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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Socialinių gebėjimų ugdymo valdymas teisinio švietimo aspektu / Social Competence Education Management by Juridical Education Aspect

Toleikienė, Rasa 05 June 2006 (has links)
Master`s Theses inspect on the process of social education as strategic alteration management. The motivation of law basics of students was investigated. The methodogical material which is appointed to juridical education is collected and analysed. The analyses of SWOT juridical basics teaching is made. One project „The prevention of „Elimination“ from comprehensive school system in Siauliai education institutions“ which is carried out by Siauliai municipality is analysed as one of social educational means. The principal theses of Master Work are: juridical education – civic and social part of education, which includes different age stages; presentation of juridical information on time, the development of juridical awareness and development of this process – fundamentals of juridical education of society; timely offering of juridical information and the development of juridical awareness is an important part of andragogics; it is essential to refer to active teaching approaches and methods in teaching juridical basics, to analyze practical situations, which help not even to gain juridical knowledge but also acquire critical thinking and social skills; it is neccessary to instruct educators who are capable to do skillful work with Elimination risk and second chance students; it is neccessary to create the surrounding to study which is psychologically appealing, to give help to initiate the motivation level in studying.

"Lorna" įstaigos galimybių studija / Lorna Office's Feasibility Study

Poškaitė, Vaida 07 June 2006 (has links)
SUMMARY Lorna Office’s Feasibility Study, conducted by Ms. Vaida Poškaitė Final Work for Master’s Degree Šiauliai 2006 A feasibility study regarding the office’s activities and its development prospects was performed in the medical office Private Limited Liability Company LORNA during the period of 2004 and 2006 and these major propositions should be claimed from its outcomes: Private Limited Liability Company LORNA was registered in 1997 and it has been rendering medical services since then. The most significant advantage of the medical centre LORNA is the high quality of the rendered services. 55 people, 34 doctors out of them, are employed at this Centre. The largest portion of LORNA’s revenues is received from medical and dentist services. Private Limited Liability Company LORNA is also financed by the State Patient Fund, therefore, there is an opportunity to set up a family doctor’s position as well as an office for public medical education. The accounting analysis of medical centre LORNA shows that the company has been running profitably, because the net profit has been increasing. The revenues from health supervision services in 2005 have increased about 10% in comparison with 2003. Doctors of Private Limited Liability Company LORNA are rendering their services not only to people from Klaipėda, but also from Klaipėda district, Šilutė, Plungė, Kretinga and Skuodas as well as their districts. One third of all patients are people, residing in various districts... [to full text]

Socialinių paslaugų pagyvenusiems asmenims kokybė ir jos vertinimas / Quality of the social services for the elderly people and its evaluation

Beinorienė, Rasa 05 July 2006 (has links)
The purpose of the investigation is to evaluate the level of the quality of social services for the elderly people. The thesis comprises the following parts: introduction, four chapters, conclusions, recommendations and annexes. The determination of social needs, concept of social services and their classification are analyzed in the first chapter, as well as the legal acts which regulate the provision of social services. The second chapter presents the analysis of a concept of elderly person, its participation in the public activities, as well as the ethical principles of the social work. The concept of the quality of social services and its evaluation is explained in the third chapter. The fourth chapter contains the analysis of the investigation on the quality of social services for elderly people. The following methods for investigation were used: the analysis of literature and legal acts, enquiry method, analysis of statistical data.

Tarpinstitucinis bendradarbiavimas užtikrinant vaiko teisių apsaugą socialinės rizikos šeimose / Interinstitutional cooperation by ensuring the child rights protection in the families at social risk

Padkauskienė, Zita 09 July 2006 (has links)
The evolution of the Child rights protection policy in Lithuania is analyzed in the first part of the Master’s Thesis. Lithuania, by joining the Convention of UN and by ratifying it, recognized that the protection of Child rights and interests is the main mission for the State and society. Lithuania has made enough political tools which provide the guaranty to protect the children’s rights in his social environment. The main laws protecting the child rights have been adopted and all the institutions which seek for a real and complete assistance to the child, living in the family at social risk, observe it. It is necessary to coordinate the cooperation of the institutions of Child rights protection by using the method of team work The second part of the Master’s Thesis presents the analysis on the interinstitutional cooperation by ensuring the child rights protection in the families at social risk. The purpose of this investigation was to involve the specialists providing the assistance for children living in the families at social risk. 34 specialists working in different fields have participated in this investigation: 11 social workers of neighborhoods, 8 social pedagogues working in the comprehensive schools, 8 medical workers working in the schools and medical stations of neighborhoods, 2 Child rights protection service officers and 2 officers of police commissariat. 777 problems of school age children living in the families at social risk have been revealed during the... [to full text]

