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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La sexualité des femmes auteures de violences sexuelles

Renaudet, Céline 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Lucien Vogel et Michel de Brunhoff : parcours croisés de deux éditeurs de presse illustrée au XXe siècle / Lucien Vogel and Michel de Brunhoff : crossed career paths of two illustrated press publishers in the 20th century

Kurkdjian, Sophie 05 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse retrace les parcours croisés de deux éditeurs de presse : Lucien Vogel (1886-1954) et de Michel de Brunhoff (1892-1958). Après La Gazette du bon ton en 1912, les deux beaux-frères lancent Vogue français et le Jardin des modes en 1920. Ces revues, qui accordent une place majeure à l'illustration, contribuent à moderniser radicalement la presse féminine. Le parcours éditorial de Vogel et de Brunhoff, centré autour de la presse féminine. La presse d'art (Feuillets d'Art, Arts et métiers graphiques) et la mode, est semblable jusqu'à la fin des années 1920 avant de diverger en 1928 lorsque Vogel fonde le magazine photographique Vu. À partir de cette période, alors que Brunhoff reste attaché à la réalisation de magazines de mode, Vogel s'engage sur la voie de la politique, défendant avec Le Petit Journal, Marianne et Messidor, des idées de gauche et un antifascisme prononcé. Afin d'appréhender l'itinéraire général de Lucien Vogel et de Michel de Brunhoff tout en en saisissant les singularités - leur rôle dans le renouvellement de la presse féminine, leur intérêt pour les questions techniques liées à l'illustration ainsi que les choix opérés par Vogel en 1930 -, c'est une étude chronologique et comparée que cette thèse a entreprise. En grande partie biographique, afin de mettre en lumière la personnalité et le parcours de Vogel et de Brunhoff de leurs débuts professionnels à leur fin de carrière, cette réflexion se veut aussi une contribution plus générale à l’histoire culturelle, à l'histoire de la presse illustrée, et celle de la presse féminine du début du XXe siècle dans laquelle ces éditeurs ont laissé l'image d'innovateurs de presse et d'éditeurs esthètes. / This thesis recounts the crossed career paths of two publishers : Lucien Vogel (1886-1954) and Michel de Brunhoff (1892-1958). After La Gazette du bon ton launched in 1912, the two brothers-in-law published French Vogue and Le Jardin des modes in 1920. These three journals, which give a major role to the illustration, contribute to radically modernize women's magazines. The editorial career of Vogel and de Brunhoff, centered around women's magazines, art press (Feuillets d'Art, Arts et métiers graphiques) and fashion is similar to the late 1920s before diverging in 1928 when Vogel founded the photography magazine Vu. From this period, while Brunhoff remains committed to achieving fashion magazines, Vogel is committed towards politics, defending with Le Petit Journal, Marianne and Messidor, leftist ideas and a pronounced anti-fascism. To understand the general career of Lucien Vogel and Michel de Brunhoff while understanding its singularities - their role in the renewal of women's magazines, their interest in technical issues related to the illustration and the choices made by Vogel in 1930 - this thesis study is based on a chronological and compared work. Largely biographical, to highlight the personality and career of Vogel and de Brunhoff from their profession al beginnings to the end of their career, this reflection has also to be taken as a more general contribution to cultural history, to illustrated press history, and to the history of women's magazines of beginning of the twentieth century in which both publishers have left an image of groundbreaking and aesthetes publishers.

Innervation pelvi-périnéale : étude anatomique et immuno-histochimique avec reconstruction tridimensionnelle chez le foetus et l’adulte féminin. Applications chirurgicales lors des protectomies pour cancer / Innervation of the pelvis and perineum : anatomical and immunohistochemical study and three-dimensional reconstruction in the fœtus and female adult. Surgical applications during protectcomy for cancer

