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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Darnaus miesto vystymo(-si) daugiatikslė selektonovacija / Multi-Attribute Evaluation and Modelling of Sustainable Urban Development

Šaparauskas, Jonas 05 October 2004 (has links)
Analysis, planning and management of urban development is a complicated, complex, multi-aspect objective, which could be solved using modern scientific knowledge, technology and experience only. Meeting today challenges, adequate decisions must be taken, appropriate politics undertaken, various programs implemented. For this reason, comprehensive, objective information is required, prognoses must be structured, various decision variants must be analysed and discussed. All interested groups, seeking compromise among business, population and nature interests, must participate in decision-making process, important for the city. The aim of the dissertation is evaluation of urban sustainability and urban development in the future with the help of multi-attribute decision making methods.

Užsakymų informacinė sistema su paklausos prognozavimu / Order information system with multidimensional demand forecasting

Bencevičius, Edgaras 10 January 2005 (has links)
In current work problems and requirements for demand forecasting in commercial or manufacturing enterprises are analyzed and suitable forecasting algorithms are proposed. In enterprises with multidimensional and heterogeneous demand it is advisable to use different algorithms for different demand constituents and to readjust parameters used for forecasting. Existing forecasting packages are not practical as they are not integrated with commodities or materials supply orders management activities and business processes of enterprise. The orders management system is developed with forecasting component using adopted time series forecasting techniques such as moving average, exponential smoothing, double exponential smoothing, seasonal etc. These techniques ensure reliable forecasting results for different time series models: random, trend, seasonal and cycling, and are integrated with other business management activities. It is possible to calculate deviations of forecasted demand from factual values, to select algorithms giving minimal perсentage error, and to adjust algorithms parameters to changing demand. The system can help managers to choose forecasting algorithms and to adapt their parameters in the course of time. The system is designed using UML CASE tool and implemented in Microsoft .Net environment using MS SQL Server for data storage.

Specialiojo piešimo mokymo reikšmė būsimųjų kirpėjų kūrybiškumo ugdymui / The Meaning of the Special Drawing to Develop the Creativity of the Future Hairdressers

Makauskienė, Vitalija 29 August 2006 (has links)
This work consists of three parts. The meaning of the special drawing to establish the future hairdressers creativity is being analyzed in this work. In the introduction of this work the urgency and newness of the theme is being discussed, the pedagogical and cultural meaning is grounded. The understanding of creativity and its psychological and pedagogical aspects are being analyzed, also the works of the authors who analyzed this question are being discussed. Also the creativity, hairdressers occupation its specificity is being discussed here. This question raises the necessity of the discussion of the methods which bring up the creativity. They are analyzed in the work by the aspect of pedagogy and psychology also by the aspect of creative result. Later the very special drawing and its historical development in different development stages of European art is being analyzed in the work, the compositional schemes of men and women historical coiffures and separate elements of the coiffures and their principals of co-ordination are discussed here. It let to analyze the peculiarities in the practice of teaching the special drawing, by marking out its features and differences from the simple drawing. These peculiarities are defined by the point of view of the reaching aims. Also the practical tasks, which are illustrated with the students works of art in the work, to the future hairdressers are presented. The tasks done by the students picturesquely illustrate the... [to full text]

Švietimo įstaigų vadovų ir pedagogų veikla, taikant aktyviuosius mokymo metodus / Die Tatigkeit die Leiter der Bildungsanstalten im Anerziehung der aktiven Unterrichtsmetoden

Dasevičienė, Ramunė 17 June 2005 (has links)
Die Tatigkeit die Leiter der Bildungsanstalten im Anerziehung der aktiven Unterrichtsmetoden.

