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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lexikální a slovotvorné rozdíly v překladu Nového zákona Johnem Purveyem (1388) a překladateli Bible Douay-Rheims (1582) na pozadí historického vývoje angličtiny / Lexical and word-formation differences between the New Testament translation by John Purvey (1388) and the translators of the Douay-Rheims Bible (1582) against the background of the historical development of the English language

Hauck, Nikol January 2013 (has links)
The main objective of the present thesis is to characterize lexical and word-formation differences in the New Testament translation by John Purvey (also known as the second version of the Wycliffite Bible, 1388) and the translators of the Douay-Rheims Bible (1582), with the focus on the differences which are believed to be influenced by the objective changes in the language. For this reason, the very analysis is preceded by two chapters, the first one identifying the subjective strategies of the translators and the second one describing the objective changes that occurred in the language during the two hundred years that separate the two Bibles. The comparison of the Wycliffite and Douay-Rheims Bible, which is also a contribution to a word-formation and lexical-semantic development from the fourteenth to the sixteenth century, is based on four books of the New Testament, namely the Gospel of Mark, Acts of the Apostles, the Second Epistle to the Corinthians and the Book of Revelation. The thesis also aims to assess the attitude of the translators towards their common source, the Latin Vulgate, but leaves aside the circumstances of religious controversy and its impact on the motivation and strategy of the translators. Another objective is to assess both translations as certain milestones in the...

Effect of language task demands on the neural response during lexical access: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study

Gan, Gabriela, Büchel, Christian, Isel, Frédéric 28 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This study examined the effects of linguistic task demands on the neuroanatomical localization of the neural response related to automatic semantic processing of concrete German nouns combining the associative priming paradigm with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). To clarify the functional role of the inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) for semantic processing with respect to semantic decision making compared to semantic processing per se, we used a linguistic task that involved either a binary decision process (i.e., semantic categorization; Experiment 1) or not (i.e., silently thinking about a word's meaning; Experiment 2). We observed associative priming effects indicated as neural suppression in bilateral superior temporal gyri (STG), anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), occipito-temporal brain areas, and in medial frontal brain areas independently of the linguistic task. Inferior parietal brain areas were more active for silently thinking about a word's meaning compared to semantic categorization. A conjunction analysis of linguistic task revealed that both tasks activated the same left-lateralized occipito-temporo-frontal network including the IFG. Contrasting neural associative priming effects across linguistic task demands, we found a significant interaction in the right IFG. The present fMRI data give rise to the assumption that activation of the left inferior frontal gyrus (LIFG) in the semantic domain might be important for semantic processing in general and not only for semantic decision making. These findings contrast with a recent study regarding the role of the LIFG for binary decision making in the lexical domain (Wright et al. 2011).

En studie av lexikon och gestproduktion hos barn med respektive utan språkstörning genom utförandet av ordförrådstestet PiNG / A Study of Lexicon and Gesture Production among Children with and without Developmental Language Disorder by Means of the Vocabulary Test PiNG

Olsson, Nelly, Norström Darlin, Maria January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the present study was to examine receptive and expressive lexicon, as well as gesture production among children with and without developmental language disorder (DLD), Using the Swedish translation of the Picture Naming Game (PiNG). The parental evaluation Swedish Communicative Development Inventory III (SCDI III) was used to determine whether the results from PiNG and SCDI III were consistent. In this study, 10 children with DLD (study group) and 11 age-matched children with typical language development (control group) between 52 and 70 months of age participated. The participants were tested with PiNG, which is a test that examines reception and production of single nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and prepositions. The guardians then completed SCDI III, which contains questions about the language abilities of the child. Gesture production in the form of deictic, iconic and conventional gestures was examined in conjunction with the use of PiNG. The results showed lower results for the study group on PiNG and SCDI III in comparison with the control group. The study group displayed a higher number of gestures than the control group, and in the former group, the use of gestures was positively correlated with the results from PiNG. In the study group, iconic gestures were used to compensate for language difficulties. The results from PiNG and SCDI III were not consistent. The age of the participants problably did not affect any results. The results from the present study indicate that PiNG may be useful when examining lexicon and gesture production among children with DLD. Both groups achieved high results on PiNG which may have affected the use of gestures and also possible correlations. For future studies, it is therefore recommended to apply PiNG on a group of younger children with DLD.

