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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La sentenza penale. Profili giuridici ed epistemologici. / LA SENTENZA PENALE. PRIFILI GIURIDICI ED EPISTEMOLOGICI / The Criminal Judgment. Legal and Espistemological Aspects.

PRESSACCO, LUCA 11 September 2018 (has links)
In linea di principio, la sentenza può essere definita come il provvedimento giurisdizionale con cui il giudice definisce la controversia, confermando o negando – nel contesto specifico del processo penale – l’ipotesi di colpevolezza dell’imputato. Sennonché, l’impostazione tradizionale – fedele ai consueti metodi dell’indagine giuridica – considera la sentenza esclusivamente in qualità di atto processuale, esaminando la relativa disciplina per individuare i requisiti di validità ed efficacia dell’atto stesso. La presente ricerca, invece, si propone di approfondire lo studio della sentenza penale quale “giudizio”, vale a dire come epilogo del percorso conoscitivo compiuto dall'organo giurisdizionale per giungere alla ricostruzione dei fatti controversi, nonché, alla loro adeguata qualificazione giuridica. In questa prospettiva, le disposizioni che regolano la formazione e i contenuti della sentenza penale vengono prevalentemente in rilievo, in quanto stabiliscono i confini e i percorsi normativi delle operazioni gnoseologiche compiute dal giudice nella fase conclusiva del processo. Esaurite le premesse di carattere metodologico (capitolo I), l’indagine prende le mosse (capitolo II) dalla ricostruzione storica e dogmatica della “sentenza penale”, poiché l’estensione della categoria in esame dipende sia dalla complessiva struttura del processo, sia dalle scelte contingenti operate dal legislatore. In seguito, si approfondisce (capitolo III) la posizione specifica della sentenza nel contesto del procedimento penale, muovendo dalle dottrine generali del processo e giungendo al ruolo che la decisione giurisdizionale assume nell’ambito del cosiddetto “giusto processo”. Nel capitolo IV, si opera un confronto fra le operazioni conoscitive che costituiscono il proprium dell’attività giurisdizionale, rispetto alle metodologie adottate – rispettivamente – nell’indagine di carattere storico e nell’ambito delle scienze sperimentali. Successivamente (capitolo V), si trattano i principali profili di ricostruzione fattuale che caratterizzano la sentenza penale: in particolare, l’attenzione si sofferma sulla configurazione delle regole decisorie tipiche del processo penale e sul dovere di motivazione che incombe sull’organo giurisdizionale. Infine (capitolo VI), viene analizzata la configurazione strutturale del cosiddetto “post dibattimento”, per dimostrare che la decisione giurisdizionale può essere solo convenzionalmente considerata come una realtà processuale unitaria (la sentenza penale), laddove l’analisi normativa lascia intravvedere una serie di comportamenti, che integrano una complessa fattispecie a formazione progressiva. / Sentence can be defined, as a matter of principle, like the decision through which the Court puts an end to the dispute, validating or denying – particularly in criminal cases – the original accusation formulated by the public prosecutor. Given this assumption, legal scholars usually consider the judicial decision merely as a procedural document, interpreting the relevant provisions in order to establish conditions for its validity and enforceability. Instead, the aim of this research is to deepen the study of the criminal judgment, understood as the conclusion of the knowledge path accomplished by the tribunal for the porpuse of reconstructing controversial events and find an adequate legal classification therof. In this perspective, legal provisions concerning the criminal decision (art. 525 ss. of the Italian code of criminal procedure) are mainly examined in so far as they determine routes and limitations for the gnoseological process, which takes place during the closing moments of the trial.

