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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kammar från Mälardalen AD 350-600 : kammar från gravfält i Uppland, Södermanland och Västmanland : utformning, kontext och kronologi

Brynja, Elisabeth January 1998 (has links)
No description available.

DÄRFÖR UPPSALA : Utdrag, iakttagelser och resultat från studien MED UPPSALA I CENTRUM.Uppsalaområdet under bronsålder och äldre järnålder in i vendeltid. En arkeologisk förhistoria baserad på områdets miljöförutsättningar och en GIS-utvecklad kartvärld med Mälardalen, Östersjöbäckenet och Europa som bakgrund.

Landström, Lars E. January 2012 (has links)
The study describes and explains the geographical, economic and political development in theUppsalaarea from the Bronze age to the Vendel Period. The landscape development was central. In the 1990s 14C datings made it possibly to create maps of this using GIS. The area contains forty thousand known constructions. When plotted they provide a picture of the area use. Together with information regarding the climate, pollen analyses and the external economic and political development, conditions was discerned. The key to the development was the position at the edge of the expanding mainland. The vicinity to earlier cultures, the River Dalälven and Åland together with possible contacts with southern cultures were significant.  In Periods III-IV led unrest to collaboration and the markings of territories. Cairns, hill forts, large stone settings and the great cult house in Håga were constructed. The Håga mound was probably an attempt to retain the old order. Towards the end of the Bronze Age, the collaboration withered and there are indications of border zones.   The boat-development around AD 0 expanded the contacts, mainly through long-distance travel for catching herring or seal. Although agriculture provided a basis for subsistence in the area and increased, it was not dominating. Fishing, hunting and gathering together played an equal role. The organized long-distance trade was limited. Helgö was a collaborative project to tie into international trading networks. After the Roman Period, Fjädrundaland’s predecessor was no longer an autonomous power. In the 6th century fighting occurred between the precursors to Attundaland and Tiundaland/Fjädrundaland. It ceased AD 600, and it seems likely that a federation was formed. Gamla Uppsala and the royal election site at Mora became the insignia. The federation formed a political impasse which with the economic situation may be the cause of the slow changes during the Vendel Period.

Impacts of Passenger Travelling: A Scenario Study of Impacts Associated with Passenger Travelling in the Mälardalen Region

Norell Bergendahl, Annika January 2012 (has links)
This master thesis is the final assignment within my master program at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. The thesis is performed in cooperation with WSP and linked to their research project ‘On the right track”. The aim of this master thesis is to identify and estimate the impacts resulting from future passenger transports in Mälardalen region by using a scenario study methodology. The research problem this thesis is dealing with is the negative societal consequences can be expected to increase as a result of the predicted rise in passenger traffic volumes in Mälardalen. Four alternative scenarios are introduced in the thesis and compared with the projected development; Scenario 1 assumes more energy efficient vehicles, Scenario 2 expects an extended fuel substitution, Scenario 3 is based on a doubling of the public transport travelling and Scenario 4 assumes that the structurally enforced travels will be halved. From a methodological perspective, the results and discussion in the thesis indicate firstly that Mälardalen is a suitable geographical boundary in future studies related to the transport system as the region is becoming more integrated and secondly, that a wide range of impacts and modes of transport must be considered when sustainable transports are discussed. The results of the scenario analysis can be summarized as if the projected passenger transport development will decrease the energy use and the emissions, despite longer travel distances, as a result of more energy efficient vehicles. In order to reduce the negative impacts of passenger transports further, the most favorable development paths to follow are to either decrease the structurally enforced trips or to increase the public transit travelling. The reason why neither the projected development nor Scenario 1 and 2 will reduce the negative impacts is that such developments cannot reduce consequences that are not related to energy or fuel use to the same extent.

Evaluation of cone factors for CPT-evaluation in CONRAD of sulphide- bearing soil in Mälardalen / Utvärdering av konfaktorer för CPT-utvärdering i CONRAD för sulfidjord i Mälardalen

