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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mokyklų vidaus auditas kaip mokytojų bendruomenės mokymasis / The internal school audit as teachers’ learning.Master’s work

Kirilova, Galina 16 August 2007 (has links)
Lietuva rūpinasi švietimo kokybe. Valdyti kokybę, žinoti, kur mes esame tarp kitų Europos šalių padeda švietimo monitoringas, kurio dalis yra mokyklų vidaus auditas. Vykdydami mokyklų vidaus auditą, mokytojai išmoksta daug naujų dalykų. Šio magistrinio darbo tikslas – ištirti vidaus audito įtaką mokytojų mokymuisi. Uždaviniai: išanalizuoti literatūrą šiuo klausimu; ištirti mokytojų požiūrį į auditą; aptarti vidaus audito įtaką mokytojų mokymuisi. Darbe taikyti šie metodai: teoriniai – literatūros ir auditą reglamentuojančių dokumentų studijavimas, empiriniai – respondentų (mokytojų) nuomonių išsiaiškinimas anketavimu. Tyrimai parodė, kad mokytojai patys imasi stebėti, apmąstyti ir, remdamiesi išvadomis, gerinti savo veiklą. Auditas skatina mokytojus mokytis, nuolat tobulėti. Dalyvaudami audite mokytojai išmoko analizuoti visos mokyklos veiklą, išskirti privalumus ir trūkumus, nustatyti mokyklos plėtros prioritetus. Auditas tapo geru mokytoju. Mokytojai išmoko dirbti komandoje, priimti kito žmogaus nuomonę, siekti bendro tikslo, įsivertinti savo darbą ����� tai padeda gerinti ugdymo kokybę. Šis magistrinis darbas gali būti tolesnių tyrimų apie mokyklos vidaus audito įtaką mokytojų mokymuisi, apie mokyklą kaip besimokančią organizaciją pagrindas. / Lithuania cares for education quality. The internal school audit is a part of education monitoring, which helps to increase quality and to know the level which Lithuania takes among the others European countries. Performing the internal school audit, the teachers learn a lot of new things. The aim of this magistrate work is to research the audit influence on the teachers’ learning. The objectives of this work are to analyze the publications related this question, to investigate the teachers’ attitude to audit, to describe the audit influence to the teachers’ learning. In this work the following methods are used: theoretical methods – investigation of publications and documents regulating the audit; empirical methods –identification of the teachers’ attitude by means of questioning. The investigations showed that the teachers begin to observe, consider, and relying on the conclusions, improve their work. Audit makes the teachers to learn and perfect themselves constantly. Taking part in audit, teachers acquired to analyze the whole school work, to see the advantages and disadvantages, to define the priorities of school development. Audit became a good teacher for teachers. The teachers learned work as a team, to accept the others people opinion, to aspire to the common purpose, to evaluate their work that helps to improve quality of education. Present magistrate work can become the base for the further investigations in the sphere of audit influence to the teachers’ work... [to full text]

Nuotolinio mokymo(si) elektroninės vizualinės terpės dizainas / The Design of Electronic Environment of Distance Teaching/ Learning

