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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Range-use estimation and encounter probability for juvenile Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) in the Prince William Sound-Kenai Fjords region of Alaska

Meck, Stephen R. 21 March 2013 (has links)
Range, areas of concentrated activity, and dispersal characteristics for juvenile Steller sea lions Eumetopias jubatus in the endangered western population (west of 144° W in the Gulf of Alaska) are poorly understood. This study quantified space use by analyzing post-release telemetric tracking data from satellite transmitters externally attached to n = 65 juvenile (12-25 months; 72.5 to 197.6 kg) Steller sea lions (SSLs) captured in Prince William Sound (60°38'N -147°8'W) or Resurrection Bay (60°2'N -149°22'W), Alaska, from 2003-2011. The analysis divided the sample population into 3 separate groups to quantify differences in distribution and movement. These groups included sex, the season when collected, and the release type (free ranging animals which were released immediately at the site of capture, and transient juveniles which were kept in captivity for up to 12 weeks as part of a larger ongoing research program). Range-use was first estimated by using the minimum convex polygon (MCP) approach, and then followed with a probabilistic kernel density estimation (KDE) to evaluate both individual and group utilization distributions (UDs). The LCV method was chosen as the smoothing algorithm for the KDE analysis as it provided biologically meaningful results pertaining to areas of concentrated activity (generally, haulout locations). The average distance traveled by study juveniles was 2,131 ± 424 km. The animals mass at release (F[subscript 1, 63] = 1.17, p = 0.28) and age (F[subscript 1, 63] = 0.033, p = 0.86) were not significant predictors of travel distance. Initial MCP results indicated the total area encompassed by all study SSLs was 92,017 km², excluding land mass. This area was heavily influenced by the only individual that crossed over the 144°W Meridian, the dividing line between the two distinct population segments. Without this individual, the remainder of the population (n = 64) fell into an area of 58,898 km². The MCP area was highly variable, with a geometric average of 1,623.6 km². Only the groups differentiated by season displayed any significant difference in area size, with the Spring/Summer (SS) groups MCP area (Mdn = 869.7 km²) being significantly less than that of the Fall/Winter (FW) group (Mdn = 3,202.2 km²), U = 330, p = 0.012, r = -0.31. This result was not related to the length of time the tag transmitted (H(2) = 49.65, p = 0.527), nor to the number of location fixes (H(2) = 62.77, p = 0.449). The KDE UD was less variable, with 50% of the population within a range of 324-1,387 km2 (mean=690.6 km²). There were no significant differences in area use associated with sex or release type (seasonally adjusted U = 124, p = 0.205, r = -0.16 and U = 87, p = 0.285, r = -0.13, respectively). However, there were significant differences in seasonal area use: U = 328, p = 0.011, r = -0.31. There was no relationship between the UD area and the amount of time the tag remained deployed (H(2) = 45.30, p = 0.698). The kernel home range (defined as 95% of space use) represented about 52.1% of the MCP range use, with areas designated as "core" (areas where the sea lions spent fully 50% of their time) making up only about 6.27% of the entire MCP range and about 11.8% of the entire kernel home range. Area use was relatively limited – at the population level, there were a total of 6 core areas which comprised 479 km². Core areas spanned a distance of less than 200 km from the most western point at the Chiswell Islands (59°35'N -149°36'W) to the most eastern point at Glacier Island (60°54'N -147°6'W). The observed