Spelling suggestions: "subject:"kompetencijos"" "subject:"kompetencijoms""
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Savivaldybių jaunimo reikalų koordinatorių veiklos efektyvinimo prielaida-kompetencijų plėtra / Competence development as a prerequisite for enhancing work effectiveness of multicipal cooordinators for youth affairsMorkūnienė, Asta 29 June 2009 (has links)
Darbo tikslas. Nustatyti, kokios bendrosios ir specialiosios kompetencijos yra svarbiausios savivaldybių jaunimo reikalų koordinatoriams, siekiant efektyvaus savivaldybių jaunimo reikalų koordinatorių darbo.Darbo objektas - Savivaldybių jaunimo reikalų koordinatorių bendrosios ir specialiosios kompetencijos ir jų tobulinimo poreikis. / The aim of the thesis: to establish what general and special competencies are the most important for municipal youth coordinators while seeking the effectiveness of their work. The object of the thesis: municipal youth coordinators’ general and special competencies and the need of their development.
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Kolegijų pedagogų informacinių ir komunikacinių technologijų taikymo kompetencijos turinys ir struktūra / Competences of college pedagogues in application of information and communication technologiesMontrimienė, Gražina 24 September 2008 (has links)
Darnios informacinės visuomenės klestėjimo periode, vykstant mokslo bei technologijų pažangai, kiekvienam asmeniui būtina tobulinti socialinius, komunikacinius, problemų sprendimo, veiklos bei kitus bendruosius gebėjimus ir kartu išsiugdyti svarbiausius įgūdžius, būtinus norint sėkmingai konkuruoti šiuolaikinėje darbo rinkoje. Aktuali tyrimo problema, atsakant į klausimą: koks pedagogų IKT taikymo kompetencijos turinys ir struktūra, nes nuo jų priklauso profesinio mokymo ir mokymosi proceso kokybė, pedagogų ir jų ugdytinių gebėjimas sėkmingai integruotis į pasaulinę ir šalies darbo rinką.Magistriniame darbe nagrinėjama kolegijų pedagogų informacinių ir komunikacinių technologijų taikymo (IKT) kompetencija, kaip profesinės kompetencijos komponentas. Informacinės visuomenės ir kultūros kaita bei pedagogų standarto reikalavimai ES ir Lietuvoje pedagogų IKT kompetencijai keičiasi, kintant mokymo ir mokymosi procesui ir nacionaliniams ugdymo tikslams, įtakojant socialiniams-demografiniams veiksniams. Anketiniu tyrimu nustatyta, kad šalies aukštųjų neuniversitetinių mokyklų (kolegijų) pedagogai sistemingai tobulina informacinio raštingumo kompetencijas įvairiomis formomis, dalyvaudami ES projektuose ir programose, savarankiškai mokydamiesi nuotoliniu būdu, norėdami kokybiškai ir sistemingai dirbti edukaciniame procese. Pristatomas pedagogų IKT taikymo kompetencijos turinio ir struktūros empirinis pagrindimas. Analizuojamos kolegijų pedagogų IKT elgsenos, pridedamosios... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / During the period of prosperity of harmonic informational society, as the economy globalyzes and the science and technology development increases, it is necessary for everyone to develop social, communicational, problem-solving, practical and other common skills as well as to bring up the most important habits in order to be able to compete in today’s employment market. The urgent problem, when solving the problem of what the application volume and structure of competence of pedagogue’s information and communication technology (ICT) would be, since the value of professional teaching and learning and pedagogues’ their apprentices abilities to successfully integrate to national and international job market depend on it.The work analyzes competence, as a part of professional competence, of college pedagogues in application of information and communication technologies (ICT). The informational society and culture as well as the requirements for the pedagogues’ ICT competence changes as changes the learning and teachning process for national training goals influenced by social and demografic factors. The questionaire research has showed that the pedagogues of national universities and colleges, in order to perform a quality educational work, systematically increase their competences of informational capabilities in various ways. This work also presents the volume and structure empirical substantiation of pedagogues’ ICT competences. Moreover, this article analyzes the ICT... [to full text]
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According to works’ data of research and periodic literature of Lithuanian and foreign scientist authors about conception and structure of competency and analyzing specifics of soldier’s work. The model of consultant competency evaluation is applied, also, to evaluate the soldier’s competency components missing in their competence are reveled and the most effective foreseen ways of soldier’s basic competence are offered. The results of research were published in scientific conference of students “Junior scientist 2006” and some of the results were applied successfully in Lithuanian grand duke Algirdas’ mechanize infantry battalion for calculation of soldiers training results.
