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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Lock Up Your Sons": Queering Young Adult Literature and Social Discourse

Wheadon, Rebekah 17 August 2012 (has links)
Young adult literature (YA) has been stereotypical in many of its portrayals of LGBTQ teens from the 1960s to the early 2000s, but three contemporary YA series--Cassandra Clare's The Mortal Instruments, Sarah Rees Brennan's Demons trilogy, and Holly Black's Modern Faerie Tales--indicate a change toward more nuanced characterizations. Using four categories--scriptedness, context, importance, and sexuality--to determine whether these representations of LGBTQ youth challenge or reiterate older tropes, my analysis indicates that YA has moved toward more complex representations of queerness, yet some normative discursive structures are still at work, such as poisonings or curses, supernatural parallels to coming out, and heteronormative humour. Although representations of queerness have diversified, then, the implicit ideologies in each author's portrayal of queerness demands closer attention.

Intersectionality, white privilege, and citizenship regimes : explaining LGBTQ people of colour collective engagement trajectories in Toronto and Montreal

Labelle, Alexie 08 1900 (has links)
Les perturbations des marches de la Fierté à Montréal et à Toronto par des membres de Black Lives Matter ont mis en lumière l’exclusion des personnes racisées au sein des mouvements LGBTQ au Canada, de même qu’en Europe et aux États-Unis. Ces évènements témoignent de la façon dont les personnes racisées s’organisent au sein des mouvements LGBTQ, c’est-à-dire par la création d’organisations formées autour d’identités racisées spécifiques. Ceux-ci s’inscrivent dans une riche tradition d’activisme portée par des personnes racisées LGBTQ au Canada qui demeure, néanmoins, peu étudiée au pays. Cette thèse poursuit ainsi deux objectifs principaux. Dans un premier temps, elle vise à rendre visible la façon dont les personnes racisées participent collectivement au sein des mouvements LGBTQ à Montréal et à Toronto, ou ce que nous appelons les trajectoires d’engagement collectif des personnes racisées LGBTQ, rompant ainsi avec les récits dominants, centrés sur l’expérience des militants LGBTQ blancs. Dans un second temps, elle tente d’expliquer pourquoi les personnes racisées participent collectivement au sein des mouvements LGBTQ de cette façon. Puisant dans la théorie des mouvements sociaux, cette thèse soulève l’importance de tenir compte du contexte relationnel dans lequel s’inscrit la participation, à savoir la configuration des rapports de pouvoir déterminant les positionnements sociaux des individus et des groupes, les uns par rapport aux autres. Pour ce faire, nous proposons l’élaboration d’un cadre théorique intersectionnel articulé autour de trois principes, soit la relationnalité, le pouvoir et le contexte social, combiné à une analyse multiniveau. Nous démontrons ainsi que les trajectoires d’engagement collectif des personnes racisées LGBTQ sont le produit des parcours individuels militants (niveau micro), de dynamiques organisationnelles (niveau meso) et de contextes sociopolitiques et institutionnels (niveau macro). Cette thèse est le fruit de séjours de recherche effectués à Montréal et à Toronto, durant lesquels nous avons réalisé 42 entretiens semi-dirigés avec des militantes racisées LGBTQ, de même qu’avec des militantes blanches LGBTQ. La documentation produite par des organisations LGBTQ ainsi que différentes instances gouvernementales a également été mobilisée de manière complémentaire. À un niveau micro, les résultats de la thèse révèlent comment les parcours individuels militants des personnes racisées LGBTQ diffèrent de ceux des personnes blanches. À un niveau meso, les résultats mettent en évidence la dimension structurante du privilège blanc (masculin/cisgenre/sans handicap) au sein des mouvements LGBTQ, ayant pour effet de reléguer les personnes racisées à la marge de ces mouvements. Enfin, à un niveau macro, une analyse comparative