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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La violence en cours d’hospitalisation : études de cas de patients présentant une symptomatologie de type menace et atteintes aux mécanismes de contrôle

Labarre, Catherine 08 1900 (has links)
Plusieurs travaux suggèrent que les personnes atteintes d’une maladie mentale grave représentent un risque plus élevé de passage à l’acte violent que les personnes de la population en générale. Les raisons pour lesquelles ces personnes seraient plus enclines à commettre des gestes violents restent toutefois souvent contradictoires. En 1994, Link et Stueve suggéraient qu’une personne atteinte de symptômes de type menace/atteintes aux mécanismes de contrôle (TCO), était significativement plus à risque de commettre un geste violent. Les résultats de ces travaux furent par la suite reproduits dans le cadre d’autres études. L’objectif de ce rapport de stage est de mieux comprendre la relation entre les symptômes TCO et le passage à l’acte agressif en cours d’hospitalisation. Pour ce faire, les informations concernant la symptomatologie et les passages à l’acte violents de deux résidents de l’Institut Philippe-Pinel de Montréal (IPPM) sont présentées sous forme d’études de cas. L’analyse du contenu clinique des études de cas suggère qu’une approche nomothétique ne permet de comprendre qu’en partie l’association entre le passage à l’acte agressif et les symptômes TCO. Une telle approche ne permet pas d’intégrer d’autres facteurs cliniques tels les hallucinations ou les idées de violence, à l’étude du passage à l’acte agressif. Une approche phénoménologique où l’on s’intéresse à la compréhension qu’a la personne de son environnement et aux moyens qu’elle envisage afin d’y répondre semble offrir davantage de pistes afin de comprendre le passage à l’acte violent chez la personne atteinte d’une maladie mentale grave. / Studies suggest that people with severe mental illnesses represent a higher risk of acting out violently than the general population. However, evidences as to why these individuals would be more prone to violence remain contradictory. In 1994, Link and Stueve suggested that a person with Threat/Control-Override (TCO) symptoms is at a significantly higher risk to act violently. Those results were subsequently reproduced. The objective of this report is to get a better understanding of the relation between TCO symptoms and violent acting out during hospitalization. Therefore, data concerning symptomatology and violent acting outs by two Institut Philippe-Pinel de Montréal (IPPM) inpatients are presented in two case studies. The analysis of the clinical content in these case studies suggests that a nomothetic approach would only allow us to understand part of the correlation between aggressive behaviors and TCO symptoms. More over, this approach does not integrate other clinical factors such as hallucinations to the comprehension of aggressive acting outs. A phenomenological approach where the person’s understanding of his environment and what he considers as options in responding are investigated, provides additional clues that could lead to the understanding of why someone with a severe mental illness may be at risk of acting out violently.

L'expérience des victimes et du médiateur impliqués dans un processus de médiation pour des crimes "graves" au Québec

Charette-Duchesneau, Sara-Eve January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Effet matériaux lors de l'interaction corium-eau : analyse structurale des débris d'une explosition vapeur et mécanismes de solidification

Tyrpekl, Vaclav 26 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail a été réalisé en cotutelle entre l'Université Charles à Prague (République Tchèque) et l'Université de Strasbourg (France). Il a également profité d'une coopération entre l'Institut de Chimie Inorganique de l'Académie des Sciences de République Tchèque et le Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives (CEA, Cadarache, France). Les résultats des travaux ont contribué au projet OCDE / AEN Serena 2 (Programme portant sur l'étude des effets d'une explosion de vapeur dans un réacteur nucléaire à eau). La thèse présentée se situe dans le domaine de la sûreté nucléaire et de la science des matériaux. Elle traite de l'Interaction Combustible-Réfrigérant (ICR, ou FCI en anglais pour Fuel-Coolant Interaction) susceptible d'intervenir lors d'un accident grave de réacteur nucléaire et actuellement à l'étude dans les programme de R&D. Au cours d'un accident de fusion d'un coeur de réacteur, les matériaux fondus peuvent interagir avec le liquide de refroidissement (eau légère), aussi appelé réfrigérant. Cette interaction peut se produire à l'intérieur de la cuve ou, en cas de rupture de celle-ci, à l'extérieur. Ces deux scénarios sont couramment appelés Interaction Combustible-Réfrigérant en- et hors- cuve et se distinguent de par les conditions du réacteur lors de l'accident : pression du système, degré de sous refroidissement de l'eau, etc. L'interaction entre le combustible fondu et le liquide de refroidissement peut évoluer vers une détonation thermique appelée "explosion de vapeur" qui peut endommager le réacteur, voire compromettre l'intégrité du confinement. Des expériences récentes ont montré que la composition du combustible a un effet majeur sur l'apparition et le rendement d'une telle explosion. En particulier, des comportements différents ont été observés entre un matériau simulant, l'alumine, qui explose très facilement, et diverses compositions de corium prototypique (80 m. % UO2, 20% m.% ZrO2). Cet "effet matériau" a suscité un intérêt nouveau pour les analyses post-expériences des débris issus de l'ICR afin de déterminer les mécanismes qui interviennent au cours de ces phénomènes extrêmement rapides. La thèse est organisée en neuf chapitres. Le chapitre 1 constitue une introduction générale et présente le contexte d'un accident grave d'un réacteur nucléaire. Quelques exemples d'accidents graves (Three Miles Island 1979, Tchernobyl 1986 et Fukushima 2011) sont brièvement abordés. Le chapitre 2 résume les aspects théoriques de l'interaction combustible-réfrigérant. Il est divisé en quatre parties correspondant aux quatre étapes généralement rencontrées lors du mécanisme d'ICR i) Prémélange - le combustible fondu, versé dans l'eau, se fragmente en gouttelettes grossières qui s'isolent d'un film de vapeur. ii) Déclenchement - le film de vapeur entourant les gouttes de combustible est déstabilisé, permettant ainsi la fragmentation fine du combustible. iii) Propagation - la fragmentation du combustible se propage à l'ensemble du prémélange, augmentant ainsi la surface de contact entre le combustible fondu et l'eau. Ceci conduit à une production intense de vapeur à grande échelle. iv) Expansion (explosion) - l'énergie thermique transférée du combustible à l'eau est transformée en travail mécanique de la vapeur.[...]

