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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur påverkar en ökad belysningsstyrka på övergångsställen bilisters hastighet? / How an increased illuminance at pedestrian crossing affects the speed of vehicles?

Karlsson, Anton, Hjorth, Alexander January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur en ökad belysningsstyrka på övergångsställen påverkar bilisters hastighet. Vid vissa övergångsställen används idag intensivbelysning. Intensivbelysning innebär att belysningen förstärkts vid platsen och utformas av en eller flera armaturer över eller i anknytning till övergångsställen för att öka synbarheten för fotgängare. Målet med studien är att undersöka om en ökad belysningsstyrka på övergångsställen har en positiv eller en negativ påverkan på bilisters hastighet och därför kunna bidra till en ökad kunskap inom trafiksäkerhet. För att undersöka hur intensivbelysning påverkar bilisters hastighet har hastighetsmätningar utförts på två övergångsställen i centrala Jönköping samt vid en kontrollplats. Hastighetsmätningarna utfördes på en urban väg med en hastighetsbegränsning på 40 km/h. mätningarna utfördes under perioden 2020-03-16 – 2020-03-24. Det ena övergångsstället har intensivbelysning det andra har det inte, för att kunna jämföra de två platserna utfördes mätningar av både luminans och belysningsstyrka. Övergångsstället med intensivbelysning benämnt som observationsplats 1, hade en medelbelysningsstyrka på 73,27 lux och en medelluminans på 2,7 cd/m². Övergångsstället utan intensivbelysning benämnt som observationsplats 2, hade en medelbelysningsstyrka på 15.63 lux och en medelluminans på 1,3 cd/m². Det skiljer alltså 57,64 lux i medelbelysningsstyrka mellan observationsplats 1 och observationsplats 2, och 1,4 cd/m² i medelluminans. Vid observationsplats 1 uppmättes dagtid 10 passager. Vilket resulterade i en medelhastighet på 35,7 km/h (standardavvikelse 4,6 km/h). Kvällstid uppmättes 35 passager. Vilket resulterade i en medelhastighet på 37,49 km/h (standardavvikelse 5,3 km/h). Vid observationsplats 2 uppmättes dagtid 10 passager. Vilket resulterade i en medelhastighet på 40 km/h (standardavvikelse 4 km/h). Kvällstid uppmättes 34 passager. Vilket resulterade i en medelhastighet på 36 km/h (standardavvikelse 4 km/h). Resultatet från studien antyder att intensivbelysning vid övergångsställen leder till en högre fordonshastighet. Skillnaden i medelhastighet mellan observationsplats 1 och observationsplats 2 var låg 1,49 km/h, standardavvikelsen var hög (observationsplats 1 5,3 km/h observationsplats 2 4 km/h).

Tvorba znalostní databáze pro světelnou techniku s možností expertního zpracování dotazů / Creation of Knowledge Database for Lighting Technology with the Possibility of Expert Query Processing

Krbal, Michal January 2014 (has links)
This presented thesis is focused on the complex description of creation the database system for the lighting. The important static and dynamic parameters of light sources and luminaires are listed in the first part of thesis. These parameters are complemented by the measured values and their relationships. The next chapters of thesis are focused to description of obtained parameters, structural design, historical and expected development of individual representatives of light sources. In the following sections are described current state of used data formats of luminaires and the possibilities for describing of light sources. The database systems are created as a result of this thesis. These databases are used for collecting, sorting, searching and sophisticate comparison of the parameters of light sources and luminaires.

Håltavla för upphängning av Irislights : Produktutveckling av uppfästningskonstruktion för LED-slinga / Framework for fastening of Irislights : Product development for attachment of LED-trail