Cygankova, Daiva 16 August 2007 (has links)
Nuotolinio mokymo(si) dizainas kaip vizualios informacijos pateikimo forma atlieka svarbų vaidmenį naujos informacinės visuomenės kūrimesi, naujų, netradicinių mokymo(si) formų, būdų atsiradime, jų vystymosi procese. Dalyko mokytojo pamokos atsiranda elektroninės erdvės terpėje. Pedagogui rūpi kaip ir kokiais būdais pateikti tą informaciją, kad sėkmingai vyktų realus ir kokybiškas mokymo(si) procesas. ). Kūrėjui būtina įvertinti būsimo mokinio tiek poreikius, tiek aplinką, tiek tos aplinkos galimybes veikti sukurtoje mokymosi aplinkoje. Harmonijos pažinimas bei supratimas yra tarsi atramos taškas, nuo kurio prasideda vizualinis dizainas plačiąja prasme. Visa tai sudaro problemiškumo pagrindą. Tyrimo tikslas — nustatyti suaugusiųjų mokinių ir mokytojų nuostatas į elektroninės vizualinės mokymo(si) terpės dizainą, kurios yra susijusios su asmens pasaulio pažinimu ir suvokimu, amžiaus raida, psichologinėmis savybėmis. Tyrimo uždaviniais siekėme apžvelgti filosofinėje, pedagoginėje, psichologinėje, metodinėje literatūroje informacinės visuomenės kūrimo tendencijas, veiksnius įtakojančius elektroninės mokymo(si) terpės vizualios informacijos vartotoją, išsiaiškinti reikalavimus keliamus dizainui elektroninių mokomųjų programų kūrimui Lietuvoje bei nustatyti suaugusiųjų mokinių ir mokytojų nuotolinio mokymo(si) terpės dizaino ypatumus bei jo pasirinkimą lemiančius veiksnius. Tyrimo objektas — elektroninė nuotolinio mokymo(si) terpė. Hipotezė — nuotolinio mokymo(si) elektroninės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The design of distance teaching and learning as the presentation form of visual information is significant in the development of new information society, in the coming forms and ways of novel, unconventional teaching and learning, and in their developmental process. The lessons of diverse subject teachers are placed in the electronic environment. It is important for an educator how to present that information in order to achieve successful and quality teaching and learning process. The creator has to evaluate the needs of the learner, the environment, and the environmental potential to operate in the created learning medium. The cognition as well as perception of harmony is the base for the visual design in a broad sense. That constitutes the problematic basis. The aim of the research is to ascertain the attitudes of both teachers and learners towards the design of electronic visual teaching and learning environment, which are related to the personal knowledge and perception of the world, age range, psychological features. Through the objectives of the research we attempted to review the creation tendencies of the information society in philosophical, pedagogical, psychological and methodological sources, the factors influencing the user of the visual information of the electronic teaching and learning environment, to find out the requirements for the creation of electronic teaching programmes in Lithuania and establish peculiarities of distance teaching and learning... [to full text]

Grupės vadovo veikla sprendžiant mokinių lankomumo problemas profesinėje mokykloje / Group leaders activities solving the learners’ attendance problems in vocational shool

Gudaitė, Vaida 24 September 2008 (has links)
Lietuvos Respublikos vaiko teisių apsaugos kontrolieriaus įstaigos duomenimis 2005 m. gegužės 1 d. mokyklos nelankė ar vengė tai daryti net 2294 mokiniai. Tiksliai išsiaiškinti, kiek vaikų Lietuvoje nelanko mokyklos, yra sudėtinga, nes Statistikos departamentas prie Lietuvos Respublikos bei Švietimo ir mokslo ministerijos nurodo, kad 2004 m. bendras mokyklos nelankančiųjų skaičius – 505 vaikai. Vaiko teisių apsaugos kontrolieriaus įstaigos paviešintus duomenis panagrinėjus išsamiau, galima daryti prielaidą, kad savivaldybių surinkti duomenys taip pat nėra tikslūs ir kad mokyklos nelankančių ar vengiančių ją lankyti mokinių yra dar daugiau. Taigi tokia padėtis rodo, kad Lietuvoje nėra patikimų statistinių duomenų apie mokyklos nelankančius ir vengiančius ją lankyti vaikus. Dar daugiau, nėra bendro mokyklos nelankančio vaiko apibrėžimo, tiksliau tariant, jis yra, bet apima labai siaurą mokinių ratą. Pagal Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybės 1997 m. rugpjūčio 4 d. nutarimą Nr. 889 „Dėl mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų iki 16 metų apskaitos tvarkos patvirtinimo“ mokyklos nelankantys vaikai yra tie, kurie pedagogų tarybai pasiūlius, mokyklos tarybai nusprendus ir gavus rašytinį savivaldybės švietimo padalinio (steigėjo) sutikimą, buvo išbraukti iš mokinių sąrašų, taip pat tie, kurie, mokyklos turimais duomenimis, turėtų lankyti mokyklą, bet to nedaro (Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybės 1997 m. rugpjūčio 4 d. nutarimas Nr. 889). Todėl galima teigti, jog šiuo metu viena iš opesnių problemų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / According to the data of Lithuania Republic Children Right Security Controller’s institution on the 1st of may, in 2005, 2294 schoolchildren didn’t attend the school or were used to escape doing this. It is very difficult to find out how many learners do not attend the school because the Department of the Statistics at Lithuania Republic and the Ministry of Education and Science says that in 2004, a general quantity of the not-attending learners reached 505. I tried to examine the public data of Children Right Security more in detail and, of course, I can do an assume that the data picked up by the municipalities are not correct and there are even more not-attending or trying to escape from the attendance the school learners. So, such a condition shows that in Lithuania there are no Statistic data about not-attending or trying to escape from school attendance learners.

