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”En plats för att samla kraft” : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om separatistiska mötesplatser för unga HBTQ-personer / ”A place to gather strength” : A qualitative interview study on separatist meeting points for LGBTQ youthNegash, Hanna, Möller Nordenmark, Stella January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att bidra till en ökad medvetenhet och förståelse inom socialt arbete för unga HBTQ-personer som samt HBTQ-separatistiska mötesplatser. Studien bygger på nio kvalitativa, semistrukturerade intervjuer med arrangörer av och deltagare från sex separatistiska mötesplatser i Stockholm, Göteborg och Malmö. Materialet har bearbetats genom tematisk analys och analyserats med hjälp av kritisk och feministisk teoribildning med ett intersektionellt perspektiv. Studien visar att separatistiska mötesplatser har stor betydelse för deltagarnas psykosociala utveckling. Många har erfarenheter utav diskriminering och exkludering på offentliga platser. Flera upplever att minoritetsstress påverkar deras vardag och mentala hälsa samt styr vilka platser de väljer att vistas på. Mötesplatsen beskrivs av respondenterna som en resurs för återhämtning, social stimulans, gemenskap och identitetsskapande. En utmaning är att mötesplatser kan missa att nå vissa ungdomar beroende på faktorer som geografisk placering, rummets tydliga inriktning och den mångfald som finns representerad i rummet. De flesta respondenter var överens om att trygghet inte kan garanteras och menar på att skapandet av trygghet kräver ett kontinuerligt arbete för att förbättra förutsättningarna. / The purpose of this study is to contribute to increased awareness and understanding of young LGBTQ individuals and LGBTQ-separatist activities within the field of social work. The study is based on nine qualitative, semi-structured interviews with participants and organizers from six LGBTQ-separatist meeting points for young people located in Stockholm, Malmö and Gothenburg. The material has been processed through thematic analysis and examined using critical and feminist theory with an intersectional perspective. The findings indicate that separatist meeting points and activities are of great importance for the psychosocial development of the participants. The majority of the participants expressed experiences of discrimination and exclusion in public spaces. Several participants reported that minority stress impacts their daily lives and mental health and influencing their choices of places to frequent. Respondents described the meetings points as resources for social interaction, community building, identity formation and recovery. A challenge identified is that these meeting points may not reach all LGBTQ youth in need due to factors such as geographical location, the specific label of the space and the diversity represented in the space. Most respondents concurred that ensuring safety cannot be guaranteed; it requires ongoing efforts to create the best possible conditions for safety.
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Queer Invisibility in Upper Secondary Language Course Textbooks? : A Discourse Analysis of EFL and Swedish as a Second Language Textbooks, and Teachers’ Perceptions on RepresentationEriksson, Rasmus January 2024 (has links)
The erasure of queer identities in EFL textbooks has been well documented, both in Swedish and international contexts. However, not much has been studied regarding queer representation is Sweden’s other L2 subject, Swedish as a second language (SVA). The present study aimed to examine queer representation and ideologies on gender and sexuality within Swedish upper secondary EFL and SVA textbooks, as well as to examine teachers’ perceptions on queer-inclusive education. Two textbooks per subject were analysed (N=4), and two teachers per subject (N=4) were interviewed; The data was analysed using both qualitative content analysis and critical discourse analysis. The results showed that all textbooks constructed gender as binary, actively erasing non-binary identities. In all textbooks, the construction of sexuality was mostly influenced by heteronormativity. There was also a tendency to have the queer representations be famous people (e.g., Oscar Wilde). Additionally, queer characters (unlike heterosexual ones) were not allowed to be portrayed partaking in explicit sexual or romantic activities, creating a distance to the queer characters where they passively exist “over there”. Regarding the interviews, all teachers reported that queer-inclusive teaching was important, but their reports also indicated to a discourse of tolerance where only explicit discriminatory practices are engaged with (allowing underlying discriminatory ideologies perpetuate). They reported of challenges in implementing queer-inclusive education such as: students challenging queer topics, cultural differences, and a disconnect between the schools’ values and the values at students’ homes. A striking difference between the EFL and SVA teachers were that the SVA teachers displayed difficulties in explicitly using queer-related vocabulary (such as gay and LGBTQ+), and instead relied of referential pronouns. Overall, the findings showed that the textbooks displayed ideologies of heteronormativity and gender binarism, and the interviewed teachers perceived queer-inclusive education as desirable, but with difficulties in addressing. Generally, there were no differences between the subjects, with the exception of the SVA teachers’ difficulties in using queer vocabulary.
