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Par?metros f?sico-qu?micos de estrelas com planetas na miss?o CoRoTCorreia, Caio F?bio Teixeira 12 August 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-03T15:15:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2011-08-12 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / In the present study we compute the atmospheric parameters (Teff , log g and vmic,
[Fe/H]) and chemical abundance of 16 ions (Fe I, Fe II, O I, Si I, Na I, Mg I, Al I, Ca I, Ti
I, Co I, Ni I, Rb I, Zr I, Ba II, La II and Cr I) for 16 solar-like stars with masses between
0:8 and 1:2 Mfi aproximatedly, including 10 planet-host stars detected by the CoRoT Space
Mission. For this study, we use data from the ESO public archive: (i) high resolution spectra
(R 47000) from the UVES spectrograph on the VLT/UT2-ESO (for 7 stars, covering the
wavelength range 3450-4515 ? and 5500-9400 ?) and (ii) high resolution spectra from HARPS
spectrograph on the La Silla-ESO 3.60 m telescope (for 9 stars, covering the wavelength
range 4200-6865 ?). Our spectral analysis is based on MARCS models of atmosphere and
Turbospectrum spectroscopic tools. On the base of the computed parameters, the referred
abundances appears to follow the same behavior of the solar curve abundances. Further,
one observes a signifficant correlation between the abundance ratio [m/Fe] and condensation
temperature (Tc) of refractory elements (Tc > 900 K). The behavior of the projected rotational
velocity (v sin i) versus the computed abundances [m/Fe] is also analyzed, presenting no clear
trends. This study oers additional constraints to trace the evolutive history of solar-like stars
with planets, including the search for chemical dierences between stars with and without
transit planets and anomalies in the studied abundances / No presente estudo, n?s determinamos os par?metros atmosf?ricos (Teff , log g, vmic
e [Fe/H]) e as abund?ncias qu?micas de 16 ?ons (Fe I, Fe II, O I, Si I, Na I, Mg I, Al I,
Ca I, Ti I, Co I, Ni I, Rb I, Zr I, Ba II, La II e Cr I) para 16 estrelas solares, com massas
entre 0:8 e 1:2 M , aproximadamente, incluindo 10 estrelas com planetas detectados pelo
telesc?pio espacial CoRoT. Para este estudo, foram usados dados do arquivo p?blico do ESO:
(i) espectros de alta resolu??o (R 47000) do espectr?grafo UVES localizado no VLT/UT2-
ESO (para 7 estrelas, cobrindo o dom?nio espectral de 3450-4515 ? e 5500-9400 ?) e (ii)
espectros de alta resolu??o obtidos com o espectr?grafo HARPS localizado no telesc?pio de
3,60 m, em La Silla-ESO (para 9 estrelas, cobrindo a faixa de 4200-6865 ?). Nossa an?lise
espectral ? baseada nos modelos de atmosfera MARCS e nas ferramentas espectrosc?picas
do Turbospectrum. Com base nos par?metros obtidos, as abund?ncias referidas parecem
seguir tend?ncia semelhante ? curva de abund?ncias solares. Adicionalmente, observa-se uma
correla??o signi cativa entre a abund?ncia relativa [m/H] e a temperatura de condensa??o
(Tc) dos elementos refrat?rios (Tc > 900 K). O comportamento da velocidade rotacional
projetada (v sin i) em fun??o das abund?ncias obtidas tamb?m ? analisada, n?o apresentando
correla??es claras. Este estudo oferece v?nculos adicionais para o tra?ado da hist?ria evolutiva
de estrelas solares com planetas, incluindo a busca por diferen?as qu?micas entre estrelas com
e sem planetas em tr?nsito, e por anomalias nas abund?ncias estudadas