differences in area use between seasons suggest a disparity in how juvenile SSLs utilize space and distribute themselves over the course of the year. Due to their age, this variation is less likely due to reproductive considerations and may reflect localized depletion of prey near preferred haul-out sites and/or changes in predation risk. Currently, management of the endangered western and threatened eastern population segments of the Steller sea lion are largely based on population trends derived from aerial survey counts and terrestrial-based count data. The likelihood of individuals to be detected during aerial surveys, and resulting correction factors to calculate overall population size from counts of hauled-out animals remain unknown. A kernel density estimation (KDE) analysis was performed to delineate boundaries around surveyed haulout locations within Prince William Sound-Kenai Fjords (PWS-KF). To closely approximate the time in which population abundance counts are conducted, only sea lions tracked during the spring/summer (SS) months (May 10-August 10) were chosen (n = 35). A multiple state model was constructed treating the satellite location data, if it fell within a specified spatiotemporal context, as a re-encounter within a mark-recapture framework. Information to determine a dry state was obtained from the tags time-at-depth (TAD) histograms. To generate an overall terrestrial detection probability 1) The animal must have been within a KDE derived core-area that coincided with a surveyed haulout site 2) it must have been dry and 3) it must have provided at least one position during the summer months, from roughly 11:00 AM-5:00 PM AKDT. A total of 10 transition states were selected from the data. Nine states corresponded to specific surveyed land locations, with the 10th, an "at-sea" location (> 3 km from land) included as a proxy for foraging behavior. A MLogit constraint was used to aid interpretation of the multi-modal likelihood surface, and a systematic model selection process employed as outlined by Lebreton & Pradel (2002). At the individual level, the juveniles released in the spring/summer months (n = 35) had 85.3% of the surveyed haulouts within PWS-KF encompass KDE-derived core areas (defined as 50% of space use). There was no difference in the number of surveyed haulouts encompassed by core areas between sexes (F[subscript 1, 33] << 0.001, p = 0.98). For animals held captive for up to 12 weeks, 33.3% returned to the original capture site. The majority of encounter probabilities (p) fell between 0.42 and 0.78 for the selected haulouts within PWS, with the exceptions being Grotto Island and Aialik Cape, which were lower (between 0.00-0.17). The at-sea (foraging) encounter probability was 0.66 (± 1 S.E. range 0.55-0.77). Most dry state probabilities fell between 0.08-0.38, with Glacier Island higher at 0.52, ± 1 S.E. range 0.49-0.55. The combined detection probability for hauled-out animals (the product of at haul-out and dry state probabilities), fell mostly between 0.08-0.28, with a distinct group (which included Grotto Island, Aialik Cape, and Procession Rocks) having values that averaged 0.01, with a cumulative range of ≈ 0.00-0.02 (± 1 S.E.). Due to gaps present within the mark-recapture data, it was not possible to run a goodness-of-fit test to validate model fit. Therefore, actual errors probably slightly exceed the reported standard errors and provide an approximation of uncertainties. Overall, the combined detection probabilities represent an effort to combine satellite location and wet-dry state telemetry and a kernel density analysis to quantify the terrestrial detection probability of a marine mammal within a multistate modeling framework, with the ultimate goal of developing a correction factor to account for haulout behavior at each of the surveyed locations included in the study. / Graduation date: 2013

