Spelling suggestions: "subject:"agogics"" "subject:"biogics""
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Hur uppnås balans i styrningen av en organisation med konkurrerande logiker? : En kvalitativ studie med fokus på straff och vårdLarsson, Patrik January 2019 (has links)
Syfte: Att med fokus på obalans och balans öka förståelsen för hur konkurrerande logiker hanteras i styrningen av kriminalvården i Sverige. Metod: Den kvalitativa studien genomfördes med en hermeneutisk utgångspunkt där 7 semi-strukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med öppna frågor, där den enskilde individen har fått beskriva sin upplevelse av straff och vård. Uppsatsen har en abduktiv ansats då en kontinuerlig växelverkan mellan teori och empiri har gjorts. En analys har sedan genomförts, baserat på det empiriska resultatet och den teoretiska referensramen. Resultat & slutsats: Ur organisationens perspektiv, uppnås balans mellan de konkurrerande logikerna straff och vård genom att anstalten försöker motivera klienterna till förändring i tankesätt och handlingsmönster, och erbjuder klienterna arbete, programverksamhet, utbildning, fritidsaktiviteter, och har samarbetsavtal med externa organisationer inför frihetsförberedande åtgärder som permissioner och utsluss. Uppsatsens bidrag: Studien har bidragit till ökad förståelse hur de konkurrerande logikerna straff och vård hanteras med hjälp av styrmedel, med fokus på obalans och balans. Ur studien framkom att den öppna anstalten omfattas av styrmedel som påverkar balansen mellan straff och vård, där obalans är dominerat av straff, balans mer balans mellan straff och vård. Studien kartlagde styrmedel som påverkar balansen mellan obalans eller balans, styrmedel som orsakar obalans, och styrmedel för att uppnå balans. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: En fördjupad studie hur styrmedel hanteras på en anstalt av högre säkerhetsklass med fokus på obalans och balans mellan de konkurrerande logikerna straff och vård, och jämföra med de resultat som framkommit i denna studie / Aim: Focusing at imbalance and balance increase the understanding of how competing logics is managed in the management by the correctional care in Sweden. Method: The qualitative study was made with a hermeneutic starting, with 7 semistructured interviews which were made, and where the individual respondents described their own experience of punishment and care. The paper uses an abductive approach where a continuous interaction between theory and empirical data has been used. The analysis was based on the empirical result and the theoretical frame of reference. Result & Conclusion: From the perspective of the organization, balance is achieved between the two competing logics “punishment” and “care” thanks to the prison trying to motivate the prisoners to change their thoughts and behaviours, and to offer the client work, different programs, education, leisure activity, and to have cooperation contracts with external organizations before freedom preparing actions like permissions. Contribution of thesis: The study has contributed to an increased understanding how the competing logics punishment and care manages with help by controls, focusing at imbalance and balance. Out of the study it emerged that the low-risk prison comprises by controls like affect the balance between punishment and care, where imbalance is dominated by punishment, balance more balance between punishment and care. The study maped controls which affect the balance between imbalance and balance, controls which cause imbalance, and controls to reach balance. Suggestions for future research: Further study would be how controls managing at a prison of higher security focusing on imbalance and balance between the competing logics of punishment and care, and compare the results with the results from this study.
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Využití vybraných metod umělé inteligence pro nalezení malých povodí nejvíce ohrožených povodněmi z přívalových dešťů / Use of selected artificial intelligence methods for finding small watersheds most at risk of flash floodsJežík, Pavel January 2016 (has links)
In our region, heavy rains may occur virtually everywhere. Nowadays there are instruments to predict these events in sufficient advance, but without precise localisation, which is a problem. Present instruments for searching endangered watersheds are focused on operative evaluation of meteorological situation and actual precipitation forecast processing (nowcasting). The thesis brings quite different approach. Potentially endangered areas are detected with evaluation of long-term statistical variables (N-year discharges and rain characteristics) and properties of specific watershed. The whole issue is handled out of situation of actual danger, this attitude is so called off-line solution. The thesis describes a model based on selected artificial intelligence methods. The model forms the core of final map application. The use of model and final application is supposed to be used in area of preventive flood protection, and related investment decision-making. The model focuses on heavy rains and flash floods.
