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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Porovnání databází firem pro účely ocenění podniku / Comparation of Company Databases for Business Valuation

Kremová, Alice January 2012 (has links)
The topic of this master thesis is to compare and analyze five database of companies in terms of suitability for the process of valuation . The main reason why these databases (Albertina, Amadeus , Magnus , Market Line and Capital IQ) are used is their accessibility within the field of study Finance and Business Valuation in University of Economics in Prague. The thesis is structured with respect to the valuation process recommended by professor Mařík (2011) . The first part contains data collection and focuses primarily on general data options for each database. The second part is a detailed financial analysis describing and comparing the ratios followed by databases options in the field of strategic analysis. The possibility of calculation of NOPAT and operationally necessary capital employed is presented after strategic analysis. The last two chapters deal with the database containing capital markets data and can provide the basics for calculation of interests rate and the actual valuation based on market analysis. The conclusion summarizes the main advantages of databases as appropriate for valuation.

Svensk frikyrklighet och högerpopulism: immun eller mottaglig? : en jämförande idéanalys av evangelikal kristen opinionsbildning / Free churches in Sweden and right wing populism: immune or susceptible? : an analysis of ideas comparing editorials in evangelical press

Casselbrant, André January 2022 (has links)
Is religion a vaccine against radical right populism? The opposite has often been taken for granted in many debates. This study tests the theory of religious immunity by examining three Swedish evangelical newspapers: Dagen, Världen idag and Sändaren. By performing an analysis of ideas on evangelical contribution to public debate in the years of 2010 and 2021, the degree of radical right populism is estimated. Differences between the newspapers and change over time are the investigation’s comparative elements. By utilizing theological variation among the cases and the development over time, the strength and endurance of the immunity is examined.  Results show an evangelical opinion making in change. From a starting point in 2010, where all cases proved a solid immunity, to a more complex picture in 2021. Two parallel trends where observed: the immunity found in Dagen and Sändaren endured the test of time. At the same time, Världen idag developed a radical right tendency, harmonizing with the Christian Democratic party. Being a least likely case, the turn in Världen idag does not write off the theory of immunity, but challenges the idea of evangelical homogeneity in regard to radical right populism. Theological ideas about the nation is suggested being a possible division. In whole, this study has deepened our knowledge in how theological motives are used to affect the connection between religion and radical right populism, and given a more nuanced understanding of evangelical politics in Sweden.