Análisis del impacto del sistema de calidad ISO 9001 y del sistema de calidad turística española en empresas y organizaciones turísticas: un estudio empírico en Baleares

Sidonie, Djofack 22 June 2012 (has links)
En la literatura encontramos muchos trabajos acerca de los efectos de la implantación de la certificación ISO 9001, en los que se destaca mayoritariamente sus numerosos beneficios. Sin embargo, son bastante escasos los que analizan el Sistema de Calidad Turística Española (marca Q). Por tanto, nos proponemos establecer un análisis comparativo entre estos dos modelos preponderantes en el sector turístico. Primero, pretendemos averiguar los determinantes de la implantación de estos dos modelos de calidad, y segundo, los factores que influyen en la elección de uno u otro, siendo unos internacional y genérico (ISO 9001) y el otro nacional y específico (Q) en las empresas turísticas situadas en Baleares. El trabajo de campo se realizó en febrero 2011 con la participación de 120 empresas certificadas con la ISO 9001 y 52 certificadas con la Q. Los principales resultados nos muestran que existen importantes beneficios y satisfacción generada por los certificados y que la ISO 9001 es elegida por los beneficios organizativos y de control y la Q, por el posicionamiento, ganar cuota de mercado y competir.

Jordläkande växter : växters kapacitet att med fytoremediering rena förorenad mark - med exempel och förslag för Ockelbo järnvägsstation

Olsson, Karin January 2011 (has links)
Det här arbetet ger en orientering i växters olika förmågor att rehabilitera miljöskador och belyser möjligheten att använda växternas essentiella och varierande förmågor i miljöarbetet. De ämnen som har skadlig inverkan på miljön kallas för miljögifter. Både globalt och i Sverige har omloppet av många miljögifter ökat markant de senaste århundradet. Växter kan användas för att rena förorenad mark. De olika processerna när växter renar mark, vatten och luft från föroreningar samlas under begreppet fytoremediering. Det finns olika metoder och reningsprocesser inom fytoremediering. Växter kan dels ta upp och lagra föroreningar, bryta ned dem till ofarliga beståndsdelar samt förhindra så att de inte sprider sig ut i ekosystemet. I det här examensarbetet har föroreningssituation vid järnvägsstationen i Ockelbo använts som exempel för att konkretisera fytoremediering till en specifik plats. En beskrivning av de till platsen relaterade föroreningarna arsenik, bly, kadmium, kvicksilver, koppar, zink, PAH (polycykliska aromatiska kolväten) och olja presenteras tillsammans med aktuella fytoremedieringsmetoder och grödor för respektive förorening. Som slutsats bedöms fytoremediering vara möjligt för järnvägsstationen i Ockelbo. Fördelar och nackdelar med fytoremediering på stationen lyfts fram och möjliga parallella användningsområden medan fytoremedieringen pågår diskuteras. Vidare diskussion förs kring fytoremediering, miljöfrågor och rådande regelverk och logistik i Sverige. Arbetet innefattar ett förslag till utformning av fytoremediering på stationsområdet. Förslaget inkluderar ett växtval av olika fytoremedieringsgrödor lämpliga för platsen.

Die Steinmetzzeichen an der Frauenkirche zu Dresden und deren Bedeutung

Remus, Torsten 01 March 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Diese Arbeit soll die Rolle der Zeichen am genannten Gebäude untersuchen. Im Verlauf der Analyse sollen drei Funktionen der Zeichen bewiesen werden. Zunächst erfolgt die Ausarbeitung der allgemein bekannten Verwendung der Steinmetzzeichen als &amp;quot;persönliches Zeichen&amp;quot; und &amp;quot;Abrechnungszeichen&amp;quot; am Beispiel der Frauenkirche. Als eigentliches Endergebnis der Arbeit steht die Feststellung der weiteren Nutzung der Steinmetzzeichen als &amp;quot;Versetzzeichen&amp;quot; oder auch &amp;quot;Versetzmarke&amp;quot;. Sie können an besonderen Stellen des Gebäudes im engen Zusammenspiel mit zusätzlich in den Stein eingebrachten Steinzeichen auftreten. Solche Markierungen werden als &amp;quot;Zusatzzeichen&amp;quot; benannt. Die sich daraus ableitenden Besonderheiten werden gleichfalls dargestellt. Um sich der betreffenden Fragestellung zu nähern, war eine Erfassung und Dokumentation aller gefundenen Steinzeichen notwendig. Ein Studium des Trümmerberges und des vorangegangenen Einsturzes der Kirche ist als erster Arbeitsschritt erfolgt. In dieser Folge entstand als Ergebnis eine umfangreiche Datenbank. Deren Inhalt wird mit Hilfe verschiedener Grafiken anschaulich gemacht. Die vorgelegte Arbeit kann die aus der bisherigen Diskussion zur allgemeinen Thematik offenen Fragen nicht mit allgemein verbindlichen Antworten abschließen. Sie kann jedoch die Auseinandersetzung bereichern, in dem am Beispiel der Frauenkirche zu Dresden spezifische Besonderheiten des Zeichenwesens aufgezeigt werden.

