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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Feminist performance pedagogy : theatre for youth and social justice

Freeman, Emily Rachael 22 October 2013 (has links)
This thesis describes the use of feminist performance pedagogy in working toward a Theatre for Young Audiences (TYA) practice that engages youth in social justice. Drawing on feminist and pedagogical theories, this document explores the processes of writing, rehearsing, and touring a new social justice play for youth called 'And Then Came Tango.' The qualitative study outlined in this MFA thesis uses feminist research methodologies to analyze the engagement of the playwright, the artistic team working on the production of 'And Then Came Tango,' and the second and third grade audiences that participated in the touring production and post-show workshops. The author weaves personal story throughout the document in order to create new meaning around the research experiences as well as to illustrate the personal dimensions of engaging in the struggle around LGBTQ injustice. The discussion invites future artists, educators, and activists to imagine how theory, aesthetics, artists, and communities collaborate in order to work toward socially just and interactive TYA. / text

Könsidentitet utan gränser hos den formbara karaktären : Karaktärskapande i MMORPG/RPG / Gender identity without boundary of the costumizable character : Avatar creation in MMORPG/RPG

Löfstedt, Louvisa January 2018 (has links)
Karaktärskapande är en viktig del i RPG/MMORPG-spel då det går ut på att skapa en egen avatar att rollspela som i spelets öppna värld. Det finns dock begränsningar i karaktärskapandet, då alla alternativ är hårt knutna till könsroller och tillåter inte spelaren att göra könsöverskridande val. I arbetet dekonstrueras könskonstruktionen i karaktärskapandet och ställer frågan om hur spelaren kommer att interagera med ett karaktärskapande som inte är låst vid kön och vad för kombinationer som kommer att skapas. En artefakt i form av klippdocklek skapades, där det var möjligt att kombinera olika kroppsdelar, kläder samt tilldela könsidentitet hur spelaren ville. Artefakten speltestades på sex informanter i en fältobservation och triangulerades med en semistrukturerad intervju. Slutresultatet var att både icke-heteronormativa och heteronormativa avatarer skapades beroende på informanternas motivation och relation mellan sin egen könsidentitet och avatarens.

Kunniga kvinnor och mjuka män : en socialsemiotisk studie om vem som givs plats på tidningen QX omslag / Wise Women and Meek Men : A socio-semiotic study about who’s given space on the cover of QX-magazine

Brask, Emma January 2017 (has links)
Denna studie söker finna svar på vem, i fråga om vilka könsgrupper, som givits plats på tidningen QX omslag, i första hand gällande textelementet, i andra hand gällande det visuella. Studien skapas i spåren av genusforskaren Yvonne Hirdmans teorier om att den mansdominerande roll som generellt finns i samhället och ger kvinnor en lägre social status inte är någonting som ligger oss i naturen utan skapas och återskapas, samt Embretsén och Palmbergs studie ”En enfärgad regnbåge” som presenterar en underrepresentation av kvinnor i tidningen QX. Materialet består av 36 omslag av tidningen QX hämtade under tre år mellan 2015 och 2017. Detta görs med grunden i den systemisk-funktionell grammatiken, diskursanalys samt en multimodal analys för att få del av både det ideationella betydelserna i texterna samt hur budskap presenteras visuellt. Resultatet visar på en jämn frekvens av könsfördelningen men en ojämlik konstruktion där QX vänder på stereotyper av kvinnligt och manligt, vilket grundar sig i en styrande manlig blick. / This study seeks to find answers to whom, in terms of which gender group, is given space on the QX magazine cover. Primarily with focus on text elements, secondarily the visual aspects. The study is created in the traces of gender researcher Yvonne Hirdman's theories concerning the male dominance that is generally found in society, and which gives women a lower social status. Hirdman points out that this inequality is being created and recreated, as well as Embretsén and Palmberg's study "A Monochrome Rainbow" presents an underrepresentation of women in QX magazine. The research material consists of 36 covers from the QX magazine, published between 2015 and 2017. The study is based on systemic-functional linguistics, discourse analysis and a multimodal analysis to cover both the ideational meanings of the texts as well as how messages are presented visually. The result shows an even frequency of gender distribution, but an uneven design in which QX turns on stereotypes of female and male, which is based on a ruling male point of view.