Rebecca, Magyar January 2016 (has links)
Rapporten behandlar ett examensarbete för högskoleingenjörsprogrammet inom innovationsteknik och design, utfört av Rebecca Magyar. Uppdragsgivare för projektet var Home Structures Sweden AB och arbetet riktade sig till det egna varumärket Irislights med Peter Nordin som handledare på företaget.   Irislights är en produkt som består av en LED-slinga för inomhusbruk. Produkten är tänkt att vara kreativ för kunden färg- och formmässigt vilket låter kunderna själva kombinera handgjorda bomullsbollar som fästs kring en diod på slingan. Projektets huvudsakliga uppgift var att generera en lösning för fästning av befintlig produkt med avseende på kundernas behov i att hänga upp slingan. Den valda lösningen ska ge kunden utrymme för att utnyttja sin egen kreativitet.   Arbetet utgick ifrån designprocessen där en förstudie var inledande fas för arbetets uppbyggnad. Förstudien innefattade en kartläggning av kommande trender inom inrednings- och belysningsbranschen, undersökning av kundernas behov och reflekterande arbete kring framtidens inredningsuttryck. Undersökning av teknik ingick även i förstudien för att få mer information kring befintlig produkt samt krav denna kom att ställa på det framtagna koncept som rapporten berör. Eftersom nuvarande produkt och den framtagna upphängningskonstruktionen ska samverka med varandra kommer uppställda krav vara av betydelse för utformningen. Ifrån detta skapades idéer som sedan genererades fram till slutgiltigt produkt förslag.   Den valda utformningen presenteras genom skisser, CAD-konstruktion, ritningar samt en skalenlig prototyp. Ett materialval gjordes även på produkten i materialvals programmet CES EduPack för att ge förslag på ett miljövänligt alternativ sett till framställning av materialet vid preliminär produktion. / This report describes a Bachelor Theisis of Science in Innovation and Design, conducted by Rebecca Magyar. The project was carried out for Home Structures Sweden AB directed to their own brand Irislights with Peter Nordin as task manager.   The existing product Irislights consists of one product, a LED trail for indoor use. The product is supposed to be creative in terms of color and pattern and let the customers combine and create a personalized light trail. The project's main task was to generate a fastening function for the existing product with consideration to customer needs. Also develop the chosen soulution with oppurtunity to provide the customer oppurtunity to us their own creativity.   The implementation of the work was based on a survey of future trends in interior design and in the lightning industry, also by analysing customer needs. Requirements was developed after creating understanding about the existing technology in Irislights which affected the chosen concept so it could be practicable in reality. Based on a feasibility study ideas was created which generated a final product suggestion. The chosen concept was presented through sketches, a modell in 3D-CAD , CAD-drawings and a full-scale prototype. The selection of material was also made in the program CES EduPack to give suggestions on an environmentally friendly alternative in terms of energy consumption in the primary production of a material.

Collaborative Supply Chain Performance Measurement Systems : A multiple case study on the OTD-process of manufacturing SMEs in the Swedish lighting industry / Collaborative Supply Chain Performance Measurement Systems : A multiple case study on the OTD-process of manufacturing SMEs in the Swedish lighting industry

Svensson, Arvid, Gustafsson, Frida, Guillaume, Julien January 2019 (has links)
Title: Collaborative Supply Chain Performance Measurement Systems. A multiple case study on the OTD-process of manufacturing SMEs in the Swedish lighting industry. Authors: Arvid Svensson, Frida Gustafsson and Julien Guillaume. Background: Even though the multiple stated benefits of Supply Chain Performance Measurement Systems (SCPMS) to enhance the collaboration, there is a lack of research, especially regarding the presence among Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME). Closely associated with the presence of a SCPMS are the challenges. Research on SCPMS and the accompanied challenges have been made in multiple fields and contexts. Yet, SCPMS in the Order to Delivery (OTD)-process between a SME lighting manufacturer and their key customers is missing. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate to what level collaboration regarding SCPMS is present in the OTD-process among the cases studied as well as explain this level of collaboration by studying the challenges of SCPMS. The aim is to contribute to existing literature with an explanatory model that highlights the challenges for a highly collaborative SCPMS with their key customers. This model should also give practical contributions to the case companies. Method: A multiple case study have been conducted. Qualitative data has been gathered through semi-structured interviews. Findings and Conclusion: The findings show that the level of collaboration in the SCPMS differs from no presence at all to an almost total high presence in the cases studied. The criteria that were found in previous literature for high collaboration in the SCPMS were overall similar to the practices found in the cases. Most of the challenges found in previous research were able to explain the difference in level of collaboration in the SCPMS. The two major challenges were lack of knowledge and lack of will. Lack of knowledge was present where the will to progress was clear, while also in one case, there was not even a will to progress. Overall, the company with low level and will to progress was most likely to perceive challenges, while the company with the highest level perceived the least challenges.