Ordförrådsutveckling vid digitalt spelande : En pilotstudie av Sweet City som undervisningsmoment ur ett andraspråksperspektiv / Vocabulary Acquisition through Video Games : With second language acquisition as a focus

Svensson, Peter January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study, in the research field of Swedish as a second language, is to investigate whether a connection between form and meaning is established in the pupils’ receptive vocabulary when they play the video game Sweet City in pairs. Two subsidiary purposes are to see whether the use of language scaffolding in the video game affects an vocabulary acquisition and how the situation around the vocabulary tests worked out. The vocabulary change was measured through a pre-test and an instant after-test, hence the focus on the connection between form and meaning. The method was based on Schmitts’ (2010) principles of testing vocabulary change. Because the group was small, with only nine participants, a more qualitative approach was necessary and a discrepancy framework was developed and used to rule out participants’ guessing of target words. The findings show that seven of nine participants had an increase of two to four new words in the connection between form and meaning. Further, the results hint that a use of the video game’s language scaffolding gives a positive effect if used extensively. The discrepancy framework further showed that some participants had guessed extensively in the vocabulary tests, which could have been an effect of a long day of material collection and a desire to get a higher test result.

Effect of language task demands on the neural response during lexical access: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study

Gan, Gabriela, Büchel, Christian, Isel, Frédéric 28 November 2013 (has links)
This study examined the effects of linguistic task demands on the neuroanatomical localization of the neural response related to automatic semantic processing of concrete German nouns combining the associative priming paradigm with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). To clarify the functional role of the inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) for semantic processing with respect to semantic decision making compared to semantic processing per se, we used a linguistic task that involved either a binary decision process (i.e., semantic categorization; Experiment 1) or not (i.e., silently thinking about a word's meaning; Experiment 2). We observed associative priming effects indicated as neural suppression in bilateral superior temporal gyri (STG), anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), occipito-temporal brain areas, and in medial frontal brain areas independently of the linguistic task. Inferior parietal brain areas were more active for silently thinking about a word's meaning compared to semantic categorization. A conjunction analysis of linguistic task revealed that both tasks activated the same left-lateralized occipito-temporo-frontal network including the IFG. Contrasting neural associative priming effects across linguistic task demands, we found a significant interaction in the right IFG. The present fMRI data give rise to the assumption that activation of the left inferior frontal gyrus (LIFG) in the semantic domain might be important for semantic processing in general and not only for semantic decision making. These findings contrast with a recent study regarding the role of the LIFG for binary decision making in the lexical domain (Wright et al. 2011).

Die aktuelle Enzyklopädie

Pentzold, Christian, Seidenglanz, Sebastian 06 August 2008 (has links)
Der Beitrag vergleicht die klassische Lexikonproduktion mit den Funktionen und Eigenschaften der Online-Enzyklopädie Wikipedia. Dabei erläutert er zunächst die historische Dimension des enzyklopädischen Prinzips. Daran anschließend beschreibt er den Aufbau und die Arbeitsprozesse einer Lexikonredaktion, wobei besonders auf die Selektionslogik und die Kriterien der Lexikonwürdigkeit eingegangen wird. Neben Fragen der Informationsqualität werden diese Punkte in einem weiteren Schritt auch bei der Erläuterung der Arbeitsweise und Struktur der Wikipedia angesprochen. Abschließend skizziert der Beitrag an einem Beispiel die Prozesse und Dynamiken der zeitlich nur geringfügig versetzten Artikelproduktion im Anschluss eines aktuellen Ereignisses. / The paper compares the classical production of printed encyclopedias with the functions and features of their online counterpart Wikipedia. Therefore, it firstly goes into the historic dimension of the encyclopedic principle. On that basis, organisation and work processes of an editorial department are described. In doing so, it secondly highlights the logic of selection and the criteria of ‘encyclopedianess’. In a third step these focal points and the questions of information quality will be addressed while discussing the structure and processes of Wikipedia. Finally, the paper exemplarily outlines the dynamics of the almost simultaneous production of an article following a current event.

