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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Canibal, bárbaro, selvagem: tópicas a respeito do índio no Diálogo da conversão do gentio, de Manuel da Nóbrega, e na Histoire d\'un voyage faict en la terre de Bresil, de Jean de Léry / Cannibal, barbarian, savage: themes regarding the Native Americans in Nóbregas Diálogo da conversão do gentio, and in Jean de Lérys Histoire dun voyage faict en la terre du Bresil

Rodrigo Sant\' Ana Brucoli 26 June 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar como certas tópicas referentes aos índios tal qual a nudez, a guerra e a antropofagia foram desenvolvidas no Diálogo da conversão do gentio, de Manuel da Nóbrega, e na Histoire dun Voyage faict en la terre du Bresil, de Jean de Léry. Para tanto, remete-se a alguns pressupostos da representação do índio no século XVI, como os padrões iconográficos medievais presentes na imagética quinhentista e os significados que se atribuíram aos termos utilizados para referir-se aos povos nativos, como índio, bárbaro, canibal, selvagem e negro. Para a análise dos textos de Nóbrega e Léry, busca-se evidenciar a importância dos preceitos retóricos e do contexto teológico-político em que se inserem, tidos como fundamentais para compreender o modo como a figura do índio é representada nessas obras. / The aims and objectives of this essay are to analyze themes referring to native-americans - such as nudity, war and anthropophagy in Manuel da Nóbrega\'s \"Diálogo da conversão do gentio\" and in Jean de Léry\'s \"Histoire d\'un Voyage faict en la terre du Bresil\". To this purpose, it uses as reference the medieval iconographical patterns present in the 16th century\'s imagery, as well as values attributed to commonly used lexicon when referring to natives - indian, barbarian, cannibal, savage, negro. In order to analyze both Nóbrega\'s and Léry\'s texts, the following study endeavors to set these texts within the political-theological discussion to which they are tied and to approach them from a rhetorical perspective, taking into account that both points of view are essential when understanding exactly how the Brazilian native is hereby depicted.

Um estudo dialético de \"A carteira de meu tio\" de Joaquim Manuel de Macedo / A dialectical study of \"A carteira de meu tio\" by Joaquim Manuel de Macedo

Laís Schalch 19 October 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem o objetivo de analisar, de maneira sincrônica e diacrônica, o livro A carteira de meu tio de Joaquim Manuel de Macedo. Sincrônica no sentido de aproximar a obra à produção literária do período, compreendendo o discurso literário presente, que dialoga diretamente com o movimento romântico do início do século XIX. A atmosfera cultural do momento contribuiu muito para a produção do autor, mas sem perder de vista que ele possuía características peculiares, individuais. Diacrônico no sentido de compreender como esta obra também dialoga com nosso século e, portanto, permanece atual, tanto nos aspectos temáticos quanto nos aspectos composicionais. Ademais, não se perderá de vista o meio de difusão que veiculou a primeira versão da obra, o jornal. / This thesis aim to analyze synchronously and diachronically Joaquim Manuel de Macedos literary work A carteira de meu tio. Synchronic with the intention of approaching the text to its literary production of the period, comprising the literary speech that adresses directly the (Romantic Movement from the beginning of the XIX century) literary romance genre and the romanticism. The culture atmosphere of its time contributes to the writers production, without losing sight of his individuals characteristics. Diachronic in the sense of comprehending this literary work in the contemporary moment, therefore remaining meaningful nowadays, in the thematic and compositional aspects. Furthermore, the means for spreading that published the first version of the literary work, the journal (newspaper), will be part of the analysis.

Hyvästit, potkut vaiko lobbauksen hedelmä?:Yhdysvaltain suhtautuminen Filippiinien itsenäisyyskysymykseen ja sen ratkaisuun 1929–1934