L'iconographie de saint Michel archange dans les peintures murales et les panneaux peints en Italie : (1200-1518) / The Saint Michel Archangel iconography in the murals paintings and painted panels in Italy : (1200-1518)

Denèle, Clémentine 08 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse est une enquête sur les peintures murales et sur panneaux représentant l’archange Michel en Italie, entre 1200 et 1518. Elle propose une large mise au point historiographique et un panorama du développement du culte et de l’iconographie michaélique des origines à 1200. À travers un corpus de plus de 500 images, les représentations de l’archange sont étudiées dans les moindres détails, et leur évolution générale est située dans un cadre spatio-temporel, propre à en faire ressortir les spécificités. Au niveau formel et iconographique, la figure de Michel est partagée entre évocation de la spiritualité de sa nature et monstration de sa force physique, à forme humaine, alors que son image se simplifie par une cristallisation autour du guerrier dès le milieu du Trecento. Cette étude considère en outre la peinture en tant qu’objet fabriqué, pensé, reçu et utilisé. Les évolutions iconographiques participent à une sanctification de l’archange et sont au cœur d’expériences visuelles mêlant images peintes, représentations et visions miraculeuses de l’archange. Symbole universel du bien contre le mal et de la justice divine, et acteur efficace de l’au-delà intermédiaire, organisé et géré par l’Église, l’iconographie michaélique est un outil de son système pénitentiel. Mais Michel est un être sans apparence réelle et sa représentation est donc un reflet de sa perception par les hommes. Les représentations du plus humain des anges et du plus céleste des saints, sont ainsi un moyen de penser l’homme, dans sa relation avec l’Église, avec Dieu, et surtout dans la perception de l’homme par lui-même, de son rôle et de sa responsabilité au moment même du salut. / This work is an investigation into murals and panel paintings depicting Archangel Michael in Italy, between 1200 and 1518. It presents a broad historiographical update and an overview of the development of the michaelic cult and iconography from its origins to 1200. With a corpus of over 500 paintings, the images of the Archangel are scrutinized in their finest details and their general evolution is put back into a spatiotemporal framework, so as to bring out its specificities. On both formal and iconographical levels, Michael's figure is split between evoking his spiritual nature and showing his physical strength, in human form, and it crystallises around the image of the warrior in the middle of the fourteenth century. This study considers a painting to be a manufactured object, a thought-through object, a received object, an used object. The iconographic developments play a role in the archangel's sanctification and are at the heart of visual experiences using painted images, representations and miraculous visions of the archangel. Universal symbol of the fight of Good against Evil or divine justice, and efficient agent in the intermediate afterlife, organised and managed by the Church, the michaelic iconography is a tool of its penitential system. But Michael has no real figure, therefore his representation is a reflection of how men perceive him. The representations of the most human of angels and the most heavenly of saints, are no less than a way of thinking Man itself, in his relationship with the Church, with God, and especially in the way Man perceives himself, perceives his role and his responsibility when time of salvation arises.

Regulace telekomunikací / Telecommunications regulation

Selby, Alice January 2016 (has links)
The content of my work has been chosen on the basis that I have spent most of my career working as a regulatory lawyer in telecommunications. I started my career as a lawyer at the Czech Telecommunications Office and after few years I moved to the Ministry of Transport, which was then also responsible for telecommunications, and its strategy and legislation. Finally I joined Radiomobil (now T-Mobile Czech Republic) where I have spent 15 years to date. The development of technologies in the last 20 years is without a doubt fascinating. It is exciting to observe the sector regulation trying to catch up with the fast moving technological developments, and often aiming at attempting to regulate what cannot be regulated. At the same time we can witness the overregulated European telecommunications market gasping for air in comparison with other regions as it becomes less and less attractive to investments and investors, which is evidenced by the major European companies leaving the European markets and moving their activities into the less regulated regions of the world. A direct consequence of that is the consolidation of the European telecommunications markets. At the same time there are very high expectations on the part of both regulatory bodies and customers in the field of broadband development...