Bucklingsanalys av spannmålssilo / Buckling analysis of grain silo

Calestam, Magnus, Wedin, Johan January 2013 (has links)
Spannmål med varierande fuktighetsgrad kan lagras i kvadratiska silor med väggelement bestående av korrugerad plåt. Då det lagrade spannmålet ska tömmas har det fuktiga spannmålet en tendens att fastna på väggarna, vilket medför att spannmålet i efterhand måste avlägsnas manuellt. För att slippa denna tidskrävande process monteras en slät plåt på den korrugerade plåten, för att på så vis hindra det fuktiga spannmålet från att fastna. Om samma plåtdimensioner för den korrugerade plåten används då den släta plåten är och inte är monterad kan väggelementen utsättas för buckling. Det här examensarbetet handlar således om hur väggelementen ska dimensioneras för att strukturen inte ska utsättas för buckling. De silor som undersöks har tvärsnitten 3,0 x 3,0 m och 2,5 x 2,5 m med väggelement som består av endast korrugerad plåt samt med slät plåt monterad på korrugerad plåt. Vidare har silorna vertikala väggar med höjden 8,4 m som består av tio sektioner. Beräkningar har utförts då fyllnadsmaterialet är vete.   För att väggelementen ska kunna dimensioneras beräknas vilka trycksituationer som uppstår i de olika silorna med hjälp av den svenska och europeiska standarden Eurokod (2006), EN 1991-4 för tryckberäkningar i silor och behållare. För att beräkna trycksituationerna delas de aktuella silorna in i åtgärdsklass 1 då deras kapacitet understiger 100 ton, vilket innebär att osymmetriska tryck kan ignoreras. Silorna klassas även som slanka. Då silornas utlopp består av en pyramidformad tratt med centriskt utlopp och då trattens halva inre vinkel är 45° uppstår ett inre rörflöde vid tömning. Detta medför enligt Eurokod att silorna ska dimensioneras enligt trycken som uppstår vid fyllning. Det horisontella och vertikala trycket samt trycket som uppstår från friktionen beräknas för de olika tvärsnitten.   CAD-programmet Pro Engineer och finita elementtillägget Mechanica används för att modellera de aktuella silorna och utföra analyser med avseende på spänning och buckling. Modellerna har fyra symmetriplan, därför modelleras endast en åttondel av de aktuella strukturerna. Detta motsvarar ett halvt väggelement och en halv stolpe. Modellerna skapas som skalmodeller och randvillkor ansätts i alla snittytor samt på stolpens över och underkant. I modellerna förenklas strukturen genom att inga skruvar eller radier modelleras. Trycken framräknade enligt Eurokod räknas om till krafter och appliceras på modellerna. Hela strukturen modelleras i stål med sträckgränsen 180 MPa.   En av företagets äldre dimensioneringsstandarder undersöks genom att väggelementen tilldelas plåttjocklekar enligt denna. För att undersöka var de mest kritiska områdena för buckling uppstår utförs en bucklingsanalys grundad på en statisk analys för modellerna. Resultatet från bucklingsanalysen för silon med väggelement bestående av korrugerad plåt med väggbredden 3,0 m visar att buckling uppstår på den näst nedersta sektionen vid 72 % av den applicerade kraftresultanten. För silon med samma väggelement fast med bredden 2,5 m uppstår buckling på den översta sektionen där bucklingskraften uppgår till 62 % av den applicerade kraftresultanten. För silorna med väggelement bestående av slät plåt monterad på korrugerad plåt uppstår buckling redan vid 3-4 % av den applicerade kraftresultanten, för båda väggbredderna. Då det genom analyser framkommit att det är lokala bucklingar enbart på den släta plåten som ger dessa låga värden friläggs den korrugerade plåten för att trycksituationen som verkar från den släta plåten på så vis ska kunna erhållas. Med kraften från den släta väggen kan den korrugerade plåten därmed dimensioneras mot buckling. Vid bucklingsanalys av den korrugerade plåten som är tryckbelastad av den släta plåten framgår att buckling då väggbredden är 3,0 m uppstår på silons näst understa sektion. Bucklingskraften uppgår till 59 % av den applicerade kraftresultanten. För silon med väggbredden 2,5 m uppstår buckling vid 51 % av den applicerade kraftresultanten på silons översta sektion.   Då målet är att de korrugerade plåtarna inte får utsättas för buckling provas plåttjocklekar fram i finita elementmodellerna tills att bucklingskraften uppgår till minst 110 % av den applicerade kraftresultanten. Detta genererar att plåttjocklekarna för de nedre fyra sektionerna av väggelementen bestående av korrugerad plåt med bredden 3,0 m behöver ökas. För silon med samma väggelement fast med väggbredden 2,5 m behöver dimensionen på de två översta sektionerna ökas. För silorna med väggelement bestående av slät plåt monterad på korrugerad plåt behöver den korrugerade plåten för väggbredden 3,0 m ökas för de fem understa sektionerna medan samma dimensioner för väggbredden 2,5 m kan användas som för silon med väggelement bestående av enbart korrugerad plåt. Om den släta plåten inte får utsättas för buckling behöver plåttjocklekarna ökas från mellan 5,5 mm och 1,5 mm. Vid beräkningar av plåtdimensioner har ett konservativ förfarande använts vilket innebär att företagets dimensionering kan vara korrekt. Erhållna