Modeling And Stability Analysis Of A Series Single-Phase Power Electronic Based Power System

Yimajian Yan (5930432) 03 January 2019 (has links)
Tightly regulated power converters behave as constant power loads which may introduce instability in power systems. Prior to this work, the design-oriented stability criteria of DC and three-phase AC systems has been extensively studied, while the stability of single-phase AC power systems has received less attention. In this research, the modeling and stability analysis of single-phase AC power systems is studied. In particular, this research focuses on a system architecture where loads are connected in series and powered by a current source. Based on the proposed current source and load power electronic based topologies, which are typically used in airfield lighting systems, three types of system characterization are developed: waveform-level model, average-value <i>qd</i> model, and <i>qd</i> impedance/admittance measurement. Each approach has its own advantages and drawbacks, but the result - a frequency-domain (s-domain) representation of the system, is identical. Applying the generalized Nyquist stability criterion, the small-signal stability criteria of the system is developed. It is shown that the predictions of the system stability using these three approaches are consistent.

Campos de luz: contaminações luminosas no Teatro Paulistano 2011-2012 / -

Ochoa, Manoel João 14 December 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho pesquisa as aplicações da iluminação cênica em alguns coletivos teatrais paulistanos no período de 2011-2012, para entender a prática do desenho da luz, constatando a utilização ou não de novos equipamentos e técnicas. Para isso, fez-se o estudo de peças produzidas e apresentadas no período mencionado, e entrevistas com iluminadores, diretores e outros profissionais da cena ligados a grupos filiados à Cooperativa Paulista de Teatro e contemplados com o Programa de Fomento ao Teatro da Cidade de São Paulo. Outra preocupação deste trabalho foi a análise da formação dos profissionais de iluminação desses coletivos. / This work researches the aplication of Lighting designer in Drama groups from São Paulo between 2011 and 2012, for understand the pratice of light shape and the using of modern equipments and technics. Therefore, a study was made about plays produced and presented in the mentioned period, and interviews with lighting designers, directors and other professionals in the area related of groups affiliate with the São Paulo Drama Company e benefit from the Program of Promotion of the Theater in the city of São Paulo. Another of this work was a analysis of the formation of the Light Designers of this groups.

Νοητικές παραστάσεις μαθητών Στ΄ τάξης για το μηχανισμό της όρασης σε ένα παραδοσιακό σχολικό περιβάλλον μάθησης

Κοκολογιαννάκη, Βασιλική 15 March 2012 (has links)
Στην παρούσα εργασία διερευνώνται οι νοητικές παραστάσεις μαθητών Στ΄ Δημοτικού σχετικά με το μηχανισμό της όρασης σε κατάσταση φυσικού, τεχνητού φωτισμού και νύχτας και ελέγχεται η συνέπεια των παραστάσεων συναρτήσει των τριών καταστάσεων φωτισμού αλλά και του τρόπου έκφρασης των απαντήσεων (προφορικός λόγος- τρισδιάστατος κόσμος, γραπτή απεικόνιση- δισδιάστατος κόσμος). Μελετάται επίσης η επίδραση που ενδεχομένως ασκεί η Παραδοσιακή διδασκαλία του μάθηματος της όρασης, στα σχήματα για την όραση που εμφανίζουν οι μαθητές. Για το σκοπό αυτό πραγματοποιήθηκαν σε πρώτη φάση οι ατομικές συνεντεύξεις του προ-τεστ, ακολούθησε η Παραδοσιακή διδασκαλία και σε τρίτη φάση πραγματοποιήθηκαν οι ατομικές συνεντεύξεις του μετά-τεστ. Βάσει αποτελεσμάτων, υιοθετούνται κυρίως τα σχήματα για την όραση που συναντώνται στη διεθνή βιβλιογραφία, με προτίμηση στο σχήματα "Λουτρό Φωτός" και "Φωτισμός του Αντικειμένου". Οι απαντήσεις τους εμφανίζουν ασυνέπεια και για τις τρεις καταστάσεις φωτισμού, στον τρισδιάστατο και δισδιάστατο κόσμο, ενώ προκύπτει ότι η Παραδοσιακή διδασκαλία παράγει ανομοιογενή αποτελέσματα και δε δημιουργεί συνθήκες γνωστικής προόδου. / This thesis studies the mental representations of 11 year old Greek students, concerning the mechanism of vision at natural and artificial lighting as well as at night. Additionally, we want to examine whether these representations are solid based on the three different states of lighting as well as on the way the answers are expressed (oral speech – three-dimensional world, sketches – two-dimensional world), and to investigate the possible effect of a Traditional course about vision, on pupils’ vision schemes. The study is combined of three phases: personal pre-test interviews with each student, Traditional course on vision mechanism and personal post-test interviews with the same subjects. The results show that 11 year old pupils employ the majority of the vision schemes that are seen on international bibliography, however the tend to use more the ones of “Sea of Light” and “Lighting an object”. The answers indicate that the schemes employed are not solid, neither throughout the different states of lighting, nor in the three-dimensional and two-dimensional world. Traditional teaching gives non-homogeneous results, thus does not contribute to mental progress.

