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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Help! My mother wants to follow me on Instagram! : Which strategies do young adults in Sweden use, when facing context and time collapse. / Hjälp! Min mamma vill följa mig på Instagram! : Vilka strategier använder unga vuxna i Sverige när kontext och tid kollaps uppstår?

Andersson, Malou, Heed, Emma January 2023 (has links)
Young adults spend a lot of their time on social media where they share their lives with friends, family, colleagues, acquaintances, ect. Wesch (2009) explains that things posted on social media such as YouTube can be viewed by anybody, everybody, and nobody, anywhere in the world all at once. This becomes a problem for young adults as several different audiences blend into one (i.e. context collapse) (Brandtzaeg, Lüder & Skjetne,2010). For example, how would it feel if your mother saw a video of you at a party which was posted for friends to joke about? However, Brandtzaeg and Lüders (2018) states that is not the only problem. Social media also blurs the line between the present and the past. One example can be a friend commenting on a silly post on facebook you made years ago, then it appears in everyone's feed again making it seem as if you have posted it recently. Both of these problems make young adults change how they chose to self-presentate themselves on social media. In addition, since social media is asynchronous as content does not take place in real-time, it provides time to be more strategic as well as for more polished forms of self-presentation and self-censorship(Gardner & Davis, 2013; Lindgren, 2017). With foundation in this, this study is going to examine which strategies young adults use that are related to self-presentation on the occasion of facing context and time-collapse. The study will focus on to what extent the participants use the tactics mentioned in earlier literature as well as how different aspects relate to the tactics one chooses to use. In order to create an understanding of context- and time collapse previous research has been examined. Furthermore, previous research about self-presentation in general and self-presentation on social media inparticular is examined to connect to how self-presentation can be disturbed by context- and time collapse. Finally, theories and research about privacy is used to gather an understanding of how young adults experiencecontext and time collapse as a problem for their privacy. Through a survey, data have been collected from 226 respondents to be examined, presented and analyzed. The respondents were born between the years 1997 and 2004. The result showed that all of the strategies were used yet the extent varied depending on the strategy. However, the most commonly used strategies were connected to self-censoring. Moreover, there are relations between the strategies and for example gender, how long one had social media, how one perceives oneself etc.However, surprisingly the relations were for the most part weak even though some stand out as a bit stronger. / Unga vuxna spenderar mycket av deras tid på sociala medier där de delar sina liv med vänner, familj, kollegor, bekantskapskretsar, etc. Wesch (2009) förklarar att saker som är publicerade på sociala medier så som YouTube kan bli sedda av vem som helst, alla, ingen och var som helst i världen på samma gång. Detta blir ett problem för unga vuxna då flera olika publiker samlas och blandas på ett och samma ställe (d.v.s kontext kollaps) (Brandtzaeg m fl., 2010). Ett exempel är hur skulle det kännas ifall din mamma såg en video på dig från en fest som du postat till vänner för att skoja? Dock konstaterar Brandtzaeg och Lüders (2018) att det inte är det enda problemet. Sociala medier suddar ut linjen mellan nutid och dåtid. Ytterligare ett exempel kan vara när vänner kommenterar ett töntigt inlägg du gjorde för flera år sen som då hamnar i allas flöden igen, vilket får det att verka som att du har publicerat det nyligen. Båda dessa problem gör att unga vuxna ändrar hur de väljer att presentera sig själva på sociala medier. Dessutom då sociala medier är “asynchronous” då innehåll inte händer i realtid, möjliggör detta tid att vara mer strategisk men även visa mer polerade former av självpresentation och självcensurering  (Gardner & Davis, 2013; Lindgren, 2017). Denna studie kommer med grund i ovanstående undersöka vilka strategier unga vuxna använder som är relaterade till självpresentation vid bemötande av kontext och tids kollaps. Studiens fokus kommer att ligga på vilken utsträckning deltagarna har använt sig av de olika taktikerna som är nämnda av tidigare forskning men även hur olika aspekter relaterar till de taktiker som beslutats att användas.   Genom att skapa en förståelse för kontext- och tid kollaps, har tidigare forskning blivit undersökt. Fortsättningsvis har forskning gällande självpresentation överlag på sociala medier i särskildhet undersökts för att knyta ihop hur själv presentationen kan bli rubbad av kontext- och tids kollaps. Slutligen så har teorier och forskning gällande integritet används för att bilda en förståelse för hur unga vuxna upplever att kontext - och tids kollaps är en problematisk faktor för deras integritet. Genom en enkät har data samlats för analys, undersökning och presentation från 226 deltagare. Deltagarna föddes mellan åren 1997 och 2004. Resultatet visade att alla strategier var använda till viss del, dock varierade det till vilken grad strategierna användes. De mest använda strategierna var länkade till självcensurering. Fortsättningsvis, är det relationer mellan strategier och exempelvis kön, hur länge man har haft sociala medier, hur man ser sig själv o.s.v. Oavsett är det överraskande att relationerna mellan variablerna var till större delen svaga, dock stod vissa ut i mängden som lite starkare.

