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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Eldsjälar och blomsterängar när välfärdsteknik möter silvervågen : En kvalitativ undersökning av det kommunala arbetet med eHälsa inom den svenska äldreomsorgen

Ghafouri, Shadan January 2020 (has links)
Den svenska välfärden och äldreomsorgen står inför en enorm utmaning vad avser en allt åldrande befolkning och att det kommer finnas fler äldre i behov av vård och omsorg, än vad det kommer finnas vårdutövare. Välfärdsteknik presenteras ofta som en lösning på detta för äldreomsorgen, vilket är något som ingår inom kommuners ansvar. Att välfärdsteknik måste implementeras inom både juridiska och etiska ramar samt främja god omsorg gör arbetet komplext. Dessutom kräver det handling från kommuner som redan arbetar med begränsade resurser. Kommunala beslutsfattare behöver således ta hänsyn till många aspekter vid frågor och beslut om välfärdsteknik inom äldreomsorgen, som i sin tur påverkar både kommuninvånare och det nationella arbetet med vision eHälsa 2025. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka kommuners tillämpning av välfärdsteknik inom äldreomsorgen samt, utifrån tjänstemäns perspektiv, belysa konkreta möjligheter och utmaningar med välfärdstekniken. Genom en kvalitativ forskningsmetod i form av intervjuer med fyra kommuner samt Socialdepartementet, har empiriskt underlag samlats in som sedan, i kombination med SOU 2020:14, analyserats med en teoretisk referensram bestående av institutionell logik och isomorfism. Resultatet indikerar på att de huvudsakliga institutionella logiker som genomsyrar tjänstemännens uppfattningar om välfärdsteknik inom äldreomsorg är byråkratisk logik, marknadslogik samt omsorgslogik. Slutsatsen är att kommuners tillämpning av välfärdsteknik för att bemöta den demografiska förändringen beror på befintlig kompetens, juridiska samt administrativa flaskhalsar och brist på samverkan mellan kommuner. Det finns däremot en vilja och ambition för kommuner att samverka, med andra ord att anta isomorfa tendenser, vilket kan gynna den byråkratiska logikens betoning på att erbjuda medborgare likvärdiga tjänster och dessutom bidra till marknadslogikens preferens om resurseffektivisering.

Att skapa plats för dans i den kreativa staden : Samspel mellan institutionella logiker i ett stadsplaneringsprojekt