O princípio da congruência no processo individual do trabalho / The principle of Ne Ultra et Extra Petita in individual labor process

Lourenção, Manuela da Palma Coelho Germano 18 April 2011 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem por objetivo o estudo da aplicação do princípio da congruência no Processo Individual do Trabalho. Tal princípio caracteriza-se pelo caráter restritivo da atuação judicial, vinculando a prolação de sentença aos limites da lide. A problemática centra-se no entendimento do conceito de lide, ora entendido simplesmente como pedido, ora como a matéria fática e jurídica levada aos autos, permitindo-se ao magistrado conhecer de pedidos não formulados expressamente, desde que os fatos a eles pertinentes tenham sido discutidos nos autos. A partir da Teoria Instrumentalista do Processo, que admite este modo de resolução de conflitos como um meio para a efetividade do Direito Material, buscou-se identificar a possibilidade de flexibilização do princípio da congruência no Processo Individual do Trabalho, tendo em vista que o estudo deste princípio revelou que a doutrina e a jurisprudência civil e trabalhista já permitem sua relativização ou mitigação em determinados casos, em especial quando se trata da aplicação de norma de ordem pública, uma das características do Direito Material do Trabalho. Ademais, considerando as questões linguísticas implicadas na formulação da pretensão da parte e da sentença, foi feita pesquisa jurisprudencial no sítio eletrônico do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho, de modo a identificar as relações hermenêuticas estabelecidas entre o pedido e a decisão final neste tribunal. Para tanto, foram selecionadas 149 decisões em que se discute a existência ou não de julgamento além dos limites da lide, destacando-se os casos em que o tribunal considerou desnecessária a formulação de pedido expresso para a concessão de direito trabalhista / The purpose of this dissertation is to study the use of the Principle of Ne Ultra et Extra Petita in individual labor process. This principle is defined by the restrictive aspect of the acts of the judge, binding the sentence to the matters under dispute. The core discussion lies on the identification of such matters, which can be seen as simply the pleadings expressed by the parties or as all the matters in connection with the facts merely mentioned by them. The latter position would allow the judicial authority to pronounce a sentence addressing additional matters that were not expressly pleaded by the parties. Based on the idea that the due process of law is an instrument to achieve effectiveness of legal commands, on the already accepted exception of this principle when it comes to public order rules, and also on the assumption that labor law is of public order, this dissertation analyzed the possibility of disregarding the Principle of Ne Ultra et Extra Petita in individual labor process in order to enhance the legal award. In addition to the theoretical analysis, a wide research on the website of the superior labor court (Tribunal Superior do Trabalho) was carried out in order to verify the hermeneutical relations between the pleadings and the dispositions of the judicial decision. Bearing such an objective in mind, 149 decisions on the alleged violation of the Principle of Ne Ultra et Extra Petita were selected and analyzed, focusing on those awards in which the court considered irrelevant the existence of an express pleading in order to grant or deny a specific labor right.

Röntgen-Thorax-Aufnahmen zur radiologischen Quantifizierung des Lungenödemsbei Patienten mit Akutem Atemnotsyndrom des Erwachsenen (ARDS)

