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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utenos rajono pedagogų mokymosi visą gyvenimą motyvacija ir problemos / Life - long Learning of Utena Region Educators - Motivation and Problems

Rukštelienė, Nijolė 17 June 2005 (has links)
Globalization, information explosion, rapid changes, society decomposition are the challenges of the 21st century: they raise new requirements for a person, society and the education system. Today a teacher should be flexible, permanently interested in teaching innovations, constantly learning, researching his/her activity. The purpose of the final Master’s work is investigating motivation, learning motives and problems of the Utena region educators during their life – long learning. The research has been done in January, 2005. 245 educators of various education institutions of Utena Region (i.e. of primary, basic, secondary, vocational and higher education) have participated in the research. In the empiric research it has been stated that 94 % of the educators consider life- long learning as necessary; last year 87 % of the respondents were studying. The research shows that educators’ abilities in their specialty have been greatly improved (97%) after the graduation from the formal education institutions; and the social competencies have also improved (86%). Motives of the educators concerning learning are mostly internal: the wish not to lag behind, to be socially active. External motives are as follows: to be employed the hope to get a higher salary, the wish to be retrained. The most popular ways of the educators learning are non- formal learning and informal learning. Four fifths of the educators were learning at the seminars and courses, every tenth educator was... [to full text]

E. mokymosi informacinių technologijų tyrimas / The research on e-learning information technologies

Šileikienė, Irma 03 January 2006 (has links)
Bendrai nuotolinio švietimo sistemos analizei buvo naudojami norminių aktų, Lietuvos ir užsienio šalių mokslininkų darbų, publikuotų periodinėje spaudoje, ir įvairių Internetinių šaltinių, bibliotekinio tyrimo ir lyginamosios analizės metodai. Virtualioms mokymosi terpėms analizuoti buvo naudojami lyginamosios analizės ir eksperimentiniai tyrimo metodai. Virtualių universitetų koncepcijų tyrimui buvo taikoma sisteminė analizė, o virtualaus universiteto informacinei sistemai projektuoti, buvo naudotas koncepcinio modeliavimo metodas. Sistemos testavimui taikytas eksperimentinis metodas, o rezultatams apibendrinti – vertinamasis tyrimo metodas. / Modern Internet technologies have allowed new learning methods to appear for the realisation of which e-learning information technologies are created. While organizing distance learning the problems of selecting and integrating these technologies surface. That has motivated to conduct research on e-learning information technologies. It can be stated that the especially important task today is to create such infrastructure of the Virtual University that enables to merge both various distance learning methods and various learning environments used for creating distance courses as well as to conform to e-learning standards. This work introduces: • the formulation of the requirements for the distance education information system; • the concept of the distance education information system and selected technologies for its implementation have been designed; • the architecture of two different application servers that enables to use different information technologies in a single information system have been offered. It is scalable, it does not depend on the platform and has a unified identification mechanism; • the unified system that enables to manage education processes, educational programmes, e-courses created in various virtual learning media and other resources as well as to administer the activities of students and lecturers. The system created is open, multiplatform and adapted for various information technologies and different application servers, supports various... [to full text]

The research on e-learning information technologies / E. mokymosi informacinių technologijų tyrimas

Šileikienė, Irma 03 January 2006 (has links)
Modern Internet technologies have allowed new learning methods to appear for the realisation of which e-learning information technologies are created. While organizing distance learning the problems of selecting and integrating these technologies surface. That has motivated to conduct research on e-learning information technologies. It can be stated that the especially important task today is to create such infrastructure of the Virtual University that enables to merge both various distance learning methods and various learning environments used for creating distance courses as well as to conform to e-learning standards. This work introduces: · the formulation of the requirements for the distance education information system; · the concept of the distance education information system and selected technologies for its implementation have been designed; · the architecture of two different application servers that enables to use different information technologies in a single information system have been offered. It is scalable, it does not depend on the platform and has a unified identification mechanism; · the unified system that enables to manage education processes, educational programmes, e-courses created in various virtual learning media and other resources as well as to administer the activities of students and lecturers. The system created is open, multiplatform and adapted for various information technologies and different application servers, supports various... [to full text] / Šiuolaikinės internetinės technologijos leido atsirasti naujiems mokymo metodams, kurių realizavimui kuriamos e. mokymosi informacinė technologijos. Organizuojant nuotolines studijas, iškyla šių technologijų pasirinkimo ir derinimo problemos. Tai paskatino atlikti e. mokymosi informacinių technologijų tyrimą.