Kretz, Emil, Lindblad, Alba January 2020 (has links)
As Stockholm grows many rent controlled facilities subsidized by the government are rapidly decreasing leaving culture operators struggling with increasing rents. At the same time the instrumental values of culture are increasing, taking a greater role in the strategic urban and city planning of Stockholm. Culture has economized, a development criticized by many who argue that the culture’s core values are being undermined by economic incentive. In the wake of these developments it seems as if a new interplay between private real estate companies, cultural operators and the public sector, rises. The creation of physical rooms for the cultural sector is determined by this interplay where the private real estate companies’ influence is becoming more prominent. Stockholm’s Cultural Administration (Kulturförvaltningen Region Stockholm) has noticed a power structure within this triangular interplay, where cultural operators are depended on the public- and the private sectors. Stockholm’s Cultural Administration points out that it is necessary for the cultural operators to “speak the language” the private real estate owners prefer, meaning translating cultural values into market values in order to obtain influence. To examine if this power structure exists and how it is constructed, a case study on the project Danskvarteret, has been done. Danskvarteret, initiated by the non-profit organisation Danscentrum Stockholm, is to become a dance hub for the free dance field. In the establishing phase the project group of Danskvarteret are in dialogue with the private real estate owner Atrium Ljungberg and with Stockholm’s Public Cultural Management (Stockholms stads kulturförvaltning). The purpose of this examination is to illustrate what institutional logics are in play in the establishment of Danskvarteret. Can it tell us something about what motives are behind creating physical space for culture? The study is based on an institutional and cultural theoretical frame along with secondary data from the three main actors in this project as well as a semistructured interview with the project leader of Danskvarteret. The results show that the three market actors: Danskvarteret (cultural operator), Atrium Ljungberg (private real estate owner) and Stockholms stads kulturförvaltning (public sector) have different motives and logics for creating Danskvarteret and that the cultural operator is forced to balance between these different motives and logics. The cultural operator is dependent on external finance, a dependency that pressures the cultural operator to give up its own logic and adapt to the superior logics pursued by the private and the public sectors who provide the necessary resources. In this particular triangular interplay cultural professional logics are set aside to make room for market logics in order to get the product finances, even though it may contradict the cultural operators’ innate beliefs. / När Stockholm stad växer byggs många kulturaktörer bort och allt fler har svårt att klara av de hyreshöjningar som skett de senaste åren. Billiga verksamhetslokaler försvinner i takt med att subventionerade lokaler som allmännyttan tillhandahållit minskat. Parallellt betonas kulturens instrumentella värden allt mer och kulturen utgör idag en central aspekt i olika stadsplaneringsstrategier. Kulturen har ekonomiserats vilket kritiserats hos många med argument att kulturens inneboende värde i hög grad underordnas ekonomiska incitament. Som effekt av dessa förändringar verkar det ha uppstått ett nytt typ av samspel, där etableringen av kulturella rum i högre grad avgörs i dialogen mellan tre aktörer - privata fastighetsbolag, kulturaktörer och den offentliga sektorn, där de privata fastighetsägarnas roll blivit allt mer framträdande. Kulturförvaltningen Region Stockholm har observerat en maktordning i detta triangulära samspel, där kulturaktörer är i beroendeställning till det offentliga och det privata, och från Stockholms stads håll konstateras att det är nödvändigt att kunna tala fastighetsägarnas språk i samspelet. Stämmer detta? För att undersöka detta har en fallstudie gjorts på projektet Danskvarteret som är tänkt att bli en dans-hub för det fria dansfältet. Projektet är initierat av den ideella dansorganisationen Danscentrum Stockholm. Under den pågående etableringsfasen är de i dialog med fastighetsägaren Atrium Ljungberg och Stockholms stads kulturförvaltning. Syftet är att belysa vilka institutionella logiker som format etableringsprocessen av Danskvarteret, samt vilka motiv som ligger bakom att skapa rum för kultur. Undersökningen har utgått från en institutionell- och kulturteoretisk ram och kvalitativa data har samlats in i form av sekundärdata från de tre aktörerna samt en semistrukturerad intervju som genomförts med projektledaren för Danskvarteret. Resultatet visar på att de tre aktörerna handlar utifrån olika logiker och motiv, och kulturaktören tvingas balansera mellan dessa. Den gemensamma målsättningen att skapa en publik verksamhet kan ses som ett exempel på hur konkurrerande logiker i viss mån överlappar i gemensamma projekt. Kulturaktören är beroende av externa finansieringskällor och detta resursberoende tvingar aktören att anpassa sig till andra logiker än de egna. Även om de själva inte präglas av en marknadslogik, utan en klar kulturprofessionell logik, anammas denna för att hitta medel för projektet.

Avståndet mellan de kommunala arbetsmarknadsenheterna och arbetsgivarna - Enligt arbetsgivarnas uttalande / The gap between the local labour market policy and employers – according to the employers statement

Stadig, Madeleine January 2022 (has links)
The local labour market policy in Sweden offers activities to unemployed people who need more competence to get self-sufficient. To get hired the unemployed people need employers who want to hire them. Employers’ perception of the activities from the local labour market policy is therefor crucial for the unemployed who take part in the activities. This master’s thesis aims to interview employers from low-skilled work and take part of their perception of the local labour market policy and their descriptions of their recruitment. This study is conducted via short telephone interviews with 277 employers in a county of Sweden. With a theoretical framework of institutional logics the result shows that there is a gap between the local labour market policy and the employers. The gap is visible mainly through the employers expression that the participants from the local labour market policy do not meet the employers requirements to be able to get hired. The employers seem to be governed by institutional logics such as market, individualization and to some extent also democratic logics.