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"Lager utav oro" : Erfarenheter och farhågor kring graviditet och förlossning, hos förlossningsrädda lesbiska och bisexuella kvinnor och transpersoner / "Layers of worry" : Experiences and fears of pregnancy and childbirth in lesbian and bisexual women and transgender people with fear of childbirthJonsson, Louise, Wikström, Johanna January 2018 (has links)
Förlossningsrädsla har tidigare främst undersökts hos kvinnor som lever i heterosexuella relationer, och på senare tid även kommit att inkludera deras manliga partners upplevelser av rädsla. Förlossningsrädsla kan påverka negativt under familjebildningen, vilket gör den viktig att uppmärksamma i alla familjekonstellationer. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur förlossningsrädsla erfars och tar sig uttryck hos lesbiska/bisexuella kvinnor och transpersoner, samt vad olika typer av bemötande i vården får för betydelse för dem och deras rädsla. Data samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med tio deltagare. De transkriberade intervjuerna bearbetades genom tematisk analys med en induktiv ansats. Analysen resulterade i fem huvudteman som handlar om förlossningsrädslan, omkringliggande aspekter och hur bemötande i vården påverkar rädslan; Mina förlossningsrädslor, Naturlighet, cisnormer och femininitet, Vägen till barn, Att vara sårbar och utsatt under en förlossning och Bemötande i vården. Resultatet visar på att deltagarnas förlossningsrädsla är lik den som rapporterats i forskning i stort, men att det delvis tillkommer vissa nya aspekter för denna grupp. Förlossningsrädslan influeras av deras erfarenheter av bemötande i vården och den större omgivande sociala kontexten som påverkar genom processer av normer, minoritetsstress, hetero- och cisnormativitet och diskriminering. För vissa deltagare har förlossningsrädslan dessutom påverkats av att ha deltagit vid en partners förlossning. / Förlossningsrädsla hos lesbiska/bisexuella kvinnor och transpersoner - Förekomst, upplevelser och erfarenheter
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Les collections de littérature jeunesse à contenu LGBTQ dans les bibliothèques publiques québécoises : portrait et évaluationSt-Pierre, Marie-Christine 08 1900 (has links)
Cette étude dresse le portrait des collections de littérature jeunesse à contenu LGBTQ dans les bibliothèques publiques québécoises afin de déterminer si la population est bien servie à cet égard, peu importe le lieu et la taille de la collectivité. Pour ce faire, nous avons adopté une approche qualitative et utilisé la méthode de l’évaluation par liste. Ainsi, les collections de 41 bibliothèques publiques municipales ont été examinées au moyen d’une liste de vérification de 38 titres de littérature jeunesse à contenu LGBTQ publiés de 2003 à 2018. Les données recueillies ont fait l’objet d’une analyse statistique surtout descriptive. À l’instar d’études antérieures sur les collections des bibliothèques canadiennes et américaines, la présente recherche a montré que le niveau de présence de la littérature jeunesse à contenu LGBTQ varie considérablement selon les bibliothèques et que la taille des populations, l’importance des collections et le budget consacré aux livres ne suffisent pas à expliquer toutes les fluctuations. L’analyse des données a aussi permis de révéler que les romans à contenu LGBTQ destinés aux ados étaient beaucoup plus susceptibles de figurer dans les collections que les albums et les premiers romans destinés aux enfants. De plus, l’analyse a montré que le thème de l’homosexualité masculine était largement représenté dans les collections, tandis que celui de l’homoparentalité était considérablement sous-représenté. Pourtant, selon les données recueillies, les albums pour enfants sur le thème de l’homoparentalité sont justement le type de matériel qui était le plus emprunté dans les bibliothèques au moment de l’étude. Cette étude exploratoire ne permet pas de conclure avec certitude que les collections de littérature jeunesse à contenu LGBTQ dans les bibliothèques québécoises sont suffisantes et appropriées. Toutefois, la comparaison des résultats obtenus avec ceux d’autres recherches suggère que, dans l’ensemble, les bibliothèques québécoises font plutôt bien à cet égard. / The purpose of this study is to examine the stocks of young adult and children’s literature collections with LGBTQ content made available in Québec public libraries to determine whether the population is sufficiently provided for, regardless of the location and size of the city or town where they live. To carry out this research project, we used the checklist evaluation method. Collections from a sample of 41 municipal public libraries were thus examined, using a checklist of 38 young adult and children’s literature titles with LGBTQ content, published from 2003 to 2018. The collected data was subjected to statistical analysis. As with previous studies of Canadian and American public library collections, this research has shown that the level of presence of young adult and children’s literature with LGBTQ content varies considerably in all libraries, and that the size of populations, the size of collections and the budgets for printed books can’t explain all the fluctuations. Data analysis also revealed that novels with LGBTQ content for teenagers were much more likely to be held in collections than early readers’ novels and children’s picture books. The results have also shown that male homosexuality as a theme is well represented in the collections, while same sex parenthood is significantly underrepresented. However, according to the data, the picture books for children on the topic of same-sex parenthood are exactly the type of material which was the most borrowed in the sampled libraries at the time of the study. This exploratory study alone does not entirely support the conclusion that collections of young adult and children’s literature with LGBTQ content in Québec public libraries are sufficient and appropriate. However, comparing results from this research to those from other researches suggests that, overall, Quebec libraries seem to be doing well in this regard.