dimensioneringsförslag är emellertid rimliga för de korrugerade plåtarna. / Grains with varying humidity can be stored in square silos with wall elements consisting of corrugated sheet. When the stored grain is to be emptied from the silos it has tendency to stick to the walls, especially if humid, which means that the grain must be removed manually. To avoid this time-consuming process a flat sheet is mounted on the corrugated sheet to prevent the moist grain from sticking to the wall. If the same dimension on the corrugated sheet is used when the flat sheet is or is not mounted the walls may be subjected to buckling. This thesis is thus about how the wall elements shall be designed in order to prevent buckling. The silos that have been examined have a cross section of 3.0 x 3.0 m and 2.5 x 2.5 m respectively with wall elements consisting of only corrugated sheet or smooth sheet mounted on corrugated sheet. Furthermore, the silos got vertical walls with a height of 8.4 m consisting of ten sections. Calculations are made with wheat as the stored grain.   To be able to dimension the wall elements the pressure is calculated for the different silos, using the Swedish and European standard Eurocode (2006), EN 1991-4 for pressure calculations in silos and tanks. To calculate the pressure the silos are assigned into action assessment class 1, since their capacity are less than a 100 tons, which further means that the unsymmetrical pressure can be ignored. The silos are also classified as slender. As the silos outlet consists of a square pyramidal hopper with centric outlet and a half internal angel of 45° an inner pipe flow occurs during emptying. This means according to Eurocode that the dimension shall be based on the pressure which occurs during filling. The horizontal and vertical pressure and the pressure made from the friction are calculated for the different cross sections.   The CAD software Pro Engineer and the finite element extension Mechanica is used to model the current silos and perform analysis for stress and buckling. The models have four symmetry planes therefore only one eighth of the current structure is modeled, corresponding to half a wall element and half a pole. The models are created as shell models and boundary conditions are applied in all symmetrical planes and on the top and bottom of the pole. The structure of the silos is simplified since no screws or radius is modeled. The pressure calculated according to Eurocode is converted into forces and applied to the models. The whole structure is modeled in steel with yield strength of 180 MPa.   The company’s older dimension standards are applied on the wall elements and analyzed. To investigate where to most critical areas for buckling occurs a buckling analysis based on a static analysis of the models is performed. The results from the buckling analysis for the silo wall element consisting of corrugated sheet with the width of 3.0 m shows that buckling occurs on the second bottom section at 72 % of the applied force. For the silo consisting of the same wall element but with the width of 2.5 m buckling occurs at the top section where the buckling force amounts to 62 % of the applied force. For the silos with wall elements consisting of plain sheet mounted on corrugated sheet buckling occurs at 3-4 % of the applied force for the two wall widths. Analysis show that the low values of buckling load on the plane sheet is a result from local buckling. In order to dimension the corrugated sheet to prevent it from buckling when the plane sheet is mounted a free body diagram is made for the corrugated sheet to obtain the acting forces. The buckling analysis of the corrugated sheet, with wall width 3.0 m, which is pressurized by the plane sheet shows that buckling occurs on the silos second bottom section. Buckling occurs at 59 % of the applied force for the silo with wall width of 2.5 m buckling occurs at 51 % of the applied force on the silo top section.   Since the goal is that the corrugated sheets are not to be subject to buckling, the thickness of the sheets is iterated until the buckling force is equal to at least 110 % of the applied force. This generates an increased thickness for the lower four sections for the silo with wall element consisting of corrugated sheet with wall width of 3.0 m. For the silo with the same wall elements but with a wall width of 2.5 m, the dimensions of the top two sections need to increase. Regarding the silos with wall elements consisting of plane sheet mounted on corrugated sheet an increase in dimension is needed for the corrugated sheet for the five lowest sections for the wall width of 3.0 m.   With a wall width of 2.5 m the same dimension can be used as when the silo wall elements consist of only corrugated sheet. If the plane sheet is not to be exposed for buckling the thickness of the sheets needs to be increased from between 5.5 mm and 1.5 mm. All calculations of the sheet dimensions are obtained by a conservative thinking which means that the company’s older dimensions may be correct. However, the resulting dimensions are reasonable for the corrugated sheets.

