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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Visiting friends and relatives (VFR) travel: expenditure patterns of Zimbabweans travelling between South Africa and Zimbabwe

Dzikiti, Lianda Gamuchirai January 2017 (has links)
A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Science at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science, June 2017. / Tourism contributes to economic development in both developed and developing countries. Visiting Friends and Relatives (VFR) travel is one of the largest forms of tourism on a global level. However, there has been limited research over the past decades on VFR travel. In recent times, VFR travel has attracted the attention of researchers due to increasing rate of migration resulting in the promotion of regional tourism through VFR travel. Despite the influx of migrants in South Africa, research on international VFR travel has been limited as most research on VFR travel has been on local level from one province to another. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the expenditure pattern of Zimbabweans travelling to and from South Africa for VFR purposes. Furthermore, the study seeks to identify the benefits of VFR travel to individual households in Zimbabwe. Using a quantitative framework, 200 questionnaires were distributed to Zimbabweans and a Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) was used as an analysis tool. The theory of consumer behaviour was implemented to discuss and analyse the findings, revealing that VFR travellers from South Africa spend more than VFR travellers to South Africa on transport cost, food and beverages, entertainment and financial remittances. The expenditure is based on socio-demographic and travel-related characteristics. As a result of VFR travellers’ expenditure, the benefits, which are directed to individual households in Zimbabwe, include household upkeep, education, business investment, health and other reasons. Thus this study focuses attention on international VFR travel and its contribution to the tourism economy in Zimbabwe and South Africa. Key Words: Visiting Friends and Relatives (VFR), Tourism, Migration, Expenditure, Regional Tourism, South Africa, Zimbabwe. / XL2018

HIJRAT AL-NAFS narrativas fractais e tramas legais na experiência migratória forçada de muçulmanos com sexualidades dissidentes na cidade de São Paulo - direitos, discursos e memórias / HIJRAT AL-NAFS fractal narratives and legal plots in the forced migration experience of Muslims with dissident sexualities in the city of São Paulo law, discourses and memories

