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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Windows and Mirrors : The provision and promotion of LGBTQ resources in UK secondary school libraries

Berggren, Jenny January 2022 (has links)
This thesis presents the results of a qualitative survey designed to explore the provision and promotion of LGBTQ-themed resources in UK secondary school libraries. The aim of this thesis is to understand the practice of secondary school librarians in relation to the selection and promotion of LGBTQ-themed resources. By achieving this aim the study hopes to contribute to improving LGBTQ provision in school libraries. The theoretical framework used is Theory of Practice Architectures, which falls within Practice Theory. 113 secondary school librarians completed the survey. The survey data was analyzed using thematic analysis. Results found that librarians have a proactive stance on LGBTQ provision, with most actively ensuring representation and displaying great knowledge about the topic and how best to support their students. Age suitability of resources is the main concern for many respondents, with most having age-restrictions in place for borrowing. Librarians vary in their choices of how to display and advertise the resources. There is a consensus that visibility is important but that this must not be done in such a way as to deter borrowers who need privacy while accessing the literature. Current school wide policies are described as being focused on inclusion and representation, enabling school librarians to emphasize diversity in stock selection, shelving, displays and other promotions.

La comunidad LGTBQ+ como prosumidor de fanfiction slash: El caso del fandom Supercorp / The LGBTQ + community as a prosumer of slash fanfiction: The case of the Supercorp fandom

Gallardo Paredes, Nova Victoria Andrea 07 July 2020 (has links)
Dentro del mundo de los fandoms, existe un pequeño gran nicho que se llama fanfiction, en donde los fans desarrollan, exploran y crean nuevas historias con sus personajes favoritos. Sin embargo, para la comunidad LGBTQ+, los fanfictions resultan una alternativa atractiva a los medios de comunicación tradicionales, los cuales no brindan la suficiente representación de esta comunidad. Es por ello que esta investigación se enfoca en analizar las prácticas de la comunidad LGTBQ+ como prosumidor de fanfiction y cómo la web 2.0 aporta a estas. / Within the fandom world, there is a great little niche called fanfiction, where fans develop, explore, and create new stories with their favorite characters. However, for the LGBTQ + community, fanfictions are an attractive alternative to traditional media, which do not provide enough representation for this community. That is why this research focuses on analyzing the practices of the LGTBQ + community as a fanfiction prosumer and how the web 2.0 contributes to this. / Trabajo de investigación

Fysiskt partnervåld i HBTQ-relationer - påverkan på patientens beteenden och upplevda hälsa samt tillämpade hanteringsstrategier : en litteraturstudie / Physical intimate partner violende in LGBTQ relationships – impact on the patient's behavior and perceived health and the used management strategies : a literature overview