Satire of Counsel, Counsel of Satire: Representing Advisory Relations in Later Medieval Literature

Newman, Jonathan M. 20 January 2009 (has links)
Satire and counsel recur together in the secular literature of the High and Late Middle Ages. I analyze their collocation in Latin, Old Occitan, and Middle English texts from the twelfth to the fifteenth century in works by Walter Map, Alan of Lille, John of Salisbury, Daniel of Beccles, John Gower, William of Poitiers, Thomas Hoccleve, and John Skelton. As types of discourse, satire and counsel resemble each other in the way they reproduce scenarios of social interaction. Authors combine satire and counsel to reproduce these scenarios according to the protocols of real-life social interaction. Informed by linguistic pragmatics, discourse analysis, sociolinguistics and cultural anthropology, I examine the relational rhetoric of these texts to uncover a sometimes complex and reflective ethical discourse on power which sometimes implicates itself in the practices it condemns. The dissertation draws throughout on sociolinguistic methods for examining verbal interaction between unequals, and assesses what this focus can contribute to recent scholarly debates on the interrelation of social and literary practices in the later Middle Ages. In the first chapter I introduce the concepts and methodologies that inform this dissertation through a detailed consideration of Distinction One of Walter Map’s De nugis curialium . While looking at how Walter Map combines discourses of satire and counsel to negotiate a new social role for the learned cleric at court, I advocate treating satire as a mode of expression more general than ‘literary’ genre and introduce the iii theories and methods that inform my treatment of literary texts as social interaction, considering also how these approaches can complement new historicist interpretation. Chapter two looks at how twelfth-century authors of didactic poetry appropriate relational discourses from school and household to claim the authoritative roles of teacher and father. In the third chapter, I focus on texts that depict relations between princes and courtiers, especially the Prologue of the Confessio Amantis which idealizes its author John Gower as an honest counselor and depicts King Richard II (in its first recension) as receptive to honest counsel. The fourth chapter turns to poets with the uncertain social identities of literate functionaries at court. Articulating their alienation and satirizing the ploys of courtiers—including even satire itself—Thomas Hoccleve in the Regement of Princes and John Skelton in The Bowge of Court undermine the satirist-counselor’s claim to authenticity. In concluding, I consider how this study revises understanding of the genre of satire in the Middle Ages and what such an approach might contribute to the study of Jean de Meun and Geoffrey Chaucer.

Satire of Counsel, Counsel of Satire: Representing Advisory Relations in Later Medieval Literature

Newman, Jonathan M. 20 January 2009 (has links)
Satire and counsel recur together in the secular literature of the High and Late Middle Ages. I analyze their collocation in Latin, Old Occitan, and Middle English texts from the twelfth to the fifteenth century in works by Walter Map, Alan of Lille, John of Salisbury, Daniel of Beccles, John Gower, William of Poitiers, Thomas Hoccleve, and John Skelton. As types of discourse, satire and counsel resemble each other in the way they reproduce scenarios of social interaction. Authors combine satire and counsel to reproduce these scenarios according to the protocols of real-life social interaction. Informed by linguistic pragmatics, discourse analysis, sociolinguistics and cultural anthropology, I examine the relational rhetoric of these texts to uncover a sometimes complex and reflective ethical discourse on power which sometimes implicates itself in the practices it condemns. The dissertation draws throughout on sociolinguistic methods for examining verbal interaction between unequals, and assesses what this focus can contribute to recent scholarly debates on the interrelation of social and literary practices in the later Middle Ages. In the first chapter I introduce the concepts and methodologies that inform this dissertation through a detailed consideration of Distinction One of Walter Map’s De nugis curialium . While looking at how Walter Map combines discourses of satire and counsel to negotiate a new social role for the learned cleric at court, I advocate treating satire as a mode of expression more general than ‘literary’ genre and introduce the iii theories and methods that inform my treatment of literary texts as social interaction, considering also how these approaches can complement new historicist interpretation. Chapter two looks at how twelfth-century authors of didactic poetry appropriate relational discourses from school and household to claim the authoritative roles of teacher and father. In the third chapter, I focus on texts that depict relations between princes and courtiers, especially the Prologue of the Confessio Amantis which idealizes its author John Gower as an honest counselor and depicts King Richard II (in its first recension) as receptive to honest counsel. The fourth chapter turns to poets with the uncertain social identities of literate functionaries at court. Articulating their alienation and satirizing the ploys of courtiers—including even satire itself—Thomas Hoccleve in the Regement of Princes and John Skelton in The Bowge of Court undermine the satirist-counselor’s claim to authenticity. In concluding, I consider how this study revises understanding of the genre of satire in the Middle Ages and what such an approach might contribute to the study of Jean de Meun and Geoffrey Chaucer.