“Var en del av deras dag, var en del av det som händer här!” : En kvalitativ studie om fritidshemmets kontext och fritidshemslärares arbete mot kränkande behandling

Berg, Jessika January 2023 (has links)
Studien handlar om att undersöka fritidshemslärares erfarenheter av förebyggande arbete mot kränkande behandling och huruvida fritidshemmet som plats och sammanhang uppfattas som betydelsefullt. Med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer har personal på fritidshem fått ge sin syn på förebyggande arbete mot kränkande behandling och hur fritidshemmet som kontext kan vara bra för elevers trygghet. Analys av resultatet har gjorts med grund i tre olika perspektiv som i tidigare studier belyst som betydelsefulla för förebyggande arbete; att arbeta med enskilda elever, att arbeta med relationer till elever, kollegor och vårdnadshavare samt att arbeta med helheten i fokus. Fritidshemmet kan enligt resultatet beskrivas som en fantastisk arena med gränslösa möjligheter, att fritidshemmet kan vara en gynnsam plats för elevers trygghet och relationsskapande men, å andra sidan och på samma gång, också vara en kontext som kan förstärka olika och redan rådande exkluderingsprocesser. Tiden kan ses som ett hinder i det förebyggande arbetet mot kränkande behandling på olika sätt och påverka den enskilda eleven, gruppen, personalen eller kvaliteten på fritidshemsverksamheten. I detta sammanhang föreslår resultaten att det är viktigt som lärare i fritidshem att vara närvarande, inte minst därför att mycket händer i det tysta. Tiden, känslan av att inte räcka till och stora barngrupper lyfts ofta tillsammans som en försvårande omständighet vad gäller förebyggande arbete.

Statens strategiska beslutsfattning, hur kan vi förstå dess rationalitet?

Lindberg, Peter January 2022 (has links)
Denna teorikonsumerande och kvalitativa fallstudie har med hjälp av Allisons och Westbergs teoretiska ramverk analyserat FB20, syftande till en ökad teoretiska förståelsen kring strategisk beslutsfattning och dess rationalitet. Resultatet visar att rationalitet i FB20 kan förstås med både objektiv och avgränsad rationalitet. Den objektiva rationaliteten kan förstås hur statens valda säkerhetsstrategi där militära samarbeten och avtal används för att uppnå nationella säkerhetsmålsättningar i relation till hotbild och resurser. Här kan avgränsade rationellt organisatoriska värderingar överväga objektiva militära produktionsrationella skäl, vilket delvis kan förstås utifrån hur staten styr det militära maktmedlet. Den avgränsade rationaliteten ses i hur förhandlingar och organisatoriska värderingar framträder genom FB20. Resultaten visar att enbart objektiv rationella överväganden inte ensamt kan förstå FB20, utan andra avgränsade – subjektiva överväganden får en påverkan på FB20. Detta kan även förstås med satisifieringsteorier. Westbergs inre påverkansfaktorer breddar det teoretiska perspektiven av rationalitet. Sammantaget ger undersökningens teoretiska ramverk ökad teoretisk kunskap kring statens strategiska beslutsfattning, vad som formar beslutets handlingsutrymme utifrån rationalitet baserat på den strategiska kontextens påverkan.

