible work tasks, relationships with colleagues, continuous feedback and meaningful work tasks. The factors identified among generation X are similar to generation Z but from different perspectives. Generation X sees feedback as a kind of recognition rather than confirmation, relationships are seen from a work perspective and that they are confident in their skills and prefer discharge in their work. Finally, it turns out that both generations want to achieve personal development and prefer meaningful tasks, indicating that their motivation is primarily based on internal motivational factors.

Motivace dětí mladšího školního věku ke sportovním aktivitám / Motivation of primary school children to sports activities

Grižáková, Zdeňka January 2018 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the motivation of pupils attending primary school towards the sports activities. The work is divided into theoretical and research section. The theoretical part explains the concepts related to the thesis itself, especially the concepts of leisure activities, physical activities and the concept of sport. Furthermore, the theoretical part is focused on the developmental stages of personalities, the concepts of motivations, incentives, needs, rewards and motivational structure of sportsmen. The aim of the research part of this thesis was to determine the current state of motivation of the pupils attending primary school towards the sports activities. To accomplish this aim, a method of questionnaire survey was used. The research section also deals with the relationships among the monitored variables in the survey. The results of this work provide new information about motivation of children towards sports activities.

Motivace dětí mladšího školního věku ke sportovním aktivitám / Motivation of primary school children to sports activities

Grižáková, Zdeňka January 2018 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the motivation of pupils attending primary school towards the sports activities. The work is divided into theoretical and research section. The theoretical part explains the concepts related to the thesis itself, especially the concepts of leisure activities, physical activities and the concept of sport. Furthermore, the theoretical part is focused on the developmental stages of personalities, the concepts of motivations, incentives, needs, rewards and motivational structure of sportsmen. The aim of the research part of this thesis was to determine the current state of motivation of the pupils attending primary school towards the sports activities. To accomplish this aim, a method of questionnaire survey was used. The research section also deals with the relationships among the monitored variables in the survey. The results of this work provide new information about motivation of children towards sports activities.

Vysokoškolský student z hlediska jeho osobnostního vývoje a rozvoje / The college student from the point of view of his or her personal development

RZESZUTKOVÁ, Eva January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis named: "The college student from the point of view of his or her personal development" is dealing with the personality of a college student, his or her motivation to studies, value orientation and internal and external factors which can have its influence during the studies. One part of my work is dedicated to legislation which concerns college students, the law 111/1998 about colleges and some conceptual documents of MŠMT. In the empiric part of my thesis is presented quantitative research which with help of a questionnaire was investigating motivation, value orientation and subjective point of view of chosen students on their personal development.

Elevers upplevelser av idrott och hälsa / Students' Experiences of Physical Education and Health

Svenonius, Elias, Dedic, Vedran January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna examensuppsats är att synliggöra högstadieelevers upplevelser och deltagande i skolämnet idrott och hälsa (IDH). Detta med utgångspunkt i motivationsteorin självbestämmandeteorin (SDT). Metoden som används i denna uppsats är kvalitativa intervjuer. Totalt utfördes 6 intervjuer med 7 olika elever från 2 skolor i sydvästra Skåne. Den tidigare nationella och internationella forskningen visar att det finns flera olika faktorer som påverkar elevers motivation till ämnet. Flera av dessa vetenskapliga studier synliggör att det är möjligt att öka elevers deltagande och motivation till ämnet genom att förändra olika aspekter i lärandet som gör eleverna nyfikna och mer motiverade. Resultatet visar att de flesta elever har en externt reglerad motivation som regleras av främst belöning i form av närvaro och betyg. Resultatet visar att det finns flera olika skäl till låg motivation till ämnet. De viktigaste aspekterna som redovisas är ämnesinnehåll, lärarens egenskaper, kommunikation och bedömning samt sociala och kulturella aspekter i lärandet. Mot bakgrund av dessa diskuteras elevers upplevelser av IDH, faktorer som påverkar deltagandet i ämnet samt vad lärare kan göra för att öka elevers deltagande och motivation till ämnet. / The purpose of this master thesis is to make visible the experiences and participation of high school students in the school subject physical education and health (PEH). This is based on the motivation theory self-determination theory (SDT). The method used in this essay is qualitative interviews. 6 interviews were performed with 7 different students from 2 schools in southwestern Skåne. Previous national and international research identifies several factors that affect students' motivation for the subject. Several of these scientific studies make it clear that it is possible to increase students' participation and motivation in the subject by changing various aspects of learning that make students curious and more motivated. The results show that most students have an externally regulated motivation in connection to attendance and grades as well as there are several different reasons for low motivation for the subject. The most important aspects in this regard are subject content, the teacher's characteristics, communication and assessment as well as social and cultural aspects in learning. Finally, the thesis discusses students 'experiences of IDH, factors that affect participation in the subject and what teachers can do to increase students' participation and motivation in the subject.

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