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O Sum?rio das Armadas: guerras, miss?o e estrat?gias discursivas na conquista da Para?baBatista, Adriel Fontenele 20 August 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-08-20 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Las ?ltimas d?cadas del siglo XVI estuvieron marcadas por una serie de guerras en la regi?n al norte de la capitan?a de Itamarac?, que en ese momento representaba el l?mite septentrional de la colonizaci?n portuguesa en las Capitan?as del Norte de Brasil. Las fuerzas pol?ticas y militares de la capitan?a de Pernambuco y de la pr?pria Itamarac?, misioneros jesuitas, indios, negros y mestizos participaron en varias expediciones militares a la regi?n del rio Para?ba, gan?ndolo a finales de 1585 y dando la configuraci?n de una nueva capitan?a: la capitan?a de r?o Para?ba. Esta era una historia que los sacerdotes de la Compa??a de Jes?s han escrito con las marcas de hero?smo, de fe y tambi?n de fuerza contra los indios y los franceses que se opon?an al delantero portugu?s en esa regi?n, que desde el punto de vista de la historiograf?a, representa un paso importante en el proceso de conquista y ocupaci?n colonial de la costa noreste de Brasil. Esta tesis es sobre este acontecimiento hist?rico: sobre los hombres que lucharon en uno y otro lado del r?o Para?ba, sobre las formas discursivas empleadas en la representaci?n escrita de este evento y sobre la trayectoria hist?rica del discurso de la conquista, cuando tomado en las modernas pr?cticas historiogr?ficas / As ?ltimas d?cadas do s?culo XVI foram marcadas por uma s?rie de guerras na regi?o ao norte da capitania de Itamarac?, que ? ?poca representava a fronteira setentrional da coloniza??o portuguesa nas Capitanias do Norte do Brasil. For?as pol?ticas e militares da capitania de Pernambuco e da pr?pria Itamarac?, mission?rios jesu?tas, ?ndios, negros e mesti?os participaram de v?rias armadas e expedi??es militares ? regi?o do rio Para?ba, conquistando-a em finais de 1585 e proporcionando o surgimento de uma nova capitania: a capitania do rio Para?ba. Essa foi uma hist?ria que os padres da Companhia de Jesus escreveram com marcas de hero?smo, de f? e tamb?m de for?a contra ?ndios e franceses que se opunham ao avan?o portugu?s naquela regi?o, o que do ponto de vista da historiografia, representa uma etapa importante do processo de conquista e ocupa??o dos espa?os coloniais da costa nordeste do Brasil. Essa disserta??o de mestrado ? sobre esse evento hist?rico: sobre os homens que lutaram de um lado e do outro do rio Para?ba, sobre as formas discursivas empregadas na representa??o escrita desse evento e sobre a trajet?ria hist?rica desse discurso de conquista nas modernas pr?ticas historiogr?ficas
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Um arcabou?o cross-layer para controle de sess?es multiusu?rio com alta demanda de recursos em redes IoT softwarizadasSilva, Helber Wagner da 29 November 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2018-03-20T16:23:19Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-11-29 / As aplica??es de miss?o cr?tica (AMC) representam um dos casos de uso mais promissores da Internet das Coisas (do ingl?s, Internet of Things ? IoT) ao prometer impactos em ?reas vitais, como videovigil?ncia inteligente em ambientes com alta densidade humana, tr?fego de ve?culos aut?nomos com seguran?a, cirurgia remota com precis?o, dentre muitas outras. As AMC devem explorar o conte?do disponibilizado por plataformas IoT em cen?rios de rede IoT softwarizada (IoTS), que nesta tese representa um sistema IoT executando sobre uma infraestrutura de rede cuja arquitetura inclui substrato de rede definida por software para permitir a flexibilidade nas opera??es de controle. Entretanto, as AMC possuem fortes requisitos de Qualidade de Servi?o (do ingl?s, Quality of Service - QoS), tais como lat?ncia, jitter e perdas, al?m da alta demanda por recursos de rede (e.g., processamento em n?s, caminhos e largura de banda nos enlaces) que precisam ser assegurados pela IoTS para garantir efici?ncia e precis?o. A variabilidade e a dinamicidade de requisitos dos servi?os nesse cen?rio s?o muito elevadas, que podem ir desde a coleta de dados escalares (e.g., sensores ambientais, etc.) at? o processamento digital de multim?dia (e.g., v?deo e ?udio) em tempo real. Nesse cen?rio de IoTS com AMC sens?vel a QoS, torna-se necess?rio um plano de controle que tenha capacidade de prover um servi?o de transporte mais refinado com qualidade garantida, de forma otimizada e aut?noma. Esta tese vai al?m do estado da arte ao definir um