Projeto e desenvolvimento de um sistema de gerenciamento remoto sem fio aplicado a iluminação / Project and development of a wireless remote management system applied to lighting

Vargas, Diogo Ribeiro 17 August 2012 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Today's light sources are expanding the application field of lighting systems for decorative, commercial and artistic purposes, in many areas, such as parks, gardens or parking. This paper presents the development of a management system applied to lighting based on power RGB LEDs, due to its great potential for use in outdoor decorative lighting. The proposed system is a low cost solution and presents the advantage of remote management of the lighting system on multiple interfaces, either on a dedicated device, as for portable devices, such as laptops, smartphones or tablets. After an analysis of currently lighting systems protocols, it is also proposed a new communication protocol for the developed system in order to get a reliable and robust solution. This work also presents the results of the proposed system, highlighting its main advantages and limitations. / Seja em parques, praças, jardins, centros de compras ou estacionamento, o campo de aplicação de sistemas de iluminação com fins decorativos, comerciais e artísticos, tem se expandido muito, principalmente, devido as fontes de luzes disponíveis atualmente. Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um sistema de gerenciamento aplicado à iluminação baseado em LEDs RGB de potência, devido seu grande potencial para uso em iluminação decorativa de ambientes externos. O sistema resultante é uma solução de baixo custo que apresenta um grande diferencial, a possibilidade de gerenciamento remoto em múltiplas interfaces, seja por um dispositivo dedicado, quanto por dispositivos portáveis, como notebooks, smartphones ou tablets. Além de se obter uma solução confiável e robusta, é desenvolvido também um protocolo de comunicação para o sistema proposto, após uma análise dos protocolos mais utilizados atualmente em sistemas de iluminação. Ao final deste trabalho são apresentados os resultados do sistema proposto, aonde também são levantadas as principais vantagens e limitações da solução apresentada.

“Pra Ver Pouquinho”: (Re)considerações sobre o olhar e o universo da iluminação cênica