Concerning Mass Graves : The use, development and identities within mass graves during the Scandinavian Iron age and Middle ages.

Frisk, Mattias January 2015 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the subject of mass graves as a result of war and violence; how, where and why they are created, what they represent and how they are used throughout the Scandinavian Iron Age and Middle Ages. To analyze and discuss these questions, I have used nine case studies as well as several literary sources such as Beowulf, Tacitus and Jordanes. To further increase the depth of this discussion and to help us understand the mass graves themselves, I have also included subject of warfare in the form of a walkthrough of violence and social psychology. Together, these pieces have helped me form the basis for an analysis and discussion of the three acts I have created: The Ingroup act of deposition, The Outgroup act of deposition and the Triumph act of deposition.

L’expansion artistique dans les édifices conventuels de Sienne à la fin du Moyen Âge / The expansion of arts in convent buildings in Siena at the end of the Middle Ages

Leclaire, Jérôme 17 December 2011 (has links)
Agents essentiels de la spiritualité de la fin de l’époque médiévale, les Ordres mendiants étaient intimement liés à leurs couvents. Ces bâtiments, en effet, répondaient aux activités cultuelles, communautaires et intellectuelles propres aux religieux tout comme aux nécessités de l’encadrement des fidèles. Implantés de manière réfléchie, les frères surent s’intégrer et s’adapter de manière dynamique à la vie de la cité qu’envisage la présente enquête. À partir d’une réflexion menée sur les œuvres peintes et sculptées dans les édifices conventuels siennois, cette étude aborde donc les différentes finalités de cette production artistique ainsi que son impact dans le milieu urbain en question. Pour ce faire, trois parties se succèdent : la première s’attache à dresser un inventaire le plus exhaustif possible des œuvres qui se déployaient dans les complexes du XIIIème siècle au milieu du XVIème siècle. La seconde revient sur les enjeux et les conséquences de cet essor artistique dans le cadre même des couvents, mais aussi dans l’ensemble de la ville. Enfin, la troisième étend le propos à quelques grands décors d’Italie centrale et met tout particulièrement en relief l’originalité de cette production mendiante aux derniers siècles du Moyen Âge. / Essential agents of spirituality at the end of medieval times, the Mendicant Orders were closely linked with their convents. These buildings, in fact, were created with regard to the cultal needs, and intellectual activities of the brothers themselves, as well as with regard to the gathering of the faithful. So, established in a very structured way, the brothers made sure to integrate and adapt themselves in a dynamic manner to the life of the city with wich the present investigation is dealing. Starting from a reflection directed towards the painted and sculpted works in Sienese convent buildings, this study tackles the different purposes of this artistic production, along with its impact on the urban setting in question. In order to accomplish this, three points are successively focused on: the first aims to provide the most exhaustive inventory possible of the works that blossomed from the 13th Century until the middle of the 16th Century. The second deals with the intentions and consequences of this artistic development in the city. Finally, the third extends the topic to some other great contexts of Central Italy and particularly focuses on the originality of this Mendicant production in the last centuries of the Middle Ages.