Stöd till sexuell hälsa bland HBT-ungdomar / Support to sexual Health amongst LGBT-youth

Panourov, Cyril August January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Forskning visar att homo- bi- och/eller transsexuella ungdomar inte alltid får relevant sexualundervisning som är kopplad till deras sexuella läggning. Studier visar även på att homo- bi- och/eller transsexuella ungdomar har ett riskbeteende när det kommer till sex, att dessa ungdomar hämtar information från pornografin. Homo- bi- och/eller transsexuella ungdomar är i större utsträckning påverkade av alkohol eller droger när de har sexuellt umgänge. Dessa ungdomar upplever även utanförskap och vågar inte tala om sin sexualitet, vilket kan resultera i att de utsätter sig för risk att skada sig själva. Syfte: Att undersöka det stöd som homo- bi- och/eller transsexuella ungdomar får gällande sexuell hälsa från skola och skolsköterskor. Metod: Studien hade en kvantitativ ansats, den genomfördes som en enkätstudie som skapades via Google Form och kunde nås via en länk. Enkäten hade totalt 17 stycken frågor, 15 stycken med fasta svarsalternativ och 2 stycken öppna. Resultat: Ungdomar var mest negativt inställda till skolsköterskans bemötande kring sexuell hälsa och sexuella frågor vilket berodde på skolsköterskans heteronormativa synsätt. Många av homo- och bisexuella ungdomar ansåg att skolan var en viktig del i att kunna erbjuda rätt information om sexuell hälsa. Vissa ungdomar sökte information på egen hand och visste inte ens att de kunde samtala med skolsköterskan om sexuella hälsa. Slutsats: Skolsköterskan behöver ha mer kunskap för att kunna bemöta ungdomar som identifierar sig som homo- bi- och/eller transsexuella och inte ha ett heteronormativ inställning samt anpassa miljön inne på mottagning som bidrar till öppen klimat för homo- bi- och/eller transsexuella ungdomar. / Background: Research shows that LGBT youth do not always receive relevant sexual education linked to their sexual orientation. Studies also show that LGBT youth have a risk behavior when it comes to sex, that they get their information from alternative sites that also includes pornography. LGBT youth are more likely to be influenced by alcohol or drugs when they have sexual intercourse. LGBT youth experience exclusion and dare not to talk about their sexuality, which may result in the risk of harming themselves. Aim: The purpose is to investigate the support that gay and transgender youth receive regarding sexual health from school and school nurses. Method: The study had a quantitative approach, it was conducted by a survey that was created through Google Forms and could be accessed through a link. The survey had a total of 17 questions, 15 questions with fixed options and 2 were open.   Results: Young people were most disadvantaged to the school nurse's concerns about sexual health and sexual issues, which was due to the heteronormative approach by the school nurse. Many of the LGBT youths considered that school was an important part of being able to offer proper information on sexual health. Some young people searched for information on their own and did not even know that they could talk to the school nurse about sexual health.   Conclusion: The nurse needs more knowledge to be able to approach adolescence who identify as LGBT and not have a heteronormative attitude as well as adapt the environment at the reception that promotes open climate for LGBT youths.

Defining Determinants of Perceived Discrimination for the LGBTQ+ Community and Their Impacts on Health

Fowler, Matthew Austin 18 May 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Subjective Masculinization: An Exploration of Gender Attribution of Creak Within the Transmasculine Community

Lucas, Elliot C. 01 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Queer Central American Migrants Imagining Livable Lives : a study on how vulnerability of LGBTQ migrants is (re)produced during migration in Mexico and the role of religious shelters

Bennet, Isadora January 2020 (has links)
The migration of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans- and queer (LGBTQ) people from Central America to or through Mexico has increased in recent years. People are leaving spaces of violence and exclusion related to their sexual and/or gender identity and search conditions for a livable life. Yet, the migration implies an exposure to different sorts of violence, wherefore this thesis explores how the vulnerability of Central American queer people is (re)produced in a situation of human mobility in Mexico. Further, the thesis examines how protection is made (im)possible for the LGBTQ community in religious shelters. The research is based on qualitative research and thirteen semi-structured interviews, carried out in Mexico in 2020, with representatives from shelters, universities and civil society organizations working with migrants and LGBTQ people.   Queer people are disproportionally exposed to vulnerability in Mexico and migrating does not necessary imply that life becomes livable. Since their lives are likely to be understood as ungrievable lives by the heteronormative society, the violence and the exposure to vulnerability of this populations becomes largely invisible. Thus, religious shelters both include and exclude LGBTQ people, depending on how they imagine boundaries.