Studenters integritetsoro kring hantering av personlig information : En kvalitativ studie inom e-bank, e-handel och e-hälsa / Students privacy concern regarding management of personal information : A qualitative study within e-bank, e-commerce and e-health

Nilsson, Philip, Jonson, Joel January 2022 (has links)
Insamling av personlig information utförs av företag i kommersiella syften och används till att skapa profiler och beteendemönster. Utnyttjandet av användares personliga information har upprepande gånger lett till konflikter där människors oro över sin personliga integritet har belysts. Detta har resulterat i skapandet av förordningar som GDPR, California Consumer Privacy Act och ett flertal nationella lagar som syftar till att stärka och skydda individers personuppgifter. Tidigare statistiska undersökningar har visat att studenter är en population som upplever oro över personlig datainsamling. Därav kommer urvalet för denna studie fokusera på studenter.  Syftet med studien är att skapa en förståelse över när en student känner oro i att lämna ifrån sig personlig information. Tidigare forskning visar på att frågor inom integritetsoro är djupt förknippad med en kontext och betydelsen av att placera situationen i ett sammanhang. Domänområdena e-bank, e-handel och e-hälsa har därför valts ut att undersökas i denna studie på grund av deras känsliga samband till integritetsoro men även dess påtagliga relevans inom IS-området.  Studiens resultat bekräftar att integritetsoro skiljer sig genom kontexter i viss mån men studien pekar även på tydliga samband. En oro över faktorn obehörig tillgång förekommer bland tre domäner, dock skiljer sig situationen åt i varje domän. Människors medvetenhet har visat sig vara oberoende av domän då studenter förstår att personlig information samlas in, men vet inte vad den används till. / Today’s companies use Personal data collection for commercial purposes and use it to create profiles and analyze behavior patterns. This abuse of users' personal information has repeatedly led to conflicts in which people's concerns about their privacy have been enlightened. This has resulted in the creation of several regulations such as the GDPR, the California Consumer Privacy Act and a number of national laws that strengthen and protect individuals' personal data. Previous statistical surveys have shown that students are a population that is concerned about personal data collection. Hence, the selected group for this study will be students.  The purpose of this study is to create an understanding of when a student is concerned about disclosing personal information. Previous research shows that privacy concerns are deeply associated with placing the situation in a context. The domain areas of ebanking, e-commerce and e-health have therefore been selected to be examined in this study due to their sensitive connection to privacy concerns but also its noticeable relevance within the IS-area.  The result of this study confirms that integrity concerns differ through contexts to some extent, however the result also shows that there are certain similarities. A concern about the factor improper access occurs among three domains, however, the situation differs in each domain. People's awareness has been shown to be independent by domain as students, regardless of the discussed domain, understand that personal information is collected, but do not know what it is used for.

Effects of individual and dyadic decision-making and normative reference on delay discounting decisions

Schwenke, Diana, Wehner, Peggy, Scherbaum, Stefan 04 June 2024 (has links)
The tendency to devaluate delayed rewards, a phenomenon referred to as ‘discounting behaviour’, has been studied by wide-ranging research examining individuals choosing between sooner but smaller or later but larger rewards. Despite the fact that many real-life choices are embedded in a social context, the question of whether or not social collaboration can have an impact on such choices has not been addressed empirically. With this research, we aimed to fill this gap experimentally by implementing a novel choice selection procedure in order to study the interactive dynamics between two participants. This selection procedure allowed us to dissect the sequence of decision-making into its elements, starting from the very first individual preference to the solution of possible conflicting preferences in the dyad. In Experiment 1, we studied group decision-making on classical intertemporal choices to reveal the possible benefit of social collaboration on discounting and identified that the knowledge of the social situation in collective decision-making causes a reduction in discounting. In a pre-registered Experiment 2, we compared classical intertemporal choices with choices in a gamified version of a discounting paradigm in which the participants had a real-time experience trial by trial and for which a normative reference was present. We found that collective decision-making had a substantial impact on intertemporal decision-making, but was shaped by different types of choices. Classical intertemporal choices were rather susceptible to the contextual factors of decision-making, whereas in the gamified version that included a normative reference the decisions were reliably influenced by social collaboration and resulted in a lower discounting. The results in this paradigm replicate our original findings from former research.