Komercinių bankų investicinės politikos formavimas / Investment Policy Formation of Commercial Banks

Morkvėnas, Deividas 21 September 2006 (has links)
According to Lithuanian and foreign authors’ scientific literature, Master’s work explores the main aspects of investment policy formation: stages of investment policy formation, investment strategies and methods of their selection, also analyzes the process of investment efficiency evaluating and main models of investment efficiency evaluating. The main features of investment policy formatting, evaluated efficiency of commercial banks “Hansabankas”, “Vilniaus bankas”, “Sampo bankas” are presented in the exploratory-analytic part of this paper. There was made a survey of “Hansabankas” clients’ attitude to offering services in investment funds field in this final work. Also this paper shows the investment trends perspective evaluating and the development trends of investment policy of commercial banks.

Apskaitos tvarkymo kompiuteriais technologijos ir jų kokybės vertinimas / Technologies of computerized accounting and their quality evaluation

Mackevičiūtė, Asta 16 August 2007 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – apskaitos tvarkymo kompiuteriais technologijos. Tyrimo tikslas – išanalizavus teorinius ir praktinius apskaitos informacijos tvarkymo kompiuteriais technologijos aspektus bei nustačius svarbiausiuosius šios technologijos vertinimo kriterijus ir rodiklius ištirti ir įvertinti apskaitos informacijos tvarkymo technologijų, naudojančių tris skirtingas apskaitos informacines sistemas, kokybę. Tyrimo metodai: monografinis, palyginimo, loginės analizės ir apibendrinimo, grafinio vaizdavimo, anketinės ir interviu apklausos, statistinio duomenų apdorojimo, duomenų analizės ir sisteminimo, porinio palyginimo, daugiaaspekčio vertinimo bei kiti mokslinio tyrimo metodai. Naudojant monografinį, palyginimo, loginės analizės ir apibendrinimo mokslinio tyrimo metodus buvo išanalizuoti apskaitos kompiuterizavimo tikslingumą atskleidžiantys veiksniai ir svarbiausieji apskaitos informacijos tvarkymo technologijos aspektai bei suformuluoti pagrindiniai reikalavimai, keliami apskaitos informacijos tvarkymo kompiuteriais technologijai, o taip pat parinkta apskaitos informacijos tvarkymo technologijos kokybės tyrimo metodika, sudaryta šios technologijos kokybės vertinimo kriterijų ir rodiklių sistema bei sudarytos apskaitos informacijos tvarkymo technologijos kokybės rodiklių metrikos. Siekiant išvengti tų pačių kokybės savybių vertinimo naudojant skirtingiems kriterijams priskirtus rodiklius, buvo atliktas jų optimizavimas. Naudojant anketinės ir interviu apklausos, statistinio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Research object: technologies of computerized accounting. Research aim: after analyzing theoretical and practical aspects of computerized accounting technology and after determining the main criteria and indexes of this type of technology, to investigate and evaluate the quality of computerized accounting technologies, which use three different information systems of accounting. Research methods: monographic, comparison, logical analysis and generalization, graphical representation, questioning and interviewing, statistical management of data, data analysis and systematizing, pair comparison, multi – aspect evaluation and other scientific research methods. The expedient factors of computerized accounting and the most important aspects of computerized accounting technology were analyzed using monographic, comparison, logical analysis and generalization methods. Fundamental requirements for the computerized accounting technology were also formulated. Moreover, the methology, analysing the quality of computerized accounting technologies, and the system of criteria‘s and indexes‘ quality evaluation were selected and created. The metrics of quality indexes were formed. These indexes were optimized in order to avoid the evaluation of the same quality characteristics. The significance of quality criteria and indexes was determined using the methods of questioning, interviewing, statistic management of data and pair comparison. The value of quality indexes was determined using the... [to full text]

UAB ,,Suslavičius - Felix'' klientų lojalumo skatinimo būdai ir priemonės / JSC ,,Suslavičius - Felix'' motivating Means and approaches of loyalty of consumers

