Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bmarketing anda ddministration"" "subject:"bmarketing anda coadministration""
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Savivaldybės administracijos veikla bendroje savivaldybės institucijų struktūros sistemoje (Šiaulių miesto savivaldybės atvejas) / Municipality actions in the general system of municipal institutional structure (Case of Šiauliai City Municipality)Čičelienė, Edita 02 June 2005 (has links)
The master paper explores the activities of the municipality in the general municipal institutional system. Works of Lithuanian and foreign authors on local self-government, functions of the municipality as well as the municipal institutional structure are being analysed and systematized thus, a municipal institutional structure model in Lithuania is being presented and analysed. Evaluation of the Laws of the Republic of Lithuania regulating actions of the community and municipal institutions as well performed. Authors hypothesis is being approved that the efficient functioning of the municipal institutional structure depends on the united activities of the city community, municipalitys council add administration as well.
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Tėvų informaciniai poreikiai švietimo kaitos kontekste / Parents briefing needs in process of educational transformationBartušienė, Audronė 03 June 2005 (has links)
According to the different sources, transformation of educational system in Lithuania is analysed since XX century to nowaday. The parents opinion about transformation and development of educational system and the problems related with giving information analysed in Lithuanian and foreign investigative works is given in this master work. Parents briefing needs are dispute din the process of the educational reform. The investigation about parents briefing needs was done in this master work. Two methods: a questionnaire survey and a descriptive statistics were used for this investigation. It let ground the authors hypothesis: 1) Parents of students are more interested in aspects of education which are connected with their children; 2) Parents of students are less interested in aspects of education which are connected with functioning of education. Finally, the conclusion and suggestions related to searching materialis given in this master work.
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Organizacinio komandinio darbo ir klimato raiškos ypatumai odos apdirbimo įmonėje / The key issues of the organizational teamwork & organizational microclimate at the leather processing enterprisePranevičienė, Vaiva 06 June 2005 (has links)
This work, finalizing the master’s degree studies, is the self-dependent part of a collegial research project. The key issue of a project is to adopt the specific tests to the specific cultural environment of Lithuania. Two different tests have been evaluated. One of them, - teamwork test “Team Plus” has been made & tested by Germans under the Lithuanian conditions, & another test of organizational microclimate- has been created locally in Lithuania. Tests have been checked with the teams of leather processing enterprise. The organizational microclimate of a typical workgroups has been targeted as the main issues of the test. This research, together with the written report about it, is the main part of a master’s degree work. Total number of a 115 respondents has fulfilled the questionnaires. The total respondent’s number represents the 11 teams. Data has been analyzed, using the typical SPSS program. Both: qualitative & quantitative research methods have been used. The influence of demographic variables (meaning the sex) on to the teamwork expression has been evaluated in this research. According to the processed research data, the influence of the sex appeared to be nonessential. In conclusion, the next key issues can be stated. The indicators of an effective teamwork can be noticed only in the departments with a positive organizational microclimate. On the other hand, the ineffective teamwork markers are tightly connected with a negative organizational microclimate.
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Komandinio darbo ir organizacinio klimato raiškos ypatumai baldų gamybos įmonėje: AB "Venta" situacija / Expression Peculiarities of Team Work and Organizational Climate in the Furniture factory: situation in JSC "Venta"Kamarauskienė, Sigita 06 June 2005 (has links)
This post-graduate work is an independent part of a team research work. The aim of the project is to set the connection between team work and organizational climate in the management characteristics of human resources of the organization using adapted work test "Team Puls" established and used by Germans in the cultural terms of Lithuania as well as newly created test based on organizational climate crisis. The research proved theoretical presumption that well developed and functional team work corresponds to the favourable organizational climate and vice versa the organizational climate crisis is responsible for the not effective team work. Preceding was confirmed by the systematic and reliable statistical connection between team work and organizational climate estimated in accordance with the method of factorial analysis. High psychometrical quality of the tests on the team work and organizational climate was proved using various methods such as factorial validity, inner consistence and retest.
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Ilgalaikio materialiojo turto analizė UAB „Flamega“ pavyzdžiu / Long-term asset analysis by example of JSC “Flamega”Račiūtė, Raminta 07 June 2005 (has links)
I n this master’s research project, there are defined long-term asset management (usage, accounting) problems, analysed and systematized aspects of theoretical and practical long-term asset management using laws and principles of Republic of Lithuania and opinions of Lithuanian and foreign authors. Moreover, there was analysed classification, purchasing, tariffing and pricing of long-term material asset in accounting and reparation, selling, transcription accounting using the example of JSC “Flamega”. In this paper there is given an analysis of long-term material asset composition, structure and dynamics. In addition, there are given calculations of long-term material asset profitability, net profitability, turnover, receptivity, renovation and others indicators and given their forecast for coming period. Hypothesized opinions of various authors were proved out, because results of research did not let identify bigger problems of long-term material asset management that affected success and work results improvement of analysed company.