Uusitalo, A. (Ari) 25 May 2015 (has links)
Abstract The research examines the U.S. approach to the independence of the Philippines and its stages at the end of the 1920's and in the early 1930's. The Philippines belonged to the United States from 1898 to 1946. The relationship between the two countries was quite controversial from the very beginning. Many of the different phases and factors resulted in the U.S. Congress passing a law in March 1934, which guaranteed full independence to the Philippines after a ten-year transition period. The birth of the law which led to Philippine independence was a complex political process, with a number of variables influencing the attitudes and the solution. These factors accounting for the formation of the solution changed as time progressed. One of the key variables in terms of the Act of Independence began when the Great Depression began in 1929, which affected especially agricultural producers. As the Philippines was administratively a part of the federal government, in these circles it was seen that only independence could be the solution to close the archipelago outside of the domestic market. In fact, the sugar and coconut imports from the Philippines were not a real competitor to the federal farmers. In addition to the domestic farmers the Cuban sugar producers, who were headed by U.S. investors, felt that Philippine duty-free import was challenging their share of the federal market. They were of the opinion that the independence of the Philippines could guarantee them better market positions in the federal sugar market, and strove to promote the Independence Act as soon as possible. As a result of the worsening unemployment situation Filipino migrant workers started competing for scarce jobs. As a part of the United States Filipinos had free immigration rights. In particular, on the west coast and in the employees' organizations, independence was seen as the easiest way to limit immigration. In addition to the economic cycle other significant factors were the changes in foreign policy, and in particular the rise of Japan as a powerful superpower in the Far East. The federal government and the majority of the Congress represented opposing views of the independence issue. The Congress was able to show strength in this confrontation. The main sources of the material consist of the U.S. government documents, the Congress document collections, foreign relations document collections, memoirs and other documents. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan Yhdysvaltain suhtautumista Filippiinien itsenäistymiseen ja siihen liittyneisiin vaiheisiin 1920 -luvun lopulla ja 1930-luvun alkupuoliskolla. Filippiinit kuuluivat Yhdysvalloille vuosina 1898–1946. Maiden välinen suhde oli hyvin kiistanalainen alusta alkaen. Monien eri vaiheiden ja tekijöiden seurauksena Yhdysvaltain kongressi hyväksyi maaliskuussa 1934 lain, joka takasi Filippiineille täyden itsenäisyyden kymmenen vuoden siirtymäajan jälkeen. Filippiinien itsenäistymiseen johtaneen lain synty oli monimutkainen poliittinen prosessi, jossa oli useita suhtautumiseen ja ratkaisuun vaikuttaneita muuttujia. Näiden tekijöiden osuus ratkaisun muodostumiseen muuttui ajan edetessä. Yksi keskeisimmistä muuttujista itsenäisyyslain suhteen oli vuonna 1929 Yhdysvalloissa alkanut suuri lamakausi, josta kärsivät erityisesti maataloustuottajat. Koska Filippiinit oli hallinnollisesti osa liittovaltiota, näissä piireissä nähtiin, että ainoastaan itsenäisyys voisi saattaa saariston sisämarkkinoiden ulkopuolelle. Filippiineiltä tuotava sokeri ja kookosöljy eivät olleet todelliset kilpailijat liittovaltion viljelijöille. Kotimaan viljelijäväestön lisäksi Kuuban sokerintuotantoon investoineet amerikkalaiset sijoittajapiirit kokivat Filippiinien tullivapaan tuonnin vievän heiltä markkinoita. He katsoivat, että Filippiinien itsenäisyys takaisi paremmat markkina-asemat liittovaltion sokerimarkkinoilla ja pyrkivät edistämään itsenäisyyslain mahdollisimman pikaista säätämistä. Alati pahenevan työttömyyden seurauksen filippiiniläiset siirtotyöläiset kilpailivat hupenevista työpaikoista. Filippiiniläisille oli taattu vapaa maahanmuutto-oikeus. Etenkin länsirannikolla ja työntekijäjärjestöissä saarten itsenäistyminen nähtiin olevan helpoin tie maahanmuuton rajoittamiseen. Taloudellisten suhdanteiden ohella muita merkittäviä tekijöitä olivat muutokset ulkopolitiikassa ja etenkin Japanin nousu voimakkaaksi suurvallaksi Kaukoidässä. Liittovaltion hallinto ja kongressin enemmistö edustivat vastakkaisia näkemyssuuntia itsenäisyyskysymyksessä. Kongressi pystyi osoittamaan voimansa tässä vastakkainasettelussa. Tutkimuksen keskeisin lähdeaineisto koostuu Yhdysvaltain hallinnon asiakirjoista, kongressin asiakirjakokoelmista, ulkoaisainhallinnon asiakirjakokoelmista, muistelmista sekä lähdeteoksista.