Peschaud, Frédérique 28 June 2011 (has links)
Introduction : Le système nerveux autonome (SNA) est en situation supralévatorienne, le système somatique en situation infra lévatorienne. Le sympathique assurerait les fonctions de sécrétion et le parasympahtique, les fonctions dʼérection. Le rectum est en rapport étroit avec ces éléments nerveux. La protectomie avec exérèse totale du mésorectum pour cancer est associée à des séquelles sexuelles par lésion iatrogène des nerfs pelviens.Objectifs : Étudier la physiologie et lʼanatomie topographique et structurelle de l'innervation pelvipérinéale Matériels et méthodes : Cinq pelvis de foetus et dix pelvis dʼadultes féminins ont été prélevés pour études macroscopiques, microscopiques etimmunohistochimiques des nerfs pelviens. Les coupes ont été colorées puis immunomarquées pour détecter les fibres nerveuses (PS-100), somatiques(PMP22), autonomes adrénergiques (TH), cholinergiques (VAChT), sensitives(CGRP) et les fibres pro-érectiles (nNOS). Les lames ont été numérisées et reconstruites en 3D.Résultats : Les fibres nerveuses du SNA, richement interconnectées,véhiculent de façon mixte lʼinflux sympathique et parasympathique.Celles issues du plexus hypogastrique inférieur contrôlant les fonctions sexuelles sont regroupées avec le pédicule vaginal long et forment la bandelette neuro-vasculaire (BNV) sur la face antérolatérale du rectum à « 2et 10h ». Cette BNV est en avant de lʼexpansion postérolatérale du septum recto vaginal (SRV) qui la protège et qui est lʼéquivalent chez lʼhomme du fascia de Denonvilliers. Cette BNV concentre lʼensemble des fibres nerveusespro-érectiles destinées au périnée. Une lésion tronculaire de cette bandelette pourrait conduire à un trouble de lʼérection clitoridienne et de la lubrification vulvaire car, à ce niveau, les efférences sympathiques et parasympathiques coexistent.Conclusion: Un modèle anatomo-physiologique et pédagogiquedʼinnervation pelvipérinéale féminine a été développé. Ces travaux offrent des perspectives dʼétudes cliniques afin de mieux évaluer les dysfonctions sexuelles postopératoires. / Introduction: The nerve supply of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) to the pelvis is located above the levator ani muscle, and the somatic nerve supply to the pelvis is situated below levator ani. Sympathetic innervation assures secretory functions and parasympathetic innervation allows erection. The rectum is anatomically closely associated with these nerves. Protectomy with total excision of the mesorectum for cancer is associated with sexual sequellae due to iatrogenic damage to the pelvic nerves.Objectives: To study the physiology and topographic and structural anatomy of the innervation of the pelvis.Materials and methods: Five fœtal pelvises and ten adult female pelvises were collected for macroscopic, microscopic, and immunohistochemical studies of pelvic nerves. Sections were stained and then immunostained to reveal nerve fibres (PS-100), somatic nerves (PMP22), adrenergic autonomic nerves (TH), cholinergic autonomic nerves (VAChT), sensory nerves (CGRP) and pro-erectile nerves (nNOS). Sections were numbered and reconstructed in 3D.Results: ANS nerve fibres, densely interconnected, carry a combination of sympathetic and parasympathetic fibres.Nerve fibres controlling sexual function from the inferior hypogastric plexus are clustered along the vaginal pedicle and form the neurovascular bundle (NVB) on the anterolateral face of the rectum between “2 and 10 o’clock”. This NVB is in front of the expansion of the rectovaginal septum (RVS) which protects it. In males, the equivalent structure is the rectoprostratic fascia. This NVB contains all of the pro-erectile nerves supplying the perineum. A truncal lesion to this bundle could result in erectile dysfunction of the clitoris as well as difficulties in vulvar lubrication because sympathetic and parasympathetic efferent fibres are both present at this site.Conclusion: An educational anatomical and physiological model of the innervation of the female pelvis and perineum has been developed. This work offers perspectives for clinical studies to facilitate better evaluation of cases of post-operative sexual dysfunction.