Höög, Carolina, Pärsdotter, Kajsa January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund Partnervåld innebär att en person på något sätt våldför sig på eller skadar personen den har en romantisk relation med. Våldet kan ske på olika sätt, men den aktuella litteraturöversikten utgick från det fysiska våldet. Risken att utsättas för partnervåld är högre i en HBTQ-relation än i en heterosexuell relation. Därför är det av vikt att som sjuksköterska vara medveten om problematiken samt veta vilken typ av hjälp HBTQ-personer kan behöva till skillnad från heterosexuella personer. Genom kartläggning av kunskapsluckor i det aktuella ämnet genererades viktig kunskap för sjuksköterskans profession. Syfte Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att undersöka hur fysiskt partnervåld i en HBTQrelation påverkar den utsattes hälsa och beteende samt vilka hanteringsstrategier som personen kan tillämpa. Metod Den aktuella studien var en icke-systematisk litteraturöversikt baserad på 19 vetenskapliga artiklar. Artiklarna som inkluderades var av både kvalitativ och kvantitativ design. De inhämtades från två olika databaser med hjälp av anpassade sökord i olika kombinationer. De vetenskapliga artiklarna granskades utifrån en bedömningsmatris modifierad av Sophiahemmet Högskola. Därefter utfördes en integrerad analys för att presentera och analysera resultatet. Resultat Resultatet i den aktuella litteraturöversikten beskriver hur den psykiska hälsan påverkades hos HBTQ-personer som utsatts för partnervåld samt vilka hanteringsstrategier en våldsutsatt HBTQ-person använde sig av. Resultatet lyfter även vikten av det sociala stödet som den våldsutsatta upplevde och hur det påverkade HBTQ-personen i sitt hjälpsökande. Slutsats Eftersom HBTQ-personer som utsätts för partnervåld upplever mer psykisk ohälsa samt har ett mindre socialt stöd, har sjuksköterskan ett ansvar att bemöta denna grupp på ett anpassat vis. Med personcentrerad omvårdnad kan sjuksköterskan skapa en tillitsfull relation till patienten. Därmed kan sjuksköterskan föra en konversation om partnervåld och psykisk ohälsa, och därigenom stödja patienten i dennes hanteringsstrategier. / Background Intimate partner violence refers to when a person in any way violates or harms another person, who they are in a romantic relationship with. There are many different types of violence, but this literature review focused on physical violence. It is more frequent to be subjected to intimate partner violence in an LGBTQ relationship, than in a heterosexual relationship. Therefore, it is of importance that the nurse is aware of the problem and knows what type of help LGBTQ persons can need, that differs from the needs of heterosexuals. By identifying the current knowledge gaps in this area, important information for the nurse’s profession was generated. Aim The purpose of this literature review was to investigate how physical intimate partner violence in an LGBTQ relationship affects a person's health and behavior, and what coping strategies can be used by the person. Method This study was a non-systematic literature overview based on 19 scientific articles. The included articles were of both qualitative and quantitative design. They were gathered from two different databases by using specific search words in different combinations. The scientific articles were examined using an evaluation matrix modified by Sophiahemmet Högskola. Then an integrated analysis method was used to obtain and analyze the result. Results The results in the current literature review describe how the mental health of an LGBTQ person was affected by intimate partner violence and what coping strategies a victim of intimate partner violence was used. The result also highlights the importance of social support and how it affected the person's help-seeking behavior. Conclusions Since LGBTQ persons who have been victimized by intimate partner violence suffer more from mental illness and have less social support, the nurse has a responsibility to meet this group in an adapted way. With person-centered care, the nurse can build a trusting relationship with the patient. By doing so the nurse can enable a conversation about intimate partner violence and mental illness, and thus support the patient's coping strategies.

Sjuksköterskans erfarenheter och identifierade behov : I vårdmötet med HBTQ-personer / The nurse´s experiences and identified need : In the care encounters with LGBTQ-people

Gustafsson, Ebba, Rydén, Lisa January 2021 (has links)
Background: LGBTQ people have a higher risk for poor health than heterosexuals and LGBTQ people face stigma and discrimination in their daily lives but also in their care contacts. Nurses can make a big difference for these patients by treating them in a person-centered way. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe nurses’ experiences and identify their needs in health care encounters with LGBTQ-people.  Method: The study is a narrative literature review and includes seven qualitative and four quantitative original articles. The articles were searched in the databases CINAHL and MEDLINE. The articles were analyzed based on thematic content analysis. Results: In the result four different themes are presented: Varying degree of experiences and different attitudes, Perceived obstacles and strategies for good communication, Need to treat everyone equally and Need for education. Conclusions: The nurses needed more training and had relatively low knowledge of the specific health needs of LGBTQ people. The fear of saying or acting in a stereotypical or discriminatory way prevented the nurses from creating a good relationship with their patients. More research is needed to examine nurses' experiences of caring for LGBTQ people. / Bakgrund: HBTQ-personer har en högre risk för ohälsa än heterosexuella och HBTQ-personer möter stigmatisering och diskriminering i sitt dagliga liv men även i sina vårdkontakter. Sjuksköterskor kan göra stor skillnad för dessa patienter genom att bemöta de på ett personcentrerat sätt.  Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter samt identifiera deras behov i vårdmötet med HBTQ-personer. Metod: Studien är en litteraturstudie och inkluderar sju kvalitativa och fyra kvantitativa originalartiklar. Artiklarna söktes i databaserna CINAHL och MEDLINE. Artiklarna analyserades utifrån tematisk innehållsanalys. Resultat: I resultatet presenteras fyra olika teman: Varierande grad av erfarenheter och olika attityder, Upplevda hinder och strategier för en god kommunikation, Behov av att behandla alla lika samt Behov av utbildning. Slutsatser: Sjuksköterskorna behövde mer utbildning och hade relativt låg kunskap om de specifika hälsobehov som HBTQ-personer har. Rädslan för att säga eller agera på ett stereotypt eller diskriminerande sätt hindrade sjuksköterskorna från att skapa en bra relation med sina patienter. Det behövs mer forskning för att undersöka sjuksköterskors erfarenheter och behov i vårdmötet med HBTQ-personer.