Espace francilien et organisation des urgences vitales préhospitalières : les traumatismes crâniens graves pris en charge par les SAMU / Access to prehospital mobile medical team in Paris area

Tazarourte, Karim 19 December 2012 (has links)
La prise en charge des urgences vitales préhospitalières en France, est du ressort des SMUR sous l’autorité des SAMU, seuls responsables de l’organisation des soins, du lieu de survenue jusqu’à l’hôpital. L’accessibilité de la population aux équipes médicales des SMUR n’avait jamais été évaluée. Au travers de l’analyse prospective d’une cohorte de 500 patients traumatisés crâniens graves, pris en charge par les SAMU/SMUR en Ile de France, l’apport d’outils SIG a permis d’identifier les caractéristiques d’accessibilité et de disponibilité de l’organisation territoriale des SMUR franciliens. Des territoires ont été identifiés potentiellement à risque, en raison d’une accessibilité des moyens SMUR supérieure à 30 minutes. Cependant, le critère d’accessibilité pris isolément, masque de fortes inégalités dans l’organisation territoriale des SMUR. La disponibilité d’un SMUR est un critère essentiel, rarement évalué. La prise en charge du traumatisme crânien grave illustre parfaitement la situation. La réflexion géographique et l’utilisation des outils SIG permettent de pouvoir évaluer et visualiser objectivement les atouts et faiblesses de l’organisation territoriale d’un système de santé et de proposer des modèles d’organisation pertinents. / In France, the prehospital life threatning emergency are managed by mobile medical team (MMT) and an medical dispatcher service called SAMU. Access to medical mobile team, is a strong criterion but never has been estimated. Throughout a Paris regional study, who concerned five hundred severe traumatic head injury managed during two years by MMT, we perform, with tools GIS , an assessment of accessibility and availability to MMT in Paris area. We concluded that the SAMU organization made strong disparity in the area coverage.

Des morts ensemble : étude du recrutement des inhumés dans les sépultures collectives dans le Bassin parisien à la fin du néolithique / Buried together : study of the selection deposited burials during the last 4th millenium BC in the Paris bassin

Marçais, Anne-Sophie 13 December 2016 (has links)
Les sépultures collectives apparaissent dans toute l’Europe à la fin du 4e millénaire avant J.-C. Les 446 tombes mises au jour dans le Bassin de la Seine indiquent la densité et l'ampleur des constructions réalisées à cette période. Cette augmentation sans précédent de constructions funéraires est à l’origine d’une abondante bibliographie théorique. Ce travail s’est attaché à dresser une carte d’identité des défunts déposés dans deux des tombes les mieux documentées du Bassin de la Seine, Bazoches-sur-Vesle et Bury, pour reconstituer le statut des défunts, l’organisation sociale et l’idéologie funéraire de la population vivante du village ou du terroir qui ont utilisé ces tombes.Ce travail s’est appuyé sur l’analyse des squelettes, abordés selon les méthodes de la bio-archéologie et de la paléo-démographie. Des modélisations chronologiques du rythme des inhumations au sein des tombes ont été proposées, pour permettre de comparer l’évolution détaillée des dépôts. Au final, ces analyses montrent une évolution des pratiques funéraires au sein des tombes collectives sans changement de population. Contrairement aux théories avancées depuis les années 1980, les regroupements observés au sein des tombes sont rarement fondés sur des critères génétiques, mais plus particulièrement sur des critères liés aux activités pratiquées par chacun des sous-groupes qui ont partagé le monument. Au sein des dépôts, les enfants semblent avoir un statut à part, regroupés dans des zones spécifiques de la chambre funéraire. Une comparaison à l’échelle macro-régionale montre que ces caractéristiques sont communes à plusieurs allées sépulcrales, montrant l’existence d’une même idéologie dans la mort. / The collective graves appeared in all Europe at the end of the 4th millennium BC. The 446 graves known in the Paris Basin indicate the density and the extent of the constructions made during this period. This unprecedented increase of burials constructions has triggered a wide theoretical bibliography. The present work is focused on the identity of the dead deposited in two of the best documented graves from the Paris Basin, Bazoches-sur-Vesle and Bury, to reconstruct the status of the dead, the social organization and the funerary ideology of the living population of the village or the region which used these graves.The work was built from the analysis of the skeletons, approached through bio-archaeology and paleo-demography methods. Chronological models considering the rate of the inhumations into the graves were proposed, allowing to compare the precise evolution. At the end, these analyses show a real evolution of the burial practices inside the collective graves without population replacement. Contrary to the theories proposed during the 1980’, groups of dead observed inside the graves are rarely based on genetic criteria, but most of time on activities practiced by each subgroups which shared the monument. Among the deposits, the children seem to have a special status, grouped in specific areas of the burial chamber. A comparison on the macro-regional scale shows that these characteristics were common to several gallery graves, demonstrating the existence of the same funerary ideology.

