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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Om papperstidningen försvann hade han fått psykos : En kvalitativ studie om tidningsdöden och unga universitetsstudenters nyhetskonsumtion / ”If the daily press dissapeared he would get a psychosis”

Bakalarska, Anna, Schytt, Alexandra January 2014 (has links)
This report shows a qualitative study on how six young adults in the ages between 20-30 who are students at Linnaeus University in Kalmar percieve their news consumption habits and their use of news media on digital platforms. The aim of the study is to examine whether the six students feel the strogest connection with the press where they were raised or where they currently live, why they choose to use the media platforms they do and what meaning the use of the media bare to the students. We have seen a lack of information concerning why young people choose to consume news online instead of in printed media. The study is focused on theories concerning what affects people in their choice of media platforms and channels. This report shows that geographic nature, the quality of the content and which political ideology the daily press is founded on does not affect the respondents choice of media. Our study shows that the most important factor for the respondents is that the platform is easily accesssible and flexible. We can also see that the dissapering of the printed newspaper is connected to generations and techonology.

Bibliotheken in der digitalen Welt

Bonte, Achim 09 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Speziell die wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken sehen sich seit einigen Jahren mit einer paradoxen Situation konfrontiert: Einerseits schreitet die Enträumlichung ihrer Dienste, die orts- und zeitunabhängige Verfügbarkeit von elektronischen Services und digitalen Medien, außerordentlich rasch voran, andererseits werden in den großen Bibliotheksgebäuden bislang noch fast regelmäßig neue Besucherrekorde verzeichnet. Wie wird das künftig weitergehen? Was charakterisiert den Bautyp Bibliothek in zehn, zwanzig oder dreißig Jahren? Diese Frage beschäftigt nicht nur Bibliotheksdirektionen, sondern auch Benutzer, Unterhaltsträger und Architekten.

Trendy mediálních strategií se zaměřením na Českou republiku / Media strategy trends with focus on the Czech Republic

Skálová, Denisa January 2013 (has links)
The thesis Media strategy trends with focus on the Czech Republic provides the reader with a comprehensive overview of the use of media in marketing communications and trends in this area, complemented with future perspectives. The thesis aims to analyze the current trends in media strategies, to determine whether the new media share in the mediamix will continue to grow and also to compare global and local distinctions in this area.

Las plataformas digitales tras el Covid-19: Las nuevas tendencias y hábitos de consumo del entretenimiento / Digital platforms after Covid-19: New trends and entertainment consumption habits

Aguilar Del Castillo, Ariana 12 July 2021 (has links)
La investigación se centra en el incremento del consumo en las plataformas digitales de entretenimiento durante el confinamiento de Covid-19. Este proyecto surge debido a la escasez de estudios peruanos referidos al tema. El objetivo principal es analizar la influencia de las nuevas audiencias en el consumo de estas plataformas, las que propician a la evolución de la industria audiovisual durante el contexto de Covid-19. El método de investigación se desarrolló mediante entrevistas semi estructuradas a especialistas digitales y a las audiencias digitales consumidoras de estas plataformas. Desde la perspectiva de la investigación, se afirma el aumento en el consumo de estas plataformas de entretenimiento, así como una audiencia más exigente y dependiente. Así mismo, la investigación prevé como tendencias un cambio en los modelos de negocios de las industrias digitales debido a los nuevos hábitos de consumo. Esto también delimitó el aumento de las plataformas ilegales dentro de las audiencias. No obstante, el artículo reafirma que las industrias de contenido peruano no son partícipes de esto debido a factores sociales y coyunturales. Finalmente, la investigación concluye en la influencia de las audiencias digitales en la transformación de la industria audiovisual. Esta se refuerza por la nueva normalidad tanto en ámbitos laborales como en aspectos de entretenimiento, impulsando a la conectividad digital de entretenimiento en todo momento. / The research focuses on the increase in consumption on digital entertainment platforms during the confinement of Covid-19. This project arises due to the scarcity of Peruvian studies on the subject. The main objective is to analyze the influence of new audiences on the consumption of these platforms, which are conducive to the evolution of the audiovisual industry during the context of Covid-19. The research method was developed through semi-structured interviews with digital specialists and the consumer digital audiences of these platforms. From the research perspective, the increase in the consumption of these entertainment platforms is affirmed, as well as a more demanding and dependent audience. Likewise, the research analyzes as trends a change in the business models of digital industries due to new consumer habits. This also delimited the rise of illegal platforms within audiences. However, the article reaffirms that Peruvian content industries are not participants in this due to social and conjunctural factors. Finally, the research concludes on the influence of digital audiences in the transformation of the audiovisual industry. This is reinforced by the new normal both in work environments and in entertainment aspects, always promoting digital entertainment connectivity. / Tesis