A lírica amorosa na Modernidade: a poesia de Manuel Bandeira / Lirism in modernity: Manuel Bandeira\'s poetic production

Andre Luiz Lorenção 28 August 2013 (has links)
A proposta do presente trabalho é estudar a poesia de Manuel Bandeira, atentando para o diálogo que nela se estabelece entre a lírica medieval e a lírica moderna. A partir da análise de determinadas composições, indica-se as ideias tópicas (os topoi) da Idade Média reinterpretadas e reelaboradas na poética de Bandeira tais como: a inacessibilidade do ser amado, a consagração da submissão absoluta, humilde e paciente e a total entrega bem como se aponta a releitura de certos tópicos, como o senhal e a não-nomeação da amada, no contexto da modernidade e do modernismo brasileiro. / The proposal of this study is to analyse and interpret Manuel Bandeira´s poetic production, focusing on the dialogue entertained between the medieval and the modern poetry. Considering the analysis of certain poems of the Brazilian poet, we aim at eliciting the main ideas from the Middle Age that can be reinterpreted and reelaborated in Bandeira´s poetic works for instance: inacessibility of the loved person, total submission and subservience, and the humble and patient attitude of the troubadour towards the lady as well as the intention is to indicate the different approach to certain procedures, including senhal and the convention that prescribes that the identity of the beloved lady has to be maintained in secret, unveiled all this in the context of modernity and Modernism in Brazil.

A poetização do cotidiano na poesia de Manuel Bandeira

Endo, Jucimeire Ramos de Souza 20 October 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T19:59:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LCL - Jucimeire Ramos de Souza Endo.pdf: 1725764 bytes, checksum: a2a1607eb0b8c0349d7c106f85c51497 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-10-20 / Secretaria da Educação / The purpose of this Master dissertation is to apprehend the process of poetic construction in Manuel Bandeira s Libertinagem s poems. The selected poems are Evocação do Recife , Poema tirado de um notícia de jornal and Poema de Finados , which were put together, rounded up in three thematic nucleus: childhood, social conscience and death. In its analysis, this study tries to explore the elements that led to lyric simplicity, the thematic of colloquialism, the prosaic, childhood reminiscences and death. It starts with the everyday life thematic, in which the self lyric retrieves its richest poetic element from commonplace and real life situations. Then it asks the questions: What formal or structural elements work as poetic resources to translate everyday life? How the hybridization of the lyric gender produce in Manuel Bandeira s poetry an effect that describes a peculiar treatment of his poetry? Trying to meet this poetic proposal, it was used as theoretical bases, Victor Chklovski, Roman Jakobson, Iuri Tynianov, Octavio Paz and Hugo Friedrich s conceptions. Among other aspects, were studied the irregular rhythmic movements, random or absent rhymes, multiplicity of sounds, arbitrary cut, proselike approach, generation of images particularities of poetic language. As a conclusion, the study suggests that when Manuel Bandeira introduced in his poetry everyday life elements, colloquial language and characteristics of narrative gender, for example, he broke the laws of the traditional poetic form and produced an hybrid poetic, which allowed him to go free and led him to a new form of poetic: the everyday life poetic / O propósito desta dissertação é apreender como se dá o processo de construção poética em poemas de Libertinagem (1930), de Manuel Bandeira. Foram selecionados os poemas Evocação do Recife , Poema tirado de uma notícia de jornal e Poema de Finados , nos quais se encontram marcas prosaicas na exploração de imagens brasileiras. Os poemas foram agrupados em torno de três núcleos temáticos: a infância, a consciência social e a morte. Procura-se explorar, na análise, os elementos composicionais que constroem a simplicidade lírica, a temática do coloquialismo, do prosaico, das reminiscências infantis e da morte. Partindo da recorrência da temática do cotidiano, em que o eu lírico extrai do lugar-comum, das situações concretas da vida, o seu mais rico elemento poético, perguntou-se: que elementos formais ou estruturais operam como recursos poéticos para traduzir o cotidiano? como a hibridização do gênero lírico produz, na poesia de Manuel Bandeira, um efeito que se caracteriza como tratamento peculiar de sua poesia? Para tentar responder a essa proposta poética, foram utilizadas, como fundamentação teórica, as concepções de Victor Chklovski, Roman Jakobson, Iuri Tynianov, Octavio Paz e Hugo Friedrich. Entre outros aspectos, refletiu-se sobre cadência rítmica irregular, rimas aleatórias ou ausentes, multiplicidade de tom, corte arbitrário, aproximação da prosa, geração de imagens, enfim, sobre particularidades da linguagem poética. Concluiu-se que Manuel Bandeira, ao introduzir em sua poesia elementos do cotidiano, a linguagem coloquial e características do gênero narrativo, por exemplo, rompeu com as leis da forma poética tradicional e produziu uma poética transgressora e híbrida, que o libertou e o enveredou para a construção de uma nova forma poética: a poetização do cotidiano