"Ett plus ett blir tre" : En kvalitativ studie av idéburet och offentligt partnerskap ur ett relationellt perspektiv / “One plus one equals three” : A Qualitative Study of Civil Society Public Partnership from a Relational Perspective

Rosenberg, Rebecca, Cleyton Jørgensen, Christine January 2021 (has links)
Idéburet offentligt partnerskap (IOP) togs fram av intresseorganisationen Forum - idéburna organisationer med social inriktning 2010 som en partnerskapsmodell mellan idéburen ochoffentlig sektor. Partnerskapsmodellen bygger på en idé kring ömsesidig samverkan mellan den idéburna och offentliga organisationen. Syftet med uppsatsen är att utveckla forskningen kring relationen mellan de idéburna och offentliga aktörerna inom IOP. Forskningen kring denna partnerskapsrelation har hittills baserats på ett enskilt fall och har fokuserat på relationen i förhållande till upphandling. I uppsatsen undersöks relationen utifrån de teoretiska infallsvinklarna: institutionella logiker, makt och gränser, vilka har visat sig relevanta i samband med insamlingen av det empiriska materialet. Uppsatsen ämnar bidra till att utveckla en djupare förståelse för den specifika partnerskapsrelation som uppstår inom IOP och besvara frågeställningen hur samverkan mellan idéburna och offentliga aktörer möjliggörs ur ett relationellt perspektiv inom idéburet offentligt partnerskap. Resultatet i uppsatsen visar på att i den idéburna-offentliga relationen inom IOP-samverkan uppstår ett gränsland där det finns utrymme för samverkan och dialog kring målgruppen och verksamheten men även runt själva IOP-avtalet, som i sig utgör ett gränsobjekt som främjar gemensamt handlande. / Civil Society Public Partnership (CPP) was developed by Forum - idea-based organisations with a social focus in 2010 as a partnership model between the idea-based and the public sector.The partnership model is based on an idea of mutual collaboration between the idea-driven and public organization. The purpose of the thesis is to develop research on the relationship between the idea-driven and public actors within CPP. The research on this partnership relationship has so far been based on an individual case and has focused on the relationship in relation to procurement. The thesis examines the relationship based on the theoretical approaches: institutional logics, power and boundaries, which have proved relevant in connection with the collection of the empirical material. The thesis aims to help develop a deeper understanding of the specific partnership relationship that arises within CPP and answer the question of how collaboration between idea-driven and public actors is made possible from a relational perspective within idea-based public partnership. The results of the thesis show that in the idea driven public relationship within CPP collaboration, a borderland arises where there is room for collaboration and dialogue around the target group and the activity but also around the CPP agreement itself, which in itself constitutes a border object that promotes joint action.

Closed-World Semantics for Query Answering in Temporal Description Logics

Forkel, Walter 10 February 2021 (has links)
Ontology-mediated query answering is a popular paradigm for enriching answers to user queries with background knowledge. For querying the absence of information, however, there exist only few ontology-based approaches. Moreover, these proposals conflate the closed-domain and closed-world assumption, and therefore are not suited to deal with the anonymous objects that are common in ontological reasoning. Many real-world applications, like processing electronic health records (EHRs), also contain a temporal dimension, and require efficient reasoning algorithms. Moreover, since medical data is not recorded on a regular basis, reasoners must deal with sparse data with potentially large temporal gaps. Our contribution consists of three main parts: Firstly, we introduce a new closed-world semantics for answering conjunctive queries with negation over ontologies formulated in the description logic ELH⊥, which is based on the minimal universal model. We propose a rewriting strategy for dealing with negated query atoms, which shows that query answering is possible in polynomial time in data complexity. Secondly, we introduce a new temporal variant of ELH⊥ that features a convexity operator. We extend this minimal-world semantics for answering metric temporal conjunctive queries with negation over the logic and obtain similar rewritability and complexity results. Thirdly, apart from the theoretical results, we evaluate minimal-world semantics in practice by selecting patients, based their EHRs, that match given criteria.