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"Att leva öppet som trans har gett mig tillbaka mitt liv...och vilket liv det är!" : En studie av minoritetsglädje och positiva erfarenheter hos transkvinnor och transmän. / ”To live openly as trans has given me my life back…and what a life it is!” : A study on minority joy and positive experiences among transwomen and transmen.Filis, Paulina January 2022 (has links)
Transpersoner lider en ökad risk jämfört med övrig befolkning att utveckla psykisk och fysisk ohälsa, samt en rejält förhöjd risk för suicid. Trots detta mår många transpersoner bra och är generellt nöjda med sitt liv och sitt mående. Fram till idag har inga svenska studier gjorts kring vad i transidentiteten som gör att många transpersoner också mår bra. Detta arbete har därmed ämnat undersöka positiva aspekter med att vara trans, hur dessa kan ta sig i uttryck och hur deltagarna upplevt dem, i ett försök att konceptualisera begreppet minoritetsglädje. Fem transmän och sex transkvinnor har genom semistrukturerade intervjuer besvarat frågor om vad minoritetsglädje innebär för dem, och med hjälp av en tematisk analys genererades sju teman. Temana beskriver hur deltagarna upplevt och upplever mycket glädje och lycka tack vare sin identitet, där den mest återkommande glädjen beskrivs i samband med att kunna leva autentiskt för sig själv och omgivningen. Även aspekter som att känna könseufori, att ha tillgång till och kunna bidra till communityt samt att få en ökad insikt och förståelse för samhällsstrukturer och privilegier gav deltagarna en känsla av syfte, och glädje. Precis som minoritetsstress är unika hälsopåfrestningar för minoritetspersoner är minoritetsglädje för dessa deltagare den unika glädjen som bara kan upplevas som minoritet, eller bara som transperson. Resultaten går i linje med tidigare positiva aspekter som framkommit i studier med transpersoner, men arbetet bidrar också med viktig information som aldrig tidigare konceptualiserats på svensk nivå och som kan nyansera såväl den vetenskapliga som den samhälleliga debatten om transpersoners mående.
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Interactionz: Engaging Lgbtq+ Youth Using Theatre For Social ChangeJackson, Jonathan 01 January 2013 (has links)
Theatre for social change is a term used to describe a wide range of theatre-based techniques and methods. Through implementation of performance techniques, participants are encouraged to creatively explore and communicate various ideas with the specific intention of eliciting a societal or political shift within a given community. Through this thesis, I will explore the impact of applying theatre for social change in a youth-centered environment. I will discuss my journey as creator, facilitator, and project director of interACTionZ, a queer youth theatre program in Orlando, FL formed through a partnership between Theatre UCF at the University of Central Florida and the Zebra Coalition®. I will give specific focus throughout this project to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ+) youth and straight advocates for the LGBTQ+ community.
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Le programme de liaison de la Clinique Mauve : quel futur pour ce projet d’intervention collective pour personnes LGBTQI+ migrantes à Montréal ayant émergé en contexte de crise sociosanitaire de la COVID-19?Chehaitly, Sébastien 08 1900 (has links)
Au printemps 2020, une équipe interdisciplinaire (travail social, médecine et psychologie, notamment) et intersectorielle met sur pied la Clinique Mauve, un point de services intégrés pour personnes LGBTQI+ migrantes à Montréal (Canada). Parmi les services offerts, on trouve le programme de liaison, un projet innovateur d’intervention collective ayant pour but de réduire les impacts de la crise sociosanitaire sur cette population. Dans le cadre de ce mémoire, je cherche à 1) documenter l’expérience réalisée et 2) déterminer les leçons qu’on peut tirer de cet usage de méthodologies d’intervention collective dans un contexte de crise sociosanitaire. Pour y arriver, j’utilise principalement deux cadres théoriques : la typologisation de l’intervention collective de Bourque et al. (2007) et le modèle de résilience communautaire de Kirmayer et al. (2009). J’inscris ma démarche de recherche dans deux approches évaluatives : l’évaluation axée sur l’utilisation (Patton et Campbell-Patton, 2022) et l’évaluation descriptive en contexte de développement (Marceau, 2022 ; Rey et al., 2022). L’analyse des résultats met en lumière les forces et les limites de l’intervention collective, de l’intervention multilingue et culturellement adaptée et du soutien socio-économique et matériel en contexte de crise sociosanitaire de la COVID-19. Elle permet aussi de découvrir les nombreux défis qui ont ponctué la réalisation de cette expérience dans un contexte hors du commun. Une série de recommandations visant les responsables de la Clinique Mauve conclut ce mémoire. / In spring 2020, an interdisciplinary and intersectoral team (including social work, medicine, and psychology) established the Clinique Mauve, an integrated service point for LGBTQI+ migrants persons in Montreal, Canada. Among the services offered is the outreach program, an innovative collective intervention project aimed at mitigating the impacts of the socio-health crisis on this population. In the context of this thesis, I am