Silva, Mário Luis Villarruel da 11 March 2019 (has links)
A ONU, em 1951, aprova em Assembleia Geral a Convenção Relativa ao Estatuto dos Refugiados, implementada no Brasil pela Lei Nacional do Refúgio 9.474/97, onde se considera serem refugiadas pessoas que fogem com receio de perseguição por sua raça, religião, nacionalidade, opiniões políticas ou filiação a certo grupo social. Este último critério, numa dinâmica interpretativa do espírito da Convenção passou a (poder) entender e abrigar, lésbicas, gays, bissexuais, transgêneros e intersexuais, desse modo, os LGBTI receberam prerrogativa de invocar proteção à tal Estatuto, sem desconsiderar ser essa interpretação recomendatória e não obrigatória. No transcurso fático, entretanto, tem se desenhado um cenário de via de mão dupla, uma vez que a) nem todos os Estados reconhecem LGBTI como integrantes desse grupo e b) os que reconhecem, b.i. têm procedido de modo questionável em como julgar verdade e validade de tal demanda, imputando perpétua desconfiança sobre esse migrante forçado e b.i.i. não reconhecem outras formas de manifestação sexual para além de uma estereotipia de homossexualidade. Tal entendimento, assim, ignora diversas práticas sexuais não normativas, ou quaisquer outras delas dissidentes. No bojo dos estudos migratórios, no que se refere ao deslocamento forçado, especialmente, em conceitos como refúgio e asilo, diversos trabalhos têm apontado para o caráter reducionista de tais institutos. Sendo o Brasil um dos países que reconhece LGBTI como integrante de grupo social específico, esta tese repousa interesse em desvelar alguns mecanismos da migração internacional forçada de pessoas com sexualidades dissidentes da heterossexual, o que gera conflitos interpretativos entre a extensão de direitos e o apagamento de sujeitos nos marcos de uma cidadania global. Interessa, aqui, campear o diálogo dos direitos humanos numa ordem transnacional, refletindo sobre o status de crédito e validade construído sobre os motivadores de fuga relacionados à(s) sexualidade(s) não normativa(s) em sua interpretação doméstica face à acordos internacionais. A partir de interlocuções, em especial, com muçulmanos árabes, persas e africanos entre libaneses, sírios, sauditas, iranianos e ganeses, o trabalho percorre em caminho etnográfico junto a esses sujeitos na cidade de São Paulo as muitas facetas de suas tramas legais e sociojuridicas. Tendo em vista a circulação de pessoas pressupor fluidez de interlocutores, lançamos mão às vinhetas analíticas, como instrumento de recorte/enfoque, convertidas em narrativas (textuais). A partir do alicerce linguística-direito-psicanálise, as reflexões surgidas de suas práticas de linguagem ficam ao encargo de análises discursivas, no especial interesse de reposicionamento do sujeito nos núcleos de significação testemunhal, dessumindo a prerrogativa da validade oral como elemento probatório. São enunciações cujas verdades estão assentes em sua própria dinâmica de acontecimento. Nesse processo, a imigração é também entorno de si, desloca corpos e almas, e não só desterritorializa sujeitos, mas descortina discursos sobre direitos, sexualidades, religiões, violências e espaço urbano, contrastados aos elementos de suas memórias produzidas ao mesmo tempo como cotejo e reflexo, tecendo, assim, suas histórias em fractais / In 1951, ONU approves, in the General Assembly, the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, established in Brazil by the National Law of Refugee 9.474/97, in which it is considered a refugee a person who is fleeing for fear of persecution by race, religion, nationality, political opinions or filiation to a certain social group. This last criterion, in an interpretative dynamic of the Convention spirit, starts to (be able to) understand and to encompass lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender and intersexual, by this way the LGBTI receives a prerogative to invocate protection to such Statute, without disregarding this interpretation as recommended and non-mandatory. In the phatic elapse, however, it has been designed a scenario in a double way road, taking into account that a) not all the States recognize LGBTI as participants of this group and; b) those who recognize; b.i have acted in a questionable way by judging truth and validity of such demand attributing everlasting distrust on this forced migrant and; b.i.i those who do not recognize other forms of sexual manifestation beyond a homosexuality stereotype. Such comprehension, therefore, ignores several sexual practices as non-normative or any other dissenters. At the heart of the migratory studies, related to the forced dislocation, mainly, in concepts as refugee and asylum, several works have pointed to the reductionist character of such institutes. As Brazil is one of the countries that recognize LGBTI as participants of a specific social group, this thesis is interested in revealing such mechanisms of forced international migration of people with dissents sexualities from heterosexuals, what results in interpretative conflicts between extensions of rights and the erasure of subjects in the framework of a global citizenship. This work, here, is interested at pursuing a dialogue of the human rights in a transnational order, reflecting about the credit and validity status built upon the escape motivators related to non-normative sexuality(ies) in this domestic interpretation towards the international agreement. From the interlocution, mainly, with Muslims, Arabians, Persians and Africans among the Lebanese, Syrians, Saudis, Iranians and Ghanaians, this work goes through in an ethnographic way related to these subjects in São Paulo city the many facets of their legal and social-juridical plot. Considering that the circulation of people results in the fluidity of interlocutors, it has been used analytical vignettes, converted in (textual) narratives, as a tool of outline and focus. The theoretical framework was based on the psychoanalytical, legal and linguistic foundation, the reflections emerged from these language practices were dealt by discursive analysis, with special interest in relocating the subject in the cores of testimonial signification, entailing the prerogative of the oral validity as an element of evidence. These are enunciations whose truths are rooted in this proper dynamic of the occurrence. In this process, the immigration is also around itself displacing bodies and souls, not only de-territorializing subjects, but also revealing discourses about laws, sexualities, religion, violence and urban spaces, contrasted to the elements of their memories, which are produced at the same time as comparison and reflection, knitting their histories into fractals

O outro nas fronteiras. Para uma teoria política da migração / The other at the borders: towards a political theory of migration