Fatores associados a morbidade materna grave: a relação com o HIV e AIDS, Maputo, Moçambique

Nehemia, Elsa Jacinto José Maria 30 April 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Creuza Silva (mariakreuza@yahoo.com.br) on 2014-10-03T17:49:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE Elsa Jacinto. 2014.pdf: 1738962 bytes, checksum: 82ca23f0f1c93d9a758beb2e1f4aec45 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Creuza Silva (mariakreuza@yahoo.com.br) on 2014-10-07T14:07:04Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE Elsa Jacinto. 2014.pdf: 1738962 bytes, checksum: 82ca23f0f1c93d9a758beb2e1f4aec45 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-07T14:07:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE Elsa Jacinto. 2014.pdf: 1738962 bytes, checksum: 82ca23f0f1c93d9a758beb2e1f4aec45 (MD5) / Introdução: Morbidade Materna Grave (MMG) é um quadro clínico observado em mulheres no ciclo gravídico-puerperal, composto por condições graves a extremamente graves, que ao sobreviverem são conhecidos por near miss materno; estes últimos são identificados por sinais de disfunção orgânica subsequentes a condições ameaçadoras da vida. As evidências vêm mostrando a carga da pandemia do HIV/AIDS sobre as condições clínicas de pacientes portadoras de outras doenças. Objetivos: estimar a incidência da razão de resultado materno grave e investigar os fatores associados à MMG em Maputo. Métodos: estudo caso-controle realizado na Cidade de Maputo, Moçambique, no período de Março a Novembro de 2012. As participantes elegíveis para o grupo de casos foram mulheres residentes em Maputo com MMG, segundo a definição da OMS. Os controles foram pacientes admitidas nos mesmos hospitais e no mesmo período, seguindo os mesmos critérios para a seleção dos casos, à excepção da condição clínica exigida para estes. Para o cálculo do tamanho da amostra utilizou-se o programa Epi Info, considerando-se um poder do estudo de 80%, um alfa=0,05, nível de confiança=0,95, relação caso/controle 1:2 e Odds Ratio (OR) esperada de 1,5, obtendo-se uma amostra com 485 casos e 970 controles. A exposição foi a infeção pelo HIV/AIDS, sendo utilizadas variáveis sócio-demográficas, clínico-assistenciais e comportamentais, como o uso de álcool e fumo. Os dados coletados de morbidade materna grave e near miss materno foram extrapolados para o período de doze meses por Regressão Linear Simples, utilizando-se termos quadrático e cúbico e calculados os indicadores. Para a diferença entre proporções utilizou-se o teste 2 de Pearson. A medida de associação entre HIV/AIDS e MMG (desfecho) foi a OR e seus intervalos de confiança a 95% por Regressão Logistica não condicional. Nas análises foi utilizado o pacote estatístico STATA versão 10.0. Resultados: A Razão de Resultado Materno Grave foi de 1,7/1.000 NV, Razão de NMM 0,4/1.000 NV, Razão near miss/morte materna de 28:100, Indice de Mortalidade de 78,3% e Razão de mortalidade materna de 133/100.000 NV. As principais causas de MMG foram as doenças hipertensivas (69,7%) seguidas das hemorrágicas (19,0%); entre as near miss materno foram as hemorrágicas (64,3%) e entre as mortes maternas foi a AIDS (50,0%). Foram fatores associados a um maior risco da gravidade o antecedente de aborto (OR=2,2; IC=1,4 -3,7); HIV positivo (OR=2,5; IC=1,9 – 3,3), puérpera (OR=2,7; IC=2,1 – 3,6), parto cesáreo (OR=14,9; IC=7,3 – 30,4) e tempo de trajeto entre casa e hospital superior a 30 minutos (OR=2,1; IC=1,4 – 3,2). A procura direta do hospital de referência atuou como fator protetor OR=0,6; IC=0,5 – 0,8. A associação entre a infeção por HIV e morbidade materna grave foi de OR=2,7 (IC=2,1 – 3,5). A Fração Atribuível Populacional ao HIV foi de 21,3% Conclusões: A morbidade materna grave é cerca de três vezes maior nas grávidas ou puérperas infectadas pelo vírus do HIV/AIDS do que nas não infectadas. A Razão de Resultado Materno Grave em Maputo é relativamente elevada, sendo as principais causas as doenças hemorrágicas e a infeção pelo HIV/AIDS. Os fatores associados estão relacionados sobretudo aos antecedentes reprodutivos das mulheres, orientando para uma maior atenção ao grupo de maior risco, pelo uso de normas e procedimentos padronizados. / Introduction: Severe Maternal Morbidity (SMM) is a clinical condition of women in their pregnancy and childbirth, composed of conditions ranging from severe to extreme severity, which are known when survive by maternal near miss (MNM); these cases are identified by signs of organ dysfunction subsequent to life-threatening conditions. Furthermore, surveys have shown evidence of the burden of the HIV / AIDS pandemic on the clinical condition of patients with other diseases. Objectives: To estimate the incidence of Severe Maternal Outcome Ratio (SMOR) and investigate factors associated with SMM in Maputo. Methods: case-control study conducted in Maputo, Mozambique, from March to November 2012. Eligible participants for the group of cases were resident women living with SMM, according to the WHO definition. Controls were patients admitted to the same hospitals during the same period, using the same criteria for selection of cases, with the exception of the clinical condition for these. To calculate the sample size we used the Epi Info program, considering a study power of 80%, an alpha = 0.05, confidence level = 0.95, compared case / control 1:2 and an expected odds ratio (OR) of 1.5. 485 cases and 970 controls were obtained. The exposure was the infection with HIV / AIDS; socio-demographic, clinical, healthcare and behaviour variables such as smoking e alcool utilization being used. The data for SMM and MNM were extrapolated to the period of twelve months by Simple Linear Regression with quadratic and cubic terms and calculated indicators. For the difference between proportions used the 2 test of Pearson. The measure of association between HIV / AIDS and SMM (outcome) was the OR and confidence intervals at 95% by unconditional Logistic Regression. For the analysis STATA version 10.0 was used. Results: SMOR was 1,7/1.000 LB, MNM Ratio 0,4/1.000 LB, maternal near miss/maternal death ratio of 28:100, mortality index of 78.3% and maternal mortality ratio of 133/100.000 LB. The main causes of SMM were hypertensive disorders (69,7%) followed by bleeding disorders (19.0%); among maternal near miss were bleeding (64.3%) and among maternal deaths were AIDS (50,0%). Factors associated with an increased risk of severity were history of abortion (OR = 2.2, CI = 1.4 - 3.7), HIV positive (OR = 2,5, CI = 1.9 to 3.3), pospartum period (OR = 2.7, CI = 2.1 to 3.6), caesarean delivery (OR = 14.9, CI = 7.3 to 30.4) and time between home and hospital exceeding 30 minutes (OR = 2.1, CI = 1.4 to 3.2) .The association between HIV infection and severe maternal morbidity was OR = 2.7 CI =( 2.1 to 3.5). The direct search of the reference hospital acted as a protective factor OR = 0.6; CI = 0.5 to 0.8. The Population Attributable Fraction of HIV was 21.3%. Conclusions: Severe maternal morbidity is about three times higher in pregnant or postpartum HIV / AIDS infected women than in uninfected. SMOR is high in Maputo and the main causes are bleeding disorders and infection by HIV / AIDS. Associated factors are mainly related to reproductive history of women, requiring greater attention to the high risk group, by the use of standards and standardized procedures.