arcabou?o hol?stico para o controle de sess?es multiusu?rios (agregando m?ltiplas AMC compartilhando conte?do de uma plataforma IoT) altamente sens?veis a qualidade em uma IoTS, com m?todos refinados para orquestra??o auto-organizada, controle e gest?o de recursos orientados a QoS. O arcabou?o, chamado CLASSICO (Cross-LAyer SDN SessIon COntrol), permite acoplar a variabilidade e a dinamicidade da IoTS, alocando dinamicamente recursos para satisfazer requisitos das AMC em termos de largura de banda elevada e lat?ncias muito baixas durante todo o tempo de dura??o da sess?o, alavancando substrato das Redes Definidas por Software (do ingl?s, Software Defined Networks - SDN) para flexibilidade e modularidade. Para alcan?ar esses objetivos, CLASSICO define um plano de controle cross-layer integrado ? IoTS que considera os par?metros do conte?do (ao n?vel de aplica??o) requerido pelas AMC para construir e manter sess?es multiusu?rios orientadas a QoS, e induz uma IoTS multiusu?rio otimizada atrav?s do transporte baseado em grupos (ao n?vel de rede), buscando ao mesmo tempo aumentar a escalabilidade do sistema IoT. Para valida??o, CLASSICO foi prototipado e avaliado em um testbed real em um caso de uso de v?deo. Os resultados da avalia??o revelam os ganhos de CLASSICO em termos de QoS e Qualidade de Experi?ncia (do ingl?s, Quality of Experience - QoE), em compara??o a uma solu??o baseada em SDN Multicast. / Mission Critical Applications (AMC) represent one of the most promising use cases in the Internet of Things (IoT) as they promise to impact vital areas, such as smart surveillance in environments with high human density, autonomous vehicle traffic with security, remote surgery with precision, among many others. AMC are expected to exploit the content made available by IoT platforms in softwarized IoT networks (IoTS) scenarios, which represents an IoT system running over a network infrastructure which includes software-defined network substrate to allow flexibility in control operations. However, AMCs have strong Quality of Service (QoS) requirements, such as latency, jitter and losses, as well as the high demand for network resources (e.g., node processing, paths and link bandwidth) that need to be guaranteed by IoTS to ensure efficiency and accuracy. The variability and dynamicity of service requirements in this scenario are very high, ranging from scalar data collection (e.g., environmental sensors, etc.) to digital multimedia (e.g., video and audio) processing in real time. In this IoTS scenario with QoS-sensitive AMC, it is necessary to have a control plan with the capacity to provide a fine-grained transport service with guaranteed quality, in an optimized and autonomous way. This thesis goes beyond the state of the art by defining a holistic framework for controlling multiuser sessions (aggregating multiple AMCs sharing content from an IoT platform) highly quality-sensitive in an IoTS, with fine-grained methods for quality-oriented self-organized orchestration, resource control and management. The framework, called CLASSICO (Cross-LAyer SDN SessIon COntrol), allows to couple IoTS variability and dynamicity, dynamically allocating resources to meet AMC requirements regarding high bandwidth and very low latencies throughout the session duration, leveraging the substrate of the Software Defined Networks (SDN) for flexibility and modularity. To achieve these objectives, CLASSICO defines a cross-layer control plan integrated with IoTS that considers the content parameters (at the application level) required by the AMC to build and maintain QoS-oriented multiuser sessions, and induces an optimized multiuser IoTS through group-based transport (at the network level), while increasing the scalability of the IoT system. For validation purposes, CLASSICO has been prototyped and evaluated on a real testbed in a video use case. The results of the evaluation reveal the gains of CLASSICO regarding QoS and Quality of Experience (QoE), in comparison to an SDN Multicast-based solution.