Análise da correspondência entre Manuel Bandeira e Ribeiro Couto / Analysis of the correspondence between Manuel Bandeira and Ribeiro Couto

Casagrande, Rosângela Fonseca 17 October 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T19:59:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LCL - ROSANGELA FONSECA CASAGRANDE.pdf: 195462 bytes, checksum: 2a5a957c35fa9294378ed3cedec04a4f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-10-17 / This study has as objective showing the importance of the letters, as influence in the process of the literary creation of Manuel Bandeira and Ribeiro Couto, in view of the second phase of the modernist movement, in the period between 1929 and 1939. At the same time, I want to demonstrate that the referring poetical function to the letters as literary genre, allows, many times, an aesthetic enjoyment. Under this subject, Sophia Angelides, in Carta e Literature (apud SCHNAIDERMAN, 2001, p.23-24), affirms : "in the personal testimonials of a writer, the poetical function can manifest itself with greater or minor intensity, but, in someway, the speech is marked by a peculiar procedure that will allow, many times, the aesthetic enjoyment". This way for Angelides "the proper spontaneous and fragmentary character, the alternation of the poetical and not poetical language, the cliches, everything is inherent to the epistolar genre. Being this way, many of the letters changed between Manuel Bandeira and Ribeiro Couto assume didactic value, others correspond to the intensity of feelings, transforming themselves into a subjective artistic expression that favors the understanding of the workmanships. The literary subjects in the letters are these: references to the workmanships published for both, appreciation of these workmanships, including citation of chronicles and quarrel of genres. Still, the letters exchanged between the two poets disclose tboth of theirs opinions on painting, the poetry of Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Jorge de Lima, Múcio Leão, etc. This way, the correspondence between Manuel Bandeira and Ribeiro Couto supplies information to us on the intellectual and literary trajectory of both, giving a theoretical and utilitarian contribution to the study of the genres in Brazilian Literature, in particular, the epistolar one / Este estudo tem como objetivo mostrar a importância das cartas como influência no processo da criação literária de Manuel Bandeira e Ribeiro Couto, considerando a segunda fase do movimento modernista, no período entre 1929 e 1939. Ao mesmo tempo, pretende demonstrar que a função poética referente às cartas como gênero literário permite, muitas vezes, a fruição estética. Sob esse aspecto, Sophia Angelides, em Carta e Literatura (apud SCHNAIDERMAN, 2001, p.23-24), afirma: nos testemunhos pessoais de um escritor, a função poética pode se manifestar com maior ou menor intensidade, mas, de alguma forma, o discurso é marcado por um procedimento peculiar que permitirá, muitas vezes, a fruição estética . Para a autora o próprio caráter espontâneo e fragmentário, a alternância da linguagem poética e não poética, os clichês, tudo isso é inerente ao gênero epistolar . Assim, muitas cartas trocadas entre Manuel Bandeira e Ribeiro Couto assumem valor didático, ao passo que outras correspondem à intensidade de sentimentos, transformando-se em expressão artística a subjetiva que favorece a compreensão das obras. Os temas literários tratados nas cartas são: referências às obras publicadas por ambos, apreciação dessas obras, inclusive citações de crônicas e discussão de gêneros. As cartas também revelam a opinião de ambos sobre pintura, a poesia de Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Jorge de Lima, Múcio Leão, etc. Desta forma, a correspondência entre Manuel Bandeira e Ribeiro Couto fornece-nos informações sobre a trajetória intelectual e literária desses dois autores, dando uma contribuição teórica e utilitária para o estudo dos gêneros na Literatura Brasileira, particularmente o gênero epistolar

La literatura queer de Manuel Puig como seducción socio-política / L'écriture queer de Manuel Puig comme séduction socio-politique / The Queer Literature of Manuel Puig as Sociopolitical Seduction