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Importance du vocabulaire dans l’enseignement/apprentissage de langues étrangères étrangères / Žodyno svarba užsienio kalbų mokyme/mokymęsi / Importance of vocabulary in teachingapprenticeship foreign languagesRutytė, Akvilė 29 June 2009 (has links)
Enseigner une langue peut être défini comme « rendre l’élève capable de communiquer dans cette langue », oralement et par écrit: exprimer et comprendre des notions, utiliser et comprendre des actes de language. Enseigner une langue peut également être l’occasion de faire acquérir des stratégies d’apprentissage qui seront probablement applicables à d’autres langues et à d’autres objets d’étude : l’observation précise des faits de langue ; la comparaison; la mémorisation (mots, structures, signification, façons diverses d’exprimer une notion). / Mokyti užsienio kalbą- tai padaryti mokinį gabiu bendrauti ta kalba žodžiu ir raštu, t.y. išreikšti ir suprasti sąvokas, naudoti ir suprasti kalbos aktus. Užsienio kalbų mokymas naudoja būdus, kurie taikomi įvairiuose mokymo objektuose: kalbos faktų supratimas, palyginimas, įsisavinimas (žodžių, struktūrų, reikšmių,įvairių būdų išreikšti sąvokas). / Teaching a language can be defined as "making the student able to communicate in that language, orally and in writing: express and understand concepts, use and understand acts of language. Teaching a language can also be an opportunity to acquire learning strategies that are likely to be applicable to other languages and other objects of study: the observation of the facts of language, comparison, memorization (words, structures, meanings, different ways of expressing an idea).
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Pradinių klasių mokytojo kompetencijų vertinimas: visuomenės lūkesčių ir savianalizės aspektu / The analyses the assessment of competence for the primarys schools teachers:society and the teacher‘s self assessmentJakucevičiūtė, Jurgita 23 June 2006 (has links)
This analyses the assessment of competence for the primarys schools teachers. It is very important to overlook the requirements of society and the teacher‘s self assessment. There are lots of reasons why task for schools becomes more and more challenging. And a person, who realizes all these tasks, is a teacher. He needs to make a group, where he can collaborate with principle, other teachers, micro and macro environment. So teacher becomes a person, who stands between the society and a child. Although teacher is trying to do his work as well as he can, but as society requires more from teacher, it makes more challenging work in competences area for the teacher. So it is important to see how teacher is able to look at the problem and if he is able to solve it.
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Klasės auklėtojo vadybinė kompetencija ugdymo procese / Management competence of classroom tutor in education processŠedienė, Daiva 24 September 2008 (has links)
Šiame darbe nagrinėjama klasės auklėtojo vadybinė kompetencija ugdymo procese. Pagrindinis darbo tikslas- ištirti klasės auklėtojų vadybinės kompetencijos naudojimo ugdymo procese lygį. Teorinėje darbo dalyje pateikiama medžiaga apie kompetenciją, pedagogo kompetencijas, vadybą, pedagogo vadybinę kompetenciją bei klasės auklėtoją, apimant jo atliekamas funkcijas ir pareigas bei jas siejant su vadybine kompetencija. Praktinėje darbo dalyje pateikiami klasės auklėtojų ir mokinių apklausos rezultatai: teorinės klasės auklėtojų žinios apie vadybinę kompetenciją, vadybinės kompetencijos naudojimo ugdymo procese dažnumą bei kokybę bei vadovavimo klasei stilius. / The article provides management competence of classroom tutor and management competence using level and using rate in education process. This work concists of two parts: theoretical part in wich are introducing educator competences, educator management competence and classroom tutor and practical part in wich it is given four research work results evaluations: classroom tutor distribution af academic management competence knowledges; respondents (classroom tutor, pupil) assesment of management competence level; respondents (classroom tutor, pupil) assesment of management competence using rate and respondents assesment of mostly usable management style, wich is using in the classs.
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Kooperuotų studijų adaptavimo patirtis ugdymo metodų tarpkultūrinio perkeliamumo kontekste / The experience of cooperative studies adaptation in the context of intercultural transference of educational methodsLenkauskaitė, Jurgita 26 September 2008 (has links)
Magistro darbe analizuojama kooperuotų studijų adaptavimo būklė remiantis Šiaulių universiteto, Šiaulių bei Panevėžio kolegijų patirtimi. Kooperuotų studijų adaptavimas yra pateikiamas tarpkultūrinio perkeliamumo kontekste. Siekiant identifikuoti tarpkultūrinio perkeliamumo sąlygotas problemas, yra nagrinėjamos kooperuotas studijas diegiančių dėstytojų kompetencijos. Tyrimo rezultatai iliustruoja tarpkultūrinio perkeliamumo proceso sudėtingumą, kliūtis bei galimybes. / This master work analyses situation of adaptation of cooperative studies based on the experience of colleagues from Siauliai University, Siauliai and Panevezys colleges. Adaptation of cooperative studies is represented in the intercultural transference context. Trying to identify problems arising from intercultural transference, the competence of the lecturers implementing the cooperative studies is being analysed. Research results illustrate the complexity, obstacles and potentials of the intercultural transference process.
