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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efficient Processing of Range Queries in Main Memory

Sprenger, Stefan 11 March 2019 (has links)
Datenbanksysteme verwenden Indexstrukturen, um Suchanfragen zu beschleunigen. Im Laufe der letzten Jahre haben Forscher verschiedene Ansätze zur Indexierung von Datenbanktabellen im Hauptspeicher entworfen. Hauptspeicherindexstrukturen versuchen möglichst häufig Daten zu verwenden, die bereits im Zwischenspeicher der CPU vorrätig sind, anstatt, wie bei traditionellen Datenbanksystemen, die Zugriffe auf den externen Speicher zu optimieren. Die meisten vorgeschlagenen Indexstrukturen für den Hauptspeicher beschränken sich jedoch auf Punktabfragen und vernachlässigen die ebenso wichtigen Bereichsabfragen, die in zahlreichen Anwendungen, wie in der Analyse von Genomdaten, Sensornetzwerken, oder analytischen Datenbanksystemen, zum Einsatz kommen. Diese Dissertation verfolgt als Hauptziel die Fähigkeiten von modernen Hauptspeicherdatenbanksystemen im Ausführen von Bereichsabfragen zu verbessern. Dazu schlagen wir zunächst die Cache-Sensitive Skip List, eine neue aktualisierbare Hauptspeicherindexstruktur, vor, die für die Zwischenspeicher moderner Prozessoren optimiert ist und das Ausführen von Bereichsabfragen auf einzelnen Datenbankspalten ermöglicht. Im zweiten Abschnitt analysieren wir die Performanz von multidimensionalen Bereichsabfragen auf modernen Serverarchitekturen, bei denen Daten im Hauptspeicher hinterlegt sind und Prozessoren über SIMD-Instruktionen und Multithreading verfügen. Um die Relevanz unserer Experimente für praktische Anwendungen zu erhöhen, schlagen wir zudem einen realistischen Benchmark für multidimensionale Bereichsabfragen vor, der auf echten Genomdaten ausgeführt wird. Im letzten Abschnitt der Dissertation präsentieren wir den BB-Tree als neue, hochperformante und speichereffziente Hauptspeicherindexstruktur. Der BB-Tree ermöglicht das Ausführen von multidimensionalen Bereichs- und Punktabfragen und verfügt über einen parallelen Suchoperator, der mehrere Threads verwenden kann, um die Performanz von Suchanfragen zu erhöhen. / Database systems employ index structures as means to accelerate search queries. Over the last years, the research community has proposed many different in-memory approaches that optimize cache misses instead of disk I/O, as opposed to disk-based systems, and make use of the grown parallel capabilities of modern CPUs. However, these techniques mainly focus on single-key lookups, but neglect equally important range queries. Range queries are an ubiquitous operator in data management commonly used in numerous domains, such as genomic analysis, sensor networks, or online analytical processing. The main goal of this dissertation is thus to improve the capabilities of main-memory database systems with regard to executing range queries. To this end, we first propose a cache-optimized, updateable main-memory index structure, the cache-sensitive skip list, which targets the execution of range queries on single database columns. Second, we study the performance of multidimensional range queries on modern hardware, where data are stored in main memory and processors support SIMD instructions and multi-threading. We re-evaluate a previous rule of thumb suggesting that, on disk-based systems, scans outperform index structures for selectivities of approximately 15-20% or more. To increase the practical relevance of our analysis, we also contribute a novel benchmark consisting of several realistic multidimensional range queries applied to real- world genomic data. Third, based on the outcomes of our experimental analysis, we devise a novel, fast and space-effcient, main-memory based index structure, the BB- Tree, which supports multidimensional range and point queries and provides a parallel search operator that leverages the multi-threading capabilities of modern CPUs.

An empirical study of the technological, organisational and environmental factors influencing South African medical enterprises' propensity to adopt electronic health technologies