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Ideias governantes em uma institui??o p?blica de educa??o, ci?ncia e tecnologia: miss?o, vis?o e valoresLeal, Rafael Xavier 24 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-07-04T14:24:10Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-03-24 / O objetivo geral desta pesquisa ? identificar se as no??es de vis?o, miss?o e valores
dos servidores do IFPB s?o convergentes com as respectivas declara??es formalizadas pela
institui??o. Devido ? natureza distinta de cada uma dessas ideias, utilizaram-se m?todos
mistos e instrumentos que permitiram uma adequada coleta e an?lise dos dados de acordo
suas especificidades: para os valores, utilizaram-se m?todos quantitativos; para a miss?o,
realizou-se entrevista seguida de an?lise de conte?do; e, para a vis?o, devido ? natureza
criativa dessa ideia, utilizou-se a t?cnica de constru??o de desenho para coletar os dados com
posterior an?lise de conte?do para permitir infer?ncias. Os resultados da pesquisa
confirmaram parcialmente a hip?tese inicial de que as ideias contidas nas declara??es de
miss?o, vis?o e valores n?o seriam compartilhadas com os membros da organiza??o. / This research identified, by a case study, the perception about organizational values, purpose
and vision among members (civil servants) of a public institution of education and compared
those identified ideas with the formal mission, vison and values statements. Due to their
differences in nature, those ideas required three different methodological approaches and
tools. To identify the values, a quantitative approach was used; to identify de purpose of the
organization, interviews and, to identify the vision, a creative method based on projective
tests ? in this case, drawing. The outcome of this research partially confirmed the initial
hypothesis that those ideas within mission, vision and values statements where not shared
among the members of the organization.
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Utilização de sistemas de informações em saude na area de morbidade materna grave (near miss) e mortalidade maternaSousa, Maria Helena de 29 June 2006 (has links)
Orientadores: Jose Guilherme Cecatti, Ellen Hardy / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-06T20:37:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Sousa_MariaHelenade_D.pdf: 3645996 bytes, checksum: 2da8a09da4948fa1321c12c5e8548c1c (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: Objetivos: inicialmente o objetivo foi identificar os óbitos registrados como maternos no ¿Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade¿ (SIM), os nascimentos no ¿Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos¿ (SINASC), obter as Razões de Mortalidade Materna (RMM) e identificar diagnósticos e procedimentos aproximados pelos critérios mais conhecidos de morbidade materna grave, analisando as mortes de mulheres residentes nas capitais brasileiras no ¿Sistema de Informações Hospitalares¿ (SIH) em 2002. Posteriormente o objetivo foi identificar no SIH todos os registros de mulheres no período grávido-puerperal que tivessem informações indicativas de morbidade materna grave; descrever os diagnósticos e procedimentos utilizados, propor a definição de um escore de morbidade materna e identificar as variáveis associadas à morte materna. Método: Estudo descritivo, populacional, análise de dados secundários. Inicialmente utilizaram-se dois sistemas vitais e o hospitalar, para as 26 capitais estaduais e o Distrito Federal do Brasil, em 2002. Para a primeira etapa foram obtidas as RMM e informações básicas das mortes maternas declaradas. A partir dessas mortes relacionou-se probabilisticamente o SIM com o SINASC e, em seguida, com o SIH, utilizando-se o programa ¿Reclink II¿, com estratégia de blocagem em múltiplos passos. Em seguida, realizou-se análise descritiva simples. Para a segunda etapa, as principais variáveis foram o diagnóstico principal e secundário e o procedimento solicitado e realizado durante a internação. Houve uma seleção inicial de registros de mulheres de 10 a 49 anos de idade, seguida de uma seleção daquelas que apresentaram pelo menos um item indicativo de morbidade materna grave (near miss). Para os relacionamentos do SIH com o SIM e do SIH com ele mesmo, estabeleceu-se estratégia de blocagem em três passos independentes. Para a análise dos