Saúde óssea em obesos graves: fatores associados e efeito do azeite de oliva extravirgem e dieta tradicional brasileira / Bone health in severe obesity: associated factors and effect of extra virgin olive oil and traditional brazilian diet

Cardoso, Camila Kellen de Souza 11 November 2016 (has links)
Submitted by JÚLIO HEBER SILVA (julioheber@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-11-28T16:26:19Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Camila Kellen de Souza Cardoso - 2016.pdf: 3418310 bytes, checksum: cdf808292a924eda861aac5082af3dde (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jaqueline Silva (jtas29@gmail.com) on 2016-11-28T17:23:33Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Camila Kellen de Souza Cardoso - 2016.pdf: 3418310 bytes, checksum: cdf808292a924eda861aac5082af3dde (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-11-28T17:23:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Camila Kellen de Souza Cardoso - 2016.pdf: 3418310 bytes, checksum: cdf808292a924eda861aac5082af3dde (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-11-11 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Goiás - FAPEG / Aim: To assess the associated factors to bone mineral density (BMD), as well as the effects of extra virgin olive oil and the Brazilian Traditional Diet (DietBra) on bone health of severely obese patients. Methods: The first study refers to baseline data of a randomized clinical trial (RCT) that analyzes sociodemographic factors, lifestyle, health conditions, anthropometric and biochemical data associated with BMD of total body, total vertebral column, and total hip. The second study is a blind RCT with three groups of intervention: olive oil, receiving 52 ml/day of extra virgin olive oil and habitual dietary intake; diet, receiving a DietBra; and olive oil + DietBra, receiving 52 ml/day of olive oil and healthy diet prescription. The three groups had monthly consults with a nutritionist and were followed-up during 12 weeks. BMD of total vertebral column was primary outcome of the RCT, while BMD of otal hip, calcium, vitamin D, and parathormone (PTH) were secondary outcomes. Data collection occurred between June 2015 and February 2016 with 111 severely obese patients (Body Mass Index ≥ 35 kg/m2 ). The allocation ratio between groups in the RCT was 1:1:1. BMD was evaluated by Dualenergy x-ray absorptiometry. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was employed to verify normal distribution of continuous data. Student’s t-test, ANOVA, Bonferroni, simple linear regression, and hierarchic multiple linear regression were used to analyze baseline data. Fisher’s exact test, Pearson’s chi-square test, unpaired Student’s t-test, ANOVA, Bonferroni, and ANCOVA were used to analyze the data from the clinical trial by intention to treat. The significance level was set at p<0.05. Results: At the first level of baseline, men presented higher BMD of total body than women (p≤0.001), while advanced age was associated with lower BMD in the three measurement sites (p=0.047, 0.039 and 0.010). At the second level, having diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2) was associated with higher BMD of total body (p=0.033), while ≥150 min/week of aerobic physical activity was associated with higher BMD of vertebral column (p=0.028) and total hip (p=0.004). Patients presenting previous fracture (p=0.013) and with a higher degree of obesity (p=0.015) had lower BMD of total vertebral column. Having an adequate intake of vitamin D was associated with higher BMD of total vertebral column (p=0.020). At the third level, low serum zinc (p=0.024) and elevated C-reactive protein (p=0.049) were associated with lower BMD of total vertebral column. In the RCT, the olive oil group presented an increase in serum calcium between baseline and the end of follow-up (p=0.007). Mean serum calcium was higher in the olive oil group compared to the olive oil + DietBra group at the end of follow-up (p=0.026). The DietBra group presented a higher means BMD of total vertebral column (p=0.016) and BMD of total hip (p=0,029) than the olive oil + DietBra group. In addiction, the PTH reduced in DietBra group after intervention (p=0.047) and delta PTH was higher in the DietBra group compared to the olive oil + DietBra group (p=0.042). Conclusion: Classic factors