Les Arméniennes de l'Empire ottoman à l'école de la France (1840-1914) : stratégies missionnaires et mutations d'une société traditionnelle / The Armenians of the Ottoman Empire at the School of France (1840-1915) : missionary strategies and changes from a traditionel society

Coutant, Paulette 16 November 2017 (has links)
A travers l’étude de l’éducation des jeunes Arméniennes, ce travail permet d’éclairer les évolutions culturelles et sociales d’une des minorités de l’Empire ottoman, avant sa disparition lors du génocide de 1915. Au début du XIXe siècle, les missionnaires protestants américains furent les pionniers dans la formation féminine au moment où les élites arméniennes se montraient aussi soucieuses du progrès de la nation par l’instruction. Les congréganistes catholiques français présents depuis des siècles auprès des chrétiens orientaux cherchent à réagir face à cette vigoureuse concurrence. Ils font appel à des religieuses des provinces de France, capables de s'adapter à des situations précaires. Pénétrer dans les familles, former la jeune fille, future mère, c'est permettre l'enracinement d'une culture catholique de tradition française. Le cadre chronologique, allant de 1840 à 1915, englobe la période de la présence des missions féminines dont l’action a été moins étudiée que celle des ordres masculins. La recherche s'appuie sur des archives publiques (diplomatiques et nationales) et surtout religieuses des ordres concernés (Dames de Sion, Franciscaines de Lons-le-Saunier, Oblates de l’Assomption, Sœurs de Saint-Joseph de l’Apparition, Sœurs de Saint-Joseph de Lyon, Capucins, Frères des Ecoles chrétiennes, Jésuites à Vanves et à Rome, Œuvres Pontificales missionnaires à Lyon), le plus souvent inexploitées, ainsi que sur la presse et les témoignages d’époque. Piliers des établissements catholiques français des zones rurales, en Anatolie orientale, mais aussi de ceux des grandes métropoles, de nombreuses Arméniennes acquièrent très jeunes une double culture franco-arménienne devenant ainsi des médiatrices pour la pénétration du savoir et de la culture de la France dans les établissements, et au-delà dans la société de l’Empire ottoman finissant. Des thèmes d’une portée plus générale sont abordés : les stratégies des religieux pour s’implanter et durer en terre musulmane face au frein du pouvoir ottoman et des Eglises nationales, l’évolution du statut de la femme et sa professionnalisation en Orient, l'éclosion d'élites féminines ouvertes à la modernité. En 1920, une page se tourne avec la destruction des écoles missionnaires en Anatolie, en même temps que l'extermination des chrétiens dans cet espace. / Throughout the study of the education of young Armenian girls, this piece of work allows light to be thrown on the cultural and social evolution of one of the minorities of the ottoman Empire, before its disappearance after the genocide of 1915. At the beginning of the 19th century, the American Protestant missionaries were pioneers in guidance of young women at the moment when the Armenian elite showed itself equally concerned about the nation's progress through education. The French Catholic Congregationallsts, present for centuries with the Eastern Christians, are trying to react to this vigorous competition. They made an appeal to nuns from the provinces of France who were capable of adapting themselves to precarious situations. To engage with the families, shape the young girl, a future mother, is to allow the implanting of catholic culture with the French tradition. The chronological framework, from 1840 to 1915, covers the whole period of presence of female missions whose actions were less studied than those of male orders. The research relies on the public archives (diplomatic and national) and above all religious from the relative orders (Ladies of Sion, Franciscaines of Lons-le-Saunier, Oblates of the Assumption, Sisters of St Joseph of the Apparition, Sisters of St Joseph of Lyon, Capucines, Brothers of Christian schools, Jesuits at Vanves and in Rome, missionary Pontifical works at Lyon), the most frequently unexploited along with the press and witnesses of the time. Pillars of the French Catholic establishments in rural areas in western Anatolia but also those of large metropolitan areas, very many Armenian women acquired a dual Franco-Armenian culture, becoming in this way the vehicles for the absorption of French knowledge and culture in the establishment, and further into the society of the Ottoman Empire which was coming to the end. Some themes of a more general view are tackled : the strategies of monks and nuns to implant themselves and last in Muslin territory faced with the restrictions of Ottoman power, the blossoming of elite young girls open to modernity. In 1920, a page was turned with the disappearance of missionary schools in Anatolia at the same time as the disappearance of Christians in this place.