dados foram calculadas as razões de near miss, descritos os diagnósticos e procedimentos, utilizada a técnica multivariada de componentes principais e ajustado o modelo de regressão logística. Resultados: Foram identificadas 339 mortes maternas em 2002, com RMM oficial e ajustada, respectivamente, de 46,4 e 64,9 (mortes por 100.000 nascidos vivos). Com o primeiro relacionamento foi possível localizar 46,5% das mortes maternas e, com o segundo, localizaram-se 55,2% das mortes. O diagnóstico mais freqüente foi o de infecção (13,9%), e o procedimento com maior porcentagem (39,0%) foi o de admissão à UTI. Para a segunda etapa, a RNM para o total dos municípios foi de 44,3/ 1.000 nascidos vivos. Foram identificadas 154 mortes maternas dentre os registros indicativos de near miss. A análise descritiva apontou como mais freqüentes os critérios graves relativos a infecção, pré-eclâmpsia e hemorragia. A análise por regressão logística resultou em 12 variáveis, entre elas quatro interações significativas. Conclusões: Os diagnósticos e procedimentos relatados no SIH mostraram a gravidade da condição mórbida materna em 66% dos óbitos maternos declarados, apesar das inconsistências entre os diversos sistemas. Para a segunda etapa, conclui-se que, apesar das limitações existentes no SIH, é promissora a perspectiva de utilizá-lo de forma rotineira, mas com esforços no sentido de melhorar a qualidade da AIH / Abstract: Objectives: initially the objective was to identify maternal deaths in the ¿Mortality Information System¿ (SIM), births in the ¿Live Births Information System¿ (SINASC), to obtain the Maternal Mortality Ratios (MMR) and to identify diagnosis and procedures related with the most common criteria of severe maternal morbidity, evaluating the deaths of women living in Brazilian capitals in the ¿Hospital Information System¿ (SIH) in 2002. Sequentially the objective was to identify in SIH all registers from women during pregnancy, delivery and post partum period who had information indicating severe maternal morbidity; to describe the diagnosis and procedures used; to propose a score of maternal morbidity and to identify variables associated to maternal death. Method: A population descriptive study, secondary data analysis. For the first step two vital systems and hospital system for the 26 capitals and the Federal District of Brazil, in 2002, were used. The MMR and basic information on maternal deaths were obtained. Using data available for these deaths, SIM was probabilistically linked with SINASC and after with SIH, using the software ¿Reclink II¿, with a multiple steps blocking strategy. Simple descriptive analysis was then performed. For the second step the main variables were the primary and secondary diagnosis and the requested and performed procedure during hospitalization. Initially there was a selection of registries of women between 10 and 49 years of age, followed by a selection of those presenting at least one criteria indicating severe maternal morbidity (near miss). For the linkages of SIH with SIM and with itself, a three independent steps blockage strategy was established. For data analysis the Near Miss Ratios were calculated and the diagnosis and procedures were described; the multivariate technique of principal components was used and then a logistic regression model was adjusted. Results: 339 maternal deaths were identified in 2002 with an official and adjusted MMR of respectively 46.4 and 64.9 (maternal deaths per 100.000 live births). With the first linkage it was possible to find 46.5% of the maternal deaths and 55.2% with the second one. The most frequent diagnosis was infection (13.9%) and the most frequent procedure was admission to ICU (39.0%). For the second step, the NMR for the total municipalities was 44,3/ 1.000 live births. Among the registries indicating near miss, 154 maternal deaths were identified. The descriptive analysis pointed out as more frequent the severe criteria related to infection, pre-eclampsia and hemorrhage. The analysis with logistic regression resulted in 12 variables, among them four significant interactions. Conclusions: The diagnosis and procedures informed in the SIH showed the severity of maternal morbidity in 66% of the deaths certified as maternal, despite the inconsistencies among the different systems. For the second step, although the existing limitations in the SIH, the perspective of using it routinely is promising, but only with efforts in order to improve the quality of the document which provides information for the registry / Doutorado / Ciencias Biomedicas / Doutor em Tocoginecologia