Zippler, Anke 07 May 1999 (has links)
Das ARDS gilt, trotz verschiedenster Möglichkeiten der intensivmedizinischen Therapie, immer noch als die schwerste Form einer Lungenparenchymverletzung mit einer hohen Letalität. Zu Beginn der Erkrankung zeigt sich eine große Diskrepanz zwischen zunehmender Hypoxie und blandem Röntgen-Thorax-Befund. Die Röntgen-Thorax-Aufnahme bildet somit einen wichtigen diagnostischen Bestandteil. Die Kriterien einer einfachen Durchführung, guten Reproduzierbarkeit, hohen Aussagekraft und der Möglichkeit einer Verlaufsbeurteilung machen die Röntgen-Thorax-Liegendaufnahme zu einem wichtigen Bestandteil der intensivmedizinischen Diagnostik. Untersucht wurden retrospektiv 1575 Röntgen-Thorax-Aufnahmen von 33 Patienten mit dem Krankheitsbild des ARDS. Das Patientenkollektiv setzte sich aus 14 Frauen und 19 Männern im Alter von 12 bis 63 Jahren zusammen. Die Überlebensrate des untersuchten Patientenkollektives betrug 87,9%. Pro Patient wurden durchschnittlich 48 Röntgen-Thorax-Aufnahmen (zwischen 10 und 148 Aufnahmen) angefertigt. Die Aufnahmen wurden im Hinblick auf ihre Qualität, Strahlenexposition und ihre Übereinstimmung mit klinischen Parametern untersucht. Für die Beurteilung der Inter- und Intraobservervariabilität wurden verschiedenen Untersuchern 60 Röntgen-Thorax-Aufnahmen exemplarisch zur Bewertung vorgelegt. Aufgrund der schwierigen Aufnahmebedingungen bei Intensivpatienten sind verdrehte und verkippte Röntgen-Thorax-Aufnahmen nicht zu vermeiden. Trotz dieser Qualitätseinbußen ist ihr Informationsgehalt ein wichtiges Kriterium der intensivmedizinischen Diagnose und Therapie. Die Strahlenexposition der Röntgen-Thorax-Liegendaufnahmen und der daraus zu errechnende Lebenszeitverlust sind im Hinblick auf die Schwere und die hohe Letalität der Grunderkrankung als verschwindend gering zu betrachten. Die Röntgen-Scores nach Murray, Morel, Miniati, Rommelsheim und Ostendorf sind in der Diagnostik und Verlaufsbeurteilung des ARDS weit verbreitet. Sie sind in Handhabung und Gewichtung der Veränderungen jedoch sehr unterschiedlich. Zusammenhänge zwischen klinischen Parametern konnten für alle Scores, sowie für einen neuen Score beobachtet werden. Dabei ergaben sich für alle Scores ähnliche Beziehungen. Unter Berücksichtigung der Handhabung der einzelnen Röntgen-Scores, der Inter- und Intraobservervariabilität, sowie der Übereinstimmung mit klinischen Parametern sind der Röntgen-Score nach Rommelsheim, sowie der neue Röntgen-Score für den klinischen Alltag zu empfehlen. / Radiological Quantification of Chest X-Rays of the Lung Oedema of Patients with Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) The ARDS is still regarded as the most serious form of lung parenchyma injury with a high lethality in spite of various possibilities of intensive care therapies. In the beginning of the illness a high discrepancy between an increasing hypoxia and a mostly inconspicouos chest X-ray result can be observed. Therefore, the chest X-ray forms an essential part of the diagnostic basis. It is characterized by simple implementation, a good reproducibility, a high meaningfulness and the possibility to judge the course of the illness. This makes the chest X-ray very valuable for the intensive care diagnosis. 1575 chest X-rays from 33 patients with ARDS symptoms were evaluated. The patients consisted of 14 women and 19 men between 12 and 63 years of age. The overall survival rate for all patients was 87.9%. An average of 48 (ranging from 10 to 148) chest X-rays were taken per patient. They were examined with regard to quality, radiation dose and correspondence to clinical variables. In order to judge the interobserver and intraobserver variability 60 chest X-rays were evaluated by different examiners. Due to the difficult conditions while taking the chest X-rays distorted and tilted chest X-rays cannot be avoided. Despite this loss of quality their content of information is an important criterion for the intensive care diagnosis and treatment. The loss of lifetime due to the radiation dose received can be ignored compared to the severeness and the high lethality of the basic illness. The chest X-ray scores according to Murray, Morel, Miniati, Rommelsheim and Ostendorf are commonly used for diagnostic purposes and to judge the course of the ARDS. However, their handling and their weightning of changes varies a lot. Correlations between all scores, a new score and the clinical variables were observed. All scores, including the new score, showed similar relations between the score ranking and the clinical variables. Considering the handling of the different chest X-ray scores, their interobserver and intraobserver variability and their correlation to clinical variables the chest X-ray score according to Rommelsheim and the new score can be recommended for daily use.