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Viešųjų paslaugų efektyvumo kriterijai ir jų taikymas švietimo sistemoje / Criteria of public service efficiency and their application in education systemNavikienė, Diana 22 July 2014 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjami viešųjų paslaugų teoriniai aspektai, analizuojama efektyvumo samprata viešajame sektoriuje, aptariami organizacijų efektyvumo didinimo galimybės. Apžvelgti nacionaliniai švietimo teisiniai dokumentai, reglamentuojantys švietimą Lietuvoje. Analizuojamos ir lyginamos įvairių pasaulio mokslininkų nuomonės vertinant efektyvių/gerų mokyklų veiklą. / Master's thesis deals with the theoretical aspects of the Public Service and examines the concept of efficiency in the public sector, conditions to increase it's capabilities. An overview of the national education system and legal documents regulating education in Lithuania is effectuated. An analysis and compare son of various scientifically recognized methods for the assessment of the effectiveness and quality of schools is done.
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Savivaldybės finansinių išteklių formavimo ir valdymo ypatumai (Vilniaus miesto savivaldybės pavyzdžiu) / The management features of municipal financial resources (Vilnius city example)Žukauskaitė, Jurgita 24 July 2014 (has links)
Šiame magistriniame darbe nagrinėjamos savivaldybių finansinių išteklių formavimo ir valdymo funkcijos bei jų ypatumai. Pagrindinis šio darbo tikslas yra išsiaiškinti veiksnius, kurie lemia savivaldybių finansų išteklių naudojimo efektyvumą ir pasiūlyti būdus savivaldybės pajamoms didinti ir išlaidoms mažinti. Tikslui pasiekti išanalizuoti 2009- 2013 metų Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė biudžeto pajamų ir išlaidų duomenis, bei atlikta Vilniaus miesto savivaldybės gyventojų apklausa apie savivaldybės finansų valdymo veiklos efektyvumą. Remiantis gautais rezultatais pateikti pasiūlymai savivaldybės finansinių išteklių valdymui gerinti. / This Master‘s Thesis examines formating and management features of municipal financial resources. The main aim of this Thesis is to find out factors that determine municipal financial resource efficiency and finding ways to increase municipal revenues and reduce costs. The study in Master‘s Thesis is about Vilnius City Municipality planned and executed budgets data in year 2009- 2013. There was also Vilnius City Municipality population survey about municipal financial management performance accomplished.
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Susirinkimų efektyvumo problemos savivaldybėse / Efficiency problems of meetings in municipalitiesSpundzevičienė, Auksė 04 July 2014 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe išanalizuoti susirinkimų organizavimo Lietuvos savivaldybėse aspektai ir nustatytos efektyvumo problemos, pasiūlyti rekomendaciniai problemų sprendimo būdai. Įvadinėje darbo dalyje analizuojamos efektyvumo ir veiksmingumo sąvokos valdymo proceso kontekste. Pirmojoje darbo dalyje teoriniu aspektu analizuojami pagrindiniai susirinkimų planavimo, organizavimo ir tinkamo jų vedimo, priimtų sprendimų įforminimo bei įgyvendinimo aspektai. Empirinėje darbo dalyje pateikiama tyrimo metodologija, analizuojami tyrimo, atlikto Lietuvos savivaldybėse, rezultatai, pateikiamos tyrimo išvados bei pristatomi pasiūlymai susirinkimų proceso tobulinimui. / The Master’s thesis analyzes the aspects of meeting organization in Lithuanian municipalities and determines efficiency problems, as well as provides recommendations for improvement. The introduction of the thesis analyzes the concepts of efficiency and effectiveness in the context of management. The first section of the thesis theoretically analyzes the main aspects of planning and organizing meetings, as well as how to hold a meeting, record a decision that was adopted, and implement it properly. The empirical part of the meeting provides research methodology, analyzes results of the research that was accomplished in Lithuanian municipalities, provides research conclusions, and presents recommendations for improving the process of meetings.