des régimes de citoyenneté québécois et canadiens démontre la façon dont les contextes institutionnels et sociopolitiques informent la participation au sein des mouvements LGBTQ. En rendant visible la participation des personnes racisées au sein des mouvements LGBTQ canadiens, cette thèse contribue empiriquement à l’avancement des connaissances sur le militantisme LGBTQ au Canada. À un niveau théorique, elle enrichit la théorie des mouvements sociaux en introduisant un cadre théorique intersectionnel pouvant faciliter l’analyse de la participation au sein des mouvements sociaux. En plus d’illustrer le potentiel théorique de l’intersectionnalité pour approfondir notre compréhension des mouvements sociaux, cette thèse se distingue de travaux récents davantage centrés sur la praxis et les coalitions intersectionnels au sein des mouvements sociaux. / Recent Pride march disruptions by Black Lives Matter protestors in Montréal and Toronto have pointed to the continuous exclusion of people of colour within LGBTQ movements across Canada, as well as in Europe and the United States. While these events constitute recent manifestations of a particular form of organizing within LGBTQ movements, namely organizations formed around specific racialized identities, they are in fact inscribed within a broader tradition of LGBTQ people of colour (LGBTQ-POC) organizing in Canada, overlooked by academics and mainstream activists. It is in that respect that the aim of this dissertation is twofold. First, it aims to render visible the ways in which people of colour have collectively participated in Montréal’s and Toronto’s LGBTQ movements, or what I refer to as LGBTQ-POC collective engagement trajectories, thereby disrupting dominant, White-centered, LGBTQ narratives. Second, it seeks to explain why people of colour have collectively participated in LGBTQ movements the way that they have in Montréal and Toronto. Building on social movement theory’s previous work, it argues for the need to unpack the relational context within which participation is set, meaning the power configurations that socially locate individuals and groups in relation to each other. With its emphasis on relationality, power, and social context, intersectionality thus comes across as a pertinent avenue to bridge this theoretical gap. Combined with a multilevel analysis, it reveals how LGBTQ-POC collective engagement trajectories are the result of individual activist paths (micro-level), social movement organizational dynamics (meso-level), and institutional and sociopolitical contexts (macro-level). This dissertation draws on fieldwork undergone in Montréal and Toronto, during which 42 in-depth interviews were conducted with LGBTQ-POC and White-LGBTQ activists. Secondary sources, such as documents produced by LGBTQ organizations and other government-related documentation were also used for the analysis. At a micro-level, results show how LGBTQ-POC and White-LGBTQ activists follow different activist paths. At a meso-level, results reveal the structuring character of white (male/cisgender/able-bodied) privilege within LGBTQ movements, in both Montréal and Toronto. At a macro-level, a comparative analysis of Québécois and Canadian citizenship regimes however demonstrates the extent to which institutional and sociopolitical contexts also shape social movement participation. By rendering visible people of colour’s collective participation within Canadian LGBTQ movements, this dissertation fills a significant empirical gap. Theoretically, it enriches social movement theory by introducing an intersectional theoretical framework suitable for analyzing social movement participation. Rather than discard social movement theory as a whole, it instead engages a dialogue with previous work on social movement participation. Alternatively, it lives true to the promise of intersectionality as a theoretical framework for advancing our understanding of social movements, distinguishing itself from recent work focusing primarily on intersectional praxis and intersectional coalitions in the context of social movements.