Garpefjäll, Matilda, Hildingsson, Hugo January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate how to evaluate CPT-soundings in sulphide soilfrom Mälardalen in CONRAD. The objective is to conclude whether sulphide soil from Mälardalenshould be evaluated with existing methods or a new method should be developed. The only existingevaluation methods for sulphide soil are empirically derived for sulphide soil along the coast of Gulfof Bothnia known as Svartmocka. There are currently no guidelines for when to use this evaluationmethod. In the industry, sulphide soil in Mälardalen is evaluated as clay for lack of alternatives, butthis solution has no scientific basis. There is therefore a need for an extended investigation on howsulphide soil from Mälardalen should be evaluated. Previous research has been summarized and provides the basis for the design of the analysis method. Geotechnical investigation data from two sites have been collected and analysed: Spångadalen, innorthwest Stockholm and part of the new railway Norrbotniabanan located north of Umeå in thenorthern part of Sweden. At Spångadalen, the main reason for the investigation is the construction oftwo storm water management ponds. Here some extended laboratory experiments have been carriedout to supplement existing data.Since the purpose of this thesis is to investigate how to evaluate the sulphide soil in Mälardalen, thedata from Spångadalen has be evaluated both with the method for clay and sulphide soil. The datafrom Norrbotniabanan has only been evaluated as sulphide soil. The comparison between theevaluation methods and areas is bases on the difference between the different investigation methods. The parameters of undrained shear strength, pre-consolidation pressure and overconsolidation ratiofrom CPT-soundings has been compared with the same parameters from direct shear tests, fall conetests, field vane tests and CRS. The comparison has also included the spread of the evaluated CPTs indifferent areas. Further the cone factors for the undrained shear strength and pre-consolidationpressure in the empirical equations in CONRAD has been evaluated for the soil in Spångadalen. Theevaluated in based on the evaluation of the CPT preformed in CONRAD and values for the undrainedshear strength and pre-consolidation pressure from other reference methods. The cone factors for theundrained shear strength and pre-consolidation pressure were then compared to the existing conefactors.The conclusion is that no significant results indicates that sulphide soil in Mälardalen differs fromclay although it shares some characteristic with the sulphide soil from Norrbotniabanan. Sulphidesoil from Spångadalen should not even be called sulphide soil since the amount of sulphide was toolow, which was discovered during the study. It should instead be called clay with elements of sulphide. Sulphide soil from Mälardalen should therefore continue to be evaluated as clay. However, furtherresearch on the subject is needed to ensure this conclusion for other areas with sulphide soil in Mälardalen. / Syftet med denna examensuppsats är att undersöka hur CPT-undersökningar I sulfidjord från Mälardalen bör utvärderas i CONRAD. Målet är att genom analys finna underlag för slutsatser,antingen för att sulfidjord från Mälardalen bör utvärderas med befintliga metoder eller att en nyutvärderingsmetod bör utvecklas. De befintliga utvärderingsmetoderna för sulfidjord är empiristbaserade på sulfidjord längst med kust av Bottenviken, känd som Svartmocka. Idag saknas detriktlinjer för när denna ut metod ska användas och i branschen utvärderas sulfidjord från Mälardalensom lera i brist på alternativ. Denna lösning saknar dock vetenskaplig grund. Det finns därför ettbehov av en utökad undersökning kring hur sulfidjord från Mälardalen bör utvärderas.Tidigare forskning har sammanställts och lagat till grund för utformningen av analysmetoden.Geotekniska undersökningsdata från två områden har samlats in och analyserats. Ett område ligger iSpångadalen väster om Stockholm i Mälardalen. Det huvudsakliga skälet till undersökningarna ärbyggandet av två dagvattendammar. Det andra området ligger norr om Umeå i norra delen av Sverige.De undersökningarna kommer från en del av den nya järnvägen Norrbotniabanan. I Spångadalen harutökade laboratorieförsök utförts som komplement till befintliga data.Då syfte med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur sulfidjord i Mälardalen bör utvärderas harundersökningarna från Spångadalen utvärderats med metoderna för både lera och sulfidjord.Undersökningarna från Norrbotniabanan har endast utvärderats som sulfidjord. Jämförelsernamellan de olika utvärderingsmetoderna och utvärderingsmetoderna baseras på skillnaderna mellande olika undersökningsmetoderna. Parametrarna för odränerad skjuvhållfasthet,förkonsolideringstryck och överkonsolideringsgrad från CPT-sonderingarna har jämförts medsamma parametrar från direkt skjuvförsök, fallkonförsök, vingförsök och CRS. Jämförelseninkluderar också spridningen av de utvärderade CPT-sonderingarna i olika områden.Fortsättningsvis har konfaktorerna för den odränerade skjuvhållfastheten ochförkonsolideringentrycket i de empiriska ekvationerna för CONRAD utvärderats för jorden iSpångadalen. Utvärderingen baserades på CPT resultaten från CONRAD och värden för denodränerade skjuvhållfastheten och förkonsolideringstrycket från andra referensmetoder.Konfaktorerna för den odränerade skjuvhållfastheten och förkonsolideringstrycket jämfördes sedanmed de befintliga konfaktorerna.Slutsatsen är att inga signifikanta resultat visar på att sulfidjord från Mälardalen avviker från leratrots att den i vissa avseenden liknar sulfidjord från Norrbotniabanan. Sulfidjord från Spångadalenbör inte ens benämnas som sulfidjord då sulfidhalten var för låg, vilket upptäcktes under projektet.Den bör istället benämnas som lera med inslag av sulfid. Sulfidjord från Mälardalen bör därför ävenfortsatt utvärderas som lera. Dock behövs fortsatt forskning inom ämnet behövs för att säkerställadenna slutsats.