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Log-selection strategies in a real-time systemGillström, Niklas January 2014 (has links)
This thesis presents and evaluates how to select the data to be logged in an embedded realtime system so as to be able to give confidence that it is possible to perform an accurate identification of the fault(s) that caused any runtime errors. Several log-selection strategies were evaluated by injecting random faults into a simulated real-time system. An instrument was created to perform accurate detection and identification of these faults by evaluating log data. The instrument’s output was compared to ground truth to determine the accuracy of the instrument. Three strategies for selecting the log entries to keep in limited permanent memory were created. The strategies were evaluated using log data from the simulated real-time system. One of the log-selection strategies performed much better than the other two: it minimized processing time and stored the maximum amount of useful log data in the available storage space. / Denna uppsats illustrerar hur det blev fastställt vad som ska loggas i ett inbäddat realtidssystem för att kunna ge förtroende för att det är möjligt att utföra en korrekt identifiering av fel(en) som orsakat körningsfel. Ett antal strategier utvärderades för loggval genom att injicera slumpmässiga fel i ett simulerat realtidssystem. Ett instrument konstruerades för att utföra en korrekt upptäckt och identifiering av dessa fel genom att utvärdera loggdata. Instrumentets utdata jämfördes med ett kontrollvärde för att bestämma riktigheten av instrumentet. Tre strategier skapades för att avgöra vilka loggposter som skulle behållas i det begränsade permanenta lagringsutrymmet. Strategierna utvärderades med hjälp av loggdata från det simulerade realtidssystemet. En av strategierna för val av loggdata presterade klart bättre än de andra två: den minimerade tiden för bearbetning och lagrade maximal mängd användbar loggdata i det permanenta lagringsutrymmet.
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Barriers to Near-miss Reporting in the Maritime DomainKöhler, Fredrik January 2010 (has links)
The catastrophic accident of the ferry Herald of Free Enterprise made it clear that the development of accident prevention in the maritime domain must not only rely on negative events but rather on proactive measures.Near-miss reporting is becoming widespread as a proactive tool for accident prevention in various domains. This thesis aims to examine and identify barriers to near-miss reporting through studying the national reporting system INSJÖ and local company specific systems in the Swedish maritime domain.Interviews with representatives from Swedish shipping companies (designated persons responsible for safety work in each company and officers responsible for the reporting at sea) were conducted as a means of data collection. Based on the data two separate analyses were made; one in a naturalistic fashion and one using a framework of barriers and incentives derived from various social technical domains in which near-miss reporting has been institutionalized.The results of the two analyses highlight differences regarding how and with whom information should be shared. The therapeutic factor, to teach and learn from others was emphasized as important by the majority of the interviewees. Further, potential external influences, issues concerning anonymity and the risk of rehearsed benefits of reporting are also made visible. Finally, critique against the accident-ratio models, that introduced the near-miss concept, is presented and it is argued that these models might be too simplistic to explain why accidents occur.It is concluded that, in order to create effective reporting systems and to decrease the risk of creating a disparity between rehearsed benefits and how the system is used in reality, it is important to give the personnel ownership of their own reporting system and the knowledge of how and why to use it. Nevertheless, near-miss reporting might be used as a powerful tool and incentive for proactive work and accident prevention.