Accessibility of adult learning in the context of education policy of the European Union / Suaugusiųjų mokymo(si) prieinamumas Europos Sąjungos švietimo politikos kontekste

Kuncaitis, Ramūnas 19 March 2009 (has links)
The doctoral thesis explores accessibility of adult learning in the context of education policy of the European Union. On the political level, both in the European Union and Lithuania it has been increasingly recognized that in order to achieve the objectives set out in the Lisbon strategy lifelong learning is to become a reality only if the increasing demands of a multicultural society are taken into consideration. The thesis seeks to provide answers to the following research questions: How does accessibility of adult learning influence involvement in adult learning activities? What is the political context in the EU and Lithuania as regards accessibility of adult learning? To what extent factors of accessibility are influenced by cultural differences? Answers to these and other related questions highlight the basic guidelines of adult learning policies as reflected in the relevant legal documents of the EU and Lithuania. The thesis also analyzes interaction between adult learning and socio-economic environment. A thorough investigation of the literature in the field has served as a reliable means for singling out basic factors determining accessibility of adult learning. These factors are classified into subjective and objective, with further division of the latter group into socio-economic, individual, exclusion and cultural factors. / Disertacijoje analizuojamas suaugusiųjų mokymo(si) prieinamumas Europos Sąjungos politikos kontekste. Europos Sąjungos ir Lietuvos politiniame lygmenyje pradedama aiškiai suvokti, kad norėdami pasiekti Lisabonoje užsibrėžtų tikslų turime mokymąsi visą gyvenimą paversti tikrove įvertindami šį procesą įtakojančių veiksnių raišką daugiakultūrėje visuomenėje. Disertacijoje ieškoma atsakymų į tokius klausimus: kaip suaugusiųjų mokymo(si) prieinamumas įtakoja jų dalyvavimą švietime; koks yra politinis Europos Sąjungos ir Lietuvos kontekstas suaugusiųjų mokymo(si) prieinamumo atžvilgiu; kaip suaugusiųjų mokymo(si) prieinamumo veiksnius įtakoja kultūriniai skirtumai. Disertacijoje, remiantis išsamia tiek Europos Sąjungos, tiek Lietuvos teisinių dokumentų analize yra išryškinamos pagrindinės suaugusiųjų švietimo politikos gairės. Disertacijoje nagrinėjama suaugusiųjų mokymo(si) ir socioekonominės aplinkos sąveika. Remiantis moksline literatūra išskiriami veiksniai, lemiantys suaugusiųjų mokymosi prieinamumą. Jie skirstomi i subjektyviuosius ir objektyviuosius, o pastarieji į politinį, socioekonominį, individualųjį, atskirties ir kultūrinį veiksnius. Atlikti empiriniai tyrimai parodo kokią svarbą vienam ar kitam veiksniui suteikia Lietuvos gyventojai bei pagrindžia kultūrinio veiksnio būtinybę. Pateikiamos išvados apibendrinančios suaugusiųjų mokymo(si) prieinamumą lemiančius veiksnius.