Ventura, Raissa Wihby 31 August 2018 (has links)
A quem os estados devem justificar suas ações quando regula o fluxo de pessoas nas suas fronteiras? Contra a suposição de que a pergunta normativa mais relevante que surge quando alguém é considerado indesejado e está nas fronteiras de uma comunidade política é aquela sobre se os estados têm o direito de excluir novos membros, este trabalho sustenta que, antes, é preciso ouvir o grito de quem denuncia: isso é injusto. Recolocar a pergunta nesses termos é uma resposta ao diagnóstico segundo o qual um dos traços fundamentais da injustiça que sofrem os sujeitos indesejados nas fronteiras é o desrespeito, como também é uma tentativa de recolocar o problema normativo da ética da migração, de modo tal que não incorra em um dos erros partilhados tanto pelas visões que afirmam como pelas visões que recusam o direito dos estados de fecharem suas fronteiras. Está-se falando do erro de silenciarem as experiências e as perspectivas de quem migra como relevantes para uma ética da migração internacional; um erro que pode ser traduzido nos termos de um tipo específico de injustiça, qual seja, aquela que recebe traços epistémicos. Uma teoria política crítica e normativa que escuta a afirmação de que essa situação é injusta e precisa responder à pergunta sobre a quem os estados devem justificação, reflete uma proposta metodológica e epistemológica que questiona tanto o nacionalismo/estatismo quanto o cosmopolitismo epistemológico como perspectivas adequadas. A proposta defendida é a de que uma resposta adequada ao problema da justificação, que nasce nas fronteiras dos estados quando identifica uma pessoa como indesejada e a envia, por exemplo, para centros de detenção, é aquela que propõe como solução normativa e política para esse contexto um processo de justificação em dois níveis um é normativo e o outro é político-deliberativo. Com essa formulação, este trabalho defende que, enquanto agentes morais, migrantes nas fronteiras podem reivindicar o respeito à sua dignidade, mas também que, enquanto agentes políticos, é preciso que se reconheça a necessidade de garantir espaços institucionais em que possam lutar pelos termos da relação que gostariam de estabelecer com a comunidade de chegada. Ao propor tal passo esta tese realiza seu objetivo transformador mais ousado: imaginar um mundo de fronteiras porosas não-opressivas no qual a migração deixa de ser tratada como um problema a ser combatido em nome do funcionamento normal daquelas peças que compõem a engrenagem dos estados soberanos territorialmente delimitados. / borders? This dissertation argues that, before posing the normative question regarding whether the states have the right to exclude new members or not, we should listen to the grievances cry of this is unjust. Recasting the migrations priority question on these terms, the dissertation acknowledges, at one hand, that instances of disrespect are among the main sources of injustice on the states borders and, on the other, it tries to avoid a mistake shared by both sides of the ethics of migrations literature, that is, the systematic disregard of the personal perspectives from those who actually are crossing borders on our world. This forceful disregard, it is argued, should be conveyed as a specific instance of injustice, namely, a form of epistemic injustice against migrants. A critical and normative theory of migration, i. e., capable of paying attention to peoples own voices regarding what is just or not, attempts to bring about a theoretical and methodological framework in which we can evaluate and criticize both sides of migrations theory, the nationalist/statist theories, on one side, and the cosmopolitan ones, on the other. None of them is able to address normative justifications two-tier levels at play on the states borders: the normative and the political-deliberative level. Based on this framework, the dissertation argues that not only have international migrants a legitimate claim on the respect of their dignity, qua moral agents, but also, we should acknowledge some space in the democracies main political institutions for their agency qua political subjects. Agents who should have a say on the terms under which their relations with potential arrival communities are stablished. Taken this step, the dissertation aims at a more transformative goal, namely, conceiving a world of states based non-oppressive porous borders, in which interstate migrations will no longer be treated as a technical problem for the national-based delimited state functioning.

Retratos da migração transnacional na cidade de São Paulo : um estudo sobre o consumo imagético da exposição fotográfica "Somos Todos Imigrantes" / Portraits of transnational migration in the city of São Paulo: a study on the imagery consumption of the photographic exhibition "We are all Immigrants"