Terra, Mariana January 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Glauber Assunção Moreira (glauber.a.moreira@gmail.com) on 2018-08-29T13:41:13Z No. of bitstreams: 3 CAPA DISSERTAÇÃO_MARIANA TERRA_2013_PDF.pdf: 116285 bytes, checksum: baf50ba711f37adf0644900f83a09dcf (MD5) AGRADECIMENTOS E SUMÁRIO DISSERTAÇÃO_MARIANA TERRA_2013_PDF.pdf: 140626 bytes, checksum: f472023f71796b7d89fcff7fb524591a (MD5) DISSERTAÇÃO_MARIANA TERRA_2013_PDF.pdf: 263168541 bytes, checksum: 0174e9dd540dc0aeb04c3aa988fe2dbe (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ednaide Gondim Magalhães (ednaide@ufba.br) on 2018-08-30T13:47:38Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 3 CAPA DISSERTAÇÃO_MARIANA TERRA_2013_PDF.pdf: 116285 bytes, checksum: baf50ba711f37adf0644900f83a09dcf (MD5) AGRADECIMENTOS E SUMÁRIO DISSERTAÇÃO_MARIANA TERRA_2013_PDF.pdf: 140626 bytes, checksum: f472023f71796b7d89fcff7fb524591a (MD5) DISSERTAÇÃO_MARIANA TERRA_2013_PDF.pdf: 263168541 bytes, checksum: 0174e9dd540dc0aeb04c3aa988fe2dbe (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-30T13:47:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 3 CAPA DISSERTAÇÃO_MARIANA TERRA_2013_PDF.pdf: 116285 bytes, checksum: baf50ba711f37adf0644900f83a09dcf (MD5) AGRADECIMENTOS E SUMÁRIO DISSERTAÇÃO_MARIANA TERRA_2013_PDF.pdf: 140626 bytes, checksum: f472023f71796b7d89fcff7fb524591a (MD5) DISSERTAÇÃO_MARIANA TERRA_2013_PDF.pdf: 263168541 bytes, checksum: 0174e9dd540dc0aeb04c3aa988fe2dbe (MD5) / Esta dissertação destina-se ao lançamento de pressupostos que pretendem provocar revisões do campo da iluminação cênica enquanto área artística de saberes especializados, os quais têm sua fundamentação em conhecimentos técnicos do mundo conjugados à experiência integral do corpo vivido (soma). O objetivo é propor ligações intencionais do sujeito observador à sua própria percepção visual, no sentido de acessar estados criativos de olhar. No âmbito desta pesquisa, entende-se que tanto o profissional da iluminação cênica quanto pessoas não especializadas da área são realizadores e co-criadores da aparência visual do que está em seu campo de visão e, portanto, iluminadores de seu próprio olhar. Abrem-se, com isso, as comportas das convencionais burilações do status de artista e espectador, obra de arte e cotidiano. Por uma abordagem somático-performativa de experiência artística e também de construção estrutural da escrita, considera-se a integração interno-externo da percepção visual como aquilo que estabelece outros parâmetros para compreender a iluminação cênica a partir de princípios que reorganizam seus saberes fundamentais: a luz, o olhar e o aspecto visível das coisas do mundo. O campo passa a ser entendido como uma multiplicidade variada e infinita de possibilidades artístico-criativas, não mais se limitando exclusivamente a suprir necessidades plástico-visuais de espetáculos cênicos. O texto é uma narração autobiográfica em que relato os percursos, crises, desvios e descobertas que levaram a tais afirmações; tratase, portanto, de uma obra em processo contínuo. Ferramentas metodológicas de imagens somático-performativas auxiliam na articulação e movimentação vívida das ideias dispostas. Este é um trabalho multirreferencial de autores, conceitos e obras artísticas. Os principais conceitos que apoiam as discussões são: performatividade, imagem somático-performativa, observador e espectador emancipado. Outros conceitos ainda aparecem como pilares de temas específicos, como é o caso de co-evolução entre luz e cena e olho variável. Os autores que fundamentam o trabalho para falar de iluminação cênica são Roberto Camargo e Richard Palmer. Para dar consistência às proposições lançadas auxiliam-me Ciane Fernandes, Richard Schechner, Eve Sedgwick, Andrew Parker, Jacques Rancière, Jonathan Crary, Jacques Aumont, Alva Nöe, Vilém Flusser e Italo Calvino, dentre outros que aparecem pulverizados ao longo da travessia. / This dissertation is intended to launch assumptions that pretend to provoke revisions of the field of stage lighting as an artistic specialized area that has its foundation in expertise about the technical knowledge of the world combined to fully experience of the living body (soma). The goal is to propose the observer's intentional connections to their own visual perception, been able to access states of creative look. Within this research it is understood that both the professional stage lighting artist and the inexperienced people in this specific area are achievers and co-creators of the visual appearance of what is in their field of vision, and therefore the lighting doers of their own look. From that the floodgates of convencional rummage through status of artist and spectator, artwork and everyday life get opened. By a somatic-performative approach to artistic experience and also structural construction of writing, the integration of the internal-external visual perception are considered the settings for other parameters to understand the stage lighting from principles that reorganize their fundamental knowledgement: light, the look and appearance of visible things of the world. The field becames understood as multiple variations and infinite possibilities of artistic creations, no longer limited solely to meet the plastic-visual needs of scenic spectacles. The text is an autobiographical narration of the routes, crises, detours and discoveries that led to such claims, so it is a work in continual process. Methodological tools of somatic-perforative images helps the articulation and vivid movement of the arranged ideas. This is a work of multi-referential authors, concepts and artworks. The main concepts that support the discussions are: performativity, somatic-performative image, observer and emancipated spectator. Other concepts also appear as pillars of specific topics, such as co-evolution between light and live scene and the variable eye. The authors that give the foundation to speak about stage lighting are Roberto Camargo and Richard Palmer. To give consistency to the propositions presented the ones that help me are Ciane Fernandes, Richard Schechner, Eve Sedgwick, Andrew Parker, Jacques Rancière, Jonathan Crary, Jacques Aumont, Alva Noë, Vilém Flusser and Italo Calvino, and yet some others that appear sprayed over the crossing.