Non-Prestige Television Is Worth Taking A Look At: MTV's Teen Wolf

Neff-Strickland, Jaymen Canice 24 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Rental Housing Policy Norms in Stockholm Through A Queer Theoretical Lense / Normer på Stockholms Hyresrättsmarknaden Sedda Ur Ett Queerteoretiskt Perspektiv

Aysegul, Alayat January 2015 (has links)
Swedish Instrument of Governance and Housing Sustention Responsibility state that everyone living in Stockholm County has the right to housing. This thesis deals with norms created by the first-, second-hand rental market and priority housing rules and regulations in the Stockholm County. Using a queer theoretical framework this thesis analyses the situation of young adults and students, elderly, homeless, LGBTQ and abused persons in housing market in relation to “housing for all” policy and suggests possible policy changes in order to make the rental housing market more inclusive. Queer theory asserts that subjects are precisely constituted by the existing power structures through socio-political arrangements that are based on assumptions. Urban planning by its nature also uses assumptions therefore it also reproduces accepted truths and risks generalizing heterogeneous social groups’ needs, these generalizations might also create cases that are insensitive to personal needs. According to queer theory identities change over time and individuals can belong to more than one category simultaneously and therefore rental housing market requires having awareness of fluidity. This study by using the queer theoretical framework, analyzes the situation of young adults and students, elderly, homeless, LGBTQ and abused persons in Stockholm’s rental housing market by using stories, interviews, policy documents, reports and statistical data to clarify how accepted truths/norms effects the constitution of housing categories, and how these housing categories, for that matter norms that are created by rules and regulations, exclude/include different social groups from the rental housing market. In order to fulfil the laws for “housing for all”, there is a need for more affordable rental housing units as well as regulation luxury renovations, supporting research that is related to housing prices and so on. The laws can also be fulfilled by changing in the norm for rental housing tenants; this can be done decreasing the demands for being eligible tenants including requirement on income for regular queue and requirement of study phase of 50 percent for students. For the second-hand rental housing there is a need of a system that minimizes possible discrimination, a database of accessible housing units could help those that need accessibility issue solved and a wider variety with a bigger housing stock for homeless could benefit homeless that want to change their realities. Concerning usage of housing stock in Stockholm, policy changes like “kompis kontrakt” make it possible to use the existing rental housing stock more efficiently. The conclusions of this study shows that the requirements set by the rules and regulations on first-hand rental housing excludes individuals that have record of non-payment related to housing, an income that is lower than the total of the monthly rent and 4 675 SEK, and that are not credit worthy. For many including homeless sensitiveness to personal needs are critical. The results show that there is number of shelters in Stockholm County is insufficient and the aid given by the social services to shelters reproduces gender binaries through laws. / Sveriges grundlag samt Bostadsförsörjninglag fastslår att alla boende i Stockholms län har rätt till bostad. Denna uppsats berör de normer som skapats av första- och andrahandsuthyrning på bostadsmarknaden samt regler om förtur i Stockholms län. Med ett queerteoretiskt ramverk analyserar denna uppsats situationen för unga unga vuxna och studenter, äldre, hemlösa, LBGTQ samt misshandlade personer i behov av skydd på bostadsmarknaden i relation till principen om "bostad för alla" och föreslår möjliga policyförändringar med syfte att att göra hyresmarknaden mer inkluderande.  Queerteori menar att subjekt är precist skapade av befintliga maktstrukturer genom sociopolitiska uppställningar baserade på antaganden. Även stadsplanering använder genom sin natur antaganden och reproducerar på detta sätta accepterade sanningar och riskerar på detta sätt att generalisera behoven hos heterogena sociala grupper. Dessa generaliseringar kan även skapa scenarion okänsliga för personliga behov. Enligt queerteori ändras identiteter över tid och individer kan tillhöra mer än en kategori samtidigt varför hyresmarknaden fordrar medvetenhet om denna fluiditet.  Denna studie undersöker bostadssituationen i Stockholm för unga vuxna, studenter, pensionärer, hemlösa, HBTQ och utsatta personer, ur ett queerteoretiskt perspektiv. Genom metoder som berättelser, intervjuer, dokument, rapporter och statistik är syftet att klargöra hur vedertagna sanningar och normer ligger till grund för boendekategorier, och hur dessa boendekategorier utesluter eller inkluderar olika sociala grupper från hyresmarknaden. För att nå målet ”bostad åt alla”, behövs prisvärda hyresrätter, åtstramning/minskning av renovering av lyxlägenheter samt forskning kring hyressättning, och så vidare. Lagarna kring ”bostad åt alla” kan även följas genom att ändra på normen för hyresvärden, bland annat genom att minska på kraven för vem som anses vara en lämplig hyresgäst (och stå i bostadskö) på basis av sin inkomst samt minimum 50 procent studiefart för studenter. När det gäller andrahandsuthyrning finns ett behov av att minska risken för diskriminering. En möjlig lösning är en databas med lediga lägenheter som finns tillgängliga för de som är i behov av tillgänglighetslägenheter och således nå grupper som, tex hemlösa, som vill ändra sina levnadsförhållanden. Ytterligare en lösning är möjligheten till ”kompiskontrakt” som skulle göra utnyttjandet av hyresbeståndet mer effektivt. Denna studie visar att reglerna kring förstahandskontrakt utesluter vissa individer/grupper som har ett förflutet av att inte kunna betala hyran, lägre inkomst än den totala månadshyran eller som inte är kreditvärdiga. Särskild hänsyn bör därför tas till många gruppers, även hemlösas personliga situation. Resultaten från denna studie visar även att antalet härbärgen i Stockholms län är för få och att Socialstyrelsens bidrag till dessa reproducerar könsbinärer.

