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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Läkare och undersköterskors syn på vad som innefattas i sjuksköterskans kompetensområde arbetsledning av omvårdnadsarbetet

Nylén, Sofie, Ripel, Katrine January 2007 (has links)
Kompetensområdet sjuksköterskans arbetsledning av omvårdnadsarbetet är ett tämligen outforskat ämne. Mer kunskap om läkare- och undersköterskors syn på vad som innefattas i sjuksköterskans arbetsledning skulle kunna bidra till ett bättre samarbete som på sikt kan gynna omvårdnadsarbetets utveckling och därigenom även patienten. Syftet med studien är att få ökad kunskap om läkare och underskö-terskors syn på vad som innefattas i kompetensområdet sjuksköterskans arbets-ledning av omvårdnadsarbetet. Metoden som användes var en empirisk intervju-undersökning där urvalet bestod utav fyra läkare och fyra undersköterskor. Mate-rialet analyserades med innehållsanalys, inspirerad av Burnard (1991). Resultatet utmynnade i följande huvudkategorier: Överblick, samarbete och yttersta om-vårdnadsansvaret. Resultatet visade att det som informanterna ansåg innefattas i sjuksköterskans kompetensområde arbetsledning av omvårdnadsarbetet i stor ut-sträckning stämde överens med uppgifter som benämns under huvudområdet ar-betsledning i Socialstyrelsens kompetensbeskrivning för legitimerad sjuksköterska (2005) men att rollen som arbetsledare av omvårdnadsarbetet inte var självklar och erkänd av alla informanterna. / Leadership in nursing is a relatively unexplored area of research. Further knowl-edge about doctors and staff nurses’ views on what is included in this area could gain development in nursing and thereby the qualities of patient care. The aim of this study is to gain further knowledge about doctors and assistant nurses’ views on what is included in the area of leadership in nursing. The method used was semi-structured interview. The selection of informants was four doctors and four assistant nurses. The analysis method was thematic content analysis inspired by Burnard (1991). The analysis resulted in the following main categories: General view, ability of cooperation and main responsibility. The result showed that doc-tors- and assistant nurses' views on what was included in the area of leadership in nursing to a large extent was congruent to job assignments written in The National Board of Health and Welfare’s competence description for registered nurses. However, the leadership role of nursing was not obvious and acknowledged by all the informants.

Legitimation Code Theory as an Analytical Tool for Examining Discourse Within Integrated STEM Education

Chelsey A Dankenbring (11204046) 30 July 2021 (has links)
To prepare students for the complex, multidisciplinary problems they will face outside of the classroom, current reform initiatives advocate for the integration of content and practices from science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) in the science classroom. One approach, integrated STEM, uses the engineering design process as a vehicle for learning. However, these lessons can be challenging for students, so it is essential that science educators employ various teaching practices to scaffold student learning. One way to achieve this is through the use of written and oral discourse that promotes meaning-making. The studies in this dissertation utilize Legitimation Code Theory as an analytical framework to create semantic profiles of an integrated STEM unit and middle school teachers’ implementation of integrated STEM lessons. Specifically, we analyze the semantic gravity, or the extent to which meaning is rooted within the context it is acquired in, to map and identify semantic patterns that may promote or constrain meaning-making. The results of these studies indicate that Legitimation Code Theory can be a useful tool for developing and examining integrated STEM curricular materials, evaluating teacher discourse during the implementation of integrated STEM lessons, ascertaining how teachers are integrating multiple disciplinary discourses, and identifying areas where teachers may benefit from additional support as they learn to implement integrated STEM. Keywords: integrated STEM, legitimation code theory, discourse.


Rickles, Michael L., Jr. 13 May 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Electronic Identification Based on OpenID Connect : A Design Proposal / E-legitimation baserad på OpenID Connect : Ett designförslag