Der Bauverein zu Mittweida und der Meißner Bauverein

Löwel, Karl-Heinz 08 February 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Die Entwicklung Sachsens im 19. Jh. - Die Geschichte der ersten beiden sächsischen Baugenossenschaften: (1.) in Mittweida und (2.) in Meißen – Die Pioniere des deutschen Genossenschaftswesens: Victor Aimè Huber und Schulze-Delitzsch. - (1.) Die Entwicklung der Industrie in Mittweida und 1873 die Gründung des Bauvereins zu Mittweida - Die drei Wohnbauten des Bauvereins mit Lageplan und alten Bauzeichnungen sowie kritische Untersuchung der Wohnungsgrundrisse. - (2.) Die Entwicklung Meißens zu einer Industriestadt des 19. Jahrhunderts und die Bedeutung ihrer keramischen Industrie. - Zur Gründung des Meißner Bauvereins Jahre 1873 und seiner Baugeschichte. - Die drei genossenschaftlichen Wohnbauten mit Lageplan und alten Bauzeichnungen. Kritische Betrachtung der Wohnungsgrundrisse unter Berücksichtigung des Einbaus von Kachelöfen aus Meißener Produktion. - (3.) Ein Epilog: Das Heizen der Wohnung im 19. Jh. - Verbesserung der Heiz- und Kochtechnik durch den Einsatz von Kachelöfen - Die Kachelproduktion in Meißen und in Velten/Mark. - Zur Gewinnung von Rohbraunkohle und der Brikettierung - Das Braunkohlenbrikett. - Fotografien gusseiserner Öfen und Kachelöfen aus Meißen und Velten/Mark im 19.Jh. Insgesamt 51 Seiten mit 33 Abbildungen.

Le roi Marc aux oreilles de cheval

Milin, Gaël. January 1991 (has links)
Version remaniée : Thèse de doctorat : Lettres : Rennes 2 : 1989. / Contient le texte de diverses versions du conte. Bibliogr. p. 317-339. Index.

Prekės ženklo vertės valdymo strategijos / The brand equity management strategies

Bendoraitytė-Sinižbajeva, Reda 08 June 2005 (has links)
The final work of master studies, 65 pages, 20 figures, 6 tables, 41 literature sources, 3 appendices, in Lithuanian. KEYWORDS: brand, brand name, brand mark, logo, brand equity, protection of the brand, brand equity management, brand equity management strategy, consumer. The object of research – closed joint stock companies “Galinta ir partneriai” and “Skanėja”. The subject of research – brand equity management strategy. The purpose of research – to recommend brand equity management strategies of friable products for closed joint stock companies “Galinta ir partneriai” and “Skanėja”. The task of research: 1. To survey the history of a brand development, branding goals and functions, principles of designing and legal protection of the brand. 2. To discuss theoretical fundamentals of the brand equity management. 3. To prepare methodic for research of the friable products brand equity influence on consumer behavior. 4. To conduct a sample survey and to analyze the GALINTA and SKANĖJA brands influence on consumer attitudes and behavior. 5. To recommend the brand equity management strategies for closed joint stock companies “Galinta ir partneriai” and “Skanėja”. The methods of research: rationale comparative analysis of scientific literature, sample survey, descriptive, data grouping and graphic representation. The brand equity management strategies recommended for closed joint stock companies “Galinta ir partneriai” and “Skanėja” are based on the historical survey of brand... [to full text]

En resa i betygsskalan : en studie av hur medieelever beskriver att bli betygssatta i de medie-estetiska ämnena