Medel-Bao, Jorge 29 January 2016 (has links)
L’objet principal de notre thèse est de démontrer que l’œuvre de Manuel Puig est queer avant la lettre. Notre lecture invite à entendre la littérature de M. Puig comme un acte politique qui vise à mettre en évidence la construction socio-culturelle de la subjectivité dans la société occidentale, patriarcale et androcentrique qui impose un paradigme unique basé sur la norme. L’œuvre de Puig opère en déconstruisant le patriarcat en tant qu’échafaudage transversal de divers systèmes (religieux, socio-politique, économique,etc.) qui préconfigure notre manière de penser, nos modèles et notre manière de comprendre le monde qui nous entoure. Notre démarche méthodologique s’appuie sur la coïncidence entre la focalisation queer et la technique de Puig pour créer de la fiction qui conçoivent le « être homme » et « être femme » comme une performance, créant ainsi de nouveaux discours, sous d’autres formes et à partir d’autres points de vue qui amènent l’auteur à intervenir sur les stéréotypes produits par le système pour révéler que les étiquettes humaines sont totalement artificielles. Les œuvres de Puig sont donc analysées en tant qu’artefacts culturels qui produisent et propagent des croyances en problématisant les valeurs de l’espace social. Dans la mesure où les subjectivités et les corps relégués à la condition d’objets viennent usurper le lieu de l’auctorialité (lieu de la production du capital symbolique) et produisent, à travers les personnages, des perceptions du monde alternatives où les possibilités érotiques sont explorées, analysées, réévaluées et redimensionnées, ces corps interfèrent de façon performative dans l’espace social. C’est ainsi que l’on peut dire que le discours littéraire contribue à produire de nouvelles possibilités et stratégies politiques pour mettre en évidence le corps, le genre et la sexualité. / The main object of our thesis is to demonstrate that Manuel Puig’s work is queer before its time. In our interpretation we contend that M. Puig’s literature can be understood as a political act aiming to reveal the socio-cultural construct of subjectivity in Western, patriarchal and androcentric society that enforces a single normative paradigm. Puig’s work exposes and deconstructs patriarchy as the overarching matrix of various systems (religious, socio-political, economic, etc.) that predetermine our way of thinking, our models and how we understand the world around us. Our methodology is based on the concurrence between the queer lens and Puig’s literary technique since both regard “being a man” and “being a woman” as performative behaviours, thereby creating new discourses deriving from other forms and alternative perspectives that in turn bring the author to engage the stereotypes produced by the system thus revealing the complete artificiality of human labels.Puig’s works are therefore analysed as cultural artefacts that create and propagate beliefs by questioning the values of the social space. Insofar as subjectivities and bodies relegated to the status of objects invest authorial spaces (spaces where symbolic capital is produced) and produce, through the characters, alternative perceptions of the world in which erotic potentialities are explored, analysed, re-evaluated and reshaped, these bodies interfere in social spaces in a performative way. Hence we can say that literary discourse helps to create new possibilities and political strategies that bring body, gender and sexuality to the fore. / La presente tesis tiene como objetivo principal demostrar que la obra de Manuel Puig es queer avant la lettre. Nuestra lectura propone entender la literatura de M. Puig como un acto político que pretende poner en evidencia la construcción socio-cultural de la subjetividad en la sociedad occidental, patriarcal y androcéntrica, que impone un paradigma único sustentado por la norma. La obra de Puig opera deconstruyendo el patriarcado en tanto que entramado transversal de sistemas (religiosos, sociopolíticos, económicos…) que preconfigura nuestra manera de pensar, modelos a seguir y manera de entender el mundo que nos rodea.Nuestra propuesta metodológica parte de la coincidencia que existe entre la focalización queer y la manera de producir ficción de Puig, que conciben el “ser hombre” o “ser mujer” como una performance. De ello se desprende que se puede crear discursos bajo otras formas y desde otros puntos de vista, que es lo que hace el autor al manipular los estereotipos producidos por el propio sistema, para poner al descubierto que las etiquetas humanas son artificiales. Las novelas de Manuel Puig se analizan entonces como artefactos culturales que producen y diseminan creencias y cuestionan valores del espacio social. En la medida en que subjetividades y cuerpos relegados a la condición de objetos usurpan el lugar de autoría (el lugar de la producción de capital simbólico) y producen, a través de los personajes, percepciones del mundo alternativas en las cuales las posibilidades eróticas son exploradas, analizadas, reevaluadas y redimensionadas, tales cuerpos interfieren performativamente en el espacio social. Por tanto, el discurso literario contribuye a producir nuevas posibilidades y estrategias políticas para evidenciar el cuerpo, el género o la sexualidad.