Porta entreaberta: a prostituição feminina enquanto trabalho e formação identitária / Porte entrouverte: la prostitution féminine comme travail et formation identitaire / Door ajar: female prostitution as work and identity formation

Carloni, André Ramos [UNESP] 01 November 2016 (has links)
Submitted by ANDRÉ RAMOS CARLONI null (andreramoscarloni@hotmail.com) on 2017-02-23T11:30:48Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese pronta - ANDRÉ RAMOS CARLONI.pdf: 1191449 bytes, checksum: 2ff66a82e7d224714d0139f81dcb1818 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Juliano Benedito Ferreira (julianoferreira@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2017-02-24T20:49:27Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 carloni_ar_dr_franca.pdf: 1191449 bytes, checksum: 2ff66a82e7d224714d0139f81dcb1818 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-24T20:49:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 carloni_ar_dr_franca.pdf: 1191449 bytes, checksum: 2ff66a82e7d224714d0139f81dcb1818 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-11-01 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Dans ce travail, nous avons étudié le sujet de la prostitution féminine avec la prise en compte des rapports sociaux de genre et les constructions de l’identité. De cette façon, on a que la prostitution peut être assimilée comme l’acte de livraison du corps et du sexe à des tiers en échange d’argent et, ainsi, elle est devenu un « emploi », même s’elle n’est pas officiellement reconnu au Brésil, mais que beaucoup de personnes luttent pour elle soit. On peut dire que c’est quelque chose qui incite beaucoup, mais on peut également affirmer qui fait l’objet d’un grand nombre. Dans ce scénario, on constate que la prostitution féminine est une grande entreprise, tous deux dans le sens de l’échelle, comme dans le sens du mouvement financier. Et c’est à travers ce « métier » qu’on peut comprendre des représentations sociales de femmes et leurs caractéristiques d’identité, rappelant que les constructions identitaires arrive à un moment donné dans le temps et l’espace, en particulier dans les rapports sociaux de sexe, dans laquelle la femme n’a pas conquis efficacement le niveau de droit et possibilité égal pour l’homme. De cette façon, on a visé de découvrir les processus de formation de l’identité devant le déséquilibre notoire dans la scène de la prostitution féminine, qui comme on a vu, n’est pas reconnu juridiquement comme une profession. Cette recherche a été réalisée avec des recherches au moment actuel, c'est-à-dire entre 2013 et 2016. À cette fin, en plus d’une recherche bibliographique approfondie qui a utilisé depuis les livres jusqu’au articles récents et mis à jour, il y eu la participation, par l’intermédiaire de formulaire, d’une prostituée qui a dû contribuer à la recherche. Cependant, 18 formulaires ont été envoyés aux coordonnateurs et de présidents d’associations et d’organisations non gouvernementales représentant des prostituées dans plusieurs États brésiliens et 4 demande d’entrevue de la région sud-est du Brésil. Enfin, nous avons recherché des données secondaires sous forme de pages Web, films qui ont abordé le rôle de la prostituée et des sondages en ligne de prostituées. Cette approche de recherche était qualitative, visant à permettre au chercheur une réflexion analytique critique face à la vie quotidienne des prostituées. Ainsi, dans une analyse de la méthode dialectique, on a recueilli des données qui ont pu les analyses des formatages des identités de femmes dans la prostitution. / Neste trabalho foi estudado o tema da prostituição feminina com a transversalidade das Relações Sociais de Gênero e das construções identitárias. Desta forma, tem-se que a prostituição pode ser entendida como o ato de entrega do corpo e do sexo a outrem em troca de dinheiro, e, assim, tornou-se um “trabalho”, mesmo que não reconhecido oficialmente no Brasil, há um esforço de uma parte para que o seja. Pode-se dizer que é algo que instiga a muitos, mas também