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To and Fro Between Tableaus and Automata for Description LogicsHladik, Jan 14 November 2007 (has links)
Beschreibungslogiken (Description logics, DLs) sind eine Klasse von Wissensrepraesentationsformalismen mit wohldefinierter, logik-basierter Semantik und entscheidbaren Schlussfolgerungsproblemen, wie z.B. dem Erfuellbarkeitsproblem. Zwei wichtige Entscheidungsverfahren fuer das Erfuellbarkeitsproblem von DL-Ausdruecken sind Tableau- und Automaten-basierte Algorithmen. Diese haben aufgrund ihrer unterschiedlichen Arbeitsweise komplementaere Eigenschaften: Tableau-Algorithmen eignen sich fuer Implementierungen und fuer den Nachweis von PSPACE- und NEXPTIME-Resultaten, waehrend Automaten sich besonders fuer EXPTIME-Resultate anbieten. Zudem ermoeglichen sie eine vom Standpunkt der Theorie aus elegantere Handhabung von unendlichen Strukturen, eignen sich aber wesentlich schlechter fuer eine Implementierung. Ziel der Dissertation ist es, die Gruende fuer diese Unterschiede zu analysieren und Moeglichkeiten aufzuzeigen, wie Eigenschaften von einem Ansatz auf den anderen uebertragen werden koennen, um so die positiven Eigenschaften von beiden Ansaetzen miteinander zu verbinden. Unter Anderem werden Methoden entwickelt, mit Hilfe von Automaten PSPACE-Resultate zu zeigen, und von einem Tableau-Algorithmus automatisch ein EXPTIME-Resultat abzuleiten. / Description Logics (DLs) are a family of knowledge representation languages with well-defined logic-based semantics and decidable inference problems, e.g. satisfiability. Two of the most widely used decision procedures for the satisfiability problem are tableau- and automata-based algorithms. Due to their different operation, these two classes have complementary properties: tableau algorithms are well-suited for implementation and for showing PSPACE and NEXPTIME complexity results, whereas automata algorithms are particularly useful for showing EXPTIME results. Additionally, they allow for an elegant handling of infinite structures, but they are not suited for implementation. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the reasons for these differences and to find ways of transferring properties between the two approaches in order to reconcile the positive properties of both. For this purpose, we develop methods that enable us to show PSPACE results with the help of automata and to automatically derive an EXPTIME result from a tableau algorithm.
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Designing Common Good - Gemeinwohllogiken als Leitprinzipien für nachhaltige Design- und ProduktionskulturenFineder, Martina 30 June 2022 (has links)
Um entsprechend des Konferenzanliegens über ein Gleichgewicht zwischen Ressourcen, Umwelt und fair verteiltem Wohlstand nachzudenken, untersucht dieser Vortrag die Logiken der Commons als eine gemeinwohlorientierte Alternative und Ergänzung zu gewinnlogikorientierten Wirtschafts- und Produktionsweisen aus der Perspektive des Designs. Grundlage sind die Erkenntnisse aus dem Forschungsprojekt „Commons als Denkweise und Innovationsstrategie im Design. Von der Avantgarde zum neuen Industrieparadigma?“, welches von einer inter-disziplinären Forscher:innengruppe rund um das Institute of Design Research Vienna (IDRV)* durchgeführt wurde.
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A TASTE OF AI : An inquiry into the AI readiness of microbreweries / ETT SMAKPROV AV AI : En undersökning av mikrobryggeriers AI-beredskapBergsteinsson, Tyr, Strömmer, Elliot, Eriksson, Petter January 2023 (has links)
This thesis explores the challenges microbreweries face when implementing ArtificialIntelligence (AI) technologies and undergoing digital transformation, specifically focusingon the interplay between AI-readiness and institutional logics. By examining the AIreadiness framework proposed by Holmström (2022), the study aims to understand howmicrobreweries manage multiple logics in response to institutional complexity triggered byAI-initiatives. Data collection for this thesis was conducted through semi-structuredinterviews with employees of three different microbreweries in Sweden. These participantswere selected using purposive sampling to obtain a diverse range of perspectives on AIimplementation within the industry. The study demonstrates the importance of continuousadaptation and evaluation in integrating AI technologies into existing practices. It concludesthat organizations need to balance digital transformation with potential conflicts ininstitutional logics and develop strategies to integrate new technologies without disturbingtheir stability. For microbreweries, fostering open communication, collaboration, and ashared understanding of goals can mitigate potential barriers. Ultimately, recognizing andresolving conflicts allows organizations to leverage the transformative potential of AItechnologies and thrive in a competitive, technologically driven landscape.
