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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'école algérienne à l’épreuve de la violence : contribution à une compréhension du phénomène au sein de collèges constantinois / The algerian school in the event of the violence : contribution to an understanding of the phenomenon within middle schools (college) constantine region

Ghedir, Said 23 November 2012 (has links)
Aujourd’hui, la violence scolaire est souvent évoquée et invoquée. Elle retient l'attention de la communauté éducative et constitue une préoccupation majeure pour les politiques. Tout d'abord, parce qu’elle revêt divers aspects, quantitatifs et qualitatifs. Ensuite, parce qu'il existe une forte demande sociale et institutionnelle envers la cessation de cette violence sous toutes ses formes. En Algérie, ce phénomène n’est certes pas nouveau mais il a commencé à prendre de l’ampleur quelques années après le déclenchement d’une violence politique et criminelle sanglante (le terrorisme). Comment, et sous quelles formes, un tel phénomène se produit-il au sein de l’école algérienne ? Afin d’éclairer non seulement ses modalités, mais aussi ses enjeux et sa structure, nous nous sommes intéressé à la manière dont les différents acteurs de la communauté éducative se représentent la violence ainsi que sa genèse et son développement en prenant l’exemple de collèges constantinois. Cette recherche nous a permis, à travers une enquête par questionnaires et par entretiens menée auprès d’un échantillon de 545 personnes, dont 388 élèves et 157 adultes, de mieux comprendre le processus complexe de cette spirale et de mettre en exergue les perceptions de ces acteurs, eu égard à leurs logiques d’action. Les résultats ont mis en évidence le lien entre l’école et son environnement à la lumière d’une pluralité de variables telles que le contexte familial et urbain, le climat scolaire, la situation socio-économique, les groupes de pairs, les valeurs, les aspirations, l’usage de drogues. / Today, the school violence is often raised and invoked. It holds the attention of the educational community and is a major concern for the politics. First of all, because it covers various aspects, both quantitative and qualitative. Then, because there exists a strong social and institutional request toward the cessation of this violence in all its forms. In Algeria, this phenomenon is certainly not new, but it has begun to expand a few years after the outbreak of bloody political and criminal violence (the terrorism). How, and in which forms, such a phenomenon does it occur within the Algerian schools ? To clarify not only its modalities, but also its issues and its structure, we were interested in the way in which the various actors of the educational educative community represent violence as well as its genesis and its development by taking the example of middle schools (colleges) in the city of Constantine. This research has enabled us, through an investigation by questionnaires and interviews conducted with a sample of 545 people, among which 388 pupils and 157 adults, to better understand the complex process of this spiral and to put forward the perceptions of these actors, in view to their logics of action. The results highlighted the link between the school and its environment in the light of a plurality of variables such as the family and urban context, school climate, the socio-economic situation, peer groups, the values, aspirations, the use of drugs

Exploitation of University-Based Healthcare Innovations : The Behaviors of Three Key Actors and Influencing Factors

Brantnell, Anders January 2017 (has links)
Large resources are invested in healthcare research, but despite this there is a wide gap between research knowledge and healthcare practice. Implementation researchers have addressed this gap, focusing mostly on the role of healthcare practitioners. However, a narrow focus on implementation does not take into consideration the preceding stages and the roles of different actors during the whole innovation process, which starts from research and ends with implementation. The aim of this thesis is to examine the behaviors of three key actors during an innovation process and to explore the influence of selected contextual factors on their behavior. Study I (n=10 funders) identifies several facilitative roles for funders and suggests that implementation risks becoming no one’s responsibility as the funders identify six different actors responsible for implementation, the majority of whom embody a collective or an organization. Study II finds that the implementation knowledge of Swedish funding managers (n=18) is mostly based on experience-based knowledge. The majority of the funding managers define implementation as a process and express limited knowledge of implementation. The findings of Study III (n=4 innovation cases) show that the roles and involvement of academic inventors and ISAs (innovation-supporting actors) are more connected to intellectual property (IP) nature than to intellectual property rights (IPR) ownership. Study IV (n=4 innovation cases) identifies three different logics that influence the behavior of academic inventors: market, academic and care logics. A pattern emerges where the behavior of academic inventors is guided by a unique logic and there is no interaction between logics, despite the existence of multiple logics. The individual strategies to handle multiple logics coincide with the influence of logics. In addition, IP nature, distinguishing between high-tech and low-tech innovations, is connected to the influence of institutional logics: low-tech connected to the care logic and high-tech connected to the market logic. This thesis has three main theoretical and practical implications relevant for practitioners, policymakers and researchers. First, implementation responsibility is an important issue to study and discuss, because without clearly defined responsibilities and management of responsibilities, responsibility might become no one’s responsibility. Second, the finding that experience-based implementation knowledge contributes heavily to policymakers’ knowledge encourages further studies and discussions regarding this relatively neglected issue. Third, the importance of IP nature in shaping innovation processes should be considered and further examined, not only as a factor influencing inventors and ISAs’ roles and involvement, but also as influencing the prevalence of different institutional logics. Further, the relevance of a distinction between low-tech and high-tech IP should be reflected on.