Utvecklares delaktighet i beslut : En studie om utvecklares upplevelse av delaktighet i beslut inom långsiktiga projekt

Munoz, Roberto, Sylve, Alexander January 2021 (has links)
This paper examines developers' experience of participation in decisions through agile system development methods in long-term projects. Participation is meant as an opportunity for developers to influence and realize decisions in their work through independence and freedom. The research question reads as follows: "How are developers' perceived participation in decisions during long-term projects affected?". Through five qualitative interviews with developers from an international military company, institutional logics are used as a complementary theoretical framework and analytical support. Tensions between a professional logic and a management logic are indicated to be the two main logics that pressure developers' perceived participation in decisions over a long-term period. By combining development methods over time within long-term projects, daily follow-up varies and developers' perceived participation in decisions may be affected. Partial deliveries promote developers' perceived participation in decisions because developers can receive ongoing feedback on their decisions. Developers are required to make constant considerations in their decisions in order to achieve flexibility and meet requirements, but are limited by access to information due to defense-secrecy. / Uppsatsen undersöker utvecklares upplevelse av delaktighet i beslut genom agila systemutvecklingsmetoder inom långsiktiga projekt. Delaktighet avses som möjlighet för utvecklare att genom självständighet och frihet påverka samt realisera beslut i sin arbetssituation. Forskningsfrågan som tagits fram lyder enligt följande: “Hur påverkas utvecklares upplevelse av delaktighet i beslut under långsiktiga projekt?”. Genom fem kvalitativa intervjuer med utvecklare från ett militärt internationellt företag används institutionella logiker som ett kompletterande teoretiskt ramverk och analysstöd. Spänningar mellan en professionslogik och en management-logik indikeras vara de två huvudsakliga logiker som sätter press på utvecklares upplevelse av delaktighet i beslut under en lång tidshorisont. Genom att systemutvecklingsmetoder blandas över tid inom långsiktiga projekt varieras daglig uppföljning och utvecklares upplevelse av delaktighet i beslut kan komma att påverkas. Delleveranser främjar utvecklares upplevelse av delaktighet i beslut eftersom utvecklare kan få löpande återkoppling på sina beslut. Utvecklare erfordras göra ständiga avvägningar i sina beslut för att uppnå flexibilitet och möta krav, men begränsas av tillgång till information till följd av försvarssekretess.

Quantitative Variants of Language Equations and their Applications to Description Logics

Marantidis, Pavlos 10 October 2019 (has links)
Unification in description logics (DLs) has been introduced as a novel inference service that can be used to detect redundancies in ontologies, by finding different concepts that may potentially stand for the same intuitive notion. Together with the special case of matching, they were first investigated in detail for the DL FL0, where these problems can be reduced to solving certain language equations. In this thesis, we extend this service in two directions. In order to increase the recall of this method for finding redundancies, we introduce and investigate the notion of approximate unification, which basically finds pairs of concepts that “almost” unify, in order to account for potential small modelling errors. The meaning of “almost” is formalized using distance measures between concepts. We show that approximate unification in FL0 can be reduced to approximately solving language equations, and devise algorithms for solving the latter problem for particular distance measures. Furthermore, we make a first step towards integrating background knowledge, formulated in so-called TBoxes, by investigating the special case of matching in the presence of TBoxes of different forms. We acquire a tight complexity bound for the general case, while we prove that the problem becomes easier in a restricted setting. To achieve these bounds, we take advantage of an equivalence characterization of FL0 concepts that is based on formal languages. In addition, we incorporate TBoxes in computing concept distances. Even though our results on the approximate setting cannot deal with TBoxes yet, we prepare the framework that future research can build on. Before we journey to the technical details of the above investigations, we showcase our program in the simpler setting of the equational theory ACUI, where we are able to also combine the two extensions. In the course of studying the above problems, we make heavy use of automata theory, where we also derive novel results that could be of independent interest.

Kritiska faser i samverkan : En studie om logiker, spänningar och vakuum i institutioners samverkan kring skolgång för placerade barn och unga