Mamatela, Motlatsi 06 August 2014 (has links)
Information and communication technologies can be used to deliver healthcare services and improve the healthcare system. Any electronic healthcare system whose usage results in the efficient and enhanced quality of healthcare is an eHealth system and can be beneficial for medical enterprises. Despite the advantages that eHealth systems offer, medical enterprises are often reluctant to abandon their paper-based systems and embrace eHealth solutions. Through a review of existing eHealth literature, this study identified generic technologies used within South African medical enterprises. Fourteen (14) technologies, that represent a basket of eHealth systems for supporting the business management, professional clinical informatics, patient information storage and consumer health informatics functional areas, were identified. The study then aimed to determine the state of adoption of these technologies as well as the factors influencing adoption. The technological, organisational and environmental (TOE) factors that contributed to the current state of adoption were identified through a review of existing TOE literature. A model that explores the effects of these pre-determined TOE factors on the propensity to adopt eHealth was developed and tested. A cross-sectional, quantitative study was carried out and survey data was collected from a sample of 130 medical enterprises in South Africa. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire. Correlation analysis was used to test the model’s hypotheses and hierarchical regression was used to test the overall TOE model. By using the TOE framework, the study has provided a theoretical contribution and addressed a gap in the literature into the barriers and determinants of the adoption of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in healthcare. The results of the study show that South African medical enterprises use systems that range from simple electronic fund transfer systems to more complex electronic record and clinical decision support systems. Of the 14 technologies that were identified, business information systems such as medical aid claims submission systems and electronic record systems for patient and fee related information were the most adopted while a steady, but continued increase in the adoption of clinical health information systems was observed. Specifically, the study reveals that electronic fund transfer systems are the most adopted systems while ePrescription systems are the least used. Furthermore, the study shows that in addition to the enterprises’ operating period, perceived benefits, IT infrastructure, senior clinician involvement, resource commitment and external pressure are correlated with the propensity to adopt while system complexity is a barrier to technology adoption.

Implementering av automatiseradsvetsteknik : En kvalitativ fallstudie / Implementation of automated welding technology

Erlien, Marte January 2019 (has links)
The degree projects purpose is to explore, analyze and explainwhat quality improvements robotic welding can bring to a company’soperations. The study was carried out as a qualitative case studywith an inductive approach. Together with established theoriesfrom TQM and change management, research of manually performed andautomated welding technology, and requirements from ISO standardshas been used to corroborate the requirements and changes that thewelding company are facing. As method for data collectioninterviews, document studies and benchmarking has been conductedin order to analyze the possible quality improvements the companycan achieve by changing parts of their manufacturing system frommanually to automated welding processes. The result of the studyshows that the company is experiencing inefficiency as aconsequence of the workflow in the existing workshop. The companyare at the planning stage of building av new workshop, where thenew workshop together with implementation of automated weldingprocesses can raise new opportunities and simplify the work forthe coworkers which also can reduce safety hazards. The conclusionof the degree project show that the employees who will be affectedby the implementation are aware of, and they have a positiveattitude to the change process as they will get better knowledgeand expertise due to courses required to operate the robot. Thecompany’s management system must be revised in order to adapt tothe new working methods. In relation to the installations that thecompany delivers, the installations may experience improvedwelding quality and the installations lead time will be reduced.The degree project highlights the importance of planning and thatboth the change and implementation process require structure andcontrol. / Examensarbetets syfte är att utforska, analysera och förklara vilka kvalitetsförbättringarrobotsvetsning kan tillföra ett företags verksamhet. Undersökningen utfördes som en kvalitativfallstudie med en induktiv ansats, vilket innebär att utifrån undersökningens datainsamling somligger till grund, har lämpliga teorier och tidigare forskning och arbeten tagits fram. Teoriernagrundar sig på förändringsledning och offensiv kvalitetsutveckling där kärnan vilar påhörnstensmodellen och PAV-modellen, men även teorier kring kvalitetsbristkostnader ochprocesser har varit viktiga för att belysa de möjliga kvalitetsförbättringar som företaget kan uppnåmed implementering av robotsvetsning. Tillsammans med de etablerade teorierna inom offensivkvalitetsutveckling har forskning och kunskaper om både manuell och automatiserad svetstekniksamt krav från olika ISO-standarder tagits fram för att bättre belysa vad som krävs av ettsvetsföretag och vilka förändringar företaget står inför.Datainsamlingen omfattas av intervjuer med vd och medarbetare i företaget för att etablera nulägetoch undersöka vilka förutsättningar och krav de har till implementeringen av robotsvetsning.Intervjuer har även genomförts med näringslivskontoret i kommunen där företaget villvidareutveckla verksamheten. En leverantör av robotsvetsar har också valts ut för intervjuer för attbättre analysera vilka kvalitetsförbättringar som kan uppnås med att gå från manuell tillautomatiserade svetsmetoder. I tillägg till intervjuer har benchmarking genomförts hos ett annatsvetsföretag som använder svetsrobot i produktionen.Resultatet från studien visar att företaget upplever ineffektivitet som orsak av svåra arbetsflöden iden befintliga verkstaden. Företaget kommer inom kort tid att flytta tillverkningen som omfattasav prefabricering av rörinstallationer till en ny, egen verkstad som ger möjligheter för attimplementera ny teknik som kan förenkla arbetsvardagen för medarbetarna som innebär mindresäkerhetsrisker. Slutsatserna i examensarbetet visar att medarbetarna som påverkas avimplementeringen känner till, och är positiva till förändringen vilket förenklar processen. Underförändringsprocessen kommer medarbetarnas kompetens och kunskaper utökas med utbildning.Företagets ledningssystem måste revideras för att anpassas till nya arbetssätt och utifrånerfarenheter från tidigare forskning och arbeten kommer svetskvaliteten att förbättras och ledtidervid prefabricering kommer att reduceras för företaget. Examensarbetet synliggör vikten avnoggrann planering och styrning av förändringsprocessen.