En kvalitativ studie om de upplevda villkoren för hbtq-personer som växt upp med hedersnormer / A qualitative study about the perceived conditions for LGBTQ people who grew up with honor related norms

Demetriades, Lina, Lundin, Alice January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study was to describe and analyze the terms for lgbtq people in an honor context. Qualitative, semi-structured interviews have been conducted with six people who identify with the lgbtq community and who describe that they have been exposed to honor related norms. The interviews were analyzed using Stockholms stads model about the staircase of honor and Suad Joseph's theory of connectivity. The results show that due to partly methodological shortcomings, it is difficult to determine whether the target group has been exposed to honor related norms or not. This is partly due to the fact that too few questions were asked about how the honor was expressed, but also to the fact that it is difficult to determine whether the target group is exposed to violence due to honor or due to heteronorms. Despite this, there are similarities between the interviewees and previous literature on the target group in terms of vulnerability, strategies and consequences. The conclusion is therefore that further research on the target group is needed to be able to more easily determine when people in the target group have been exposed to honor related norms or not.

Hbtq+ och könsföreställningar inom idrott / Lgbtq+ and Gender Perceptions in Sport

Ida, Nilsson January 2022 (has links)
Statistik visar att hälsan är sämre hos hbtq+-personer än hos den övriga befolkningen. Till exempel är oro, ångest och självmordstankar betydligt vanligare. Idrott och fysisk aktivitet är hälsofrämjande och stärkande på flera sätt. Det såväl förebygger som bibehåller en god hälsa, både fysiskt och psykiskt. Idrottsrörelsen är ett väldigt viktigt socialt sammanhang för många. Idrott kan vara av fostrande och utbildande karaktär och ge färdigheter inom till exempel lagarbete och ledarskap. Hbtq+-ungdomar är underrepresenterade inom idrott, träning och tävling. De som deltar i idrott känner sig mindre trygga än heterosexuella och cis-personer. Många upplever en rädsla för att bli dåligt behandlade och har erfarenheter av att bli dåligt bemötta och utsatta för kränkningar och microaggressioner. Hbtq+-personer rapporterar i högre utsträckning att de har en stillasittande fritid samt motionerar eller tränar regelbundet i mindre utsträckning än befolkningen in övrigt. Denna uppsats belyser forskning om hbtq+-ungdomars erfarenheter av idrott och könsföreställningar inom idrotten i Sverige som kan påverka attityder till hbtq+. Dessa delas in i kategorierna omklädningsrum, språk samt fördomar och negativitet. Omklädningsrum upprätthåller och normaliserar en binär norm om könsidentitet och uttryck. För många ungdomar är det en plats som skapar osäkerhet, exkludering och ojämlikhet. Många vittnar om sexistiskt och homo- och transfobiskt språkbruk inom idrottsrörelsen. Det finns stöd för att sexism, fördomar och homo- och transnegativitet är en del av sportkulturen. Den präglas av könsnormativa och heteronormativa synsätt och ideal. Rådande normer, förväntningar och föreställningar kring kön och sexualitet spelar stor roll inom idrotten. Det kan göra så att ungdomar exkluderas från idrott och därmed från de många fördelar som associeras med idrott och fysisk aktivitet. En ökad kunskap och medvetenhet om hbtq+-personers erfarenheter och könsföreställningar inom idrott kan öka tryggheten, inkluderingen och jämlikheten inom idrotten samt stärka folkhälsan. / Statistic shows that the health of LGBTQ+people is worse than the rest of the population. For example, anxiety and suicidal thoughts are much more common. Sports and physical activity are health-promoting and strengthening in several ways. It both prevent and maintains good health, both physical and mentally. The sport movement is a very importent social context for many. Sport can be of an educational nature and provide skills in, for example, teamwork and leadership. LGBTQ+youth are underrepresented in sports, training and competition. Those who participate in sports feel less safe than heterosexual and cis people. Many experiences a fear of being poorly treated and has experience of being poorly treated and subjected to violations and microaggressions. LGBTQ+people report to a greater extent that they have a sedentary leisure time and exercise regulary to a lesser extent than the general population. This paper highlights research on LGBTQ+young people's experiences of sport and gender perceptions in sport in Sweden that can influence attitudes towards LGBTQ+. These are divided into the categories of chnaging rooms, language and prejudice and negativity. Locker rooms maintain and normalize a binary norm of gender identity and expression. For many young people, it is a place that creates uncertainty, exclusion and inequality. Many testify to sexistic and homo- and transphobic language in the sports movement. There is support for sexism, prejudice and homo- and transnegativity is part of sports culture. It is characterized by gender-normal and heteronormative views and ideals. Prevailing norms, expectations and beliefs about ggender and sexuality play a major role in sport. This can exclude LGBTQ+youth from sport and thus from the many benefits associated with sports and physical activity. Increased knowledge and awarness of LGBTQ+people's experiences and gender perceptions in sport can increase safety, inclusion and equality in sport and strengthen public health.