Bartaševičiūtė, Agnė 16 August 2007 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – UAB ,, Suslavičius - Felix ‘‘ darbuotojai ir klientai. Darbo dalykas – UAB„Suslavičius - Felix ‘‘ darbuotojų ir klientų lojalumą lemiantys veiksniai. Tyrimo tikslas – parengti UAB ,, Suslavičius - Felix ‘‘ klientų lojalumo skatinimo priemones. Darbo tikslui įgyvendinti yra keliami tokie uždaviniai: 1) išanalizuoti lojalumo sampratas ir jų esmę; 2) nustatyti darbuotojų ir klientų lojalumą lemiančius veiksnius; 3) aptarti teorinius vartotojų lojalumo kūrimo proceso aspektus; 4) vadovaujantis teorine analize, parengti vartotojų lojalumo tyrimo metodiką; 5) atlikti įmonės darbuotojų ir klientų apklausą, įvertinant jų lojalumą; 6) atlikti UAB ,, Suslavičius - Felix ‘‘ darbuotojų ir klientų lojalumo lyginamąją analizę; 7) vadovaujantis teoriniu ir empiriniu tyrimų duomenimis, nustatyti UAB ,, Suslavičius - Felix ‘‘ darbuotojų ir klientų lojalumo skatinimo būdai; 8) parengti UAB „Suslavičius - Felix“ lojalumo skatinimo priemones. Tyrimo metodai: iškeltai problemai tirti ir teoriniams bei praktiniams rezultatams gauti naudoti šie tyrimo metodai: sisteminė analizė, loginė analizė, anketinė apklausa, lyginamoji analizė, grafinis vaizdavimas ir modeliavimas, rengiant UAB „Suslavičius - Felix“ lojalumo skatinimo priemones. / Research object - UAB ,, Suslavičius - Felix ‘‘ employees and clients. Research subject - UAB ,, Suslavičius - Felix ‘‘ factors influencing employees‘ and clients‘ loyalty Research aim (purpose) - UAB ,, Suslavičius - Felix ‘‘ motivating means of clients‘ loyalty. Objectives for to fulfil research purpose: 1. To analyse th conception and the point loyalty; 2. To establish factors influencing employees‘ and clients‘ loyalty; 3. To discuss theoretical aspects of consumers‘ loyalty creation process; 4. To prepare research methodic of loyalty of consumers following theoretical anlyse; 5. To carry out interrogatory of employees and clients estimating theirs‘ loyalty; 6. To carry out UAB ,, Suslavičius - Felix ‘‘employees and clients comparative analysis of loyalty; 7. To establish UAB ,, Suslavičius – Felix“ employees‘ and clients‘ ways of loyalty motivation, following theoretical and empirical research information; 8. To prepare UAB ,, Suslavičius – Felix“ motivating means of loyalty Research methods: To study a raised problem and to get theoretical and practical results it was used such research methods: methedical analysis, logical analysis, interrogatory of questionnaire, comparative analysis, graphics for UAB ,, Suslavičius – Felix“ motivating means of loyalty.

UAB "X" naujo produkto rėmimas, įvedant jį į rinką / Jsc ,,X” new product integration in the market and promotion

Sarpaliūtė, Asta 16 August 2007 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas - UAB ,,X“ naujo produkto potencialūs vartotojai. Tyrimo dalykas - rėmimo strategija. Darbo tikslas - parengti UAB ,,X“ naujo produkto įvedimo į rinką rėmimo strategiją. Uždaviniai: 1. išanalizuoti rėmimo kompleksą ir jo vietą produkto rinkodaroje; 2. išanalizuoti naujo produkto sampratas ir jo kūrimo procesą; 3. identifikuoti produktų sėkmę rinkoje lemiančius veiksnius ir jų valdymo būdus; 4. parengti naujo produkto įvedimo į rinką tyrimo metodiką; 5. parengti naujo produkto įvedimo į rinką strategiją. Tyrimo metodai: 1. mokslinės literatūros sisteminė analizė ir apibendrinimas; 2. rinkos tyrimas (apklausa) ir jo rezultatų sisteminimas; 3. naujo produkto įvedimo į rinką rėmimo strategijos parengimas pagrįstas mokslinės literatūros sistemine analize bei rinkos tyrimo duomenimis. Apibendrinimas Šiame darbe analizuojamas rėmimo kompleksas ir jo vieta bei svarba produkto rinkodaroje. Siekiama paaiškinti rėmimo svarbą naujo produkto įvedimo į rinką metu, todėl remiantis moksline literatūra analizuojamas naujo produkto kūrimo procesas bei identifikuojamas sėkmės faktorius - teisingai paruošta rėmimo programa. Atsižvelgta ir į potencialių naujo produkto vartotojų nuomonę - apibendrinus rinkos tyrimo rezultatus išaiškėjo naujo produkto žinomumas, galimas pakuotės tūris, bei galimos rėmimo priemonės. Visa informacija buvo panaudota kuriant naujojo produkto rėmimo strategija, kuri pateikiama darbo pabaigoje. / The object of the research - The potential consumers of the new product made by Jsc ,,X“. Research subject - marketing strategy. The goal of the research - To prepare JSC „X” new product integration in the market and promotion strategy. Tasks: 1. to analyse promotional complex and it’s place in the product marketing; 2. to analyse new product concept and creation process; 3. to identify the fortune of the new product in the market and how to manage it; 4. to prepare the methodology of the research regarding new product integration in the market; 5. to prepare the strategy of new product integration in the market; Research methodology: 1. systematic analysis of the informational resources and summation; 2. market research (the questionnaire) and the structural analysis; 3. preparation of the marketing strategy for the new product based on systematical analysis of informational resources and the results of market research. This final paper includes the analysis of promotion complex and its impact to the product marketing. The goal is to explain the importance of the promotion during the integration of new product into the market, that is why the analysis of the new product creation process was based on the informational resources. It identifies that the fortune of the new product is in correct promotion program. The market research and systematical result analysis is showing the attitude of potencial clients towards knowledge of the new product, the package and... [to full text]