associated with bone health as gender, advanced age, physical activity, previous fracture, vitamin D intake and C-reactive protein also occurred in severely obese individuals, although tobacco use, solar exposure, medication use, serum calcium and vitamin D were not associated with BMD. Furthermore, the DietBra increased BMD of total vertebral column and reduced PTH, while the extra virgin olive oil was increased serum calcium. In a separate way, both interventions had good results for severely obese patients' bone health. / Objetivo: Avaliar os fatores associados a densidade mineral óssea (DMO), assim como os efeitos do azeite de oliva extravirgem e dieta tradicional brasileira (DietBra) na saúde óssea de obesos graves. Metodologia: o primeiro estudo trata-se de dados do baseline do ensaio clínico randomizado (ECR), com análise de fatores sociodemográficos, estilo de vida, condições de saúde, dados antropométricos e bioquímicos associados à DMO de corpo total, coluna total e quadril total. O segundo estudo é um ECR cego, com três grupos de intervenção: grupo azeite que recebeu 52 mL/dia (4 sachês) de azeite de oliva extravirgem e manteve a alimentação habitual, o grupo DietBra que recebeu prescrição de dieta saudável com padrão de dieta tradicional brasileira e o grupo azeite + DietBra que recebeu 52 mL/dia (4 sachês) e prescrição de dieta saudável com padrão de dieta tradicional brasileira. Os três grupos tiveram consultas mensais, em dias diferentes da semana, com seguimento de 12 semanas, foram avaliadas a DMO de coluna total como desfecho primário e DMO de quadril total, cálcio, vitamina D e paratormônio (PTH) como desfechos secundários do ECR. A coleta de dados ocorreu entre junho de 2015 e fevereiro 2016, com 111 pacientes obesos graves (índice de massa corporal ≥35 kg/m2 ), com proporção entre os grupos do ECR em torno de 1:1:1. A DMO foi avaliada pelo método de Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Foi empregado o teste Kolmogorov-Smirnov para verificar a normalidade dos dados. Para os dados do baseline foi utilizado T de Student ou Anova, seguindo de Bonferroni, Regressão Linear Simples e Regressão Linear Múltipla modelo hierarquizado. Para o ECR foi utilizado Teste Exato de Fisher ou QuiQuadrado de Person, T de Student, ANOVA seguida de Bonferroni e ANCOVA, foi adotada a abordagem estatística por intenção de tratar por meio da aplicação do teste T Student não-pareado intra grupo. Foi considerado p<0,05. Resultados: no primeiro nível do baseline, homens apresentaram maior DMO de corpo total (p= <0,001) do que mulheres, enquanto a idade avançada foi associada a menor DMO nos três sítios (p=0,047, 0,039 e 0,010). No segundo nível, ter diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) foi associado a maior DMO de corpo total (p=0,033), enquanto ≥150 minutos/semana de atividade física aeróbica foi associada com maior DMO de coluna total (p=0,028) e quadril total (p=0,004), assim como indivíduos com fratura prévia (p=0,013) e maior grau de obesidade (p=0,015) apresentaram menor DMO de coluna total. Por outro lado, ter ingestão adequada de vitamina D esteve associado a maior DMO de coluna total (p=0,020). No terceiro nível, o zinco sérico baixo (p=0,024) e PCR elevada (p=0,049) associaram-se a menor DMO de coluna total. No ECR, o grupo azeite apresentou aumento no cálcio sérico entre o início e final do estudo (p=0,007), assim como a média final de cálcio foi maior no grupo azeite em comparação ao grupo azeite + DietBra (p=0,026), o grupo DietBra apresentou média final de DMO de coluna total (p=0,016) e DMO de quadril (p=0,029) maior do que o grupo azeite + DietBra, além disso o PTH reduziu no grupo DietBra pós a intervenção (p=0,047) e o delta PTH foi maior no grupo DietBra em comparação ao grupo azeite + DietBra (p=0,042). Conclusão: fatores clássicos associados à saúde óssea como sexo, idade mais avançada, atividade física, fratura prévia, ingestão de vitamina D e proteína C-reativa também ocorreram em obesos graves, mas tabagismo, exposição solar, uso de medicamentos, cálcio e vitamina D séricos não foram associados à DMO em obesos graves. Além disso, a DietBra aumentou DMO de coluna total e reduziu PTH, enquanto o azeite de oliva extravirgem aumentou cálcio sérico. Ou seja, de forma isolada as intervenções tiveram bons resultados para saúde óssea de obesos graves