Sjuksköterskors bemötande och hantering av våldsutsatta i heterosexuella och samkönade relationer : En kvalitativ jämförande studie av en akutmottagning / Nurses treatment of victims of violence in heterosexual and same-gender relationships

Hindriks, Julia, Johansson, Amanda, Jönsson, Sophie January 2021 (has links)
Våld i nära relationer är ett stort samhällsproblem, i synnerhet mäns våld mot kvinnor. Vad som inte får glömmas är att våld i nära relationer inte är begränsat till heterosexuella relationer, utan även förekommer i samkönade. Syftet med denna uppsats är att genom en kvalitativ undersökning, öka kunskapen om och hur sjuksköterskor på en akutmottagning tillämpar Socialstyrelsens föreskrifter och allmänna råd om våld i nära relationer (SOSFS 2014:4). Av särskilt intresse är att undersöka om skillnader finns i bemötandet av heterosexuella och HBTQ-personer. Vår studie är således en fallstudie och bygger på en vinjett undersökning, kombinerat med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studien genomfördes med fyra informanter, vilka är anställda sjuksköterskor på en akutmottagningen. Resultatet av studien tyder på att sjuksköterskor på akutmottagningen inte korrekt följer Socialstyrelsens föreskrifter och allmänna råd, vad gäller våld i nära relationer. Resultatet tyder även på att sjuksköterskorna är präglade av den heteronorm som råder i samhället, vilket innebär att de inledningsvis eller helt misstar samkönade relationer för att vara vänskapsrelationer. / Intimate partner violence is a major societal problem, especially mens violence against women. What should not be forgotten is that intimate partner violence is not limited to heterosexual relationships, but also occurs in same-gender relationships. The purpose of this essay is to increase knowledge about and how nurses, in an emergency department, apply the National Board of Health and Welfare's regulations and general advice on intimate partner violence through a qualitative study (SOSFS 2014: 4). Of particular interest is to investigate whether there are differences in the treatment of heterosexuals and LGBTQ people. Our essay is a case study and is based on a vignette survey, combined with semi-structured interviews. The study was conducted with four informants, who are employed nurses at an emergency department. The results of the study indicate that nurses at the emergency department do not correctly follow the National Board of Health and Welfare's regulations and general advice regarding intimate partner violence. The results also indicate that the nurses are characterized by the heteronormative that prevails in society, which means that they initially or completely mistake same-gender relationships to be friendships.

Lorsque le couple rencontre l’État : analyse de l’épreuve du parrainage conjugal dans les couples lesbo-queers

Chrétiennot, Léa 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire se consacre à l’étude de l’expérience du parrainage conjugal, dans ses dimensions affectives et incorporées et les impacts que cette démarche opère sur les individus et le couple. La catégorie de parrainage conjugal (qui se divise en 3 sous-catégories en fonction du « statut conjugal du couple ») est une catégorie d’immigration qui défie les limites privé/public et intimité/institutions, car elle repose sur une exposition intime de la relation (dans le cadre d’un dossier recoupant des « preuves de relation ») dont le but est de prouver son authenticité. Ce dévoilement effectué par les couples se fait dans le cadre normé et codifié d’une procédure légale, procédure par ailleurs remplie de contraintes. En prenant comme point de départ la rencontre entre l’État et les couples, il s’agit de dresser une analyse de l’expérience de cette catégorie d’immigration pour les couples lesbo-queers. De fait, ce mémoire part du constat que la migration de couple n’aborde que très peu les migrations de couples non-hétérosexuels, lorsque les études d’immigration queer se consacrent surtout aux parcours migratoires individuels. Or, avec l’ouverture au début des années 2000 du parrainage conjugal aux couples non-hétérosexuels au Canada (LaViolette 2004), et la croissante suspicion dont sont sujets les couples passant par le parrainage (Geoffrion 2018 ; D’Aoust 2014), il apparait intéressant de questionner comment les modalités de cette procédure agissent dans la vie des couples qui y sont confrontés. En étant une catégorie qui repose sur l’évaluation des relations conjugales allant de légitimes à illégitimes, d’authentiques à frauduleuses, il est porteur d’étudier comment cette expérience normative est vécue par les couples – lesbo-queers en particulier. Cette recherche se base sur les récits de vie de sept personnes ayant été parrainées dans le cadre de relations lesbo-queers, et vise à questionner les effets affectifs, matériels, symboliques que les modalités du parrainage opèrent sur les couples. Cette recherche invite à approfondir les enjeux sous-tendus par cette rencontre singulière entre les couples et l’État, suivant une perspective queer. / This thesis is devoted to the study of the experience of spousal sponsorship, in its affective and embodied dimensions and the impacts that this process has on individuals and the couple. The category of conjugal sponsorship (which is divided into 3 sub-categories according to the "conjugal status of the couple") is an immigration category that defies private/public and privacy/institutional boundaries, as it relies on an intimate exposure of the relationship (in the context of a file of "relationship evidence") whose purpose is to prove its authenticity. The disclosure made by the couples is done within the normed and codified framework of a legal procedure, a procedure that is also full of constraints. Taking as a starting point the encounter between the State and the couples, the aim is to analyze the experience of this immigration category for lesbo-queer couples. In fact, this thesis starts from the observation that couple migration only very rarely addresses the migration of non-heterosexual couples, when queer immigration studies are mainly devoted to individual migratory paths. However, with the opening of conjugal sponsorship to non-heterosexual couples in Canada in the early 2000s (LaViolette 2004), and the growing suspicion of which couples going through sponsorship are subject (Geoffrion 2018; D’Aoust 2014), it seems interesting to question how the modalities of this procedure act in the lives of the couples facing it. Being a category that relies on the evaluation of marital relationships ranging from legitimate to illegitimate, from authentic to fraudulent, it is a carrier to study how this normative experience is lived by couples - lesbo-queer in particular. This research is based on the life stories of seven people who have been sponsored within the framework of lesbo-queer relationships, and aims to question the affective, material and symbolic effects that the modalities of sponsorship have on the couples. This research invites to deepen the stakes underlying this singular meeting between the couples and the State, according to a queer perspective.