Rasdefinition i förändring : En kvalitativ textanalys av svenska uppslagsverks framställning av folk (ras) i Afrika, Asien och Orienten, under perioden 1845-2020

Andersson, Jesper January 2020 (has links)
The use of encyclopedias has since their entry in Sweden, played a central role in communicating and defining knowledge to society. This essay examines the representation of peoples (race) in Africa, Asia and the Orient in encyclopedias between 1845-2020. The essay aims to explain and show how several selected concepts have changed in the encyclopedias’ descriptions over time in Sweden. The results show that the encyclopedias were highly influenced by racial biology and scientific racism the further back in time the encyclopedias were issued. People from Africa, Asia and the Orient were described with external characteristics and at times associated with different psychic characteristics. Through the representation of appearance, at times presented as different and foreign, one can see a construction between “we” and “the others”. The encyclopedias also made descriptions of people with generalizing derogatory concepts that were imbued by racism and dogmatic views on the different. Descriptions of peoples appearance and character traits were something that gradually disappeared over time.

Ordförrådsintervention för flerspråkiga skolbarn i språklig sårbarhet : En kombination av ordskattsamling och interaktiv bokläsning

Sällberg, Rebecca, Höglund, Moa January 2020 (has links)
Språklig sårbarhet uppstår i situationer där omgivningens krav och förväntningar inte överensstämmer med de språkliga förutsättningar som finns hos en individ. Flerspråkiga barn med bristande exponering på sina språk riskerar att hamna i språklig sårbarhet och saknar ofta basordförråd på svenska, vilket påverkar senare läs- och skrivinlärning. För att hjälpa dessa barn att utveckla ordförrådet krävs direkta interventionsmetoder. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka om en ordförrådsintervention som utgår från metoderna Interaktiv bokläsning och Ordskattsamling har en effekt på utvecklingen av basordförrådet på svenska hos flerspråkiga barn i språklig sårbarhet. Studien syftade även till att utvärdera om barnen har tillägnat sig ordinlärningsstrategier efter interventionen. Studien inkluderade 26 deltagare, varav 18 slutförde studien. Deltagarna fördelades till en interventionsgrupp och en kontrollgrupp. Samtliga barns ordförråd undersöktes före och efter interventionsperioden genom tre olika test: Semantiskt ordflöde med kategorin djur, deltestet Likheter 1 ur CELF-4 samt ett ordskattningstest. Resultatet visade att barnen som tog del av interventionen tillägnade sig fler nya ord och strategier för ordinlärning jämfört med kontrollgruppen. Resultaten visade ingen förbättring gällande ordmobilisering eller förmåga att kunna se samband mellan ord inom samma semantiska kategori, mätt med standardiserade test. Sammanfattningsvis visar resultaten i föreliggande studie att Interaktiv bokläsning och Ordskattsamling i kombination med fördel kan användas för att stötta ordförrådsutvecklingen hos elever i språklig sårbarhet.

Suomen yleiskielestä poikkeava ruotsinsuomen sanasto : Kuvaus ruotsinsuomen omasta sanastosta ja siihen liittyvistä asenteista / Sverigefinska ord som inte förekommer i standardfinska : Beskrivning av sverigefinska ord samt attityder förknippade med dessa