Passaro, Matheus Alves 31 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Adriana Alves Rodrigues (aalves@espm.br) on 2017-11-14T15:01:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MATHEUS ALVES PASSARO.pdf: 84015636 bytes, checksum: e2f9744432e5ca11d373206bb985b176 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Alves Rodrigues (aalves@espm.br) on 2017-11-14T15:02:41Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 MATHEUS ALVES PASSARO.pdf: 84015636 bytes, checksum: e2f9744432e5ca11d373206bb985b176 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Cristina Ropero (ana@espm.br) on 2017-11-22T12:56:41Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 MATHEUS ALVES PASSARO.pdf: 84015636 bytes, checksum: e2f9744432e5ca11d373206bb985b176 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-22T12:56:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MATHEUS ALVES PASSARO.pdf: 84015636 bytes, checksum: e2f9744432e5ca11d373206bb985b176 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-31 / This research analyzes the relations between communication, consumption and migrations from the study of the production and reception processes of the photographic exhibition "Somos Todos Imigrantes", seeking to understand the frameworks and perceptions surrounding the media visibility and of transnational immigrants in the city of São Paulo. The theoretical framework covers the conceptual field of communication, consumption, citizenship, image, visualities and migrations transnational corporations. The methodology of the research is based on bibliographic research and documentary; observation of production spaces and reception of the photographic exhibition; collection and exposure image analysis; interviews with producers and the immigrant public and not immigrant. The results of the research point to three main dimensions that resulting from the processes of production of the appropriations of the photographic exposure: (1) the recognition of a dominant media visibility that hierarchizes the immigrants and associates them with problem, conflict, poverty; (2) the possibilities of setting up other citizen visions, especially those that uniquely distinguish, without folklore, and favor a humanizing approach with the immigrant Other; and (3) the limits imposed other visibilities in the field of migration that the need for public policies that assure immigrants access to and occupation of both from the media and from the city . / Esta pesquisa analisa as relações entre comunicação, consumo e migrações a partir do estudo dos processos de produção e recepção da exposição fotográfica "Somos Todos Imigrantes", buscando compreender os enquadramentos e percepções em torno da visibilidade midiática e pública dos imigrantes transnacionais na cidade de São Paulo. O referencial teórico abrange o campo conceitual da comunicação, consumo, cidadania, imagem, visualidades e migrações transnacionais. A metodologia da pesquisa fundamenta-se em pesquisa bibliográfica e documental; observação de espaços de produção e recepção da mostra fotográfica; coleta e análise das imagens da exposição; entrevistas com os produtores e com o público imigrante e não imigrante. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam para três dimensões principais que resultam dos processos de produção de das apropriações das imagens fotográficas da exposição: (1) o reconhecimento de uma visibilidade midiática dominante que hierarquiza os imigrantes e os associa a problema, conflito, pobreza; (2) as possibilidades de constituição de outras visibilidades cidadãs, especialmente aquelas que singularizam, sem folclorizar, e favorecem uma aproximação humanizadora com o Outro imigrante; e (3) os limites impostos à produção dessas outras visibilidades no campo das migrações que aparecem associados à necessidade de políticas públicas que assegurem aos imigrantes acesso e ocupação de espaços tanto da mídia quando da cidade.

Midiatização das migrações contemporâneas: a cobertura noticiosa do jornal nacional e sua recepção por imigrantes residentes em Porto Alegre

Fernandes, Paulo Roberto 24 October 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T18:23:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 24 / Nenhuma / Entendendo a midiatização como um processo complexo que se articula à problemática cultural, esta pesquisa busca investigar como se configura esse fenômeno em relação a um âmbito específico, a questão das migrações, focalizada a partir de dois pólos do processo comunicacional: produto midiático e recepção, mais concretamente a cobertura noticiosa do Jornal Nacional sobre as migrações contemporâneas e sua recepção por imigrantes residentes na cidade de Porto Alegre. A pesquisa tem como objetivo geral entender os modos de enquadramento noticioso sobre a temática das migrações e os sentidos produzidos por uma amostra de imigrantes sobre essa cobertura noticiosa. Aportes da teoria construcionista da notícia e da perspectiva do agendamento fundamentaram a compreensão do produto midiático Jornal Nacional, dos enquadramentos, dos critérios de noticiabilidade, dos valores-notícia e das especificidades da linguagem telejornalística relativas à cobertura das migrações contemporâneas no período analisado. Para isso, for / While it tries to understand the mediatization like a complex process linked at Cultural Problems Set, this research also tries to reach an investigation about how this phenomenon is structured in an specific environment, the Migrant Question, focused form two poles of the communication process: mediatical product and reception, more specific the set of news at “Jornal Nacional” news bulletin about nowadays migration and how it is received by immigrant resident in Porto Alegre. The research prime´s objective is to understand how the news set describes the migration subject, and follows to the meaning of this new´s set to immigrants. Extracts from New´s Constructivist Theory and the Scheduling Perspective grounded the comprehension of mediatical product Jornal Nacional concerned about links, about what is considered a new, about the new´s worth and about the specific terms used by journalists when talking about nowadays migration, on analyzed period. So it has developed tow methodological sets: one of them in

Spatial dynamics of the population in the Czech Republic (1989 - 2007) / Dynamiques spatiales de la population en République tchèque (1989-2007)