Orlando’s Pulse: Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education After a Tragedy

Sands, Jennifer C. 01 January 2018 (has links)
The Pulse Nightclub Tragedy in Orlando shocked the nation, after a gunman who identified as being Muslim walked in to a gay nightclub and gunned down 49 people and injured 53 more. In addition to the LGBTQ+ community being targeted, the Latinx community had been targeted as well, considering it was Latin night. With many of those affected being of traditional college age, local colleges and universities took action to offer support. Focusing on the Pulse shooting, I explored the ways in which higher education institutions offered support after this tragedy occurred, while reviewing other tragedies and the responses by local colleges and universities. By using a document study of newspapers, institutional publications, and literature, I looked for information on how students were supported and noted best practices by the institutions which offered the most support to minority student groups. Additionally, I examined the themes and patterns regarding inclusion and what tactics were helpful for higher education institutions that could be implemented after a tragedy.

Histories beyond Hurt: Queer Historical Literature and Media since the AIDS Epidemic

Harvat, Zachary 04 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Regnbågens baksida : En litteraturstudie om våld i HBTQ-relationer

Carlström, Rebecca, Spångberg, Sebastian January 2022 (has links)
Tidigare forskning rörande partnervåld har i stor utsträckning fokuserat på mäns våld mot kvinnor, emellertid beskrivs våld inom HBTQ-gemenskapen ske i samma utsträckning. Syftet med vår studie var att undersöka hur partnervåld inom HTBQ-relationer har framställts i tidigare forskning. Vår studie avsåg även att undersöka vilka faktorer som kunde ha en påverkan på offers möjligheter att söka och få hjälp från samhället. Baserat på en allmän litteraturstudie, har 14 artiklar valts ut. Vi har analyserat dessa artiklar inom det teoretiska ramverket för intersektionalitet. Resultatet visar att våld i HBTQ-relationer beskrivs på liknande sätt som våld i heterosexuella relationer, dock med vissa signifikanta skillnader. Exempelvis kan sociala faktorer såsom heteronormativitet och homofobi ligga till grund för att våld uppstår i HBTQ-relationer. Resultatet påvisar även att HBTQ-individer upplever hinder till uppsökande av hjälp, utifrån samhälleliga könsnormer.

“Do I Post This or Not?” LGBTQ+ Youth Experiences of Social Media Under Parental Surveillance

Nygren, Vera, Wallin, Daniela Laura January 2023 (has links)
As social media has become more entwined with society, parents are facing fears around how their children use them, and who they connect with. As a result, some resort to parental control technologies that enable them to surveil their children’s online activities. However, for LGBTQ+ youth this can have large consequences, since the access to like-minded community is important for these peoples’ abilities to cope with their minority status. The study therefore explores in what ways LGBTQ+ youth (ages 18-27) experience of using social media is shaped by experiences of living under surveillance and control enabled by design and practices used by parents. This includes both general surveillance practices on social media, rather than focusing on explicit parental control technologies. The research employs a qualitative case study approach, combining self-reporting diary entries and semi-structures one-to-one interviews with six participants. The data was analyzed through a thematic analysis. We took great caution in how we conducted the study, since it can be a sensitive topic for the participants, and as a part of this examined our relation to the setting and how that could affect the research. We found that surveillance was far more diffuse than expected, consisting by an ever-shifting landscape of methods and counter-methods by parents and children respectively. However, we found that the less control the participants have over the audience of what they share, the less free they are to share their lives. This ends up alienating them as users, and risking isolating them from the possibilities of alternative support networks that could escape control and surveillance. These alternative support structures are necessary for the participants, because the reason they can’t escape the control is often due to dependency on their parents, often economic. The participants experiences underscore the lack of prioritization for minority groups such as the ones in the LGBTQ+ in platform design, something that we think must change.

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