Academius: uma ferramenta web para a construção de padrões pedagógicos colaborativos aplicados ao ensino de engenharia. / Academius: a web tool for building collaborative pedagogical patterns applied to engineering education.

Azevedo, Flavio Marques 29 September 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta uma proposta para a criação de um ambiente web colaborativo responsável pela troca das melhores práticas de planejamento de aulas utilizadas pelos especialistas e educadores, agrupados pelo que chamaremos de artefatos pedagógicos ou padrões pedagógicos, considerados a menor unidade divisível de uma aula. O planejamento será pautado pelo conceitual de design instrucional, que proporciona o encadeamento de forma simplificada e em ordem cronológica de todos os conteúdos previstos a execução de um curso ou de uma disciplina. Com a utilização da ferramenta em ambiente compartilhado (web), será mostrado que o efetivo planejamento de um simples objetivo de aprendizagem ou até mesmo a de um conteúdo mais amplo, por intermédio da apresentação linear e cronológica de todos os artefatos pedagógicos, levará à uma visão geral e completa da composição dos assuntos abordados. Neste momento, será possível visualizar por intermédio de relatórios, dentre as funcionalidades da própria ferramenta, o formato de matriz de design instrucional, um dos produtos essenciais da fase de planejamento de um curso. Para a criação dos artefatos pedagógicos de forma compartilhada será utilizado um protótipo de interface gráfica conduzido por conceitos de arquitetura de informação e usabilidade. Com o objetivo de transformar o protótipo em uma ferramenta, na fase de implementação será utilizada a estrutura de um sistema de gerenciamento de conteúdo, capaz de simplificar esta etapa extremamente complexa. A aplicação por meio do estudo de caso será feita através de uma disciplina do curso de pós-graduação, com foco nas tecnologias de ensino de engenharia, ilustrando a contribuição do presente trabalho e dando condições de um real e efetivo resultado da metodologia utilizada. A sua efetiva consolidação será obtida pelo estabelecimento de uma avaliação de reação aplicada entre o grupo de alunos do referido estudo de caso. / This paper presents , in relation to new forms of teaching and learning , a proposal for the creation of a collaborative web environment responsible for the exchange of best practice techniques for classroom used by educators and experts , grouped by which we will pedagogical patterns or pedagogical artifacts , and grounded in the concepts of \" instructional design \" , which can be considered as a structure that provides to the heterogeneous audience, since experts in education and technology and students interested in a particular subject to plan a simplified form and measurable their respective courses , modules , and related disciplines . With the use of the tool in a shared environment will be shown that the effective planning of a single learning object or even a broader content, through linear and chronological presentation of all educational artifacts will lead to an overview and complete the composition of the subjects covered, coming to provide in one aspect of the tool itself, the format of an instructional design matrix, one of the key products of the planning phase of a course. For the creation of educational artifacts in a shared way, will be used a graphical interface prototype concepts outlined by information architecture and usability, and its last one implementation in a development framework designed for what we call content management system. The application, by case study, will be taken through a course in the graduate with a focus on teaching engineering technologies, illustrating the contribution of this work and giving conditions for a real and effective result of the methodology used, consolidated by the establishment of a reaction evaluation performed between the group of students of that case study.