"Doce Canciones Mexicanas": A Singer's Guide to Manuel M. Ponce's (1882-1948) Romantic Mexican Art Song as Described in His Essay "La Canción Mexicana"

Rosas Posada, Jessica 08 1900 (has links)
The underrepresentation of Mexican art song has left classical singers with few Spanish-language repertoire options. Currently, the music of Spain dominates this scene and Mexican art song has yet to earn a place in academic curricula and concert halls. Manuel María Ponce (1882-1948) retains an important position in Mexican music. However, Ponce's vocal repertoire—consisting of over 150 songs—remained dormant for many decades after his death due to its misclassification by music aristocrats in Mexico that greatly affected their diffusion. Consequently, few copies were published during Ponce's life, making them difficult to find. The need in the singing community for repertoire of this kind has raised many questions not only about its existence and availability, but also about its origins and relationship to the established Art Song canon. To promote the diffusion of this underrepresented repertoire, a style analysis of Ponce's Romantic Mexican Art Song is offered through the lens of his writings about Mexican Song. The analysis includes vital information about the origins, form, style, and subjects of these songs. Tangible examples of these traits are provided from Ponce's Doce Canciones Mexicanas along with historically-informed suggestions for singers and translations of the text with IPA transcriptions.

Identification des compétences fondamentales du mouvement pour les utilisateurs de fauteuil roulant manuel pédiatriques : un pas vers un développement d’une éducation physique et d’une participation sociale inclusive

Ouédraogo, Fatimata 10 1900 (has links)
Introduction : Bien que les bienfaits de l’Activité Physique (AP) soient largement reconnus, les Utilisateurs de Fauteuil roulant Manuel Pédiatriques (UFMP) ne respectent pas les recommandations canadiennes en matière d’AP quotidienne. Les cours d’Éducation Physique (ÉP) offrent une opportunité d’accroître leur niveau d’AP. Cependant, de nombreux enseignants d’ÉP au Québec ne sont pas familiers avec les habiletés en fauteuil roulant manuel et ne se sentent pas suffisamment préparés pour adapter leurs cours d’ÉP aux besoins des UFMP. Afin de combler cette lacune, ce mémoire de maîtrise vise à identifier les habiletés en fauteuil roulant manuel qui sont utiles à la participation des UFMP aux cours d'ÉP, ainsi que les facteurs contextuels influençant leur participation à ces cours. Méthodes : Une approche qualitative descriptive a été utilisée. Les méthodes d’échantillonnage par convenance et par boule de neige ont été utilisées pour recruter 7 enseignants d’ÉP et 5 UFMP. Des entretiens individuels semi-structurés et un groupe de discussion en ligne ont été menés respectivement avec les 7 enseignants d’ÉP et les 5 UFMP. Les données ont été analysées à l’aide de statistiques descriptives et d’une analyse thématique déductive basée sur le cadre conceptuel de la Classification Internationale, du Fonctionnement, du handicap et de la Santé (CIF). L'accent a été mis spécifiquement sur les composantes : "Activités", "facteurs liés à l’environnement social", et "facteurs liés à l’environnement physique et instrumental". Résultats : Plusieurs habiletés (activités selon la CIF) permettant de se déplacer à l’intérieur et quelques habiletés permettant de se déplacer dans la communauté ont été identifiées comme utiles pour favoriser la participation des UFMP aux cours d'ÉP. Plusieurs stratégies d'adaptation ont été mises en place par les enseignants d'ÉP pour promouvoir l'inclusion et la participation des UFMP aux cours d'ÉP. Cependant, la faible acquisition de ces habiletés par les UFMP et leur faible intégration par les enseignants dans les cours d'ÉP constituent des obstacles à la participation des UFMP aux AP. Conclusion : Il est essentiel de développer un programme d’entraînement basé sur les habiletés en fauteuil roulant manuel identifiées comme étant utiles afin de doter les enseignants des compétences nécessaires pour l'intégration efficace des UFMP dans les cours d'ÉP. / Introduction: Despite the benefits of physical activity (PA) being widely recognized, Pediatric Manual Wheelchair Users (PMWUs) do not adhere to Canadian recommendations for daily PA. Physical Education (PE) classes provide opportunities for developing skills and knowledge required for PA participation in children. However, many PE teachers in Quebec do not have the knowledge about the wheelchair skills necessary to facilitate participation of PMWUs in PE. To address this gap, this master's thesis aimed to identify manual wheelchair skills that are useful for the participation of PMWUs in PE classes, while also examining the contextual factors that influence their participation in these classes. Methods: A qualitative descriptive approach was used. Convenience and snowball sampling methods were used to recruit seven PE teachers and five PMWUs. Online individual semi-structured interviews and an online focus group were conducted with seven PE teachers and five PMWUs, respectively. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and a deductive thematic analysis based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) framework. The focus was specifically on the components: "activities", "social environmental factors», and "physical and instrumental environmental factors". Results: Several manual skills for moving indoors and some skills for moving within the community were identified as useful to promote the participation of PMWUs in PE classes. Various adaptation strategies were implemented by PE teachers to enhance the inclusion and participation of PMWUs in PE classes. However, the limited acquisition of these skills by PMWUs and their inadequate integration by teachers into PE classes represent significant barriers to the participation of PMWUs in PE classes. Conclusion: It is essential to develop a training program for PE teachers, based on the manual wheelchair skills identified as useful in order to equip them with the necessary competencies for effective integration of PMWUs into PE classes.