Vobecká, Jana 30 August 2010 (has links)
L'objectif central de la thèse est de décrire, analyser et discuter la dynamique spatiale de la population tchèque entre 1989 et 2007. La structure démographique et les migrations, les deux composantes de cette dynamique spatiale, sont analysées par le biais de deux articulations de l’espace : le gradient urbain-périurbain-rural et la distinction régionale centre-périphérie. Des outils quantitatifs sont utilisés, avec en particulier un modèle gravitaire explicatif des migrations. L’orientation principale de l´analyse repose sur les migrations internes, comme étant l’agent majeur de la dynamique spatiale de la population. La structure, les déterminants, et l’évolution dans le temps de ces migrations sont étudiés, ainsi que leurs conséquences sur la structure démographique des ensembles spatiaux. La thèse indique que le processus de périurbanisation est récemment devenu un facteur majeur, influençant la dynamique spatiale de la population tchèque. Il est également établit que le facteur explicatif clé de la destination des migrations est le statut social du migrant, tandis que son âge ne présente qu’une importance secondaire. Cependant, étant donné que les Tchèques sont généralement peu mobiles, la déconcentration de la population s’opère à une échelle plus modeste que dans les pays d’Europe de l´Ouest. Cette constatation permet d’expliquer en quoi les tendances récentes des migrations résidentielles ont un impact mesuré relativement faible sur les structures sociales et démographiques de la population dans les catégories d´espace. / The aim of the thesis is to describe, analyse and discuss the development of spatial population dynamics in the Czech Republic between 1989 and 2007. Demographic structure and migration, the two components of spatial population dynamics, are analysed using two spatial dimensions, the urban-suburban-rural gradient and the core-periphery region distinction, using quantitative analyses, including gravity regression modelling of migration. The analysis primarily focuses on domestic migration as the main vehicle of spatial population dynamics. It discusses the structure, determinants, and temporal evolution of migration and its consequences on the population structure in different spatial categories. The thesis indicates that suburbanisation has recently become the main factor influencing Czech spatial population dynamics. The key factor determining migration destination is the social status of migrants, whereas age has only secondary importance. However, since Czechs are not very mobile, population dispersal is less large-scale than in Western-Europe. This explains why recent domestic migration patterns have had only a small measurable influence on the social or demographic structures of the population across spatial categories. / Cílem této disertační práce je popsat, analyzovat a diskutovat vývoj prostorové dynamiky obyvatel v České republice mezi lety 1989 a 2007. Demografická struktura a migrace, dvě komponenty prostorové dynamiky obyvatel, jsou analyzovány ve dvou prostorových dimenzích, v gradientu město-suburbium-venkov a v regionálním rozlišení jádrových a periferních regionů, prostřednictvím kvantitativní analýzy, včetně gravitačního regresního modelu migrace. Analýza se zaměřuje především na vnitřní migraci jako hlavního hybatele prostorové dynamiky obyvatel. Zabývá se strukturou, determinanty migrace a jejím vývojem v čase a také jejími dopady na strukturu obyvatel v jednotlivých prostorových kategoriích. V disertaci je ukázáno, že suburbanizace se v poslední době stala nejdůležitějším faktorem ovlivňujícím prostorovou dynamiku obyvatel v České republice. Hlavním faktorem určujícím směr migrace je sociální status migrantů, zatímco jejich věk má pouze druhořadý význam. Nicméně, tím, že Češi nejsou příliš migračně aktivní, populační dekoncentrace dosahuje menších rozměrů a objemů než v západoevropských zemích. To vysvětluje, proč novodobé migrační trendy měly zatím jen malý měřitelný dopad na sociální a demografické struktury obyvatel jednotlivých prostorových kategorií.

Le rôle complexe des migrations dans les reconfigurations des systèmes d’activités des familles rurales : la circulation comme ressource ? Localité de Leonzoane, Mozambique 1900-2010 / The complex role of migration in restructuring rural livelihoods : circulation as a resource? Locality of Leonzoane, Mozambique 1900-2010