Subsídios à integração de ferramentas de avaliação automática e sistemas de gerenciamento de aprendizagem / Subsidies to the integration of automated assessment tools and learning management systems

Souza, Draylson Micael de 20 June 2017 (has links)
A avaliação de trabalhos práticos de programação é uma tarefa dispendiosa. Diversas ferramentas têm sido propostas e desenvolvidas a fim de automatizar as tarefas repetitivas realizadas pelos professores na avaliação de trabalhos práticos de programação e fornecer um feedback mais rápido e adequado aos alunos. No entanto, a adição de uma nova ferramenta aumenta a sobrecarga de novas informações e ambientes que os alunos têm que lidar. De forma análoga, a ferramenta de avaliação é mais um recurso que o professor tem de configurar, manter e ensinar os alunos a utilizar. Por este motivo, vários trabalhos vêm sendo conduzidos a fim de integrar ferramentas de avaliação para trabalhos de programação em sistemas de gestão da aprendizagem (Learning Management Systems LMSs). A integração de ferramentas em LMSs promove sua adoção em disciplinas de computação, uma vez que estarão em concordância com o LMS já familiar aos alunos e professores, dispensando a necessidade de adotar, aprender e gerenciar a submissão e correção de trabalhos em um outro ambiente. No entanto, tais trabalhos consistem apenas em modelos conceituais abstratos, não propõem uma integração com vários LMSs ou não tratam certas dificuldades específicas encontradas quando integrando ferramentas de avaliação. Nessa perspectiva, este trabalho tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento da arquitetura IMPACTLE, uma solução que permite a integração de diferentes ferramentas de avaliação para trabalhos de programação em vários LMSs. A ideia é que os alunos e professores possam acessar as funcionalidades das ferramentas por meio dos LMSs em que já estão habituados, sem a necessidade de aprender a utilizar e adotar uma nova ferramenta. Protótipos da arquitetura IMPACTLE foram instanciados e experimentos foram realizados envolvendo a utilização de diferentes ferramentas de avaliação por meio de LMSs. De modo geral, observou-se que a utilização da IMPACTLE possibilita que professores e alunos realizem as tarefas relacionadas às atividades de programação de forma mais eficiente, eficaz e efetiva por meio dos LMSs. / The assessment of programming assignments is a costly task. Several tools have been proposed and developed in order to automate the repetitive tasks performed by instructors in the assessment of programming assignments and provide a faster and more adequate feedback to students. However, adding a new tool increases the overload of new information and environments that students have to deal with. Similarly, the assessment tool is one more resource that the instructor has to configure, maintain and teach students to use, spending time and effort that could be used in other pedagogical activities. For this reason, several works have been conducted to integrate assessment tools for programming assignments in learning management systems (LMSs). The integration of assessment tools into LMSs promotes their adoption in computing courses, since they will be in agreement with the LMS already familiar to students and instructors, without the need to adopt, learn and manage the submission and correction of assignments in another environment. However, these works consist only of abstract conceptual models, do not propose integration with several LMSs, or do not address certain specific difficulties faced when integrating assessment tools. In this perspective, this work aims at the proposition of the IMPACTLE architecture, a solution that allows the integration of different assessment tools for programming assignments in LMSs. The idea is that students and teachers can access the features of the tools through the LMSs they are already used to, without the need to learn how to use and adopt a new tool. Architecture prototypes were instantiated and experiments were carried out involving the use of different assessment tools through LMSs. In general, we noticed that the use of IMPACTLE enables instructors and students perform tasks related to programming activities in a more efficient, efficacious and effective way through the LMSs.

A gestão estratégica de recursos humanos no Brasil e seu alinhamento com tipos de sistemas calculativos e colaborativos / Strategic human resource management in Brazil and its alignment with calculative and collaborative system types