Tėvų švietimo tobulinimas klausos sutrikimų turinčių vaikų ugdymo įstaigoje / The Improvement of Parents' Education in the School for the Hearing-Impaired Children

Jankevičienė, Rasa 12 June 2006 (has links)
The aim of the study – to justify theoretically and to investigate empirically the improvement of the education of parents (as adults) in the educational institution for the children with hearing impairment through the case-analysis. Base of study and participants. The subjects were the parents of pupils from one Lithuanian educational institution for the Deaf and hard-of-hearing. The answers were received from 134 parents (mothers, fathers, foster-parents) whose children attend preliminary- the 10th grades. Results and conclusions. The study showed that parents are interested and know quite well about the activity of their child in school, about the activities of school in general, and about persons with hearing disorders. Parents are the most concern about the information, which is directly associated with their child. It was found out that the parents prefer informal learning to formal one. The one fifth of the parents have expressed their wish to be educated during the seminars, and only 2 percents of respondents have named their willingness to study in the formal educational institution. The evaluations of parents’ opinions about the dissemination of their experience let us conclude that majority of respondents has positive attitude toward educational activity: they tend to participate in the mobile groups of self-assistance, to share their knowledge and experience during mass events (meetings, seminars). Almost all departments of the educational institution for the... [to full text]

Informacinė sistema moksliosios organizacijos vystyme / Information system in development of learning organization

Pankova, Jelena 21 June 2006 (has links)
The thesis paper analyzes the role of information systems developing the learning organization concept in the higher educational institutions‘ environment. On a basis of scientific literature analysis, a detailed research on a learning organization and analysis of concepts of information system are carried out, close communication between development of the concept of the learning organization and uses of information systems is emphasized. In the paper the information infrastructure of Klaipėda University is investigated, the information and data flows between departments of the university are analyzed. The paper offers work ways of development of the concepts of the learning organization inducing organizational double loop learning, cooperation and knowledge dispersion at the Klaipėda University. The given methodology is applied to the information system of Klaipėda University. In the thesis paper there are also offered directions of the learning organization‘s concept developing in the environment of higher educational institutions.

Muzikos mokytojų profesinio tobulinimosi poreikiai ir galimybės: muzikos mokytojų nuostatų raiška / Demands and Possibilities for Professional Self-Improvement of Music Teachers: Expression of Attitudes of Music Teachers

Damaševičienė, Jolita 17 October 2006 (has links)
In the present-time society, where constant and intensive changes of life take place, where the idea of lifelong learning is being focused on, educational systems as well as the situation of school’s and pedagogues’ activities are undergoing changes. The significance of teachers’ constant up-dating increases; not the finite knowledge but the ability to constantly learn, improve one’s personality and professional skills become the main feature of professional mastery. Exactly this is the point towards which the system which is being formed at the moment for improvement of pedagogues is oriented in order to provide conditions for every teacher to constantly improve one’s own competency; it also reduces the gap between institutions training pedagogues and schools which undergo changes. Training of music teachers who are able to effectively strive for aims of musical education always has been among the most topical and problematic issues; that is why a special role falls on lifelong professional improvement of music teachers themselves. In order to ensure successfulness of this process, researches which disclose peculiarities of self-improvement of music teachers and factors which predetermine it are a must. The present study explores the demands and conditions for self-improvement of music teachers in the context of lifelong learning. It is aimed to disclose the factors which stimulate and limit professional self-improvement as well as to assess existing educational conditions... [to full text]

Paauglių (7 ir 9 kl.) mokymosi motyvacijos, savęs vertinimo ir mokymosi sėkmės ypatumai ir dermė / Juvenile of learning motivation, self – evaluation and success achieved in learning of younger teenagers