Mercandalli, Sara 04 December 2013 (has links)
Dans le contexte de transition démo-économique en Afrique subsaharienne, l’évolution des stratégies des ménages ruraux vers des systèmes d’activités composites et la reconnaissance des modalités renouvelées des migrations soulèvent les enjeux liés aux recompositions des économies rurales. Cette thèse interroge le rôle renouvelé des mobilités des ménages ruraux mozambicains pour comprendre dans quelle mesure celles-ci constituent un élément central de recomposition de leurs systèmes d’activités dans le contexte régional postapartheid et de libéralisation.Ce travail apporte un éclairage sur les articulations conceptuelles entre approches institutionnelles en économie et la notion de circulation, pour une analyse du rôle des mobilités dans les stratégies et systèmes d’activités sur le long terme. La démarche analytique est basée sur la reconstitution par enquêtes de biographies de 97 ménages et combine méthodes quantitatives et qualitatives.L’analyse met à jour l’évolution de mobilités circulaires intenses vers l’Afrique du Sud des familles de Leonzoane pendant la période coloniale, vers des formes de mobilités plus complexes dévoilant plus de flexibilité professionnelle, dans des espaces plus larges au sein et en dehors du secteur historique minier. Ces mobilités s’accompagnent d’une diversité d’arrangements portés par les réseaux, attestant d’un contrat migratoire en formation, fondé sur une ressource circulatoire dans les stratégies des familles. La mise en regard de ces mobilités avec les recompositions des systèmes d’activités des ménages, met à jour une situation actuelle à Leonzoane très diversifiée. Pour une partie elle donne lieu à la complexification des ajustements au sein des systèmes d’activités dans lesquels le poids relatif de l’agriculture tend à diminuer, pour d’autres elle assure la reproduction de systèmes d’activités très stables non diversifiés. Elément fondamental des stratégies des familles, la migration peut aussi bien constituer une ressource stratégique qu’un facteur de précarisation ou de dépendance / In the context of the demo-economic transition in Sub-Saharan Africa, changes in rural household strategies towards more complex livelihoods, together with the recognition of renewed forms of migration, raise issues around the restructuring of rural economies. This thesis questions the renewed role of Mozambican rural households’ mobilities to understand to what extent they represent a key factor with regards the reshaping of livelihoods in the present post-Apartheid and liberalization context.This work sheds light on the conceptual links between institutional approaches in economics and the notion of circulation in geography in order to analyze the role of mobilities in livelihoods’ strategies in the long term. The analytical approach is based on biographical surveys of 97 Mozambican rural households, and includes both quantitative and qualitative methods. The analysis shows the evolution of intense and circular migration of Leonzoane families to South Africa during colonial times towards more complex forms of mobilities, with a higher degree of working flexibility, in more extended geographical areas within and beyond the historical mining sector. These mobilities rely on a diversity of arrangements embedded in networks, showing evidence of a migration contract in the making, based on household strategies’ circular resources. The analysis of these migration forms together with the reshaping of households’ livelihoods illustrates a highly diversified situation in Leonzoane. While some households show a growing complexity of adjustments of their livelihoods, in which the relative share of agricultural activities tends to decrease, others perpetuate very stable non-diversified livelihoods. Being a fundamental livelihood asset, migration can certainly act as a strategic resource for rural households, but can also be a factor of insecurity or dependency.

Migrações, processo educacional e os dekassegui: um estudo da rede de relações em torno da criança nikkei na escola brasileira no Japão / Migrations, educational process and the dekassegui: a study of the network of relations surrounding the nikkei child in Brazilian schools in Japan.