Zuppani, Tatiani dos Santos 07 April 2016 (has links)
A dinâmica do cenário contemporâneo tem obrigado as organizações a se modificarem para sobreviver. No entanto, essas mudanças acontecem de forma contextualizada e são aplicadas de diferentes formas, nas várias dimensões organizacionais. A proposta deste estudo foi aprofundar o conhecimento sobre o modo como a Gestão de Recursos Humanos (GRH) vem respondendo ao processo de mudanças, no Brasil, considerado seu desenvolvimento recente. O objetivo foi caracterizar as práticas estratégicas de GRH em organizações privadas que atuam no País, buscando classificá-las, além de identificar os fatores determinantes desse posicionamento e comparar as práticas utilizadas em sistemas descritos na literatura internacional. No levantamento teórico proposto para esse objetivo, investigou-se a Gestão Estratégica de Recursos Humanos, a evolução e contextualização da área no panorama brasileiro e os diferentes tipos de GRH existentes. A pesquisa empírica foi quantitativa de cunho descritivo. Foram coletados dados com um questionário de práticas de gerenciamento de pessoas validado e reconhecido internacionalmente. Desse questionário, foram selecionadas práticas coerentes com os objetivos propostos e analisadas estatisticamente. Os dados revelaram a participação da GRH na estratégia organizacional; prevalência de práticas menos efetivas no gerenciamento do desempenho e da capacidade dos empregados da organização; e relações com os sindicatos limitadas às negociações coletivas. Isso mostra uma tendência das organizações pesquisadas para a perspectiva estratégica da gestão de pessoas. No entanto, nem todas as empresas podem ser descritas da mesma forma. Uma análise de agrupamento classificou a amostra em quatro diferentes grupos de GRH, que por suas características foram classificados como: 1. Operacional; 2. Estratégico; 3. Formalizado; e 4. Comunicativo. As características e proporções mostraram que ainda existem organizações que gerenciam seus empregados de forma meramente burocrática, mas muitas empresas já adotaram um posicionamento estratégico e muitas outras caminham para tal. A partir dessa classificação foi realizada uma comparação das médias de ações de GRH descritas na literatura que, em grupo, formavam práticas calculativas e colaborativas. Essa análise revelou que as empresas do grupo GRH Estratégico possuem as mais altas médias tanto em práticas calculativas quanto colaborativas. O segundo grupo com médias mais elevadas para as práticas calculativas foi o grupo da GRH Formalizada, e o segundo grupo com médias mais altas colaborativas é o GRH Comunicativa. Por fim, foram levantadas variáveis organizacionais que poderiam contribuir para a determinação do grupo estratégico. Entre elas destacam-se o setor de atuação e a formalização da estratégia organizacional. Esses dados retratam uma mudança no perfil de gestão de pessoas nas organizações presentes no Brasil, mostrando que a GRH está mais preocupada em contribuir com a competitividade empresarial. Além disso, diferentes achados sugerem a confluência de influências culturais e institucionais subsidiando as escolhas da área de gestão de pessoas, conciliando aspectos de diferentes naturezas e aproximando essas práticas da heterogeneidade da sociedade brasileira. / The present-day dynamic scenario has compelled organizations to change to survive. However, these changes happen in a contextualized way. The proposal of this study was to deepen the knowledge regarding Human Resource Management (HRM) in Brazil, regarding its recent development. This study\'s objective was to characterize strategic practices of HRM in private companies in this country, seeking not only to classify them, but also to identify these strategies determinant factors and to compare these chosen practices with systems described in international literature. The proposed theoretical set up for this objective investigated Human Resource Management, its evolution and contextualization in Brazilian context and the different HRM systems. The empirical research was quantitative of descriptive nature. Data was collected using a practice-and-people-management questionnaire internationally validated and recognized. Practices that were coherent with the prosed objectives were selected from this questionnaire and they were statistically analyzed. The data reveled the HRM organizational strategy; the dominant practices that are less effective in the performance and employee\'s capacity management; and unions participation in collective negotiations. This shows that the researched companies tend to a strategic HR perspective. Not all the companies can be described in the same way though. A cluster analysis classified the sample in four different HRM groups. 1. Operational; 2. Strategic; 3. Formalized; 4. Communicative. The characteristics and proportions showed that some organizations still manage their employees in a bureaucratic way, but many companies already adopted a strategic positioning and many more walk that way. Based in this classification, a mean comparison from certain HRM actions was made that, in group, generated calculative and collaborative practices. This analysis revealed that Strategic HRM companies have the highest mean values related to calculative and collaborative practices. The second group with highest mean values for calculative practices is Formalized HRM and the group with the second highest mean value with collaborative practices is the Communicative HRM. Finally organizational variables were tested to see which ones could contribute for the setup of the strategic group. Among them the occupation sector and strategy formalization are more prominent. This data shows a change in the human resource profile in organizations present in Brazil, showing that HRM is more concerned in add to the institutional competitiveness. Furthermore, these findings suggest a confluence of cultural and institutional influences supporting the choices made by human resource management area, adjusting aspects of different natures and approaching these practices to the heterogeneity so present in Brazilian society.

Guerras nos mares do sul: a produção de uma monocultura marítima e os processos de resistência / Wars in the South Seas: The Production of a Maritime Monoculture and the Resistance Processes.