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Le retour de l'art mural à l'époque contemporaine / The return of the Mural art in the contemporary periodMalbranche, Chloë 01 October 2011 (has links)
Le retour de l'Art mural à l'époque contemporaine" tourne autour de la problématique suivante: en quoi l'Art Mural est-il une nouvelle forme de métaphysique puisqu’elle permet à l'homme de projeter son âme sur un support et se retrouve ainsi dévoilée aux yeux de tous sous cette forme qui s’apparente à l" ekstase "soit un au dehors mis en mouvement par une "corporéité habitée" car le peintre muraliste est celui qui revendique l'esprit d'une époque et fusionne avec le mur pour créer une image, celle de l'invisible rendue visible. Le concept de « mur » sera abordé comme une pierre angulaire au travers des âges, comme support dans l’art moderne, art qui permet de faire un lien avec le passé mais surtout se démarque des arts contemporains car il sera nécessaire d’approcher les œuvres murales et le graffiti en général qui sera défini et fera l’objet d’une étude approfondie. Ainsi l’art rupestre qu’il est possible de comprendre d’après les études de Henri LHOTE, d’André LEROI-GOURHAN et de l’Abbé BREUIL pourra être mis en lumière notamment en décrivant les peintures pariétales retrouvées dans la grotte de Niaux, de Kapova, de Altamira, de Lascaux et de Chauvet qui représentent la première forme d’art humain et le commencement d’une spiritualité naissante. Le lien pourra être fait avec le symbolisme de l’Art égyptien et sa construction de l’image pour arriver à l’art décoratif des fresques de Pompéi et d’Herculanum où les graffitis de ces villes ont été étudiés par Eva CANTARELLA. De manière chronologique il sera intéressant de rappeler que le Moyen Age fut l’époque de la naissance des fresques romanes en vue de promouvoir une spiritualité qui évolue au cours des âges. Il existe aussi des techniques selon Cennino CENNINI qui explique les procédés de l’« intonaco » et de la fresque « a fresco » associés au père Ignazio POZZO. Enfin la période contemporaine fera l’objet de cette réflexion car les mouvements en peinture sont faits de liens mais surtout font rupture avec ce qui précède pour s’établir dans le temps selon l’expression de Valérie DUPONT, historienne de l’Art. / The return of Mural Art in the contemporary period” revolves round the following issue: In what way can one consider art to be a new form of metaphysics, since it allows man to project his soul on a support thus unveiling it to all in this form, which is close to a kind of “ecstasy”, i.e. an outside that is made to move through a “lived-in corporality”, for the mural painter claims the spirit of a period and merges with the wall so as to created an image – that of the invisible made visible. The “wall” concept will be examined as a foundation stone through the ages, as a support in modern art, a type of art that can create a link with the past but which especially stands out from contemporary art types, since we'll be studying mural works made by muralists as well as graffiti in general, which will be defined and studied in depth. Thus, rupestral art, which may be understood through the studies of Henri LHOTE, André LEROI-GOURHAN and Abbot BREUIL, can be explained most notably by looking at parietal paintings found in the Niaux, Kapova, Altamira, Lascaux and Chauvet caves, which represent the first form of human art and the beginning of a nascent spirituality. A link may be made to the symbolism of Egyptian art and its construction of image before reaching the decorative art of the Pompei and Herculanum frescoes – graffitis in those cities were studied by Eva CANTARELLA. It will be interesting, from a chronological point of view, to remember that the Middle Ages were the period when romanesque frescoes were born in order to further foster that age-old evolving spirituality. Such art was considered by Cennino CENNINI, who, along with father Ignazio POSSO explains the processes of “intonaco and the “a fresco” fresco. Finally, we'll have to study the modern period, since painting movements are made up of links and, more importantly, make a break with what preceded them, in order to last in time, as Valérie DUPONT, an arti historian, says.
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分析師預測與市場反應之關聯性研究莊秩瑋, Chuang Chih-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
(2)在控制未預期盈餘(unexpected earnings)的幅度之下,當公司超出分析師預測時,市場獎勵公司的程度,是否更甚於當公司未達分析師預測時,市場懲罰公司的程度?