Larsson, Tarja January 2024 (has links)
Uutta ruotsinsuomalaista sanastoa kehittyy pääasiassa kahdella tavalla. Eniten uutta sanastoa syntyy epävirallisissa keskustelutilanteissa, mutta sanastoa luodaan myös tietoisesti, kun Kielenja kansanperinteen tutkimuslaitos antaa suosituksia esimerkiksi Ruotsin viranomaisten nimienkääntämisestä. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, millaisia suomen yleiskielestä poikkeavia suomen sanoja Ruotsissa käytetään, ketkä niitä käyttävät sekä millaisia asenteitatällaisen sanaston käyttöön liittyy. Ruotsinsuomalaiselle vähemmistölle on tärkeää, että heidän kieltään tutkitaan, sillä siten voidaan kartuttaa tietoa vähemmistöstä, saada heidän käyttämästään kielestä tutkimukseen perustuvaa tietoa ja vahvistaa heidän ruotsinsuomalaista identiteettiään. Tutkimuksen empiirisenä aineistona on toisaalta Ruotsin radion suomenkielisen toimituksenvuosina 2016–2023 järjestämissä Vuoden ruotsinsuomalainen sana -äänestyksissä ehdotetut sanat ja toisaalta ruotsinsuomalaisten sanojen käyttöä ja sanoihin liittyviä asenteita kartoittava verkkokysely. Olen lajitellut äänestyksissä ehdotetut sanat lainasanatyypin, sanaluokan jaaihepiirin mukaan. Kyselytutkimuksessa olen analysoinut sekä määrällisen tiedon että vastauksia täydentävät vapaamuotoiset perustelut. Vuoden ruotsinsuomalainen sana -äänestysten aineistosta tehty tutkimus osoittaa, että suurin osa aineistossa esiintyvistä ruotsinsuomen sanoista on niin kutsuttuja erityislainoja eli ruotsistasuomen kieliasuun mukautettuja lainasanoja. Sanojen aihepiirit kuvastavat etupäässä kielenkäyttäjien arkeen liittyviä teemoja. Ruotsissa asuvien suomen puhujien keskuudessa toteutettu kyselytutkimus osoittaa, että ruotsinsuomen sanoja käytetään eniten puheessa mutta melko paljon myös vapaamuotoisessa kirjoituksessa. Nuoremmat ikäryhmät käyttävät tämäntyyppisiä sanoja vanhempia ikäryhmiä enemmän ja myös suhtautuvat niiden käyttöön myönteisemmin. / Nya sverigefinska ord skapas i huvudsak på två olika sätt. De flesta av de nya orden bildas iinformella diskussionssituationer, men ord och termer skapas också medvetet när Institutet förspråk och folkminnen ger rekommendationer om till exempel översättning av svenska myndigheters namn till finska. Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på vilken typ av finska ordsom inte ingår i standardfinska som används i Sverige, vilka som använder dessa ord samt vilka attityder som förknippas med användningen av sådana ord. För den sverigefinska minoriteten är det viktigt att deras språk studeras. På så sätt kan man öka kunskapen om minoriteten, få fram forskningsbaserad information om det språk minoriteten använder samt stärka dess sverigefinska identitet. Det empiriska materialet i undersökningen utgörs dels av de föreslagna orden i omröstningarna Årets sverigefinska ord som Sveriges Radios finskspråkiga redaktion har arrangerat under åren 2016–2023, och dels av en webbenkät som kartlägger användningen av sverigefinska ord samt attityder förknippade med användningen av dessa. Jag har kategoriserat de i omröstningarna föreslagna orden efter typ av lånord, ordklass och ämnesområde. I enkätundersökningen har jag analyserat både kvantitativa uppgifter och de fritt formulerade motiveringarna som kompletterar svaren. Undersökningen av de sverigefinska orden som förekommer i omröstningarna Årets sverigefinska ord visar att de flesta orden är så kallade främmande ord, det vill säga lånord från svenska till finska som är anpassade till finskans ortografi. Ordens ämnesområden speglar främst språkbrukarnas vardag. Enkätundersökningen bland talare av finska i Sverige visar att sverigefinska ord används mest i tal men relativt mycket även i informella texter. Yngre åldersgrupper använder denna typ av ord mer än äldre åldersgrupper och förhåller sig också mer positiva till användningen av dem. / Sweden Finnish vocabulary is developed mainly in two ways. Most of the new vocabulary is created in situations of informal communication, but vocabulary is also consciously created when Language Advisors of Finnish at the Institute for Language and Folklore make recommendations on, for example, translation of names of Swedish authorities into Finnish. The purpose of this study is to examine what types of Finnish words deviating from the Finnish standard language that are used in Sweden, who uses them, and what kind of attitudes are involved in the use of such vocabulary. For the Sweden Finnish minority, it is important that their language is studied, as this will contribute to a wider knowledge of the minority, further research-based knowledge about the language they use, and strengthen their Sweden Finnish identity. The empirical material used for the study is, on the one hand, the words proposed in the Sweden Finnish Word of the Year votes organised by the Swedish Radio in 2016 to 2023, and, on the other hand, an on-line survey on the use of Sweden Finnish words and attitudes related to these. I have analysed the words proposed in the votes by type of loan word, word class and subject matter. For the survey, I have analysed both the quantitative data and the respondents’ arguments supporting their answers. The study of the words proposed in the Sweden Finnish Word of the Year votes indicates that most of the words are so-called special loans, i.e. loan words adapted to the Finnish language structure. The topics of the words mainly reflect the everyday life of language users. A survey among Finnish speakers living in Sweden shows that Sweden Finnish words are used mostly in speech but quite often also in informal writing. Younger speakers use these types of words more than older speakers and also show more positive attitudes towards the use of these words.