pode-se afirmar que é objeto de procura de diversas pessoas. Dentro deste cenário, vê-se que a prostituição feminina constitui um grande negócio, tanto no sentido de amplitude, quanto no sentido de movimentação financeira. E é por meio desta “profissão” que se pode perceber algumas representações sociais de mulheres e suas características de identidade, lembrando que, as construções identitárias se fazem em um determinado tempo e espaço, sobretudo, dentro das relações sociais de gênero, nos quais as mulheres ainda não conquistaram efetivamente o patamar de igualdade de direito e de oportunidade ao homem. Desta forma, objetivou-se averiguar como se dá a conformação dos processos de formação da identidade frente à notória desigualdade de gêneros no cenário da prostituição feminina, que como visto, não é legalmente reconhecida como profissão. Esta pesquisa se efetivou com pesquisas no atual momento, isto é, entre os anos 2013 e 2016. Para tanto, além de uma extensa pesquisa bibliográfica que abordou desde livros até artigos recentes e atualizados, houve a participação, por meio de formulário, de 01 prostituta, a qual se dispôs em contribuir com a pesquisa. No entanto, foram enviados 18 formulários às coordenadoras e presidentes de associações e ONGs que representam as prostitutas nos diversos estados brasileiros e 4 pedidos de entrevista da região sudeste do Brasil. Por fim, foram pesquisados dados secundários como páginas da internet, filmes que abordaram o protagonismo da mulher prostituta e entrevistas online de prostitutas. A abordagem desta pesquisa foi qualitativa, visando possibilitar ao pesquisador uma reflexão analítico-crítica frente ao cotidiano das prostitutas. Assim, dentro desta perspectiva, utilizou-se, para análise, o método dialético, visando decodificar o material empírico que subsidiaram ponderações acerca das formatações das identidades de mulheres na prostituição. / In this work, we studied the topic of female prostitution with the mainstreaming of social relations of gender and identity constructions. In this way, it has that prostitution can be understood as the act of delivery of the body and sex to others in exchange for money, and thus, it became a "job", even if not officially recognized in Brazil, but that many are fighting for it. We can tell it's something that instigates a lot, but it can also state that is the subject of many. Within this scenario, we can see the female prostitution is a big business, both in the sense of scale, as in the sense of financial movement. And it is through this "job" that we can understand some social representations of women and their identity characteristics, recalling that the identity constructions are in a particular time and space, especially within the social relations of gender, in which the woman hasn't conquered effectively the level of equal right and opportunity to the man. In this way, we aim for find out the processes of identity formation in front of the notorious gender imbalance in the female prostitution, which as seen, it is not legally recognized as a profession. This research was accomplished with researches at the current time, that is, between 2013 and 2016. To this end, in addition to an extensive bibliographical research that addressed since books until recent and updated articles, there was the participation, through form of 01 prostitute, which had to contribute to the research. However, we have sent 18 forms to coordinators and Presidents of associations and NGOs, that represent prostitutes in several Brazilian States and 4 interview requests of the southeast region of Brazil. Finally, we searched secondary data as Web pages, movies, which have tackled the role of prostitute and online surveys of prostitutes. This research approach was qualitative, aiming at enabling the researcher an analytical critical reflection in the face of the daily life of prostitutes. So, in an analysis of the dialectical method, we gather data that subsidized analysis about the formatting of women identities in the prostitution.