本研究係以在台灣證券市場上市公司為研究對象,研究期間為民國77年至民國90年共計14年。研究方法分別使用Pooled regression與Annual regression兩種迴歸模式分別對樣本觀察值進行複迴歸。共計三個迴歸模型,六個迴歸結果。
然而,非一致性超出的未預期盈餘部分(非系統因子),相較於其他未能持續一致超出分析師預測之公司,市場則亦不一定予以實質肯定並給予其超額獎勵。意即因非系統超出之部分所得到的市場獎勵,並不一定大於未能持續一致超出分析師預測的公司。 / This study investigates whether the market rewards(penalizes)firms for beating(missing)analysts’ earnings forecasts. Specifically, we examine the market response to positive and negative forecast errors. In addition, we examine whether the sensitivity of stock prices to positive or negative forecast errors is affected by the firms’ history of consistently beating or missing analysts’ forecasts. In this paper, we provide empirical evidence on three issues: (1) is there a differential market response to the level of unexpected earnings for firms that beat analysts’ forecasts versus those that do not? (2) does the market respond to whether firms beat or miss analysts’ forecasts independent of the magnitude of the forecast error? (3) whether the market gives rewards or penalties for firms with a historical tendency to report positive / negative forecast errors?
The results indicate that the earnings multiple applied to positive unexpected earnings is not significantly greater than for negative unexpected earnings. However, we find that after controlling for the magnitude of the forecast error, the market penalty for missing forecasts is significantly greater in absolute terms than the response to beating forecasts. Finally we find that for the firms that consistently beat analysts’ forecasts, the market doesn’t give penalties to the systematic component of the forecast error, and doesn’t give excess rewards to the unsystematic component. But for the firms that consistently miss analysts’ forecasts, the market gives penalties to the systematic component of the forecast error, and doesn’t give excess penalties to the unsystematic component.
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投資型商品申訴問題與監理之研究 / The Study of investment link product compliant and regulatory余家和, Yu,Julie Unknown Date (has links)
現行投資型商品申訴的問題多與資訊不對稱以及銷售誤導相關,因此,建議壽險業者應從商品規劃以及銷售管理上預防投資型商品申訴問題的發生;主管機關則應從投資型商品銷售通路特性與問題訂定相關的監理規範,才能有效匡正不當銷售的問題。也唯有健全此市場的經營、提升壽險業正面的品牌形象及改善社會大眾對投資型商品負面的觀感,投資型商品市場才有更長遠經營的希望。 / Investment-linked product is becoming a popular insurance product in the recent years. Many insurance companies holds great confidence in the development of this product, and encourages the growing sales of investment-linked product thru multiple channels. The governing authorities continuously publishing new regulations or making amendments to better manage the product and the process. However, the statistics showed regulatory requirements did not help to reduce the investment-linked product compliant ratio. By analyzing the sales channels and complaint ratio, this study wishes to put forward recommendations for the governing authorities and the insurers to improve the complaint ratios.
Different sales channel is characterized by its specialty and strength. Currently, investment-linked products are being sold thru agency and bancassurance channels. According to the publicly released statistic of insurance compliant by Insurance Bureau of Financial Supervisor Committee (FSC), there are three main issues:
1.Non-claim compliant ratio remains high since the inception of investment-linked product.
2.In the recent three years, insurance companies whose sales are mostly investment-linked product have higher ratio of non-claim compliant.
3.Bancassurance and brokerage channels experience higher ratio of non-claim compliant comparing to agency channel when selling investment-linked product.
Complaints of investment-linked product in the life insurance companies mostly resulted from improper selling and misrepresented or misleading information. Thus, suggestions for insurers and the governing authorities are followed:
1.For insurers, they have to revisit their product design methodology, and also need to manage and educate each channel to prevent the occurrence of insurance compliant.
2.For authorities, the regulatory focus should be channel specific since channels operate differently.
Only when improper selling and misrepresenting issues are being addressed, and customer’s image for investment-link product being corrected, then we can see light and hope in the growing needs of investment-linked product.
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