Santa María la Real, Sangüesa (Navarra)

Müller, Beatrix 19 August 1999 (has links)
Bislang gab es keine detaillierte Untersuchung der umfangreichen Bauplastik der Kirche Santa María la Real in Sangüesa, obwohl es sich um einen der für die Entwicklung der spätromanischen Skulptur Nordspaniens wichtigsten Komplexe des 12. Jahrhunderts handelt. Die Arbeit versucht, diese Forschungslücke zu schließen. Grundlage der Analyse und gleichzeitig Bestandsaufnahme ist ein Katalog, der die gesamte Bauplastik (360 Einzelskulpturen) und rund 40 Vergleichsbeispiele erfaßt. Mittels einer detaillierten Stilanalyse wurden stilistische und ikonographische Ordnungsprinzipien aus dem scheinbaren Durcheinander herausgearbeitet. Von dieser Grundlage aus konnten mehrere Skulpturenkomplexe Nordspaniens zueinander in Beziehung gesetzt werden. Nur Sangüesa vereint Skulpturen aus mindestens drei anderen Zentren und führt gleichzeitig neue Elemente - wie die Gewändefiguren Chartreser Prägung - ein. Das gesamte Spektrum der Bauplastik Navarras und Aragóns zwischen etwa 1130 und 1170 läßt sich daran ablesen. Als einziges Beispiel einer solchen Syntheseleistung in Nordspanien ist Sangüesa Rezeptor, Katalysator und Innovator zugleich. Das Tympanon Santa Marías zeigt die einzige erhaltene explizite Darstellung des jüngsten Gerichts einer nordspanischen Kirche des 12. Jahrhunderts. Vieles spricht dafür, daß auf Portalen entlang des Camino de Santiago eine inhaltliche Verbindungslinie zu ziehen ist von den furchteinflößenden Darstellungen in Frankreich über die auf wenige Elemente reduzierte Illustration des Weltgerichts in Sangüesa bis hin zu dem versöhnenden Christus im Pórtico de la Gloria der Kathedrale von Compostela. Die vorliegende Analyse erweist die spanische Bauplastik als eine eigenständige, innovative und hochqualitative Skulptur. / Santa María la Real, Sangüesa (Navarra) The architectural sculpture of Santa Marías and 12th century sculpture in Navarre and Aragón Receptor, catalysator, innovator? Beyond any doubt, Santa María la Real of Sangüesa is one of the most important sculptural complexes of 12th century Romanesque sculpture in Northern Spain. Nevertheless no detailed analysis of the rich sculpture of the main portal and the capitals in the interior of the church has hitherto been made. This is the first time a thesis tries to set up a catalogue and to present an analysis of the 360 different sculptures and to compare them with 40 examples of other places. In a specific and detailed analysis out of the enormous variety of sculptures some important stilistic and iconographic categories can be brought out allowing to establish the relationship between Sangüesa and other important monumental sculptural complexes in Northern Spain. Thus one can prove that only Sangüesa combines sculptures from at least three different centres of Ronanesque art in Northern Spain; and - what is more - the Sangüesa masters have introduced new elements like the column statues of Chartrese style. In Sangüesa the whole spectre of monumental sculpture in Navarre and Aragón between 1130 and 1170 is well represented. Santa María la Real is, therefore, a unique example of such a synthesis and can be regarded as a receptor, catalysator and innovator as well. The Sangüesan tympanum shows the only existing explicit illustration of the Last Judgement in a church of 12th century Spain. One may argue that a continuous iconographic program exists on portals along the Camino de Santiago: starting with the frightening representations in France passing by the reduced illustration of the Last Judgement in Sangüesa up to the reconciling Christ of the Pórtico de la Gloria of the Cathedral in Compostela. The thesis proves the high and innovative quality, and in particular, the originality of Spanish architectural sculpture of the period.