Bibliotheken in der digitalen Welt: Was wird aus den Gebäuden und Räumen?

Bonte, Achim 09 June 2011 (has links)
Speziell die wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken sehen sich seit einigen Jahren mit einer paradoxen Situation konfrontiert: Einerseits schreitet die Enträumlichung ihrer Dienste, die orts- und zeitunabhängige Verfügbarkeit von elektronischen Services und digitalen Medien, außerordentlich rasch voran, andererseits werden in den großen Bibliotheksgebäuden bislang noch fast regelmäßig neue Besucherrekorde verzeichnet. Wie wird das künftig weitergehen? Was charakterisiert den Bautyp Bibliothek in zehn, zwanzig oder dreißig Jahren? Diese Frage beschäftigt nicht nur Bibliotheksdirektionen, sondern auch Benutzer, Unterhaltsträger und Architekten.

Environmental Implications of Media Consumption embedded in Digital Ecosystems : A bottom-up systems approach to the perennial case of paperless reading in Germany / Miljökonsekvenser av mediekonsumtion inbäddad i digitala ekosystem : En bottom up-analys av det återkommande fallet av papperslös läsning i Tyskland

Aigner, Joachim Felix January 2018 (has links)
Digitalization has been reshaping the media landscape in recent years, often conveying an implicit promise of becoming less dependent on physical resources. At the same time, the current understanding of digital reading goes beyond dedicated e-readers or definable digital media products such as magazines or newspapers. In fact, it must be perceived as a function or service obtained from existing and ever-expanding “digital ecosystems”. There is furthermore a clear and unambiguous trend that relatively small and mobile devices are on the rise for consuming all kinds of media. Next to potentially enabling environmental gains compared to traditional paper-based media consumption, there are agreeing indications of a shift from overall electricity consumption dominated by end-user devices towards an increasing importance of less tangible data transmission networks and data centers. Therefore, a bottom-up analysis is deemed to compliment more general top-down observations and assessments. To this end, an elaborated reference scenario is proposed as to bridge the mere analytical method of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) with behavioral aspects based on German market observations and surveys. The prevailing aim of this study is to detect environmental hot-spots and absolute impacts linked to the service of accessing text-based content via connected electronic devices. In doing so, this study takes the position that both types of media consumption – digital and paper-based - are incommensurable due to the very evident differences in provided functions, markets, and industries. Therefore, an attributional and stand-alone LCA is considered appropriate. The perceived current situation (reference scenario) evolves around substantiated estimates and assumptions concerning production of devices, use of devices as well as operation of essential data transmission network components. Looking at potential hot-spots, electricity consumption linked to data transmission could be a decisive factor for the environmental performance of digital reading. However, the actual importance of data transmission infrastructures depends on both methodological choices and a range of parameters or trends. For instance, the relative importance is shifted when more recent estimates of electricity intensities are incorporated. Depending on actual and localized electricity intensity of data transmission, the amount of data required to provide an expected function may inhibit environmental potentials of digital media consumption. Postulating average annual consumption of digital contents and assuming actual substitution of equivalent printed media products, about 50 kg CO2-equivalents. could potentially be avoided. This theoretical potential is based on the calculated global warming potential (GWP) associated with digital reading according to the reference scenario which amounts to about 29 kg