Unruly: Essays from a Woman Evolving

Bechtel, Abigail A. January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Sexual Identity and Social Anxiety in Emerging Adulthood

Akibar, Alvin 05 1900 (has links)
Elevated social anxiety (SA) is linked to issues with emotional distress, substance use, and social anxiety disorder (SAD). Notwithstanding concerns of how sexuality has been defined in the extant literature, emerging evidence suggests that the prevalence of SA and related challenges may be disproportionately present among sexual minorities, including lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals (LGBs). This trend may be especially relevant within the developmental context of emerging adulthood, an important period for development of sexual identity, and a time when individuals are already predisposed to heightened feelings of SA. The present study examined the relationship between sexual orientation (measured using sexual identity, sexual attraction, and past romantic and sexual behavior) and social anxiety (related to social interaction and social performance) among emerging adults. minority sexual identities [Welch's F(5,48.08) = 5.56, p = .002, ηp2 = .02.], same-sex attraction [Welch's F(4,108.06) = 11.27, p < .001, ηp2 = .04], and same-sex romantic [Welch's F(5,85.91) = 6.88, p < .001, ηp2 = .03] and sexual experiences[F(5,61.95) = 8.88, p < .001, ηp2 = .04], particularly among those who indicated attraction to multiple sexes. Findings support research that indicates that sexual minority adults experience higher levels of SA than majority (i.e., heterosexual, opposite-sex oriented) adults, and that assessment of sexuality may reflect number of sexual minorities identified. Future directions including intersections of race/ethnicity and gender are discussed.

Exploring the Lived Experiences of Afro-Caribbean Marriage and Family Therapists working with Persons who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and/or Questioning: An Interpretive Phenomenological Study

Campbell, Raquel Yvonne 01 January 2019 (has links)
This study explored and highlighted the experiences of trained Marriage and Family Therapists of Afro-Caribbean descent in working with persons who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender or Questioning (LGBTQ). The researcher utilized collected data to help to advance our understanding on the potential impact of the cultural experiences and how they may or may not contribute to institutionalized homophobia within the Caribbean, by Mental Health professionals, specifically Marriage and Family Therapists. The researcher conducted semi-structured interviews with 3 practicing Marriage and Family Therapists (MFTs) with strong Caribbean upbringing, values, and influences. For the purpose of this study, strong has been defined as having being born and/or raised in the Caribbean. This qualitative study employed the use of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) to aid in making sense of the data that was collected. Data gathered from the interviews of three participants revealed two prominent superordinate themes: “Homophobia” and “Evolving Views” with emerging subthemes that explored culture, religion, “checking yourself at the door” and connecting with persons who identify as LGBTQ. The findings from the study helped to add to the limited research available on the lived experiences of Marriage and Family Therapists of Afro-Caribbean descent and their work with persons who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender or Questioning (LGBTQ).