As palavras de origem africana em O sumiço da Santa de Jorge Amado / Words of African Origin in The War of the Saints by Jorge Amado

Olofsson, Veronica January 2012 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar o aporte de línguas africanas no português do Brasil através da análise dos africanismos lexicais encontrados em uma obra literária moderna. A obra que está sendo analisada é O sumiço da Santa de Jorge Amado (1988). Identificam-se as palavras de origem africana na obra e verifica-se se as mesmas palavras e expressões podem ser encontradas em duas edições do dicionário Aurélio. Uma das edições é de 1986, ou seja, dois anos antes da publicação do livro em questão, enquanto a outra é de 2008. Os resultados mostram que os dicionários citam obras de Jorge Amado para ilustrar o uso de algumas das palavras e que, em termos gerais, a edição mais recente inclui algumas palavras mais que a mais antiga, mas que incorpora informações mais específicas sobre o léxico de origem africana no que diz respeito à sua origem e âmbitos de uso ou campos semânticos. / The aim of this study is to analyze the contribution of African languages in Brazilian Portuguese by analyzing the lexical Africanisms found in a modern literary work. The book that is being analyzed is The War of the Saints by Jorge Amado (1988). The words of African origin are identified and then these words and expressions are searched for in two editions of the Aurélio, a common Brazilian dictionary. One of the issues of this dictionary is from 1986, i.e. two years before the publication of the book in question, while the other is from 2008. The results show that the dictionaries cite the works of Jorge Amado to illustrate the use of some of the words and, in general terms, the most recent edition includes a few words more than the oldest, but it incorporates more specific information about the lexicon of African origin with respect to its origin, scope of use and semantic domains. / Syftet med följande uppsats är att analysera ord med ursprung i afrikanska språk vilka går att återfinna i portugisiskan som talas i Brasilien, utifrån en analys av orden av afrikanskt ursprung återfunna i ett modernt litterärt verk. Det litterära verk som kommer att analyseras är O sumiço da Santa av Jorge Amado (1988). Orden med ursprung i afrikanska språk identifieras i verket, för att därefter sökas efter i två upplagor av den brasilianska ordboken Aurélio. Den ena upplagan är från 1986, det vill säga två år innan den vidare analyserade boken publicerades, och den andra upplagan är från 2008. Resultaten påvisar att ordböckerna citerar Jorge Amados litterära verk i beskrivingen av somliga ord med ursprung i afrikanska språk. Generellt påvisar resultaten även att den nyare upplagan av ordboken innehåller några fler ord med ursprung i afrikanska språk jämfört med den äldre upplagan, samt att den nyare upplagan redovisar tydligare information gällande lexikonet som härstammar från afrikanska språk gällande ordets ursprung, betydelse samt inom vilket användningsområde eller kontext ordet används.

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