Du capital humain aux capabilités : une analyse des parcours de validation des acquis de l'expérience / From the human capital to capability : an analysis of individual pathways within the french process of accreditation of prior experience

Lecourt, Anne-juliette 28 October 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse les parcours individuels de Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience (VAE), dirigés vers une certification de niveau V. Visant à lutter contre les inégalités d’accès à la certification, nous supposons que la création d’un tel droit individuel, confortant la responsabilité de l’individu quant à la valorisation de son expérience, ne fait pas de ce droit une réalité pour tous.L’objectif est d’observer les phénomènes de différenciation du déploiement de la VAE. Nous avons enrichi les hypothèses ressourcistes et utilitaristes empruntées aux théories du marché du travail (Théories du Capital Humain et du Signal), en soulevant la question de la mise en œuvre réelle de ce droit, et en interrogeant autrement la notion d’expérience. En conséquences, dans la perspective de l’Approche par les Capabilités, nous construisons un modèle d’analyse original qui permet d'examiner dans quelles mesures les parcours individuels en VAE dépendent, non pas seulement d’une évaluation de l’expérience exprimée en nombre d’années, comme on l’entend au sein des Théories du Capital Humain et du Signal, mais également de facteurs personnels, environnementaux et sociaux, objectifs et subjectifs. Ces facteurs de conversion environnementaux, sociaux et individuels déterminent la mise en œuvre des ressources et des droits, dont dispose le candidat au sein du dispositif. Cet ensemble forme une structure de contraintes et d’opportunités et dessine le parcours des candidats. L’expérience est multidimensionnelle et diffuse à travers l’ensemble de ces éléments ; on parle d’ensemble expérientiel. Les estimations de la probabilité de validation (versus abandon ou aucune validation) à l’issue du parcours VAE, réalisées à partir de l’enquête DARES-DREES, tendent à confirmer notre modèle et met en exergue des inégalités qui étaient jusque là invisibles, sur-estimées ou sous-estimées, dans le cadre d’une analyse en terme de Capital Humain et de Signal. / This thesis analyses the individual pathways within the process of accreditation of prior experience (VAE), fighting inequalities of qualification access. This new right makes people responsible to put work experience to advantage, through getting qualification on the basis of work and individual experience, without education. But, to open up a new legal way doesn’t make this right a reality. The aim is to observe phenomena of differentiations relative to the display of the VAE. We have enrich ressourcist and utilitarist hypothesis, which have been derived from labour market theories (Human Capital and Signalling Theories). We ask the question of the real display of the individual right of VAE and the notion of experience. Consequently, from the Capability perspective, we built an original framework to understand in what extent individual pathways depend on personal, environmental and social factors, not only experience which is expressed in number of years, as a rule in the Human Capital and Signalling Theories. These environmental, social and individual conversion factors establish the display of individual resources and rights within the VAE process. This set forms an individual structure of constraints and opportunities and determines the individual pathways. The Experience is multidimensional and diffused through these elements.This model, based on a national survey, highlights existence of different types of individual logics of choices, which means different real possibilities of actions, more or less constricted, and underlines overestimated, underestimated and invisible inequalities.