Johansson, Tom January 2017 (has links)
Electronic identification is used by an individual to prove who he or she is by electronic means and is normally used for logging in to various services. In Sweden there are a number of different solutions that are developed and provided by different parties. In order to promote and coordinate electronic identification for public services, the Swedish E-identification Board was founded in 2011. The Board has developed a technical framework for integration between the Relying Party and the Identity Provider based on the Security Assertion Markup Language V2.0 (SAML) standard. SAML is a quite old standard that has some limitations complicating an electronic identification solution based on it. A newer competing standard is OpenID Connect, which could be a possible candidate as an alternative to SAML. The objective of this thesis is to determine to what extent it is possible to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and accountability in an electronic identification based on OpenID Connect. To achieve this, a number of requirements for electronic identifications were identified and a design proposal based on OpenID Connect was developed together with a proof-of-concept implementation. The design proposal was evaluated against the requirements, with the final result that an electronic identification based on OpenID Connect could meet the requirements. / E-legitimation används av en individ för visa vem han eller hon är på elektronisk väg och används vanligtvis för att logga in på olika tjänster. I Sverige finns ett antal olika lösningar som utvecklas och tillhandahålls av olika parter. För att främja och samordna elektronisk identifiering för offentliga tjänster grundades E-legitimationsnämnden 2011. Nämnden har tagit fram ett tekniskt ramverk för integrationen mellan Förlitande Part och Legitimeringstjänst baserad på Security Assertion Markup Language V2.0 (SAML) standarden. SAML är en relativt gammal standard med vissa begränsningar som komplicerar en e-legitimationslösning baserad på den. En nyare konkurrerande standard är OpenID Connect, vilket kan vara en möjlig kandidat som ett alternativ till SAML. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka i vilken utsträckning det är möjligt att säkerställa sekretess, integritet och ansvarsskyldighet för en e-legitimation baserad på OpenID Connect. För att uppnå detta, identifierades ett antal krav för e-legitimationer och ett designförslag baserat på OpenID Connect utvecklades tillsammans med en proof-of-concept implementation. Designförslaget utvärderades mot kraven, med det slutliga resultatet att en e-legitimation baserad på OpenID Connect kan uppfylla kraven.

Planera fritidshemmets verksamhet i relation till läroplanen : en intervjustudie med fritidspersonal / Planning for the leisure center in relation to the curriculum : an interview study with leisure center workers

Miller, Jonathan, Tegelmark, Ludwig, Dehghani, Sadia January 2023 (has links)
Studien fokuserar på hur fritidspersonal planerar med didaktik i åtanke och om fritidspersonalens arbete påverkas av hur mycket planeringstid de har. I studien undersöks hur fritidspersonalen upplever att de behöver göra flera val för att kunna få ihop dagen genom att vara flexibla beroende på elevernas intressen och dagsform. Ett brett uppdrag som måste planeras, genomföras och återkopplas. Undervisningen i fritidshemmet ska stimulera elevers utveckling och erbjuda eleverna en meningsfull fritid. Samtidigt som styrdokument menar att fritidshemmet även ska komplettera skolan med en mer situationsstyrd planering. Syfte Syftet med undersökningen är att få en insyn i fritidspersonalens planering, vad planering innefattar och ifall fritidspersonalen har verktygen, och möjligheten, att planera i den omfattning de vill för att genomföra fritidshemmets uppdrag så som det beskrivs i Läroplanför grundskolan, förskoleklassen och fritidshemmet 2022 (Skolverket, 2022). I studien undersöks vad planeringen innebär för personalen på fritidshemmet och om fritidspersonal får tillräckligt med tid för planering. Med studien vill vi även ta reda på vilket sätt fritidspersonal arbetar utifrån sin planering och om de har förutsättningar att genomföra sina planeringar och arbetsuppgifter. Metod Datainsamlingen har varit kvalitativ datainsamling genom semistrukturerade intervjuer och analysen har varit en modifierat modell av intervjuanalysen beskriven av Christoffersen och Johannessen (2015) för att passa den hermeneutiska tolkningsprocessen (Brinkkjaer & Höyen,2020). Resultat Resultatet i studien belyser hur fritidshemmets kapitel i läroplanen inte speglar ett uppdrag fritidsverksamheter idag är uppbyggda att klara av. Framför allt inte i den ambitionsnivå fritidspersonal i den här studien önskar uppnå. Majoriteten av fritidspersonalen i den här studien var tillfredsställda med tiden de fick att genomföra planeringen. Planeringstiden ansågs dock i många fall inte kunna utnyttjas effektivt. Resultatet indikerar även att behörigpersonal planerar och obehörig personal utför efter bästa förmåga. Ingen skola i studien prioriterar en koordinerad, regelbunden och gemensam planering. Resultatet visade också att fritidshemlärarnas status ansågs ligga långt ner i rangordningen jämfört med övriga läraryrken i skolan. Informanter i studien ansåg att om yrkesstatusen höjs och fritidspersonalen får fokusera merparten av sin energi på sitt huvuduppdrag i fritidshemmet, så kan barnen få ut mer av sin fritidstid.