Ação por improbidade administrativa: críticas e proposições / Judicial action against improbity conduct: critiques and propositions

Calixto, Rubens Alexandre Elias 07 June 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:30:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rubens Alexandre Elias Calixto.pdf: 1421999 bytes, checksum: 395e6af627e9720f2773a5784b430c85 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-06-07 / This academic paper intends to analyze and criticize the judicial action against improbity conduct, ruled by Act 8.429/92, specially the low effectiveness in punishing acts of corruption practiced by public officials in Brazil. The author try to demonstrate that the action doesn t work as expected when its approval by The Brazilian Congress, in 1992, because still remain a lot of political scandals in Brazil, causing serious damages to the treasury, without the responsible people being punished for it. A historical tolerance on corruption, special courts for public officials and the own formal and structural deficiencies of the legal text of Act 8.429/92 favour a state of impunity. The paper begins with a short analysis about the corruption phenomenon, specially its ideological substratum, theories, effects and means of combat in brazilian law. The author thinks that this analysis is fundamental to situate correctly the question in brazilian constitutional ordainment, due to the axiological tension in constitutional rules about punishing corruption . The author also discuss the important and polemic question of special courts for public officials, having in mind decisions from Supreme Court in Brazil to demonstrate that this prerogative is one of the most serious causes of impunity in Brazil. Completing the dissertation, the author analyses procedures aspects of the action, identifying defections like lacunas, obscurities and bad compositions in the legal text, that contribute in order to difficult the punishing of bad conduct by public officials in their functions. After all, the author concludes that the judicial action on improbity will only workout properly if judges and lawyers are ready to assume the compromise towards the fight against corruption, including the elimination of the special courts for public officials. Still he concludes that the legal procedure needs corrections, to make its interpretations easier for the judges when applying it / O presente trabalho acadêmico tem como objetivo a análise crítica da ação por improbidade administrativa, disciplinada pela Lei 8.429/92, especialmente sua pouca efetividade na punição dos atos de improbidade praticados por agentes públicos. Busca-se defender a tese de que a citada ação não atendeu satisfatoriamente às expectativas geradas com o seu advento, pois ainda persistem muitas denúncias de escândalos políticos no Brasil, dos quais resultam sérios prejuízos ao Erário. Parte-se da premissa de que esta impunidade decorre de alguns fatores, como a histórica tolerância com os atos de corrupção, o foro privilegiado de que gozam os agentes políticos e a própria deficiência formal e estrutural da ação regulada pela Lei 8.429/92. É feita breve análise do fenômeno da corrupção, do seu substrato ideológico, teorias, conseqüências e formas de combate, no direito comparado e no direito brasileiro, como ponto fundamental do problema, a partir da tensão axiológica verificada nas normas constitucionais que tratam das formas e meios de punição da improbidade administrativa. É também discutida a controvertida questão do foro privilegiado, tendo como referência o julgamento da Reclamação 2.138 pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal, com a finalidade de demonstrar que ele é um dos graves fatores da impunidade no Brasil. Em complemento, procede-se a uma análise dos aspectos procedimentais da ação por improbidade, identificando lacunas, obscuridades e má redação no texto legal, que também contribuem sensivelmente para prejudicar a efetiva punição dos agentes públicos que cometem atos de improbidade. Ao final, conclui-se que a ação por improbidade surtirá os efeitos desejados quando houver maior compromisso dos operadores do direito com o combate à corrupção, passando pela eliminação do foro privilegiado para os agentes políticos e as necessárias correções legislativas na Lei 8.429/92, de modo a facilitar sua interpretação e aplicação

Execução coletiva dos direitos difusos, coletivos e individuais homogêneos reconhecidos em sentença face à efetividade da tutela jurisdicional