Lovisa, Hammar January 2014 (has links)
Min tanke bakom undersökningen är att betygsättning och olika former av bedömningssätt är frågor lärare måste ta ställning till i utövandet av sin yrkesroll, från ett makt- och elevperspektiv. Som lärare har man makten att öppna respektive stänga dörrar för elever, då betyg blir avgörande för elevernas vidare utbildning. Mina frågeställningar är: Vad berättar medieelever om sina upplevelser av att bli betygsatta i media- estetiska ämnen? Hur beskriver medieelever att betygsättning inverkar på deras självbild? Mina informanter går i årskurs 3 på en medieinriktning, på ett estetiskt gymnasieprogram. Med dem gör jag intervjuer där de reflekterar kring att få betyg i media-estetiska ämnen. Denna uppsats använder sig av etnografiska metoder grundat på intervjuer och diskurs som analysverktyg och teori. Min strävan är att förstå hur betygssättning inverkar på mina informanters liv och hur den tillslut fungerar i en större samhällskontext. Studien visade att lärarna har en inflytelserik roll när det kommer till hur eleverna känner sig efter bedömningssituationen. Resultatet i undersökningen visar att det är svårt att definiera vad "rättvisa bedömningar" verkligen innebär och att det är individuellt hur eleven uppfattar kommunikationen med läraren. Man kan se att kommunikationen mellan lärare och elev är grundkärnan i hur bedömningen framförs och tas emot. Det krävs yrkeskompetenta lärare som är tydliga med kunskapskraven och att samtal med elever förs på ett konstruktivt vis. Sammanfattningsvis så behövs forskning inom detta område och resurser på ett politiskt plan. Min gestaltning är en förlängning av min etnografiska undersökning. Där samtalar elever som går olika estetinriktningar - musik, media, florist, musikal och teater, med varandra om vad de tycker om att bli betygsatta i ett estetiskt ämne och vad de tycker generellt om betyg. Detta resulterade i porträttfotografier som sedan ställdes ut på Vårutställningen på Konstfack 2014. / My thought behind the investigation is that grading and different forms of grading are questions that teachers have to deal with in their profession, from a power and pupil perspective. As a teacher you have the power to open respectively close doors for pupils, and then grades becomes decisive for the pupils further education. My issues are: What do media pupils tell about their experiences of being graded? How do media pupils describe the impact of the grading on their self image? My informants are studying at 3rd grade at a media orientation on an esthetical program. With them I do interviews where they reflect on being graded in media esthetical subjects. This essay uses ethnographical methods based on interviews and discourse as an analytical tool and theory. My aim is to understand how grading impacts on my informants’ life and how it finally works in a bigger social context. The study showed that the teachers have an influential role when it comes to how the pupils feel after the grading situation. The result in the investigation shows that it is difficult to define what a "fair grading" really implies and that it is individual how the pupil understands the communication with the teacher. In that way you can see that the communication between the teacher and the pupil is the core in how the grading is being brought up. It demands professionally skilled teachers that are clear with the requirements of knowledge and that conversations with the pupils are being held in a constructive way. To sum up, this calls for research within this subject and resources on a political level. My interpretation is a prolongation of my ethnographical investigation. There the pupils studying on different esthetical orientations – music, media, florist, musical and theatre, are discussing with each other about what they think about being graded in an esthetical subject and generally what they think about grading. This resulted in a number of portrait photographs later being exhibited on the spring exhibition at Konstfack in 2014.

Prekių ženklų tapatumo ir panašumo nustatymas pagal Europos Teisingumo Teismo ir Lietuvos teismų praktiką / Establishment of identity and similarity of trade marks in the case law of the european court of justice and lithuanian courts

Bubnaitytė, Neringa 25 June 2014 (has links)
SANTRAUKA Šiame darbe analizuojama Europos Teisingumo Teismo ir Lietuvos teismų praktika, siekiant identifikuoti prekių ženklų tapatumo ir panašumo nustatymui reikšmingus kriterijus, šių kriterijų taikymo sąlygas bei įtaką vertinant bendrą prekių ženklų įspūdį, taip pat atkreipiamas dėmesys į teorinius ir praktinius probleminius prekių ženklų tapatumo ir panašumo nustatymo klausimus ir siūlomi jų sprendimai. Pirmojoje dalyje labai koncentruotai nurodomas su prekių ženklų tapatumu ir panašumu susijęs teisinis reglamentavimas. Antrojoje dalyje atskleidžiama prekių ženklų tapatumo sąvoka bei prekių ženklų tapatumo vertinimas buvusio Pirmosios Instancijos Teismo, dabartinio Bendrojo Teismo ir ETT praktikoje, taip pat, siekiant tapatumo klausimą išnagrinėti visapusiškai, pasiremiant pavyzdžiais ir iš Vidaus rinkos harmonizavimo tarnybos praktikos. Trečioji darbo dalis skirta aptarti prekių ženklų panašumą bei išnagrinėti jam nustatyti reikšmingus kriterijus. Šioje dalyje Bendrijos ir Lietuvos teismų sprendimų analizė atlikta pagal bendriausius prekių ženklų panašumo nustatymo kriterijus: skiriamuosius ir dominuojančius elementus, vaizdinį, fonetinį bei konceptualų lyginimą. Darbo pabaigoje atskirai aptariama netradicinių prekių ženklų panašumo nustatymo specifika. / SUMMARY Establishment of Identity and Similarity of Trade Marks in the Case Law of the European Court of Justice and Lithuanian Courts This master thesis is dedicated to analyze case law of the European Court of Justice and Lithuanian courts, with the aim to identify criteria significant for establishment of identity and similarity of trade marks, conditions for application of those criteria as well as influence upon evaluation of the general impression created by trade marks. In addition, attention is drawn to theoretical and practical problem issues in establishment of identity and similarity of trade marks and suggestions on their solution are made. In the first part, a list of condensed references is made to laws pertinent to the identity and similarity of trade marks. The second part reveals the concept of identity of trade marks and judgment of identity of trade marks in the case law of the former Court of First Instance, currently the General Court, and the European Court of Justice, supplemented by additional illustrations from the practice of the OHIM, in attempt of painting the full picture of the identity issue. The third part of the thesis focuses on the discussion of the similarity of trade marks and analysis of criteria for establishment of similarity of trade marks. Herein the analysis of case law of the European Court of Justice and Lithuanian courts has been carried out based on general criteria of similarity of trade marks: distinguishing and dominating... [to full text]