Υπολογιστική ανάλυση εξωτερικής βλητικής. Διερεύνηση αεροδυναμικής συμπεριφοράς αξονοσυμμετρικών βλημάτων σε ελεύθερη ατμοσφαιρική πτήση

Γκριτζάπης, Δημήτρης 01 December 2009 (has links)
Η σύγχρονη επιστήμη της εξωτερικής βλητικής έχει εξελιχθεί ως εξειδικευμένος κλάδος της δυναμικής των στερεών σωμάτων, που κινούνται υπό την επίδραση της βαρύτητας και των αεροδυναμικών δυνάμεων και ροπών. Στην παρούσα διατριβή μελετάται η προσομοίωση του δυναμικού μοντέλου ατμοσφαιρικής τροχιάς των 6 βαθμών ελευθερίας (6-DOF), εφαρμόζεται για ακριβή πρόβλεψη τροχιών από διάφορες γωνίες βολής σε μικρά και σε μεγάλα βεληνεκή και γίνεται σύγκριση με το γραμμικό μοντέλο τροχιάς, για περιστρεφόμενα ή μη περιστρεφόμενα βλήματα και σφαίρες λαμβάνοντας υπόψη τον αριθμό Mach και τις μεταβολές της συνολικής γωνίας εκτροπής σε σχέση με τους μεταβλητούς και σταθερούς αεροδυναμικούς συντελεστές. Επίσης, μελετώνται τα δύο είδη ευστάθειας του βλήματος: η στατική ή γυροσκοπική ευστάθεια που αφορά τη στατική θέση ισορροπίας του βλήματος και η δυναμική ευστάθεια που αφορά την κινητική του κατάσταση. Η λύση της διαφορικής εξίσωσης για ολοκληρωμένη ή απλοποιημένη κίνηση περιστρεφόμενων αξονοσυμμετρικών βλημάτων, μπορεί να μας περιγράψει την ακρογωνιαία φύση της επικυκλικής κίνησης των βλημάτων. Τέλος, αναπτύσσεται νέα σχέση υπολογισμού της επίδρασης του φαινόμενου της αεροδυναμικής αναπήδησης της ταχύτητας για περιστρεφόμενα βλήματα τα οποία πυροδοτούνται οριζόντια από μεταβλητές γωνίες, μέσα από ιπτάμενο όχημα (ελικόπτερο, πολεμικό αεροπλάνο). / On the battlefield, it is well known that the target effects using artillery systems diminish exponentially with the number of rounds fired at a particular target. To maximize target effects, rounds must be designed to hit a target with a minimum number of rounds that impact the target in rapid succession. The modern science of the exterior ballistics has evolved as a specialized branch of the dynamics of rigid bodies, moving under the influence of gravitational and aerodynamic forces and moments. The six degrees of freedom (6-DOF) simulation flight dynamics model is applied for the accurate prediction of short and long-range trajectories of high and low fin spin-stabilized projectiles and small bullets. Variable coefficients of aerodynamic forces, moments and Magnus effects are taken into account depending on Mach number and total angle of attack variations. The above analysis is compared to the modified linear modified simulation model for rapid trajectory predictions and high accuracy impact point computations for constant and variable aerodynamic coefficients is also applied for the accurate prediction of short and long range trajectories. The computational results of the proposed synthesized analysis give satisfactory agreement with other technical data and recognized exterior atmospheric projectile flight investigations. The variable modified atmospheric flight model can be further coupled to a suitable trajectory tracking control system for current and future control actions applied to projectiles for minimizing the estimated error to target impact area. Epicyclic motion and gyroscopic stability analysis are also examined for spinning and non-spinning projectiles. A new engineering correlation is proposed for the flat-fire disturbance due to aerodynamic jump performance firing at different angles which relative to the helicopter’s flight path motion. The computational results of the generalized aerodynamic jump formula are verified compared to McCoy’s recognized simulation modelling.