Lamblém, Gláucia Aparecida da Silva Faria 23 February 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:23:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Glaucia Aparecida da Silva Faria Lamblem.pdf: 2271311 bytes, checksum: be1bc1c1a74499329e4bf9e0509e173f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-23 / This study has the purpose of examining the limits of applicability of the procedural rules of the Code of Civil Procedure related to the execution of sentence in class action lawsuits. This is done through a reinterpretation of the constitutional principles of the process, from the perspective of maximum effectiveness of collective judicial protection because of the own protected material right. Considering that the effectiveness of judicial protection is closely connected to the implementation of judicial decisions, the topic is addressed in the context of execution of sentence in class actions for protection of diffuse, collective, and homogeneous individual rights. It is highlighted the judge's role in the fair adequacy of such rules to the concrete case. The study of execution of sentence under the collective jurisdiction is justified, since this leads the judicial decision to an end, being able to assess the practical impact of judicial protection. In this sense, the mass society and conflicts arising from it, allows violation to a plurality of rights, involving large numbers of subjects, thus requiring legal responses in accordance with the complexity of the factual situation. It is taken into account that the judicial response should not adhere to generic directions, requiring, therefore, the effective implementation of its controls, otherwise giving rise to the ineffectiveness of judicial protection. The theme of execution of sentence, interpreted in a broad sense, as all judicial decisions, shows fertile ground to scale the role of the judge and the influence of the executive mechanisms available on existing standards for the effectiveness of collective judicial protection. The examination of integrative rules of collective procedural microsystem, combined with those of the Code of Civil Procedure relating to the enforcement of court decisions and being in line with the constitutional principles of the process enables a true adequacy of the executive procedure in class actions such as to provide the effectiveness of collective judicial protection. In this context, the judge s role is essential to the effectiveness of judicial protection, not being limited to enforce the law and pronounce judgment on the merits, but to the exercise of a power of execution aimed to give effect to his/her own decisions / O presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar os limites da aplicabilidade das normas procedimentais do Código de Processo Civil pertinentes à execução de sentença às ações coletivas, a partir de uma releitura dos princípios constitucionais do processo, sob a ótica da máxima efetividade da tutela jurisdicional coletiva, em razão do próprio direito material tutelado. Considerando que a efetividade da tutela jurisdicional está intimamente ligada à concretização das decisões judiciais, o tema é abordado no âmbito das execuções de sentença coletiva para tutela de direitos difusos, coletivos e direitos individuais homogêneos, destacando a atuação do juiz na justa adequação dessas regras ao caso concreto. Justifica-se o estudo da execução de sentença no âmbito da jurisdição coletiva, uma vez que esta leva a termo a decisão judicial podendo aquilatar a repercussão concreta da tutela jurisdicional. Neste sentido, a sociedade de massa e os conflitos dela decorrentes, possibilitam a lesão a uma pluralidade de direitos, envolvendo um grande número de sujeitos, requerendo, portanto, respostas judiciais condizentes com a complexidade da situação de fato. Leva-se em consideração que a resposta judicial não deve ficar estagnada a comandos genéricos, exigindo-se, portanto, a implementação efetiva dos seus comandos, sob pena de inefetividade da tutela jurisdicional. A temática da execução de sentença, entendida esta de forma ampla, como toda decisão judicial, mostra-se um terreno fértil para dimensionar o papel do juiz e a influência dos mecanismos executivos disponibilizados nas normas existentes para a efetividade da tutela jurisdicional coletiva. O exame das normas integrativas do microssistema processual coletivo, conjugadas com aquelas do Código de Processo Civil atinentes à execução de sentença, em consonância com os princípios constitucionais do processo permite uma verdadeira adequação do procedimento executivo nas ações coletivas de tal forma a conferir a efetividade da tutela jurisdicional coletiva. Neste contexto, o papel do juiz é essencial para a efetividade da tutela jurisdicional, não se limitando a aplicar a lei e pronunciar o juízo de mérito, mas também ao exercício de um poder de execução tendente a conferir eficácia às suas próprias decisões

A ipseidade na ética argumentativa de Paul Ricoeur / The ipseity in ethic's argumentative of Paul Ricoeur