Välja vara : En studie om gymnasieval, mässor och kampen om framtiden / Choosing Subjects : A Study on Upper Secondary School Choice, School Fairs and the Battle for the Future

Harling, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Avhandlingen kartlägger och analyserar i fyra empiriska artiklar hur elevsubjekt konstrueras i skolans vardag och vilken roll marknadens principer spelar i dessa konstruktioner. I synnerhet fokuseras vilka logiker som konstituerar gymnasievalets praktiker, samt hur dessa legitimeras, tolkas och utmanas. Resultatet visar att gymnasievalets praktiker delar upp både nuet och framtiden för eleverna, som valet mellan en uttalad utopi eller en underförstådd dystopi, där eleverna i hög grad själva görs ansvariga för att lyckas eller misslyckas med att förverkliga den utopi som iscensätts i valets praktiker. Denna uppdelning framstår för aktörerna till stor del som naturlig och apolitisk, vilket i sin tur legitimerar dess effekter i termer av exkludering, ojämlikhet och segregering, ofta på basis av social klass. Den marknadsstyrda skolans diskurser konstruerar och delar också upp eleverna som om de vore varor med olika värde. Begreppet fantasmatiska logiker kan förklara hur elever greppas av  marknadsliknande diskurser, samt hur de hanterar motsägelsefulla villkor. Exempelvis hur gymnasievalet för eleverna både innebär att förändras och bli vad man vill, samtidigt som man formas att bli mer av den man redan är, genom att välja att vara den man är. Elevernas problematisering och destabilisering av dominerande marknadslogiker i skolan förekommer i alla undersökta sammanhang, och beskrivs i avhandlingen som både genomskådanden och ifrågasättanden av hur skola och utbildning kopplas samman med marknadens logiker. Genom att genomskåda gymnasievalets förmenta neutralitet synliggör eleverna hur marknadsstyrningen av utbildning i allmänhet och iscensättningen av mässorna i synnerhet tycks ligga i skolornas, snarare än elevernas intresse. / The thesis explores and analyzes in four empirical articles how student subjects are constructed in everyday school life and what role market principles play in these constructions. In particular, it focuses on the logics that constitute upper secondary school choice practices, and how these are legitimized, interpreted and challenged. The results show that upper secondary school choice practices divide the present and the future of the students as the choice between an explicit utopia and an implied dystopia. Here, the students themselves are made responsible for their success or failure in realizing the utopia that is staged in school choice practices. This division generally appears to the actors as natural and apolitical, which in turn legitimizes its effects in terms of exclusion, inequality and segregation, often on the basis of social class. Furthermore, the market-driven school discourses construct and divide the students as if they were commodities of different value. The notion of fantasmatic logics can explain how students are gripped by market-driven discourses and how they handle contradictory conditions. For instance, it explains how, for students, school choice means they can transform and become who they want to be, while at the same time they can also become more of what they already are, by choosing to be who they are. Students, however, problematize and destabilize dominant market logics in the school in all examined contexts, which in the thesis is analyzed in terms of penetrations and destabilizations of how schools and education are linked to the market logics. By penetrating the presupposed neutrality of secondary school choice practice, the students expose how the market orientation of education in general and the staging of school fairs in particular appear to be in schools’, rather than students’, interest.

Policy Integration for Sustainable Transport Development : Case Studies of Two Swedish Regions / Integration av policyprocesser mellan sektorer och nivåer för hållbar transportutveckling : två fallstudier av svenska regioner