Moura, Gustavo Goulart Moreira 24 February 2014 (has links)
A pesca no estuário da Lagoa dos Patos é uma atividade em disputa. De um lado, as comunidades de pesca produzem seus territórios de pesca através dos seus respectivos Conhecimentos Ecológicos Tradicionais (CET) que embasam os diferentes modos de usos dos recursos pesqueiros, os sistemas de manejo de recursos pesqueiros tradicionais (MT). A atividade pesqueira no estuário da Lagoa dos Patos é anterior à colonização portuguesa sendo os CETs que embasam os MTs resultado de um hibridismo cultural entre indígenas, afro e luso-descendentes. De outro, o Estado Moderno implementa políticas públicas de manejo de recursos pesqueiros, sobretudo a partir da segunda metade da década de 1970, que resultam na implementação de um sistema de manejo de recursos pesqueiros moderno (MM), característico de um projeto colonial de dominação. Como resultado da implementação do MM, a pesca entra em colapso na primeira metade da década de 1970 e as indústrias pesqueiras decretam falência na década de 1980. Para solucionar a crise no setor pesqueiro, na segunda metade da década de 1990 cria-se o Fórum da Lagoa dos Patos (FLP) onde se formula a atual legislação que regulamenta a pesca no estuário da Lagoa dos Patos, a Instrução Normativa Conjunta de 2004 (INC 2004). A INC 2004 implementa um MM através da imposição de um calendário de pesca que se torna institucionalizado e, por isso, oficializado. O objetivo desta tese é descrever o processo de des-re territorialização das comunidades de pesca do estuário da Lagoa dos Patos gerado pelo Estado Moderno na implementação da INC 2004. Para atingir tal objetivo, foram utilizadas basicamente duas técnicas de pesquisa para coleta de dados do CET, que produz os territórios tradicionais, e dos conhecimentos, verdades e valores mobilizados na formulação da INC 2004: entrevistas e levantamento bibliográfico. A partir dos dados obtidos, foi necessário o desenvolvimento de uma proposta própria que se enquadra na perspectiva integradora de território: território como conhecimento. Segundo esta proposta, território é um espaço epistêmico produzido a partir do espaço. Com a tentativa de implementação da INC 2004, emerge um conflito ambiental territorial na produção de um espaço através do controle do uso de recursos pesqueiros no estuário da Lagoa dos Patos. O Estado Moderno, que exibe caráter colonial, opera estrategicamente sobre o espaço tentando forçar o curso da modernidade às comunidades de pesca na produção de um espaço epistêmico disciplinar. O resultado, se o Estado Moderno fosse bem sucedido em seu projeto de colonialismo cultural, seria um epistemicídio: a eliminação dos multiterritórios operados pelo CET com uma dinâmica multicalendárica em cada uma das comunidades de pesca artesanal do estuário e a sua substituição por um território operado por uma racionalidade ocidental com um ritmo mecânico através da imposição do Calendário Oficializado da INC 2004. As comunidades de pesca, por sua vez, resistem silenciosa e abertamente operando taticamente via CET na produção de espaços de R-existência. Surpreendentemente, em movimentos diagramáticos infinitos, ambos, Estado Moderno e comunidades de pesca, des-re-territorializam um ao outro. / Fishing in the estuary of Patos Lagoon is an activity in dispute. On the one hand, fishing communities produce their fishing territories through their respective Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK), which grounds the different use modes of fishery resources, the traditional resource management systems (TM). The fishing activity in Patos Lagoon estuary is prior to the Portuguese colonization and the TEKs which ground TMs are a result of a cultural hybridity among indigenous, African and Portuguese descendants. On the other hand, especially from the second half of the 1970s, the modern State has been implementing policies for fishery management which have led to the establishment of a modern sciencebased resource management (SM), characteristic of a colonial project of domination. As a result, fishery collapsed in the first half of the 1970s and fishing industries filed bankruptcy in the 1980s. To solve the crisis in the fishery sector in the second half of the 1990s, Forum of Patos Lagoon (FLP) was created. It was at the Forum that the 2004 Normative Instruction (INC 2004), the current legislation which regulates fishing in the estuary of Patos Lagoon, was formulated. INC 2004 implements an SM by imposing a fishing calendar that becomes institutionalized and, therefore, officialized. The objective of this thesis is to describe the process of de-reterritorialization in the fishing communities of the estuary of the Patos Lagoon which was generated by the Modern State when it implemented INC 2004. To achieve this goal, data on TEK were obtained through open and semi-structured interviews and ethnoscientific bibliographic review. Data on knowledge, truths and values that support the formulation of INC 2004 were collected through open interviews held with researchers, who played a key role in mobilizing such intellectual resources and through bibliographic research on the four fisheries whose fishing periods are regulated by INC 2004. From the data obtained, it was necessary to develop our own proposal that fits the integrative perspective of territory: territory as knowledge. Under this proposal, the territory is an epistemic space originating from space. With the attempted implementation of INC 2004, an environmental territorial conflict has emerged in the production of space through the control of the use of fishery resources in the Patos Lagoon estuary. The Modern State, in a display of its colonial character, strategically operates upon space by trying to force the course of modernity on the fishing communities in the production of a disciplined epistemic space. The result, if the Modern State were successful in its project of cultural colonialism would be an epistemicide: the elimination of multi-territories operated by TEK with a multicalendaric dynamics in each of the artisanal fishing communities of the estuary and its replacement by a territory operated by Western rationality, with a mechanical rhythm through the imposition of the official calendar of INC 2004. Fishing communities, in turn, resist quietly and openly by operating tactically via TEK in the production of spaces of R-existence. Surprisingly, in diagrammatic infinite movements, both the Modern State and fishing communities de-reterritorialize one another.