Psykologers kliniska färdigheter att arbeta med hbtq-personer : En kvantitativ studie med utvärdering av ett självskattningsformulär i svensk hälso- och sjukvård / Psychologists' clinical skills for working with LGBTQ people : A quantitative study with evaluation of a self-assessment form in Swedish health care

Frimodig, Linus, Tenglid, Kajsa January 2020 (has links)
Syftet var att översätta och påbörja utvärdering av självskattningsformuläret The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Development of Clinical Skills Scale (LGBT-DOCSS) i ett urval av psykologer inom hälso- och sjukvården; detta för att kunna undersöka deras kliniska färdigheter att arbeta med hbtq-klienter/patienter. Översättning av LGBT-DOCSS genomfördes, och påståenden relaterade till queer lades till för att inkludera denna grupp. Bakgrundsfaktorer som undersöktes inkluderade utbildning, relationer till hbtq-personer och professionell erfarenhet av arbete med hbtq-personer, social önskvärdhet och förekomst av normkritiskt förhållningssätt. 218 psykologer verksamma i svensk sjukvård besvarade en webbaserad enkätundersökning. Resultatet visade att faktorstrukturen för LGBT-DOCSS reviderades från originalversionen. Deltagarnas kliniska färdigheter gällande hbtq var måttligt hög, med mycket låga nivåer av negativa attityder. Utbildning, privata relationer till hbtq-personer, erfarenhet av att arbeta med patienter ur hbtq-gruppen samt normkritiskt förhållningssätt hade positiva samband med utfallsmåttet, inget samband fanns med social önskvärdhet. Förekomsten av hbtq-relevant undervisning på psykologprogrammen var låg. Studien bidrar med kunskap om psykologers kliniska färdigheter att arbeta med personer som identifierar sig som hbtq. / The purpose was to translate and begin the evaluation of The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Development of Clinical Skills Scale (LGBT-DOCSS) self-assessment form in a sample of psychologists in health care; this in order to be able to examine their clinical skills to work with LGBT clients/patients. Translation of LGBT-DOCSS was performed, and items related to queer were added to include this group. Background factors that were examined included education, relationships with LGBTQ people and professional experience of working with LGBTQ people, social desirability and the existence of norm-critical approaches. 218 psychologists working in Swedish health care answered a web-based survey. The result showed that the factor structure of the LGBT-DOCSS was revised from the original version. Participants' clinical skills in LGBTQ were moderately high, with very low levels of negative attitudes. Education, private relationships with LGBTQ people, experience working with patients from the LGBTQ group and norm-critical approach had positive correlations with the outcome measure, no relationship was found with social desirability. The presence of LGBTQ-relevant teaching on the psychology programs was low. The study contributes with knowledge of psychologists' clinical skills to work with people who identify themselves as LGBTQ.

L’article 5 de la CEDEF : l’obligation d’éliminer les stéréotypes de genre néfastes et injustifiés

Forget, Frédérik 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Den queera kyrkan : Svenska kyrkans förändrade förhållningssätt till samkönade äktenskap – en queerteoretisk diskursanalys av Svenska kyrkans teologi / The queer church : The changed attitudes towards same-sex marriages by the Church of Sweden – a queertheoretical discourse analysis of the Church of Sweden theology

Serck, Ylva January 2021 (has links)
This paper examines the Church of Sweden’s changing approach to same-sex marriage from a queer theoretical and queer theological perspective. A discourse analytical method examines the previous discourse and how it has come to change over time. The analysis takes place among the statements that priests, bishops, and other theologians have expressed in the public debate, the Church’s theological committee and the church meetings that take place every year. The study also addresses the changes and explanations of the new Church Handbook based on a theological statement. The queer theoretical basis is based on Michel Foucault and Judith Butler's foundations for the theory and culminates in two explanatory models. The study's stated aim of investigating the Discourse of the Church of Sweden also lands in how the Swedish Church responds to National Socialist and value conservative forces in society such as the Sweden Democrats.The Church of Sweden’s policy to flag with the rainbow flag and meet homophobic expressions in both the society as in its own ranks.

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