Iluminação em salas de aula do Centro de Tecnologia da Universidade Federal da Paraíba: um estudo de caso

Lucena, Mariana Caldas Melo 24 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Viviane Lima da Cunha (viviane@biblioteca.ufpb.br) on 2016-07-12T12:20:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 5227373 bytes, checksum: 571f1e5ec7b6f117d7271856ad1e898b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-12T12:20:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 5227373 bytes, checksum: 571f1e5ec7b6f117d7271856ad1e898b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-24 / Educational issues have triggered much discussion in Brazil, where it has been put in question the quality of student performance, especially in public educational settings. In this research the issues related to visual comfort will be studied in order to characterize the performance of complementary natural and artificial lighting, aiming to evaluate the quantitative aspects (autonomy of natural light, daylight factor and static luminance), qualitative (uniformity and light output) identify factors that may contribute to or interfere with the lighting performance and assess the potential for reducing energy consumption in light of the availability of natural light in the classrooms of the Federal University of Paraiba Technology Center. The method adopted for the analysis of natural light behavior was the computer simulation, in which dynamic parameters analyzed were: Daylight factor and autonomy of natural light and the illuminance of artificial light as static parameter. From this, the surroundings were divided into zones of different levels of illumination, so that it was possible to identify where there is greatest need for additional artificial lighting use. To quantify the reduction potencial of the power consumption of the systems in relation to the proposed from the availability of light each environment studied were simulated in Daysim. Concluding that in all classrooms studied natural light does not have enough autonomy to achieve the illuminance levels recommended by the standard for educational environments, thus requiring an electrical lighting system that complements the light deficit, ie a system integrated natural light and artificial supplement. / As questões educacionais têm desencadeado muitas discussões no Brasil, onde tem sido colocada em pauta a qualidade do desempenho dos alunos, principalmente em ambientes educacionais públicos. Nesta pesquisa serão estudadas as questões relacionadas ao conforto visual, objetivando caracterizar o desempenho da iluminação natural e artificial complementar, visando avaliar os aspectos quantitativos (autonomia da luz natural, fator de luz do dia e luminância estática), qualitativos (uniformidade e eficiência luminosa), identificar fatores que possam contribuir ou interferir no desempenho da iluminação e avaliar o potencial de redução do consumo de energia em iluminar a partir da disponibilidade da luz natural nas salas de aula do Centro de Tecnologia da Universidade Federal da Paraíba. O método adotado para a análise do comportamento da luz natural foi a simulação computacional, em que os parâmetros dinâmicos analisados foram:fator de luz do dia e autonomia da luz natural e a iluminância da luz artificial como parâmetro estático. A partir disso, os ambientes foram divididos em zonas de diferentes níveis de iluminação, de forma que fosse possível identificar onde há maior necessidade de uso de iluminação artificial suplementar. Para quantificar o potencial de redução do consumo de energia dos sistemas existentes em relação aos propostos a partir da disponibilidade de luz de cada ambiente estudado foram feitas simulações no Daysim. Concluindo que em todas as salas de aula estudadas a luz natural não possui autonomia suficiente para alcançar os níveis de iluminância recomendado pela norma para ambientes de ensino, necessitando assim de um sistema de iluminação elétrica que complemente o déficit de luz, ou seja, um sistema integrado de luz natural e artificial complementar.

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