Aspectos clínicos e moleculares da dengue na epidemia de 2012/ 2013 em Goiânia – GO, Brasil.

Rocha, Benigno Alberto Moraes da 03 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by JÚLIO HEBER SILVA (julioheber@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-12-14T17:53:04Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Benigno Alberto Moraes da Rocha - 2015.pdf: 2182475 bytes, checksum: 33c24230875842c1d6d2b9260ba26f6e (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jaqueline Silva (jtas29@gmail.com) on 2016-12-15T17:34:35Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Benigno Alberto Moraes da Rocha - 2015.pdf: 2182475 bytes, checksum: 33c24230875842c1d6d2b9260ba26f6e (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-15T17:34:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Benigno Alberto Moraes da Rocha - 2015.pdf: 2182475 bytes, checksum: 33c24230875842c1d6d2b9260ba26f6e (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-03 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / Outro / Background: Dengue is the fastest growing arbovirosis in the world, infecting almost 390 million people. The dengue virus is the etiological agent of the disease, which has four serotypes (DENV1-4). All serotypes can cause dengue, varying from asymptomatic to severe forms and may lead to death. In Brazil, in 2010, there was the re-emergence of serotype DENV-4 after 28 years. In 2013, it was registered the largest epidemic in history with more than 1.4 million cases and circulation of the four serotypes. In the state of Goiás, Central Region of Brazil, after serotype DENV-4 entry in 2011, for the first time in the region, in 2013, there was a major epidemic which registered more than 10% of the cases in Brazil, more often DENV -4 followed by DENV-1. In this scenario, a study was conducted with the objective to characterize the clinical and molecular profile of patients with dengue; establish if there were associations between clinical and laboratory markers of severity with the infectious virus serotypes; and genetic characterization of the more frequent virus serotype during the 2012/2013 dengue epidemic in Goiânia, Goiás. Methods: A prospective clinical study with suspected dengue patients from eight reference health units (five public, two hospitals and three of secondary level; and three private hospitals) from January 2012 to July 2013 was conducted. The patients were evaluated in three different moments by clinicians who collected clinical and sociodemographic information. Blood sampling for laboratory testing (Hg, AST, and ALT) and confirmatory tests for dengue infection (IgM, IgG, NS1, and RT-PCR) were performed. The gene sequencing of dengue virus type 4 envelope was also carried out. Patients with confirmation of dengue infection were classified according to clinical signs according to the World Health Organization. Principal findings: Six hundred and fifty patients were recruited; 18 were excluded, and 632 were followed. Four hundred fifty-two patients (71.5%) had confirmed infection and 112 (24.8%) were hospitalized. More than 90% were over 15 years of age, and 235 were female (52.0%). In 328 patients, it was possible to classify the type of infection, and 248 (75.6%) of these had a secondary infection. 188 (41.6%) were classified as FD, 238 (52.6%) as DwC and 26 (5.8%) with DG. Compared to those aged xvi over 15 years, spontaneous bleeding, severe abdominal pain and plasma extravasation were more frequent in children under 15 years of age (p <0.05). There was one death of a 16-year-old. During two years of follow-up, viral RNA was identified in 243 (40.5%) of 600 patients evaluated in these tests, where the four serotypes were identified: 91 (37.4%) with DENV-1, 4 (1.6%) with DENV-2, 13 (5.3%) with DENV-3 and 135 (55.5%) with DENV-4. A higher frequency of some symptoms of severity was observed (thrombocytopenia, spontaneous bleeding and severe abdominal pain) in DENV-1 serotype compared to DENV-4. Eighty percent of patients with DENV-4 had a secondary infection. In the phylogenetic study of DENV-4 envelope gene, genotype II was identified. Conclusion: The present study described clinically and molecularly a large dengue epidemic that occurred in a state of Brazil's