Perspektiv på självmedkänsla: Själv-som-kontext och vänlighet mot självet under ett toleranstest

Wikander, Johan, Gustafsson, Josefine January 2024 (has links)
Abstract Perspective-taking is a part of different clinical interventions, with the purpose of promoting for example self-compassion or increasing tolerance to distress. The aim of the present experiment with healthy volunteers (N=40) was to investigate the effect of perspective-taking, specifically self-as-context, on self-compassion during a tolerance task. It was hypothesized that participants with higher levels of self-as-context would have higher levels of (1) self-compassion and (2) tolerance during a simple weight lifting task. Participants were randomly assigned to either an experimental group (n=20) or a control group (n=20). All participants completed four lifts, alternating using their dominant and non-dominant arm. During the latter two lifts, participants in the experimental condition were instructed to apply a self-as-context exercise while the participants in the control condition were instructed to apply a visualization exercise that was not related to the self. There was a positive correlation between self-as-context and self-compassion, but the results showed no significant group difference in self-compassion during the lifting task. The results showed no significant group difference in tolerance. Furthermore, there was no correlation between self-as-context and tolerance. The present study is the first to empirically show a relationship between self-as-context and self-compassion. The current results are promising and call for further controlled research on the relation between perspective taking and self-compassion and for the development and refinement of state measures of self-compassion and self-as-context. / Sammanfattning Perspektivtagande är en del av olika kliniska interventioner, med syfte att främja exempelvis självmedkänsla eller öka tolerans för obehag. Syftet med förevarande experiment som genomfördes med friska frivilliga deltagare (N=40), var att undersöka effekten av perspektivtagande, specifikt själv-som-kontext, på självmedkänsla under ett toleranstest. Det hypotiserades att deltagare med högre nivåer av själv-som-kontext skulle ha högre nivåer av (1) självmedkänsla och (2) tolerans under ett enkelt hantellyft. Deltagarna randomiserades till antingen en experimentgrupp (n=20) eller en kontrollgrupp (n=20). Alla deltagare genomförde fyra hantellyft, växelvis med sin dominanta respektive icke-dominanta arm. Under de senare två lyften instruerades deltagarna i experimentgruppen att tillämpa en själv-som-kontext-övning medan deltagarna i kontrollgruppen instruerades att tillämpa en visualiseringsövning som inte var själv-relaterad. Det fanns en positiv korrelation mellan själv-som-kontext och självmedkänsla, dock visade resultaten ingen signifikant gruppskillnad i självmedkänsla under lyften. Resultaten visade ingen signifikant gruppskillnad i tolerans. Vidare fanns det ingen korrelation mellan själv-som-kontext och tolerans. Förevarande studie är den första att empiriskt påvisa ett samband mellan själv-som-kontext och självmedkänsla. Förevarande resultat är lovande och uppmanar till ytterligare kontrollerad forskning kring sambandet mellan perspektivtagande och självmedkänsla och till utveckling och raffinering av state-mått för självmedkänsla och själv-som-kontext.