Un empereur en tournée : la mission diplomatique de Manuel II Paléologue en Occident (1399-1402)

Bourbeau, Mickaël January 2014 (has links)
Résumé : De 1399 à 1402, l’empereur Manuel II Paléologue entreprend son célèbre voyage en Occident. Durant ces années, le souverain byzantin séjourne en France et en Angleterre, ce qui le démarque de ses prédécesseurs. Malgré les avancées dans la recherche et dans l’édition de source, l’historiographie maintient la même perception de l’entreprise depuis les cent dernières années. Tout en reconnaissant sa notabilité, le voyage y est abordé comme un échec. Pourtant, ce jugement ne semble pas s’accompagner d’une considération des enjeux et des objectifs réels du projet ou de prendre en compte l’environnement culturel qui l’a motivé. L’interprétation traditionnelle a toutes les caractéristiques d’un artéfact procédant d’un schème interprétatif aujourd’hui dépassé. Cette recherche propose une approche en quatre parties pour analyser l’évènement de manière conséquente et pour émanciper l’historiographie de la téléologie. Premièrement, le déplacement sera situé en continuité d’un rapprochement de la dynastie régnante vers l’Europe et de ses capacités diplomatiques. Deuxièmement, les circonstances et objectifs réels de la mission seront ciblés. Troisièmement, l’étude mesurera la capacité de l’entreprise à répondre à ces objectifs et considérera l’accusation d’échec en fonction de cette capacité. Quatrièmement, une fois la perspective actualisée, il sera question de l’impact culturel positif de la visite, au-delà de ses objectifs pragmatiques. // Abstract : From 1399 to 1402, emperor Manuel II Palaiologos undertook his famousjourney to the West. During those years, the Byzantine ruler sojourned in France and England, distinguishing himself from his predecessors. In spite of notable advances in research and source analysis, most studies have maintained a pessimistic evaluation of his diplomatic undertaking over the last hundred years. While most historians recognize his voyage as a notable endeavour, the emperor’s travels are ultimately perceived as a failure. Yet, this judgement does not seem to consider the pragmatic issues at hand, the diplomacy’s true objectives or the cultural landscape upon which it draws itself. Instead, the traditional interpretation seems to hinge on an older, and obsolete, world view. To further emancipate history from its teleological trappings, this study proposes to analyse the subject by approaching it from four angles. Firstly, the emperor’s endeavour will be considered in continuity with the dynasty’s affinity with Europe and its diplomatic possibilities. Secondly, the mission’s pragmatic objectives and political circumstances will be identified. Thirdly, the study will measure the mission’s ability to succeed in its goals, and factor it in considering the accusation of failure. Fourthly, once the historical perspective has been thus actualized, it will be possible to identify the positive cultural impact of the emperor’s visit, independently of its pragmatic objectives.

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