Tongu, Érica Ayaco Sacata 21 June 2010 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é traçar um quadro analítico das questões em torno da problemática educacional das crianças filhas de dekassegui e compreender como as redes de relações influenciam a relação entre família e as escolas brasileiras no Japão. A questão que se impõe, nesse caso, é: em que contexto se compõem as redes de relações em torno da criança nikkei na escola brasileira no Japão e quais são os principais aspectos que envolvem tais redes? Parte-se da hipótese de que os pais, presos a um cotidiano conflitante e desgastante, não conseguem perceber o quanto as questões migratórias, de nacionalidade e os aspectos legais das escolas influenciam a relação família-escola brasileira no Japão. O tema proposto para o desenvolvimento do presente estudo exige um trabalho com conceitos de grandes áreas de pesquisa, como os estudos históricos, migratórios e educacionais cada qual em sua complexidade de forma interligada, compondo consequentemente um quadro multidimensional e também complexo. Faz-se necessário, portanto, trabalhar com conceitos ligados mais especificamente à questão de migrações de japoneses para o Brasil e brasileiros/ nikkei para o Japão, em seus diferentes contextos históricos e educação propriamente dita, o que inclui os aspectos legais, de estruturação da escola e da escola brasileira inserida em outro país. Do ponto de vista conceitual, apoia-se principalmente em estudos sobre migrações realizados por Julius Isaac e nas análises de Benedict Anderson e Eric Hobsbawm sobre nação e nacionalidade. As escolas brasileiras no Japão constituem-se como espaços privilegiados para a análise proposta, à medida que apresentam formalmente a possibilidade de manutenção de vínculos com o Brasil em contraste com a escola pública japonesa. Além disso, se parte delas é homologada pelo governo brasileiro, todas são instituições particulares formalmente apresentadas às famílias brasileiras vivendo no Japão, como vinculadas ao desenvolvimento com base nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais estabelecidos no Brasil, mas em vigência em território japonês. Considerando-se que essas crianças e adolescentes não são migrantes sozinhos nem tampouco determinam e/ou escolhem ser migrantes por si , mas sim pertencem a unidades familiares, faz-se necessário refletir também sobre a relação dessas crianças com suas famílias. A partir dessa perspectiva, o presente estudo se realiza nos parâmetros delineados metodologicamente pela realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas com as famílias e nas escolas, de modo que os contatos com as famílias foram realizados sempre por intermédio das escolas. / The purpose of this study is to create an analytical outline of the issues that surround the educational problem of children born of dekassegui (Brazilians living in Japan) and to understand how this network of relations influences the family-Brazilian school relationship in Japan. Therefore, the crux of the matter is: in what context and what are the main aspects that comprise the relationship network surrounding the nikkei child studying in Brazilian schools in Japan? The study is based on the assumption that the parents, stuck in a conflicting and exhausting daily routine, are unable to perceive how much the migratory and nationality issues and the legal aspects of the schools comprise a network of relations that influence the Brazilian family-school relationship in Japan. The theme proposed for the development of this study requires working with concepts in large areas of research such as historic, migratory and educational each with its own complexity in an interconnected manner, consequently creating a multidimensional, and also complex, scenario. Therefore, the study requires working with linked concepts, in particular, the matter of the migration of Japanese to Brazil and Brazilians/nikkei to Japan, within different historic contexts and, strictly speaking, educational ones which include the legal aspects and those related to the structure of the school and the Brazilian school based in another country. From the conceptual standpoint, this work is mainly based on studies about migrations developed by Julius Isaac and the analyses about nation and nationality written by Benedict Anderson and Eric Hobsbawm. Brazilian schools in Japan offer the ideal base for the analysis proposed insofar as they formally enable the possibility of maintaining the link with Brazil in contrast to public Japanese schools. Additionally, if a part of them are approved by the Brazilian government, at the same time all of them are private institutions formally introduced to Brazilian families living in Japan as being linked to the development based on Brazilian Curricular Parameters despite being based in Japan. Considering that these children and adolescents did not migrate on their own, nor did they decide and/or choose to migrate of their own free will, but nevertheless belong to family units, it is also necessary to discover what the relationship of these children is with their families. Based on this viewpoint, this study is developed within methodologically outlined parameters through semi-structured interviews with families and in the schools, with the family contacts always being made through the schools.

Partir des îles Amani et y (re)venir : mouvements de population et redéfinitions identitaires en contexte japonais / Leaving and coming (back) to the Amami Islands : population movements and processes of identity redefinition in Japan