Eriksson, Linnea January 2016 (has links)
It has been argued that for the management of complex issues such as sustainability, which transcend traditional policy sectors and require coordination between several different interests and actors, policymaking depends upon collaboration and integration processes between different sectors and tiers of government. The overall aim of this thesis is therefore to study how and why (or why not) policy integration processes are being developed in regional policymaking and what this means for the achievement of sustainable transport. The thesis consists of two separate qualitative case studies of policymaking in two Swedish regions, one representing a least likely case and the other a most likely case of policy integration. The focus has been on the organizational actors involved in policymaking processes for the regional transport system. For the general discussion the theoretical framework of policy integration, complemented by the analytical concepts of policy logics, organizational identities and boundary object are used. The findings are presented in four articles. An overall conclusion is that policy integration processes do not necessarily result in policy for sustainable transport. If policy integration becomes a goal in itself and the same as joint policy, it risks neglecting sustainable values and becoming the smallest common denominator that a number of actors can agree on. For developing sustainable transport solutions, collaboration for the coordination of policy may be beneficial, but the aim of such processes should not be joint policy. / För att beslut och riktlinjer ska kunna utformas så att de leder till lösningar av komplexa frågor, såsom hållbar utveckling, anses de behöva hanteras i samverkan mellan flertalet berörda sektorer och beslutsfattande nivåer. Det är dessa samverkansprocesser, beskrivna som integration under policy processer, som den här avhandlingen analyserar. Syftet är att studera om och hur integrerade regionala policyprocesser förekommer, hur de utvecklas samt deras betydelse för att åstadkomma ett hållbarare transportsystem. Detta undersöks genom kvalitativa fallstudier av två olika svenska regioner som representerar ett minst och ett mest troligt fall av integration av policy. Fallstudierna görs i regionerna Stockholms län och Västra Götalands län. Dessa två fall representerar dessutom två helt olika typer av regionala organisationer, vilket gör att de utgör underlag till, inte bara en diskussion om hållbara transporter, utan också om utvecklingen av den svenska regionala förvaltningsnivån. För analys används teori kring integration av policy och tre huvudsakliga analytiska begreppsansatser: policylogiker, organisationsidentiteter och gränsobjekt. Resultaten presenteras i fyra separata artiklar och dessa diskuteras tillsammans i den inledande kappan. I studien konstateras att integration av policysektorer och förvaltningsnivåer inte nödvändigtvis leder till transportlösningar som är mer hållbara. Beslut om en gemensam policy över sektorer och nivåer riskerar bli urvattnad eftersom det är många aktörer som ska komma överens. Samverkan för att samordna olika mål och intressen visar sig i huvudsak vara viktigt för att styra mot ett hållbart transportsystem, men det innebär inte att gemensam policy bör vara målet. Därutöver belyser studien hur olika organisationsformer på regional nivå påverkar regionala beslutsprocesser och hanteringen av hållbar transportutveckling.

我國高階文官制度之研究-法制研究途徑 / The Legal Approach to the Study on the Institution of Senior Civil Service in Taiwan