Edson de Castro Homem 10 August 2004 (has links)
A ipseidade na ética argumentativa de Paul Ricoeur é a referência básica da hermenêutica do si ao qual sempre retorna. Ela estabelece a constante mediação reflexiva em oposição à pretensa posição imediata do sujeito. A mesmidade do si tem como contrapartida o outro. Na comparação, a mesmidade é sinônimo de identidade-idem em oposição à ipseidade-ipse que inclui a alteridade. Esta inclusão questiona a capacidade do si construtivo da ética e, portanto, responsável jurídica e moralmente nas várias injunções do outro. O projeto ético de Ricoeur é compreensível a partir e dentro de sua peculiar metodologia que ele denomina de dialética entre a ética teleológica e a moral deontológica. Esta dialética se fundamenta na tríade do desejo, do dever e da sabedoria prática em recíproca atividade, privilegiando a dimensão teleológica do desejo da vida boa com o outro e para o outro em instituições justas. A ética argumentativa tem a função de dar conteúdo as duas dialéticas pela inclusão do outro no si mesmo sem o qual a reflexão sobre a ipseidade perderia o sentido. A sabedoria prática da ética e do julgamento moral em situação inclui a discussão porque o conflito é insuperável e determina o argumento para o consenso eventual. Nossa tese é a afirmação da capacidade do si mesmo atuar ações construtivas. Além da critica à ideologia e à utopia, Ricoeur fundamenta a dialética entre o princípio-esperança e o princípio de responsabilidade mediante a via utópica do futuro e a via realista da preocupação com o presente diante dos casos inéditos em que a vida e o ecossistema se associam. A imputação pessoal e coletiva desde o passado, no presente para o futuro é devida à responsabilidade. A ipseidade constrói o futuro no presente através de decisões éticas. / The ipseity in ethics argumentative of Paul Ricoeur is the basic reference of the hermeneutic of the selfhood that he always returns. She settles the constant reflexive mediation in the opposition supposed immediate position of the subject. The sameness of the selfhood has like counterpoint the other. In the comparison, it is a synonym of identity-ditto an opposition ipseity-ipse that it includes the others. This inclusion questions the capacity of the self to be ethical and, ergo responsible juridical and morals in the various junction of the other. The ethical project of Ricoeur is comprehensible from and inside his peculiar methodology that he nominates dialectics between the teleological ethics and the deontological moral. This dialectics settles the triad of desire, obligation and practical wisdom in reciprocal activity, privileging the teleological dimension of the desire goods life with the other and for other in fair institutions. The ethics argumentative has the function to give contents the two triads, through the inclusion of the other in selfhood without the reflection about ipseity would lose sense. The practical wisdom of the ethical and moral judgement in situation includes discussion because the conflict is insuperable and it determines the best argument for the eventual consensus. Our thesis is the affirmation capacitys of selfhood to actuate constructive actions. By critique on ideology and utopia Ricoeur bases the dialectics between the principlehope and the principle of responsibility through utopian way of future and realistic way of preoccupation with the present in front of the hard cases that life and the ecosystem are associated. The personal and collective ascription on the past, in the present towards the future is due to the moral responsibility. The selfhood constructs the future in the present by your ethics decisions. It deals about ethical capacity of selfhood.

模糊統計分類及其在茶葉品質評定的應用 / Analysis fuzzy statistical cluster and its application in tea quality

林雅慧, Lin, Ya-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
模糊理論開始於 1960 年代中期,關於這方面的研究與發展均已獲得相當不錯的成果.其中尤以在群落分析應用上的專題研究更是廣泛.Bezdek 提出的模糊分類演算法,乃根據 Dunn 的C平均法所作的一改良方法.但仍有其缺點,例如,未考慮權重且以靜態資料為主. 有鑑於此,本研究對 Bezdek 之方法加以改進推廣,提出加權模糊分類法.對於評價因素為多變量時,應加入模糊權重的考量.此外更結合時間因素,使準則函數成為動態的模式,將傳統的模糊分類法由靜態資料轉為動態資料形式,以反映真實 的情況. / Research on the theory of fuzzy sets has been growing steadily since itsinception during the mid-1960s. The literature especially dealing with fuzzycluster analysis is quite extensive. But the research on FCM still has somedisadvantages. For instance, the

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