Žuravliovienė, Jūratė 23 May 2005 (has links)
In this master‘s of psychology final work peculiarities and connections between motivation of learning, self-evaluation and success in learning of younger teenagers are discussed. The research work was carried out at Kėdainiai „Ryto“ Secondary School. 161 students took part in the research work, 95 of them the seventh and 66 - the ninth formers. Methodics used in this final work is: subjective self-evaluation scale (A.Petrulytė, 1995). and the test of motivation of teenagers‘ learning (Entwistle N.J.1979,1981,1983 ). To achieve the final goal the following aims were to be carried out: to find the arithmetical mean of motivation of learning and self-evaluation of the whole group of students; to investigate peculiarities of motivation of learning and self-evaluation between boys and girls; to compare the indices of motivation of learning and self-evaluation of the seventh and ninth formers; to define connection between studets‘ self-evaluation, motivation of learning and academical success. With the help of statistical analyses it was established that more students evaluate themselves better than do not evaluate, there is no difference between girls and boys nor the seventh and ninth formers according to self-evaluation and motivation of learning indices. Statistical reliable relation between academical success and motivation of learning and self-evaluation are found. Statistically reliable relation is not observed between self-evaluation and motivation of learning. The... [to full text]

Tęstinio neformalaus ugdymo institucijos parengtis vykdyti mokytojų nuolatinį mokymąsi / Continued informal training of institute preparedness for lifelong teachers permanent studies

Žvinienė, Romualda 17 June 2005 (has links)
The work aims at exposing the importance of constant learning of teachers under conditions of changing education, teachers' needs and how the informal lifelong in-service educational institution, called Educational Centre, meets them. The characteristics of Educational Centre and its readiness to fulfil teachers' lifelong teaching are analyzed. The conceptualism of constant learning is analyzed in this work: the concept of qualification and competence, the importance of general skills, possibility to improve them and to get them while learning constantly. Pedagogical, psychological and social presumptions of lifelong learning are discussed. In the unit on methodology of lifelong learning it is said that constant learning of the teachers is an important condition of changing education, it is cleared up what the aims of adult teaching and psychological parameters of adult education are. The teachers' constant (lifelong) learning is investigated in details. The qualitative analysis of activity of Molėtai Educational Centre and its readiness to meet the needs of teachers' constant learning are presented. At the end of the work the conclusions about teachers' lifelong learning and readiness of the Educational Centre to do it are presented. Key words: constant learning, lifelong learning, informal in-service adult education, teachers' educational centre, qualification, qualification improvement, competence, andragogics, adult teacher.

Mokymo informacijos transformavimas ir atvaizdavimas mobiliuose įtaisuose / Learning information transformation and adaptation for mobile device

Bakšys, Darius 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbe plačiau gvildenamas vienas iš galimų mobilaus mokymosi informacijos gavimo būdų – tai elektroninio mokymosi informacijos transformavimas ir adaptavimas mobiliuose įtaisuose, atsižvelgiant į juos įtakojančius apribojimus. Apibrėžiami transformavimo aspektai, galinčios kilti problemos, pateikiami jų sprendimo būdai – naudojamas DRESS metodas bei šakų-ribų algoritmas. Darbe atliktas žiniatinklio puslapių kūrimo rankiniu ir automatiniu būdų palyginimas, rodantis kad antrasis būdas leidžia sutaupyti laiko, nereikia mokytis naujos programavimo kalbos, informacijos nereikia naujai suvedinėti į mokymosi. Darbas apibendrinamas pateikiant užsienio tyrinėtojų atlikto informacijos apdorojimo glaustumo (thumbails) ir DRESS metodai rezultatus. Pabaigoje sukurtas magistrinio projekto dalies transformavimo modulis, atsižvelgiant į išnagrinėtus transformavimo žingsnius. / In this work is speaking about learning information transformation and adaptation for mobile device, define transformation aspect, problems, which can be, giving solution way – is using DRESS method and branch-bound algorithm. In work is giving web page creation by manual and automatic way comparison. Automatic learning information transformation way let for us save time, escape new programming language studying, information don‘t want bring into learning server – it can be receive from e.learning server. The work is summarize giving information adaptation result, where is comparing thumbails and DRESS method and which make foreign researcher. In finally, giving project transformation model, which was creared by transformations steps.

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