Studentų savarankiško mokymosi organizavimas / The organization of student independent learning

Gylienė, Oksana 09 July 2011 (has links)
SANTRAUKA Oksana Gylienė Studentų savarankiško mokymosi organizavimas Magistro darbas Magistro darbe iškelta problema, jog studentai nesugeba savarankiškai organizuoti mokymosi veiklos, t.y. neturi pagrindinių mokymosi kompetencijų Tyrime remiamasi dviem teorijomis: kognityviąja mokymosi teorija, kuri į žmogų žvelgia kaip į aktyvų, tikslo siekiantį, gaunantį, apdorojantį ir kuriantį informaciją; ir humanistine asmenybės teorija, kurios atstovai teigia, jog individai yra laisvi ir autonomiški ir todėl gali savarankiškai apsispręsti; asmenybė nuolat auga ir vystosi, siekdama savirealizacijos. Sukurtas vadybinių mokymosi kompetencijų modelis, kuris padėjo atskleisti, kokias mokymosi kompetencijas turi VU dieninio skyriaus studentai. Patvirtintos iškeltos mokslinio tyrimo hipotezės, kad 1) studentų amžius ir lytis turi įtakos savarankiško mokymosi organizavimui; 2) skirtingų fakultetų studentai turi nevienodas mokymosi kompetencijas. / SUMMARY Oksana Gylienė The Organization of Students’ Discretionary Learning Master’s degree work This Master dissertation raises the issue that students are incapable to organize learning activities independently, i.e. they lack main competences of learning. The research has been based on two theories: a) Cognitive learning theory, according to which a person is considered active, ambitious, receiving, processing and creating information; and b) Humanist personality theory, which claims that students are free and autonomous, and thus can make independent decisions, which personalities are constantly developing in search of fulfilling one’s potential. A model of managerial learning competences has been created and empirically tested the learning competences of full-time students in Vilnius University. The hypothesis of the scientific research has been confirmed: 1) student age and sex have impact on organizing discretionary learning; 2) the students’ learning competences differ from one faculty to another.

Scenarijų panaudojimas mokymosi sistemose / Usage of scripts in e-learning systems

Binkis, Mikas 11 January 2007 (has links)
Today popular learning management systems (LMS) lack interactivity. Interactivity is very important in the learning process, because it‘s a great mean of interest and motivation. The level of interactivity could be increased by using scripts, but some of the modern scripting languages are not universal, and the majority are too hard to comprehend for non-IT specialists. That’s why a brand new scripting language has been created. It can be integrated to an open-source PHP based LMS and because of it‘s simplicity and usage of native language in syntax is rather easy to learn for non-IT staff. Experiments showed that it‘s rather convenient, compared to other similar languages and it’s speed does not slow down the process of webpage generation to an extent a user would notice. It’s also capable of performing basic mathematical and other scientific task modeling, making the language sufficient for common use. The script language has some of the complex template language properties, so it can be also used as a tool of managing content rendering. Practical integration of the script language with “Google Maps” service and VRML showed that it can be expanded to the required extent. Further works with this language may include expansion of syntax and implementation of AJAX technology.

Nuotolinio mokymosi kursų rengimo sistemų lyginamoji analizė / The analysis of distance education course development systems

Gudonienė, Daina 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbe nagrinėjamos Lietuvos aukštojo mokslo institucijose naudojamos nuotolinio mokymo(si) (NM) kursų kūrimo sistemos ir jų technologiniai aspektai, galimos perspektyvos bei naujų technologinių idėjų, siekiant efektyvesnio kursų kūrimo sistemų panaudojimo įgyvendinant specifinius besimokančiųjų poreikius, realizacijos galimybės. Darbe supažindinama kas tai yra NM kursų rengimo sistema, kuri leidžia sukurti ir studijuoti mokymosi medžiagą, tokiu laiku ir tokia sparta, kurie besimokančiajam yra patogūs ir atitinka jo galimybes ir poreikius. Aptariama, kokios atsiveria naujos edukacinės galimybės, įvaldžius tam tikros kursų kūrimo sistemos įrankius. Reikia pažymėti, kad NM šiuo metu yra viena iš prioritetinių kiekvienos šalies švietimo sistemos plėtros krypčių. Darbe išsamiai apžvelgiamos priemonės, naudojamos NM kursų kūrime. / This work will present the analysis of Distance Education (DE) course development systems used in Lithuania and their technological aspects, as well as possible perspectives of realization of new ideas. The first chapter includes definition of DE course development system, which comprises the system that allows development of learning material, participation in learning process and study the material within the preferred time, pace and place that suite the needs of individual learners‘ needs and expectations. New possibilities that are opened with the help of course development systems are also discussed. It is worth noticing that DE is the prioritable development area in Education system in every country. Four main tools will be presented in this work, which are the key tools for DE course development. The second chapter deals with the course development system technological aspects, shortcomings and possibilities. Two types of criteria – educational and technological – are emphasized, and course development systems are analyzed and compared on the basis of these criteria groups.