張騰亞, Chang, Teng Ya Unknown Date (has links)
文官體制為體現國家公權力的表徵,文官系統則為落實政策的團隊,面對現代政府複雜而多元的治理情境,考量文官結構中的「高階文官」位居銜接政務官與事務官的關鍵階層,同時肩負政治角色、管理角色與專業行政角色,對於國家公共政策績效影響甚鉅。是以,為提升我國高階文官核心職能,有必要探討現行高階文官法制,並做為未來擘劃「高階主管特別管理制度」的基礎。 為達成本研究之目的,本研究所處理的問題包含:現行各國高階文官法制及實施成果;他國實施高階文官專法之原因、做法和推動成果;我國訂定高階文官專法所選擇的制度邏輯與立法原因;而為達成我國訂定專法之目的,相關制度內容應如何設計?在專法制定與推動過程中,可能碰到哪些阻礙?又應如何解決? 本研究運用文獻分析法,爬梳現行各國實施高階文官制度及高階文官專法的內容與情形,並歸納3項制度邏輯及相應的立法原因,進而提出6項高階文官專法的法制項目:法制編制、甄選任用、訓練發展、績效待遇、陞遷退離、政務-事務關係。此外,應用深度訪談法瞭解我國高階文官專法相關規劃人員、人事主管、高階文官,以及高階文官業務重要相關人員等對於我國高階文官制度的想像,從中勾勒出未來我國訂定高階文官專法的輪廓。 本研究運用前揭研究方法,歸納10項研究發現: 1.他國實施高階文官專法原因與作法歸納;2.高階文官制度邏輯決定立法原因與制度內容;3.臺灣高階文官專法主要是為創造合作文化;4.高階文官培養歷程應納入「職位制」思維;5.高階文官專法適用職務範圍仍未達成共識;6.高階主管職位開放遴用規範仍需細緻化;7.高階文官發展性訓練與人才庫應結合部分強制任用;8.應發展客觀並重視團體績效的考核方法;9.績效待遇結合績效管理計畫及契約任期制度;10.院際間對專法關鍵項目仍需協商以獲支持。 本研究對上開研究發現提出相應政策建議: 1.確認臺灣高階文官專法制度邏輯與立法原因;2.高階文官專法適用職務範圍分階段納入;3.小規模試辦高階主管職位開放制度;4.強化發展性訓練及人才庫之訓用連結;5.績效待遇機制結合績效管理計畫、6.建構院際合作機制以促進高階文官之政策溝通。 期望藉由本研究對高階文官制度及專法在理論面向與實務經驗的歸納與分析結果,對於未來我國規劃高階文官專法政策能夠略盡貢獻。 / The civil institution is an embodiment that government to exercise of public authority; the civil system is a team to implement their policies. When the modern government to face the complicated and pluralistic situation to govern, we must discuss the ability of our senior civil servant due to they are the key node to play three roles, including politics, management and administrative specific. The aim of this research is to gain a better understanding of the legal institution of Senior Civil Service(SCS), and the results of this research would become a basic to legislate the Senior Executives Administration System in Taiwan. To achieve the goal of this study, there are some problems to deal with, such as the institutional logics and the legislative purposes; the other countries’ legislation and outcomes of SCS, and the reason why we choose to legislate the SCS and how to enact it. This research takes legal approach and using the Documentary Analysis to explore the results of the other countries to implement SCS, and this thesis distributed three institutional logics and the corresponding causes. Furthermore, there are six legislative subjects of SCS: 1. The system of staffing classification; 2. Recruitment; 3. Training & Development; 4. Performance Related Pay; 5. Promotion & Withdrawal; 6. Politics-Administration Relations. This study applies the in-depth interviews to realize and gather the opinions and suggestions of the important relevant persons how to consider the SCS. The interviewee such as the law-makers, the personnel leaders of the government, senior civil servants and councilors, etc. Conclusions were made based on the research results, and contributed 10 findings: 1.Summarizing the current institution of the nations have enacted the special norms of Senior civil servant ; 2. The Institution logics decides the legislative purposes and the context of act; 3.The main subject of SCS in Taiwan is mainly to create the collaboration culture in the civil system; 4.The development process of senior civil servant should take the thinking of “Position System” instead of “Career System”; 5.The range to implement SCS does not reach a consensus yet in Taiwan; 6.The prescript of the open recruitment is lack of the widely discussion; 7.The TOP(Take Off Program for Senior Civil Service) is inefficient the link between promotion and recruitment of SCS; 8.The skills of performance evaluation should consider highly of the performance of the group(or team); 9.The Performance Related Pay(PRP)should combine the performance agreement and the terms of contract of SCS; 10.The Examination Yuan should to negotiate the core subjects of SCS between the different departments to get their supports. This research makes six policy suggestions to reach the conclusions above:1. To confirm the institution logics and legislative purposes of SCS in Taiwan;2. The range of open recruitment of SCS should enact with the different phase; 3. The open positions for external competitor could implement to specific positions in the beginning; 4. To improve the linkage of developmental training between promotion and recruitment; 5. The mechanism of performance pay should combine the plan of performance agreement; 6.To enhance the quality of collaborative mechanism of Intergovernmental Relations to advance the useful consensus of SCS in Taiwan.