Efficient query answering in peer data management systems

Roth, Armin 12 March 2012 (has links)
Peer-Daten-Management-Systeme (PDMS) bestehen aus einer hochdynamischen Menge heterogener, autonomer Peers. Die Peers beantworten Anfragen einerseits gegen lokal gespeicherte Daten und reichen sie andererseits nach einer Umschreibung anhand von Schema-Mappings an benachbarte Peers weiter. Solche aufgrund fehlender zentraler Komponenten eigentlich hoch- flexiblen Systeme leiden bei zunehmender Anzahl von Peers unter erheblichen Effi- zienzproblemen. Die Gründe hierfür liegen in der massiven Redundanz der Pfade im Netzwerk der Peers und im Informationsverlust aufgrund von Projektionen entlang von Mapping-Pfaden. Anwender akzeptieren in hochskalierten Umgebungen zum Datenaustausch in vielen Anwendungsszenarien Konzessionen an die Vollständigkeit der Anfrageergebnisse. Unser Ansatz sieht in der Vollständigkeit ein Optimierungsziel und verfolgt einen Kompromiß zwischen Nutzen und Kosten der Anfragebearbeitung. Hierzu schlagen wir mehrere Strategien für Peers vor, um zu entscheiden, an welche Nachbar-Peers Anfragen weitergeleitet werden. Peers schließen dabei Mappings von der Anfragebearbeitung aus, von denen sie ein geringes Verhältnis von Ergebnisgröße zu Kosten, also geringe Effizienz erwarten. Als Basis dieser Schätzungen wenden wir selbstadaptive Histogramme über die Ergebniskardinalität an und weisen nach, daß diese in dieser hochdynamischen Umgebung ausreichende Genauigkeit aufweisen. Wir schlagen einen Kompromiß zwischen der Nutzung von Anfrageergebnissen zur Anpassung dieser Metadaten-Statistiken und der Beschneidung von Anfrageplänen vor, um den entsprechenden Zielkonflikt aufzulösen. Für eine Optimierungsstrategie, die das für die Anfragebearbeitung verwendete Zeit-Budget limitiert, untersuchen wir mehrere Varianten hinsichtlich des Effizienzsteigerungspotentials. Darüber hinaus nutzen wir mehrdimensionale Histogramme über die Überlappung zweier Datenquellen zur gezielten Verminderung der Redundanz in der Anfragebearbeitung. / Peer data management systems (PDMS) consist of a highly dynamic set of autonomous, heterogeneous peers connected with schema mappings. Queries submitted at a peer are answered with data residing at that peer and by passing the queries to neighboring peers. PDMS are the most general architecture for distributed integrated information systems. With no need for central coordination, PDMS are highly flexible. However, due to the typical massive redundancy in mapping paths, PDMS tend to be very inefficient in computing the complete query result as the number of peers increases. Additionally, information loss is cumulated along mapping paths due to selections and projections in the mappings. Users usually accept concessions on the completeness of query answers in large-scale data sharing settings. Our approach turns completeness into an optimization goal and thus trades off benefit and cost of query answering. To this end, we propose several strategies that guide peers in their decision to which neighbors rewritten queries should be sent. In effect, the peers prune mappings that are expected to contribute few data. We propose a query optimization strategy that limits resource consumption and show that it can drastically increase efficiency while still yielding satisfying completeness of the query result. To estimate the potential data contribution of mappings, we adopted self-tuning histograms for cardinality estimation. We developed techniques that ensure sufficient query feedback to adapt these statistics to massive changes in a PDMS. Additionally, histograms can serve to maintain statistics on data overlap between alternative mapping paths. Building on them, redundant query processing is reduced by avoiding overlapping areas of the multi-dimensional data space.