seeking to 1) document the experience undertaken and 2) determine the lessons that can be drawn from the use of collective intervention methodologies in a socio-health crisis context. To achieve this, I primarily employ two theoretical frameworks: Bourque et al.'s typology of collective intervention (2007) and Kirmayer et al.'s community resilience model (2009). My research approach aligns with two evaluative approaches: utilization-focused evaluation (Patton and Campbell-Patton, 2022) and descriptive evaluation in a development context (Marceau, 2022; Rey et al., 2022). The analysis of the results highlights the strengths and limitations of collective intervention, multilingual and culturally adapted intervention, and socio-economic and material support in the context of the COVID-19 socio-health crisis. It also reveals the numerous challenges encountered during the implementation of this experience in an extraordinary context. A series of recommendations for the leaders of the Clinique Mauve concludes this thesis.
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What are the systematic needs andexperiences of LGBTQ humanitarian workers? / What are the systematic needs andexperiences of LGBTQ humanitarian workers?McLellan, Iain January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is the product of the author’s personal experience as a gay person working in the humanitarian sector who has experience of the challenges faced in countries of conflict and in countries where the rights of LGBTQ people are not assured. LGBTQ people have specific needs that are documented through research, highlighting the risks they face while working in high risk locations. With such limitations in the way that LGBTQ people are supported in the field, or in their home nations, with particular relevance to religiously supported heteronormativity which is relevent especially given the particular needs and concerns that LGBTQ people face in everyday life, these issues are exacerbated in conflict or hazardous settings. To establish the experiences of LGBTQ people, semi structured qualitative interviews have been used to illicit nuanced details from differing LGBTQ perspectives to provide some supportive insight into the conditions that individuals work in. These interviews were triangulated against the current data that exists, and an online quantitative and qualitative survey which investigated in more specificity the experiences of LGBTQ people and what support mechanisms would benefit them. Motivations, experience, health implications and support to LGBT staff are discussed from the point of view of LGBTQ staff, represented as much as possible by individuals of varying gender, sexual orientation, and race. The findings are used to provide recommendations for what agencies can do to provide a level of support to their own LGBTQ staff, a concept for which there are still significant gaps in literature, data, and practice.
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Djuna Barnes’s Nightwood and Transgender Epistemologies in the Biopolitcal State / Djuna Barnes’s Nightwood and Transgender Epistemologies in the Biopolitical StateGruenewald, Aleta Frances 03 September 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines why contemporary transgender populations in democratic states fail to see the benefits of social rights legislation. I use Giorgio Agamben’s Homo Sacer to explain how transgender people have become encamped in the margins of the contemporary biopolitical world in such a way as the rule of law does not apply to them. This encampment is especially severe for those who defy our current way of understanding transgender identity. I trace transgender back to its inter-war origins in order to establish how medicalized discourses have created the narrow contemporary definition. I use Djuna Barnes’s Nightwood, which details the lives of non-passing inverts in the “night-world” of interwar Europe, to trace an alternate history of transgender subjects who have been excluded from such discourses. Linking Barnes’s characterization of inverted figures to contemporary trans people who do not pass allows for the creation of alternate transgender epistemologies that undermine states of encampment. / Graduate / 0615 / 0298 / 0733 / agruenew@uvic.ca
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"Lock Up Your Sons": Queering Young Adult Literature and Social DiscourseWheadon, Rebekah 17 August 2012 (has links)
Young adult literature (YA) has been stereotypical in many of its portrayals of LGBTQ teens from the 1960s to the early 2000s, but three contemporary YA series--Cassandra Clare's The Mortal Instruments, Sarah Rees Brennan's Demons trilogy, and Holly Black's Modern Faerie Tales--indicate a change toward more nuanced characterizations. Using four categories--scriptedness, context, importance, and sexuality--to determine whether these representations of LGBTQ youth challenge or reiterate older tropes, my analysis indicates that YA has moved toward more complex representations of queerness, yet some normative discursive structures are still at work, such as poisonings or curses, supernatural parallels to coming out, and heteronormative humour. Although representations of queerness have diversified, then, the implicit ideologies in each author's portrayal of queerness demands closer attention.
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