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Ugdymo įstaigų vadovų komunikacinių kompetencijų raiška švietimo kaitos kontekste / Expression of communicative competences of the leaders of educational institutions in the context of educational changesTelksnienė, Laima 07 June 2006 (has links)
Rapid changes, stimulated by globalization, spreading of information (knowledge) society and integration into the European Union economical, cultural and educational space, conditioned the changes in the educational system of Lithuania. The new requirements for the system influenced the development of the management competence model. In the context of the general (transferable) competences, communicative competences are given top priority, development of which in life long learning becomes the most essential challenge for every leader of an educational institution.
Therefore, the research question has been raised- what communicative competences the leaders of educational institutions have. Both competences, in foreign languages and information communicative technologies, were being taken into account. The question of which of the two competences manifests stronger in the leadership practice has also been analyzed, the motives and forms of the development of these competences were being questioned.
The aim of the research is to analyze the expression of the communicative competences of the leaders of educational institutions in the context of educational changes, revealing the motives and forms for the improvement.
Analysis of the theoretical works and documents of foreign and national scientists about the role of communicative competences in the context of educational changes has been carried out and presented in the paper. The place of the communicative competences- foreign... [to full text]
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Tėvų pedagoginių kompetencijų, kaip ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų ugdymo tęstinumo prielaidos, ugdymas / Possibilities of development of parent's pedagogical competences as the preconditions of continuity of education of preschool childrenSlavikienė, Svetlana 12 June 2006 (has links)
Parents’ interaction with pedagogues as equal partners is an important and unquestionable factor in a successful process of education. The practice shows that a problem of contact with parents arises.
Therefore searching for new co-operation forms, seeking to ground the importance of parents’ pedagogical competences for continuity of preschool age children education and to ascertain the competences education possibilities, a research was made, in which parents’ opinions about pedagogical competences have been analysed, negative factors have been examined and parents opinion about the impact of pedagogical competences on children education continuity, parents and pedagogues co-operation was revealed.
282 respondents took part in the research: i.e. 60 parents of Šiauliai aesthetical education Study “Ko-dėl-čia”, 150 parents from the kindergarten “Kulverstukas”, 72 parents from Kužiai Kindergarten “Vyturėlis”.
The following research methods were used in the thesis: scientific literature analysis, questionnaire, interview. Statistical analysis was made.
Seeking to ensure the validity of the data received and legitimacy of the conclusions, the following data processing methods were used: relative frequency and percent frequency, correlation analysis (analysing data using Kruskal- Wallis test).
The hypothesis of the research has proved out: it was established that the parents lack pedagogical knowledge. The results of the research show that education for parents is necessary... [to full text]
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Dailės veiklos galimybės tobulinant esmines kompetencijas ir ruošiant vaiką mokyklai / Possibilities of art activity in order to refine essential competences preparing child for schoolSurdokienė, Gitana 09 August 2006 (has links)
Nowadays children’s intellectual education is in a rush, and education of feelings, culture, and willpower are forgotten. Parents and teachers hope, that child will go to school with elements of reading, writing and calculation. That held up research’s problem - “preparation” for school, the most parents and teachers understand it like possession of specific skills: reading, writing and calculation. Children’s individual exigency are depreciated, all are oriented to result, but not to process. If we can accept, that childhood’s artistic self-expression, drawing – that’s natural ways to recognize the world, children’s creation reflects various aspects of ripeness, the game, art develops self-image, drawing is one of the earlier communication’s forms, we can affirm, that children’s art can be analyzing as way of cognition, the spread of communicational and social skills, that is like education of essential competences. Object of research – education of preschoolers’ essential competences. Hypothesis of research – if we think, that education with art includes new forms of child’s activities, brings up new purposes, requirements, gives for child proper means to achieve these purposes, it is impossible, that in this way will be educated child’s essential competences.
Purpose of research – to uncover possibilities of art activity in order to refine preschoolers’ essential competences (social, keeping health, communication, cognition, artistic). Problems of research: with help of... [to full text]
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