Soula, Audrey 27 November 2015 (has links)
À travers l’analyse des mouvements de population entre les îles Amami et la métropole japonaise, dite « Hondo », ce travail examine les processus de (re)définitions identitaires à l’œuvre chez les habitants de ce petit archipel au Sud-Ouest du Japon, ainsi que les effets de ces mouvements sur les représentations de leur territoire. Les divers types de mobilité repérables chez les gens des îles Amami sont intimement liés à l’histoire de la région. Anciennement intégré au royaume des Ryûkyû, puis sous la domination de la province de Satsuma, l’archipel fut placé sous administration américaine après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, avant d’être rétrocédé au Japon en 1953. Cet arrière-plan historique singulier a eu de multiples conséquences, au premier rang desquelles figure une importante migration interne de personnes originaires d’Amami vers les grands centres urbains de la métropole, en particulier dans la région de Hanshin (Kôbe, Amagasaki, Ôsaka). L’attention portée à l’élaboration de différences « culturelles » entre la métropole japonaise et les habitants des îles Amami met en lumière la volonté de construction d’une nation homogène par les gouvernements successifs depuis Meiji. Cette différenciation a donné lieu à un double processus : d’une part, la marginalisation de la population originaire d’Amami à son arrivée en métropole à partir du début du XXe siècle ; d’autre part, des regroupements d’Amamiens au sein de diverses initiatives culturelles (« amicales des anciens », cours de « chants des îles », médias à destination des « minorités »). Un certain nombre d’« évènements » survenus depuis les années 1990 invitent ensuite à s’interroger sur l’actuelle valorisation de l’« identité amamienne ». L’analyse de trajectoires individuelles permet de faire émerger les multiples raisons d’un mouvement de « retour vers » ou de « départ pour » les îles Amami, ainsi que les effets de ces installations. Ce travail révèle ainsi le dynamisme actuel d’Amami, et, par là, permet de saisir les requalifications de cet archipel et de ses habitants, tout comme sa place actuelle à l’intérieur du Japon. / This work focuses on current processes of identity (re)definition among the inhabitants of the Amami Islands, in the context of strong population movements between this small archipelago of southern Japan and the Japanese metropolis called “Hondo”, as well as on the impact of these movements on their views of their territory. The different types of mobility that can be observed among the people of the Amami Islands are deeply enmeshed in the history of the region. Once part of the Ryûkyû kingdom, then under the domination of Satsuma province, the archipelago was placed under U.S.A. administration after World War II, before its restoration to Japan in 1953. This singular historical background has had multiple consequences, not the least of which is the intense internal migration from Amami towards the big urban centers of the metropolis, in particular in the Hanshin region (Kôbe, Amagasaki, Ôsaka). A focus on the making of “cultural” differences between the Japanese metropolis and the inhabitants of the Amami Islands sheds light on the homogenizing nation-building policies that consecutive governments have set up since Meiji. This differentiation has led to a two-way process: on the one hand, the marginalization of the population hailing from Amami at its arrival in the metropolis, beginning in the early twentieth century; on the other hand, the coming together of Amami islanders within cultural programs (“third age groups”, “island songs” classes, medias destined to “minorities”). Several “events” that have taken place since the 1990s then bring our focus onto the current valorization of the “Amami identity”. An analysis of individual trajectories brings forth the multiple reasons behind movements “back to” or “departing from” the Amami Islands, as well as the effects of these relocations. This work thus renders the dynamics of Amami and, as a result, brings the requalification of this archipelago and it’s inhabitants into focus, and sheds light on its current place within Japan.

Abordagem das migrações a partir da unificação curricular e didática da rede estadual paulista / Approach of migration since curriculum and didactic unification in São Paulo state schools

Iris Matteuzzo Ventura 13 December 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal entender como as migrações são apresentadas e desenvolvidas nas apostilas de professores e alunos da rede estadual de São Paulo, desde a introdução de currículo e material unificado em 2008. As mudanças que a escola paulista sofreu desde essa data fazem parte de uma política educacional neoliberal adotada pelo governo estadual de São Paulo que sofre influências de instituições financeiras internacionais, como o Banco Mundial, que relaciona desenvolvimento econômico ao ensino. Para tanto, avaliamos tais materiais conforme nossas considerações e experiências vivenciadas dentro da sala de aula e também pelos critérios de avaliação de livros didáticos do Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD). Além das avaliações das migrações nos materiais didáticos unificados, serão também discutidas as influências internacionais no ensino de São Paulo; a formação do aluno conforme os interesses internacionais; as consequências sofridas por alunos, professores e pela escola; o currículo unificado de Geografia implantado em 2008; a utilização das apostilas em sala de aula; a nova função do professor, entre outros, que se relacionam às expectativas e a atual realidade do ensino paulista. / This work has as main objective to comprehend how migrations concepts are presented and developed in the São Paulo state schools textbooks, since the introduction of the unified curriculum and didactic material in 2008. The changes that schools underwent since 2008 are part of a neoliberal educational policy adopted by São Paulo state government, which is influenced by international financial institutions, such as World Bank, that link economic development to education. For that, we evaluated the textbooks following our considerations, based both on our own experiences in classrooms and on the evaluation criteria of the Textbook National Program (Programa Nacional do Livro Didático PNLD). In addition to evaluating migration in the textbooks, we will also discuss the international influences on São Paulo education; the student education following international interests; the consequences suffered by students, teachers and the school; the curriculum of Geography adopted in 2008; the use of textbooks in the classroom; the new role of teachers; among others, which are related to the expectations and current reality of teaching in São Paulo.

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