Besimokančių darbuotojų karjeros planavimo sąlygos švietimo organizacijoje / Career planning conditions of learning employee in educational system

Rainytė, Erika 08 June 2009 (has links)
Karjera yra labai svarbus žmogaus ateities elementas. Ji nėra svarbi tik siauram ratui perspektyvių žmonių. Dažnai suaugęs žmogus mokosi dėl keleto priežasčių, t.y. nori išlikti darbo vietoje ir turi neatsilikti nuo jaunų specialistų, kurie turi platesnį išsilavinimą; nori padaryti karjerą toje srityje, kurioje dirba; yra verčiami mokytis, nes direktorius/ viršininkas liepia tai daryti dėl organizacijos bendrų tikslų siekimo ar pan. Problema: Organizacijų vadovai nepakankamai sudaro sąlygas besimokančių darbuotojų karjeros kėlimui, karjeros planavimui toje pačioje organizacijoje. Objektas. Besimokančių darbuotojų karjeros planavimo sąlygos švietimo organizacijose. Klausimas. Kokias sąlygas karjeros planavimui turi besimokantis darbuotojas, dirbantis švietimo organizacijoje? Tikslas – Atskleisti ar besimokantiems darbuotojams sudaromos sąlygos karjeros planavimui, dirbant švietimo organizacijoje. Uždaviniai: 1. Apibrėžti profesinės ir asmeninės karjeros sampratą. 2. Pagrįsti personalo kvalifikacijos tobulinimo vietą personalo vadyboje. 3. Aprašyti suaugusiųjų mokymosi reikšmę karjerai. 4. Atskleisti besimokančių darbuotojų karjeros planavimo sąlygų visumą. Aprašant besimokančių darbuotojų karjeros planavimui sudaromas sąlygas švietimo organizacijose galima teigti, jog pagrindinėmis darbuotojų norą mokytis priežastimis galima laikyti pačių darbuotojų asmeninį norą tobulėti bei profesinės kvalifikacijos kėlimą. Organizacija iš besimokančių darbuotojų visada gauna naudos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Career is very important element in human’s future because it is important not only for in-group of perspective people. Usually, grown up people learn for several reasons: people want to remain at work and do not want to stay away from young specialists who have higher education. People want to succeed in their work and, for this reason, they are forced to learn because the manager enquires to do this for general aims of organization. Problem: Are there sufficient conditions in educational system for learning employee in career planning in the same organization? What they are? Does learning employee have wider possibilities of career in educational system than the one who is not studying? Object: Career planning conditions of learning employee in educational system. Question: What career planning conditions learning employee, who works in educational system, have? Purpose: To reveal conditions of career planning to learning employees while working in educational system. Tasks: 1. To define the concept of professional and personal career. 2. To justify the place of qualification improvement in human resources. 3. To reveal the meaning of adult learning in their career. 4. To describe the totality of career planning conditions of learning employees. While describing career planning conditions of learning employee in educational system, we can affirm that the main reason, why employees want to improve, is their own wish to become better workers and gain higher professional... [to full text]

Nenutrūkstamų izometrinių susitraukimų tikslumo ir stabilumo valdymo ypatumai / Peculiarities of accuracy and stability of muscle continuous isometric contraction