Kombinuoto gydymo būdų ir kitų prognozinių veiksnių įtaka išplitusiu kiaušidžių vėžiu sergančių ligonių išgyvenamumui / The influence of combined treatment methods and other prognostic factors to survival of the advanced ovarian cancer patients

Simavičius, Andrius 06 January 2006 (has links)
1. INTRODUCTION Ovarian cancer is now the most common gynaecological cancer and the fourth the most common cancer among women in Lithuania. Referring to the epidemiological research ovarian cancer has the tendency to become more common: in 1990 there were 345 new cases of ovarian cancer and in 2004 - already 406 new cases. In 2004 ovarian cancer morbidity was 22.2/100 000 of inhabitants in Lithuania. Ovarian cancer is in the fifth position in the structure of death to cancer.Since there are no specific early symptoms and effective diagnostics of ovarian cancer so even 70 percent of diagnosed cases were stages III or IV. After the cytoreduction surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy with cysplatin / cyclophosphamide (CP) the survival among stage III cases was 10-20 percent and among stage IV cases not even 10 percent. In the structure of death to cancer ovarian cancer is in the sixth position - 16.1/100 000 of women. Since there is no effective prevention so the only way to prolong survival of patients is to optimise the treatment. It has been set that the optimal cytoreduction surgery could be performed only for about 50 percent of patients with stages III or IV ovarian cancer. As an alternative to conventional surgery for this group of patients the neoadjuvant chemotherapy - medical cytoreduction was applied. It could lead to the optimal conditions for cytoreduction surgery and further to prolongation of the survival. Referring to the literature the influence of neoadjuvant... [to full text]

Sporto renginių ekonominio poveikio vertinimas / Economic impact evaluation of sports events

Mėlynienė, Šarūnė 15 May 2006 (has links)
SUMMARY Key words: sporting event, economic impact and evaluation methods. The object of the work: sporting event’s economic impact’s evaluation methods analysis. Problem (research) question: Is cost – benefit analysis more effective than economic impact analysis evaluating event’s economic impact? Research hypothesis: cost – benefit analysis is more effective than economic impact analysis evaluating event’s economic impact. The purpose of the work: To evaluate sporting event’s economic impact by accomplishing sporting event’s economic impact’s evaluation methods analysis. Tasks of the work: a. To analyze the theoretical aspects of the sporting event’s economic impact’s evaluation. b. To educe sporting event’s economic impact’s evaluation methods. c. To define factors influencing the sporting event’s input and benefit. d. To substantiate sporting event’s economic impact’s evaluation methodology analyzing the European junior track-and-field athletics championship. Conclusions: 1. Sporting event’s economic impact is evaluated by its benefit. According to scientific literature there can be tangible (in terms of money) and intangible benefit. The tangible benefit of sporting event’s economic impact is evaluated using mathematical methods. Intangible benefit isn’t included as denominate in terms of money. 2. There are various economic impact evaluation methods presented in scientific literature. The economic impact analysis methods or cost – benefit analysis is mostly used for... [to full text]

Ranka pieštų eskizų dinaminė analizė ir gražinimas / Dynamic Scene Analysis and Beautification for Hand-drawn Sketches

Gusaitė, Milda 29 May 2006 (has links)
Sketching is an important part of creativity process and is used in the design disciplines, concerned with making physical form: mechanical and civil engineering, graphic design, and architecture and physical planning. Almost all designers still begin the design process by sketching their ideas before transferring them to the computer. This helps designers to express nascent ideas fast and naturally and to speed up visual problem solving. Moreover, the importance of sketching in design has been recognized emphasizing that initial drawing allows creative freedom. The sketches represent a rough semblance and functionality of the system and can be essential to understanding the reasoning behind a design. Furthermore, sketching activity makes designers to interact with their sketches, examine all alternative possibilities and explore design solutions in their minds during drawing. This important part of design, which supports ambiguity, imprecision and incremental formalization of ideas as well as rapid exploration of alternatives, is still performed by engineers with the help of paper and pencil. Despite praxis and fondness of natural interface provided by paper, sketching on paper has its own limitations. The main disadvantage of sketching on paper is that you can easily draw the sketch, but editing and improving of design is more problematic. If designer wants to make changes in the sketch, usually he has to take another sheet of paper and basically redraw the sketch... [to full text]

Pastatų automatizavimo tinklai klimato kontrolei / Automation networks for climat control

Rickus, Tomas 10 June 2005 (has links)
This master‘s final paper is a project of „Home and Building control system“ model where all attention was rallyed to Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning system automation. It analyzes and sistemizes theoretical and practical research into automated network design process. It also presents methods of acting , algorythms, human and computer interfaces and alternative control system of automation of HVAC realization. In this final master‘s paper overviews the most porular simply designed and complex designet products for HVAC in the market. Analyzes working priciples, advantages and disadvantages of HVAC products. Contains performed analyzes of network topology, communication buslines and the most popular communication protocols. Depending on resuts of all done assays there offered alternative structure of automated network for HVAC systems. In this master‘s final paper were applied research library, compareing and analyzing mothods. Data sistemization was realized in structural analysis, using data tables and grafical design.