From Oppression to Uprising : The Right to Resistance and Disobedience of Indigenous Land Conflicts in Brazil: A Decolonial Approach

Volponi Hecht Pereira, Maria Fernanda January 2024 (has links)
The violence and inaction of the Brazilian state, public authorities, and indigenous organizations, combined with colonial legacies, play a crucial role in the ongoing land conflicts endured by indigenous people in Brazil. Therefore, this thesis explores indigenous resistance and disobedience actions through the lens of a decolonial praxis framework. By applying a multiple-case study designed to assess qualitative material - indigenous organization documents, literature, reports, and documentaries – along with three operational questions, this thesis analyses two specific cases: the Guardiões da Floresta group and the monitoring group in the Uru-Eu-Wau-Wau land. The analysis suggests that a careful interpretation of the cases is necessary to understand how they integrate with the theoretical framework. Resistance and disobedience may or may not be legitimate depending on their motivations, characteristics (violent or not) and goals. The findings contribute to ongoing studies within grassroots resistance approaches to indigenous conflicts and their acceptance.

Vi ses som den lite udda fågeln i sjukvården : En intervjustudie över kuratorers attityder till införandet av legitimation

Söderlund, Johanna, Nilsson, Agnes January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna magisteruppsats var att undersöka attityder till införandet av legitimation för hälso- och sjukvårdskuratorer. Legitimationen är en nyligen tillkommen titel som i vissa fall är en vattendelare mellan både studenter och yrkesverksamma. Därav har kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts med studerande, icke legitimerade och legitimerade yrkesverksamma hälso- och sjukvårdskuratorer för att ta reda på olika inställningar till legitimationsfrågan. Intervjuerna har analyserats med hjälp av professionaliseringsteori och legitimationens grunder inom andra yrken. För att sortera i datamaterialet som bestod av intervjuer har tematisk analys använts som utgångspunkt. Slutsatserna som går att ta del av i resultatet visar på olika syn på införandet av legitimation, samt delade åsikter i legitimationens nytta. Bland annat gick det att se förhoppningar om höjd lön samtidigt som det fanns attityder om en oförändrad status för hälsooch sjukvårdskuratorer. Intervjupersonerna uppgav även förhoppningar inför framtiden och att legitimationen på sikt ska innebära en positiv förändring, men att det i dagsläget är svårt att se någon skillnad gentemot tiden innan legitimationen infördes. Legitimationsfrågan för hälsooch sjukvårdskuratorer är en ny fråga och därav även svår att studera samt dra slutsatser kring. Därav anser vi att frågan bör studeras längre fram för att visa på eventuella förändringar över tid för legitimerade kuratorer samt ändrade attityder till införandet av legitimation.

The use of domination and legitimation in information systems implementation

Hussain, Zahid I., Cornelius, Nelarine January 2009 (has links)
No / In this paper, we present the results of a longitudinal case study on information systems (IS) implementation conducted in a community healthcare organization. Using structuration theory as a sensitizing framework, we highlight how the information technology (IT) Management improved their influence through gaining legitimation from other organizational stakeholders, and how the nature of this evolved over time. Our results highlight how an appropriate, sophisticated use of what Giddens refers to as the duality of structure contributed to the consolidation of the IT Manager's credibility and authority. We also report on how the IT Management had most of their actions legitimated as an integral element of their actions. The results also highlight the distributed nature of power, such that even those at the lower end of organizational hierarchy were able to influence the success or failure of IS implementation.

La Legittimazione Artistica della Fotografia in Italia / THE ARTISTIC LEGITIMATION OF PHOTOGRAPHY IN ITALY / The Artistic Legitimation of Photography in Italy