Bartkutė, Rasma 26 May 2010 (has links)
Darbo tikslas - nustatyti nenutrūkstamų izometrinių susitraukimų tikslumo ir stabilumo valdymo ypatumus. Tyrimo metu kelti šie uždaviniai: 1) nustatyti ir palyginti vaizdinės grįžtamosios informacijos (VGI) ir skirtingos procentinės jėgos (SPJ) įtaką nenutrūkstamo izometrinio susitraukimo tikslumui, stabilumui ir raumenų (agonisto ir antagonisto) elektriniam aktyvumui; 2) nustatyti ir palyginti mokymosi ir potencijuojamojo krūvio įtaką nenutrūkstamo izometrinio susitraukimo tikslumui ir stabilumui. Buvo tiriami jauni, fiziškai aktyvūs vyrai (n = 8; amžius 20,0 ± 1,5 m, ūgis 182,4 ± 6,5 cm; kūno masė 73,0 ± 5,7 kg, KMI kūno masės indeksas 22,0 ± 1,7 kg/m2 (vid. ± S). Pirmojo tyrimo metu tiriamieji atliko 20%, 50% ir 70% nuo MVJ nenutrūkstamus izometrinius susitraukimus (NIS). Tiriamieji atliko 2 NIS su ir be VGI. NIS truko 13 s, tačiau buvo analizuojami tik paskutinių 10 s duomenys, nes per pirmas 3 s tiriamiesiems buvo leidžiama pasiekti reikiamą jėgą nuo MVJ ir ją išlaikyti likusias 10 s. Antrojo tyrimo metu tiriamieji atliko tokius pačius NIS kaip ir pirmojo tyrimo metu 20% jėga nuo MVJ. Tiriamieji po su VGI ir be jos atliktų NIS atliko rankos raumenų potenciaciją, kurios metu turėjo padidinti rankos lenkimo jėgą iki maksimumo ir ją išlaikyti 10 s. Pailsėję 10 s vėl atliko NIS be VGI. Visas tyrimas buvo pakartotas po 9 - erių mokymosi pratybų, kai per pratybas tiriamieji buvo mokomi atlikti greitus ir tikslius izometrinius susitraukimus 20% jėga nuo MVJ kas antrą dieną su... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Research aim was to establish the peculiarities of control of the accuracy and the stability of continuous isometric muscle contractions. Objectives: 1) to establish and compare effect of visual feedback on the accuracy, stability and muscle activity of continuous isometric contractions performed with different strength; 2) to establish and compare effect of learning on the dependence of accuracy and stability of a continuous isometric contraction on muscle potentiation. The subjects studied were healthy, physically active men (n = 8; age 20.0 ± 1.5 m, height 182.4 ± 6.5 cm; body mass 73.0 ± 5.7 kg, body mass index 22.0 ± 1.7 kg/m2 ( ±SD). In experiment 1, the subjects performed CIC at 20%, 50% and 70% force of MVC. The subjects performed two series of CIC – first with visual feedback information (VFI), second – without VFI. The duration of each series was 13 sec. In experiment 2, the subjects performed the same CIC at 20% force of MVC. The subjects after two series of CIC (first with VFI, second – without VFI), done potentiation load (PL), when they had to achieve maximal force and it maintain 10 sec. After 10 sec rest the subjects performed CIC without VFI. All the experiment was repeated after 9 training series. In training series, they were learning speeds – accuracy isometric contractions at 20% force of MVC. Absence of visual feedback information worsening in the accuracy of performing CIC at all forces of MVC. We have established that there is a significant... [to full text]

Organizacijos mokymosi poveikis konkurencingumui: Vilniaus sporto klubų pavyzdžiu / Organizational learning effect on competitiveness: a sample of Vilnius sport clubs

Miakiševa, Justina 05 July 2011 (has links)
Darbo objektas – organizacijos mokymosi poveikis konkurencingumui. Darbo tikslas – nustatyti organizacijos mokymosi poveikį konkurencingumui: Vilniaus sporto klubų pavyzdžiu. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Išskirti besimokančios organizacijos ir mokymosi lygių charakteristikas. 2. Išskirti konkurencinio pranašumo rodiklius ir konkurencingumą didinančius faktorius. 3. Įvertinti organizacijos mokymosi poveikį konkurencingumui: Vilniaus sporto klubų pavyzdžiu. 4. Sudaryti organizacijos mokymosi poveikio sporto klubų konkurencingumui schemą. Hipotezės: H1 – Sporto klubų konkurencinį pranašumą organizacijos mokymasis didina labiau nei kiti konkurencingumą didinantys veiksniai. H2 – Trikilpį mokymosi lygį pasiekę sporto klubai vidiniuose konkurencingumo faktoriuose yra pranašesni už dvikilpį ar vienkilpį mokymosi lygį pasiekusius sporto klubus. H3 – Kuo sporto klubas geriau mokosi, tuo didesnis jo konkurencingumas. Rezultatai/išvados: atlikus tyrimą, darbe iškeltos hipotezės pasitvirtino. Rezultatai parodė, kad: sporto klubų konkurencinį pranašumą organizacijos mokymasis didina labiau nei kiti konkurencingumą didinantys veiksniai, sporto klubai, pasiekę trikilpį organizacijos mokymosi lygį vidiniuose konkurencingumo faktoriuose yra pranašesni už dvikilpį ar vienkilpį mokymosi lygį pasiekusius sporto klubus, ir sporto klubų konkurencingumas tiesiogiai priklauso nuo organizacijos mokymosi poveikio. Rekomendacijos/pasiūlymai: sporto klubai, norėdami pakelti savo konkurencingumo lygį... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Research object – organizational learning effect on competitiveness. Research purpose – to estimate organizational learning effect on competitiveness, by a sample of Vilnius sport clubs. Research tasks: 1. To define learning organization and loop learning characteristics. 2. To define competitive advantage indexes and competitiveness augmentative factors. 3. To evaluate organizational learning effect on competitiveness, by a sample of Vilnius sport clubs. 4. To make a scheme of organizational learning effect on sport clubs competitiveness. Hypotheses: H1 – Organizational learning increases sport clubs competitiveness more than other competitiveness augmentative factors. H2 – Sport clubs that obtain triple-loop learning in internal competitive factors are superior than sport clubs that obtain single-loop or double-loop learning. H3 – As better sport club learns, as major its competitiveness is. Results/findings: when analysis was made, the hypotheses had been proven. Results establish that: organizational learning increases sport clubs competitiveness more than other competitiveness augmentative factors, sport clubs that obtain triple-loop learning in internal competitive factors are superior than sport clubs that obtain single-loop or double-loop learning, and sport clubs competitiveness is directly reliant on the effect of organizational learning. Recommendations/propositions: in order to increase competitiveness, sport clubs should focus on human resources and... [to full text]