Stillger, Michael 21 January 2000 (has links)
Die parallele Anfragebearbeitung für relationale Datenbankmanagementsysteme (RDBMS) ist wegen ihrer unterschiedlichen Arten der Ausführungsparallelität und den Eigenschaften der zugrunde liegenden parallelen Architektur ein äusserst komplexes Problem. Systemänderungen zur Laufzeit der Anfrage können zusätzlich ein dynamisches Verhalten der ausführenden Komponenten erfordern, um eine nahezu optimale Antwortzeit zu gewährleisten. Diese Arbeit stellt einen neuen, flexiblen Ansatz für die Optimierung und Abarbeitung von komplexen Anfragen vor, der besonders die dynamische Optimierung berücksichtigt. Insbesondere werden in der Arbeit folgende Teile präsentiert: 1. die Architektur eines neuen, verteilt-kooperierenden Komponentensystems beeinflusst von agenten-orientierten Konzepten; 2. der Entwurf und die Realisierung einer neuen Kommunikationsinfrastruktur für die identifizierten Systemkomponenten; 3. der Entwurf und die Implementierung eines flexiblen Anfrageoptimierers mit einem neuen, zufallsbasierten Algorithmus; und 4. der Entwurf und die Realisierung einer parallel arbeitenden Ausführungskomponente unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der dynamischen Anfrageoptimierung. Bei der Entwicklung der Konzepte standen neben den spezifischen Anforderungen für RDBMS besonders die Konfigurierbarkeit und die Erweiterbarkeit des verteilten Systems im Vordergrund. / Parallel query evaluation for relational database management systems (RDBSM) still remains a challenging problem. Modern systems must show near optimal performance in spite of running in a heterogeneous hardware environment, exploiting different ways of parallelism and dealing with unpredictable system load. This thesis paper presents a dynamic and flexible system addressing the issues of optimization and evaluation of relational queries for a distributed and dynamic environment. In particular, this work consists of: 1) the architecture of a distributed system which was inspired by the concepts of software agents, 2) the architecture and the implementation of a communication infrastructure for the system components, 3) the architecture and the implementation of a new query optimization algorithm, and 4) the concept and the implementation of a new query evaluation engine for parallel execution, which enables runtime optimization of queries. Furthermore, the design supports the extension and the configuration of the system and its components.


Oliveira, Karla Vitor de 14 March 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:40:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 KARLA VITOR DE OLIVEIRA.pdf: 1501584 bytes, checksum: 7b887da55f48f302501f5167179ca8f7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-03-14 / In contemporary society, technology is a determining factor for the success of organizations. Businesses, partners and customers need quality information in real time. Although the 90 have revealed the development of several lines of software designed to multifunctional processes, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) stood highlighted in integrated management of organizational activities, but its use causes significant impacts on organizations of which the effects are both positive in nature, in terms of benefits, advantages and contributions that the system can provide, as negative, in which refer to the difficulties and problems encountered. Therefore, the objective of this study is to identify what are the benefits and problems encountered in the use of ERP systems by companies Goiás, medium and large. The results obtained by using the bootstrap technique with a confidence coefficient of 95% and a sampling error of 5%, which demonstrated the benefits are perceived by most companies, which is independent of its size. Upon completion of this study concluded that ERP systems act as facilitators for the integration of information and business growth Goiás medium and large. / Na sociedade contemporânea, a tecnologia é fator determinante para o sucesso das organizações. Empresas, parceiros e clientes necessitam de informação qualificada e em tempo real. Embora os anos 90 tenham revelado o desenvolvimento de várias linhas de software destinadas a processos multifuncionais, o ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) se colocou em destaque na gestão integrada de atividades organizacionais, mas a sua utilização provoca grandes impactos nas organizações sendo que os efeitos são tanto de natureza positiva, em termos de benefícios, contribuições e vantagens que o sistema pode proporcionar, quanto negativos, no que se referem às dificuldades e problemas enfrentados. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste estudo é identificar quais são os benefícios e problemas encontrados na utilização de sistemas ERP TOTVS pelas empresas goianas, de médio e grande porte. Os resultados obtidos, por meio do uso da técnica bootstrap, com um coeficiente de confiança de 95% e erro amostral de 5%, demonstraram que os benefícios são mais percebidos pelas empresas, independente de qual seja o seu porte. Ao término deste estudo foi possível concluir que os sistemas ERP agem como facilitadores para a integração das informações e crescimento das empresas goianas de médio e grande porte.

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