Central Region, which revealed the concurrent circulation of the four serotypes, the frequency of clinical signs of disease severity in children aged under 15 years and in people with DENV-1 infection. It also identified the current genotype of the most common serotype in the epidemic. These findings should serve as a warning sign for the health authorities because we are experiencing a significant dispersion of serotypes situation worldwide. / Contexto: Dengue é a arbovirose que mais cresce no mundo, infectando quase 390 milhões de pessoas. Ela é causada pelos vírus dengue que possui quatro sorotipos (DENV1-4). Todos os sorotipos podem causar a doença, que varia de formas assintomáticas a graves e podem levar a óbito. No Brasil em 2010 houve a reemergência do sorotipo DENV-4 após 28 anos. No ano de 2013, foi registrada a maior epidemia da história com mais de 1,4 milhão de casos e circulação do quatro sorotipos. Na Região Central do Brasil, Estado de Goiás, após a entrada sorotipo DENV-4, em 2011, pela primeira vez na região, em 2013, aconteceu uma grande epidemia onde foi registrado mais de 10% dos casos do Brasil, com maior frequência do DENV-4 seguido pelo DENV-1. Neste cenário foi realizado um estudo com os objetivos de caracterizar o perfil clínico e molecular dos pacientes com dengue, estabelecer se houve associação entre marcadores de gravidade clínica e laboratorial com os sorotipos virais infectantes e caracterizar geneticamente o vírus da dengue mais frequente que circulou na epidemia de 2012/2013 em Goiânia – GO. Metodologia: Foi realizado um estudo clínico prospectivo com pacientes suspeitos de dengue atendidos em oito unidades de saúde (cinco públicas, sendo dois hospitais e três de nível secundário; três hospitais privados) de referência de janeiro de 2012 a julho de 2013. Os pacientes foram abordados em três momentos diferentes e avaliados por clínicos que coletaram informações clínicas e sócio-demográficas. Também houve coleta de sangue para realização de exames complementares (Hg, AST e ALT) e exames confirmatórios da infecção por dengue (IgM, IgG, NS1 e RT-PCR). Foi realizado ainda o sequenciamento do gene do envelope do vírus dengue tipo 4. Os pacientes com confirmação da infecção por dengue foram classificados quanto à forma clínica da doença de acordo com a Organização Mundial de Saúde, Principais achados: Foram recrutados 650 pacientes, dos quais 18 foram excluídos e 632 foram seguidos. Quatrocentos e cinquenta e dois pacientes (71,5%) tiveram a infecção confirmada. Destes, 112 (24,8%) foram hospitalizados. Mais de 90% tinham idade superior a 15 anos e 235 (52,0%) eram do sexo feminino. Para 328 pacientes foi possível classificar o tipo de infecção e destes, 248 (75,6%) tiveram infecção xiv secundária. Classificou-se como FD 188 indivíduos (41,6%), 238 (52,6%) com DwC e 26 (5,8%) com DG. Sangramento espontâneo, dor abdominal intensa e extravasamento de plasma foram mais freqüentes em menores de 15 anos de idade, quando comparado aos maiores de 15 anos (p<0,05). Houve um óbito de um adolescente de 16 anos de idade. O RNA viral foi identificado em 243 (40,5%) de 600 pacientes investigados por estes exames, onde foi identificados os quatros sorotipos DENV-1 em 91 pacientes (37,4%) DENV-2 em 4 (1,6%), DENV-3 em 13 (5,3%) e DENV-4 em 135 (55,5%) nos dois anos de acompanhamento. Foi observada uma frequência maior de alguns sintomas de gravidade (plaquetopenia, sangramentos espontâneos e dor abdominal intensa) no sorotipo DENV-1 comparado ao DENV-4. Oitenta por cento dos pacientes com DENV- 4 tiveram infecção secundária. No estudo de filogenia do gene do envelope do DENV-4 foi identificado o genótipo II. Conclusão: Foi descrito clínica e molecularmente uma grande epidemia que ocorreu em um Estado da Região Central do Brasil que revelou a circulação concomitante dos quatros sorotipos virais, frequência de sinais de gravidade em menores de 15 anos de idade e em pessoas com infecção pelo DENV-1. Identificou-se ainda o genótipo circulante do sorotipo mais freqüente na epidemia. Estas constatações devem servir de sinal de alerta para as autoridades de saúde, pois nos encontramos em situação de grande dispersão dos sorotipos em todo o mundo.

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