Nuotolinio matematikos mokymosi kursų išplėtimo naujomis mokymo metodikomis galimybių tyrimas / Research of possibilities how to extand distance mathematical courses using new methods

Mačionienė, Laura 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbe analizuojami įvairūs metodai, tinkami mokyti(s) matematikos nuotoliniu būdu. Išnagrinėjus ŠMM dokumentus ir pedagoginę literatūrą, daroma išvada, jog nuotoliniam matematikos dalyko mokymui yra tinkamas mišrusis dalyko mokymas,kuomet tarpusavyje derinami programuotas mokymas (įgūdžių įtvirtinimui, turinio diferencijavimui) bei tradiciniai metodai (naujos medžiagos aiškinimui, konsultavimui). / In teaching mathematics it is not enough to realize the only one method. The analysis of scientific literature has opened, that for distance learning of mathematics it would be effective to realize composite method there programmed learning would be combined with traditional methods.

Taškinių vaizdų vektorizavimas ploninimo metodu / Vectorization of raster data using thining algorithm

Velutis, Vaidas 16 August 2007 (has links)
Iki devyniolikto amžiaus devinto dešimtmečio pradžios kompiuterinė grafika buvo labai maža, specializuotas veiklos sfera. To priežastis buvo brangi techninė įranga ir mažas taikomųjų programų, kurios būtų ne brangios bei efektyvios, pasirinkimas. Tokių programų skaičius žymiai išaugo, kai pasirodė personaliniai kompiuteriai su vaizduokliais ir vartotojas galėjo tiesiogiai dirbti su grafiniais vaizdais. Nuo to laiko kompiuterinė grafika ir taškinių vaizdų apdorojimas labai stipriai patobulėjo. Tai tapo inžinerinių, informatikos, fizikos, medicinos bei biologijos mokslo šakų disciplinomis universitetuose. Viena iš sričių, kuri pažengė toliausiai šioje srityje yra kompiuterinis dizainas (CAD). Buvo pasiūlyta naudoti vektorinį duomenų formatą vietoje taškinių vaizdų, kadangi vektorinis formatas yra patogesnis ir tinkamesnis saugoti duomenims. Todėl atsirado būtinybė senus popierinius darbus, naudotus prieš pasirodant CAD sistemoms, paversti į vektorinį formatą. Pačioje pradžioje tai buvo atliekama rankiniu būdu, tačiau tobulinant taškinių vaizdų apdorojimo priemones buvo sukurti specializuoti įrankiai padedantys taškinius vaizdus versti į vektorinį formatą (vektorizuoti). Šių tezių tikslas yra sukurti bei patobulinti sistemą gebančią vektorizuoti taškinius vaizdus. Palyginti naudojamus algoritmus bei sistemos veikimą su panašiomis sistemomis. Šių tezių teorinėje dalyje yra detaliai aprašyti vektorizavimo procesą sudarantys veiksmai bei algoritmai. Projektinėje dalyje pateikti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Until the early 1980`s, computer graphics was a small, specialized field, largely because the hardware was expensive and graphics-based application programs that were easy to use and cost effective-were few. Then personal computers with built-in raster graphics displays popularized the use of graphics for user – computer interaction and as they become more affordable, an explosion of easy-to-use and inexpensive graphics-based applications soon followed. Since then, computer graphics and image processing have experienced vigorous growth, having been subject to interdisciplinary study and research in such fields as engineering, computer science, physics, chemistry, biology and medicine. One of the areas that have benefited a great deal was computer aided design (CAD). Several non-raster based graphics formats – vector formats – were introduced as more convenient and appropriate means of storage for CAD systems. It became necessary for print work produced before the appearance of CAD systems to be reinstated in electronic form. In the early days this work had to be done manually. Later, with the development of image processing, specialized tools were devised to tackle the problem of vectorization, or raster-to-vector conversion. The aim of this thesis is to improve vectorization system, and to compare vectorization results with similar systems. The main steps of raster data vectorization is discussed in this document. In project part of this thesis you will find the main... [to full text]

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