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Mixing Description Logics in Privacy-Preserving Ontology PublishingBaader, Franz, Nuradiansyah, Adrian 30 July 2021 (has links)
In previous work, we have investigated privacy-preserving publishing of Description Logic (DL) ontologies in a setting where the knowledge about individuals to be published is an EL instance store, and both the privacy policy and the possible background knowledge of an attacker are represented by concepts of the DL EL. We have introduced the notions of compliance of a concept with a policy and of safety of a concept for a policy, and have shown how, in the context mentioned above, optimal compliant (safe) generalizations of a given EL concept can be computed. In the present paper, we consider a modified setting where we assume that the background knowledge of the attacker is given by a DL different from the one in which the knowledge to be published and the safety policies are formulated. In particular, we investigate the situations where the attacker’s knowledge is given by an FL0 or an FLE concept. In both cases, we show how optimal safe generalizations can be computed. Whereas the complexity of this computation is the same (ExpTime) as in our previous results for the case of FL0, it turns out to be actually lower (polynomial) for the more expressive DL FLE.
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The Most Boring Game in the World : A study of World of Warcraft as a means for social interactivity within an enclosed groupStone, Ludvig January 2023 (has links)
Gaming as an activity possesses many different facets (Sköld 2018: 134). One important yet relatively underexplored is the social facet, how the act of gaming is impacted by social rules and codes. Previous research on the topic is relatively limited and mainly performed retroactively on older game communities. The thesis addresses this lack of research by studying a community formed around World of Warcraft, a game that currently has an active player base. By specifically studying a World of Warcraft guild whose members define the guild by its social nature (Interview 1,2,3,4), this thesis provides a perspective on how the desire to maintain relationships impact how gaming is practiced and what is considered to be desirable behaviour among players. The thesis is based on material gathered in four interviews and two observations of guild members playing together. The interviews were primarily focused on discovering how the members experienced the guild and the game itself, and what they believed to be positive or negative behaviour. The observations were intended to study how the members interact in practice, how the ideas and notions that they mentioned in the interviews were expressed while playing. The analysis uses Political Discourse Theory (PDT) to connect the ideas, practices and terms used in both interviews and observations into a cohesive discourse. This discourse is then divided into specific traits that are seen desirable within different contexts. The thesis finds that being respectful of other guild members time is seen as the most important trait among players. This respect is primarily expressed through understanding that other members have lives outside of the game and therefore cannot devote the majority of their time to the game. If another player or even the game itself demands more from a member than they are able to give, it is seen as problematic. Accomplishing in-game goals is seen as fun, yet unimportant in comparison to maintaining a respectful social environment within the guild.
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"Check på den" : En studie om förskollärares förhållningssätt gentemot utvecklingssamtalSvärd, Julia, Bengtsson, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka informella och formella aspekterutvecklingssamtalet fyller inom förskolepedagogiken, vilket besvarasgenom forskningsfrågan: Vilka förhållningssätt till utvecklingssamtal kanurskiljas bland förskolepedagoger i en västsvensk kommun? Insamlandet avdet empiriska materialet har skett kvalitativt genom semistruktureradeintervjuer med sex förskollärare som är verksamma inom Halmstadkommun. Studiens resultat synliggör fyra teman; Förhållningssätt i formellasamtal; Utvecklingssamtalets syfte; Innehållets dilemma samt Oförutseddautmaningar. Resultatet visar på att samtliga förskollärare i Halmstadkommun delar snarlika förhållningssätt gentemot utvecklingssamtalet inomförskolepedagogiken. Det visar även på att barnens möjlighet till sitt egetsamtal ser olika ut, beroende på vilken förskola det handlar om. / The aim of the study is to investigate which informal and formal so calledprogress talks fill in regard to preschool pedagogy. This can be answeredthrough the following research question: What approaches to progress talkscan be distinguished among preschool teachers in a western Swedishmunicipality? The collection of the empirical material has taken placequalitatively through semi-structured interviews with six preschool teacherswho work at several schools in the Halmstad municipality. The results of thestudy highlighted four themes; Approach in formal conversations; Thepurpose of the development conversation; The content dilemma and finallyUnforeseen challenges. The results show that all preschool teachers in theHalmstad municipality share similar approaches to progress talks inpreschool pedagogy. It also shows that the children's opportunity for theirown conversation looks different, depending on which preschool it is about.
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On the Relation between Conceptual Graphs and Description LogicsBaader, Franz, Molitor, Ralf, Tobies, Stefan 20 May 2022 (has links)
Aus der Einleitung:
'Conceptual graphs (CGs) are an expressive formalism for representing knowledge about an application domain in a graphical way. Since CGs can express all of first-order predicate logic (FO), they can also be seen as a graphical notation for FO formulae. In knowledge representation, one is usually not only interested in representing knowledge, one also wants to reason about the represented knowledge. For CGs, one is, for example, interested in validity of a given graph, and in the question whether one graph subsumes another one. Because of the expressiveness of the CG formalism, these reasoning problems are undecidable for general CGs. In the literature [Sow84, Wer95, KS97] one can find complete calculi for validity of CGs, but implementations of these calculi have the same problems as
theorem provers for FO: they may not terminate for formulae that are not valid, and they are very ineficient. To overcome this problem, one can either employ
incomplete reasoners, or try to find decidable (or even tractable) fragments of the formalism. This paper investigates the second alternative.