Den dubbla garderoben : En kvalitativ studie om våld i samkönade relationer / The double closet : A qualitative study about domestic violence in same sex relationships

Menzinsky, Moa, Sundström, Michaela January 2019 (has links)
Utgångspunkten inför studien är att våld i nära relationer inte sällan benämns som mäns våld mot kvinnor och syftar till att det är ett fenomen som främst förekommer inom heterosexuella relationer, där mannen framförallt ses som förövaren. Vi ser att våld i samkönade relationer därigenom riskerar att inte bli lika uppmärksammat. Från litteraturen går det att utläsa att det kan påverka tillgången till stöd och hjälp för personer som lever i våldsamma samkönade relationer. Vidare ser vi även att hbtq-personer, världen över, många gånger lever utan samma rättigheter som heterosexuella. Studien har som syfte att undersöka hur våld i samkönade relationer, uppbrott och bemötande kan uppfattas och beskrivas från personer som levt i en våldsam samkönad relation. Studiens material har samlats in från offentligt publicerade, personliga, berättelser på sociala forum, både internationellt och nationellt. Studiens resultat visade att våldet i en samkönad relation kan beskrivas på liknande sätt som våld i nära relation. Däremot framgick det i resultatet att målgruppen kan stå inför en specifik utsatthet till följd av samhällets struktur och normer. Denna aspekt återfanns i våldets olika uttryck, uppbrott och bemötande. Det är en aspekt som vanligtvis inte återfinns i våld i nära, heterosexuella, relationer. Ett annat resultat från studien var att hjälp- och serviceorganisationer inte ansetts vara behjälpliga och anpassade att bemöta målgruppen. Däremot framkom det att individuella professionella har ansetts behjälpliga i uppbrottet och tiden efteråt. Det återfanns även ett märkbart fenomen inom resultatet där män som är utsatta av våld tenderar stå utanför samhällets skyddssystem. Det framgick att mäns utsatthet, i sig, osynliggörs genom samhällets förutfattade meningar kring maskulinitet och mannens roll i samhället. Slutsatser från studien är att våld i samkönade relationer till stor del liknar det våld som återfinns i våld i nära relationer, men att det finns aspekter som skiljer sig. Dessa aspekter utgörs av hbtq-personers generella, och karaktäristiska, utsatthet i samhället och kan leda till att personerna blir dubbelt isolerade. Slutligen har vi även kunnat dra en slutsats om att heteronormen i ett samhälle kan bidra till att fenomenet blir obelyst. / Our prior view is that violence in close relationships is not often referred as men's violence against women and aims to be a phenomenon which mainly occurs in heterosexual relationships, where the man is the perpetrator. Therefore, violence in same sex relationships risks not being as well known. Based on the literature this may affect access to support and help for people living in violent same sex relationships. Furthermore, we also see that LGBTQ-people often live without same rights as heterosexuals. The aim of this study was to investigate how break-up and response regarding violence in same sex relationships can be perceived and described from people who have lived in a violent same sex relationship. The materials of the study have been collected from publicly published, personal, stories on social forums, both internationally and nationally. The results of the study show that violence in a same sex relationship can be expressed similarly as violence in a close relationship. However, the results showed that the target group can face a specific vulnerability as a result of the structure and norms of society. This aspect was found in various expressions, break-up and response of violence. It is an aspect usually not found in violence in close, heterosexual, relationships. Another result was that aid and service organizations were not considered helpful nor adapted to meet the target group. However, it emerged that individual professionals were considered helpful in the break-up and afterwards. There was also a noticeable phenomenon where men who were subjected to violence tend to be outside the social protection system. It appears that men's vulnerability is invisible through society's preconceived notions of masculinity and man's role in society. Conclusions drawn in the study are that violence in same sex relationships is similar to the violence found in close relationships, though there are aspects that differ. These aspects constitutes from LGBTQ-peoples general vulnerability in society and how it risks causing them to become doubly isolated. Finally, we have been able to conclude that the heteronorm can contribute to the phenomenon going unresolved.

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