CO2-equivalents. Therefore, this study supports findings from previous studies that indicated environmental benefits of digital reading. Compared to other functions or services (e.g. video/music streaming, podcasts, audio books) embedded in the same “digital ecosystems”, reading requires little amount of data. If allocation of upstream effects is based on time, the relative importance of data transmission networks could be gauged and compared by adopting a “data-to-service time” ratio. Taking the reference scenario as a starting point, a perceivable ratio for digital reading is 0.015 GB/h, including systemic inefficiencies. In contrast, streaming of high-definition video contents can easily consume 3 GB/h, a 200-fold increase. The audience of this study comprises providers of digital reading services and/or other media services as well as end-users as integral element in “digital ecosystems”. Besides, the report proposes a conceptual assessment framework which can be applied to other contemporary digital services or functions. / De senaste åren har digitalisering omformat medielandskapet, med ett implicit löfte om att minska beroendet av fysiska resurser. Dessutom finns det tydliga trender som pekar mot en ökad användning av små, mobila enheter för att konsumera alla sorters media. En uppdaterad bottom-up analys bedöms komplettera mer generella observationer och bedömningar. Om man antar årliga genomsnittliga konsumtionsmönster i Tyskland, så är tillverkningen av elektroniska slutanvändarenheter – oavsett om de är till för enskilda ändamål (e-läsare) eller om de är multifunktionella (smartphone, surfplatta) – onekligen en miljömässigt kritisk punkt för digitalt läsande. Elförbrukningen, som sker i samband med dataöverföringen, kan också vara en avgörande faktor för den övergripande miljöpåverkan av digital läsning. Dock beror den faktiska påverkan av dataöverförningsinfrastrukturer dels på metodologiska val men även på ett antal andra parametrar och trender. Genom att undersöka indikatorn för global uppvärmning kan denna studie konstatera att resultaten stödjer tidigare forskning, som redan pekar på de miljömässiga vinsterna av digitalt läsande. Målgruppen för denna studie innefattar både distributörer av digitala läs-tjänster och/eller andra media tjänster såväl som slutanvändare som ett integrerat element i ”digitala ekosystem”.

Mein Traum von Bibliothek

Bauer, Charlotte, Schneider, Ulrich Johannes 09 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Unter dem Titel „Mein Traum von Bibliothek“ wird demnächst an der Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig eine Vortragsreihe für Bibliothekare starten. Thema ist der von uns allen erlebte rasante Wandel in der Mediennutzung durch digitale Technik. Die Aufgaben der Bibliothek ändern sich, die Tätigkeiten der Bibliothekare ändern sich, die Funktionen der Bibliotheksräume ändern sich. Das hat Konsequenzen für alle wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken, ins besondere für ein komplexes System wie das der UB Leipzig mit derzeit noch 19 Zweigbibliotheken. Welche Räume hat eine Bibliothek, wenn sowohl die Informationen wie die Wege dahin digital formatiert sind? Welcher Service sollte geboten werden?

Mein Traum von Bibliothek

Bauer, Charlotte, Schneider, Ulrich Johannes 09 June 2011 (has links)
Unter dem Titel „Mein Traum von Bibliothek“ wird demnächst an der Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig eine Vortragsreihe für Bibliothekare starten. Thema ist der von uns allen erlebte rasante Wandel in der Mediennutzung durch digitale Technik. Die Aufgaben der Bibliothek ändern sich, die Tätigkeiten der Bibliothekare ändern sich, die Funktionen der Bibliotheksräume ändern sich. Das hat Konsequenzen für alle wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken, ins besondere für ein komplexes System wie das der UB Leipzig mit derzeit noch 19 Zweigbibliotheken. Welche Räume hat eine Bibliothek, wenn sowohl die Informationen wie die Wege dahin digital formatiert sind? Welcher Service sollte geboten werden?