The most prominent decidable fragment of CGs is the class of simple conceptual graphs (SGs), which corresponds to the conjunctive, positive, and existential fragment of FO (i.e., existentially quantified conjunctions of atoms). Even for this simple fragment, however, subsumption is still an NP-complete problem [CM92]. SGs that are trees provide for a tractable fragment of SGs, i.e., a class of simple conceptual graphs for which subsumption can be decided in polynomial time [MC93]. In this report, we will identify a tractable fragment of SGs that is larger than the class of trees.
Instead of trying to prove new decidability or tractability results for CGs from scratch, our idea was to transfer decidability results from description logics [DLNN97, DLNS96] to CGs. The goal was to obtain a \natural' sub-class of the class of all CGs in the sense that, on the one hand, this sub-class is defined directly by syntactic restrictions on the graphs, and not by conditions on the first-order formulae obtained by translating CGs into FO, and, on the other hand, is in some sense equivalent to a more or less expressive description logic.
Although description logics (DLs) and CGs are employed in very similar applications (e.g., for representing the semantics of natural language sentences), it turned out that these two formalisms are quite different for several reasons:
(1) conceptual graphs are interpreted as closed FO formulae, whereas DL concept descriptions are interpreted by formulae with one free variable; (2) DLs do not allow for relations of arity > 2 ; (3) SGs are interpreted by existential sentences, whereas almost all DLs considered in the literature allow for universal quantification; (4) because DLs use a variable-free syntax, certain identifications of variables expressed by cycles in SGs and by co-reference links in CGs cannot be expressed in DLs. As a consequence of these differences, we could not identify a natural fragment of CGs corresponding to an expressive DL whose decidability was already shown in the literature. We could, however, obtain a new tractability result for a DL corresponding to SGs that are trees. This correspondence result strictly extends the one in [CF98]. In addition, we have extended the tractability result from SGs that are trees to SGs that can be transformed into trees using a certain \cycle-cutting' operation. The report is structured as follows. We first introduce the description logic for which we will identify a subclass of equivalent SGs. In Section 3, we recall basic definitions and results on SGs. Thereafter, we introduce a syntactical variant of SGs which allows for directly encoding the support into the graphs (Section 4.1). In order to formalize the equivalence between DLs and SGs, we have to consider SGs with one distinguished node called root (Section 4.2). In Section 5, we finally identify a class of SGs corresponding to a DL that is a strict extension of the DL considered in [CF98].
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Att möta människan där den befinner sig : En kvalitativ studie om det skademinimernade arbetet i Bostad förstADIWA, ALICE January 2022 (has links)
Hemlösa personer med samsjuklighet sägs vara en av de mest utsatta målgrupperna inom socialt arbete. Då återfall är ett symtom av skadligt bruk och beroende har målgruppen haft betydande svårigheter att leva upp till nykterhetskraven som ställs inom traditionella insatser. Således har insatsen Bostad först tagits fram med en skademinskningspolicy som prioriterar minimering av de risker som är vanliga för målgruppen över nykterhetskrav. Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka praktiska erfarenheter av det skademinimerande arbetet i bostad först Data samlades in genom en kvalitativ fokusgruppsintervju med fyra socialarbetare som är anställda som Case managers inom ett svenskt Bostad först-projekt. En tematisk dataanalys gjordes med socialkonstruktionism och nyinstitutionell teori som teoretiskt ramverk. Resultaten visade på ett holistiskt synsätt på skadereducering men också att synen på skadereducering varierar starkt beroende på sammanhanget. Det framkom också att de motstridiga principerna om nolltolerans och skademinskning påverkar det professionella samarbetet på flera sätt. / Homeless persons with comorbidity are among the most vulnerable populations within social work. The relapsing nature of substance abuse has been a significant barrier to the traditional treatment/housing programs that build upon abstinence-based policies. Therefore, there has been a shift toward Housing First, a harm reduction policy that prioritizes the minimization of harms over abstinence. This study aims to explore practical experiences with the harm reduction approach within Housing First.Data was collected through a qualitative focus group interview with four employeeswithin a Housing First project in Sweden. The data was analyzed by a thematic analysis with social constructivism and new institutionalism as theoretical frameworks.The results showed a holistic approach to harm reduction but also that the view on harm reduction varies depending on the social context. It was also revealed that the conflicting principles of zero tolerance and harm reduction have affected professionalcollaboration in various ways
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