Les essais d'Elfriede Jelinek. Genre. Relation. Singularité. / Elfriede Jelinek's Essays. Genre. Relation. Singularity. / Elfriede Jelineks Essays. Gattung. Bezüge. Singularität.

Neelsen, Sarah 06 December 2013 (has links)
L’œuvre de l’Autrichienne Elfriede Jelinek (Prix Nobel de Littérature en 2004) est ici approchée par la bande, c’est-à-dire par les « petits textes » rédigés tout au long de sa carrière en marge de ses pièces et romans. Textes de circonstance, ces essais reposent sur un paradigme esthétique spécifique que le présent travail se propose d’exposer en revenant à leurs conditions de publication initiales. On s’aperçoit ainsi qu’il s’agit de textes de commande véhiculés par des supports médiatiques différents du livre (revue, tract, programme, internet) et qui impliquent une réception particulière, induite par leur dispersion et leur fugacité. La présentation du corpus se fait sur fond des grandes césures de l’œuvre jelinekienne mais aussi de la littérature autrichienne d’après 1945, recomposant le réseau personnel et professionnel de l’auteur et la réintégrant dans sa génération. Trois chapitres sont consacrés à une analyse détaillée des textes. Celle-ci montre d’abord la genèse progressive de leur thématique centrale, à savoir la possibilité d’une œuvre féminine. Elle s’attache ensuite aux trois principes fondamentaux de leur style que sont l’évidement, le paradoxe et la fluidification. Elle étudie enfin le rapport au lecteur conçu sur le mode du brouillage et de l’interférence, qui permet, pour un temps, de prolonger la vie de textes dont le sens tend à s’obscurcir rapidement. Les notions de relation et de singularité sont placées au cœur de cette thèse, identifiées comme l’enjeu esthétique et politique majeur du corpus mais aussi d’une partie de la tradition du genre dont quelques définitions emblématiques (Lukács, Adorno, Barthes, Marielle Macé, Georg Stanitzek) sont discutées. / This thesis discusses the work of the Austrian writer Elfriede Jelinek (Nobel Prize for Literature 2004) from its margins, from a corpus of “short texts” written from the beginning of her career beside her novels and plays. As occasional prose, these essays are grounded in a specific aesthetic paradigm, which this dissertation seeks to define by examining their original conditions of publication. This method brings to light that these are commissioned works, released on very different media formats than a book (journals, flyers, programs and the internet), which have their own mode of reception due to their volatility in space and time. The corpus is presented against the backdrop of Jelinek’s main work and its major turning-points. It is also set in the context of Austria’s post-1945 literature according to the author’s personal and professional network in order to reintegrate Jelinek in her generation. Three chapters are then dedicated to a detailed analysis of the texts. This thesis highlights the slow genesis of their main theme, the possibility of a feminine work of art. Then it studies three characteristics of their style - hollowing, paradox and liquidity. Lastly, it deals with the relation to the reader, conceived as jamming and interference, both allowing, at least for a time, to prolong the text’s meaning, as it otherwise tends to become more and more obscure. Relation and singularity are key notions of this thesis, considered as the main aesthetic and political issues of its corpus, being also part of the essayistic tradition, discussed through some canonical definitions (Lukács, Adorno, Barthes, Marielle Macé, Georg Stanitzek).

På spaning efter den kropp som flyr : mellan kön och text i Nina Bouraouis<em> Mina onda tankar </em>

Birkholz, Emma January 2008 (has links)
<p>This is a study of the novel <em>Mes mauvaises pensées</em> (2005) by the French writer Nina Bouraoui. I use an intertextual comparative method, where I read the novel against three intertexts: Marie Cardinal <em>Les mots pour le dire</em> (1975), the David Lynch movie <em>Mulholland Drive </em>(2001) and novels and photographies by Hervé Guibert. Main focus is on the relation between body and language. Using the psychoanalytic theories by Julia Kristeva I examine the melancholy of the narrator in <em>Mes mauvaises pensées</em>. The melancholic subject mourns a Thing which is the unrepresentable archaic mother. Melancholy is connected to the notion of exile; the subject belongs to a lost place in the past which it is still holding on to. The narrator of <em>Mes mauvaises pensées</em> is still living in her childhood, even though she is a grown up woman. I show how the place from where she speaks is the child. The female body and the female sexuality are not represented in the text, there is a missing link between the female body and it’s representation in language – in the symbolic order. According to Kristeva the melancholic denies the loss of the Thing – in the end the mother – and clings to the unrepresentable void. By realizing and acknowledging the loss one can reconstruct the bond to the archaic mother in language. Bouraoui’s failure in writing <em>the feminine</em> into the text is interesting because it puts lights on the conditions of writing the body for women. The theory of l’écriture féminine is an inspiration for the analyses and I contrast it to Judith Butler’s idea of gender performativity. There is a conflict in what constitutes gender and sex between psychoanalysis and queer theory, which is also found in the narrator in Bouraoui’s novel – trying to create herself through pure performativity she never succeeds to act independently of the mother and the female body.</p>

På spaning efter den kropp som flyr : mellan kön och text i Nina Bouraouis Mina onda tankar