Partneringupphandling inom anläggningssektorn : Kommunernas intresse i Mälardalen

Karlsson, Anton January 2014 (has links)
Partnering is a collaboration method where the contractor and the client work together, based on a mutual trust towards each other and with a common goal for the project. The method originates from the United States where it was early adapted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. It later spread internationally where the United Kingdom and Denmark were early in Europe to see the potential with partnering, to help aid with the issues they were having where construction projects kept running late, going over budget and lacked in quality. By using partnering you can achieve a shorter building time, improved work relationships and enhanced efficiency and cost effectiveness. In Sweden state-owned Swedish Transport Administration commonly use partnering in highway road projects, where Skanska has been involved as the contractor. Skanska wishes to use partnering in wider measure, especially with the municipalities in the Mälardalen region. In order to research the municipalities’ usage of partnering interviews were held with a selected group. These interviews resulted in a conclusion that the usage of partnering was very limited and the focus shifted to research the potential use of partnering in the future. Overall the attitude towards partnering was positive, but due to lack of time and knowledge about the collaboration method they hadn’t used it yet. In order for them to use it in the future they most likely will have to find a project where the advantages of partnering makes it more advantageous than the traditional forms of contract.

Settling for Settlements : En studie av stenålderslokaler med utgångspunkt på Södertörn och begreppet boplats

Sallery, Thomas January 2023 (has links)
This paper will analyze archaeological material from a number of Stone Age sites, starting in the area of Södertörn, Sweden. There has been plenty of research on the Swedish Stone Age, however, there is an issue of classifying all Stone Age sites as settlements, regardless of what the archaeological material tells us. By comparatively analyzing the material from a number of Stone Age sites, a better understanding of these sites, and possibly the Stone Age in Södertörn and East Middle Sweden as a whole, will hopefully be attained. The paper will present information from a number of Stone Age sites in the area of Södertörn, along with material and interpretations from a few other Stone Age sites in East Middle Sweden, in order to help figure out if the term settlement is a correct one or simply something settled on. This in turn will help us find a clearer picture of how the Stone Age people of the area lived, which will be beneficial to current and future researchers.

Jämställdhet inom revisionsyrket : En studie om kvinnors och mäns förutsättningar / Gender Equality in the auditing profession : a study of the conditions of women and men

Hansson, Michaela, Nowak, Kamila January 2022 (has links)
Jämställdhet är ett viktigt ämne där många stora företag strävar efter en jämställd arbetsplats, därför har vi valt att utföra en kvantitativ forskning med ett deduktivt tillvägagångssätt för att se hur de anställda inom revisionsyrket upplever jämställdheten. Syftet med studien var att undersöka om och i så fall till vilken grad det finns skillnader i jämställdheten för kvinnliga och manliga revisorers karriärmöjligheter i stora företag. För att kunna besvara syftet har vi samlat in empiri genom en enkät som skickades till kontaktpersoner i stora revisionsföretag. Kontaktpersonerna vidarebefordrade enkäten vilket medförde att vi hade ett snöbollsurval. I den teoretiska referensramen har vi tagit ut faktorer som kan påverka karriärmöjligheterna utifrån tidigare forskning vilket är könsfaktorer, ambitionsfaktorer samt hinder. Därefter har hypoteser utformats från faktorerna och sedan testats i det oberoende t-testet för att synliggöra statistiskt signifikanta skillnader. Det vi har gjort i resultatet är att vi har delat upp populationen till hela urvalet och respondenter som angett att de har barn för att se om det finns skillnader mellan de föräldralediga samt dem som inte har barn. Resultatet visade sig att det finns vissa indikationer på skillnader vilket var “konkurrens oavsett kön” för hela urvalet. De faktorer som indikerade skillnader för dem som angav att de har barn var “arbetsgivarens inställning till föräldraledigheten”, “karriärambitioner har påverkats på grund av föräldraskapet” samt “män befordrar ofta andra män”. Då vår studie har relativt lite respondenter behövde vi vara försiktiga med att dra slutsatser, men vi kan se de resultat som signalerar skillnader i populationen. / The gender equality is an important topic where many large companies strive for a genderequal workplace, which is why we have chosen to perform out quantitative research with a deductive approach to see how employees in the auditing profession experience gender equality. The purpose of the study was to investigate whether and, if so, to what extent there are differences in gender equality for female and male auditors career opportunities in large companies. To answer the purpose, we have collected empirical data through a survey that was sent to contact persons in large auditing companies. The contact persons forwarded the survey, which meant that we had a snowball selection. In the theoretical frame of reference, we had identified factors that can affect career opportunities based on previous research, which are gender factors, ambition factors and obstacles. Thereafter hypothesis was formulated from the factors and then tested in the independent ttest to visualize statistically significant differences. What we have done in the results is that we have divided the population into the entire sample and the respondents who have stated that they gave children to see if there are differences between the parental leave and those who do not have children. The results showed that there are some indications of differences, which was “competition regardless of gender” for the entire sample. The factors that indicated differences for those who stated that they have children were “the employer´s attitude to parental leave”, “career ambitions have changed due to parenthood” and “med often promote other men”. As our study has relatively few respondents, we needed to be careful about drawing conclusions, but we can see results that signal differences in the population.