Davén, Annika January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study is to contribute to an understanding of the need for collaboration in creating education plans and school placements for children and youth placed in out-of-home care. By interviewing nine representatives from social services, the municipal education department and primary and secondary schools, this study addresses tensions that arise in school planning in the critical phases for this target group: prior to placement in out-of-home-care and upon return home.Previous studies have found that children and youth placed in out-of-home care receive insufficient support for their education, and that collaboration functions better when the collaboration is well-anchored in organizational management, but worse, at an operational level, when there is less understanding of the collaborating partners’ competences and guidelines. This study has used the theory of institutional logics as a framework to highlight the material practices (routines and role descriptions) and symbolic constructions (intentions and values) that constitute each institution’s motive for organizational collaboration in providing schooling for children and youth in out-of-home-care. Through qualitative semi-structured interviews inspired by narrative method, it has emerged that social services are driven by an urgent logic, the education department by a judicial logic and the schools by both a pragmatic and a holistic logic. By creating procedures based on the interviewees' statements regarding prioritized tasks, the framework of institutional logics has clarified the tensions that arise when contrasting logics compete in the critical phases of child and youth placement. These tensions consist of a dichotomy between care and education, neither party seeing the entirety of the needs of the clients/students and shortcomings in communication. This study has also highlighted the presence of institutional voids in the collaboration process. There are elements in collaboration that the parties cannot influence, such as laws and guidelines on confidentiality, approaches to guardians of children and youth in placement as well as difficulties in collaborating with other municipalities as each one has different routines and expectations. / Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med kunskap om samverkan kring planering av skolgång och skolbyte för placerade barn och unga. Genom intervjuer med nio representanter från socialtjänst, utbildningsförvaltning och skola har denna studie kunnat presentera de spänningar som uppstår i planerandet av skolgång i de särskilt kritiska faserna inför en placering och när placerade flyttar hem igen.  Tidigare studier har funnit att placerade barn och unga inte får de förutsättningar de behöver för att klara skolan och att samverkan fungerar bättre när det är väl förankrat i ledningen men sämre på verksamhetsnivå där det finns mindre kunskap om samverkansparternas befogenheter och riktlinjer. Studien har använt teorin om institutionella logiker som teoretiskt ramverk för att synliggöra de materiella praxis (rutiner och rollbeskrivningar) och symboliska konstruktioner (intentioner och ingångsvärden) som utgör var samverkansparts rationalitet och motiv till samverkan inom det organisatoriska fält som är planering av skolgång för placerade barn och unga. Genom kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med inspiration av narrativ metod och tematisk analys har det framkommit att socialtjänsten drivs av en akut logik, utbildningsförvaltningen av en rättslig logik och skolan av både en pragmatisk och en holistisk logik. Genom att skapa gångordningar utifrån intervjupersonernas utsagor om prioriterade arbetsuppgifter i samverkan har logikerna kunnat synliggöra de spänningar som uppstår när logikerna möts i de kritiska faserna. Dessa spänningarna består av en dikotomi mellan behandling och utbildning, att ingen av parterna ser helheten i placerades ärenden och att det brister när det kommer till överlämning av information till varandra. Genom det teoretiska begreppet institutionella vakuum har studien synliggjort att det finns element inom samverkan som parterna inte kan påverka. Det gäller till exempel frågor om lagar och riktlinjer kring sekretess, förhållningssätt till vårdnadshavare samt svårigheten att samverka med externa kommuner när alla kommuner har olika rutiner och förväntningar.