ZAFFARONI, LORENZO GIUSEPPE 20 May 2021 (has links)
Attraverso un ampio studio di campo, il contributo propone un'analisi sociologica della fotografia in Italia e della sua parziale legittimazione artistica. Prendendo in considerazione sia lo sviluppo storico del campo della fotografia artistica in Italia che la sua condizione contemporanea, lo studio si concentra sui processi attraverso cui diversi attori e istituzioni promuovono la legittimità e lo status della fotografia come arte. Combinando la sociologia dell'arte e dei processi culturali con gli studi organizzativi, la ricerca sviluppa un quadro interpretativo che delinea la relazione tra legittimazione, categorizzazione sociale e processi di valutazione culturale. La ricerca, adottando la metodologia della Constructivist Grounded Theory, raccoglie e analizza diverse fonti: interviste faccia a faccia con fotografi, critici, storici, curatori, galleristi, direttori di musei e collezionisti italiani; note etnografiche raccolte durante l'osservazione partecipante di vari eventi di arte e fotografia, come festival, fiere, presentazioni, visite a musei e aperture di gallerie; risultati d'asta (2009-2020) e analisi di mercato disponibili; dati secondari, come libri di storia e opere critiche sulla fotografia italiana, documenti di archivio e comunicati stampa. I risultati mostrano che la fotografia in Italia sta ancora lottando per assicurarsi uno statuto di forma d'arte legittima a causa di processi storici e dinamiche socio-economiche che rafforzano il confine simbolico tra il mondo professionale della fotografia e quello legittimo dell'arte contemporanea. Rispetto ad altri paesi europei, il campo della fotografia artistica è emerso tardi, solo alla fine degli anni '70, in seguito all'emergere di tre spazi di opportunità favorevoli, in particolare la crisi del fotogiornalismo italiano. Di conseguenza, i membri del campo della fotografia artistica hanno sviluppato strategie di mobilitazione delle risorse e di teorizzazione di un'ideologia legittimante ancora in fase di sviluppo. Inoltre, il contributo teorizza tre processi di legittimazione che, agendo in combinazione tra loro, stabiliscono le condizioni per la completa legittimazione della fotografia come arte: differenziazione, emulazione e sublimazione. Questi processi, discussi alla luce di esperienze empiriche di legittimazione sia completa che parziale, mostrano che il campo della fotografia occupa una posizione di "inclusione segregata" all'interno delle istituzioni artistiche, poiché persiste ancora una contestata identificazione della fotografia come arte. / Through an in-depth field study, this thesis provides a sociological analysis of photography in Italy and its partial artistic legitimation. Taking into account both the historical development of the field of art photography in Italy and its contemporary condition, the study focuses on the processes through which different actors and institutions promote the legitimacy and status of photography as art. Combining the sociology of art and cultural processes to organisation studies, the study develops an interpretative framework that spells out the relationship between legitimation, social categorisation and cultural evaluation processes. Adopting the Constructivist Grounded Theory methodology, the research collects and analyses different sources: face-to-face interviews with photographers, critics, historians, curators, gallery owners, museum directors and Italian collectors; ethnographic notes collected during participant observation of various art and photography events, such as festivals, fairs, presentations, museum visits and gallery openings; auction data (collected from 2009 to 2020) and extant market analyses; secondary textual data, such as history and critical works on Italian photography, archival records and press releases. The results show that photography in Italy is still struggling to secure its status as a legitimate art form due to historical processes and socio-economic dynamics that reinforce the symbolic boundary between the professional world of photography and the legitimate world of contemporary art. Compared to other European countries, the field of artistic photography emerged late, only at the end of the 1970s, following the emergence of three favourable opportunity spaces, notably the crisis of Italian photojournalism. As a result, members of the field of artistic photography developed strategies of resource mobilisation and theorisation of a legitimising ideology that are still ongoing today. In addition, the contribution theorises three processes of legitimation which, acting in combination with each other, establish the conditions for the complete legitimation of photography as art: differentiation, emulation and sublimation. These processes, discussed in the light of empirical experiences of both full and partial legitimation, show that the field of photography occupies a position of "segregated inclusion" within art institutions, as a contested identification of photography as art still persists.

Současná legitimizační ekologie ve vzdělávání: pozice, vědění a kritika / Contemporary Educational Legitimation Ecology: positions, knowledge, and critique

Wirthová, Jitka January 2021 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on the current Czech space of legitimation practices in education as a variable sphere of justification and critique of educational goals rooted in global transformations of educational institutions, autonomies of the nation states and transnational comparative data. Since the debate on educational reform (2004), the Czech legitimation educational ecology has been diversified by different types of knowledge and actors (state, non- profit, private sector). In this work, I argue that legitimation as a critical action is today, in various ways and processes (knowledge regimes, patterns of actorship) derived from traditional jurisdictions (state and professional structures) and moves to more flexible structures, which I call topologies. In jurisdictions, mostly passive audiences remain. New legitimation topologies connect values and data and, in many ways, replace dysfunctional state structures, using specific disconnections, but also question the public nature of negotiating educational goals. Based on relational ontology and sociological topological studies and through a qualitative relational analysis of legitimation practices in three fields (published normative documents, public debates and semi-structured interviews with state and non-state actors) I show in the period...

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