A Communication Analysis for UNICEF Lebanon - A media landscape of Lebanon, media consumption habits of Syrian refugees and potential C4D interventions to promote social inclusion and child/youth protection for Syrian children and youths in Lebanon

Yap, Yee-Yin, Leffler, Abigail January 2017 (has links)
The objective of this study is to put forward informed C4D recommendations to help organizations like UNICEF combat the situation for Syrian refugee children and youths in Lebanon, who through displacement and resettling into the complex Lebanese socio-political landscape may be at risk of becoming a lost generation. This paper focuses on the prevention and elimination of actions such as bullying, sexual harassment, gender-based violence, and early marriage.Conceptual framework: the communication theoretical framework considers Bourdieu’s habitus model as well as the uses and gratification model. Concepts conducive to social cohesion include citizenship, communitas and cosmopolitanism.Methodology: data were gathered through a variety of primary and secondary sources. The former includes semi-structured interviews with subject matter experts and analysis of UNICEF’s external communication practices. The latter comprises the collection, assessment, comparison and summarizing of various reports about Lebanese media.Findings: Lebanon has a pluralistic media landscape, though it appears fragmented, reflecting its socio-political sectarian situation. The media in Lebanon is criticized for lack of public service. The arts scene seems to fill a void in terms of examining the collective memory in respect of not only the civil war (1975-1990) but also of social issues arising as a result of globalization and modernity. Syrians in Lebanon consume Lebanese media as much as media from their own country. Interpersonal communication channels appear to be the preferred mode of communication among both the host and the refugee communities, although among the youth social media platforms such as WhatsApp and Facebook are commonplace. Among the traditional media channels, television appears to be popular. The representation of Syrian refugees in Lebanese media is varied, with about one fourth of the published material portraying Syrians as a security issue.Results: a series of C4D recommendations that use sports and the arts as an overarching theme.

”Jag bara utgår ifrån att dom finns på Facebook” : En kvalitativ studie om hur Falu Energi & Vatten bör kommunicera med unga vuxna / ”I assume that I can find them on Facebook” : A qualitative study on how Falu Energi & Vatten ought to communicate with young adults

Hagdahl, Frida January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate which communication strategies and channels the mu- nicipal company Falu Energi & Vatten should use in order to become more efficient in com- municating with citizens between 18 to 29 years old. The company is owned by the munici- pality of Falun and manages community services in electricity, district heating, fresh water, sewerage, metropolitan area network and waste disposal. The following theories have been used in the study: convergence culture, digital natives, information overload, communication strategies and uses & gratifications theory. The methods used in the study are 4 focus group interviews and one informant interview. The members of the focus groups where within the age range 18-29 years and lived in the city of Falun. Each focus group included four partici- pants and the groups were divided based on four different forms of housing; student homes, rental apartments, owned apartments and own villas. The informant interview was conducted with the director of communication at Falu Energi & Vatten. The empirical material was col- lected during the 24th, 25th, 26th and 27th of November 2014. The results of the study shows that media habits among young adults have changed which has led to a non-correspondence in relation to how Falu Energi & Vatten communicates. Due to this Falu Energi & Vatten needs to make changes in their communication strategy, add new channels to their media mix and in some cases reduce the use of others. Falu Energi & Vatten must actively work to both dis- seminate information and make information available in order to reach this age group. The result also shows that the significantly increased media output has led to a desire for personal- ized communication, which means that Falu Energi & Vatten should review the possibility to offer more targeted information. Last but not least, a clear result is that the company should use Facebook for communication with young adults as the majority of the participants wish to communicate with the company through this particular channel. Facebook can be used both to disseminate information but also to facilitate information retrieval and dialogue.

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