Profesinės mokyklos įvaizdis ir jo konstravimo kryptingumas (remiantis Joniškio ŽŪM atveju) / Vocational School’s Image and the Direction of Its Construction (based on the case of Joniškis Agricultural School)

Padgurskytė, Agnė 16 August 2007 (has links)
Magistro darbe yra išanalizuoti ir susisteminti įvairių Lietuvos ir užsienio autorių mokslinės literatūros šaltiniai apie organizacijos įvaizdžio konstravimo problematiką: įvaizdžio esmę, jo formavimo bei kūrimo principus; organizacijos komunikacijos charakteristikos reikšmę institucijos įvaizdžiui bei organizacijos įvaizdžio formavimo strategijų aspektus. Darbe atskleidžiama Joniškio miesto ir rajonų 10 – 12 klasių mokinių bei jų mokytojų nuomonė apie visuomenėje vyraujantį Joniškio ŽŪM įvaizdį, atskleidžiamas jo turinys ir nustatomas profesinės mokyklos įvaizdžio konstravimo kryptingumas. Patvirtinamos darbo autorės suformuluotos mokslinio tyrimo hipotezės, jog profesinės mokyklos įvaizdis yra operacionalizuojamas ir identifikuojamas konstruktas; profesinės mokyklos įvaizdis yra sąlygiškai neigiamas ir tai, jog perspektyviausia Joniškio ŽŪM įvaizdžio formavimo kryptis – kurti jaukios, saugios, sudarančios galimybių kokybiškai pasirengti profesinei veiklai, laiduojančios galimybę gauti pradinį startą kvalifikuotai darbo vietai gauti, atviros aplinkai, gerai aprūpintos bei profesionalios mokyklos įvaizdį. / This paper analyses and systematises the literature of diverse Lithuanian and foreign authors who discussed the problems arising when constructing the image of an organisation: the essence of image, the principles of its formation and creation; the impact of the communicational characteristic of an organisation on the image of an institution as well as the aspects of the strategies of the organisation's image creation. The paper covers the analysis of the opinions of Joniškis town and its districts' teachers and pupils from 10 and 12 forms about Joniškis Agricultural School’s image. The content of the image is disclosed and the direction of the vocational school's image building is determined. The following hypotheses set forth by the author are substantiated: the image of the vocational school is an operationalised and identified construct; the image of the vocational school is conditionally negative; the most perspective direction for the image creation of Joniškis Agricultural School - to create the image of a cosy, safe, providing possibilities of qualitative preparation for career, ensuring a possibility to gain the start that opens the gates to a qualified job, open to the environment, fully equipped and professional school.

Įmonės personalo kompensacinio paketo tobulinimas / COMPANY PERSONNEL COMPENSATION PACKAGE DEVELOPMENT

Krištopaitytė, Jurgita 16 August 2007 (has links)
Magistro darbe analizuojamas įmonės personalo kompensacinio paketo tobulinimo perspektyvos. Mano pasirinktoje įmonėje, t.y. UAB „Akmenės energija“ buvo pateiktas darbuotojams klausimynas. Klausimyno pagalba surinkti duomenys apdoroti panaudojant MsExcel 2000 ir specialia statistinių duomenų apdorojimo programa - SPSS 11.5. Atlikto tyrimo rezultatai leido patvirtinti autorės suformuluotą hipotezę, kad įmonėje naudojamo personalo kompensacinio paketo yra problemų ir trūkumų. Darbą sudaro trys skyriai („teorijos“ skyrius, „tyrimo metodikos“ skyrius ir „rezultatų“ skyrius, išvados, rekomendacija, diskusija ir literatūros sąrašas). / In the Master’s thesis I analysed the perspectives of company personnel compensation package development. The employees of the chosen company UAB “Akmenes Energija” were given questionnaires. The data received from the questionnaires were processed with the help of the program MsExcel 2000 and a special statistical data processing program SPSS 11.5. The results of the research confirmed the author’s hypothesis that there are some problems and shortcoming regarding the personnel compensation package used in the company. The work consists of three parts (“theoretical”, “research methods” and “results”); conclusions, recommendations and the list of literature are given.

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