Birkholz, Emma January 2008 (has links)
This is a study of the novel Mes mauvaises pensées (2005) by the French writer Nina Bouraoui. I use an intertextual comparative method, where I read the novel against three intertexts: Marie Cardinal Les mots pour le dire (1975), the David Lynch movie Mulholland Drive (2001) and novels and photographies by Hervé Guibert. Main focus is on the relation between body and language. Using the psychoanalytic theories by Julia Kristeva I examine the melancholy of the narrator in Mes mauvaises pensées. The melancholic subject mourns a Thing which is the unrepresentable archaic mother. Melancholy is connected to the notion of exile; the subject belongs to a lost place in the past which it is still holding on to. The narrator of Mes mauvaises pensées is still living in her childhood, even though she is a grown up woman. I show how the place from where she speaks is the child. The female body and the female sexuality are not represented in the text, there is a missing link between the female body and it’s representation in language – in the symbolic order. According to Kristeva the melancholic denies the loss of the Thing – in the end the mother – and clings to the unrepresentable void. By realizing and acknowledging the loss one can reconstruct the bond to the archaic mother in language. Bouraoui’s failure in writing the feminine into the text is interesting because it puts lights on the conditions of writing the body for women. The theory of l’écriture féminine is an inspiration for the analyses and I contrast it to Judith Butler’s idea of gender performativity. There is a conflict in what constitutes gender and sex between psychoanalysis and queer theory, which is also found in the narrator in Bouraoui’s novel – trying to create herself through pure performativity she never succeeds to act independently of the mother and the female body.

Voix et échos des romancières aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles

Côté, Julie 25 January 2012 (has links)
Hélisenne de Crenne, Marie de Gournay et Madeleine de Scudéry : trois voix de femmes qui, en prenant la plume, ont transgressé les règles établies par des sociétés patriarcales, pour qui l’idéal féminin doit être gouverné par la modestie, la pudeur et la discrétion. Notre thèse examine l’instrumentalisation du genre romanesque qui est effectué par ces auteures pour faire entendre un discours revendicateur, réclamant un accès à l’éducation et à la culture, ainsi que le droit au bonheur et à l’amour dans les questions d’ordre matrimonial. En étudiant Les angoysses douloureuses qui procèdent d’amours, le Promenoir de Monsieur de Montaigne et Mathilde, cette thèse fait état de la continuité et de l’écho d’un discours propre à une posture féminine, porteur à la fois de la doxa défavorable aux dames et de propositions visant à faire advenir le « féminin », qui prend en compte l’aspiration au bonheur.

"Creating the Senses" : Sensation in the work of Shelley Jackson

Solander, Tove January 2013 (has links)
This monograph on the œuvre of contemporary American author and multimedia artist Shelley Jackson addresses the question of how literary works employ language to evoke sense impressions. Gilles Deleuze’s notion of aesthetic percepts is drawn on to develop a theory of literary phantom sensations which is then tested on the work of Jackson and related authors.  Although imperceptible as such, it is argued that percepts are made perceptible in art in sense-specific forms as phantom sensations. “Phantom” is not meant to indicate a pale shadow of real sensations but the intensely perceived realness of phantom limb phenomena, in accordance with Deleuze’s understanding of the virtual as real but not actual. For the sake of clarity, literary phantom sensations are divided into phantom smells, tastes, touches, sights and sounds, with a chapter devoted to each in turn. It is found that different phantom sensations serve different functions in Jackson’s work, correlated to the cultural history of the senses as outlined by recent sensory scholarship.  Phantom smells are associated with Deleuze’s concept of becoming due to their liminality. Phantom tastes contribute to an aesthetics of distaste in which shades of disgust are cultivated and drawn upon for literary effect. Phantom touch creates conceptual intimacy and invites the reader to handle words like toys in a game. Phantom sight is turned back upon itself in an anatomy of the eye. Phantom hearing is associated with forms of ventriloquism in which it is unclear who is speaking through whom and in which language itself throws its voice. However, it is also found that all phantom sensations similarly serve to create a material and affective connection between the body of the reader and the body of the text. Throughout the dissertation, Jackson’s work is read against and alongside that of other writers such as Djuna Barnes, Neil Bartlett, Brigid Brophy and Leonora Carrington. Together these form a trajectory termed minor writing for queers to come, which is meant to indicate that aesthetic and sexual-political  radicalism go hand in hand.  Furthermore, Jackson’s work is described as a form of body writing informed by feminist body art and écriture féminine. Specifically, Jackson takes her cue from early modern anatomical blazons and describes living bodies in pieces.  Her work is also described as object writing: a literary equivalent to surrealist object art.  A central method for making words more like things is to arrange her texts spatially rather than temporally, as exemplified by her electronic hypertexts.

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