Impact of Random Deployment on Operation and Data Quality of Sensor Networks

Dargie, Waltenegus 29 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Several applications have been proposed for wireless sensor networks, including habitat monitoring, structural health monitoring, pipeline monitoring, and precision agriculture. Among the desirable features of wireless sensor networks, one is the ease of deployment. Since the nodes are capable of self-organization, they can be placed easily in areas that are otherwise inaccessible to or impractical for other types of sensing systems. In fact, some have proposed the deployment of wireless sensor networks by dropping nodes from a plane, delivering them in an artillery shell, or launching them via a catapult from onboard a ship. There are also reports of actual aerial deployments, for example the one carried out using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) at a Marine Corps combat centre in California -- the nodes were able to establish a time-synchronized, multi-hop communication network for tracking vehicles that passed along a dirt road. While this has a practical relevance for some civil applications (such as rescue operations), a more realistic deployment involves the careful planning and placement of sensors. Even then, nodes may not be placed optimally to ensure that the network is fully connected and high-quality data pertaining to the phenomena being monitored can be extracted from the network. This work aims to address the problem of random deployment through two complementary approaches: The first approach aims to address the problem of random deployment from a communication perspective. It begins by establishing a comprehensive mathematical model to quantify the energy cost of various concerns of a fully operational wireless sensor network. Based on the analytic model, an energy-efficient topology control protocol is developed. The protocol sets eligibility metric to establish and maintain a multi-hop communication path and to ensure that all nodes exhaust their energy in a uniform manner. The second approach focuses on addressing the problem of imperfect sensing from a signal processing perspective. It investigates the impact of deployment errors (calibration, placement, and orientation errors) on the quality of the sensed data and attempts to identify robust and error-agnostic features. If random placement is unavoidable and dense deployment cannot be supported, robust and error-agnostic features enable one to recognize interesting events from erroneous or imperfect data.

Impact of Random Deployment on Operation and Data Quality of Sensor Networks

Dargie, Waltenegus 31 March 2010 (has links)
Several applications have been proposed for wireless sensor networks, including habitat monitoring, structural health monitoring, pipeline monitoring, and precision agriculture. Among the desirable features of wireless sensor networks, one is the ease of deployment. Since the nodes are capable of self-organization, they can be placed easily in areas that are otherwise inaccessible to or impractical for other types of sensing systems. In fact, some have proposed the deployment of wireless sensor networks by dropping nodes from a plane, delivering them in an artillery shell, or launching them via a catapult from onboard a ship. There are also reports of actual aerial deployments, for example the one carried out using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) at a Marine Corps combat centre in California -- the nodes were able to establish a time-synchronized, multi-hop communication network for tracking vehicles that passed along a dirt road. While this has a practical relevance for some civil applications (such as rescue operations), a more realistic deployment involves the careful planning and placement of sensors. Even then, nodes may not be placed optimally to ensure that the network is fully connected and high-quality data pertaining to the phenomena being monitored can be extracted from the network. This work aims to address the problem of random deployment through two complementary approaches: The first approach aims to address the problem of random deployment from a communication perspective. It begins by establishing a comprehensive mathematical model to quantify the energy cost of various concerns of a fully operational wireless sensor network. Based on the analytic model, an energy-efficient topology control protocol is developed. The protocol sets eligibility metric to establish and maintain a multi-hop communication path and to ensure that all nodes exhaust their energy in a uniform manner. The second approach focuses on addressing the problem of imperfect sensing from a signal processing perspective. It investigates the impact of deployment errors (calibration, placement, and orientation errors) on the quality of the sensed data and attempts to identify robust and error-agnostic features. If random placement is unavoidable and dense deployment cannot be supported, robust and error-agnostic features enable one to recognize interesting events from erroneous or imperfect data.

Användarupplevelser av appar för TV : Viktiga faktorer vid design av applikationer för TV i hemmiljö / User experiences of TV apps : Important factors when designing applications for TV in home environment