Multimedijos priemonių panaudojimas e. mokymosi profesinio rengimo kursuose / Usage of multimedia in e-learning vocational training courses

Leščinskienė, Danguolė 02 September 2011 (has links)
E. mokymasis suprantamas kaip mokymosi medžiaga, kurią galima pasiekti pasinaudojant informacijos ir komunikacijos technologijomis. E. mokymosi aplinka įgalina naudoti daug multimedijos elementų. Įvairios interaktyvios pateiktys, testai ar šiaip interaktyviai aiškinamos užduotys ir yra tas arsenalas, kuris palengvina ir sukuria žaismingą atmosferą besimokantiesiems. Virtualioje erdvėje patalpinti mokymosi kursai paprastai būna praturtinti lentelėmis, grafikais, iliustracijomis, tačiau ne visada išnaudojami multimedijos priemonių privalumai, leidžiantys geriau įsisavinti medžiagą, sustiprinti profesinį supratimą, efektyvinti teikiamą kursą, modernizuoti studijų procesą. Nuotolinio mokymosi kursuose naudojama multimedija nėra interaktyvi, dinamiška, leidžianti besimokančiajam pasijusti aktyviu dalyviu, o ne pasyviu stebėtoju. Sparčiai vystantis kompiuterinėms ir internetinėms technologijoms e. mokymasis tapo labai svarbiu mokymosi metodu, atsirado multimedijos priemonių, didinančių mokymosi efektyvumą, poreikis. E. mokymosi kursuose naudojamų multimedijos priemonių interaktyvumas leidžia besimokančiajam pasijusti aktyviu dalyviu. Alytaus kolegijoje realizuotas studijų modernizavimo modelis leidžia lanksčiau, patraukliau, efektyviau organizuoti studijas, o studentams įgyti bendravimo ir bendradarbiavimo įgūdžių. Realizuota e. mokymosi priemonė yra naudinga besimokantiesiems, siekiantiems žinių ir įgūdžių, būtinų ruošiantis profesinei veiklai leidybos srityje. E. mokymosi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / E-learning is understood as material of learning which you can achieve by using information and communication technologies. E-learning environment enables to use many elements of Multimedia. Various interactive slides presentation, tests or other interactively explained tasks are the arsenal which release and creates playful atmosphere for students. Learning courses in virtual space usually are enriched by tables, diagrams, illustrations, but seldom all benefits of Multimedia means are used, wich enables better realization of material, and strengthen professional understanding, making a course more effective and modern process of the studies. Multimedia which is now used in distant learning courses is not interactive, dynamic, and involving students as active participants, but not as passive observers. Fast developing of computer and internet technologies influenced E-learning a lot. E-learning became very important method of learning, stronger needs occured for Multimedia means, which increase efectiveness of learning. Interactiveness of Multimedia means used in E-learning courses enables a student to feel as an active participant. The modernization of studies model realized in Alytus college allows to organize more flexible studies, more attractive, more effective and enables a student to acquire communication and collaboration skills. This realized electronical mean is especially useful for those students who seake knowledge and skills, necessary for professional... [to full text]

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