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Valstybės plėtros strategijos formavimas globalizacijos sąlygomis / National development strategy formation in the perspective of globalisationBaubinaitė, Kristina 27 May 2014 (has links)
Disertacijos objektas – valstybės plėtros strategijos (VPS) paradigminė kaita globalizacijos sąlygomis. Pristatytas kokybiškai naujas VPS analizės modelis, pagrįstas holistine paradigma. Šiuolaikinės VPS konstruojamos kaip kokybiškai nauja politines, ekonomines, socialines, kultūrines-tapatybines veiklas integruojanti priemonė, kuri išreiškia valstybės santykį su globalia konkurencine aplinka ir poindustrinės visuomenės raidos dinamika. Strategijų konkurencinio pranašumo svorio centras slenkasi nuo materialių išteklių link intelektinėmis žiniomis grindžiamų ir jomis remiantis kuriamų strateginių pranašumų. Dėl to pirmą kartą istorijoje mažos valstybės įgyja galimybę projektuoti savo strategijas globaliose erdvėse. Globalizacijos sąlygomis didėja VPS svarba. Tikėjimas ilgalaikės vizijos perspektyva tampa valstybės jėga, kuri padeda išrasti ateitį.Vis didesnę reikšmę įgyja dėmesys holistiniams valstybės gebėjimus atskleidžiantiems kokybiniams elementams, tokiems kaip: globalizacijos refleksija; VPS struktūrinė subordinacija, susiejanti politinę valią su prioritetų įgyvendinimu; valstybės „įsitinklinimo“ gebėjimai, jos identiteto konsolidavimas ne tik valstybės geografinėje platumoje, bet ir globaliose medijų platformose; pažangiausių ekonominio konkurencingumo modelių taikymas, darni plėtra bei geras valdymas. / The thesis focuses on the paradigmatic change of national long-term development strategies in the context of globalisation. Presented is a new qualitative national development strategy analysis model based on a holistic paradigm.Contemporarynational development strategies are constructed as a qualitatively new means, which integratepolitical, economic, social and cultural activities and expresses the states relationship with the global competitive environment and the post-industrial society’s dynamics. The gravity centre of strategic competitiveness is gradually moving from material resources towards knowledge-based strategic advantages. Therefore, for the first time in history, small statesare provided a unique opportunity to develop their own strategies on global dimension. The importance of long term development strategies is increasing.Faith in the long-term vision is becoming a national force, which under conditions of globalisation helps to invent the future. With paradigmatic change in strategic management, the focus in states‘ strategies is laid on holistic elements, such as: reflection of globalisation; structural subordination of the strategy; functionality via global networks; consolidation of national identitynot only in the geographical latitude of the state, but also in global media platforms; advanced models of economic competitiveness;sustainable development and good governance.
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Inovacijų taikymas Pasvalio Jaunimo ir Suaugusiųjų mokymo centre panaudojant elektronines mokymo sistemas / Innovations in Pasvalio Youth and Adult training centre using e - learning systemsPagojienė, Neringa 03 June 2014 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe analizuojama elektroninio mokymo(si) raida ir samprata, e - mokymo(si) sistemų kūrimo darbai Lietuvoje, bei e - mokymo(si) sistemų inovacijos Lietuvoje. Bei pateiktas e - mokymo(si) sistemos teorinis modelis. Darbe taip pat atliktas kiekybinis tyrimas, apklausiant dvi skirtingas subjektų grupes ir analizuojant inovacijų taikymą mokymo centre panaudojant e - mokymo(si) sistemas. Akcentuojama, jog šis amžius pasižymi sparčiu naujų technologijų diegimu įmonėse, organizacijose, švietimo įstaigose, institucijose. O spartus informacinių technologijų vystimasis vienas iš svarbiausių pokyčių, be kurių šiuolaikinė žinių visuomenė jau yra nebe įsivaizduojama. Pabrėžiama, kad nuolatinis informacinių technologijų tobulinimas ir įvairovė lemia visuomenės ir šiuolaikinio mokymo(si) proceso pokyčius, būtent vienas iš pagrindinių tikslų yra užtikrinti pažangą, kuri būtų grindžiamą švietimu, žiniomis ir IKT naujovėmis. Šiai dienai yra sukurtos modernios viešosios paslaugos tokios, kaip: e - vyriausybė, e - komercija, e - sveikata, tuo principu pradėjo kurtis ir nauja mokymo(si) forma: elektroninis mokymasis.
Tikslas: išanalizuoti inovacijų taikymą naudojant elektronines mokymosi sistemas, Pasvalio Jaunimo ir Suaugusiųjų mokymo centre.
Uždaviniai: išanalizuoti mokslinę literatūrą apie inovacijų taikymą naudojant e - mokymo(si) sistemas. Ištirti pritaikytas inovacijas e - mokymo(si) sistemoms - švietimo institucijoje. Išnagrinėti e - mokymo(si) sistemų diegimo ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Master's thesis analyzes the e-learning and the development of the concept of e - learning systems development work Lithuania and e - learning systems innovation Lithuania. And the e - learning system theoretical model. The paper also carried out a quantitative analysis of interviews with two different groups of subjects and the analysis of innovation training center using e - learning systems. It is emphasized that this age is characterized by the rapid introduction of new technologies in enterprises, organizations, educational institutions, institutions. The rapid increase in information technology to develop, one of the most important changes, without which modern knowledge society is already no longer imaginary. It is emphasized that the continuous improvement of information technology and leads to a variety of public and contemporary training (learning) process changes, it is one of the main goals is to ensure that progress has to be based on education, expertise and ICT innovations. This day is designed for modern public services such as e - government, e - commerce, e - health, the approach began to develop new training in the form: e-learning.
The aim: is to analyze the application of innovations in the use of e-learning systems Pasvalio Youth and Adult Education Center.
Objectives: To analyze the scientific literature on the use of innovation in the application of e - learning systems. Investigate adapted innovations e - learning system (CMS) an educational... [to full text]
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