Blomberg, Daniel, Karlsson, Markus January 2016 (has links)
Då marknaden för interaktiva applikationer till TV har blivit mer tillgänglig för utomstående utvecklare skapas en ny arena där nya interaktiva applikationer kan ta plats. Vid design och utveckling av digitala tjänster och produkter är det viktigt att ta hänsyn till det tänkta sammanhanget. I vår kandidatuppsats undersöker vi användarupplevelser av applikationer för TV i hemmiljö och utforskar egenskaper och uppfattningar vad gäller navigering och den sociala kontexten utifrån deltagarnas situation som kan vara viktiga att tänka på vid design av applikationer för TV. Detta gör vi med hjälp av sex användargrupper med två vuxna i varje grupp i blandad ålder och med varierande erfarenhet, genom observationer och intervjuer kring deras användning av utvalda applikationer till Apple TV. Undersökningen visar att kontexten har en avgörande roll och att intresset för applikationer och interaktiv TV främst ligger i gemensam användning medan mer individuella aktiviteter sker genom annan teknik så som datorer, smartphones och tablets. Upplevelserna av applikationer för TV visade sig påverkas av bland annat tidigare teknisk erfarenhet där även ålder inverkar. Men även om vissa moment upplevs som besvärliga var inställningen positiv, vilket betyder att det finns fler aspekter än bara användbarheten som påverkar upplevelsen. Viktiga faktorer för användarupplevelser vid design av applikationer för TV handlar bland annat om det varierande avståndet användare har till teven samt storleken på denna. / As the market for interactive applications for television has become more accessible for outside developers a new arena has been created where new interactive applications can take place. When developing digital services and products it is important to take into account the intended context. In our bachelor thesis, we examine the user experiences of applications for the TV in the home environment and explores the characteristics and perceptions regarding navigation and social context from the participants' situation that may be important to consider when designing applications for TV. We do this with the help of six user groups with two adults in each group of mixed ages and with varying experience, through observations and interviews about their use of selected applications for the Apple TV. The survey shows that the context has a crucial role and that the interest in applications and interactive TV is primarily in common use, while more individual activities are used by other technologies such as computers, smartphones and tablets. The experiences of applications for television proved to be affected by, among other things previous technical experience but also age. Even if some elements where perceived as cumbersome, users attitude was still positive, which means that there are more aspects than just usability affecting user experiences. Important factors for the user experience when designing applications for television include the varying distance users have to the TV, and the size of it.

Adoption av elektronisk handel : Innehåll, kontext, process och samspelet mellan dessa / Adoption of E-Commerce in Small and Mediumsized Enterprises : Content, Context, Process and their Interplay

Magnusson, Monika January 2006 (has links)
<p>E-commerce is far more common in large firms than in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). As a result SMEs risk competitive disadvantages. A growing body of research has attended to this problem but few studies examine the adoption of e-commerce from a broader contextual perspective. To be able to understand SMEs’ adoption of e-commerce it is desirable to study their contextual preconditions, approaches and effects.</p><p>The purpose of this study is to contribute to the theory building in the e-commerce area by forming a conceptual framework over SMEs’ adoption of e-commerce: the ECA (Electronic Commerce Adoption) framework. A central starting point for the study is Pettigrew’s (1985) contextual framework for strategic changes. The analysis dimensions in Pettigrew’s framework − content, context and process − are adapted to adoption of e-commerce. Thus, the ECA framework consists of analysis models that focus on a) the content, b) the context and c) the process of e-commerce adoption in SMEs. Further, the ECA framework includes an analysis model over the interplay between content, context and process and a typology over adoption situations. The SME in its role as a supplier is the unit of analysis. The study uses an abductive approach where results from previous studies in areas such as e-commerce, information systems and decision making are used as sources for forming the ECA framework. The ECA framework is then applied to the collection, interpretation and analyze of empirical data from the case studies of two small and one medium-sized enterprise. The case studies lead to the identification of additional elements that are added to the analysis models.</p><p>One contribution from the study is the typology over adoption situations. The typology, which builds on studies of Junghagen (1998) and Engsbo et al. (2001), divides the adoption of e-commerce in SMEs into five categories of adoption situations: proactive adoption situations, adaptive adoption situations, pragmatic adoption situations, forced adoption situations and enabled adoption situations. An adoption situation describes what is being adopted (content), why (context) and how (process).</p><p>Another contribution is the so called adoption guides. These are contextual conditions whose states indicate if a SME will adopt e-commerce or not and if so, which adoption situation they are likely to find themselves in. The adoption guides are: the relative dependence on individual customers, the degree of customer pressure, the strategic needs of e-commerce, the information complexity and, the CEO’s extent of aversion towards risk-taking. Consequently two major conclusions from this study are that SMEs’ e-commerce adoption can be divided into five different adoption situations and a small number of contextual conditions – here called adoption guides – determine which of them a SME tend to go through. The typology enables organizations that educate SMEs or support their development of e-commerce to design their efforts more efficiently and researchers to diversify the studied population. As the study is theory building the contributions and conclusions are propositions that need to be tested empirically in future studies.</p>

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