Sublimés des Nouveaux Mondes – Évocation des lieux de l'expansion européenne dans les imprimés français, des origines à 1560 / Distilled New Worlds – Mentions of the European expansion in French printed writings before 1560

Masse, Vincent 02 March 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse propose l'analyse des processus de l'intégration discursive des « Nouveaux Mondes » – c'est-à-dire des nouveaux lieux de l'expansion européenne des XVe et XVIe siècles – dans les imprimés français d'avant 1560. Le corpus s'y veut exhaustif, mais l'étude porte en priorité sur (1) les mentions brèves (dites sublimées), que celles-ci relèvent de la digression ou qu'elles soient intégrées, et (2) les textes actualisés, c’est-à-dire les traductions, les rééditions avec annexes, les adaptations, etc. Une division bipartite et heuristique est proposée, avec d'une part les actualisations d'écrits procédant par l'exclusion d'un ou d'élément(s) de l'hypotexte (c'est-à-dire du matériel textuel qui préexiste à l'acte de publication), et d'autre part par l'adjonction d'éléments supplémentaires. Cette division permet d'analyser les dits lieux, d'une part en fonction d'un principe de pertinence (lequel est révélé par les phénomènes d'exclusion), et d'autre part en fonction d'une recherche de l'inédit, voire de l'acte contentieux (qu'exprime éloquemment l'acte d'adjonction). La thèse démontre comment les deux principes, celui de la pertinence et celui de la recherche de l'inédit, sont liés à la culture émergente de l'imprimé, ainsi qu'au développement d'une grande variété de genres et de discours: littérature géographique, chroniques annales, pamphlets ou manuels anti-syphilitiques, lettres missionnaires, littérature eschatologique, traités didactiques, etc. Le concept d'acte de publication, qui est corrélatif à celui d'actualisation, permet d'aller au-delà d'une opposition entre l'ouvrage dit « périmé » et l'ouvrage dit « progressiste ». Pour ce faire est reconsidéré l'apport, pour la diffusion des nouveaux lieux, de textes comme le Tractatus de sphaera de Joannes de Sacrobosco (XIIIe siècle) et la lettre apocryphe du Prêtre Jean (XIIe siècle), qui aux XVe et XVIe siècles sont réactualisés suivant une perspective heuristique ou didactique, et participent ainsi à l'émergence d'une économie discursive des « Nouveaux Mondes ».

Sublimés des Nouveaux Mondes – Évocation des lieux de l'expansion européenne dans les imprimés français, des origines à 1560 / Distilled New Worlds – Mentions of the European expansion in French printed writings before 1560

Masse, Vincent 02 March 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse propose l'analyse des processus de l'intégration discursive des « Nouveaux Mondes » – c'est-à-dire des nouveaux lieux de l'expansion européenne des XVe et XVIe siècles – dans les imprimés français d'avant 1560. Le corpus s'y veut exhaustif, mais l'étude porte en priorité sur (1) les mentions brèves (dites sublimées), que celles-ci relèvent de la digression ou qu'elles soient intégrées, et (2) les textes actualisés, c’est-à-dire les traductions, les rééditions avec annexes, les adaptations, etc. Une division bipartite et heuristique est proposée, avec d'une part les actualisations d'écrits procédant par l'exclusion d'un ou d'élément(s) de l'hypotexte (c'est-à-dire du matériel textuel qui préexiste à l'acte de publication), et d'autre part par l'adjonction d'éléments supplémentaires. Cette division permet d'analyser les dits lieux, d'une part en fonction d'un principe de pertinence (lequel est révélé par les phénomènes d'exclusion), et d'autre part en fonction d'une recherche de l'inédit, voire de l'acte contentieux (qu'exprime éloquemment l'acte d'adjonction). La thèse démontre comment les deux principes, celui de la pertinence et celui de la recherche de l'inédit, sont liés à la culture émergente de l'imprimé, ainsi qu'au développement d'une grande variété de genres et de discours: littérature géographique, chroniques annales, pamphlets ou manuels anti-syphilitiques, lettres missionnaires, littérature eschatologique, traités didactiques, etc. Le concept d'acte de publication, qui est corrélatif à celui d'actualisation, permet d'aller au-delà d'une opposition entre l'ouvrage dit « périmé » et l'ouvrage dit « progressiste ». Pour ce faire est reconsidéré l'apport, pour la diffusion des nouveaux lieux, de textes comme le Tractatus de sphaera de Joannes de Sacrobosco (XIIIe siècle) et la lettre apocryphe du Prêtre Jean (XIIe siècle), qui aux XVe et XVIe siècles sont réactualisés suivant une perspective heuristique ou didactique, et participent ainsi à l'émergence d'une économie discursive des « Nouveaux Mondes ».

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