Expressiveness and Decidability of Weighted Automata and Weighted Logics

Paul, Erik 19 October 2020 (has links)
Automata theory, one of the main branches of theoretical computer science, established its roots in the middle of the 20th century. One of its most fundamental concepts is that of a finite automaton, a basic yet powerful model of computation. In essence, finite automata provide a method to finitely represent possibly infinite sets of strings. Such a set of strings is also called a language, and the languages which can be described by finite automata are known as regular languages. Owing to their versatility, regular languages have received a great deal of attention over the years. Other formalisms were shown to be expressively equivalent to finite automata, most notably regular grammars, regular expressions, and monadic second order (MSO) logic. To increase expressiveness, the fundamental idea underlying finite automata and regular languages was also extended to describe not only languages of strings, or words, but also of infinite words by Büchi and Muller, finite trees by Doner and Thatcher and Wright, infinite trees by Rabin, nested words by Alur and Madhusudan, and pictures by Blum and Hewitt, just to name a few examples. In a parallel line of development, Schützenberger introduced weighted automata which allow the description of quantitative properties of regular languages. In subsequent works, many of these descriptive formalisms and extensions were combined and their relationships investigated. For example, weighted regular expressions and weighted logics have been developed as well as regular expressions for trees and pictures, regular grammars for trees, pictures, and nested words, and logical characterizations for regular languages of trees, pictures, and nested words. In this work, we focus on two of these extensions and their relationship, namely weighted automata and weighted logics. Just as the classical Büchi-Elgot-Trakhtenbrot Theorem established the coincidence of regular languages with languages definable in monadic second order logic, weighted automata have been shown to be expressively equivalent to a specific fragment of a weighted monadic second order logic by Droste and Gastin. We explore several aspects of weighted automata and of this weighted logic. More precisely, the thesis considers the following topics. In the first part, we extend the classical Feferman-Vaught Theorem to the weighted setting. The Feferman-Vaught Theorem is one of the fundamental theorems in model theory. The theorem describes how the computation of the truth value of a first order sentence in a generalized product of relational structures can be reduced to the computation of truth values of first order sentences in the contributing structures and the evaluation of an MSO sentence in the index structure. The theorem itself has a long-standing history. It builds upon work of Mostowski, and was shown in subsequent works to hold true for MSO logic. Here, we show that under appropriate assumptions, the Feferman-Vaught Theorem also holds true for a weighted MSO logic with arbitrary commutative semirings as weight structure. In the second part, we lift four decidability results from max-plus word automata to max-plus tree automata. Max-plus word and tree automata are weighted automata over the max-plus semiring and assign real numbers to words or trees, respectively. We show that, like for max-plus word automata, the equivalence, unambiguity, and sequentiality problems are decidable for finitely ambiguous max-plus tree automata, and that the finite sequentiality problem is decidable for unambiguous max-plus tree automata. In the last part, we develop a logic which is expressively equivalent to quantitative monitor automata. Introduced very recently by Chatterjee, Henzinger, and Otop, quantitative monitor automata are an automaton model operating on infinite words. Quantitative monitor automata possess several interesting features. They are expressively equivalent to a subclass of nested weighted automata, an automaton model which for many valuation functions has decidable emptiness and universality problems. Also, quantitative monitor automata are more expressive than weighted Büchi-automata and their extension with valuation functions. We introduce a new logic which we call monitor logic and show that it is expressively equivalent to quantitative monitor automata.

Extension pondérée des logiques modales dans le cadre des croyances graduelles / Modal logic weighted extensions for a graded belief framework

Legastelois, Bénédicte 30 November 2017 (has links)
Dans le domaine de la modélisation du raisonnement, plusieurs approches se basent sur les logiques modales qui permettent de formaliser le raisonnement sur des éléments non factuels, comme la croyance, le savoir ou encore la nécessité. Une extension pondérées de ces logiques modales permet de moduler les éléments non factuels qu'elle décrit. En particulier, nous nous intéressons à l'extension pondérée des logiques modales qui permet de formaliser des croyances graduelles : nous traitons des aspects sémantiques et axiomatiques ainsi que des aspects syntaxiques liés à la manipulations de telles croyances modulées. Ainsi, les travaux de cette thèse sont organisés en trois parties. Nous proposons, d'une part, une sémantique proportionnelle qui étend la sémantique de Kripke classiquement utilisée pour les logiques modales ; ainsi qu'une étude des axiomes modaux dans le contexte de cette sémantique des modalités pondérées. D'autre part, nous proposons un modèle ensembliste flou pour représenter et manipuler des degrés de croyances. Enfin, nous mettons en œuvre ces modèles théoriques dans deux applications : un outil de vérification de formules modales pondérées et un joueur artificiel pour le jeu coopératif Hanabi dont la prise de décision repose sur un raisonnement sur ses propres croyances. / In the field of reasoning models, many approaches are based on modal logics, which allow to formalise the non-factual reasoning, as belief, knowledge or necessity reasoning. A weighted extension for these modal logics aims at modulating the considered non-factual elements. In particular, we examine the weighted extension of modal logics for graded beliefs: we study their semantical and axiomatical issues related to manipulating such modulated beliefs. Therefore, this thesis works are organised in three parts. We first propose a proportional semantics which extends the Kripke semantics, classically used for modal logics. We also study modal axioms regarding the proposed semantics. Then, we propose a fuzzy set model for representing and manipulating belief degrees. We finally use these two formal models in two different applications: a model checking tool for weighted modal formulae and an artifical player for a cooperative game called Hanabi in which decision making is based on graded belief reasoning.

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