Les politiques publiques locales de développement par l’attractivité des territoires / Local public policies of development by the attractiveness of territories

El Harchaoui, Abdelouafi 14 February 2014 (has links)
Les lois de la décentralisation ont métamorphosé l'interventionnisme public en termes d'acteurs, de contenus et de méthodes. Les collectivités territoriales ont, ainsi, pu mettre en oeuvre, pour développer leur territoire, des politiques d'attractivité dans le cadre de la libre administration. Les principes de libre administration et d'autonomie, fondements, même relatifs, des pouvoirs locaux, ont entrainé à la fois un changement dans les rapports collectivités territoriales - pouvoir central et collectivités entre elles-mêmes ; et un foisonnement des projets et des instruments de mise en oeuvre des politiques publiques. Bien que les politiques locales de développement soient réalisées dans un cadre juridique constitutionnel, légal et règlementaire, leur complexité interroge l'imbrication des responsabilités, et la cohérence et la cohésion des mécanismes de leur élaboration et de leur mise en oeuvre. La dimension juridique recoupe ainsi d'autres considérations politiques et économiques qui interviennent dans la construction d'une politique territoriale. / The laws of decentralization have transformed public interventionism in terms of actors,content and methods. Local authorities have thus implemented attractiveness policies in thecontext of self-government to develop their territory. The principles of self-government and autonomy, foundations of local government, have led to both a change in their relationship with the central government and the proliferation of projects and instruments of implementation of public policies. Although local development policies are carried out in a constitutional, legal and regulatory legal framework, their complexity calls into question thelinks between responsibilities, and the coherence and cohesion of the mechanisms of their development and implementation. This legal dimension intersects with other political and economic considerations in the construction of a territorial policy.

Comportements stratégiques et changements institutionnels lors du processus initial d'accréditation internationale AACSB (2003) : le cas d'une Business School universitaire française : l'EM Strasbourg / Strategics behaviors and institutional changes during the initial AACSB accreditation process (2003) : the case study of a French University Business School : EM Strasbourg Business School

Bouteraa, Fatiha 27 September 2017 (has links)
Les objectifs de la thèse sont de comprendre : 1) les mécanismes de diffusion, d’adoption et d’institutionnalisation des accréditations internationales, 2) les comportements stratégiques mobilisés à l’égard notamment du processus initial d’accréditation institutionnelle AACSB, 3) les réponses stratégiques et organisationnelles pour gérer les demandes institutionnelles conflictuelles provoquées par les injonctions des 21 standards AACSB (2003) et 4) les changements opérés en vue de l’alignement aux injonctions du processus initial prescrit et des 21 standards AACSB (2003). Dans une perspective néo-institutionnaliste, nous mobilisons un cadre d’analyse alliant les comportements stratégiques et le changement institutionnel. Pour répondre aux objectifs de la recherche, une étude de cas longitudinale rétrospective et en temps réel sur 15 ans d’une business school universitaire française est menée. Les résultats de la recherche permettent d’enrichir notamment le cadre d’analyse d’Oliver (1991) d’une sixième réponse stratégique et de trois tactiques dans le cas d’un processus initial d’accréditation institutionnelle AACSB. / This research aims to understand: 1) the mechanisms of diffusion, adoption and institutionalization of international accreditations, 2) the strategic behaviors adopted to respond to the initial AACSB accreditation process, 3) the strategic and organizational responses to the conflictual demands originated by the 21 AACSB 2003 standards and 4) the changes occurred in order to ensure the organizations’ alignment to the 21 AACSB 2003 standards and to the required process.Based on a neo-institutional perspective, we used two conceptual frameworks about strategic responses and institutional change. In order to comply with our objectives, we have conducted a 15-year longitudinal case study both retrospectively and in real time within the only French business school operating inside a university. The principal result of the research is the identification of a 6th new strategic response for Oliver’s (1991) framework as well as three tactics to be adopted in the initial AACSB accreditation process.