Det märkvärdiga mellantinget : Jordbrukares sociala status i omvandling 1780−1900 / Peasants and Gentlemen : Farmers' social status in transition 1780−1900

Carlsson, Carl Mikael January 2016 (has links)
During a period corresponding to approximately 1789−1872 the Swedish system of estates was phased out. New ideas challenged the organic view of society, and through a number of political reforms the estate privileges were abolished one by one. The reforms went hand in hand with a change in the social stratification at that time. The distinct difference between peasants and gentlemen that had characterized the countryside were erased and replaced by new ways of categorising people. This development has been described in broad strokes in previous research, leaving the roles of individuals overshadowed. This thesis is about individuals who were on the border between being peasants and gentlemen, how they were viewed by the class society, and the role they played in the dissolution of the same. The focus is centred on a population of wealthy farmers around the rural areas of Västerås during the years 1780−1900, and how they were perceived and acted in terms of title, lineage, education, occupation, farm holdings, building customs, naming customs and political life. The investigation shows that the differences between peasants and gentlemen remained during the period, but that it changed in character from a difference in kind, to a difference in degree. Important reasons for this were the gentlemen’s increased interest in agriculture and the emergence of a group of very wealthy farmers. The increase of rich farmers was more prevalent in the first half of the nineteenth century. They embraced some of the gentry’s behaviour, for instance through the acquisition of mansions, but as they often held political positions that by law should be held by peasants, they also preserved their common appearance. In this way the limits for what could be considered common were moved forward, and the difference between peasants and gentlemen weakened. The gentry’s interest in agriculture increased gradually and was marked by the introduction of agricultural institutes in the mid-1800s. As the old elite increasingly devoted themselves to agriculture they used titles as ”possessionat” and ”godsägare” (landlord) to rise above the peasants. They made themselves the elite in the peasants' own field, thus opening up to being associated with rich farmers.

En pärla gör ingen kvinna? : En statistisk jämförelse mellan osteologisk bedömda gravar och dess gravgåvor under yngre järnåldern

Lagerholm, Eva January 2009 (has links)
<p>I have statistically worked up a material from 228 graves from the late Iron Age in the area of Mälardalen.</p><p>In my material I have gathered the incidence of combs, knifes, beads, weapons whetstones and torshammarsrings.</p><p>I have found that beads are overrepresented in graves of women and whetstones in graves of men. I only found weapons in graves from male.</p><p>I found no indication from my statistic hypothesis (Z-test) that a grave that contains more than three beads should define the grave of a woman. A grave that contains a lot of beads, more than 20, consider I as a female gender.</p><p>Combs, knifes and torshammarsring are considered as gender neutral.</p>

Att rekonstruera förhistoriska odlingsförutsättningar : första steget i en metodutveckling. / To re-construct prehistoric agricultural conditions : the first step in a method development.

Hultman, Maja January 2009 (has links)
<p>The aim of this work is to take the first step into a development process, with the intention to find a way of making prehistoric soil fertility a variable in archaeological landscape analysis. A pilot study is performed on the Mälar basin area, where four topographical and geological factors are reclassified and then combined, resulting in a map which expresses a relative indication of agriculture potential. The map is then compared to the distribution of Migration Period graves and gold finds. This, however, does not mean that the technique is tied to a certain prehistoric period. Because the work is intrinsically experimental, the technique as a whole is finally discussed and evaluated, and suggestions of improvements and further studies are made.</p>

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