Population dynamics and population genetics of the Critically Endangered Raso lark : implications for conservation

Dierickx, Elisa Gwenda Godelieve January 2018 (has links)
The Raso lark is a Critically Endangered bird endemic to the islet of Raso, Cape Verde. This thesis investigates two phenomena that particularly put the species at risk: its extreme fluctuations in population size, and its potentially very low genetic diversity arising from small population size and severe past population contraction. More specifically, two chapters estimate year-to-year survival and explore the factors - environmental and individual - that influence it, while two other chapters examine the lark’s genetic characteristics compared to its two continental closest relatives, including phylogenetic relationships and levels of genetic diversity. The conclusion of the thesis then uses these results to make recommendations for the conservation of the Raso lark. Each of the data chapters is summarized below: Chapter 3 estimates adult survival in the Raso lark and tests whether it could be linked to two population phenomena observed in the field: a highly variable population size and a male-biased sex ratio in certain years. Using a dataset spanning 10 years, I estimated survival for both sexes to fluctuate between 0.76 and 0.94 over this period. This is much higher than the survival rate of its closest relative, the skylark. I also found strong evidence for survival fluctuating over time and differing between males and females (with males having higher survival until 2011, at which point the trend inverted), which could play a role in the aforementioned population size fluctuations and male-biased sex ratio, respectively. Chapter 4 aims at understanding which factors shape survival in the Raso lark. Two types of variables were considered: year-dependent (rainfall, population size, population mean clutch size) and individual-dependent (age, body size characters, size ratio with mate, Ase18 genotype). Amongst the year-dependent variables, only sameyear rainfall impacted survival, with a 13% decrease in survival in the wettest year compared to the driest year, making it the most likely explanation for the inter-annual fluctuations in survival found in Chapter 3. Results also hint at some of the individual factors - morphological measurements and Ase18 genotype - influencing survival. The picture that emerges is that of a species whose life history strategy is to invest heavily in maintenance and survival, but less into fecundity, which stands in sharp contrast with the mainland-dwelling skylark. This is consistent with the theory that island birds generally have slower life history strategies than their continental counterparts. Chapter 5 determines the precise relationship between members of the Alauda clade, resolving a node on the phylogenetic tree of all larks that the study by Alström et al. (2013) was unable to resolve. My RADseq results indicate that the Raso lark and the skylark are sister species, and that the Oriental lark is likely to be a subpopulation, or maybe a subspecies, of the skylark. Chapter 6 compares the population genetics of the Raso lark with those of the skylark. In particular, it estimates the genetic diversity of the Raso lark and investigates the drivers behind it. I found unexpectedly high nucleotide diversity in the Raso lark, and explain this by showing that the population contraction that the species underwent was recent enough for most of the diversity to still be present. Moreover, 16% of the Raso lark genome has levels of heterozygosity on average 6.6 times higher than elsewhere on the genome, likely due to suppressed recombination and the existence of a neo-sex chromosome in larks. Despite this, I found high levels of relatedness and of linkage disequilibrium in the Raso lark, two clear genetic signs that it underwent a severe population contraction several centuries ago.

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