The Dynamics of Incomplete and Inconsistent Information : Applications of logic, algebra and coalgebra / La dynamique de l'information incomplète et incohérente : applications de la logique, de l'algèbre et de la coalgèbre

Bakhtiarinoodeh, Zeinab 05 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse est structurée autour de deux axes d’études : (1) développer des logiques épistémiques formalisant la prise en compte de nouvelles données en présence d'informations incomplètes ou incohérentes ; (2) caractériser les notions de bisimulation sur les modèles de ces nouvelles logiques. Les logiques modales utilisées pour formaliser des raisonnements dans le cadre d’informations incomplètes et incohérentes, telle que la logique modale de contingence, sont généralement plus faibles que les logiques modales standards. Nos travaux se basent sur des méthodes logiques, algébriques et co-algébriques / In this Ph.D. dissertation we investigate reasoning about information change in the presence of incomplete or inconsistent information, and the characterisation of notions of bisimulation on models encoding such reasoning patterns. Modal logics for incomplete and inconsistent information are typically weaker than the standard modal logics, such as the modal logic of contingency. We use logical, algebraic and co-algebraic methods to achieve our aims. The dissertation consists of two main parts. The first part focusses on reasoning about information change, and the second part focusses on expressivity and bisimulation. In the following, we give an overview of the contents of this dissertation

Självpresentationernas logiker : en tematisk studie av gymnasieskolors identitetsskapande på webben

Gustrén, Cia January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this licentiate thesis is to examine the means of self-presentation on the websites of 18 upper secondary schools in Sweden. This empirical material may be referred to as a kind of marketing since they render a highly idealized image of schools. To some extent they exaggerate what school is about, as a way for schools to promote themselves as well as to maintain their hold on the market. Self-presentations thus play an important role in the struggle to attract prospective students and keep these enrolled. The fact that self-presentations refer to schools and not companies in general—although several schools certainly strive to define themselves as such—indicates that self-presentations are not like any other marketing practice. They can also be read as a kind of imaginative documents. In this capacity, self-presentations do not only express what school is or may be interpreted as, but foremost how it envisions itself in the future. The material underlying the study consists of a selection of excerpts that were collected from the schools' webpages at different points of time during the years 2011/2012 and 2016/2017. This allowed me to study both continuities and change in the way schools are presented online. In this study, schools' self-presentations are analyzed thematically in combination with Jason Glynos and David Howarth's so called logics approach, which has been developed out of poststructuralist discourse theory and its ontological assumptions. A logic may be understood in this case as a rule or pattern governing the way a phenomenon like school is constituted. As a research strategy, logics have helped me explore, step by step, the conditions of possibility as well as impossibility of identity-formation processes. I mainly deal with four logics that comprise the overarching principles that structure what it means to be a school: business adaptation, academization, individualization and social responsibility. The empirical study thus consisted in setting out the social, political and fantasmatic aspects of these logics—which consequently served to thematically analyze the contemporary identity-formation on schools' websites. Social aspects have been a descriptive tool to study what characterizes school as presented in the empirical material, whereas political and fantasmatic aspects refer to analytical and critical perspectives. The aim has been to illuminate not only the way schools' identities are organized but also how and why this happens – in other words, what logics do to the identity-formation of schools. Importantly, the logics in question are interrelated and work together at the same time as they 'struggle' over the significance of being a school. As I argue, the identity-formation of upper secondary schools can hence be perceived as crisscrossed by competing and complementary logics that all make certain claims as to what a school is supposed to be (or not). The main task of a traditional Swedish school has been to foster democratic members of society. The findings of my study, however, question such a general understanding. In my empirical material a self-referential meaning of school rather emerges with the purpose to produce good employees; that is, a competent work-force willing to submit to the norms and values of the corporate sector. Subsequently, the boundaries between school and the surrounding world are also increasingly loosened, as business is brought into the classroom and made a premise of learning and development in accordance with the needs and interests of the labor market. However, this replacement of a traditional school is only partial. Since schools are equally dependent on the societal tradition to appear as legitimate and credible alternatives on the educational arena they cannot wholeheartedly commit themselves to a corporate identity. Hence, self-presentations often indicate a struggle to be different enough to stand out from the host of other schools, but also to be similar enough to be considered a 'proper' school. This licentiate thesis has in common with previous studies that statements about qualification and employability measures have indeed increased. A corresponding decline of statements about active citizenship and critical thinking could not be detected – but then again, educational-political aspects confirm that a traditional school may be understood as a background against which an alternative school is formed. This is a conclusion which is consistent with the findings of previous studies on school and education policy.

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